Graduation zodiac theme. Attention, graduation

* It is best to decorate the assembly hall with garlands of flowers and balloons. You can put flowers in large floor vases and place them in front of the stage.

* In the background of the stage there is a poster “Farewell to school!” Class of 200_" with paintings of all graduates.

* Decorate the walls of the assembly hall with posters and newspapers.

Wailing Wall
You can glue 6 sheets of whatman paper and attach it with strings different lengths ballpoint pens and handkerchiefs. This paper rectangle is called the "Wailing Wall". On it, children, teachers and parents will write wishes to graduates, words of gratitude to the school, etc.

Wish box
Install a “Wish Box” in the hall. Nearby are pens and paper for notes.

The heart of a 2006 graduate
Attached next to the stage is a poster depicting the outline of a large heart. Below is the inscription “From grateful students.” Inside the heart there are 2 cm longitudinal cuts: small paper hearts of each graduate will be inserted into them. When the empty field is filled, the “Heart of the 2006 Graduate” will turn out colorful and impressive.

Goodbye school!

Next to the heart, hang another poster - with a picture of the school. It also has horizontal slits and pockets for graduate photos. Below is the inscription “Remember us like this! Class of 2006."

Farewell words

Poster from teachers: “We remember you, we love you, we are waiting for you to visit!” and newspapers from each graduating class.

* Before the graduation ceremony, graduates can attach a small heart with their photo and the inscription of their first and last name to their chest on the left side.

* It is better to reserve the first 3-4 rows for teachers and guests of the evening. The next rows are for graduates and their parents. To avoid fuss and confusion in the rows, be sure to install signs with class numbers. The children take places strictly designated for their class.

* After the formal part of the graduation party is over, graduates, parents and guests are invited to the disco and the festive table.

* According to the plan of the ball, you can organize a boat ride on the river.

* The evening ends with a walk around the city and watching the sunrise.

Prom script "STAR BALL"

This prom scenario also requires some prep work. Its main idea is the astrological signs of the zodiac and the dependence of a person’s character on them. Therefore, you will first need to find out the birth dates of the graduates (without asking them directly about it) and, in accordance with them, divide the participants into groups according to the elements that patronize them. various signs zodiac There are four such elements:
Aries - March 21 - April 20,
Leo - July 21 - August 22,
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20.
Taurus - April 21 - May 20,
Virgo - August 23 - September 21,
Capricorn - December 21 - January 20.
Gemini - May 21 - June 20,
Libra - September 22 - October 22,
Aquarius - January 21 - February 19.
Cancer - June 21 - July 21,
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21,
Pisces - February 20 - March 20.

In accordance with the signs of the zodiac and the element that protects them, four groups of graduates are formed. The fifth will include medalists regardless of their birth sign. In accordance with the main idea of ​​the holiday, the hall can be decorated with symbols of the zodiac constellations, foil stars and velvet paper. Each graduate can have a small personalized star attached or hung in a medallion as a souvenir of their graduation ceremony. In addition, for the musical design of the evening, you may need rhythmic music for dance intros of your choice, popular hits of the season; lyrical music accompanying the performances of graduates, parents and teachers (for example, “Love Story”), solemn music for graduates going on stage and presenting certificates (for example, “Ode to Joy”; and accompaniment for the final song of medalists (live sound or recording) The graduates on stage will also need a piece of Whatman paper and markers.

Guests enter the hall and are seated at tables. In front of the stage there is a fairly spacious open area with several dancing couples. It sounds like a waltz. At the end of the dance, the leader appears.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, dear parents and dear teachers! With this beautiful classic waltz we begin our today's holiday, a gala evening dedicated to the farewell of graduates to school. 10 school years have flown by unnoticed, and the time has come to say goodbye to childhood. But there is still this evening, when you can laugh contagiously, play pranks and laugh like a child. And now, dear guests, let's greet the heroes of today's celebration. Meet me.

Graduates solemnly enter the hall to the music and line up along the stage.

Look how our children have grown and become prettier. And how wise they have become... Each is a star in his own way. And all together - bright constellation. Therefore, I propose to call this evening the “Star Ball”. What moves the “stars and luminaries”? The poet answered - love. And today we want to start with a declaration of love. We give the floor to the main person in our school - the director...

Speech by the school principal.

And now we give the floor to our graduates. Now the copyright-by-holiday is your finest hour, you can say what you have long wanted to say, but did not dare to say. You can confess your love to anyone or anything. But first, don't forget to introduce yourself.

The graduates go to the microphone, introduce themselves, say a few words and go down from the stage into the hall to their seats. When the graduates take their seats in the hall, the presenter appears again.

So, we designated our holiday today as “ Star Ball"and have even listened to star declarations of love. Think about it, after all, every person really carries starlight within himself. The light of the star under which he was born. And, as it turned out in lately, the character of each person is to a large extent determined by the zodiac constellation under which he was born. We decided today to check if this is really the case. Having found out in advance from astrological books the distinctive features of each of the zodiac signs, we selected tasks for our graduates in accordance with them. And now we are the first to invite all the fire signs of the zodiac to the stage. These are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

I ask everyone born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius to come up to the stage. Meet me. _________________ come up to the stage (the names of the graduates going up to the stage are listed).

The guys take their places on stage.

Fire, which patronizes people born under these zodiac signs, endows them with irrepressible energy and enormous creative potential. Thus, people born under the sign of Aries often find themselves in music. There are many actors, directors, and producers among Leos. There are also many musicians among Sagittarius, although in their creativity Sagittarius sometimes cannot avoid a certain imitation. Based on these characteristics, we decided that these people are certainly capable of becoming real pop stars, or at least transforming into them for a few minutes.

Participants in the competition are offered several fragments of domestic pop hits; they try to imagine themselves as performers.

I think we are all convinced that astrological horoscope absolutely confirmed. And now for you guys, the most solemn moment of the evening is coming. The Secondary Education Certificate is awarded...

Graduates receive certificates and return to their places.

All guests and direct participants of the evening are invited to a free microphone in the hall, which you can use to express words of gratitude and appreciation. And now it’s the next group’s turn. We invite to the stage everyone whose patronizing element is the Earth. These are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Dance and music intro.

So, we ask you to come up on stage... (the names of the graduates of this group are listed). People ruled by the Earth are usually very practical, they constantly feel solid ground under their feet, they usually put into practice the ideas that fire signs provide. Thus, Taurus often manifest themselves in the art of theater and production. Virgos are known for their keen analytical mind and practical acumen. And stubborn Capricorns become excellent leaders. Based on the qualities inherent in people born under these signs, we decided to invite them to show their abilities in the next competition. Now our assistants will show a scene from everyday school life, and you will need to voice this scene.

A mime episode is played out on stage (“Lesson”, “Recess”, “In the school cafeteria”).

We are convinced that here too astrological characteristics mostly true. And now - a legitimate reward for the children of the Earth. Certificates of secondary education are awarded...

Graduates receive certificates and return to their seats in the hall.

The next group we invite to the stage is the Air signs. These are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Dance and music intro.

People born under Air signs are endowed with a rich imagination and often amaze others with the originality of their thinking. Geminis often show themselves in the field literary creativity, as well as advertising. Libra is distinguished by refined taste, a sense of proportion and color harmony. Aquarians are people of an original mindset, full of new ideas, plans and projects. Sometimes the innovative ideas of Aquarius are ahead of their time. We decided to invite these people to create a project for the school of the future and explain what, in their opinion, it should be and why.

