Esoteric symbols and signs. Magic signs and symbols and their meaning

There are a lot of magical signs. Every nation and religion has signs that give energy and protect against dark forces and diseases. These magical symbols are still used today as amulets and talismans.

This article contains the main ancient signs of various peoples and information about their meaning and application.

Star of Solomon

A Jewish magical symbol meaning harmony (this is indicated by the two equilateral triangles that make up the Star of Solomon). This symbol is considered the emblem of Judaism.

This sign is used as protection against damage, the evil eye and disease, and also helps to overcome life's difficulties. For several hundred years, Jews invested the strength and energy of their people into this symbol.

Pyramid with an eye

This symbol is considered Masonic and means the all-seeing eye. This is a sign of the Higher Mind. He is able to develop intuition and magical abilities. Many also believe that a pyramid with an eye at the top personifies the hierarchical structure of society, which means the owner of such a magical sign becomes powerful over everyone.


This is the most common sign in the occult. This symbol is most often associated with Satanism and the devil. But this is not entirely true. It is precisely this magical sign that exorcises the devil. It is used to protect against dark forces.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

This magical symbol brings good luck in all matters. After all, with the owner of this amulet there are always good forces. Those who wear this sign go through life without obstacles or disappointments.

Sign of Perun

This Slavic pagan symbol bestows victory, success and courage, brings prosperity to the home and health. Recommended for men to wear.

Seal of Lao Tzu

This chinese sign brings wealth, happiness and good fortune to those who have good thoughts and pure intentions. By wearing this talisman you can also improve your health and gain authority.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol that helps develop intuition, open the third eye, gain peace of mind and wisdom. This sign is also intended to protect against people of higher positions, influential officials, envy and revenge.

All these symbols can become excellent talismans of good luck and amulets against negative energy. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2014 09:18

IN lately People are increasingly using the teachings of Feng Shui to attract what they want. Thanks to the usual...

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, you can achieve happiness in life if you wisely use the symbols of wealth and...

Mystical and occult symbols are what arouse interest among many with a mixture of fear. They can be depicted on various decorations, items of clothing, walls and other objects.

The attitude towards occult symbols in different religious denominations is ambiguous. In many religions, occult symbols are considered something negative and forbidden. Thus, Christianity presupposes the exclusion of these signs, since a true Christian must honor God, praising and exalting him.

Occultism is the name of teachings that recognize the existence of so-called hidden forces in man. Translated from Latin, this term means “secret”, “intimate”. This doctrine about the hidden connections of phenomena, man and space had a certain influence on experimental methods in science. The familiar term “esotericism” has a similar meaning; these two concepts are interrelated.

Occultism is usually understood as the study of everything hidden and implicit. This is magic, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, spiritualism, dreams.

Often these teachings have a religious connotation. Many who study the occult associate themselves with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Hinduism. As a rule, the term “occult” is applied to those phenomena and methods that religion cannot explain and does not assume. Thus, the famous Kabbalah is considered an occult teaching.

Occultism involves the study of the internal nature of things, phenomena, when compared with science, which studies external characteristics. Arthur Schopenhauer called this movement the word “will”. Because science is not able to look deeper into the relationships between several objects and things, explaining the internal nature.

Alchemy, considered the forerunner of traditional chemistry, is also an occult practice. And such famous scientists as Isaac Newton and Roger Bacon devoted their works to this practice.

Some religious movements and systems define the occult as everything paranormal and supernatural. This is something that cannot be achieved by turning to God, but only with the help of Satan.

For many, the term “occultism” evokes negative thoughts. However, not many people understand that individual practices and rituals of various religions can be called nothing other than occult. Although in nature this term is used quite rarely.

Occult symbols and signs

Kabbalistic Tetragram

The Kabbalistic Tetragram symbol consists of two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other.

Is the great seal of Freemasonry, revealing the meaning of the number 666.

The Heartgram symbol is a regular triangle. Its apex is directed upward and is the beginning of the second triangle. The bottom of the triangle represents the two roundnesses of the heart, and the bottom corner represents its completion.

It is a mixture of love and hate, life and death.

Church of Satan

The Church of Satan sign is depicted as a six-pointed cross, at the foot of which is an inverted figure eight, a symbol of infinity.

This sign almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

The Cross of Disorder symbol is depicted as a four-pointed cross, the vertical line of which ends in a quarter-open circle.

This sign was first used by the Romans, who wanted to challenge the truth of the Christian faith.

The familiar Swastika symbol dates back to ancient times, when it symbolized the god of fire. The priests of this deity greeted the sunrise by raising right hand, thereby expressing respect and reverence.

In China, this symbol is a sign of virtue.

The pentagram in the form of a five-pointed star is considered one of the most powerful images in magic and is used by sorcerers for various rituals.

Also used by Kabbalists, who this sign has a designation of power.

Lightning Sign

The Lightning symbol is depicted as the letter "S" it resembles, which is considered to represent Satan.

Sometimes this symbol is depicted on a five-pointed star.

This four-pointed cross in an inverted position denotes hatred of Christ.

The magical number 23 is considered occult and signifies secret society portholes.
666 or FFF.

The connection between these numbers and letters is that this letter English alphabet goes at number six. It is considered to indicate the number of the Antichrist.

This ancient one chinese symbol considered the definition of unity, polarity.

