Vedic astrology for success. Entrepreneur Horoscope: Astrological Indications for Business Success

Vedic astrology, talking about the qualities and influences of the planets, thereby shares with us the secrets of success, giving us the corresponding keys to success for each specific day of the week. With this knowledge, we can, in fact, plan for our success and, being in harmony with the forces influencing us, catch our luck day after day!

According to Vedic astrology, the creator of the Universe created the stars and planets to distribute cosmic energy and control everything that happens. Planets give us certain types of energy and influence countries, cities and individuals. Taking into account the influence of the planets and using it correctly on each specific day of the week, we can come into harmony with cosmic rhythms, which is the astrological secret of success, health and well-being.

The astrological week begins not on Monday, as is commonly believed, but on Sunday. On this day, the weekly cycle begins, energy is accumulated for the whole week and grandiose plans are created for the near future. The week ends on Saturday, when the results are summed up and errors are analyzed.

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet, so by using its influence we can increase the likelihood of success many times over. Here are seven secrets to success in Vedic astrology - for every day of the week:


Sunday is a day ruled by the Sun, which sends us the energy of joy, love, creativity and happiness. Very suitable for spiritual development and awareness of higher values. Visit a temple, go to a museum or an art gallery, be in nature - and your solar energy will increase significantly, this is the secret of success on Sunday. On this day, insights and original solutions to old problems are possible, so be open to new things. Give people warmth, speak good words, promise mountains of gold - the energy of the Sun, transmitted through you to people, will bring you tangible results that you will feel as early as next week.


Monday is undeservedly considered the most difficult day of the week. Difficulties arise if you incorrectly use the energy of the Moon, the patroness of this day. The Moon sends us relaxation, peace, capriciousness and unpredictability. Monday is good to decide everyday problems, shopping, communicating with family members.

Don't criticize, cheat, or demand. People become especially sensitive on this day. If you want to please or achieve something from your boss, then emotional conversations or even tears, which on Monday can soften even the most inveterate cynic, will help you. The secret of success on Monday is to broadcast the energy of the Moon, give people care, attention and compassion, evoke reciprocal compassion for yourself - and you will be able to achieve success on Monday.


Tuesday is ruled by Mars, pushing us to act rashly, seek thrills and adventures, make harsh statements and aggression. You can achieve success on this day if you act spontaneously, on the first impulse, if you implement your ideas as soon as they arise, because Mars is the planet of speed, instincts and desires. It is very good to show courage and determination on this day of the week, even if they are not inherent in you. It is important to simply demonstrate them to others, and they will appreciate it.

It is better to use a rational masculine approach, both men and women, and forget about emotions - this is the secret of success on Tuesday. But it is very important to ensure that assertiveness does not turn into aggression, and to try to smooth out all conflicts.


Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, filled with easy energy, fast, cheerful and witty. On this day of the week, good things are said, studied, written and sold. Success is brought by matters related to business, finance, and trade. Business negotiations, gambling are successful, problems are solved very easily. On this day, communicate more, study, improve your skills - this is the secret to success on Wednesday. You can even cheat, but do not forget that you can also be deceived. You should not demonstrate your complexes and problems; on Wednesday they are especially striking and can make an undesirable impression of you.


Thursday, according to astrologers, is the most successful day of the week, thanks to the patronage of Jupiter. This is the planet of society, of collective cooperation. On this day it is easy to achieve success in work matters, negotiations, and deals. You can make requests to management, but they must be related to the interests of the team. It is very important to show that you think about the common good, to demonstrate professionalism, efficiency and competence - this is the secret to success on Thursday. You need to remember that problems that arise on Thursday tend to grow, so try not to conflict, stop possible quarrels at the very beginning, and calmly do your job. The favor of Jupiter on this day of the week will definitely bring you success.


Friday is a wonderful day for relaxation and entertainment, expression of feelings and charity. After all, the patron saint of Friday, Venus, awakens the desire for beauty, the search for harmony and mutual understanding. Pay more attention to women, on this day they are especially trusting and if they feel your care, they will appreciate you. The secret to success on Friday: decorate the world around you with creativity, kind words, courtesy and polite behavior. Sing, draw, dance, give flowers to your loved ones, express your thoughts beautifully, and Venus will definitely support you and reward you with good luck on this day of the week.


