Igor Ashurbeyli. Denunciation as self-defense? Opponents of Igor Ashurbeyli use inaccurate data Igor Ashurbeyli society

Igor Ashurbeyli, scientist, businessman, public figure, philanthropist.

Date of birth: 09.09.1963.

Place of birth: Baku (Azerbaijan).

On the paternal side, Igor Ashurbeyli’s ancestor was Ashur Khan Afshar, the Minister of War (sardar) of Azerbaijan (mid-18th century). The Shah of Iran, Nadir Shah Afshar, who was his cousin, granted Ashur Khan vast lands on the outskirts of Baku. The descendants of the khan, who received the title of nobility from the tsar and took the surname Ashurbekovs, went down in history Russian Empire as successful oil industrialists and generous philanthropists. The revolution put an end to prosperity. The power of the Soviets took everything they could from the family - lands, houses, enterprises, businesses. Many emigrated, others decided to stay at their own risk. To prevent their noble origin from being obvious, the heads of families got rid of the stem “bek” in their surnames (from Turkic “bek” is translated as “ruler, prince, master”). So the Ashurbekovs turned into Ashurbeylis. But this still did not save us from repression. Along with other representatives of the ancient family, Igor Ashurbeyli’s great-grandfather and grandfather perished in Stalin’s dungeons.

On his mother’s side, Igor Ashurbeyli’s ancestors were Nizhny Novgorod peasants. Even before the revolution, his great-grandfather Grigory Rezanov began to visit Azerbaijan to work (he was a bricklayer by profession). And when I found it permanent job to Baku, then he moved his family there. In 1919, Gregory joined the Bolshevik Party. After returning from the Red Army, Rezanov began to pursue a party career, while simultaneously being involved in consumer cooperation.

Igor Ashurbeyli's parents grew up in neighboring houses and knew each other since childhood. Rauf and Elizaveta got married in 1962. And on September 9, 1963, the first and only child appeared in the family. “This baby has a great future ahead of him, believe me!” - the doctor who delivered the baby said to the happy mother. Her words turned out to be prophetic.

After Igor was born, Elizaveta devoted herself entirely to his upbringing. And only when the boy grew up, the woman decided to go to work again - at the Institute space research, where she held the position of metrology engineer. The boy's father, Rauf Davudovich, devoted himself to science. His professional destiny was connected with the Azerbaijan Institute of Petrochemical Processes.

One of the most significant people for Igor Ashurbeyli there was a maternal grandmother - Evgenia Grigorievna. She baptized the boy secretly from everyone in the Pyatigorsk Church of the Mother of God.

Since childhood, Igor Ashurbeyli has been attracted to games where you need to think strategically. At first his favorite pastime was toy soldiers, later he switched to chess. The boy did not cause any particular trouble to his parents. He was obedient, quickly learned to read and could sit with an interesting book all day. But already at that time his desire for leadership was evident. If he got a B in school instead of an A, he cried. It is not surprising that Igor Ashurbeyli became a gold medalist.

Summer 1980 young man enrolled in the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. To the automation department that interested him production processes there was a huge competition, but Igor Ashurbeyli coped brilliantly with the exam tests. Training was easy for Ashurbeyli. IN free time he worked part-time as a laboratory assistant at his alma mater, and during the summer holidays he traveled with a construction team to cities and villages of the USSR.

In 1983, Igor Ashurbeyli married his fellow student Victoria. And in 1984, the young couple had a son, Ruslan. 1985 was marked by the successful defense of his thesis, but Ashurbeyli was not going to break with science. In 1987, a certified systems engineer entered graduate school at his native university. Looking ahead, let's say that the defense of the candidate's thesis took place a few years later, in 1992.

In the late 1980s, the country was on the rise. Perestroika opened up many hitherto unprecedented opportunities for Soviet citizens. One of them is the law on cooperation. In 1988, Igor Ashurbeyli established a cooperative called “Socium”. Next, he initiated the creation of the Association of Scientific, Industrial and Technical Enterprises of Azerbaijan, becoming the head of the organization.