Tao means in Chinese philosophy eternal action or principle of creation

The Neuron Cross symbol is also called the symbol of peace. It represents an inverted and broken cross of Christ, enclosed in a circle.

Denotes contempt for Christianity.

This symbol symbolizes the negation of all laws. Depicted as the letter “A” surrounded by a circle.

This symbol is also a sign of sacrifice and observer.

The magical symbol of the Ankh is a four-pointed cross, the top of which is presented in the form of an elongated oval.

The Ankh symbolizes fertility, lust, and the union of man and woman.

It is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.

A circle with a dot in the center is used in Buddhism and Hinduism to represent masculine power.

The index finger and little finger, raised up and separated from the other fingers, are considered the victory of the devil over good.

Magic signs and their meaning

As you can see, occult symbols are represented by a wide variety of signs. Each of them has its own meaning and definition. If you choose a symbol, you must first find out its meaning.

After all, it often happens that a person uses jewelry with occult signs, the designation of which he does not know. This can cause individual problems and contradictions in life.

Modern man is characterized by a craving for everything mysterious, just like his distant ancestors at the dawn of humanity. He is also characterized by fears, the predominant of which is fear of the unknown. It is not surprising that even inveterate skeptics sometimes carry various amulets with them and apply tattoo images to their bodies. magic symbols, trying to enlist the support of unknown Higher powers.

Secret symbols of luck and wealth with pictures

If earlier, during the period of their emergence, the meaning of esoteric signs belonged to the area of ​​sacred knowledge, accessible only to a select circle of initiates, today everyone who is curious can obtain comprehensive information about them. It is important to know that this type of knowledge should be received with respect and gratitude, and used with caution.

All secret signs have come down to us since pagan times, later supplanted by Christianity, which firmly linked everything pagan with witchcraft and evil spirits. This opinion still finds many supporters.

For practical application you can choose any magical artifact in accordance with personal preferences and goals. It is important not to use it thoughtlessly, but to perform some ritual in order to charge it with your energy. It is advisable to make a talisman yourself, using natural materials: wood, leather, metal, bone, clay.

Be sure to monitor your internal state during the manufacturing process, eliminating negative thoughts and emotions. The finished talisman should be held in your hands, while inhaling, say its name and exhale on it. Thus it is activated. Runes have proper names; It is permissible to come up with names for other amulets.

All occult sciences claim: using magical signs, you can significantly improve your life, in particular, bring more luck and material wealth into it. Signs that bring good luck and wealth:

  • Fehu - the first futhark rune- Scandinavian alphabet. Symbol of wealth and possession. Runes are perhaps the most popular and widespread magical signs. The graphic image of runes is a set of interconnected lines of various configurations.
  • Dazhdbog– Slavic welfare. The constant attribute of Dazhdbog is the cornucopia. Slavic runes appeared later in time on the territory modern Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There is reason to believe that they were borrowed from the Scandinavians, with whom the Slavs were in close contact.
  • Pentacle of Solomon. In the center of the pentacle is a magical shield that protects against financial risks and unreasonable spending. Will help increase income. Refers to Kabbalistic signs. Kabbalah is one of the most mysterious movements in the history of world religions. It is a branch of Judaism and has a developed system of magical signs, many of which were used in the Masonic movement, shrouded in an even denser veil of secrecy.
  • "All Seeing Eye"- the sign, traditionally considered Masonic, depicts an eye inside a triangle. Sometimes the eye is located at the top of a truncated pyramid. Symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe, provides control over world finances.
  • Feng Shui – Chinese coin happiness. In Ancient China it was used for payment; Such coins were available to noble persons with a special position of power. With the advent of printed money, they became rare and acquired their current status of “lucky”.
  • "Wheel of Fortune" symbolizes cyclicality, the change of ups and downs, birth and death. It will bring the owner good luck in matters where luck is the main factor: lotteries, gambling, etc.

Charms and protection

Mystical signs, among others, perform the function of protecting the owner from negative energy from outside. This is what people say negative influence called or damage, and also explained by the impact evil spirits, evil spirits.

On an energetic level, one can suffer from outside hostility even if the person had no conscious intention to harm. A curse pronounced in the hearts can come true if it is pronounced by a person with strong energy, accompanied by intense emotions.

To strengthen your own biofield and protect against external influences, the following are recommended:

  • Pentacle "Power of Light"- a five-pointed star inside a circle. Each ray represents one of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air, and the fifth symbolizes Spirit. It is no coincidence that a star located with its point up means the Divine principle, while in an inverted position it means the devilish. Grants power over supernatural forces and protects against their possible harmful influence.
  • Atlantean sign. It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1860. Possesses radiation that gives strength to resist aggressive external influences, including intentional (evil eye, damage, curse). Promotes the development of intuition and paranormal abilities.
  • Yin-Yang (Tai Chi)- An ancient Chinese sign of the fusion of the feminine and masculine principles, personifying the Unity of opposites. Protects from evil spirits.
  • Abracadabra. A triangle with the point down, inside which a mantra is written in descending order from the complete word to the last letter. It is recommended to wear it as an amulet and recite the mantra. With the vibrations created, it is easy to strengthen your biofield and protect yourself from illness, need, and accidents.

