P 8 rules for the organized transportation of children. Rules for organized transportation of groups of children by bus

April 4, 2019, The distribution of 700 million rubles for the creation of model municipal libraries in 38 constituent entities of the Federation was approved Order of March 30, 2019 No. 598-r. In 2019, it is planned to create 110 model libraries.

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April 3, 2019, Road maintenance More than 70 billion rubles are allocated to the regions for the development of road infrastructure and transport networks Orders of March 29, 2019 No. 581-r, No. 582-r, No. 583-r, No. 584-r. The distribution of transfers in the amount of 65,824 million rubles between 28 subjects of the Federation for development was approved highways regional, intermunicipal and local significance and 5 billion rubles between 15 constituent entities of the Federation for the development and modernization of the highway network public use regional, intermunicipal and local significance within national project“Safe and high-quality roads.”

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April 2, 2019, Air transport On subsidies to ensure the affordability of air travel from Far East and back Order No. 572-r dated March 29, 2019. 2.5 billion rubles are allocated from the Government's reserve fund to provide subsidies to airlines to ensure the availability of flights on routes from the Far East and back. This will allow you to transport preferential terms at least 378.5 thousand passengers.

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March 30, 2019 , Aircraft industry On budget investments in the aircraft industry Resolution of March 27, 2019 No. 326. PJSC United Aircraft Corporation is provided with budget investments in the amount of 2.22 billion rubles for capital investments in production infrastructure and after-sales service for Il-114-300 aircraft. The commissioning date for the facilities is 2021.

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March 28, 2019, On the creation of an innovative scientific and technological center at Moscow State University " Vorobyovy Gory» Resolution of March 28, 2019 No. 332. The center is being created in order to implement the priorities of scientific and technological development of Russia and increase the investment attractiveness of the research and development sector.

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March 28, 2019, Methodology and tools of state planning Changes have been made to the Rules for the formation and implementation of the Federal Targeted Investment Program Resolution of March 26, 2019 No. 316. The process of approval of changes made to the FAIP with the Russian Ministry of Finance is simplified.

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March 27, 2019, Production, transportation, export of oil and petroleum products On the procedure for determining the indicative tariff for oil transportation for calculating the tax on additional income from the production of hydrocarbons Resolution of March 26, 2019 No. 317. The procedure for calculating the indicative tariff for oil transportation to determine the estimated costs of hydrocarbon production at a subsoil site has been approved. The indicative tariff for oil transportation will be determined based on three main components: the cost of transporting oil across Russia, the cost of transshipping oil in Russian ports, and the cost of transporting oil outside of Russia.

March 26, 2019, Federal contract system. Government procurement Changes have been made to the rules for assessing applications for construction work during public procurement Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 293. It has been established that when choosing a contractor for the construction of highways and especially dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects, the customer will give priority to such non-cost criteria for evaluating applications as total quantity executed construction contracts, their total value, the highest price of one of such executed contracts.

March 25, 2019, Electric power industry: generation, power grids, electricity market About a pilot project to create supply and demand aggregators in electricity markets Resolution of March 20, 2019 No. 287. The EnergyNet roadmap of the National Technology Initiative provides for the creation of a new entity in the electricity and capacity markets - supply and demand aggregators. The decisions made will make it possible to test in pilot mode a mechanism for the creation and development of such aggregators that ensure the consolidation of consumers electrical energy, distributed generation and electrical energy storage facilities for the purpose of joint participation in the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

March 25, 2019, Urban Economics. Urban environment The methodology for determining the quality index of the urban environment has been approved Order of March 23, 2019 No. 510-r. The federal project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” of the national project “Housing and urban environment» by the end of 2024, it is planned to increase the urban environment quality index by 30%, and, in accordance with this index, reduce the number of cities with unfavorable environment twice. To determine the quality index, 36 indicators will be used to characterize the state of the urban environment and living conditions of people.

March 25, 2019, Relocation of emergency housing On the implementation in 2019–2021 of regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock Order No. 446-r dated March 16, 2019, resolution No. 278 dated March 16, 2019. In order to monitor the implementation by the subjects of the Federation in 2019–2021 of regional targeted programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, recognized as such as of January 1, 2017, target indicators for the implementation of such programs were approved. For each subject of the Federation there are established total area emergency housing stock subject to resettlement, the number of citizens subject to resettlement.


In the Russian Federation, the rules for transporting children on buses are becoming stricter and stricter every year. It should be noted that if earlier a regular GAZelle could easily be used for these purposes, now it is possible to transport children and schoolchildren only using specially equipped buses.

What rules and innovations have occurred in this year and what should the group leader know about the buses in which his charges will travel?

Rules governing bus transportation of children

Basically, the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus are created in order to ensure the safety of young people during mass events. They are dangerous, first of all, by the presence large quantity people in transport. That is why the organizers of such events must comply with some requirements of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Now all the rules are described in detail in Resolution No. 652, which was adopted on June 30, 2015. Before this change, the Resolution adopted in 2013 was in force.

After the update, the rules for transporting children on the bus received new requirements for the necessary documentation, vehicles, drivers and other aspects. You need to understand this topic.