In 1991, Igor Ashurbeyli launched two more new projects - the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange in Baku and the International Information and Telecommunications Exchange in Moscow. Igor Ashurbeyli characterizes this time as a “breakthrough period.” Then he moved to live in Russia.

Igor Ashurbeyli got into the defense industry by chance. His company rented an office on the territory owned by NPO Almaz. The leadership of the defense giant noticed a young businessman who felt like a fish in water in market conditions and showed remarkable organizational skills. “This is the best candidate for the role of anti-crisis manager!” - thought the leaders of the enterprise and went to negotiations. Igor Ashurbeyli considered the offer flattering, albeit unexpected, and, after thinking it over, agreed to this “adventure.” I thought that I came to Almaz for only six months. But six months stretched into 17 years.

With the help of Igor Ashurbeyli, it was possible not only to pull the enterprise out of the debt hole, but also to start the process of its transformation. In 2000, Igor Ashurbeyli headed Almaz Central Design Bureau OJSC. Under his leadership, Almaz entered the arms market with new developments. The company actively worked with government defense orders; old anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes were being modernized; a new generation of weapons was created for air defense and missile defense. Almaz began supplying air defense systems for export. A sound economic policy led to an increase in enterprise profits, an increase in wages and social benefits. The company flourished. One of Ashurbeyli’s merits is the joining of several leading developers of weapons for different types of troops to the enterprise.

Igor Ashurbeyli continued to implement other projects that were interesting to him. In 2003, he created and headed the VES on the problems of aerospace defense, in 2006 he established the Military-Industrial Company (VPK) CJSC, and began publishing.

In 2011, Igor Ashurbeyli was removed from his position general director"Almaza". After his resignation, he had time to defend his doctoral dissertation, which he did that same year.

Today Igor Ashurbeyli continues to be active social life, publishes magazines, helps restore churches. His company “Socium” has grown over a quarter of a century into a diversified holding.

Igor Ashurbeyli’s new grandiose project is connected with space, more precisely with the first space state in the history of the planet “Asgardia”, which Igor Raufovich founded in the fall of 2016.

Once Igor Ashurbeyli answered the question on what his impeccable reputation in business is based on. Firstly, a person should not promise anything unnecessary, and secondly, one must always fulfill what he promised. Ashurbeyli strictly follows these principles both in his professional life and in his personal life.

People treat the rich differently. Some people fiercely hate and envy them, because they themselves want to get rich, but it doesn’t work out; others fetishize the rich, considering them highest form homo sapiens, others, without respect, cynically servile, do not disdain crumbs from the table (sometimes these crumbs are very nutritious), finally - the most knowledgeable - do not envy and do not want to become like that themselves - because they KNOW.

In the age of the Internet, anyone can become so KNOWLEDGE. I spent an evening online (well, if I’m completely unfamiliar with the topic, a week) and Yandex with Google and Wikipedia will tell you everything that humanity knows about any subject (except perhaps state secrets, which are especially protected because they are very dangerous).

Upon closer examination, all great fortunes, both of past centuries and those that have grown before our eyes, almost always at their core have something at least immoral. We will leave robberies, murders and the slave trade to historians and prosecutors, because in our time you cannot earn REAL money through direct robbery or prostitution. But the rest of the spectrum, from fraud and theft with corruption, to simple dishonesty, is evident.

This question didn’t worry me very much, although of course, being interested in the history of science, I read about ugly stories like Newton - Hooke, Marconi - Popov (theft and monetization scientific discoveries) or the very recent Gates and Jobs - Xerox (theft and monetization of technology).

I didn’t think at all about the origin of domestic capitalists and their capital - well, as much as possible, everything is the same: stole - rolled away - drove away (K. Marx would probably have used this formula, and he did not study criminal chronicles, but phenomena in the economy). However, THIS story puzzled me at first, and after googling a little, I realized that I had underestimated reality - it surpassed my wildest fantasies. I don’t rule out that a novel will be written about this incident and/or a hard-boiled detective story will be filmed, because it is beyond the power of the average writer to come up with such a thing, but reality sometimes presents plots ready for publication/film adaptation.

I would call this scheme "Ashurbeyli Paradox".