Runes are also powerful amulets:

  • Algiz. Provides protection not only from the harmful influence of others, but also from accidents. In addition, it strengthens, thereby helping to anticipate future troubles.
  • Berkana. Protects women during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. Brings harmony and prosperity to the family.
  • Alatyr. The ancient Slavs considered this rune strong defense for children.
  • Raido (Rainbow among the Slavs) will protect you on the way, and will also help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Ancient Spells

“In the beginning was the Word”... It is difficult to overestimate the importance of words as symbolic meanings of objects and phenomena, not only those around us, but also abstract, imaginary ones. Scientists conducted a demonstration experiment: they pronounced words of different content over a glass of water.

Words carrying a negative meaning deformed the water molecule, making it shapeless and ugly. If we remember that a person consists of 80% water, we can come to completely clear conclusions.

In ancient times and the Middle Ages, conspiracies and spells were actively used by mystics for a wide variety of purposes: treatment, expelling evil, love spells, removing the evil eye and damage, exorcizing demons, communicating with the other world. Adherents of black magic did not hesitate to cause direct harm to others for their own selfish interests.

For those who decide to use the knowledge of the ancients in practice, there are a number of conditions:

  1. Keeping the fast.
  2. Spiritual cleansing. Prayer, meditation, mindfulness.
  3. Unity with nature. It is advisable both during the preparation period and during the ritual.
  4. Sincerity and purity of intentions while casting a spell.

An example of an ancient Slavic spell:

In the name of Svarog and Perun, I will drink my fate to the dregs. In the name of Veles, I invoke the blood of my ancestors. Get ready, kind of strength. Rise, ancestors, from the grave. Protect your son (daughter) (name), endow him with the purity of the family. So that the evil eye does not touch you, so that you wake up with a smile, so that the path and heart are open. The doors of truth and essence will open! I call on Svarog, I shelter my son (daughter) (name) with his protection. It will become true, he will not part with the Gods.

Eternity and immortality

All sacred knowledge is designed to provide its followers with eternal life. A variety of methods are used to achieve this goal: the same magical signs and symbols, as well as agmas and mantras.

Mantras came to us from Hinduism and are also used in Buddhism. They are a set of sounds that need to be pronounced in concentration, in a meditative state, with a high degree of awareness. They are analogous to a prayer or spell. One of the most impressive is the Mrityunjaya mantra, Conquering Death.





Worship of the Three-Eyed Lord,

Shiva, the Fragrant One who Brings Good!

Capable of breaking the bonds of birth and death,

May He grant us freedom from death for the sake of Immortality!”

The mantra is a powerful protection against fatal diseases, snake bites, and accidents.

A variety of Vedic mantras are Slavic agmas- short spells of one to three words that can establish a connection between the caster and the Gods and forces of nature. They are usually pronounced 77 times. They change a person’s internal energy and thereby provide the opportunity to change the surrounding reality. The main agma of the Slavs sounds like "Rhode-sake-rado".

Of the talismans associated with immortality and eternity, the most notable are:

  • Ankh– ancient Egyptian cross with a rounded top part, which symbolizes rebirth. The key to health and longevity. It is a kind of key that opens doors to another world.
  • Longevity Knot– complex geometric figure without beginning or end, personifying infinity. Tibetan sign. Reveals to seekers the secrets of immortality and eternal youth, brings health and harmony.
  • The above Taiji, better known as Yin – Yang, signifying infinity and eternal life.
  • Yantra Shambhala– found in ancient manuscripts in the foothills of the Himalayas. Shambhala, according to Tibetan legends, is a mythical country where only the enlightened can go, pure in heart and the mind is a man. This sign provides a connection with a parallel world.

Eternal life surrounds us throughout our entire existence. These can be plants, animals, objects, etc. So, the pomegranate is a symbol eternal life in Christianity, and the peach - in China. The well-known symbol of Eternity is a snake biting its tail.

In Ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle was revered as an emblem of immortality, and in Ancient Greece– butterfly. Associated with immortality and eternity Egyptian pyramids with their special energy fields called torsion.

Our Universe is full of mysteries, and many of them were known to the ancients. The revival of interest in centuries-old sacred knowledge will bring undoubted benefit to humanity and will reveal the limitless possibilities of the Spirit.

They can be presented in the form of ordinary plants: rose, orchid, clover leaf. Or, for example, act in the form of mythical animals: a dragon, a unicorn. Can be signs: magic knot of luck, infinity sign. It doesn’t matter in what form the magical power of a symbol appears before us, what is important is the impact that the symbol has on a person’s life. Let's get to know some of them.


Turtles are the most popular in the practice of using Feng Shui symbols. It is believed that the turtle gives strength, endurance, and longevity. She is a symbol of stability and constancy. The turtle is a traditional family talisman protecting peace and tranquility in the house.

In order to protect their child from the evil eye and the negative influence of others, mothers put a talisman in the form of a turtle on him. Thus, they seem to give the child under the protection and patronage of their family. There can be one turtle, or the talisman can consist of three turtles representing three generations of the genus together. For a children's talisman, it is best to use, first of all, eye quartz, which is traditionally considered a talisman stone. Falcon, tiger, bull's and cat's eyes will be reliable protectors of your child. You can also use: rose quartz, amethyst, jasper, turquoise. A talisman can be a figurine carved from stone, or a product made of natural stones decorated with a metal pendant in the shape of a turtle.