When the rules for transporting children on the bus do not apply

The main change that has appeared in the rules is now a ban on the presence of both parents of the child or their representatives. Parents of children or their legal representatives can participate in the transportation of a children's group only if they simultaneously serve as a medical worker or accompanying person.

How to understand these rules for transporting a group of children on a bus? They mean that if their parents or official representatives are also present with the children, then it is not necessary to comply with all the requirements. When transporting children, parents are required to independently monitor the safety of minor passengers, and the accompanying person and driver are no longer responsible for the group.

Basic Requirements

Of course, a lot of improvements have been made this year, however, it is necessary to highlight a few main ones.

  1. According to the rules for organized transportation of children by bus, there must be at least eight minors in transport.
  2. During transportation, the bus should not be a regular bus and perform the function of public transport.
  3. The traffic police issues a special permit to the driver, a copy of which he must carry with him. After completion of transportation, the document must be kept for three years.
  4. Children's bus trips can only be carried out from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Driving at night is possible only if the bus is connected to air or railway transport, and if weather conditions have delayed it during the day.

It is also worth noting that the maximum night speed cannot exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

Coordination with the traffic police

So, when there are more than 8 minors traveling, the organizer is obliged to report it to the traffic police. If this does not happen, then the inspector may take it for a deliberate violation of the rules for transporting children by bus.

When planning a trip, the manager must first select a transport company in accordance with the requirements and enter into a charter agreement with it. By the way, it is not necessary to involve a transport company. This may be another individual who meets the requirements. After this, the charter agreement is sent to the inspectorate and a notification is automatically generated. This notification will be quite sufficient for a small group, which will consist of no more than two buses.

If the trip involves three or more buses, then the organizer will be required to submit an application to the traffic police to order an escort vehicle.

It is important to remember that any notification, including an application, must be submitted several days before the event. Otherwise, inspection staff may simply ignore the notification, and then the trip will have to be postponed.

What is needed to submit a notification to the traffic police

Since this year the requirements have changed (transportation of children by bus is now organized differently), the following papers are required to submit a notification to the inspectorate:

  • exact time and date of travel;
  • precisely laid route;
  • the number of buses that will take part in the trip, as well as their make, models, numbers;
  • all information about drivers, as well as their driver’s license;
  • customer information;
  • information about the transport company;
  • all information about the person accompanying the group;
  • number of minors on the bus.

In general, to organize transportation, it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, but the accompanying person only needs to contact the transport company to transfer the necessary information.

Other documents required for transportation

In addition to notifying the traffic police, the bus driver and accompanying group must have a large package in their hands necessary documents, namely:

  1. Information about food stocks and drinking water. Previously, such data was optional for short journeys.
  2. Route and approximate time for it.
  3. The route must be written out in every detail. Special attention must be given to planned stops.
  4. Complete data for the entire group, including its leaders.
  5. Seating areas.
  6. Information about the medical professional who is required to be present during the trip, the duration of which exceeds 12 hours.

By the way, it should be noted that the rules for transporting children by school bus are practically no different from the requirements for one-time trips.

Leaders and organizers of the trip must remember that no one should be allowed on board while the bus is moving. If the transfer of a person is still planned, then in this case it must be indicated in all documents.

How to choose the right driver and bus

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus state that the choice of the driver and himself vehicle needs to be taken especially seriously.

How to choose a bus driver?

First of all, he must have a driver's license with category D with 1 year of experience over the last three years. Also, the driver does not have the right to transport children if in the last year he has had his license revoked or arrested for violating traffic rules. Before going on the route, he is required to listen to a safety briefing and undergo the necessary medical examination.

It is worth noting that until 2016, the requirements for the driver, or more precisely for his experience, were stricter. Previously, only those drivers who had continuous experience for one year were allowed to transport children.

In addition, when organizing a trip, you need to pay attention to the year of manufacture of the bus itself. He must be no older than ten years. Also, the vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GPS navigator or the ERA-GLONASS system. You will also need a diagnostic card.

If at least one requirement is not met, the trip will not take place.

Punishment for violating transportation rules

Organizers of a children's trip should not rely on "maybe" and prepare all the documents in advance. Traffic police officers warn that by violating the rules for transporting children on a bus, the organizer will find himself in an unpleasant situation: he will be subject to a heavy fine in accordance with 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

The fine issued to the driver is 3,000 rubles, officials can receive a fine of 25,000 rubles, and a fine for legal entities is 100,000 rubles.

Such punishment is provided if a charter agreement was not provided to the traffic police, lists of children were not transferred, or a route was not agreed upon. A fine is also imposed if the driver does not comply with the requirements.

If the violators were “caught” at night, then in this case the fine for the driver will be 5,000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for up to six months (at the discretion of the court). Officials will be fined 50,000 rubles, and legal entities will be fined 100,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that in lately Due to high fines, violations when transporting minors have decreased significantly.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about rules for transporting groups of children on a bus. Over the past few years, several regulations related to this issue have been issued and changed. This article contains summarized information and will be updated as the law changes.

Please note that issues of organized transportation of children affect not only transport companies. For example, if parents of schoolchildren want to organize an excursion for their children, then they will also have to comply with the transportation rules.