He has had legions of predecessors throughout the centuries; the image of Tartuffe is the first to come to mind. “He (Tartuffe) put his hand first into the owner’s wallet, then under the mistress’s corset, and in the end took the house from him. If not for the intervention of the king, the owner would have wandered around the world with a staff, begging for Christ’s sake.” - quote from brief description plot of Moliere's play (source: Radio Zvezda).

The plot here is the same - the scale is amazing.

So in the early 90s, Baku cooperator Ashurbeyli came to Moscow. He quickly wins his place as the de facto owner of the Leningrad collective farm market. Almost immediately he meets the general director of NPO Almaz, Nikolai Polyashev (both the plant and the person were top secret at that time), becomes his personal friend, deputy and... companion.

They came up with an interesting business:
"International Information and Telecommunications Exchange", sale of information on the production potential of Soviet industrial enterprises, as well as previously inaccessible databases, for example, the database of the Central Institute of Military-Technical Information. The representative of this organization in California is Socium international knowledge systems.

But that’s all for now, small business (though it causes enormous harm to the country - but who cared then).

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Less than ten years passed and in 2000 Ashurbeyli was already the general director of NPO Almaz. Not a bad career for a young Azerbaijani businessman.

Talent is needed for any business - even trading in the market. A big job requires a lot of talent.

The general director creates the enterprise OJSC KB-1 (100% subsidiary of NPO Almaz) and in 2001 transfers 170,000 sq.m. to it. property complex, i.e. almost all of the real estate of NPO Almaz. Total quantity There are 152 objects, after the transaction the NPO has 11 units left. Well, nothing is a pity for my daughter.

In 2003, KB-1 made an additional issue of its shares in the amount of 5,000,000 shares. The entire package of new shares falls under the management of Ashurbeyli, and NPO Almazu remains only 24% of the shares - there is not even a blocking stake. And yes, family ties have changed: there is a rich uncle Ashurbeyli and a poor relative - NPO Almaz.

Then everything is simple:
Yana Smelyanski (a girl from Baku) registers World Villas Real Estate Limited in London - assets flow there and further into the offshore company W.V.R.E. Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands. Address: Omar Hodge Building, Wickhams Cay 1, p.o. box 362, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

There are not many entrepreneurs and scientists in Russia and in the world who truly make history. Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli is one of these. The industrialist, philanthropist and prominent social figure is the creator of an extraordinary project - the space state “Asgardia”.


Personality development took a long time. The biography of Igor Raufovich is full of unexpected twists of fate, and is the result of competent planning and informed decisions.

Early life

Igor Raufovich was born in the Azerbaijan SSR in the city of Baku on September 9, 1963. His father comes from the family of Ashur Khan Afshar and his cousin the Persian Shah Nadir Shah, who reigned from 1688 to 1747. When Azerbaijan was annexed to the Russian Empire, numerous descendants of Ashur Khan were noted titles of nobility. On the mother's side, the family tree goes back to the Rezanov family, peasants from the village of Khirino, in the Nizhny Novgorod province.

Igor Ashurbeyli’s father was the head of a department at the Azerbaijan Institute of Petrochemistry, and his mother worked as a metrology engineer at the Institute of Space Research.

The scientific activity of his parents greatly contributed to the fact that Igor Raufovich himself showed a remarkable thirst for knowledge from a young age. As a child, he loved to read, and learned to do so at the age of five. Also one of the favorite pastimes was playing chess. Among his peers, the boy even earned the nickname “professor.”

Parents recalled a funny incident, how Igor, after the fourth grade, told them that he intended to become the chairman of a collective farm, because, in his opinion, he could work in the summer, and winter seasons spend on reading and travel. School graduation took place in 1980, and in that stream, Igor Raufovich became the only graduate with a gold medal.

The next serious stage in life is exams at the Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry in Azerbaijan. The competition was huge - 16 yesterday's schoolchildren applied for one place, but the “professor” did not care, he confidently walked towards success and passed the selection without any problems. The family was especially proud that the guy became a student of the production process automation course, which had just opened. Later, Igor Raufovich said more than once that a diploma in systems engineering helped him a lot in his career and business.

