Dash diet for blood pressure. Dash Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Hypertension

Dash diet is one of the best meal plans that has good healing effect. Developed in 2012-2013 in America to reduce and treat hypertension without assistance medicines. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is used not only for hypertensive patients, because it promotes the full functioning of the body.

dash diet - what is it?

Recent years The dash diet does not go below the first line of the rating. This plan is specially valued balanced diet, which is the most effective medical method treatment of hypertension. Not many people here know about the diet; it is most often used in America and Europe.

A diet for hypertensive patients has been developed qualified cardiologists. Saturates the body with fiber, good for the heart and blood vessels. The diet excludes all foods that can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Good effects on the body have been noted and excess weight loss. Studies have shown that thanks to diet there is a high chance of curing cancer, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disorders.

Features of the dash diet is a combination of the right vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. Such food enriches the body with potassium, calcium and magnesium. They have a beneficial effect on the body, reduce high blood pressure and improve health.

Pros and cons of the dash diet

Like any diet, the dash meal plan also has its pros and cons. Before you start eating food, you need to familiarize yourself with all the features.


  • Does not cause harm to health.
  • Helps you lose weight safely and prevent the onset of diseases associated with overweight.
  • The dash diet for hypertension is satisfying, you don’t need to overcome the feeling of hunger.
  • Reorganizes a person into a routine proper nutrition, the craving for junk food.
  • The results last a lifetime.
  • More budget-friendly than regular meals.
  • Allows you to normalize blood pressure without the help of medications.


  • It takes time for the body to restructure itself.
  • The results are not immediately visible.
  • Spending time on preparing food yourself, you cannot use fast foods and store-bought food.

This diet is often suitable for all people. Thanks to the consumption of vegetables and fruits, it replenishes the body's need for vitamins and other useful substances.

Principles of the dash diet

In principle, you will lies in proper and carefully selected nutrition. It’s not difficult to observe it, the main thing is to tune in to the fact that this is the beginning of a new healthy life, not punishment.

After all, this is not a short-term change in habits, but a way of eating that needs to be adhered to throughout your life. For careful attitude the body will repay in full, normalizing all processes in the body.

Basic principles:

  1. drinking fluid up to two liters per day;
  2. you need to eat 5 times a day, no more than 215 g in each serving;
  3. norm - 2000 calories per day;
  4. You are allowed to eat sweets no more than 5 times a week;
  5. it is important to emphasize the consumption of grains, seeds, beans and vegetables;
  6. You can drink everything except sparkling water and alcoholic drinks;
  7. in addition to main meals, no more than 8 snacks are allowed;
  8. consumption of dietary meats is allowed;
  9. everything is taboo bad habits.

dash diet and weight loss

The main emphasis is not on the quantity of food, but on its quality. There is no need to starve yourself, you just need to approach your nutrition responsibly. By eating only healthy foods, the weight will gradually go away, and maintaining a diet throughout your life will allow you to maintain the results forever. Losing weight using this system is not difficult, it’s even satisfying and healthy.
dash diet and diabetes

Studies have been conducted that have shown that such a diet brings positive results in the presence of diabetes. Dash and dietary food at diabetes mellitus very similar. Both are aimed at improving health, reducing excess weight and improving metabolic processes in the body. This diet does not involve fasting.

The consumption of fats is reduced to a minimum. Proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and other microelements are consumed in the right quantities and are not found in excess in the body. Most patients with type 2 diabetes saw their blood sugar levels drop and remain fairly stable. for a long time.

What foods can you eat on the dash diet?

Products on which the menu should be based:

  • grains – at least 7 servings per day;
  • fruits – although not high in calories, no more than 5 servings per day are allowed;
  • vegetables – 5 servings per day;
  • low-fat milk products – 2-3 servings per day;
  • seeds, beans, nuts – 5 servings per week;
  • animal and vegetable fats – 3 servings;
  • sweet dishes – no more than 5 times a week.

Portions vary, so scientists have clarified this nuance.

1 serving:

  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 1 cup raw fruit;
  • half a cup of rice;
  • half a cup of cooked fruits and vegetables;
  • a cup of milk;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • 100 g of boiled meat.