This article will discuss the documents required for transportation, requirements for buses and the people on them.

What is organized transportation of children?

“Organized transportation of a group of children” - transportation on a bus that is not a route vehicle, of a group of children of 8 or more people, carried out without their parents or other legal representatives.

Please note that organized transportation does not include:

  • Children's ride on a minibus. For example, if children and their teacher go to the theater on trolleybus number 1.
  • Transportation of 7 or less children.
  • Transportation of 8 or more children and several parents, in which 7 or less children are traveling without parents.

Organized transportation includes transportation, When:

  • People travel on a bus that is not a route vehicle.
  • Among the people there are at least 8 children whose parents are not present on the bus.

If the above conditions are met, then you should read this article to the end and study the transportation rules.

Participants of organized transportation

Currently, the list of persons who can participate in organized transportation is strictly limited. Point 18:

18. When organizing the transportation of a group of children, it is prohibited to allow persons not included in the lists provided for in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 4 of these Rules, except for an appointed medical worker, onto the bus and (or) transport on it. Employees of a tour operator, travel agency or organization providing excursion services participating in the implementation of the route program are allowed to travel on the bus if these employees have a document confirming labor relations with a tour operator, travel agency or organization providing excursion services, and participation in the implementation of the route program. This prohibition does not apply to cases established by federal laws.

There may be people on the bus only:

  • driver(s) included in the driver information document;
  • children included in the list of children;
  • accompanying persons included in the list of accompanying persons;
  • tour operator employees included in the list of employees;
  • medical professional included in the relevant document.

Please note that the legality of each person on the bus must be confirmed by an appropriate document. You cannot take a person on a trip without a document.

As an example, consider the following situation. IN tourist trip 11th grade is traveling secondary school. At the same time, some of the students have reached the age of 18, i.e. they are not children. The rest of the class remains children. How to prepare documents in this case?

It's actually quite simple:

  • Students under 18 years of age should be included in the list of children;
  • Students over 18 years of age must be included in the list of accompanying persons.

Let's take a closer look at each of the trip participants.

Bus driver

The driver must meet the following requirements:

  • continuous work as a category D driver for last year;
  • absence of offenses for which administrative arrest is provided during the last year. Please note that there are offenses for which the punishment is imposed at the discretion of the judge (fine or deprivation of rights). Moreover, if the driver is punished with a fine under such an article, then he cannot transport children;
  • undergo pre-trip briefing;
  • pass .


Children up to 18 years old should be included in special list children.

Moreover, if there is at least one child under 7 years of age on the list, then the bus schedule must be drawn up so that the bus does not travel longer than 4 hours. That is we're talking about about the total duration of the trip. So it won’t be possible to take small children on long trips.


All accompanying persons must be included in a special list of accompanying persons.

Accompanying persons are assigned to each of the buses involved in transportation. Minimum quantity accompanying - 1 person at each bus door.

If the bus has 2 doors, then there must be at least two accompanying persons.

The maximum number of accompanying persons is not limited.

For example, 8 children and 30 accompanying persons can travel on a bus.

One of the chaperones on each bus is designated as responsible.

In addition, if there are several buses, then the senior responsible attendant. He's on the last bus.

Tour operator employees

Tourist workers must carry a document confirming their employment relationship with the tour operator, travel agency or organization providing excursion services, and participation in the implementation of the route program.

Tour operator employees must be included in a separate list.

If the trip is organized without the participation of a travel agency, then a list of tour operator employees is not required.

Medical worker

A medical professional is required only if an intercity trip is planned, the duration of which (according to the schedule) exceeds 12 hours.

The medical worker is on the last bus of the convoy (together with the senior responsible accompanying person).

Documents for organized transportation

Traffic police document

If transportation is carried out by one or two buses, then it is required copy of the traffic police notice.

If 3 or more buses are involved in transportation, a copy is required decisions of the traffic police on the assignment of escort. In this case, the bus convoy is accompanied by one or more police vehicles.

List of children

List of designated attendants

Driver's document

The driver's document must indicate his full name and telephone number. If there are several drivers, then the document indicates the details of each of them.

Please note that we are not talking about a driver's license. Required separate document, which must be issued by the transportation organizer.

Procedure for boarding children on the bus

g) a document containing the procedure for boarding children on the bus, established by the manager or official responsible for ensuring road safety, educational organization, organization providing training, organization providing educational activities, medical organization or other organization individual entrepreneur carrying out organized transportation of a group of children (hereinafter referred to as the organization), or the charterer, except for the case when the specified procedure for boarding children is contained in the charter agreement;

Route program

The program should include:

  • traffic schedule with estimated transportation time;
  • places and times of rest stops.

Additional documents

Documents that are required only in some cases:

  • The charter agreement, if one was concluded.
  • A document from a medical worker containing the full name and position.
  • A license to carry out medical activities or an agreement with a medical organization.
  • Recruitment list food products, if children are on the route for more than 3 hours.
  • List of tour operator employees (full name, phone number).

Please note that the originals of all the documents listed above must be kept for 3 years after the trip.