Saturday is perhaps the most difficult of all days of the week. And all because of the harsh and limiting energy of Saturn, the ruler of this day. Saturn represents duty, destiny, karma. He is very critical and conservative.

Therefore, on Saturday it is better to limit desires and needs, talk less about your experiences and problems. This is not the best day for doing business, because... the likelihood of confrontation and losses increases. The exception is the acquisition of land and real estate, which is under the auspices of Saturn.

It is necessary to sort out the events of the past week in order to be well prepared for the new weekly cycle, visit nature, meditate, clear your mind and free yourself from the burden of problems - this is the secret to the success of Saturday. Saturn welcomes the acquisition of wisdom, so communication with elders will be of great benefit on Saturday. Don’t strain those around you; people already tend to feel depressed this day.

Control what you say, because Saturn will make you answer for your words. On this day of the week, you should not lie; it is better to demonstrate your honesty to everyone - and your authority will increase significantly in the eyes of others.

Saturday is good for shopping - Saturn will not let you spend too much. You should not plan a serious event - an important trip or a wedding, this will be contrary to cosmic rhythms. Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, console someone, say and do something kind - and Saturn will show its favor and allow you to achieve success on this day of the week.

No matter how difficult the current life situation may seem to you, do not despair. He who gives up loses the blessings of the planets. By wisely using the energies of the Cosmos, constantly improving in our desire to understand the laws of the Universe, we come into harmony with cosmic rhythms - this is the secret of success for every day of our lives.

Many of us have noticed that at certain periods in our lives, circumstances develop in such a successful way, as if the universe itself was supporting us!

Sometimes we are overcome by doubts...

Or maybe I'm just minding my own business? Perhaps the goals and guidelines I have set are wrong? And when will this unfortunate streak of failures end? When will some new prospects and opportunities appear?

Such thoughts and feelings are familiar to almost all of us, as is the understanding that there is no one to ask, and we must look for a solution ourselves. Sometimes we find the right decision and the answer is, sometimes, no. Sometimes we doubt and lose our chances, sometimes we take advantage of them. We often lose more than we use.

But we can significantly improve the situation by turning to a science such as astrology. She is able to give us answers to many troubling questions. Her advice sometimes turns out to be almost priceless... And always very useful.

To get an idea of ​​how an astrologer, based on the indicators of the birth horoscope, determines the most favorable periods in business, or vice versa, the time when it is better to refuse, for example, from concluding important agreements, traveling, implementing plans, and much more, you can read a short excerpt from the book of the outstanding astrologer Jan Kefer - “The Art of Foresight or Confrontation with Fate”:

When our actions are more successful

Things aimed at improving our existence should be undertaken when Saturn or Jupiter favorably aspects the Sun, Moon, Mercury, the vertices of the II, VI, VII, X houses.

We achieve admission or employment in a profession with good transits of Jupiter, Uranus or Saturn on the Sun, Mercury or the top of the Medium Goal.

We carry out a change of profession with good transits of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn to Mercury, to the Moon, the top of the II, VI, VII or X house. We negotiate with the authorities during good transits of Jupiter to the Sun and Mercury. If we're talking about about older people, we use good transits of Saturn. Successful implementation of trading plans requires good transits of superplanets to Mercury, Moon, Sun, II or X house.

Legal proceedings should always begin only during good transits of Jupiter. We will postpone the tests until there are good transits of the superplanets to Mercury or the Medium Goal.

Changes in places of residence require good transits of Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter to the Moon, Mercury, IV, IX and X houses.

Short trips are the same as aspects of the 3rd house, long trips require a favorable aspect to the IX house. Marriage We carry out an engagement during good transits of Jupiter to the Ascendant, Venus, Moon, Sun, Neptune, I, V, VII or IX house. The wedding will be successful if it takes place during good transits of Jupiter to the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune or Mercury.


Physical: Use good transits of Mars, Saturn, Sun, Mercury to their natal placement. Mars favors energy, Saturn favors perseverance, the Sun favors vitality, and Mercury favors skill and speed. Mental: good transits of Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Sun. The Sun favors health, Saturn - concentration, Uranus - intuition, and Neptune - inspiration. Note: you always need to look closely at the position of the planets in the radix. If Mercury is the significator of a profession, then good transits to its position in the radix will favor the profession more than anything else. If the significator of marriage is the Moon, transits to it will be decisive in matters of marriage. Always start from individual horoscope! This has already been repeated so many times in this book that we are ashamed to say the same thing again.