What foods should you not eat?

You can't eat any harmful products, because nutrition is aimed at improving the health of the body.

  • chips and various snacks;
  • alcohol;
  • sausages, canned food, smoked meats;
  • fatty meats;
  • baked goods, sweets, chocolate;
  • sparkling water, catering food.

You can remove bad habits from your regular menu gradually, eventually removing all prohibited foods.

dash diet - menu for the week

Although this diet helps to lose overweight, but it was designed primarily to reduce blood pressure. Therefore, the dash diet for hypertension is quite satisfying and varied.

Daily consumption is allowed up to 2500 kcal. Sample menu for the week:

Monday, Thursday

  • Breakfast: orange juice, oatmeal with strawberries, a glass of milk, one apple.
  • Snack: any fruit (preferably banana or grapes).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, lean fish baked with lemon juice, boiled beans.
  • Afternoon snack: any light fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with a slice of bread.
  • Second dinner: low-fat fermented milk product.

Tuesday, Friday

  • Breakfast: apple juice, whole grain cereal, 200 ml of milk, bran bread, cottage cheese.
  • Snack: plain yogurt, pear.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, spaghetti with low-calorie cheese, tomato and basil.
  • Afternoon snack: any fruit.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes with baked veal.
  • Second dinner: low-fat fermented milk product.

Wednesday, Saturday

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, a sandwich with a slice of low-fat cheese and a drop of butter.
  • Snack: a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: stew from stewed vegetables, chicken breast, rice.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat fermented milk product or fruit.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and vegetable salad.
  • Second dinner: skim milk.


  • On Sunday You can create your own menu, taking into account the principles of dash.


Recipes for dishes that follow the principles of dash are varied. Everyone will be able to find something to their liking.

  • Tender salmon in mustard

140 g low-fat sour cream,
About.5 kg of salmon,
5 tablespoons of dill and green onions,
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard,
2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice,
0.5 teaspoon each of garlic powder and pepper.

Mix sour cream, herbs, mustard and lemon juice. Pepper the fish and sprinkle with garlic powder. Pour the resulting sauce over the salmon, cut into portions and placed on a baking sheet, skin side down. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

  • Autumn salad recipe

1 green apple,
Juice from 0.5 lemon,
150 g lettuce leaves,
100 g dried cranberries,
50 g chopped nuts,
50 g sunflower seeds,
50 ml salad dressing with no a large number olive oil.

Cut the apple into small slices and pour lemon juice over them. Then mix everything, put it in a dish and pour over the dressing.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

The main requirement of diet No. 10 for hypertensive patients is to limit or refuse salt intake and reduce the volume of liquid drunk (maximum 1.2). In addition, table number 10 implies a reduction in caloric intake.

Thanks to this menu, the body is saturated with magnesium, potassium, alkaline compounds, acidity-reducing, and lipotropic elements. The latter are involved in the metabolism of fats, preventing them from being deposited in the liver.

Diet No. 10 states that the best way to process food is baking, steaming and boiling. And foods that are difficult for the stomach to digest are best removed from the diet altogether.

Table No. 10 for hypertension implies strict adherence to the regularity of meals - 5-6 times a day. The calorie content of dishes eaten per day is a maximum of 2500 kcal. And the amount of salt that can be consumed during the day is 4-6 grams.

According to chemical composition The daily menu is as follows:

  1. fats – 70 g, of which 20% are vegetable;
  2. carbohydrates – 400 g;
  3. proteins – 90 g, of which 50% are animal.

To understand what table number 10 allows for hypertension and what you need to avoid, you need to consider the following food products. So, regarding bakery products, then it is better to eat yesterday’s slightly dried bread, baked from grade 1-2 wholemeal flour.

Table No. 10 does not allow the inclusion of puff pastry products and baked goods in the diet, because they are made from premium flour, which contains a lot of sugar and margarine. You still can’t eat pancakes and pancakes, as they are fried in more oil during the cooking process.

The meat should not be fatty:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • veal;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat.

Goose and duck meat should be abandoned. In addition, it is not advisable to eat offal (animal entrails).