Bus for organized transportation

Paragraph 22.6 of the traffic rules:

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked identification marks"Transportation of children."

The following are required for the bus: requirements:

  • Installation of a sign "Transportation of children". The sign is installed in front and behind the bus.
  • Turn on the yellow or orange beacon (starting).
  • The bus must comply with the purpose and design technical requirements for the carriage of passengers.
  • The bus must be allowed to participate in traffic.
  • Installation .
  • Installation of GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.
  • No more than 10 years have passed since the year of manufacture of the bus (they begin to act in accordance with the table below).

Transportation at night

Clause 11 of the rules regulates the specifics of transporting children at night:

11. At night (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.), organized transportation of a group of children to and from railway stations, airports is allowed, completion of the organized transportation of a group of children (delivery to the final destination determined by the schedule, or to an overnight stay) in case of unplanned deviation from the traffic schedule (if there is a delay en route), as well as organized transportation of a group of children, carried out on the basis of legal acts of the highest executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation. Moreover, after 23:00 the transportation distance should not exceed 100 kilometers.

Transportation at night (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.) is possible in the following cases:

  • To or from the train station, airport.
  • Completion of transportation in case of deviation from the schedule.
  • If transportation is carried out on the basis legal act the highest executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

For example, the government Yaroslavl region may issue a resolution on the implementation of organized transportation at night.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that this article was compiled on the basis of the following regulatory document:

If you still have any questions, then first of all I recommend turning to the original source.

In addition, let me remind you that fines may be imposed for violating transportation rules. from 3,000 to 200,000 rubles:

Good luck on the roads!

Valera, Please!

Hello, I am interested in your opinion. A bus for transporting children must comply in terms of purpose and design with the technical requirements for transporting passengers. What do you think these requirements are and what regulations govern them?

Vadim, Hello.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find a regulatory document that would reveal the answer to the question you asked. If I come across such a document in the future, the article will be updated.

Good luck on the roads!


GOST R 51160-98 Buses for transporting children. Technical requirements


If 11 children and 11 adults are traveling, will this be children's transportation?

Alexander, if children and adults are not related to each other (adults are not parents), then we are talking about organized transportation of children, because There are more than 8 children and there are no legal representatives on the bus.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello. I plan to take 12 boys on my own initiative to St. Petersburg for the New Year holidays, without commercial activities. If I receive a notarized Consent to accompany a child from the parents, then I will become his legal representative for the duration of the Consent, therefore I will not need to draw up this whole bunch of papers, because this will not be considered transportation of an organized group of children. Am I thinking correctly? After all, as it is written in the explanation: “If transportation of minors is carried out accompanied by their legal representatives, then the requirements of the legislation on the organized transportation of children by bus do not apply to it.”

then I will become his legal representative for the duration of the Consent

Hello. No, you won't. The question is not about traffic rules, but about the Family Code. Possible “legal representatives” of the child are indicated there.

Thank you very much for the detailed information about the age at which children are considered to be transported. Or up to 16 years old or up to 18? I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. Now everything is clear! Is this information indicated somewhere in orders or regulations? And another question? Can an individual entrepreneur engaged in customized transportation without a license carry out organized transportation of children, taking into account that the bus complies with all technical regulations.

Andrey, Hello.

You cannot become a legal representative of a minor by proxy; to do this you need to adopt the child.

Good luck on the roads!

Irina, Family Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 11, Article 54:

1. A child is a person who has not reached the age of eighteen years (the age of majority).

Good luck on the roads!

Thank you for your answer, everything seemed to be clear, but a question arose. It turns out that from March 1, all buses must have a license. The period for consideration of the application and receipt of a license is 120 days (i.e. until June 29, 2019). Is this true or not. Our trip is scheduled for April 19th. It turns out that we will not be able to travel without a license from the carrier. On at the moment The carrier does not yet have such a license. Please answer how to proceed here.

Leonid, if the carrier was engaged in the transportation of passengers or other persons before March 1, 2019, then he can continue this activity without a license until June 29, 2019. The issue is discussed in detail in.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon! Is it possible to transport preschoolers by school bus to kindergarten? If possible, then on what basis?

Tatiana, Hello.

The concept of "School bus" in traffic rules:

“School bus” is a specialized vehicle (bus) that meets the requirements for vehicles for transporting children established by the legislation on technical regulation, and is owned by right of ownership or otherwise legally preschool educational or a general education organization.

That is, the concept itself suggests that the bus can be used to transport preschoolers. There are no restrictions on the transportation of preschool children at other points of the traffic rules.

Good luck on the roads!


To transport children, we are preparing a notification to the traffic police, a trip there in one car, back in another car with a week gap, how do I fill out the notification? In one notification, indicate information about two drivers - back and forth, or for each separately? and travel time (according to Google map) 3 hours 13 minutes. Do you need a list and dry? ration?