Jan Kefer

Talking about the qualities and influences of the planets, Vedic astrology shares with us the secrets of success, giving the corresponding keys to success for each specific day of the week.

With this knowledge, we can, in fact, plan for our success and, being in harmony with the forces influencing us, catch our luck day after day!

Vedic astrology: secrets of success for every day

According to Vedic astrology, the creator of the Universe created the stars and planets to distribute cosmic energy and control everything that happens. Planets give us certain types of energy and influence countries, cities and individuals. Taking into account the influence of the planets and using it correctly on each specific day of the week, we can come into harmony with cosmic rhythms, which is the astrological secret of success, health and well-being.

The astrological week begins not on Monday, as is commonly believed, but on Sunday. On this day, the weekly cycle begins, energy is accumulated for the whole week and grandiose plans are created for the near future. The week ends on Saturday, when the results are summed up and errors are analyzed.

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet, therefore, by using its influence, we can increase the probability of success many times over.


Sunday is a day ruled by the Sun, which sends us the energy of joy, love, creativity and happiness. Very suitable for spiritual development and awareness of higher values. Visit a temple, go to a museum or an art gallery, be in nature - and your solar energy will increase significantly, this is the secret of success on Sunday. On this day, insights and original solutions to old problems are possible, so be open to new things. Give people warmth, say good words, promise mountains of gold - the energy of the Sun transmitted through you to people will bring you tangible results that you will feel as early as next week.


Monday is undeservedly considered the most difficult day of the week. Difficulties arise if you incorrectly use the energy of the Moon, the patroness of this day. The Moon sends us relaxation, peace, capriciousness and unpredictability. On Monday it is good to solve everyday problems, make purchases, communicate with family members.

Don't criticize, cheat, or demand. People become especially sensitive on this day. If you want to please or achieve something from your boss, then emotional conversations or even tears, which on Monday can soften even the most inveterate cynic, will help you. The secret of success on Monday is to broadcast the energy of the Moon, give people care, attention and compassion, evoke reciprocal compassion for yourself - and you will be able to achieve success on Monday.


Tuesday is ruled by Mars, pushing us to act rashly, seek thrills and adventures, make harsh statements and aggression. You can achieve success on this day if you act spontaneously, on the first impulse, if you implement your ideas as soon as they arise, because Mars is the planet of speed, instincts and desires. It is very good to show courage and determination on this day of the week, even if they are not inherent in you. It is important to simply demonstrate them to others, and they will appreciate it.

It is better to use a rational masculine approach, both men and women, and forget about emotions - this is the secret of success on Tuesday. But it is very important to ensure that assertiveness does not turn into aggression, and to try to smooth out all conflicts.


Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, filled with easy energy, fast, cheerful and witty. On this day of the week, good things are said, studied, written and sold. Success is brought by matters related to business, finance, and trade. Business negotiations, gambling are successful, problems are solved very easily. On this day, communicate more, study, improve your skills - this is the secret to success on Wednesday. You can even cheat, but do not forget that you can also be deceived. You should not demonstrate your complexes and problems; on Wednesday they are especially striking and can make an undesirable impression of you.


Thursday, according to astrologers, is the most successful day of the week, thanks to the patronage of Jupiter. This is the planet of society, of collective cooperation. On this day it is easy to achieve success in work matters, negotiations, and deals. You can make requests to management, but they must be related to the interests of the team. It is very important to show that you think about the common good, to demonstrate professionalism, efficiency and competence - this is the secret to success on Thursday. It must be remembered that problems that arise on Thursday tend to grow, therefore, try not to conflict, stop possible quarrels at the very beginning, and calmly do your job. The favor of Jupiter on this day of the week will definitely bring you success.


Friday is a wonderful day for relaxation and entertainment, expression of feelings and charity. After all, Venus, the patron saint of Friday, awakens the desire for beauty, the search for harmony and mutual understanding. Pay more attention to women, on this day they are especially trusting and if they feel your care, they will appreciate you. The secret to success on Friday: decorate the world around you - with creativity, kind words, courtesy and polite behavior. Sing, draw, dance, give flowers to your loved ones, express your thoughts beautifully, and Venus will definitely support you and reward you with good luck on this day of the week.


Saturday is perhaps the most difficult of all days of the week. And all because of the harsh and limiting energy of Saturn, the ruler of this day. Saturn represents duty, destiny, karma. He is very critical and conservative.

