How to force yourself to play sports and motivate yourself to exercise. How to motivate yourself to exercise - the best incentives

Dear girls! If you type the phrase “how to motivate yourself to exercise every day” into a search engine, then you are on the right track! The time when curvy figures and excess weight were in fashion has already passed. Now, slender and fit girls with graceful and elastic forms. Rarely does nature give such a figure to someone. Look at a picture or photo of your idol - an athletic, fit girl - and imagine how much effort she put into achieving such an amazing result.

If you want to start playing sports, but can’t bring yourself to do it, then this article is just for you!

The biggest motivation is your wish. You should want with all your heart to become a sporty and fit girl who attracts admiring glances from passers-by. Watch motivational videos, go to the pages of athletes on VKontakte or other in social networks. Get excited about the idea of ​​becoming better and healthier!

However, the desire to start playing sports is sometimes not enough. Why?

The most terrible enemy for achieving results in anything is, of course, laziness. It ruins all prospects in your life. Following the lead of laziness, you go nowhere.

Look again at the photo of your idol. Do you want to look the same? Then you must forget what laziness is.

You can buy a gym or pool membership. Go to a few training sessions and give up because “oh, today I’ll miss a day, tomorrow I’ll work in two.” There is no tomorrow. Only available today. Fight your laziness and don’t let it ruin your plans!

How to overcome yourself and start playing sports?

For efficient work over yourself and achieving your goal, beginners in a sports lifestyle should adhere to the following points:

  • in the first days of training, the load should be moderate and then increase;
  • enjoying training;
  • desire for results.

The first condition is violated by many beginners. As usually happens: a girl goes to the gym a week before the day for which she needs to look great. She puts herself under maximum stress, torturing her unprepared body. As a rule, the next day the muscles hurt terribly, and the girl not only cannot exercise, but it hurts her to walk! You won't get far with this approach to training.

Start exercising little by little do not expose your body to stress. Exercise as much as you can, based on your physical training. But you shouldn’t feel too sorry for yourself either. It is best to work out with a fitness trainer at first. He will help you draw up the right plan classes and will help you stay on the right path.

A sport that brings pleasure

If you think that playing sports is a lot of work, sweat, blood and nothing else, then you were doing the wrong sport.

Dear girls, classes to improve your figure can take place not only in the gym, where, as you think, you will have to do heavy physical exercise. A swimming pool, yoga, dancing, cycling, and even the most common running, which is available to everyone, will put your body in order.

If you don’t yet know what kind of sport you’ll like, then look up sports on the Internet psychological test, thanks to which you can make your choice. After all, a person who does not like confined spaces, but simply loves fresh air and nature, may like running in the park or cycling. And, accordingly, vice versa. Each of us is individual, and what pleases one will scare away another.

Rules for successful training

Interest in training should not disappear. Performing the same type of exercises will quickly get boring, and motivation risks being lost. To prevent this, make a plan of varied activities for the week and follow it.

Fighting the fear of starting to train

Some people think that the most difficult thing about playing sports is starting to train. Doubts, self-doubt and fear of failure creep into the hearts of aspiring athletes.

One way to break away from the TV and start working out is to hang posters or photographs of models and athletes in your bedroom. Looking at their flawless body, you will want to create the same for yourself.

You can hang the same photographs or other pictures with provocative inscriptions on the refrigerator. After all, it's perfect a slim body- This is not only physical training, but also proper nutrition. When next night you want to eat a sausage sandwich and you look at a photo of a sports attractive girl You might change your mind about eating it.

In addition, you can tell your relatives and friends about your intention to change yourself in better side. Then you will simply be ashamed to abandon your intended goal.

We can’t go astray - we’re moving towards results!

If you give up, you don’t see the result and want to give up everything, then remember your original goal. Sports girl from the picture or a slender and fit girlfriend - isn’t this what you were striving for, and this isn’t why you’ve already gone through so much? Or it may be that the day before there is a wedding, birthday or some other significant event, where you simply must be the queen of the holiday?

If you no longer have the strength and are ready to give up on your goal, then imagine that you have already achieved the result. You undress on the beach without embarrassment or complexes and catch the predatory glances of the stronger sex. At a birthday party or any other party, men turn their heads after you, and envy is clearly visible in the eyes of girls. Isn’t such a prospect worth gathering your willpower and continuing to train? You will succeed, the main thing is not to deviate from your goal, and then the dream will become a reality.