In 1983, Igor Ashurbeyli became the husband of the beautiful Victoria, and a year later - the father of the boy Ruslan.

In 1985, the young specialist defended his diploma, and then began to wait for assignment. And he was lucky because he ended up in a gas processing research institute. The organization had All-Union status.

Science and life

Three years later, Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli realized that he needed to move on. Then he came up with the idea of ​​organizing a cooperative “Socium”, the main focus of which could be consulting services. In addition, the company was engaged in the production methodological literature and worked on software.

In 1988, computer courses opened at Sotsium enjoyed resounding success, because there were not many similar offers on the market.

But business did not in any way prevent the young scientist from doing science. Then the guy was undergoing postgraduate studies at his native Petrochemical Institute in Azerbaijan. He entered there in 1987, and since then has been regularly preparing materials for scientific journals. In addition, he has participated in numerous conferences and seminars.

And in 1989, the entire Ashurbeyli family moved to Moscow. The ambitious scientist decided to become a member of the presidium of the Union of United Cooperatives of the USSR. By 1992, Igor Raufovich completed his PhD and successfully defended it.

In 1994, serious changes occurred in the life of the entrepreneur and scientist. For a young specialist offered to become an employee of NPO Almaz. Igor Raufovich had to try his hand at being an anti-crisis manager. The mid-90s were a difficult time. The organization was in dire need of a competent specialist who could lead it out of the crisis, a person who would determine the enterprise development strategy taking into account modern market laws.

That year, the accounts payable of NPO Almaz reached 160 billion rubles. At first, Igor Ashurbeyli thought that he would not stay at the enterprise for long, since his knowledge and experience would be enough to solve all the problems in a maximum of six months. But after a certain period of time, the businessman realized that he truly loved his work and his subordinates. As a result, for six years of his life, Igor Raufovich worked side by side with people who worked every day for the good of their homeland. During this time he had the opportunity to change several leadership positions and significantly improve the affairs of the enterprise, leading it out of the crisis and defining a strategy for further development.

In 1997, Ashurbeyli joined the Board of Directors of the enterprise. And by 2002, it became clear how well the development strategy written almost 10 years ago for Almaz was working. The NGO not only successfully paid off its debts, but also began to generate tangible profits. Moreover, the organization has become one of the leading leaders of the Russian military-industrial complex.

In 2000, Igor Raufovich accepted new challenge fate, namely his appointment to the position of general director of Almaz. Until 2011, he regularly led the enterprise along the path of victories and achievements.

Specialists of NPO Almaz have developed many new unique systems. For example, anti-aircraft systems“Triumph”, “Vityaz”, “Favorite”, “Morpheus” and others.

Foreign economic activity also brought results. For example, we were able to export several dozen divisions of a number of air defense systems. The total amount of transactions amounted to more than $4 billion.

It was this period that Igor Raufovich considered suitable for rejuvenating the team and attracting new specialists. And the success of the enterprise made it possible to increase 12 times wages employees. Over 11 years, the company's revenue increased more than 50 times.

Ashurbeyli tried to include in the NPO Almaz several leading organizations of the defense complex, focused on developing products for different types troops. Thus, NIIRP, MNIIPA, NIEMI, and MNIIRE Altair were included in Almaz.

Skeptics for a long time did not believe in the success of the enterprise to unite such large factories, but Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli proved that with the help of perseverance and competent organization anything can be achieved.

In 2011, the businessman decided to return to science and realize his old dream. He defended his doctoral dissertation. Absolutely all members of the commission recognized the merits of Igor Raufovich and awarded him the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Space state "Asgardia"

The Sotsium company still operates to this day, but in the status of a holding company. The entrepreneur pays great attention to charity and gladly takes part in the restoration and construction of churches throughout Russia. Igor Raufovich himself admits that he is a deeply religious person. Therefore, I reacted with trepidation to the offer to take the post of director of the Imperial Orthodox Church Palestinian society in the State of Israel.

Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli is a full member of the Academy of Military Sciences, collaborating with International Center space and air space research. Here Ashurbeyli is a scientific director, and also, as editor-in-chief, takes part in the publication of the magazine “Room”, which covers the problems of space exploration.