Graduates are offered a sheet of Whatman paper and markers. After some time, they present their project.

We see that here, too, the horoscope was brilliantly justified. (Solemn music sounds again.) The Secondary Education Certificate is awarded...

Graduates receive certificates and return to their places.

And finally, the time has come for people who are protected by water. These are Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces.

Musical and dance screensaver.

We ask you to come up to the stage... (the names of the graduates are listed). People whose patronizing element is Water are usually sentimental and extremely sensitive. Cancers show themselves especially brightly in social work and teaching. Scorpios are endowed with a sharp critical mind, the ability to instantly navigate any situation and make optimal decisions with lightning speed. Pisces find themselves in psychiatry and have an amazing gift - combining pure creativity with business, practical aspirations. All people born under the sign of Water are attached to their home, and school has been your second home for 10 years, so we will ask you to talk about it using the well-known “Bad Advice” by G. Oster.

Tip cards are given to participants. The group’s task is to compose an “Ode to School” from them. In this competition, you can use G. Oster’s ready-made “Bad Advice” regarding school, or you can invite the children to think about changing them.

If you feel free to go to school
Rush like a cheetah through the jungle
And slowly towards you
Someone went out for a walk.
Don't turn right
At our school there is a director.
You better turn left -
The head teacher is gentle, he will forgive.

If the Sabbath day has come,
And the head teacher said sternly:
"It's time for you guys
Territory of revenge"
Don't pick up a broom -
Let them show you first.
How to pile up trash
And where to take it.
And when did you find out everything
And of course they wrote it down,
With a feeling of satisfaction
You can go home.

The guys read out their version of “Ode to School.” The presenter announces the presentation of certificates to the last group. Graduates receive certificates and take their places in the hall.

And now comes the most solemn moment. We invite to the stage the most bright stars our today's episode. Stars whose radiance shimmers with gold and silver. We invite to the stage people who have been persistently approaching their today's victory for 10 years, step by step. We invite you to the stage...

Musical and dance screensaver.

We will not list now all the talents that you possess - that would take up the time remaining until the morning. But we know for sure that you had an A+ in music, so we decided to ask you to sing.

Depending on the musical talent of the medalists, it is better to prepare the performance in advance. The following option is possible, based on the song “Yellow Suitcase” performed by N. Koroleva.
Yes, yes, you're right, my dear,
It's time to say goodbye.
A bird flew by here
Ten school years.
Control dictations.
Exams and tests.
And every school day
We won't forget, no.

Dawn will come soon
And we will leave school.
Doesn't happen in the world
Eternal students.
But we'll be back again
We'll definitely come back,
And this is for you, friends,
I'm ready to swear.

Thank you very much, friends. You have undoubtedly confirmed your medals with this song alone. And now certificates of secondary education with honors are awarded...

Medalists receive certificates and say their response.

All good things in life come to an end. Our holiday today will also end. But not now. Now we are finishing the formal part of the prom. And to say goodbye, I ask all graduates to come up on stage.

The graduates and their mentors go up to the stage, the song from the film “An Ordinary Miracle” “Let's quietly…” Holding hands, the heroes of the occasion sing a farewell song.

"Under the Zodiac Sign"

Prom script 2017

(waltz “lonely flute magic melody” sounds, several couples dance the waltz, words are heard in the background of the music)

“A star fell into my palm”

A star fell on my palm.

I asked her - Where are you from?
- Give me a little rest,
I flew from such a height.

You just need to remember
what is most important to you in the world.
I can make your wish come true
It’s a long way to end with this**.

I know what I need
I don't need to remember for long.
I want to love and be loved
I want my mother not to get sick,

so that on our woeful planet
only the stars fell from the sky,
everyone was trusting, like children,
and loved the rain, flowers and forest,

so that the grass, as of old, is mowed with a scythe,
every day we flew to the moon,
to carry women in their arms,
there was no disease and war,

so that friendship is not a burden,
so that loyalty does not become a burden,
so that old age is not a heavy burden -
wisdom would lie on the heart.

So that the fire smells of smoke
hum this song quietly...
And I also want to be loved
and I want my mother not to get sick.

I spoke for a long time, but in vain.
I spoke for too long, too long...
Without answering me the star went out,
she had little strength .

Alexander Dolskoy (1962)

Do you remember, mom, as a timid first-grader,
It once brought me here.
You put on a white shirt for me.
You gave me a bouquet of flowers.
And she said, wiping away a tear,
"Son, how big you are to me,
go ahead and everything will be fine,
I wish this with all my heart! "
And I went, and you walked with me
The winding path of understanding the world,
When it was difficult for me, she helped me,
And she kept it from everything absurd.
Shared joys and troubles with me,
The first grievances and disappointments.
You always believed in my victories,
You always knew my schedule!
Sometimes you scolded me for getting bad marks,
Sometimes she solved equations with me

They won't write about you in the newspaper,
Although we cannot count your merits.
You best man in the world
We are proud that you exist.

For your advice, for your support,
For all the strength that you gave to us.
For love and for faith, hope,
What have you given us all these years?
We are immensely grateful to you,
We owe you an unpaid debt.
In our life you will always be the first,
After all, we call you our dad.
Let the gray temples turn silver -
I had to experience a lot.
But you know how to smile at us,
Where others can only sigh.
Eternally grateful to you
For fatherly gentle strength.
You don't need anything else in life,
If only my beloved dad was nearby!

She rightfully forced me to write a report,
Learn about cases and declensions!

Years flew by, childhood flashed by,
I will soon leave the school threshold.
You, mom, just sighed quietly:
“How big you are already, son!

I want to express my deep gratitude
To beloved grandparents and relatives,
So that you can only see joy in sweet faces,
May everyone be protected by the Lord.
Thank you, our dear people,
For kindness, care, sincerity of soul,
We appreciate you very much, we love you very much,
We endlessly rush to you with all our hearts.

Ved.6 Dear parents, we see that you can’t wait to tell our

stars are warm and kind words. Over to you.

Dance from parents

Parents read poetry

Ved5 Our stars were able to begin their journey to adulthood without any hindrance

life, and the most solemn moment has arrived.

(The graduates come out and line up in a semicircle; at the presentation there is a photo of each graduate.)

Ved.6 41 matriculation certificates in the hands of their owners. Let them bring

success, luck, happiness to graduates.

Ved.5 Dear graduates, raise your certificates higher. That's all

those sitting in the hall will once again congratulate us with applause.

What is happiness?

It's very simple

This is when people light up the stars

May your life always be accompanied by

Warming your soul, lucky star.

Let it shine brighter for you,

A star cherished by fate.

You are always ahead in everything

You are the most noticeable.

The guitar rang

And lights out

At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting

Take it with you

And let's not shout

Of crackling promises

Speak loud words

Give high vows

Let’s just try to live better on Earth,

So that you never lose school prestige!

Song (crackers, sparklers)

Ved.6 The ball is over. The candles went out -

This graduation is our evening.

In life we ​​will find our way

Now we're parting

But we'll be back in ten years

And we will bring our children to you.

Ved.5 This concludes the solemn part. Remember that you are all

born under a lucky star. And may God grant you a happy and

star trek.

And now, according to the tradition of our graduation, we go to let out lanterns for good luck.