Motivation for sports for girls

Any representative of the human race is probably familiar with the expressions: “I’ll do it tomorrow,” “I’ll start on Monday,” “I’ll definitely bring it to life on the 1st!” The habit of making promises to oneself and not keeping them is common to many people, and what is most surprising is that at this moment a person really believes that he will achieve his goal. However, time passes, tomorrow gives way to the next “tomorrow”, Monday to Monday, and the first date is constantly being pushed back to the next month. A person tries in every possible way to find an excuse for himself, and his path towards his goal does not advance one iota. What to do in such a situation? How to gather willpower into a fist? How to force yourself to take care of yourself: study well, go to workouts or lose weight?

How to inspire yourself to exercise

If you are used to lying on the couch after work and on weekends with the TV remote control, eating away your worries about the characters of your favorite TV series with cake and drinking sweet soda, forcing yourself to get up and do exercises, naturally, will not be so easy. And this will continue until a sagging tummy and insidious cellulite begin to spoil your personal life. The more fat folds you have acquired, the more difficult it will be to get rid of them. Therefore, you should sound the alarm and take care of yourself at the moment when your figure slowly begins to deviate from beauty standards.

So, the decision to go in for sports has been made, a tracksuit and sneakers have been bought, but then mother laziness begins to overcome you. You longingly remember delicious sandwiches, a cozy sofa in front of the TV, and a fierce struggle begins in your soul: one part calls you to activity, the other insidiously attracts you to your usual way of life. The situation is quite common. Let's consider what to do in such cases and

Choose an activity you like

To make sports fun, you don’t need to force yourself to do something you don’t like. Physical exercises are varied. This is not just a morning run or fitness. Maybe you prefer horse riding or swimming? Look for something that will bring you pleasure. Sign up for several sports at once: dancing, aerobics, yoga. Experiment and choose until you find something of your own. And then sports will become your favorite pastime, along with watching TV series.

How to motivate yourself to exercise: setting goals

Take a piece of paper and write down a list of goals regarding what you want to achieve through exercise. Goals should be realistic, achievable, and move from short-term to long-term. Be sure to write down deadlines and details, for example: “On the 5th I have to run 3 km.” Designate as your destination what you are striving for - an ideal figure, fitness, the title of master of sports, etc.

Schedule is an important stage of motivation

If you don't know how to motivate yourself, create a daily schedule. Write down your exercise times in your notebook or planner and pretend it's a business meeting or date you just can't help but go to. Schedule your study times and days a month in advance and try to stick to your notes. If on any day you had to cancel your workout, immediately reschedule your workout to another day.

Find yourself a partner

A like-minded person in sports (friend, girlfriend, girlfriend, boyfriend, colleague) will finally dispel your doubts about how to force yourself to exercise. The spirit of competition social factor will make classes many times more attractive. In addition, you will understand that you are not alone in the fight against laziness.

Buy a subscription

If you are constantly shirking morning jogging, skip dancing, ride a bike depending on your mood, a great way out of the situation is to purchase an expensive subscription to Gym or swimming pool. There is a high probability that you will feel sorry for the money spent, and you willy-nilly go to classes until you get hooked.

Record your achievements

Keeping notes is a perfect addition to your self-motivation methods. Make a table and fill it in daily with the following data: weight, waist, hips, chest, load level and duration of today's exercise. The recordings will clearly show you the results achieved and, therefore, inspire you to improve them.

If laziness continues to overcome you, look at your slender friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Do you notice how men look at them in admiration? Such attention flatters everyone, but not everyone fights for their figure. Order yourself to go in for sports, set a goal to join the ranks of women with chiseled figures - and soon laziness will recede and free you. Remember, losing weight is not so difficult if you regularly exercise and do not deviate from your goal.

Many people compare sports to a drug: the more you do it, the more addicted you become. Any person, even the laziest, will love physical exercise if he does it regularly. Have nothing to do? Take care of yourself, get used to sports, and life will sparkle bright colors! Tested by millions.

How to force yourself to lose weight

Every woman sees herself in her dreams as a slender, fit beauty, parading along the beach in a swimsuit and slaying all men. But in reality, not everyone decides to go on a strict diet and sweat all day in the gym. After all, not everyone can refuse have a delicious dinner and dessert, limited to vegetable salad and a glass of kefir. Unfortunately, many of us suffer from a love of carbohydrates and passive activities. And therefore, the question of how to start taking care of yourself in order to lose weight is one of the most pressing today.

Reasons for losing weight

The reasons for losing weight are different for every woman. Psychologists identify the four most important motivations for fighting excess weight:

  • acquiring attractiveness for the opposite sex;
  • health recovery;
  • fashion for slim ladies;
  • the desire to meet the generally accepted standard of beauty.