Igor Raufovich is also the chairman of the UNESCO International Commission on Space Affairs. This position was added to the collection of the scientist’s regalia in 2015. However, for the fatherland, the contribution to science and business of the prominent philanthropist and entrepreneur did not go unnoticed. Ashurbeyli has repeatedly received state awards.

Since October 2016, he launched new project, which can hardly be called mediocre. But it is precisely such unexpected programs that shape the future - this is exactly what Igor Raufovich himself believes. This is “Asgardia” - the first space state in Russian history. The founder sees the mission of the organization as helping the world community in space exploration, studying its resources and capabilities, and exploiting them for the benefit of humanity. The main goal is to protect planet Earth from possible cosmic threats.

Asgardia. Photo from the site www.ashurbeyli.ru

News about Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli

There are constantly appearing in the press a huge number of interesting news about such an extraordinary figure as Igor Raufovich. Let's try to highlight some of them.

Asgardia launched its satellite into orbit

Russian entrepreneur and designer Igor Ashurbeyli organized the world's first space state, Asgardia, in 2016. And in November 2017, it launched its first satellite into orbit. It's about about the Asgardia-1 device.

The satellite delivered half a terabyte of data into space with information about the state of Asgardia and its citizens. New Scientist was the first to report the launch.

such an idea unusual project as "Asgardia" was proposed by Igor Ashurbeyli, who for many years was the general director of the NPO named after. A.A. "Diamond" braid. The scientist and entrepreneur is sure that the existing structure of the state is already outdated, so he took on the project of creating a “space nation.”

The Asgardia-1 satellite is small in size, but contains all the key information about the project: national symbols(coat of arms, flag, anthem), constitution, as well as information about 115,000 citizens. The satellite was launched at the American spaceport Wallops.

The lead load was carried out by the Antares rocket. It was supposed to dock with the Cygnus spacecraft, designed to deliver cargo to the ISS. The docking was scheduled for November 14, 2017. Less than a month later, in December 2017, the ship detached and launched the Asgardia-1 satellite into orbit. Asgardians believe that from now on the first space state has acquired its sovereign territory.

Ashurbeyli admitted that he intends to achieve recognition of “Asgardia” independent state. In the dreams of a businessman, the establishment of a colony of a space state right on the Moon.

A decree on financing the space state “Asgardia” was signed

Igor Ashurbeyli announced exactly when he plans to complete his own financing of Asgardia.

On the official website of the space state on February 3, 2017, not only the Decree on holding elections, on the basis of which members of Parliament will be determined, appeared, but also another important document– decree on financing the state and its governing bodies. The governing bodies are the Courts, the Prosecutor's Office, the Government, and the Accounts Chamber. Igor Ashurbeyli has already signed all the necessary papers.

The document contains information that all state funding was provided by the founder Igor Raufovich. Let us remind you that Asgardia was founded in Paris in October 2016.

But in accordance with Decree No. 15, from January 2019 the founder stops all personal subsidies, since the space state is a socially significant project, and not the brainchild of one person. This is exactly what the document says.

Igor Ashurbeyli spoke with Frank De Winne, head of the European Astronaut Center

The head of the astronaut center, Frank de Winne, shared his opinion on the prospect of flights into low-Earth orbit, and Asgardia could become the first nation with territory in space.

The two leaders met in Igor Raufovich’s office and talked about human space exploration, the immediate and long-term prospects for flights into low-Earth orbit and the possibility of establishing colonies on the Moon. Two scientists living in space could not help but discuss the development of the first space state “Asgardia”.

Frank De Winne is an active astronaut who has been on the International Space mission twice. Space Station and is even the first European in history to have the honor of becoming a leader on the ISS. Austria serves in the Belgian European Space Agency. During his career, he received many awards, and the Belgian king granted him the title of Viscount. In addition, De Winne became a holder of the Russian Order of Friendship. The astronaut's contribution to the development of manned cosmonautics was rewarded with the medal "For Merit in Space Exploration."