1. In this case, you need to fill out 2 different notifications (for the trip there and for the trip back).

2. You create the traffic schedule. If in the end the travel time according to the schedule is more than 3 hours, then the buses will require dry rations, water and a corresponding list.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon Please clarify. The bus performed a one-time custom transportation of children. The bus is not a school bus, it was hired from a carrier. All rules of resolution No. 1177 were observed. But the transport inspector who stopped the bus issued a fine due to the lack of paint on the bus body. yellow. Is this legal? Where is it documented that a bus for one-time chartered transportation of children should be yellow?

Natalia, Hello.

When transporting children in an organized manner, in general, the bus should not be painted yellow. I recommend challenging the specified fine and filing a complaint against the inspector with the prosecutor's office.

Good luck on the roads!


Maxim, hello!

There is a bus, Mercedes Sprinter 2016, owned by a private person (not even an individual entrepreneur), makes 2 trips a day to school and back along a set route with children under 18 years old, with one or two teachers, there is a tachograph, the bus is white , with one door, the driver is employed at a school.... Do I need a license and Era-GLONAS?


Hello! Question about the person in charge during the excursion. Last year several times I went with the class on different trips as a chaperone. The excursions were organized through a travel agency accredited by the school. The teacher signed the order of responsibility and rode with me. A few days ago, the head of the school security service informed the teacher at a meeting that now the teacher does not sign any order of responsibility and may (!) go as an invited person (or may not go), the organizer of the trip, that is, the parent, becomes responsible. We need to go with the class to the theater on March 29 and suddenly this information. Please explain whether this is true and where it is indicated on what basis such a statement could be made. Thanks in advance for your answer!

Anastasia, Hello.

1. Attach a seat map for the specified bus.

2. What requirements are you talking about?

the requirements indicate that for a group of children under 12 years of age, the first row of seats must be occupied only by accompanying adults

3. In what document did you find information about the need to submit a “seating arrangement” and to which organization are you submitting this “seating arrangement”?


An application is submitted for a free bus from Mosgortrans for an excursion to the museum for the class. The school submits an application through the portal, with a package of documents, in the list of documents is a seating plan, I am attaching the file to the message. I am the parent organizing the trip, so I put together a package and send it to the person in charge at the school, then the application is sent above. The application was returned without comments, and there was no one to find out

Julia, Hello.

The inscription “CHILDREN” is discussed in GOST R 51160-98 Buses for transporting children:

4.5.20 On the outer sides of the body, as well as on the front and rear along the axis of symmetry of the bus, contrasting inscriptions “CHILDREN” must be placed in straight capital letters with a height of at least 25 cm and a thickness of at least 1/10 of its height.

School buses must meet the requirements for transporting children (clause 1.2 of the traffic rules):

“School bus” is a specialized vehicle (bus) that meets the requirements for vehicles for transporting children, established by the legislation on technical regulation, and owned by right of ownership or on another legal basis to a preschool educational or general education organization.

If in your case there was organized transportation of children, then other requirements apply:

3. To carry out the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds to its purpose and design technical requirements for passenger transportation, is allowed in the prescribed manner to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

The inscription “Children” should not be placed on a bus for transporting passengers.

Good luck on the roads!

Comment is being added

The rules for transporting children on buses were developed to ensure maximum safety for minor passengers during organized trips. Special regulations stipulating the rules for transporting children on a bus are approved by law. There are specific requirements for the driver, vehicle and escort.

When and who approved the rules

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has developed rules for the organized transportation of groups of children. The document was approved by Government Decree No. 1177 of December 17, 2013.

The term “bus transportation of children” means:

  • Any transportation of minors, in the amount of 8 people or more.
  • Transportation by non-route vehicles.
  • Transportation of groups of children without their representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).

An exception may be made if the representative is:

  • A medical professional, and his presence is mandatory for transportation.
  • Accompanying the children's group.

Transportation under parental supervision

If children are transported in the presence of their parents, adoptive parents or guardians who are not accompanying the group, the rules for organized transportation of children by bus do not apply to it.

Organized transportation of children

Transportation rules mean:

  • Accompaniment of buses with minors by representatives of the traffic police.
  • Driver compliance with regulations.
  • Preparation of a set of documents for transportation.
  • Compliance with requirements for accompanying persons.
  • Compliance with the rules for boarding/disembarking passengers into a vehicle.

Accompaniment by traffic police representatives

Buses with children are accompanied by law enforcement officers only if they travel in a convoy consisting of three or more vehicles.

When transporting children, you must obtain a permit for transporting children from an authorized representative of the automobile inspection. The driver has the original document. At the first request of a traffic police officer, it must be provided.

The original permits are retained for 3 years from the date of transportation.

Trip organizers must submit a written application for escort to the regional office of the State Traffic Inspectorate no later than two days before the planned trip. The document must indicate:

  • The time for which support is required.
  • Number of children transported.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.
  • Travel route.
  • Description of each bus with the obligatory indication of the license plate number, full name of the driver and registration data of his driver’s license.

A response is drawn up in writing and sent to the applicant.

If children are transported by one or two buses, a notification about the upcoming trip is also sent to the traffic police department. The document must indicate:

  • Information about the company that organizes transportation.
  • Date of transportation.
  • Route indicating the starting and ending points.
  • Number of children transported, indicating age.
  • The make of the bus and its registration number.
  • Full name of the accompanying person.