Finding attractiveness

Female attractiveness - main reason getting rid of extra pounds. All ladies, regardless of age, need male attention and admiring and envious glances. And the point is not even to kindle the interest of a particular man, but to feel charming and able to please the opposite sex.

Good health

TO good health almost all women strive for it, because their ability to reproduce and create a prosperous family depends on it. In addition, an absolutely healthy woman will succeed in everything: doing housework, raising children, building a career, and going shopping. And being overweight, as you know, is fraught with many diseases. If a woman is constantly in hospitals and clinics, she simply will not have time for everything else. Therefore, the problem of how to motivate yourself to lose weight should be solved taking into account the health factor.


Have you noticed that in boutiques and stores all the clothes are mainly presented for slender ladies? And these are the most fashionable things. It's a shame? Now imagine what a designer dress, made for a thin person, will look like on a woman with size 52. You're right - it's ridiculous! Here's a great motivation for losing weight. Go shopping and look for things that are 1-2 sizes smaller, imagine them on yourself, slim, and set a goal - to lose weight over a certain period of time.

Generally accepted standard of beauty

How to force yourself to take care of yourself? Take a look at Hollywood and Russian stars, flip through magazines, turn on the TV. Almost all the women you saw are slim and meet the 90-60-90 standards, right? It's unanimous accepted by people the world's standard of beauty. Why are you worse than them? Find yourself an idol among celebrities and try to achieve her curves, follow the example of slender colleagues and friends. Tell your team that you will lose weight in 2 months, and then you will no longer be able to deviate from your goal. Behind the women, they will not forgive!

Write down on paper the main reasons for which you will be able to lose those hated pounds. Set a goal, write down the ways in which you are going to lose weight, define clear deadlines. A detailed strategy will form a stable desire in your mind and will not allow you to abandon everything halfway.

How to force yourself to study?

How to motivate yourself to study when you really want to play online tanks, play football with the guys, watch TV or hang out with your girlfriends? Studying is hard work. During the learning process, people study several subjects at once, many directions, and read a lot of books. You need to attend classes every day, listen, remember, analyze, study, and do homework. It is not surprising that studying turns into a routine, a collar around the neck, a tedious duty and does not arouse any interest.

Let's look at 5 ways to force yourself to study.

Forcing yourself to do sports, study, business, despite the ingenious traps of a consciousness filled with laziness, is akin to heroic deed. “Victory over oneself is the first and best of victories,” said Plato, and he was right. A person who has conquered himself and successfully overcome his weaknesses will achieve everything he wants.

Do you want to take care of yourself? Don't know where to start? Start with the smallest things, and no matter how fast you move, the main thing is don’t stop. And soon the whole world will be at your feet!

Longingly looking at his plump or excessively thin figure in the reflection of the mirror, sooner or later everyone decides that it’s time to purchase a membership to a sports club. At the same time, it is important to find an incentive to play sports, because in order to form a sculpted, beautiful body, regular training is required, and this means that you need to develop a habit.

Why don't you want to play sports?

Most failed athletes begin to get lazy in the winter, when the days are dark and cold, and our body spends a lot of energy trying to stay warm. At this time, activity decreases significantly, and physical exercise becomes a real challenge. You need to fight this “anabiosis”, you need to force yourself, and best motivation to play sports is healthy body and a great figure.

Besides, winter holidays relax, promote recruitment excess weight. There is only one way to fight “food friendships” - develop and consolidate in your consciousness correct settings, spend time on fresh air, involving your family members in this leisure activity. Forcing yourself to move and changing your usual routine is not easy, but it is possible. It's easier to talk yourself into walking, especially if going to the gym seems unrealistic to you.

How to start playing sports

IN Once again Having thought about how to force yourself to play sports, you need to find inspiration to motivate yourself with something or, conversely, find an anti-example. In order to gain strength and desire to train, you need to avoid stress and minimize harmful addictions. There is a stereotype according to which there is no point in going to a sports club for a tired person, because he will not have the strength to train and the workload will not bring results. But this is not so, the main thing is to start playing sports, because this is not only great holiday, but also a guarantee of health and cheerful mood.

Motivation for sports for girls

All girls, regardless of weight category, want to improve their figure. Sometimes the main motivation for women to take up sports is the envy of their friends. Proper nutrition is often not enough to create perfect figure, so you need to be able to force yourself to go to fitness. Motivation for sports can be different:

  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • good dream;
  • obesity prevention;
  • a reason to buy yourself a fashionable tracksuit;
  • a method of meeting a man who takes care of himself and plays sports.