In Feng Shui, fish symbolize wealth. They are used to attract prosperity and abundance in the home or office. A fish looking up promotes movement along career ladder, guarantees high achievements, recognition and glory.

Most often, carp, goldfish, and also dragon fish are used as a talisman. A goldfish with a coin in its mouth brings good luck in business and is a symbol of wealth. A fish jumping out of the water symbolizes the growth of prosperity.

A figurine of a fish carved from stone is good to place in the house in the area responsible for finances. These figures can also be used as a keychain. Traditionally, rhodonite is considered a stone for attracting money, helping a person gain self-confidence and giving the ability to focus on the main thing. Whoever wears it becomes more purposeful and, as a result, his financial situation increases. The bull's eye will be your assistant in a labor-intensive and lengthy project. He will give you the strength to finish what you started and make a profit, despite the difficulties. A tiger eye amulet will help you defeat ill-wishers, and carnelian will give you the opportunity to clearly assess the current situation.


The dragon is one of the four celestial animals and is an important and powerful symbol in Feng Shui. The dragon creates positive chi energy, which brings good fortune to the homes of its owner. The dragon figurine is a symbol of success, power and high social status. The dragon sector is located in east direction, a talisman placed in this zone brings good health and longevity. Usually, to attract good luck when making dragon figurines, stones such as aventurine, agate, carnelian, and jasper are used.


Dolphin is a symbol of health. Whoever wears a dolphin pendant around his neck will always be protected from evil spirits and deadly illnesses. Since ancient times, the dolphin has been the personification of selfless love for man, so it has become a symbol of friendship.

The dolphin represents the power of the sea, speed, devoted love, salvation, transformation. The meaning of this symbol is directly based on the natural kindness, intelligence and playfulness of this mammal. He is a symbol sea ​​elements. In some religions this is cute mammal means joy, unpredictability and playfulness. A creature that lives in two elements, sea and air, is the link between the earthly and the heavenly, the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people. He is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that depict him as a friend of man.


In Feng Shui, the horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, speed and endurance. A symbol of life, optimism, diversity of feelings and perpetual motion. The horse carries within itself the wind of change, forces that renew nature, eliminate cold, stagnation and bring positive changes in a person's life. In the East, the Horse is considered a friend of man and a protector from evil spirits. It is also considered a manifestation spiritual origin and patronizes gifted people - artists, poets, musicians. The horse helps to reach the heights of spirit and immortality. The horse represents quickness of thought, brightness of imagination, talent and creativity.

A talisman made in the shape of a horse figurine brings success in career and business, and helps create the image of a powerful and dynamic person. It is not for nothing that horse figurines carved from stone are presented as gifts to business managers, thus emphasizing the status and high position of the boss. Onyx, sardonyx, and jasper are often used as materials for making talisman.


In Feng Shui, a cat attracts money luck, prosperity and new opportunities. A cat's raised paw to money means an increase in wealth and profit. A sacred animal among many peoples, the cat symbolizes cunning, developed intuition, clairvoyance, sensual beauty, and the ability to transform. The cat figurine is a symbol of independence, grace and strength.


In Feng Shui, the rooster is a symbol of good luck and large monetary profits. A figurine in the shape of a rooster helps to gain wealth. Typically, such figurines, carved from stone or made from metal, are presented as gifts to people to fulfill wishes related to large sums money. To attract wealth, you can also wear a talisman in the form of a pendant in jewelry.


In Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, longevity, and stability. A talisman in the form of an elephant figurine helps to accept right decisions and emerge victorious with dignity difficult situation. The elephant personifies support and protection, teaches patience and worldly wisdom, which says that every difficult task in life is given to us along with the strength to implement it. The elephant is also considered a good family amulet. He keeps peace in the family by preserving and increasing the love of spouses for each other. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a figurine of an elephant made of carnelian or jasper.


The Chinese believe that the unicorn has a sacred power with which it brings good to people. The Chinese unicorn or Qi Lin symbolizes longevity, luxury, celebration, splendor, happiness and joy. In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is believed to love being alone. And he always appears at the moment when a sage is born or when an outstanding ruler rules the country.

The unicorn talisman in Feng Shui has two strong functions - attracting wealth and eliminating negative influences.

There are no special rules for placing a unicorn. The main thing is to place it so that it faces the door, no matter where it is standing, in a room or in a hallway.


The eagle in Feng Shui represents wisdom, knowledge, freedom and power. This majestic bird symbolizes the path of enlightenment and enlightenment. A figurine in the shape of an eagle carved from stone will help its owner in revealing spiritual powers, will influence clarity of thinking, and will help to more clearly understand one’s true goals and intentions. Such a talisman is worth purchasing and wearing to activate your creative, intellectual and physical potential when you start a new business or project. Recommended stones: falcon, bull's and tiger's eye, onyx, sardonyx, rock crystal, serpentine, agate, jasper.


The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection. It symbolizes the ability to transform, to transform, since this beautiful winged creature is born, transforming from a small crawling caterpillar. The butterfly carries creativity, helps to easily perceive the surrounding reality, coloring gray everyday life with its rainbow colors. Figures in the shape of a butterfly help to gain lightness, independence, and creativity. This is a symbol of creative people: artists, writers, poets, musicians. This talisman will also help those who want bright changes in their lives.


In all traditions, the Ladybug acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness and forgiveness.