The document must contain a notification from the traffic police that they are aware and do not interfere with the transportation of children. The notice or a copy of the application with traffic police marks must be kept by the bus driver at all times.

We prepare documents

When organizing transportation, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • The contract of carriage signed by the customer and the transport company.
  • An agreement with a medical professional to accompany a group of children (if the movement of the convoy lasts more than 12 hours).
  • A copy of permits for transporting children.
  • A copy of the application for escort or notification from the traffic police.
  • List of accompanying persons indicating full names, passport details and telephone numbers.
  • List of transported children.
  • List of food products available on the bus.
  • Information about drivers (full name, driver's license numbers, contacts).
  • Boarding document indicating the seat for each child.

Who draws up the boarding document

  • Travel organizer.
  • Representative of the carrier (if such a clause is specified in the contract).
  • Health worker (the document takes into account individual characteristics each passenger).
  • Escort.

When indicating your travel route, you must note:

  • Travel schedule with travel times indicated.
  • Places of planned stops for rest, food and excursions (indicating organizations, hotels).
  • Dates and times of stops to meet the physiological needs of passengers.

Requirements for the vehicle and drivers

Drivers will be allowed to transport children if:

  • They have a driver's license with open category D.
  • Bus driving experience is at least 1 year out of the last 3 years.
  • Have not committed during the last year administrative offenses, they were not deprived of their rights.
  • They underwent mandatory training on transporting children.
  • We received medical clearance for the flight.

Vehicle requirements

New rules for transporting children by school bus, regarding transport for transporting children, will come into force on 01/01/2017. They stipulate:

  • Mandatory presence of a technical coupon or diagnostic card confirming the serviceability of the vehicle.
  • A bus for transporting children must be no older than 10 years from the date of release.
  • Each vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph that monitors the vehicle’s speed, sleep and rest patterns of the driver.
  • The Glonass satellite navigation system must be installed to be able to determine the location of the bus at any time of the day.

Accompanying children

A group of children must be accompanied by adults. Their responsibilities include:

  • Control the route and coordinate the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Monitor the diet, behavior and health status of children.

The number of accompanying adults cannot be less than the number of doors on the bus. During travel, there must be one attendant at each door. If there are more adults, one main person is appointed among them, who coordinates the work of the rest of the accompanying persons.

Who can be allowed on the bus

The group is formed from children of different ages. For children under 7 years old, there is a restriction - they can stay on the road for no longer than 4 hours. Otherwise, transportation of minors is prohibited.

Children who have previously been included on the list by the manager will be allowed on the bus. In this case, before the bus starts moving, the list can be changed unilaterally by the manager. This means that the group leader or trip organizer can change the list without notifying the carrier.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

The innovations affect the specifics of transporting groups of children. First of all, this information is intended for staff of child care institutions, as well as drivers. travel companies involved in the transportation of minor children.

The concept of organized transportation of a group of children

From July 10, 2015, the concept of “Organized transportation of a group of children” will be changed in the traffic rules:

“Organized transportation of a group of children” - organized transportation of eight or more children on a bus that is not a route vehicle.

“Organized transportation of a group of children” - transportation on a bus, not related to a route vehicle, of a group of children of 8 or more people, carried out without their legal representatives, except for the case when the legal representative(s) is(are) appointed (and) accompanying person(s) or designated medical professional.

Just as before, organized transportation has the following characteristics:

  • children are on the bus;
  • the bus is not public transport;
  • the number of children is 8 or more.

A new sign of organized transportation. It is carried out without legal representatives of children. Let me remind you that the legal representatives of the child are parents, adoptive parents, trustees or guardians.

So if children and their parents are traveling on a bus, for example, an excursion bus, this is not organized transportation of children and the rules of organized transportation do not apply to this case.

However, there are situations when, even if legal representatives are present, transportation is organized. For example, there are 8 children on the bus. The parents of one of the children act as accompanying persons. Transportation in this case is organized and requires compliance with the rules.

Accompanying children with a traffic police vehicle

First of all, the changes affected the list of documents required for the organized transportation of a group of children:

c) the decision to assign buses to be escorted by a unit’s vehicle(s) State Inspectorate road safety of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as a division of the State Traffic Inspectorate) or a notification of a negative decision based on the results of consideration of an application for such support;

c) a copy of the decision to assign buses to be escorted by a vehicle (vehicles) of a unit of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Traffic Inspectorate unit) or a copy of the notification of the organized transportation of a group of children;

Until July 10, 2015, transporting children required the original decision to assign an escort or the original refusal to accompany them. Starting from July 10, a copy of the decision to assign an escort or a copy of the traffic police notification is required.

Let's consider the related paragraph of the transportation rules:

10. Manager or official, responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement, the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensures in the prescribed manner the submission of an application for escort of buses by vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate unit.

10. The manager or official responsible for ensuring road safety, organizations, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensure, in the manner established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the submission of notification of the organized transportation of a group of children to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit in the event that the organized transportation of a group of children is carried out by one or two buses, or an application for escort by vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate unit of transport convoys in the event that the specified transportation is carried out in at least 3 buses.