Graduation party

Music from the film “Midshipmen” is playing. The host of the celebration comes out.

Once a first-grader boy,
Coming home from school for the first time,
The parents asked: “How are you doing?”
- Did you like your first class?
The son sarcastically responded to his parents:
Did you like it? Yes, these are all the details:
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Why do they go to school for 10 years?

But 10 years passed faster than a fairy tale,
The boy didn’t have time to look back -
And there is no teacher’s pointer in his hands,
And there is no longer a friendly hint,
And the chalk was erased to the last crumb,
Seas and mountains handed over to teachers,
The celestial Andromeda nebula,
The spiritual appearance of Uncle Chernomor,
Pants from the Pythagorean theorem
And Archimedes, who displaced water.

How many years have we lived with this meeting?
The joy of embarrassment is on every face
Our farewell evening has come
Everyone gathered in the school yard.

Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Dear parents and respected teachers! The exciting moment has arrived, which many have been waiting for impatiently. Today our school is presenting certificates to graduates of 2006.
Let's meet the heroes of today's celebration!

(To the music of Strauss and applause, graduates enter the hall in pairs)

Here's your year of study behind you
And the first rise and the first fall
And this evening we wanted
You remember every moment.
The ceremony dedicated to the presentation of certificates to graduates of 2006 is considered open (applause).

The word for congratulations goes to the director of our school.

The school principal speaks.

Host: Each of you guys is a star in its own way, and together you are a bright constellation. Each person carries within himself the light of the star under which he was born.
On a person's character
The star zodiac influences
And even that element,
Under which each sign.
The eastern horoscope is opened by the fire signs of the zodiac.
Signs of Fire burn, but do not smolder,
In life, adversity will always prevail.
Overflowing with creative ideas -
Leos and Sagittarius and, of course, Aries.
Now for you, creative people, a solemn moment is coming - the presentation of at-tests.
(Presentation of certificates)

We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish fire signs:
Live with a spark on this Earth.
Do not go out yourself and shine for everyone in the darkness.

A fiery dance is performed for you.

Host: The signs of the Earth continue the zodiac circle.
Earth signs are extremely practical.
Virgo, and with her Capricorn and Taurus
They move towards their goal energetically.
In their own way, each of them is great!
They don't like to be subordinate.
Their path is to lead others.
These signs have a lot of talents,
There are many singers and musicians among them.
There are even dancers and artists,
That they deserve both glory and honor.

And now the rightful reward for the children of the Earth is a certificate of secondary education.

(Presentation of certificates)

We wish to be Earth signs
Earthy, but not mundane.
Protect and love your land
And to be forever in love in life.

It sounds like a completely earthly song for you.

Presenter: We ask the signs of Air to come on stage.
You, romantics and dreamers, are awarded these certificates.

(Presentation of certificates)

We wish you not to have your head in the clouds.
Always hold your destiny in your hands.
Walk through the wind, if necessary, -

Look into each other's eyes.
And quietly ask each other:
“What are you doing without me?”
“How can I live without you?”

Your turn has come,
Let the thought be bright.
Don't let your heart skip a beat
Your hand won't tremble.
We give the floor to our graduates!

All the readers take the stage.
The days flew by and turned into years,
Absenteeism, failures and bans are all
Left in the past, here it is - FREEDOM!
But why did I feel so sad?!

And why can’t I sleep at night?
I remember everything, down to the smallest detail,
I look more closely at faces
All my classmates, teachers.

Well, how can that be? With you at my desk again
Will I never sit for a test again?
Won't you tell me another word?
You can't hold out the cheat sheet any longer, right?..

I wish I could become a first-grader
Day to bring back yesterday
Let's just start all over again
Warm summer evening
And the last call
We will remember with love.

We can no longer sit at a narrow desk,
Therefore we are slightly saddened.
The last call remains music in us,
Like all last words, farewell.

We don't say goodbye to you!
Yes, and we will never say
Or better yet, say “Goodbye!”
We will always remember you!

The farewell song “When we leave the school yard...” performed by the graduates is played. All graduates take the stage, each holding confetti and coins.

After the song, the playback of V. Kuzmin’s song “I won’t forget you” immediately plays.
Text on the lose.

Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.

Never forget her
The school is always waiting for you to visit
So that we meet sometimes
Throw coins for luck!
"Golden Shower"
All the stars and planets held a ball in the sky in your honor!
All graduates go behind a glowing curtain.
Before the curtain, couples line up for the waltz.

You will remember again, and more than once,
IN lucky days and in bad weather
Last call, my own class,
And children's school happiness!
Dreams, hopes, expectations -
Everything is in the future, everything is ahead,
Well, now in the silence of the universe
The solemn waltz sounds!

Sviridov's waltz "Blizzard".

Well, now, let me introduce you to all the heroes of our holiday!

Presentation of graduates according to the list.

You are as beautiful as the stars today
You are the best children we have.
Let's make a promise
Don't forget this finest hour.

To his school at the moment of parting
Everyone will say “Thank you” now.
For all the meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
You couldn't live without it
So tell her goodbye
Together in unison: “THANK YOU SO MUCH.”

And so we fly away like chicks,
From the school, cozy nest.
We'll leave, we'll sail to all ends,
But we will always remember you.

You, who taught us reason, goodness,
Who led through life for 10 years.
We will leave, but you, crying after us,
Come to school again in the morning.

To give to students again and again
A piece of your heart and your love.
To understand them, to suffer for each
And part with pain in my heart again.

What else should I say to you goodbye?
Everything is in the past: our class, lesson, bell...
We said “School, goodbye” -
Everything has its time, everything has its time.

We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Such dear teachers,

Looking into the hall, we are reflected in your eyes.
My beloved teacher and mother are in tears.
Behind us are so many springs and winters we lived together here,
We want to give you gifts as souvenirs.

Presentation of gifts according to nominations. Music from the film "Office Romance".

Host: The results of the eleven-year experiment to create a sovereign state on the territory of high school... We are pleased to state that the experiment was a success! The great school principality is alive and thriving! Today we hasten to lift the veil over all the secrets that were born in the depths of this principality, and present insignia to the most worthy of the worthy!

Presenter: It all started with the fact that the first teacher at school gathered you under her wing. Primary school teachers have a great responsibility. They are remembered all your life, because it is with them that you make your first discoveries, it is with them that you get to know this world. They are first and that says it all, it’s always hard to be first. Today …. receives the high Honorary title of 1st lady of the court and the Order named after Arina Rodionovna.

The students present flowers to the first teacher, and after the celebration they put on medals in the shape of baby nipples.
When they came to you for the first time,
You greeted us with a smile,
They taught us everything, encouraged us,
The second one became a school mother.
Revealed secrets to us from “A” to “Z”

They spent seven years learning scales with us.
And they instilled in us a love of singing.
You trained us to be vocalists,
But you sang best yourself.

They hand over a music book.

Presenter: The honorary title of Court Advisor to the School Principality is awarded to a teacher-psychologist...
She is given a benefit for psychological relief.

Playing cards are handed over.

Your merits are great:
You helped your parents
Find out the characters of children
You are like an X-ray among people.

Presenter: The honorary title of Chief Master of Ceremonies of the School Principality is awarded to the Deputy Director for Educational Work...
She is given a pocket hint.
They present a collection of toasts.