Moreover, it should be prepared only after preliminary cooking. That is, the meat must be cleaned of fascia and tendons, and then slightly cooked and the fatty water drained. Afterwards the product is prepared according to the chosen recipe.

You can make meatballs, cutlets from meat, bake it or throw it into soup and even fry it a little in minimum quantity fat But it is advisable to avoid sausages, canned food and smoked meats altogether.

For hypertension, diet No. 10 allows you to eat no more than 1 egg per day. You can make a baked or steamed omelette from it or soft-boil it. It is advisable to avoid fried or hard-boiled eggs.

You can also eat fish, but only lean fish. It should be prepared as follows:

  1. fry after cooking;
  2. bake;
  3. cook;
  4. give in to steam treatment.

And caviar, fatty, smoked or salted fish should not be included in the diet. The same rule applies to all legumes.

Regarding dairy products, the main requirement is that they should not be fatty, not salty, without spices and sugar. According to this rule, for hypertension, diet number 10 prohibits including in the daily diet:

  • cream;
  • salted cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • sweet cheeses;
  • store-bought yoghurts.

Vegetables are best baked or boiled, but sometimes they can be eaten raw. At the same time green peas And white cabbage can be eaten in limited quantities. In addition, if you have hypertension, you should avoid:

  1. sorrel;
  2. pickled and salted vegetables;
  3. spinach;
  4. onions;
  5. garlic;
  6. mushrooms;
  7. radish.

Table No. 10 allows the consumption of pasta and cereals, but on condition proper preparation. Therefore, salt, fat and sugar should not be added to such food, and it is better to cook everything in milk or water.

If you have hypertension, you can eat fruits, but it is better to choose soft varieties that do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruits are allowed, but products with coarse fiber are undesirable.

Diet No. 10 does not prohibit eating sweets, but in moderation. But you should avoid certain desserts:

  • buns;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes with cream and buttercream.

If desired, hypertensive patients can pamper themselves with mousses, jam, sweets (not chocolate), honey, marmalade and jelly.

Butter and vegetable oil are allowed in minimal quantities. Lamb, beef and pork fat should be abandoned.

If you have hypertension, you can eat sauces, but not more than 150 grams per day. Thus, tomato, dairy, vegetable and sour cream dressings are allowed. And you should avoid sauces made from mushrooms, fish, meat and mayonnaise.

Diet No. 10 does not prohibit seasoning food with spices such as cinnamon, bay leaf, vanillin and citric acid. However hot pepper, horseradish and mustard are not allowed to be eaten.

As for drinks, you cannot drink natural coffee and cocoa, but black tea is acceptable in small quantity. Alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks are also prohibited. It is best to drink low-fat milk, rosehip decoction, fresh juices, compotes and jelly.

Table No. 10: menu for 7 days

Using approved products, you can create an approximate menu for a week for hypertension.


  1. For breakfast, you can drink a drink with chicory and eat a steamed omelette with oatmeal.
  2. Lunch – fruit puree.
  3. Lunch – meatless soup with noodles, 150 g of baked beef, 1 piece of bread (dried), uzvar.
  4. Afternoon snack – persimmon.
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew, fish cutlet, steamed, rosehip drink.
  6. Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Tuesday, diet number 10 suggests having breakfast with rice porridge with vegetables ( cauliflower, carrot), cottage cheese casserole and weak tea. For lunch you can eat one banana, and for lunch buckwheat soup, boiled chicken breast, toast and fruit compote.

An ideal afternoon snack is “Maria” cookies (3 pcs.) and rosehip decoction. Baked fish, mashed potatoes and uzvar are suitable for dinner. Before going to bed, you can drink 250 ml of yogurt.

  • Breakfast – 1 soft-boiled egg, pasta with sour cream sauce, drink with chicory.
  • Lunch – baked pear and apple.
  • Lunch – barley soup, a piece of bread, pork roll with vegetables, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack – 1 no. chocolate candy, rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner – steamed turkey cutlet, stewed zucchini, tea (not strong) and casserole with fruit.
  • Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat a few pieces of fruit.

On Thursday for tomorrow, Diet No. 10 offers baked rabbit, barley porridge with vegetable gravy and fresh juice. Berries are suitable for lunch, and fish for lunch, beet soup, 1 piece of bread and uzvar.