The National Azerbaijan Encyclopedia placed the name of Igor Ashurbeyli on its pages

The new volume of the universal Azerbaijan Encyclopedia included new data. The publication was founded in 2010, since then it has included information about all areas of state activity. The encyclopedia talks about culture, education, literature and science, etc. In addition, the list of figures without whom it is impossible to imagine the history of Azerbaijan, as well as the natives of this country, is updated every year.

It is planned to release only 20 volumes of the encyclopedia on state language. Recently, the 7th volume arrived in the libraries of Azerbaijan. After some time, the publication will be available for public sale.

Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli first appeared on the pages of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia - one of the articles was dedicated to him. It talks about the merits of the successor of the most ancient kind, scientist and philanthropist.

A billionaire dreamer built the space kingdom of Asgardia. Is he trying to forget about the years of leadership of the Almaz-Antey concern, the killed executives and the withdrawn property?

Billionaire Ashurbeyli invites you to his space kingdom, where you can register for free. This was reported by a correspondent for The Moscow Post. For more than 10 years, Ashurbeyli headed the Almaz-Antey concern. During this time, property was withdrawn from it, several leaders were killed, and Ashurbeyli himself was suspected of espionage. So who is he – Igor Ashurbeyli? An innocent dreamer or a cold-blooded plunderer of state property?

The Kingdom of Asgardia was created in 2016. You can register online for free. At the end of last month, Igor Ashurbeyli took the oath of office with a serious look in Vienna, where he was inaugurated as either king or president. Today Asgardia has 200 thousand people.

The plans include joining the UN, building lunar settlements and increasing the number of inhabitants of the kingdom to 150 million people in the next 10 years. All government bodies were created, Asgardia has its own constitution, flag and anthem, and the first parliamentary elections were recently held. A strict dictatorship has been established in Asgardia by Ashurbeyli. There is nothing surprising about this. Whoever pays calls the tune. Ashurbeyli is developing his project with sponsors and investing his money in it.

But how did he earn them? It’s clear how he plans. Upon achieving his goals, Ashurbeyli will take 100 euros in tax from each resident of the kingdom. It is not difficult to calculate that revenues from the mythical state could amount to 15 billion euros per year. This, of course, will not happen, but dreaming and wanting is not harmful. Also, investigators may come to Ashurbeyli. And from the king of the space kingdom, he can turn into an ordinary prisoner.

Could Ashurbeyli be a spy?

If the inhabitants of Asgardia had learned about the past of their king, they would probably have overthrown him or, at least, left the kingdom. This is now Ashurbeyli, a billionaire, scientist and respected person. There is a skeleton in his office, demonstrating that Igor Ashurbeyli does not have “a skeleton in his closet.” However, obvious display is usually intended to hide what, in fact, is hidden deep in these cabinets. And Ashurbeyli apparently has something to hide.

Igor Ashurbeyli came to Moscow from Baku in 1990. He started, like many others at that time, with cooperatives related to computer equipment. According to Ashurbeyli, he did not have any “roof”. And these words cause nothing but a smile. Because, as the businessman himself admitted to the publication ““, he had to go to the “arrows” and “use a hairdryer.” We had to survive somehow. I wonder if the process of survival might involve eliminating your competitors? Maybe, after all, my compatriots helped Igor Ashurbeyli get back on his feet?

After some time, he became the de facto owner of the Leningrad collective farm market. At that time, no one gave away such tidbits for nothing. And there were many applicants for them. There was a real bloodbath for the markets in Moscow. But Ashurbeyli, of course, did not participate in it. Was the market handed to him on a silver platter?

In 1994, Igor Ashurbeyli became the deputy of Nikolai Polyashev, the general director of NPO Almaz, which carries out state defense orders. There is a strict secrecy regime at the enterprise; contacts with foreigners are not encouraged. But Igor Ashurbeyli doesn’t seem to care much about this. He came to Almaz to earn money.

Could Igor Ashurbeyli have collaborated with Western intelligence services?

Ashurbeyli created the International Exchange of Information and Telecommunications (MBIT), where he invited Nikolai Polyashev to become a co-owner. Its official representative in the USA was the company Socium international knowledge systems Inc, founded by Ashurbeyli. MBIT was created in order to trade secret databases of the Soviet military-industrial complex. Why didn’t such an exchange with such an official representative attract the attention of the Russian intelligence services?