It is believed that the Ladybug acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of the living and the dead. That's why different nations there is a custom of asking the most intimate questions about life and death, about the weather and the harvest, about marriage to this insect.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that finding a ladybug brings good luck. The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger. For these purposes, you can use pendants in the form ladybug placing them in a bracelet or wearing them as a pendant on a chain.


This exquisite and beautiful flower is considered in Feng Shui a symbol of the desire for perfection in everything. Orchids are the personification of tranquility, beauty and inner harmony. In China, they are also symbols of luxury, elegance, patronage and fertility. The living flower itself, its images or pendants made in its shape have become a symbol of abundance, spiritual growth, beauty and purity. It's no wonder that orchids are such popular houseplants.


Roses are a very ancient symbol. In Feng Shui practice, the rose symbolizes love and beauty, romance and passion. According to Feng Shui, Roses are considered a good choice for the bedroom, as they promote harmony and tenderness, creating an atmosphere of romance. Rose brings good luck and promotes love in the family.


In Feng Shui, the lotus is considered one of the most powerful talismans for attracting happiness and romance into your life. An image or carved stone figurine in the form of this flower placed in the southwest of the room will ensure favorable luck for the house and its inhabitants.

four leaf clover

As you know, clover has a leaf consisting of three parts (trefoil). Quatrefoil is very rare in nature. Therefore, it is considered a symbol of good luck. At the same time, the first leaf means faith, the second – hope, the third – love, and the fourth – luck. In Irish culture, a clover with 3 parts (shamrock) symbolizes the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you come across a four-leaf clover, then the 4th leaf signifies God's grace.


An acorn is just the fruit of an oak tree. However, it is a symbol of prosperity, youth, strength and good luck. The Scandinavians believed that oak protected from lightning, therefore, in order to protect yourself from lightning entering the house, you should put an acorn on the windowsill. Even during the time of the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the English carried dried acorns in their pockets, hoping that trouble would pass them by. And today, the acorn is endowed with both protective properties and the ability to attract good luck and long life.

The acorn symbolizes strength, power and energy. An acorn-shaped talisman can help in implementing long-term projects. Promotes the correct and harmonious distribution of one’s forces on the path to the goal, helps to see the true state of affairs. It is good for these purposes to use it in the form of a keychain, or to wear it as jewelry on the body.


Orange symbolizes fertility, splendor, love. Orange blossoms are an ancient symbol of abundance, used in brides' wreaths. This tradition for a long time existed in Christian countries, but meant chastity. The orange color of oranges is associated with fire and luxury, except Buddhist countries, where the orange robes of the monks symbolize humility. It is customary to eat oranges on the second day of Chinese New Year as a guarantee of wealth and success.


One of the three trees that bloom in winter - an oriental symbol resilience, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth. Bamboo was an attribute of the compassionate bodhisattva Guan-ying and noble people in general. Its tubular, ringed stem was associated in the East with the stages of initiation; it could also symbolize the Buddha himself.

Tree of Happiness

The tree of happiness in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The talisman is an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman; its roots actively absorb negative Sha energy, and its branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual person or his seven tree leaves are made from a certain type of stone, depending on the tasks of the talisman. You can use a tree of happiness talisman made in the form of a pendant, then the stones are selected according to the owner’s horoscope.


The pyramid is a powerful tool for creating and balancing positive energy. By using pyramid crystals, we harness our own hidden powers to achieve a better future and create good feng shui.

The pyramid in Feng Shui is a practical tool for harmonizing the mind, body and spirit with the environment.

Magic knots

Magic or mystical knots are knots connected in this way, when neither the beginning nor the end of this figure is visible, therefore the main idea of ​​​​such knots is that they symbolize the infinity of the process. The number of elements or knots that make up the figure itself can be different, and the knot itself can be knitted from thread, ribbon, metal wire, or simply drawn on paper. The mystical knot is a popular element of carving, embroidery, door patterns, vases, and furniture.

In the literature you can find different names of this figure: mystical knot, knot of happiness, endless knot, knot of luck, eternal knot. The Mystic Knot is not a symbol invented by Feng Shui, it is simply used in Feng Shui practice to enhance an idea. It is popular in many cultures in both Asia and Europe. In fact, this is a traditional Buddhist symbol of good luck, symbolizing the idea of ​​​​the infinity of life, the idea of ​​​​reincarnation - the idea of ​​​​the continuous rebirth of a person from one body to another. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols of the Buddha.

In Feng Shui, the mystical knot also symbolizes the idea of ​​continuity, but not the process of rebirth, but the processes of obtaining good luck, achieving happiness and well-being. In Feng Shui there are many symbols that bring good luck in one area or another of life. If a mystical knot is tied or simply attached to any symbol or amulet, this symbolizes the endless duration of the process that the amulet itself symbolizes. If the amulet is for money, then the knot means an endless influx of money. If the symbol is for love, then the knot means endless love. If the symbol is for health and longevity, then the knot means a very, very long life.


The horseshoe is one of the oldest symbols of good luck. It is believed that she is able to ward off the “evil eye.” Since a horseshoe protects a horse's hooves, people may have thought that it would protect them too. Horseshoes are forged by blacksmiths, and they, in turn, are considered the creators of happiness, because they work with one of the main elements - fire. Some theories claim that the shape of a horseshoe resembles a horned moon, and this is also a symbol of good luck. If the horseshoe is hung upside down, great luck awaits you. People usually hang horseshoe magnets above their doors, hoping to attract good luck.