During the afternoon snack, diet No. 10 allows you to eat a jelly dessert, and for dinner - 1 soft-boiled egg, baked potato, boiled cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower) and wash it all down with weak tea. And before going to bed, it is advisable to drink 250 ml of kefir.

On Friday, table number 10 offers breakfast with a baked omelette, semolina porridge with pieces of fruit and rosehip decoction. For lunch - 1 banana, and for lunch buckwheat soup, baked meat and jelly.

Afternoon snack – a piece of biscuit and rosehip decoction. During dinner, you can drink weak tea, eat pilaf and boiled beets. Before going to bed, it is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots or prunes.

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, fresh juice, boiled chicken fillet.
  2. Lunch – weak tea, toast with jam.
  3. Lunch – vegetable stew, millet soup, steamed fish cutlet and compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – fruit.
  5. Dinner – 1 soft-boiled egg, barley porridge and seaweed.
  6. Before bed - rice porridge with milk.

On Sunday, table number 10 offers to repeat the menu of any of the days described above. A specialist will tell you what it should be like in the video in this article.

Dash diet or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (A Dietary Approach to Preventing Hypertension) is a special dietary regimen designed to treat high blood pressure. This diet also helps prevent hypertension. And what’s important is that thanks to Dash you can lose weight.

The Dash Diet was originally developed as a treatment for hypertension. However, studies and reviews have proven the effectiveness of the diet not only in terms of improving heart function, normalizing cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, but also summed up significant success in losing weight and improving metabolic processes. The Dash diet can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, and cancer.

This diet does not promise quick results, but it lays a solid foundation for health and beauty. What sets Dash apart from many other therapeutic diets is that it does not cause harm due to strict restrictions., but at the same time allows you to normalize weight and improve your general condition.

For several years in a row, the Dash diet was considered in the United States the most popular among all diets, including health ones., as well as among the ways to prevent diabetes. It also occupied one of the leading positions among nutritional regimens in terms of health-improving effects on the heart. In ratings for ease and convenience, as well as in ratings for weight loss effectiveness, it was in the top ten.

Basic rules of the Dash diet

This diet is considered balanced (unlike a low-carbohydrate diet, the menu of which involves consuming only proteins during the week), which means that the levels of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet are close to normal. This is especially important for people suffering from hypertension. Dash offers a variety of delicious menu, which can be modified at will, the main thing is to follow the general rules of daily portions. Over time, if you wish, you can switch to a vegetarian diet. The diet is designed so that it will be effective in any case.

The right diet

To create the correct daily diet according to the Dash diet, you need to consider the goal - losing weight or getting healthier. If you need to lose weight, you will have to create your own diet menu so that the caloric intake is less than acceptable. The fact is that Dash is initially focused not on quantity, but on the quality of food.

The Dash daily menu can be compiled based on general rules diets that prescribe acceptable foods in specific portions.

The daily ration of the Dash diet is formed based on the following rules:

  • 8 units of whole grain products, where one unit is a slice of bread or half a glass ready-made pasta, or porridge;
  • 2 units of fat - a spoonful of olive or flaxseed oil;
  • 5 units of fruit, where a serving is fruit, a quarter cup of dried fruit, 1/2 cup of juice;
  • 3 doses of low-fat dairy products - 50 grams of hard cheese, 0.15 liters of milk;
  • 5 units of vegetables, where one unit is a glass of green or ½ glass of boiled vegetables;
  • required protein in the amount of 0.2 kg of lean meat or fish, eggs;
  • sweets - no more than 5 units per week: a teaspoon of jam, honey, a ball of homemade sorbet;
  • legumes, nuts, seeds - 5 servings per week, where a serving is 40 grams of nuts;
  • liquid - up to two liters per day clean water, green tea, juice.


The benefits of the Dash diet for weight loss have been confirmed both by scientists and by reviews of people who have chosen it. A special weight loss effect is achieved by combining diet with aerobic exercise. Medical research Dash diets in this case indicate weight loss of 8-9 kilograms over a four-month period. Without physical activity There was less weight loss with the Dash diet. This means that the weight loss effect of Dash is not lightning fast, but stable and natural.