For girls who have signed up for fitness in order to lose weight, buying a new dress one size smaller will be a strong motivator. It is necessary to hang it in a visible place so that it is often seen. Such a goal is the right motivation for sports, which will help you prepare yourself to fight against overweight. It should be remembered that fitness is not cosmetic, so you should not expect quick results. In order to start losing weight, it is not enough to go to 2-3 workouts, you need consistency, you need to develop a habit.

Motivation for sports for men

Many guys don’t just want to lose weight, they dream of being beautiful embossed body and muscles, and in order to achieve such a reward, you need to develop endurance and exercise regularly. The motivation for sports for men may be the following reasons:

  • Buying an expensive subscription. Sometimes a circumstance such as the money factor can become a significant motivator.
  • A pleasant partner who regularly goes to the gym will tell you in detail, help you, and also advise you on how to motivate yourself to exercise and train correctly. With a like-minded person it is much easier and more fun to constantly go to the gym. Group classes will help develop responsibility, control, discipline and form a habit.
  • Competition. The principle of competition has always been a strong motivator. The main thing is to choose the best sport for yourself and compete with your fitness buddies.
  • A great motivation for playing sports is to see how not only your body changes, but also the figures of your friends improve.

Motivational films about sports

With the help of cinema, you can learn in all colors the details about the lives of athletes. In the news we only learn about results, awards and failures. And films that motivate sports tell about the lives of champions from the inside and how to force yourself to play sports through willpower. Realistic stories about ordinary people, which set goals for themselves, carry a call to victory, setting the viewer up for positive thinking.

Motivational music for sports

A rhythmic melody during training increases strength and improves concentration. A properly selected musical background has a great influence on good mood. Motivational music for playing sports should only be in the background, the rhythm should be clear, correct, it cannot be abrupt. Carefully chosen musical direction will benefit you during strength and cardio exercises. The playlist should not be interrupted; while listening to the tracks, you should have an association with psychological comfort.

Video: how to force yourself to play sports

This article is not for those for whom one word “need” is enough to overcome laziness and force of circumstances. We hope that it will serve those who remain well.

1. Give yourself a tangible reward

A bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky. Visionary goals like “good health,” “longevity,” “a stunning body,” or “I’m on trend” may not be tangible enough for most. What to do? Come up with a reward that you can “touch.” For example, you can treat yourself to something sweet after a grueling hike in.


Charles Duhigg, an American writer, Yale University graduate and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Excellence, talks in detail about how this works. In his book “The Power of Habit. Why we live and work the way we do." Charles delves into the science behind the formation of ingrained habits and describes the three-step creation of a neurological "habit loop." Let's try to briefly explain what it is.

First, there is a sign that causes the brain to turn on auto mode and run habitual action, then comes the action itself (physical, mental and emotional), and it all ends with receiving a reward. The last stage is especially important: thanks to it, the action acquires a certain benefit for you. It is because of this that the brain understands that the game is worth the trouble, and in the future it more willingly or simply automatically starts the “habit loop”.

Let's translate what we read into a real situation. You pack your bag for the gym (sign), train (action), relax to the latest episode of your favorite TV series (reward).

Over time, motivation begins to come from within, because the brain directly associates sweat and pain with the upcoming release - the very hormones of happiness that give pleasure to our brain.

2. Make a public promise.

It’s cool to be a full-fledged owner of your word: if you wanted it, you gave it, if you wanted it, you took it away! There is no responsibility for the guilty party, for example, for a breakdown. However, once you express your intentions publicly, the rules of the game will seriously change. Try posting a photo of your new sneakers on Instagram and vow to try them out in a five-kilometer race. Believe me, you will have many sensitive and attentive judges. :)

Aren't you afraid of cheeky jokes and rude comments? Include material penalties in the contract. Choose a happy “victim” and promise to pay her a certain amount for each failure to train. Of course, the figure should be high: for some a couple of dollars is enough, but for others the rate will rise to hundreds. And the “freebie recipient” will certainly follow your sports (non-)successes.

The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD, assistant professor of medical sciences at Stanford University. Jeremy links to the popular site stickK, created by economists at Yale University. On the site, users can declare their intentions to bring their goal to life at any cost, write down a plan for achieving it and put their reputation or money on the line. Years of academic research confirm that greedy people do not like to lose money; such public contracts triple the chance of success. Moreover, long-term agreements have an advantage over short-term ones.

3. Work on positive thinking

99% of early rises are not good. However, as soon as you imagine yourself stretching out on your bed in the evening with your favorite book in your hands, pleasant notes of anticipation will immediately color a not-so-terrible morning. Now you are among the remaining 1%! And all because positive visualization is a faithful ally of motivation. Think about how great it is to watch your abs form, and the moral strength to go to the gym will appear by itself.