Evil tongues suggest that Ashurbeyli could buy Polyashev because in many of the established enterprises his daughter was included in the founders. In 2000, Polyashev gave way to Igor Ashurbeyli as general director. Why on earth would that be? Maybe the enterprising deputy simply “moved” his boss from his post? Could I have intimidated him with the activities of MBIT?

In 2006, US citizen Yana Smelyansky appeared in Ashurbeyli’s entourage, who, being an employee of the Russian-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry (London), became the executive director of the VPK-Soruzhenie company controlled by Ashurbeyli. In 2008, the company received access to the right to carry out work using information containing state secrets. If we assume that Ashurbeyli could have contacts with Western intelligence services, then could Smelyansky be a liaison between them and the general director of Almaz-Antey? Naturally, Igor Ashurbeyli himself denied all espionage-related accusations against him.

Extracted real estate and murders?

Having moved to the chair of general director, Igor Ashurbeyli established OJSC KB-1, to which, according to the information of the LJ user, he transferred almost all real estate objects. Of the 152, NPO Almaz had only 11 left. Then Ashurbeyli carried out an additional issue of shares in KB-1, as a result of which he became the owner of 76% of the shares, NPO had only 24%. Then all assets were transferred to World Villas Real Estate Limited (London), and then to the offshore company W.V.R.E. Limited (British Virgin Islands). They do not disclose their beneficiaries, so all ends are cut off.

The withdrawal of real estate could be related to murders that occurred in 2003-2009. In January 2003, the first deputy general director of the Obukhov plant, Alexander Poretsky, was found hanged. In June of the same year, Igor Klimov was shot dead in Moscow, acting. general director of the NGO. On the same day, Sergei Shchetko, the commercial director of RATEP OJSC, part of the NPO, was killed in Serpukhov. In July 2009, Andrei Barabenkov, head of the real estate department of the concern's marketing department, was killed.

It was rumored that the real estate was transferred to the concern through bankruptcy proceedings, and the managers were eliminated as unnecessary witnesses. Transactions allegedly could have been carried out with the participation of criminal structures. Could Ashurbeyli’s ability to “use a hairdryer” really be useful to him?

Igor Ashurbeyli was removed from his position in 2011. They say that for failure to fulfill a state defense order, although the ex-general director himself beat himself in the chest and claimed that during his leadership of the concern, all orders were always completed on time. Why then did Igor Ashurbeyli harbor a grudge? And he even said that after his dismissal he has the right to open foreign accounts where he will transfer all the money he earns.

In 2015, Igor Ashurbeyli spoke about his dismissal this way: “I won’t hide: the bitterness from the fact that I was “left” from the position of director of Almaz still remains in my soul. And my current private tasks are significantly less ambitious than those public tasks that I successfully dealt with in the previous period of my life, and I trained “on cats.” These words were quoted by the publication ““.

Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t cry. Although, probably, the creation of a space state for ordinary people not much different from training “on cats”. They cannot understand Igor Ashurbeyli’s cosmic plan. Well, the billionaire is toiling away from boredom, and he's a joke. He probably imagined himself as God. In any psychiatric hospital, there are different “gods”, “Napoleons”, and Caesars – a dime a dozen.

In the midst of cosmic affairs, Igor Ashurbeyli apparently completely forgot about earthly ones. And they can remind him of themselves. Rumor has it that the Almaz-Antey state concern can still pay rent for real estate properties acquired by Ashurbeyli. Is it easy to guess whose pockets this money goes into? And the stories with the sale of the database and Yana Smelyansky may continue.

And then Igor Ashurbeyli will have to build some kind of new world. Only this time in my head. And a completely different world may surround him, very far from cosmic attractiveness and mystery.