The weight loss method has the following advantages:

  • Weight loss occurs with proper nutrition without the feeling of hunger, discomfort, strict restrictions on the menu;
  • health promotion, prevention of serious diseases;
  • ease of use, ease of weight loss;
  • availability, low cost of products;
  • minimal restrictions.

The Dash diet is a good, easy, safe, healthy approach to losing weight. It is not limited by time. The rich composition of vitamins and microelements in the diet helps improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Weight loss with the Dash diet occurs smoothly and is well consolidated. Important: when losing weight, it is better to give up alcohol.

The dash diet for hypertension is designed in such a way that, thanks to the inclusion in the menu of foods high in potassium, calcium, magnesium, plant fiber and protein, it improves the health of the person suffering from high blood pressure. It is these elements that make it possible to regulate processes in the body that have a beneficial effect on the health of hypertensive patients.

The Dash Blood Pressure Diet is a dietary approach to treating hypertension that promotes gradual weight loss and has a proven track record of effectiveness.

Products are consumed in portions. 1 serving may contain: half a glass of porridge, a slice of bread, 100 grams of meat, a teaspoon of butter, 250 grams of dairy products, a bowl of raw or half a cooked vegetable or fruit of your choice.

  • eat 2 servings of meat or fish;
  • limit sweets to 4 servings per week;
  • 2 servings of dairy products per day;
  • fruits and vegetables - 5 servings per day;
  • consume at least 7 servings of cereals per day;
  • fats and oils - no more than 2 servings per day.

Menu for the week

Since there are many products that can easily be included in the Dash menu, and meals can be from 6 to 8, it is quite easy to diversify the regimen.

Sample Dash diet menu for a week:


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with strawberries or dried fruits, apple, 0.2 l of orange juice, milk 1.5% 0.2 l;
  • Snack- first sandwich with turkey breast, lettuce, tomato;
  • Dinner— baked fish with stewed beans, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack- second orange;
  • Dinner— vegetable soup, whole grain bread;
  • Before bed- a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • pear, yogurt 0.2 l;
  • second apple;
  • a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.


  • first handful of mixed nuts;
  • a couple of kiwis;
  • cottage cheese, vegetable salad;


  • oatmeal porridge with strawberries or dried fruits, orange, 0.2 liters of freshly squeezed plum juice, 0.2 liters of one and a half percent milk;
  • the first sandwich with chicken breast, lettuce, tomato;
  • baked fish with stewed beans, vegetable salad;
  • second apple;
  • vegetable soup, whole grain bread;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • cottage cheese, rye bread, whole grain flakes, 0.2 liters of freshly squeezed apple juice, 0.2 liters of one and a half percent milk;
  • grapefruit, yogurt 0.2 l;
  • macaroni with cheese, vegetable salad, tomato;
  • second apple;
  • boiled beef baked with potatoes;
  • a glass of natural yogurt.


  • milk porridge with buckwheat, a sandwich with cheese, a little butter;
  • first handful of mixed nuts;
  • boiled chicken breast with rice, stewed vegetables;
  • two kiwis;
  • cottage cheese, vegetable salad;
  • milk 0.2 l one and a half percent.


  • cereal flakes 0.15 kg, tea, milk 0.2 l one and a half percent;
  • first grapefruit;
  • boiled beef, vegetable salad;
  • kefir 0.2 l;
  • baked turkey with vegetables;
  • a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Important: for weight loss with the Dash diet better juices replace with portions of fruit.


Healthy meals for weight loss with Dash nutrition are easy-to-prepare, delicious foods that will help you feel better and slimmer.

Boiled beans with tomatoes and apple


  • red beans glass;
  • clove of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • tomatoes 0.2 kg;
  • apple.


  • boil the beans, pre-soaked for eight hours, pouring three times as much water;
  • Grind garlic, tomatoes, apple until pureed. Warm up, mix;
  • mix with beans;
  • season with lemon juice.

Apple-cranberry salad


  • apple;
  • half a glass of dried cranberries;
  • a couple of tablespoons crushed walnuts;
  • a couple of tablespoons unsalted sunflower seeds;
  • 0.15 kg of salad;
  • a couple of tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 50 gr. low-fat salad dressing.