Sacred number 7

Number 7 is the number of completeness, completeness, perfection of eternity, infinity, space and time. In Scripture, the number 7 is of extreme importance. It can be considered in two respects: as 6 + 1 or as 4 + 3.

In the first case, its symbolic meaning is determined by the narrative of the creation of the world. In 6 days God created heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested from work. On the other hand, the number 4 is the image of the world: 4 angles, 4 winds, 4 verses and 3 the image of the Holy Trinity. So 4 in conjunction with 3 represents the world united with God, creation reunited with its Creator. Thus, seven is a cherished number expressing harmony, unity, perfection and peace. Seven rays of light, seven colors of the rainbow, seven tones of sound, seven days a week.

Sacred number 9

As a triple triad, the number nine has exceptional significance in most cultures. In China, it is considered the most auspicious number and the most powerful and effective in the context of the philosophical system “yin-yang”; the number nine was the basis for calculations both in architecture and land use, and in Taoist religious rituals. In mysticism, "nine" is considered a threefold synthesis of mind, body and spirit.

This number was a Jewish symbol of truth and a Christian symbol of order within order, hence perhaps the division of angels into nine orders or choirs. Nine heavens were present in many traditional ideas about the structure of heaven.

The number nine was a key element of shamanic rituals in the Northern and Central Asia. The nine days and nights during which the Scandinavian god Odin, having pierced himself with a spear, hung nailed to the world tree Yggdrasil, symbolized the period required for his magical restoration and rejuvenation.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol, a painted image of an eye with a spiral line underneath, reminiscent of the coloring of some types of falcons - the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of his all-seeing power, the integrity of the universe. The right eye is considered a symbol of the active and solar principle, the left - of the passive and lunar principle. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after Horus's victory in this battle it grew again. This myth became the reason for the extreme popularity of the Eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil.

The Eye of Horus represents the Sun and Moon, symbols of light and the victory of wisdom over darkness, taking away pain and suffering. This amazing amulet attracts good luck and protects against misfortune.

Eye of God

For Christians, the eye is a symbol of God the Father (triangle with an eye inside - the emblem of the Divine Trinity). Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability for intuitive vision.

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the "eye of the heart", symbolizes spiritual vision, which in different religions associated with different concepts: in Hinduism with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power of fire; in Buddhism with inner vision; in Islam with supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead is also called the inner eye.

Medusa the Gorgon, whose gaze turned people into stone, was a symbol of the “evil eye”. Perseus used a mirror, reflected in which, Medusa's gaze killed her. This myth is the reason why the eye talisman is considered to ward off evil; its image is still placed above the doors of houses in Turkey.

Infinity sign

On the one hand, it is a simple mathematical symbol, and on the other, it has a deep symbolic and even magical meaning.
The sign of infinity means the eternity of existence, innumerability and the impossibility of knowing this world. The infinity sign is a symbol of man's desire for everything perfect and ideal.
The infinity sign has been used in Tibetan rock engravings. He was depicted as a snake biting its tail. According to legend, this snake, named Ouroboros, tried to eat its tail, but over time it grew back and this went on forever. Therefore, it began to denote the beginning and the end, and their connection in natural cycles.
The meaning of the infinity symbol in paired bracelets and jewelry expresses the desire of lovers to be together forever, and at the same time is a symbol of fidelity to each other.
Also, infinity is the desire to live without boundaries and restrictions, because the infinity sign itself was conceived as a symbol indicating the impossibility of specifying boundaries, numerical or quantitative measures.


Cross with a loop, symbol of immortality - corresponds ancient Egyptian symbol of life, or soul. The most sacred cross of the Egyptians is a sign of a living, oath, covenant, which was held in the hands of their Gods, the pharaohs. Perceived Christian Church as a sign of eternal life in Christ. Its shape can be interpreted as rising sun, as the unity of the male and female principles or other opposites, as well as the key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.


WHEEL- a figure symbolizing the solar path.

The wheel symbolizes perpetual motion. In a spinning wheel, the movement repeats itself. The wheel is a sign of the solstice.

In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes a continuous chain of rebirths. In addition to the “wheel of life”, the “wheel of law” - karma - was popular in Buddhist semiotics.

The wheel also acts as a symbol of Fortune, a happy occasion, testifying at the same time to the impermanence of life. In a drawing popular in the Middle Ages, four royal persons were placed at the Wheel of Fortune. According to the dynamics of the rotation of the wheel, their mottos are: “I will reign,” “I reign,” “I reigned,” and “I fathered.”

The wheel is a sign of dynamic life, eternal continuous movement. It acts as an emblem of speed.

Everything on Earth is filled with signs and symbols. It’s worth asking a question, finding out something, even if not consciously, and the forces of the Universe give signs and clues. You just need to be able to figure it out, to see in a simple and ordinary solution to the complex issues of life and the mysteries of existence.

The science of signs is called semiotics. The French philosopher and semiotician Roland Barthes gives the following definition: “Semiotics strives to include any systems of signs, regardless of their essence and limitations; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and their complex interactions that shape ritual content, norms, or social performance." Thus, semiotics is a means of considering any objects as symbols and signs and their systems.