Even if at a concert
This thing is in my pocket
I can in case of a hitch
I'm reaching into my pocket for words.

Presenter: The honorary title of court accountant is awarded to a mathematics teacher...
An ancient score is handed to her!

Graduates read poems and present counting sticks.

You didn't help us with tips
Everyone moved a pointer along the board,
We all crammed the rules to the point of stupidity,
Thank you, you did everything right!

Presenter: The honorary title of Court Seamstress is awarded to a teacher of service labor...
She is given a talisman for her golden hands!

Graduates read poems and present gloves
We understand business matters
We definitely try to help around the house.
We had fun in our lessons
We would wholeheartedly cover your chest with medals.

Presenter: Medals to the studio. Class teachers of the 11th grade are awarded the Order of Love and Burning. So that your hearts always sound in unison with your students.

Hearts are pinned. Class teachers and graduates sing the song “Bending the Yellow Guitar.”

Presenter: Insignia are awarded to the Cabinet of Ministers of the School Principality for the students...

After performing the poems, the Order of the Diamond Star is awarded.

The authorities' right hand,
It was difficult for you sometimes
Still a labor process
There was no joke progress.
Your merits are great:
You helped the school
Win your million
And for that, bow from everyone!

Presenter: By the decision of the family meeting of parents of graduates and their youth, the honorary title “Princess of the Grand Principality of School” with the presentation of special insignia - a crown, a scepter and an orb - is awarded to the director of the above-mentioned institution. Bring in insignia!

Students come out and read poems dedicated to the director. They present the crown, the carrot and the stick.

All those with their eyes have now been told,
Whom were congratulated with the soul,
You gathered into a team a long time ago,
Uniting with one task.
So that everyone at school feels comfortable,
To make it easy to learn,
And we tell you publicly:
You can be proud of your school!

Music from the film “Midshipmen” plays in the background.
The director has a bowl of fire in his hands. Teachers light candles and give them to the children.

Leading: Our children are given by heaven to reach out frantically to the light. The teacher was always like an invisible ray of goodness and light. Today we pass on to you the fire of Knowledge, which for 11 years illuminated your path to the top of Poznań. We give it to you as a piece of our heart and our soul. Carry it through life and further, for the benefit of people. Let the relay race of bold daring, fantastic ideas, and creative quests not be interrupted. May the resulting fire bring you only happiness in a world of light and goodness.

These minutes are forever in my heart,
And, leaving the school threshold,
Let's keep a piece of childhood inside us,
Let it burn like this flame.

Our time has come - we know it
And at this special hour
We invite all teachers
We're off to the farewell school waltz!..

Presenter: Dear teachers, take another look at your now former students!

The song “Farewell Flight” is playing. Graduates invite teachers to dance.
SALUTE to the teachers of school No. 46!!!

Graduates come out to honor their parents.

Music plays and dances until the morning,
And last hugs to all my friends...
In this and this world I will remember,
How beautiful you are - proms.
Today, the parents of our graduates are presented in the category “The most caring, loving and patient.” The best parents in the world. In gratitude to them - our stormy applause.
The right to announce the winners is given to class teachers.

Parents are given letters of gratitude and an elixir of calm.

1. – for patience and calmness
2. – for creativity and skill
3. – for active participation in the life of the school
4. – for courage and determination
5. – for kindness and care
6. – for outstanding organizational skills
7. – for speed of movement and orientation on the ground
8. – for organizing financial activities
9. – for chairmanship of the parent committee
10. – for a double graduation life
11. – for support and understanding
12. – for the proper upbringing of the younger generation
13. – for luminosity, Danko of our school.

Readers come out

Our parents follow us invisibly,
Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came.
Trying to save you from all sorts of sorrows.
But, alas, we did not always understand them!

And sometimes we don’t accept their concerns,
Their efforts sometimes seem unnecessary to us.
And we remember our parents,
When misfortune strikes us!

Forgive us, dear, dear,
There are no people more precious than you in the world!
The elements beckon us from the home of life,
And you are always our support!

Presenter: Dear mothers and fathers of our graduates! As you see your children off to independent life today, you involuntarily remember your youth, your graduation parties.
Say goodbye to the passing of childhood with your children!

“Even the Stars” Vitos plays, boys and girls invite their mothers and fathers to dance.
SALUTE to the parents of school No. 46!!!

Young woman.
We wish you all success,
Goodness and happiness endlessly.
This prom farewell ball
It will remain in your hearts!

The time has come to say goodbye to you.
And anything to wish you goodbye?
We would like to wish you just a little:
More meetings, less partings,
Walk through life the right way
No failures or disappointments.

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1 6/39, May In the issue: Attention, prom Prom dresses How in Rus' they used to celebrate prom But the French don’t have a prom! Programmer's Horoscope Monthly information publication Launched in September 2000

2 Prom dresses Colored prom dresses The eclecticism and democracy of current fashion trends in evening prom dresses allows you to choose any color for your prom dress. Moreover, your prom dress can be either plain or patterned. Moreover, the passion for floral prints that has flared up this season provides you with an excellent opportunity to use it for your benefit. Prom dresses in pure colors Among the pure colors, the favorites are lilac, blue, nude, and gold. White, cream and black prom dresses are also popular. Fabrics for prom dresses Among the fabrics for a multi-hour prom dance marathon, thin, translucent, perfectly draping fabrics such as chiffon, silk and satin are preferable. Length of the prom dress We still recommend buying a long evening prom dress! In our lives, there are usually few reasons to dress up and feel like a princess, and besides, a long prom dress can always be shortened and turned into a more “wearable” one. Little girls! Remember that a dress at a school or college prom should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and practical. Choose a prom dress with your mother and grandmother: they can offer original solutions. Let your beloved and dear mother and grandmother plunge into a whirlpool of pleasant troubles with you!

3 And then the girls The first proms appeared in Russia under Peter the Great. In 1718, in Moscow, for the first time, young men had a noisy walk in honor of the end of mathematics and navigation. As in Rus', schools used to celebrate graduation balls. A year later, the first graduation of the Maritime Academy made a splash in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the first traditions of a proper graduation were laid: more drinks, loud songs (of course in chorus!) and light scuffles. At first, girls were not allowed to attend proms. Because they were very modest and received their education under the supervision of a strict parental eye. At home. Only 30 years later, the nobles began to take their grown-up daughters to balls and assemblies. But again, not on the occasion of a matriculation certificate, but in order to get married profitably. Flirting and rolling blackouts At the beginning of the 19th century, the first attempts appeared to combine the graduation of lyceum students and cadets with the first appearance of young reclusive noblewomen. And they were crowned with some success. In any case, the number of poems in albums for girls and the number of duels increased sharply. At the same time, new traditions emerged: pouring paint over monuments and bathing in fountains. Since then, every year in the capitals of Moscow and St. Petersburg, June ended with enchanting balls. In those days, it cost a lot to raise money for such a daughter: dresses, carriages, servants in livery. Up to 3 thousand rubles were spent on one trip. And in quite high society and even up to 20 thousand rubles. The fathers complained: to get their daughter to the ball to outfit the ship, but there was no benefit. Here you have corsets, and skirts with hoops, and lace, and shoes with gilding. But you had to keep the style! This is how graduates of the 47th gymnasium in St. Petersburg dressed up in 1912. At the same time, a special language for flirting appeared; by sticking flies on the right cheek, the girls made it clear whether they wanted to continue communicating with the young count. If they didn’t want to, they glued the front sight onto the left cheek. And if they decided to “turn off” the boyfriend forever, they simply handed him a fan with the handle first and it was a scandal! The most popular dances at graduation parties were the mazurka and cotillion. Waltzes and polkas appeared much later, during the time of Alexander II.