  • cut the apple;
  • pour lemon juice over it;
  • mix the components.

Hake boiled in lemon sauce


  • hake fillet;
  • bulb;
  • lemon;
  • carrot;
  • 0.2 kg celery;
  • spoon tbsp. olive oils


  • Grind the lemon in a blender and mix with butter;
  • Boil carrots, celery, onions for 5 minutes. in boiling water;
  • take out the vegetables, add the fillet;
  • boil the hake;
  • Mash the vegetables, add lemon, use as a side dish for fish.

Spaghetti with tomatoes and grated cheese

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and peer-reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

The dash diet is not popular among Russians. Almost nothing is known about her. Meanwhile, the dash diet was developed specifically for hypertensive patients by American scientists. But it helps not only people with high blood pressure to get rid of the disease, obesity and overweight body is also successfully cured with the help of dasha diet.

Of course, dash diets for hypertension effectively treat and are excellent. But its advantages are not limited to this.

According to numerous studies and personal experience For many people, the dash diet for hypertensive patients heals the following diseases: stroke, cancer, metabolic disorders (including lipid metabolism). As already mentioned, due to the use of diet, excess weight in as soon as possible leaves the human body, and accompanying diseases go away with it.

The basic principles of the dash diet for hypertension are extremely simple. Like many diets, she promotes healthy eating, with the complete exclusion of “junk food”: fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty, salty, smoked foods, confectionery.

But it wouldn’t be called the dash diet for hypertension if it didn’t include foods rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, plant fibers, protein, yes necessary for people with high blood pressure.

Dash diet detailed description

The dash diet includes a varied menu, in which people usually do not feel discomfort. The food is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, nutrients and vitamins.

First of all, let's look at the basic principles of the diet:

  • The main condition of the dash diet, judging by numerous reviews, is a gradual reduction of salt in the patient’s diet. As a result, its use should be reduced to half a teaspoon (or two thirds) per day. It only seems at first glance that foods without salt will become bland and tasteless, the main thing is habit.
  • Limit fats in your diet to a minimum: butter, fatty meats, dairy products. Replace them with healthy fats, but don’t get too carried away either: unrefined vegetable oil, nuts, low-fat dairy products.
  • Limiting fat in the diet needs to be replaced with something. It is best to replace them with lean varieties of meat and fish. But the dash diet in its daily menu advocates a gradual abandonment of meat products and a transition to a vegetarian diet. But, naturally, everything should be without violence and voluntary. And, if you are a famous meat eater, then you shouldn’t give up your favorite dish. Just don’t fry it in a frying pan, but bake it or cook it in a slow cooker.
  • Add vegetables to every main meal and eat fruit in between. Get rid of the habit of drinking tea or coffee with cookies, sweets, and sandwiches. Replace them with healthy snacks: dried fruits, nuts, natural yogurt.
  • So, the main products that should now be included in your menu if you adhere to the dash diet: lean meat and fish, legumes (they are rich in vegetable protein and contain healthy vitamins and micronutrients), fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains.

Products that should be avoided:

  • sweet pastries, confectionery;
  • chocolate, sweets, high content of refined sugars;
  • fatty meat products, salo;
  • any sausages, fatty cheeses;
  • canned meat and fish.

Dash diet menu

Despite the fact that many people have successfully lost weight with this diet, it is aimed primarily at... Therefore, the dash diet is not low-calorie and has a fairly varied menu. Calorie content of the daily diet of a patient with hypertension: 2000-2500 kcal.

For clarity, let’s look at an approximate menu for a week of the dash diet:

Breakfast: freshly squeezed Orange juice, oatmeal on water with raisins or strawberries, a glass of milk 1.5 fat, an apple.

First snack: sandwich with chicken breast or turkey breast with tomato, lettuce and spices.

Dinner: vegetable salad, cod baked with lemon, stewed beans.

Second snack: any fruit except banana and grapes.

Dinner: vegetable soup with a slice of whole grain bread.