Submission of a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit is carried out no later than 2 days before the start of transportation.

Until July 10, 2015, the group leader had to submit an application to the traffic police to have buses escorted by traffic police vehicles.

Starting July 10 request for support is applied only if transportation is carried out by three or more buses. In this case, the traffic police sends an escort car.

If children travel on one or two buses, then another document is submitted to the traffic police - notification of organized transportation of a group of children. In this case, the escort vehicle is not allocated.

Documents must be submitted no later than 2 days before the start of the trip.

In any case, the group leader must carry with him either a copy of the request for escort or a copy of the notification of the arranged transportation.

Documents for organized transportation of children

d) a list of a set of food products (dry rations, bottled water) according to the assortment established Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being or its territorial administration - in the case provided for in paragraph 17 of these Rules;

d) a list of food products (packed rations, bottled water);

Starting from July 10, 2015, when transporting children, there must be a food supply list. Previously, such a list was required only if the estimated travel time was more than 3 hours.

  • Completion of pre-trip instruction on the safety of transporting children.
  • Walkthrough.

Situations in which a medical professional is required

12. When organizing transportation of a group of children in intercity traffic by an organized transport convoy for more than 3 hours according to the traffic schedule, the head or official responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - the charterer or charterer (according to mutual agreement) ensures that such a group of children is accompanied by a medical professional.

12. When organizing transportation of a group of children in intercity traffic by an organized transport convoy for more than 12 o'clock according to the traffic schedule, the head or official responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement, the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensures that such a group of children is accompanied by a medical worker.

Previously, a medical professional was required for transportation whose estimated duration exceeded 3 hours. Starting from July 10, a doctor when transporting children is needed only on trips whose duration exceeds 12 hours.

This requirement has made travel arrangements easier. Many children's day trips can now be done without a medical professional.

Admission to a bus transporting children

A new clause has been added to the rules for organized transportation of children:

18. When organizing the transportation of a group of children by bus, it is prohibited to allow persons not included in the lists provided for in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 4 of these Rules, except for an appointed medical worker, onto the bus and (or) transport on it. This prohibition does not apply to cases established by federal laws.

Only persons included in the list of accompanying persons or the list of children may be allowed on the bus.

For example, the parents of one of the children who are not included in the preliminary list will not be allowed on the bus. Also, additional children cannot be placed on the bus.

However, the organizer always has the opportunity to add people to the list who need to be taken on the trip.

Requirements for buses providing organized transportation of children

The latest change to the rules for transporting children:

3. For the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used, no more than 10 years have passed since the year of manufacture, which corresponds in purpose and design to the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, is approved in the prescribed manner to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

Note. Requirements for the maximum age of buses used to transport children will come into force on July 1, 2020. This question discussed in detail in. The transfer is due to the fact that many organizations still have not had time to renew their bus fleet. The remaining requirements for buses are effective from July 1, 2015.

This concludes the review of the updated traffic rules and rules for the organized transportation of children. discussed in a separate article.

Good luck on the roads!

Read all comments

Are there minimum requirements for the number of accompanying persons based on the number of children?


The number of accompanying persons per 1 bus is assigned based on their presence at each door of the bus, while one of the accompanying persons is responsible for the organized transportation of a group of children on the corresponding bus and coordinates the actions of the driver (drivers) and other accompanying persons on the specified bus.

The number of children and the number of accompanying persons are not directly related.

Good luck on the roads!

Please tell me, GAZELLE - Business 11 seats received for transporting children. Are the rules for hiring a driver (category D or B) the same?

Good morning! We are planning to travel on a large bus, each parent with their child from one big city in another, the travel time is 7-10 hours. This, as I understand it, is an unorganized group and the rules for an organized group do not apply to us. We hire a bus ourselves, we travel with children ourselves, the only question is, there are more than 22 children on the bus, is transportation allowed at night? time for us? And what other subtleties might there be in our transportation of children? Thank you.


Hello! Is it necessary to submit a notification to the traffic police to organize the transportation of children by school bus to their place of study and back, if annually before the start of academic year We coordinate with the traffic police the route, scheme and schedule of the school route, i.e. do we approve the School Route Passport?

Tamaro4ka, Hello.

The specified transportation does not apply to the organized transportation of children; the corresponding requirements do not apply to it. Transportation is also possible at night.

Additionally, it must be observed, but this is the driver’s concern.

Good luck on the roads!

Veronica, Hello.

I don’t think that there can be any complaints from the traffic police in this case, since the department was notified in advance about the transportation of children.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon, help me understand the notification: the organization (relatively Alpha) must deliver 30 children to regional center(I don’t have my own transport and I don’t have money for fuel and lubricants either). An order is issued (as the main manager of budgetary funds) for a budgetary subordinate institution (conditionally Gamma) on the need to conclude a charter agreement, purchase a set of products, provide a medical worker, etc. (multi-year scheme). In the notification form we indicate: “Organizer of transportation” - Alpha, “customer of transportation (charterer)” - Gamma, right? From which legal entity is the Notification submitted to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate? From the head of the transportation organizer (Alpha) or the transportation customer (Gamma)? (according to Order 941, there must be a charterer (we do not consider the option of submitting a notice from the charterer)). Thank you


Hello. Are seat belts needed when transporting children with adults? Drive 15-20 kilometers. 17 grandfathers 20 adults. Thank you

Hello! And if a group of 15 children, accompanied by two teachers, travels (to a vacation spot on the lake) in a regular bus, which is public transport, is this considered an organized transportation of children or not?