However, dreams alone are not enough - certain conditions must be met. Gabriele Oettingen, Ph.D., psychologist at New York University, author of several books, talks about them. In his work Rethinking Positive Thinking, Gabriel describes a rigorous structure that can produce positive results. It consists of:

  • understanding what you want to achieve;
  • representations of what the result is associated with;
  • identifying the obstacles that may be encountered on the way to the goal;
  • formulating ways to overcome possible obstacles.

The proposed scheme is based on a study in which fifty students took part with a firm intention to eat healthier food. The girls were asked to present a benefit proper nutrition. Those who clearly understood the goal and built a detailed plan to achieve it were more successful in their endeavor.

4. Get cash rewards

No matter what the idealists mutter, money still rules the world. Even future American presidents get into office with the help of former presidents, immortalized on currency with a green tint.

In relation to our topic, money can help motivate you to achieve athletic achievements. Gary Charness, Ph.D., theorist, talks about this economic sciences at the University of California. The words are backed up by research showing that monetary incentives doubled the frequency of going to the gym.

Of course, only a few can find a generous sponsor who will dare to accompany your physical education achievements with a strong ruble. Therefore, you can try the Gym-pact web service. His community pays for successful workouts at the expense of those who miss classes. Everyone chips in, and the site distributes the funds among those who firmly follow the chosen path. Of course, lazy people get nothing.


Unfortunately, the service does not work in all regions of the world, please check.

How do you motivate yourself to get off the couch?

Everyone wants to have a beautiful body, be fit, healthy and attractive to others. But how to start when all impulses end in excuses and postponement for another time? If you managed to find an effective course for losing weight, but motivation is sorely lacking, we will tell you how to encourage yourself to play sports.

Here are 18 ways to make you want to exercise.

1. Feelings after training
Remember that wonderful feeling of complete satisfaction, pride in yourself, lightness in the body at the end of the workout? Before each lesson, remember this feeling, it will be easier for you to start.

2. Start with a few minutes
Many people are stopped by the thought of long, exhausting workouts, so it’s difficult to overcome yourself. Start with a few minutes every day. Sports will become a habit that you will no longer be able to do without. Increase your training time when you realize that you like it and want more loads.

3. Movies and magazines

Sports films about successful strong people and fitness magazines are great motivation for action.

4. Success stories
Success stories are always inspiring. There are people who willingly share their experiences. If someone succeeds, then everything is real and everyone has a chance to win.

5. Blogs

Follow blogs of people leading an active lifestyle. This way you can get valuable information on nutrition and training with a clear example.

6. Encouragement
Reward yourself for training. This will create an incentive: if you worked hard in the gym, you will receive a reward. Buy yourself something beautiful, eat something delicious.

7. New clothes
Imagine that with your new body you will be able to wear any clothes you could only dream of before. Well, or “fit” into your favorite old jeans again.

8. Chronic fatigue
Have you noticed that you often begin to get tired and your energy has disappeared somewhere? Fatigue should be the impetus to start exercising, so you will feel a surge of strength and feel much better.

9. Opportunity to get distracted
While playing sports, you don’t have to think about everyday issues, which means you can recover after working day. Time to think for the benefit of your figure!

10. Relationships
If your loved one is not against fitness, you can diversify your relationship through joint training. This is also additional motivation for two!

11. Friends

Maybe you’re not the only one wondering: how to start playing sports? Exercise with friends. This makes it easier to motivate each other and make the sport more fun. To make it more fun, you can choose a game (football, volleyball, tennis).

12. Your photos
Often the results of training are not noticeable, but photographs will help you visually track your changes, continuing the process with pleasure.

13. Life continuation
How can you not want a long time? happy life without illness, live to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren, have enough energy to play with them?

14. Blog
Promise in front of everyone on your blog that you are going to lose weight, then there will be nothing left but to do it. Write about your workouts, nutrition, and keep an online diary of your results.

15. Burn bridges

Here's an example. One businessman from Las Vegas decided to quit smoking, but realized that he did not have enough willpower. He decided to place billboards around the city promising to give 100 thousand dollars to anyone who “caught” him with a cigarette. As we understand, the man quit smoking.

16. Inspiring environment
Hang workout charts, posters, and motivational photos everywhere.

17. Positive thinking
Change negative thoughts to positive ones. Instead of the blues because bad weather, think about another wonderful day that will make you a better person.

18. Take action now!
Take action, don't think. Instead of thinking about how to start playing sports, whether you want it or not, get up and do it! Right now, this minute. Remember, even the smallest step brings you closer to your dream!