Before bed:

Tuesday, Friday

Breakfast: freshly squeezed apple juice, whole grain flakes, a glass of low-fat milk, bran bread, cottage cheese.

First snack: natural yogurt, pear or orange.

Dinner: vegetable salad, spaghetti with homemade low-calorie parmesan sauce, basil, tomato.

Second snack: any fruit.

Dinner: boiled potatoes baked with lean beef.

Before bed: low fat fermented milk product.

Wednesday, Saturday

Breakfast: milk buckwheat porridge, sandwich with low-fat cheese and drop butter.

First snack: a handful of nuts (prefer walnuts, pine nuts and almonds).

Dinner: stewed vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, brown rice.

Second snack: low fat fermented milk product or any fruit.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad.

Before bed: a glass of low fat milk.


Free day, but also within the framework of the diet.

Menu options can be varied at your discretion, but do not forget that its main principle is balance. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video about the DASH diet

Unlike most of the popular diets known today, which are addressed to some “average” person, the DASH diet has a very specific addressee. In fact, it is therapeutic, as it is aimed at healing the body suffering from a number of serious ailments.

DASH diet - what is it?

The DASH diet is very different from most diets: it is intended for those who suffer from hypertension and who need to lose weight in order to successfully treat their underlying condition. Its use helps cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol, which will reduce blood pressure. In addition, it is recommended to be used for the prevention of the following diseases:

  • oncological;
  • cardiovascular;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • strokes;
  • diabetes mellitus

It was developed in the States and is recognized as one of the most effective. It is based on the Mediterranean, vegetarian and several other diets, so the DASH diet, according to many experts, deserves to be widely used. However, it has restrictions on salt intake and requires little preparatory stage before switching to DASH.

DASH diet for hypertensive patients

The main recipients of this diet are hypertensive patients. Its use allows you to normalize cholesterol levels and improve lipid metabolism, reducing the risk of other serious diseases. Using a set of appropriate products, the DASH diet for hypertension helps to reduce weight, improving heart function and the condition of the person losing weight in general.

American DASH Diet

The DASH diet allows you to solve three problems at once: losing weight, treating hypertension and carrying out a preventive effect on the body. Many experts believe that the factor determining its success was unique complex, which includes food products for hypertension that actively work to reduce weight and normalize blood pressure. Among them:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • whole grain products;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat milk products.

Fatty, salty, smoked foods, sweets and canned food are excluded from the diet, so the diet is more closely related to a vegetarian diet. Giving preference natural products and including animal protein high quality, it provides adequate nutrition and the supply of nutrients necessary for life to the body.

DASH diet - weekly menu

The positive thing is that the DASH diet, the menu of which includes a wide range of products, allows you to lose weight correctly without worsening your health. It is not clearly low-calorie, because it involves receiving up to 2000 kcal per day (the figure may vary depending on age, health status and other individual factors), therefore it contains products of different calorie levels and. The volumes of consumed products in it are measured in portions, each of which includes:

  • boiled rice or pasta– 0.5 cups;
  • bread - 1 piece;
  • boiled fruits or vegetables – 0.5 cups;
  • fresh fruit or vegetables - 1 cup;
  • low-fat milk - 1 thin glass;
  • olive oil– 1 teaspoon;
  • boiled meat – 100 g.

During the week, in addition to the products listed, it is recommended to consume up to 5 servings of dry beans, nuts and various seeds and 3-5 servings of sweets. Limited use of natural butter and low-calorie products is allowed. natural yoghurts, fresh baked goods, dried fruits, raisins. Salt is not completely excluded from the diet.

DASH diet - recipes

When using DASH, nutrition remains complete and balanced, and its calorie content (2000 kcal) allows you to maintain the energy level necessary for normal human life. At the same time, the body's need for vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other vital elements contained in food products is satisfied, from which tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared.

Medicinal crackers for hypertensive patients


  • oat bran - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • whole grain cereal – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rolled oats - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • oat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • squirrels chicken eggs– 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon, stevia powder - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Knead all the ingredients into a soft dough with the addition of spices.
  2. Preheat an electric waffle iron, add portions of dough and bake on both sides until done.
  3. Break the finished cakes into small pieces.

Shrimp in avocado