4 Noble maidens and the first kiss The twentieth century sharply reduced prices for proms. The institutes of noble maidens took on most of the costs of holding banquets with music. They also didn’t spend much on outfits: the cadets were in uniform, the noble maidens and high school students were in cute, uniform dresses, in which the Art Nouveau style was faintly discernible. After the 1917 revolution, graduations were canceled as a relic of the past. Once and for all. This “once and for all” thing did not last long. In the mid-30s, school graduations were revived. Long parting speeches became a mandatory element of the evening. After all, Komsomol members and Komsomol members did not come to have fun, but to get a start in life. But there was still dancing. Even all sorts of foxtrots and Charlestons, although older comrades condemned them as bourgeois. There was no wide variety of dresses; there was no time for luxury. Often girls sewed them themselves from polka dot fabric. The main event of the evening was the first kiss. “Chemistry” and miniskirts After the war, graduations began to be held in a format close to the current one. A tradition arose of walking all night until dawn with the whole class. Then the first ones appeared parent committees who kept order during the holidays. Waltzes came back into fashion. They danced to trophy records and brass bands. In the 50s, girls began to come en masse to proms in skirts and blouses. Previously, this was not very welcome. At the 1963 prom, they spent 3 rubles on a “grown-up” hairstyle. In the 60s, schoolgirls learned that “chemistry” is not only a science; for graduation they were allowed to have a perm. And in the 70s, they stopped charging for cosmetics at school balls. At the same time, girls, as part of the global sexual revolution, began to wear miniskirts to prom. Previously forbidden rock and roll and other boogie-woogie made their way into the USSR. And everyone became happy. In those years, it was considered especially chic to have your first sexual experience with your favorite classmate at graduation. Then the holiday again began to cost parents a pretty penny, since the girls really wanted to outshine all their friends. Money spent on graduation was unrealistic at that time, up to 45 rubles! And in 2008, it cost 3,000 rubles for a “grown-up” hairstyle.

5 In the 80s, a new tradition emerged for graduates: they began to rent cafes and restaurants for the whole night, and in the 90s, it was especially chic to celebrate the transition to adulthood on the deck of a pleasure boat. Money for the holiday began to go unmeasured. The music has changed dramatically, dance to whatever you want. Teachers and parents didn’t even object too much to rap. And the fact that many graduates began to have their first sexual experience somewhat earlier than graduation did not, in principle, bother anyone. These days, graduates rent entire nightclubs inviting live musicians, fashionable DJs and all sorts of exotic shows. And certainly with limousines. In Moscow, such a night would cost thousands per nose. This is the minimum. In the regions everything is twice cheaper. Plus dresses, shoes and diamonds, but here it’s possible. Many businessmen in the capital order dresses for their daughters from abroad for dollars. And to your health! We won't be jealous. Still, they understand that this is not the main thing. The main thing is to make your graduation memorable for life! And the French don't have a prom! No matter how important the upcoming entrance exams may seem, no matter how much material is waiting for its turn to be read, you cannot do without the traditions of the prom. And here it is, finally: the long-awaited presentation of certificates, a word from the school director, a photo as a souvenir, vows to see each other, a sweet and not so sweet table, a disco, meeting the dawn. The prom plan is something like this. With such a scheme, our compatriots may well envy the inventive Norwegians, respectable Americans and the Swedes, and also boldly sympathize with the unfortunate French and Scots. But first things first. France The French school system is structured in such a way that they often have to change their place of study: primary, secondary and high schools are located in completely different buildings and areas of the city, after completing any of these stages of school life, the student is free to choose absolutely any

6 school for further education. Thus, a student spends no more than 2-3 years in one school, which, of course, is no match for our 9/11/12 years. Where in two years can you feel affection and tenderness for your home school? But there is still an alternative to the prom in French schools, however, this unique holiday takes place not after passing the last exams, but exactly one hundred days before graduation. Students dress in carnival costumes, pour water on each other and sprinkle themselves with flour - in general, Halloween, Neptune's day and just a paradise for fidgets in one bottle. 6/39, May, school year Scotland But in Scotland all school proms have been cancelled. And this decision was made directly by the school management. And not at all because they do not want to celebrate the entry of teenagers into adulthood and not because they do not like holidays. The fact is that the day of the final exam in Scotland is decisive: if the test is passed unsatisfactorily, then you can forget about university or college. And this is no time for fun. And if there is at least one sad person at the celebration, then what kind of prom is it? Well, graduates who have done well with their exams are increasingly organizing their own informal parties on the occasion of graduation. Sweden It's the same in Sweden! Graduation there begins in the morning. Yesterday's schoolchildren, like real aristocrats, have breakfast with strawberries, wash it down with champagne, in general, from the very beginning they thoroughly prepare themselves for entering adulthood. Mostly, girls prefer to wear white dresses at graduation, and boys, adhering to traditions, wear a special white cap, on which everyone leaves their autographs and wishes. During the day, the celebration continues: after the official part, graduates are seated on the backs of open trucks and a friendly cohort, with music and songs, travel around the city. At this time, parents are vigilantly on duty on the streets and holding posters, often with childhood photographs of today's young people. Having babbled their hearts out in songs and ridden trucks, the graduates begin to visit each other, and that’s how the evening goes.

7 Norway Norway is probably the most scrupulous in the area of ​​prom traditions. And this most riotous holiday here lasts for 17 days! Preparations for it begin in the fall: schools post lists with the names of all graduates, on which everyone can add any nickname to their classmate throughout the year. By the way, Norwegians are very tactful people and will never write anything offensive on this peculiar board. The celebration itself begins on the first of May with the so-called exchange of alcoholic drinks; each graduate must prepare them themselves and give them to those who wish to try them. After a fiery start, former schoolchildren put on overalls different colors depending on where you are going to work or study in the future, and go to the city center, where the official prom begins. What, one wonders, should we do during all these 17 days of the holiday? During this time, the graduate strives to perform as many “forfeits” as possible, as the Russians would say: crawl on all fours, crow, ask something absurd from passers-by. Great entertainment for those around you! On May 17, the final parade takes place, after which yesterday’s carefree schoolchildren turn into serious applicants or honest hard workers, as you decide. Australia An interesting custom of arriving for the evening on unusual transport exists in some schools in Australia. Moreover, young people there are not limited to old and expensive cars: they also use fire engines, and analogues of our “Zaporozhets”, and tractors, and buses. In general, the parking lot of the Australian Schools during the graduation party are clearly of serious interest to tourists. Poland Poland also has several interesting traditions. They don’t have a graduation ceremony as such, but they do have stodniowka, which is held one hundred days before graduation. At the beginning of this ball, a polonaise is always played, and the director is invited to dance with one of the graduates. The dress code is usually observed: boys come in tuxedos, and girls in dark ones evening dresses. After the official part and various entertainments, a disco begins, which lasts until the morning.