But in order to recognize an object as a sign, to understand its essence and meaning, it is necessary to think about it as a sign, perceive it as a sign.

In this regard, semiotics is close to magic, to an altered state of consciousness, to a special vision of the world. After all, magic is the desire to see what is hidden; the desire to know the essence of things and the secrets of the world. By revealing secrets, the magician creates his own picture of the world in accordance with his will. By cognizing and changing the world, he cognizes and changes himself. After all, when you influence an object, you yourself are affected. Just as a magician influences the world, so the world influences the magician.

Therefore, in symbols and signs, everyone sees something of their own, personal; transfers part of his soul, his thoughts and desires to the meaning of the object.
And if the descriptions of symbols in this article do not coincide with your opinion, that’s fine.

I look at symbols from my point of view, and you look at them from yours. The more differences, the more complete the picture of the world.

Vesica Piscis, yoni, mandorla

The shape Vesica Piscis (Latin for “fish bladder” or “fish eggs”) occurs when two circles intersect.

Vesica piscis is an ancient synonym for yoni, jagat yoni, or vulva. Denotes female creative power, the spirit of the Great Mother, who gave life to the world and the gods. The yoni sign was intended to convey the shape of the female external genitalia, which the ancients clearly defined as the source of female sexual power. In ancient Indian texts, the paradise island of Jambu had a “yoni-like form.” On it grew a sacred, life-giving tree with roses and apples and there was a “diamond seat” (vajrasana), which clearly represented the cosmic clitoris, the center of the creative spirit of the Goddess.

Since ancient times, the female primordial power has been worshiped and deified as the source of life. Why, in later times, did a woman become a lower-class creature, and not only images, but also any mention of genitals became shameful?
For a long time, the feminine principle was suppressed, women were told that it was shameful. They said that the feminine principle is destructive and contrasted it with the creative masculine principle. Even today, a woman is internally depressed and oppressed by this awareness. She constantly feels guilty simply because she was born a woman. In the New Eon, a woman must find true freedom, return to natural principles, and learn the deep creative power of the Primordial Woman.

Yoni also symbolized the primordial waters, which transformed into the waters of the sea and ocean. What more symbolized the beginning of life on Earth than the waters of the primordial Ocean? And what could symbolize fertility more than fish eggs?
It was in this aspect that the ancient Great Mother was associated with fish, sea shells, sea ​​water, salt, ships and fishermen. She often appears in the form of a mermaid with fish tail or even two tails, like a medieval siren. In her honor, fish was eaten on Fridays, which was her official day, named after Freya, her Scandinavian incarnation. The ancient Romans called Friday Venus Day.
The original symbolism of the yoni feminine was later decently replaced by different similar characters.
An example is images of the god Indra. Initially, his entire body was covered with many yoni marks due to the fact that he perceived the power of the fertility of the Goddess.

In later portraits, the yoni were replaced by similar eyes, so that Indra became known as the "beholder" or "thousand-eyed one", rather like the Greek Argus.
O Indra, thousands in the body of the Yoni,
Thousands of eyes on your skin

Every finger of the hand is in action,
Every organ is strong too. – verses of Guru Shivaissa, “Worship of Indra.”

In the Jewish tradition, the overt symbolism of the yoni was replaced by the mandorla - “almond (Italian).”

We find mentions of almonds in the Bible: the tabernacle was made using the image of almonds (“And on the stem of the lamp were four cups like an almond blossom with apples and flowers,” Ex. 37:20), and Aaron’s rod brought almonds as a sign of the great power of fertility (“ The next day Moses [and Aaron] entered into the tabernacle of the testimony, and, behold, the rod of Aaron from the house of Levi budded and sprouted and produced almonds.”
Although original meaning this sign was well known in ancient world, it had such magical connotations that Christian artists appropriated it to frame figures of saints or Christ. Christian mystics interpreted the mandorla as the arc of two circles, the left for female matter, the right for the male spirit. Even God and saints are depicted in icons inappropriately framed by female genitals.

The mandorla is sometimes piously interpreted as a gateway or entrance to heaven. And it is always depicted vertically (traditions are traditions, even if the original meaning is forgotten). There are many explanations for the mandorla in later Christian tradition. The union of opposites, the dualistic unity of Heaven and Earth, life and death, the symbol of eternal sacrifice, the cloud of ascension, the halo-light emanating from the deity are some of the meanings. There is an image of a mandorla composed of seven doves and meaning the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

If we continue the two halves of the arc, we get the famous Christian symbol of fish.

In Christianity, fish means baptism, immortality, resurrection (the sign of Jonah). The church fathers called the believers pisciculi (“little fish” in Latin), and the apostles were “fishers of men.” The fish represented Christ in the Roman Christian Church. The reason for this is considered to be the interpretation of the Greek name for the fish “ichthys” - as an abbreviation for the formula “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”. And not only because six of the 12 apostles, according to legend, were fishermen. Perhaps the meaning of the yoni, remade into the image of the purity of the Virgin Mary, was partly superimposed here.
In the interpretations of Christian mystics, fish was interpreted as a kind of analogue of kundalini, rising creative energy, the power of the divine spirit. Also, the symbol of the fish is a symbol of the spiritual world, hidden under the waters of the illusion of the material world. The mystical symbol of fishing is the extraction of unconscious elements from the deeply hidden sources of the soul, the search for hidden secrets within one’s “I”.