Therefore, on Saturday it is better to limit desires and needs, talk less about your experiences and problems. This is not the best day for doing business, because... the likelihood of confrontation and losses increases. The exception is the acquisition of land and real estate, which is under the auspices of Saturn.

It is necessary to sort out the events of the past week in order to be well prepared for the new weekly cycle, visit nature, meditate, clear your mind and free yourself from the burden of problems - this is the secret to the success of Saturday. Saturn welcomes the acquisition of wisdom, so communication with elders will be of great benefit on Saturday. Don’t strain those around you; people already tend to feel depressed this day.

Control what you say, because Saturn will make you answer for your words. On this day of the week, you should not lie; it is better to demonstrate your honesty to everyone - and your authority will increase significantly in the eyes of others.

Saturday is good for shopping - Saturn will not let you spend too much. You should not plan a serious event - an important trip or a wedding, this will be contrary to cosmic rhythms. Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, console someone, say and do something kind - and Saturn will show its favor and allow you to achieve success on this day of the week.

No matter how difficult the current life situation may seem to you, do not despair. He who gives up loses the blessings of the planets. By wisely using the energies of the Cosmos, constantly improving in our desire to understand the laws of the Universe, we come into harmony with cosmic rhythms - this is the secret of success for every day of our lives.

For more complete information study Vedic astrology.

You will find many other secrets of success in the publications posted in the headings “Highest Wisdom”, “Lecture Notes, Seminars, Trainings” and in “Quotes from the Sages” on.

And let in good deeds Luck will always smile on you!

Vedic astrology, talking about the qualities and influences of the planets, thereby shares with us the secrets of success, giving us the corresponding keys to success for each specific day of the week. With this knowledge, we can, in fact, plan for our success and, being in harmony with the forces influencing us, catch our luck day after day!

According to Vedic astrology, the creator of the Universe created the stars and planets to distribute cosmic energy and control everything that happens. Planets give us certain types of energy and influence countries, cities and individuals. Taking into account the influence of the planets and using it correctly on each specific day of the week, we can come into harmony with cosmic rhythms, which is the astrological secret of success, health and well-being.

The astrological week begins not on Monday, as is commonly believed, but on Sunday. On this day, the weekly cycle begins, energy is accumulated for the whole week and grandiose plans are created for the near future. The week ends on Saturday, when the results are summed up and errors are analyzed.

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet, therefore, by using its influence, we can increase the probability of success many times over.

Here are seven secrets to success in Vedic astrology - for every day of the week:


Sunday is a day ruled by the Sun, which sends us the energy of joy, love, creativity and happiness. Very suitable for spiritual development and awareness of higher values. Visit a temple, go to a museum or an art gallery, be in nature - and your solar energy will increase significantly, this is the secret of success on Sunday. On this day, insights and original solutions to old problems are possible, so be open to new things. Give people warmth, say good words, promise mountains of gold - the energy of the Sun transmitted through you to people will bring you tangible results that you will feel as early as next week.


Monday is undeservedly considered the most difficult day of the week. Difficulties arise if you incorrectly use the energy of the Moon, the patroness of this day. The Moon sends us relaxation, peace, capriciousness and unpredictability. On Monday it is good to solve everyday problems, make purchases, communicate with family members.

Don't criticize, cheat, or demand. People become especially sensitive on this day. If you want to please or achieve something from your boss, then emotional conversations or even tears, which on Monday can soften even the most inveterate cynic, will help you. The secret of success on Monday is to broadcast the energy of the Moon, give people care, attention and compassion, evoke reciprocal compassion for yourself - and you can achieve success on Monday.


Tuesday is ruled by Mars, pushing us to act rashly, seek thrills and adventures, make harsh statements and aggression. You can achieve success on this day if you act spontaneously, on the first impulse, if you implement your ideas as soon as they arise, because Mars is the planet of speed, instincts and desires. It is very good to show courage and determination on this day of the week, even if they are not inherent in you. It is important to simply demonstrate them to others, and they will appreciate it.

It is better to use a rational masculine approach, both men and women, and forget about emotions - this is the secret of success on Tuesday. But it is very important to ensure that assertiveness does not turn into aggression, and to try to smooth out all conflicts.


Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, filled with easy energy, fast, cheerful and witty. On this day of the week, good things are said, studied, written and sold. Success is brought by matters related to business, finance, and trade. Business negotiations, gambling are successful, problems are solved very easily. On this day, communicate more, study, improve your skills - this is the secret to success on Wednesday. You can even cheat, but do not forget that you can also be deceived. You should not demonstrate your complexes and problems; on Wednesday they are especially striking and can make an undesirable impression of you.


Thursday, according to astrologers, is the most successful day of the week, thanks to the patronage of Jupiter. This is the planet of society, of collective cooperation. On this day it is easy to achieve success in work matters, negotiations, and deals. You can make requests to management, but they must be related to the interests of the team. It is very important to show that you think about the common good, to demonstrate professionalism, efficiency and competence - this is the secret to success on Thursday. You need to remember that problems that arise on Thursday tend to grow, so try not to conflict, stop possible quarrels at the very beginning, and calmly do your job. The favor of Jupiter on this day of the week will definitely bring you success.


Friday is a wonderful day for relaxation and entertainment, expression of feelings and charity. After all, Venus, the patron saint of Friday, awakens the desire for beauty, the search for harmony and mutual understanding. Pay more attention to women, on this day they are especially trusting and if they feel your care, they will appreciate you. The secret to success on Friday: decorate the world around you - with creativity, kind words, courtesy and polite behavior. Sing, draw, dance, give flowers to your loved ones, express your thoughts beautifully, and Venus will definitely support you and reward you with good luck on this day of the week.


Saturday is perhaps the most difficult of all days of the week. And all because of the harsh and limiting energy of Saturn, the ruler of this day. Saturn represents duty, destiny, karma. He is very critical and conservative.

Therefore, on Saturday it is better to limit desires and needs, talk less about your experiences and problems. This is not the best day for doing business, because... the likelihood of confrontation and losses increases. The exception is the acquisition of land and real estate, which is under the auspices of Saturn.

It is necessary to sort out the events of the past week in order to be well prepared for the new weekly cycle, visit nature, meditate, clear your mind and free yourself from the burden of problems - this is the secret to the success of Saturday. Saturn welcomes the acquisition of wisdom, so communication with elders will be of great benefit on Saturday. Don’t strain those around you; people already tend to feel depressed this day.

Control what you say, because Saturn will make you answer for your words. On this day of the week, you should not lie; it is better to demonstrate your honesty to everyone - and your authority will increase significantly in the eyes of others.

Saturday is good for shopping - Saturn will not let you spend too much. You should not plan a serious event - an important trip or a wedding, this will be contrary to cosmic rhythms. Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, console someone, say and do something kind - and Saturn will show its favor and allow you to achieve success on this day of the week.

No matter how difficult the current life situation may seem to you, do not despair. He who gives up loses the blessings of the planets. By wisely using the energies of the Cosmos, constantly improving in our desire to understand the laws of the Universe, we come into harmony with cosmic rhythms - this is the secret of success for every day of our lives.

For more complete information, study Vedic astrology.

You will find many other secrets of success in the publications posted in the headings “Highest Wisdom”, “Lecture Notes, Seminars, Trainings” and in “Quotes from the Sages” on

Jupiter and Sagittarius bring good luck. Success is different from luck. We perceive luck as something unexpected, an undeserved gift from higher powers. We consider success as a result hard work or something that we plan and strive for. There may be several factors in the chart that determine success in the horoscope.

Indicators of success in a horoscope

A good prerequisite for success is the presence of nodes in corner houses (1, 4, 7 and 10). I find that having the North or South Node in the 10th house is equally beneficial for success. It also seems to be a good idea to have nodes in the 1st and 7th houses. The seventh house indicates the patron and when the node is placed in this house, it can promise many clients or business for that person.

For example, a doctor who practices private practice, depends on the number of patients and recommendations. If one of the nodes is in the seventh house, it can be a promise of favorable protection. When the nodes representing the points of fate are in the corner houses, success is sure to come.

If the client has the North Node in the 10th house, he is destined great career. My clients often have great professional careers without any effort on their part. This is the most interesting thing for observation. They always seem to be in the right place at the right time, and their success in career growth achieved without much effort on their part.

The North Node points about the same as Jupiter, and the South Node points about the same as Saturn. Both of them are equally favorable for success, achievements, and fulfillment of plans. If the influence of the North Node, like the influence of Jupiter, is more obvious, then the influence of the South Node, like the influence of Saturn, may appear with a delay.