8 Aries (March 21-April 20) Aries is the leader. The character is strong, the nature is domineering. Those born under this sign are gifted with strength and energy. The main meaning of life for Aries is work. Those born under this sign are able to master all areas of computer activity with equal success. They can become talented administrators in the field of selling computers and programs. Recommended programming languages: Assembler, Pascal, SI, work in the field of computer networks. Aries is favored by good luck in the fight against computer viruses. They are natural leaders of programming teams and creators of batch files. The MS-DOS operating system was released under the sign of Aries. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Constant duality is the main quality of Gemini. They always want the latest detailed information about everything. For Geminis, the most important thing is communication. They instantly grasp the essence of the matter, are capable of languages, are smart, and have a quick reaction. Those born under this sign are true personal computer fanatics who can spend 24 hours using it, receiving incomparable pleasure from it. Recommended programming languages ​​SI, Assembly. Great strides can be made in the area of ​​software sales. Programmer Horoscope Cancer (June 22-July 22) Cancers are naturally sensitive people. As a rule, Cancer is an excellent developer of software architecture. Sometimes suspiciousness can lead him to skepticism in the field of new programming languages ​​and software tools. For greater efficiency, it is best for Cancer to create programs independently, without control from anyone. Recommended programming languages ​​Fortran, BASIC. It is quite possible that when working on a PC, Cancer does not seek material gain, finding satisfaction in his own conscientious work. 6/39, May, school year Taurus (April 21-May 20) Those born under the sign of Taurus have a contradictory character and a rather emotional nature. Taurus owes its strength, sober mind, and practical character to the Earth sign. Best of luck Taurus can achieve success in the field of creating graphic programs. They have a natural penchant for colorful designs. In addition, they can make excellent programming teachers and operating systems. It is better for them to work and develop programs alone. Recommended programming language is BASIC. They do not want to work in sales. Leo (July 23-August 23) Has a domineering character. Has huge energy reserves. Representatives of this sign make excellent organizers, network administrators, excellent programmers and personal computer users. They have good fortune in using PCs in a wide variety of areas. Recommended area of ​​activity: automation of engineering work and development in the field of artificial intelligence. Leo can use a wide variety of programming languages ​​and software tools with equal skill.

9 Virgo (August 24-September 23) The Virgo sign is a sign of reality, logic, clarity. Possessing scientific abilities, they are equally successful in all areas of PC application. They are absolutely cold towards computer games, but with manic passion they can develop their own programs. They tend to develop program structures and general issues, treating programming as a secondary process. Recommended programming languages ​​BASIC, Fortran. The most suitable area of ​​development activity is in the field of working with databases. Libra (September 24-October 23) Libras are distinguished by a balanced, easy-going character and a clear mind. Precious people work well in a team. Those born under this sign are, first of all, excellent administrators who can successfully manage the development of large software projects. Recommended area is the development of graphic packages and the creation of accounting programs. In the event of a conflict, they may also take the path of creating computer viruses. When developing and marketing software, they are usually successful. Recommended languages ​​BASIC, Fortran. Scorpio (October 24-November 22) The most aggressive sign of the Zodiac. Secretive character, intense life. Representatives of this sign prove themselves to be excellent managers of companies and software projects. They are not interested in ordinary programming, but can successfully realize their talent in languages ​​like Prolog. They are able to subtly sense the scientific situation and direct their forces in the right direction. Recommended area of ​​activity: computer networks and work in teleaccess mode. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) Sagittarius has a balanced character. This lucky sign. Representatives of this sign make unsurpassed experts in the interaction of programs and the OS. Recommended area 6/39, May, academic year development of system maintenance programs, service programs, OS. Recommended programming languages ​​SI, Assembly. This is the type of scientist and analyst. Excellent leaders with the gift of engaging people. They are endowed with an innate tendency to work on a PC, and on its new models. Capricorn (December 22-January 20) Both physically and mentally, Capricorn is the most stable of all the zodiac signs. A certain stubbornness of character allows representatives of this sign to calmly overcome all obstacles. Congenital predisposition to algorithmic languages. Capricorns make excellent system programmers and excellent managers of software development companies. Assembly languages, Pascal. They achieve special skill in debugging programs and finding errors. Aquarius (January 21–February 20) Dreamy character, emotional nature. Aquarius is alien to pedantry and routine. He is a cool, independent, collected and responsible worker. At the same time, his work is characterized by energy, ingenuity, active search new solutions. Representatives of this sign have the ability to master software extremely quickly and to create unusual and original programs. They never stop there and tend to endlessly improve their programs. They are very worried if the program they created does not work. Errors can be found intuitively. Recommended programming language is BASIC. They work well in a team of programmers, obeying the will of the manager. They have a tendency to create computer games. Pisces (February 21-March 20) They have subtle intuition, imagination, wisdom and insight. A pronounced individuality contributes to the creation of wonderfully designed programs from the point of view of user interaction. Representatives of this sign are able to intuitively design the structures of large software complexes. Recommended SI programming language. Recommended field of computer activity: graphics, animation. Can reach great success in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Prom “Under the sign of the Zodiac”

Everyone is in high spirits
Everything froze in solemn excitement
For those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,
Let the ball begin! Wonderful ball!

(music, presenters on stage)

1 Presenter.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

2 Presenter

Good evening, dear parents and dear teachers!

1 Presenter

We are starting our gala evening dedicated to the farewell of graduates to the school.

2 Presenter

11 school years flew by unnoticed, and the time has come to say goodbye to childhood.

1 Presenter

But there is still this evening, when you can laugh contagiously, play pranks and laugh like a child.

So, the hall is full of excitement
Graduates' hearts tremble,
The music is already tired of thundering,
Everything is frozen, the outfits are shining.

Parents, having finished arguing,
The children are waiting with excitement,
Joyful eyes sparkle,
Hearts are fluttering at random

After all, daughters, dear sons
Yesterday we were so young
But here are the graduation balls
The years fly by, alas, like days.

A little more in this room
They will appear now -
We have been waiting for this day for so long!
It's 11th grade!

(graduates are announced)

The years are colorful,
Resonant and bright,
We don’t call it childhood for nothing.

Joyful childhood holiday
Sunny and rainbow
We are all your friends!

Spread your smiles, sunshine!
The wind gives us freshness!
The holiday invites you to visit,
Open the doors wider!

And the planet of childhood, happiness and goodness circles
A magical world opens up
School Country

^ Song "Pochemuchki" group "Buttons"

Dear graduates,

And let the beat of hearts today,
Smiles light and eyes fire
The whole hall brings you a gift -
Take them with you, friends.

How long have you been waiting for this moment?
I spent days and months dreaming about the future
And only now, perhaps, you understand
That school has been completed. You're just a graduate!

Guests present at our holiday: (name the guests of the evening)

Presenter. Today is the graduation party. And our eleventh graders are no longer schoolchildren, but graduates, perhaps future students.

Leading. After the prom, everyone will go their separate ways. Everyone has their own path in life. But these eleven years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory.

Presenter. After all, you spent the eleven best years of your life at school. Someone will later remember them with joy, someone with longing, someone, perhaps, with pain. But one way or another, warm moments of school life, interesting lessons - you will never be able to forget all this.

Leading. Look at our graduates. Each of them is a star in its own way. And all together - a bright constellation.

Presenter. And so that our stars can easily begin their journey into adulthood, they need to be awarded matriculation certificates. To do this, we invite to the stage the director of the Svobodinskaya secondary school Galina Mikhailovna Ponomarenko, the deputy director for educational work Svetlana Yurievna Bolshichenko, the 11th grade class teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna Pochekaeva.