Three images of the yoni form a triquetra or triquetra (interestingly, depending on whether the ancient feminine or Christian male trinity is symbolized by the sign, the gender of the name changes):

The triquetra symbol is often depicted with a circle. Possible values ​​– Life. The three wombs that give rise to life on earth, in the seas and in the air, respectively, are connected around the Earth into an inextricable unity.
There are also interpretations of the triquetra as ancient symbol the female trinity, personifying youth, maturity and wise old age of the Great Mother; the unity of the three parts of the world - land, sea and sky; the trinity of mind, body and soul.
The sign was very common among the northern peoples of Europe - the Celts, Frisians, and Scandinavians. In general, the triplicity of images was characteristic of the Celts, therefore everything triplicate is traditionally called “Celtic”. After the Celts converted to Christianity, the triquetra became the Christian symbol of the Trinity.

Cross formed by triquetras (Carolingian Cross).

In modern popular culture, the triquetra symbol indicates Norse or Celtic paganism.
Naturally, this symbol was used by Christian mystics as a sign of the male trinity, therefore its initially inappropriate female uniform was interpreted in this spirit. And old ones original values dissolved in Christian symbolism...
In Wicca, the triquetra represents the three aspects of the goddess (the virgin goddess, the mother goddess, and the wise crone).
Some researchers give the meaning of this symbol as the movement of the Sun, the three phases of the luminary - at dawn, at zenith and at sunset. But, it seems to me, this is more typical of dynamic symbols like the swastika, triskelion, etc. But more on that in another article.

When connecting three circles we get the Borromean Rings.

The figure is based on a symmetrical arrangement of overlapping rings in such a way that when any ring is removed from the structure, the remaining rings are open. The meaning of the symbol is brotherhood, strength in unity.
It was rings with stones that were used as a symbol in Italy (meaning a product, not a geometric figure).
The name Borromeo rings comes from the surname of the aristocratic Italian Borromeo family, whose coat of arms features this symbol. In the family's palace in northern Italy one can find many examples of the famous emblem:

This symbol was also used by the Medici and Sforza families.

Cosimo de' Medici medal made of diamond rings:

Botticelli's painting "Pallas and the Centaur", painted for the Medici family, with images of Borromean rings on clothing:

Windows in the Palace of Louis Sforza in Milan. Louis Sforza is known as the patron of Leonardo da Vinci from 1482 to 1499. Leonardo lived and worked in this palace for some time:

In Japan, the Borromean Rings symbolized the unity of the three worlds - heaven, earth and the underworld of the dead. Images of three intertwined rings are known both on the heraldic coats of arms of noble families and on one of the oldest Shinto shrines on Mount Miwa. The word “miwa” itself consists of two hieroglyphs - “mi” means “three”, and “wa” means “ring”, “circle”. According to legend, the mountain itself represents the body of a kami - a fallen deity or spirit.

Borromean rings on a Shinto shrine on Mount Miwa:

Heraldic symbols of Japan:

These days, Borromean rings can be found in various logos. The most famous is the Ballantyne beer logo.

In Christianity, the Borromean rings, like all threefold things, were a symbol of the Trinity.

Drawings from a thirteenth-century manuscript (municipal archives of Chartres, France). In the first picture, the "God of Life" is surrounded by the "Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit". On the middle “God is” surrounded by “Life”, “Light” and “Word”. In the right picture, two phrases are distributed among the rings - “Trinitas Unitate” (“three in one”) and “Unitas Trinitate” (“one in three”):

The figure similar to the Borromean rings is the coat of arms of Diana de Poitiers (1499-1566) - the favorite of the French king Henry II.

What is the reason for such a magical image of crescents on the coat of arms of the Duchess de Valentinois, the de facto queen and ruler of France during the reign of Henry II - history is silent. Never before has a favorite had such power as Diane de Poitiers. This secret was explained by magic and witchcraft. As is the secret of Diana’s unfading beauty...
The symbol with the combination of crescents was designed by the architect Philibert de l'Orme.
Philibert de l'Orme is an architect, the author of an essay on architecture, where he cites elements of rectangular projections. He built a castle in Anet for Diane de Poitiers, took care of the restoration of the royal castles of Fontainebleau and Saint-Germain. According to some information, he was the confessor of Henry II.

Crescents of Diane de Poitiers:

Standard of Diane of Poitiers. The ceremonial entry of Henry II into Rouen on October 1, 1550. Soldiers carry the standard of Diane de Poitiers. Library of Rouen, N 112-6 fol. 25:

Symbolic language is a universal language, not tied to any one nation, culture or religion. As E.I. wrote Roerich in his work “Cosmological Records”: “Symbols are necessary to outline the System of Evolution of the Power of the World. The symbols are revealed as milestones in the growth of the consciousness of earthly humanity.” When looking at sacred signs from the depths of the past, from the ancient memory of ancestors, ancient meanings appear in a vague fog. Of course, in the process of human development, the meanings of symbols changed and new concepts were added. And each person is individual. Everyone looks at the world through the filter of their habits, character, morals, etc. For many people, this filter is so thick and cloudy that they are unable to see anything other than their fears and prejudices. But those who follow the path of knowledge of Light, Life, Love and Freedom; those who are able to rise above their nature are able to discard this filter or wipe it to crystal purity. And see the real beauty and greatness of the world...