Svetlana, Hello.

To avoid problems with paperwork, I recommend that you contact the traffic police department where you plan to submit the notification and ask them which option for filling out the document will suit them.

Good luck on the roads!

Sergey, Hello.

If the bus is equipped with seat belts, passengers must wear them.

Good luck on the roads!

Varangian, Hello.

A trip in a minibus vehicle cannot be an organized transportation of a group of children.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon, is the trip by bus 15 children 5 parents organized transportation?

Igor, Hello.

It all depends on how many of the children are traveling with their parents. For example, if each parent has 1 child, then 10 children are traveling without parents and this is organized transportation.

If three parents have two children each, and two have one each, then only 7 children are traveling without legal representatives and this is not an organized transportation.

Good luck on the roads!


Are the requirements for a bus for the organized transportation of children required by GOST 33552-2015 (instead of the canceled GOST R 51160-98)?

If yes, then why, if GOST standards general rule recommendatory.

Or is it enough to comply with the conditions of the “Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus”?

Hello. Please clarify what specific requirements you have in mind.

There are many requirements in this GOST - for example, the mandatory yellow color of the bus.

Or should the bus manufacturer comply with all these requirements if, for example, he wants to declare it as a school bus?

Again, this GOST is not included in the list of mandatory GOSTs.

What is a school bus then?

Anything where the documentation says that it is a school bus? But in fact, could it even be a motorcycle with a sidecar?

Such an idea?

The traffic rules do not refer to the specified GOST; they only refer to. In this document regarding buses there is the following paragraph:

3. To carry out the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used that meets the purpose and design of the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, is approved in the prescribed manner for participation in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

Thus, using a bus whose color is different from yellow for the organized transportation of children is not a violation of traffic rules.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello. 5 children under the age of 7 years as part of a group transportation of children travel by bus for 3 hours and 45 minutes. one way then there is a visit to tourist sites and back by bus for 3 hours 45 minutes. Is it legal to include them in organized group? They are traveling with relatives. In my opinion, the route is only 3 hours 45 minutes. According to clause 9 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 N 1177, it is prohibited to include children under 7 years of age in bus transportation on routes that require more than 4 hours to cover.

“The inclusion of children under 7 years of age in a group of children for organized transportation by buses when they are on the route according to the schedule for more than 4 hours is not allowed.”

Olesya, parents of children can also act as accompanying persons.

Good luck on the roads!

Tatiana, Hello.

From the point of view of traffic regulations, a trip by a group of 5 children is not an organized transportation of a group of children.

What do you mean by inclusion in an organized group?

Julia, both teachers and parents can act as accompanying persons.

However, you write that the school provides a bus. If the conditions of the school are such that teachers need to be taken along with a dedicated bus, then they will have to be taken into account.

Good luck on the roads!


Please tell me about organized transportation of children:

1 question. According to the traffic rules clause 10.3, the speed of movement of vehicles carrying out organized transportation of groups of children is no more than 60 km/h, but the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine only if the speed is exceeded by more than 20 km/h from the permitted speed, based on this the question arises Can a driver with children move up to 80 km per hour or not?

Question 2. Organized transportation of children to competitions in another city for three days; upon departure, the driver undergoes a medical examination, an examination by a mechanic and receives ONE waybill for a few days because he brings the children, lives with them, and after the end of the competition takes them back. The traffic police officer does not allow the vehicle to leave the city after the competition until the driver has undergone a medical examination and maintenance by a mechanic in another city, is this legal??

ArtemSh, Hello.

1. At a speed of less than 80 km/h, the traffic police will not impose a fine. However, if a bus gets into an accident and it turns out that its speed was 61 km/h or more, then its driver will be at fault for the accident. Accordingly, he will be held accountable to the court for harm caused to children.

2. In the described situation, the bus trip lasts several days. Accordingly, pre-trip medical examination and technical control are carried out only once (before the start of the voyage). How does the traffic police officer motivate his decision?

Maxim, good afternoon!

The traffic police officer motivated his decision only by the fact that the notification was drawn up in two parts: The first from our city to the neighboring one, the second: from the neighboring one to ours. In his opinion, these are two separate flights, although the employees of our traffic police department simply do not accept notification from us for the entire flight at once, claiming that they are concerned only with notification FROM our city, and everything that is in other cities is not interesting to them. Because of this misunderstanding, disagreements arise. We, in turn, refer to Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 141 of April 6, 2017, where paragraph 3 states: “Pre-trip control is carried out before the vehicle leaves its PERMANENT parking place.”

It turns out that the employee’s actions were illegal?

ArtemSh unfortunately, in regulatory documents The very concept of “flight” is not deciphered in any way. That is, it is impossible to say exactly when there is one flight and when there are several.