Most consumers in the Russian Federation and northern Eurasia do not know Igor Ashurbeyli, but almost everyone has heard of the non-analogue air defense systems S-300, S-400 and so on. Last year, Sergei Shoigu’s department brought these “unique” complexes to Syria, and propaganda hastened to praise them outrageously:

A little earlier in praise Russian complexes The air defense was tirelessly scattered and the benevolent foreign press:

If air defense systems of the S-300 family, produced by the Almaz-Antey concern, appeared in Syria, this could greatly complicate air operations USA and allies. As a senior air officer in the Corps told me this year Marine Corps, the S-300 family is a mortal threat to any fighters and bombers except the most modern aircraft using stealth technology. “This is a powerful bargaining chip against any fourth-generation aircraft [such as the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18]. This is a monster you don’t want to mess with,” he said. If the Russians sent S-300 or even more dangerous ones to Syria anti-aircraft missile systems S-400, this could effectively turn a fair amount of Syrian territory into a no-fly zone for American aviation and for Allied aircraft. In areas protected by them, only the F-22 Raptor (Lockheed Martin) and B-2 Spirit (Northrop Grumman) will be able to operate from American aircraft..

However, then “our” Donald Trump became president of the United States, and on April 7, 2017, he gave the order to bomb the Syrian air base “Shayrat” 59 cruise missiles"Tomahawk" from two American destroyers. The Russian military was also based at this base, whom the Americans allegedly managed to warn about the attack, and they removed some of their property. Some Russian experts then rushed to explain that the air defense systems could not protect Shayrat in any way (they say they were far away), and the other half - to giggle at the “unsuccessful US strike” (they say, fools, why did they waste so many missiles, hehe, some didn’t make it, hehe).

But an unpleasant aftertaste remained and since then there has been a brutal roar Russian men in uniform before this “check” began to look a little funny:

On Thursday (October 6, 2016 - Vlast.net) official representative The Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, reminded “American “strategists” that air cover of Russian military bases in Khmeimim and Tartus is carried out by anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 and S-300, the range of which may be a surprise for any unidentified flying objects".

So, Igor Ashurbeyli spent 10 years - from 2001 to 2011 - running an enterprise producing these “unique and non-analogue” air defense systems (the effectiveness of which, apparently, turned out to be zero). Comrade Ashurbeyli himself was born in 1963 in sunny Baku, graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after. M. Azizbekov, but worked little in his specialty. In 1988, he became a cooperator - his cooperative "Socium" sold computer equipment. In the early 90s, an enterprising Baku stall owner ended up in Moscow, where he ruled the Leningrad collective farm market next to the Sokol metro station. Then it is not clear how he ended up in the “regime” NPO “Almaz-Antey” for... leadership positions!

The talented co-operator successively held the positions of Deputy General Director, Financial Director, First Deputy General Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors, until in 2001 he reached the post of General Director. On this brilliant career path, gas worker Ashurbeyli also acquired a personal friend - patriotic journalist Igor Korotchenko, who worked as a propagandist in the General Staff of the Russian Federation in the 90s. This man is not the most great mind, but with great tenacity he began to dig under the solar “gas rocket scientist”. And some not-so-pleasant details emerged.

It turned out that the Almaz-Antey NPO is entangled with offshore companies that pump money... that's right, to the USA (Socium international knowledge systems Inc.) and other aggressive NATO countries (Great Britain), not to mention their native Cyprus. The spirited co-operator privatized and leased out most of the property complex of the NPO Almaz-Antey in Moscow, and then completely failed the work on the state defense order. However, in 2011, Ashurbeyli was not imprisoned, but was simply removed from cutting state budgets and sent into retirement. Offended, Igor Raufovich ran off on a pilgrimage to Mount Athos and, in revenge, loudly declared that the system missile defense around Moscow... rotted.

However, one should not demonize the Baku cooperator, as Korotchenko does (although the man suffered from Ashurbeyli’s rudeness, it must be admitted). In principle, at almost every Russian defense enterprise there is a roughly similar situation: state budgets are being cut, products are defective and late, the factories themselves are routinely driven into debt bondage. For fools, they show “tanks” and “airplanes” on TV, and that’s where it all happily ends.

After his resignation in 2011, Ashurbeyli made several attempts to get back into the state trough, but was not successful. Now the brilliant Russian-Azerbaijani "rocket man" has finally retrained as a house manager and, probably, has already begun to earn money for the sale of his virtual citizenships "