I believe that none of these influences hinder success. I have found that clients with a North Node in the 10th house and a South Node in the 4th house do not necessarily have the drive or desire to build their career at any cost. In past lives they were inconspicuous people, leading a domestic lifestyle.

They know how to build a house and raise a family, but building a career attracts them to a much lesser extent. However, if they do go out into the public eye, then everything will turn out very well for them, because they are destined for a brilliant career. Of course, I'm talking about intact nodes with good aspects.

I can tell you an amazing story about a client whose North Node is in the 10th house and South Node in the 4th. He married a woman who already had a brilliant career. His wife traveled a lot, and he happily stayed at home and performed many household duties, such as looking after the children and the house.

He was a lawyer, but he didn't really like practicing law. He started a real estate company and his wife supported his venture. With Uranus in the first house and the Moon in Libra, this gentleman has a fair amount of charisma and charm. He soon became a superstar, a multimillionaire. He achieved very great success.

The South Node shows that a person knows how to live, and the North Node shows what he needs to know. The secret is to achieve harmony between them. Therefore, in cases where people have the South Node in the tenth house, they instinctively know how they need to make a career for themselves. At other times in their lives, these people may have made career their main concern.

Now they are required to acquire nice home and also led family life. This is exactly what they came into this world for, but they don’t want to spend all their time at home. They truly strive outside the home to pursue a career because they enjoy it. However, during such periods of life, they are destined to create a home and family in addition to building an excellent career.

In a threatening situation, people retreat to their South Node. When they feel like they can't cope stressful situation, they return to the style of behavior that is familiar to them and is natural for them.

For many years my client was a clergyman. His North Node was in his 10th house and his South Node was in his 4th house. All doors easily swung open before him, he did very useful things and really began to climb up the ranks of the church hierarchy. Then a scandal broke out in his church, which did not affect him, but he was truly angry and upset about the incident.

When he came to the consultation, I said: “I know what you did, you ran to hide home, didn’t you?” And he said: “Yes.” He just dropped everything and returned to his hometown and stayed there for a couple of months. When his career was threatened (North Node in the tenth house), he rushed to his home (South Node in the fourth house), where he felt calm and comfortable.

I said, "You know, you can only stay there for so long." short period time. You will have to return to your professional activities, because eventually you'll become a bishop or something, whether you like it or not." He's back. I don’t know whether he became a bishop, but the last thing I heard about him concerned his great successes in church affairs. It is clear that he was destined to have a wonderful career in the church.

Planets in horoscope houses indicating success

Jupiter in the 10th house is, of course, favorable for success, as is Sagittarius on the cusp of the tenth house. I also see a lot of successful people square the tenth house because that's where they get their drive and energy. (By squaring the tenth house, I mean that planets placed in the tenth house form squares.) They may have obstacles or delays, but with hard work they will achieve anything.

Well aspected Sun, Jupiter, North Node or South Node in the tenth house can greatly facilitate a successful career. Case in point: Ron Howard. Born March 1, 1954/9:30 AM CST Del City, Oklahoma Ron Howard has both his North Node and his Moon in the tenth house in Capricorn.

His Moon forms a T-square from the tenth house, opposing Uranus and squaring Neptune. This cardinal T-square gives him drive and ambition. Uranus is also in the Grand Water Trine, which gives it a great creative spirit. The distances between the planets in this Grand Water Trine are very large, but I believe that this is beneficial for the person.

I have often found that when the planets in a Grand Water Trine are very close to each other, the person has significant creative abilities, but seems to be too self-sufficient emotionally.

Pluto in the 10th house or the ruler of the tenth house is great for successful career. This happens because there is such a deep need for recognition that a person will do whatever it takes. A stellium in the tenth house gives a lot of energy that allows you to build a career.

When clients have many planets in the tenth house, there is increased activity in this area of ​​their lives. However, if there is nothing on the chart in the tenth house, this does not mean that a person will not be able to make an excellent career. The ruler of the tenth house can be very active and provide such people with many opportunities to achieve their career goals.

One of the aspects that I constantly see in successes is the Moon in harmonious aspect with Venus, which means social recognition and love. I have noticed that this is an essential aspect for celebrities because it greatly contributes to public recognition. I also found that the Moon trine Jupiter has a similar effect.

Carol Rushman