^ Speech by the school principal, presentation of certificates

Let's tell you - the most important teacher
In the life of every student -
This is a great teacher
Everyone knows this for sure.

IN 2.
He was the soul of all endeavors
And taking care of your soul,
I plunged headlong into piles of work,
Sometimes forgetting about yourself.


The floor is given to the 11th grade class teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna Pochekaeva

Presenter 1.

Once very small
They brought you to school
Your bows turned white,
The bouquets were blooming.

It's time to say goodbye to school
You will return here in many days.
And the time has come to part
With my first teacher.
Today their first teachers came to congratulate the heroes of the occasion: Tatyana Viktorovna Alferova and Elena Mikhailovna Ivanova.
(speech by the first teachers)

Presenter 1:
Who loved and caressed children?
Who didn't get enough sleep at night?
Who was worried about them?
And, at times, was he under construction?

Presenter 2.
Patiently day after day
They were raised with a belt,
Did you help the teacher?
Who is this?…..
Graduates in chorus: Parents!

Presenter 1.

Unusual and complex

There was your school route.

But you always knew -

That everyone is waiting for you at home.

Presenter 2.

Beckons us without looking back,

Keeping my loyalty firmly,

Our quiet haven

Under the name "family"

Presenter 1
Dear parents! Today's celebration is a huge event in your life. Your efforts and worries were not in vain. The word for congratulations is given to the parents of the 2012 graduates.

(speech by parents of graduates)

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world!
With deuces and validol,
But you finished school.

How long have we slept with you?
Essays were written
And sometimes from the task
There was a lot of crying in the house.

We didn't scold you much,
They helped as much as they could.
There is no greater joy for us,
Than your own children's successes.

The World's Most Important Job
Trusted by teachers.
Thank you for your work and care,
Dear teachers, to you.

Thank you for your patience,
For affection, warmth, kindness.
Let inspiration come to you
In the new school year.

May your health be excellent,
Let the problems be easy.
May you be remembered with love
All former students!

The words are given to the guests of the holiday.

part 2

1 Presenter.

In the wide world, in the noisy sea
Among the voices and destinies of people
The stars will show the way to the holiday,
Where are you saying goodbye to school today?

2 Presenter.

All exams have been passed, worries are over,
Each was accompanied given by god sign.
What is bequeathed by fate, everything, of course, will come true,
And the wise Zodiac will help with this.

Every person carries starlight within themselves. The light of the star under which he was born. And, as it turned out, the character of each person is to a large extent determined by the zodiac sign under which he was born.

(Nikolaeva Olga Mikhailovna and Cheremisin Vladimir Yurievich)

Song "Two Stars"

Host: Among the positive qualities modern man A sense of humor plays an important role. Let me note that our school is no exception. You will see this now.

^ Humor about school (teachers)

We invite to the stage those whose patronizing element is the Earth. This is Taurus: Ryuchina Anastasia.
People ruled by Earth are usually very practical. Taurus always feel solid ground under their feet; they put into practice the ideas that fire signs provide. Today we have prepared a small test for our graduate.

Nastya, you need to finish the sentence correctly. Where necessary, you must say “girls” or “girls” and “boys” or “boys”.

1. To the motorcycle racing final
They strive mainly... (boys)

2. Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave... (girls)

3. Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket... (boys)

4. The skates drew arrows on the ice,
We played hockey all day... (boys)

5. We chatted for an hour without a break.
In colorful dresses... (girls)

6. Test your strength in front of everyone,
Of course, they only love... (boys)

7. They wore uniform aprons
In the old school only... (girls)

And now a pleasant surprise (they bring out a gift - paints)

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright!

Leading: Modern school Today it provides ample opportunities to understand the world around us. We are no exception. Our teachers have developed an integrated lesson fine arts and rules traffic. Let's see.

^ Scene “If you see in the picture...”

(to the words of the song, teachers show the corresponding traffic signs)
The next group we invite to the stage is the Air signs. This is Aquarius: Evgeniy Kozlov, Pavel Goncharov, Vladimir Manshin.

People born under Air signs are endowed with a rich imagination and often amaze others with the originality of their thinking. Aquarians are people of an original mindset, full of new ideas, plans and projects. Sometimes the innovative ideas of Aquarius are ahead of their time.

That is why we invite our graduates to show their creative abilities.

“What a teacher dreams of”

U. Hello, children! Am I late?

Don't worry, Marie Vanna, we came early today, just in case.

Can you help me hang up the card or stand guard again to make sure it’s clean?

U. Thank you, my dears.

Well, let's start today with a new topic?

Marie Vanna, why are you offending us? Give us a better test!

And I dream about the test!

U. Calm down, my insatiable ones! Let's start with homework. I'll call you from the magazine.

Can I go!

U. Pasha? You answer every lesson, I already automatically gave you an “A” for the year.

Can you answer me?

U. Zhenya, I transferred you to the next grade as an external student a month ago.

Children: UUUU...

U. Don’t worry, my dears, today I decided to give you two instead of 1 paragraph.


What a blessing.

Marie Vanna, would you mind if I read 3 paragraphs?

W. Well, of course not.

Marie Vanna, can I write my dissertation?

U. Can you do it in one night?

Of course I will!

U. Then write.

“What does a student dream about?”

(Russian music “Heroic Strength” plays, the girls are embroidering, a guy comes in)

I hit you with my forehead, Marie Vanna, they didn’t order the execution, I was late again.

U. Oh, you are a goy, our light Vladimir, that again you didn’t get up at dawn?

And I came to you, Marie Vanovna, so that the light of knowledge could heal me (my head hurts).

W. Come quickly, good fellow, and sit down at the oak table.

And give me dishes, dishes, and overseas caviar, eggplant.

U. Everyone get ready, we’ll celebrate - Volodenka came to our lesson.

(Song “Beyond the River”)

And now the well-deserved gifts

Red pepper (Zhenya Kozlov)
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end well
It's no coincidence that the pepper is red!

Coffee (Goncharov Pavel)
You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore the whole year will be great!

Keychain (Manshin Vladimir)
And here is the pinnacle of our draw.
Believe me, a new car is waiting for you.
The car will have a brand new lock.
And for the keys you need a brand new keychain.
And finally, the time has come for people who are protected by water. These are Cancers: Mesnyankina Victoria, Zhukova Natalya, Ratova Lyubov, Scorpios: Boeva ​​Victoria and Pisces: Vorkunov Artem.

People ruled by Water are usually sentimental and extremely sensitive. Cancers are especially bright in social work and teaching. Scorpios are endowed with a sharp critical mind, the ability to instantly navigate any situation and make optimal decisions with lightning speed. Pisces find themselves in psychiatry and have an amazing gift - combining pure creativity with business, practical aspirations.

This is exactly what we proposed to develop unique collection modern school uniform - which will speak for itself.

(music: teachers demonstrate the new uniform, graduates comment on it)

  1. For the most modest students of our school, we offer a school uniform called “angel costume”
Angelic appearance 100% success.

A sincere look will endear you to everyone.

At home, at school and on the Unified State Exam

He will help you too.

(spurs in sleeve)

  1. For the most hardworking students of the school, a uniform with the romantic name “Cinderella” is suitable.
You will definitely need the Cinderella costume more than once.

Now everyone knows for sure: the outfit does not interfere with work.

(rag, broom)

  1. For the most energetic students, the “Tarzan” uniform is an ideal option that parents will appreciate.
The Tarzan costume is very simple.

Everything is visible at once in full view.

Today it is very fashionable:

Not hot, economical and comfortable.


  1. For those students who like to sleep during class, we offer a glamorous version of the “sleeping beauty” school uniform.
Peignoir is my dream: sequins, beads, lace.

And even if such an outfit is not modest,

But it is very comfortable for sleeping.

(asleep, carried away in arms)

  1. For our bravest students educational institution the original model is a form called “Superman”
If you like to go into class through the window,

Know that the superman uniform is made for you.

Now you don’t care about the weather: it’s easy, comfortable and not windy.

(breaks a brick on his head)

  1. To please the most beautiful girls schools, we offer this season the hit 2012 school uniform “Beauty Queen”
The beauty's costume is good.

You will find it in the boutique.

And even though he may not be for you,

Well, just right for the stage.

(song “Plague Spring”, everyone comes out)

Modest and hardworking, energetic and forever sleeping, brave and beautiful, remember: “They meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their minds.”

Gifts for our designers:

Sponges for dishes (Ratova Lyubov)
You have household worries,
There are a lot of household chores waiting for you.
In your family and personal life
Now everything will work out great!

Felt pens (Vika Mesnyankina)
Love will brighten your days,
And they will become bright.
Your whole life in winter and summer
It will be illuminated with a magical light.

Sharpener (Zhukova Natasha)
This sharpener will help you
Sharpen your mind and humor too.
Career and success await you,
And also jokes, humor, laughter.

Bear (Boeva ​​Vika)
Are you tired of studying?
So you want to play?
So it will definitely come in handy
What I want to give you.
Remember your golden childhood:
Kindergarten and potty…
The bear is sacred, after all,
Don't drop it on the floor, my friend.

Nuts (Vorkunov Artem)
You're a tough nut to crack, which means
Good luck awaits you!

The biggest musical event of this year was the Eurovision Song Contest 2012, the winner of which was a singer from Sweden. Let's imagine what modern hits would be like if the songs were sung in Russian.

(to the song “So many golden lights...” they show a video of a singer from Sweden)

And now we are the first to invite all the fire signs of the zodiac to the stage. These are Aries: Alferova Anastasia, Arepyeva Yana, Leo: Avaeva Lyudmila, Kozlovskaya Sofia, Lelyavin Nikita, Botnar Andrey and Sagittarius: Groshev Nikita, Yanchenko Anastasia, Plokhikh Christina.

(children go on stage)

Fire, which patronizes people born under these zodiac signs, endows them with irrepressible energy and enormous creative potential. People born under the sign of Aries often find themselves in music. There are many actors, directors, and producers among Leos. There are also many musicians among Sagittarius, although in their creativity Sagittarius sometimes cannot avoid a certain imitation. These people are certainly capable of becoming real pop stars.

^ Song “Girls like stars”

Anastasia Alferova sings, backup dancer

And now the reward according to merit:

Chocolate (Yanchenko Nastya)
Since you got a chocolate bar,
It won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet!

Candle (Avaeva Luda)
You will, my friend, continue to
Study, burn with creativity.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!

Tea (Nikita Groshev)
You are the darling of fate, which means
Success and good luck await you.
Celebrating your successes,
Stock up on more tea!
Condensed milk (Arepieva Yana)
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Studying is your main destiny.
We don’t promise you peace,
We are treating you to condensed milk!

Banana (Kozlovskaya Sofia)
Eat ripe bananas
And expect rewards from fate!

Cookies (Bad Christina)
You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,
And everyone will come to visit soon.
Prepare tea and treats.
Here's a cookie to get you started!

Calendar (Lelyavin Nikita)
We'll have to live by learning from grief...
Don't forget about the days of the calendar!

Cream (Alferova Nastya)
You will join the cream of society.
Perhaps you will find a sponsor.
Your life will turn out great.
You'll be lucky. This is clear to everyone.

(Botnar Andrey)
Refreshing lollipops
Everyone will pay attention to you
You will find understanding everywhere.
And your fresh breath
Prosperity will ensure you.
And now comes the most solemn moment. We invite the brightest stars of our today's episode to the stage. Stars whose radiance shimmers with gold and silver. We invite to the stage those who, for 11 years, have been persistently, step by step, approaching today's victory. Medalists of the 71st edition are invited to the stage: Anastasia Alferova, Yana Arepyeva, Sofia Kozlovskaya.


Let there be light, resurrecting the earth,

It's like the morning dawn.

Let there be light that warms people.

Let there be light, let there be light.

Presenter: The right to accept the cup of knowledge is granted to the teaching of grade 10 ___________________________________________________________________
(transfer of the cup of knowledge)

May the star shine brighter for you,
Treasured star of fate.
You are always ahead in everything
You are the most noticeable.

We invite to the stage the teachers who led our graduates to all the heights they have already achieved. The teaching staff of the Svobodinskaya Secondary School is on stage.
(teachers on stage.)

Teachers' words:

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only a faint sketch,
Oh, how wonderful proms are!

    It's your turn to understand: life is not a game,
    And there will be no rehearsals and tips in it,
    But with a trembling voice we still need to say,
    Oh, how wonderful proms are!

May you leave school forever,
But your childhood leaves a memory
Don't forget your school years,
Hearts and souls are a wonderful neighborhood.

    Don't be sad that childhood won't come back,
    Youth is a wonderful time.
    All we can do is wish,
    I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

And may there always be light in the window,
Mom's smile - from the threshold.
Let there be a lot good years
And life has an easy road!

Let happiness knock on your door,
Open it wider quickly.
The path of life is shrouded in mystery,
But it’s so wonderful in this world!

I wish you to live your life with a smile,
Always love, be a little sad,
And if happiness is a fish,
Then catch this fish.

What is happiness? It's very simple.
This is when people light up the stars.
May your life always be accompanied by
Warming souls, lucky star.

The final song of the teachers (to the tune of a song from the series “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva”):

The stars in the sky are shining bright for you and me,

And the children are graduating to meet us soon.

After all, the school, unfortunately, is saying goodbye to you now,

And the best moments come back to us again.

This is your day, this is your evening.

This is a memory that will stay with you.

The world is so endless.

This is your day, this is your evening,

This is all that is called a dream

Laughter, smiles, meetings.

And childhood is already behind us, it doesn’t come back.

It’s unexpected how quickly the children grew up.

For us, you have become bright, beautiful stars.

Luck will smile on you, it will be so

We know this one.

71st graduation from Svobodinskaya secondary school on stage

(graduates go up to the stage)

We have already received our certificates

It's time to step into the big life.

Let's freeze for a minute before the start,

To say thank you.

And wish all the best on earth,

Peace, goodness and sunshine!

For our school teachers

Let happiness smile!

We wish you well

Good luck, health, victories.

Let there be everything you need

Here's to happy years!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For wisdom, for attention,

For experience and knowledge stock,

Patience and understanding!

And, like flowers, always

Let children surround you

Teachers, thank you

For the fact that you exist in the world!

But on this beautiful evening

We don't say goodbye

And we’ll tell you: “See you!

Thank you again!”


Dear graduates! You were all born under a lucky star. And may God grant you a happy and stellar journey in life