The influence of the moon and sun on humans. Vedic astrology

17. The influence of the Sun and Moon on earth processes

Factors Determining the solar influence of the Sun and Moon on the Earth can be divided into two types. The first is constantly acting factors, which include the shape, size of the Earth, gravitational and magnetic forces that determine the retention in orbit and the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the second - solar radiation, which is the main source of energy on Earth, the relative position of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

Shape and size of the Earth have great value for the development of all geographical phenomena and processes on Earth. For example, the spherical shape of the Earth causes uneven heating by the Sun. The greatest heating of the earth's surface occurs in the area between the tropics, where the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the planet's surface is highest throughout the year. There is a gradual decrease in heat towards the poles. This determines the general geographic zonation of the Earth and the formation of various natural zones.

In addition to the shape of the Earth, its mass, volume, and density are of great geographical importance. These parameters are associated with such properties of the Earth as gravity, magnetic and thermal fields. The Earth's gravitational, magnetic and electric fields are determined by its shape, size and material composition and, in turn, determine the properties and processes of the geographical shell.

The mass of the Earth is 5.976 10 27 g, the volume is 1.083 10 12 m 3, the average density is 5.518 kg/m 3. The composition of the Earth is dominated by iron: (34.6%), oxygen (29.5%), silicon (15.2%) and magnesium (12.7%).

The density of the Earth varies depending on its composition and properties rocks and depth from the surface. The average density of the Earth is 5.52 g/cm 3 . In the center of the Earth, the density reaches 12-17 g/cm 3 (12-17 thousand t/m 3). Density upper layers The earth depends on the composition of the rocks composing them.

These parameters are associated with such properties of the Earth as gravity, magnetic and thermal fields.

Gravity is the mutual attraction of two physical bodies that have mass. The forces of gravity hold the planets around the Sun, determine the spherical shape of the Earth and hold its atmosphere.

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field of a conventional rod, the ends of which have opposite magnetic poles, i.e. magnetic dipole. The points of intersection of the magnetic dipole with the earth's surface are called geomagnetic poles (north and south). Magnetic poles do not coincide with geographic ones; their positions are constantly changing over time. The zone of near-Earth space, the physical properties of which are determined by the Earth's magnetic field, is called the magnetosphere. It has internal (at an altitude of 3-4 thousand km) and external (22 thousand km) radiation belts.

As you know, the Earth rotates around its axis in the direction from west to east and at the same time around the Sun. The Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. This period of time is called a sidereal day. However, due to the fact that the Earth simultaneously rotates around the Sun, the actual length of the day is somewhat longer. For convenience in practical application, it was decided to consider the average duration of a sunny day as 24 hours. The rotation of the Earth around its axis is associated with the change of day and night and many earthly processes.

The linear speed of the Earth's rotation is the distance that any point on the Earth's surface travels per unit time. Depending on the geographic latitude, it varies from 0 (at the poles) to 464 m/s (at the equator). In addition to linear speed, the axial rotation of the Earth also determines the angular speed, which shows the angle of rotation of any point on the earth’s surface per unit time. It is the same for all latitudes of the Earth and is equal to 1° in 4 minutes (15° in one hour). Angular velocity determines the magnitude of the Coriolis force, which affects the movement of water and air masses, the erosion of river banks, the direction of sea currents, etc.

The shape of the Earth and its rotation around its axis are also associated with such concepts as zone and local time, as well as date changes and the calendar. (Remember what time zones are, local time and standard time?).

Depending on the position of the Earth relative to the Sun, zones of illumination are distinguished on the globe (Remember, how many and what zones of illumination are distinguished on Earth?)

Earth has one natural satellite- The moon. The Moon has a braking effect on the speed of rotation of the Earth, which affects the magnitude of the Coriolis force and, first of all, on moving media (water, air masses). Under the influence of the Moon and partly the Sun, the intensity of the Earth's processes changes, including tectonic processes (mountain building, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), and the magnitude of its polar compression decreases. It has been proven that the Moon influences biological rhythms on Earth, and through them the health of humans and animals.

The intensity of the Moon’s influence on Earth’s processes depends on relative position Earth, Sun and Moon and Moon phases. Different shapes The parts of the Moon illuminated by the Sun that we see from Earth are called lunar phases. There are four of them: new moon, when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun; the first and last quarters, when the Moon is visible from the Earth at an angle of 90 degrees from the east and west of the Sun; full moon when the Moon is in the opposite direction to the Sun. (Remember from astronomy the duration of the lunar phases)

The influence of the Sun on earthly processes is determined by phenomena occurring in the depths of the Sun, i.e. from solar activity. A huge amount of energy that the Sun emits into outer space is formed in its depths as a result of the thermonuclear reaction of converting hydrogen into helium. Despite the fact that only one two-billionth part of this energy reaches the Earth, the Sun is the main source of energy for all processes occurring in the geographic envelope.

Signs of solar activity are sunspots, zones of increased brightness (faculae) and explosive bursts of energy (flashes) on the surface of the Sun (Remember from astronomy the reasons for their formation). An increase in solar activity is reflected in the geophysical processes of the Earth. There are 11-year, 33-year and 98-year cycles of increasing solar activity. During these periods, the influence of the Sun on the Earth increases.

Solar activity has a great influence on such terrestrial processes as auroras, magnetic storms, earthquakes, plant growth and productivity, reproduction and migration of insects, epidemics of human diseases (influenza, typhoid, cholera, etc.).

The influence of solar activity on the Earth's climate is extremely large. The solar radiation fluxes that increase during solar storms affect the ozone content in the upper layers of the atmosphere. This, in turn, changes the intensity of heat and moisture exchange on Earth.

One of the factors of solar influence on the Earth is the “solar wind” - flows of protons and electrons that spread from the Sun in all directions. A very small part of the “solar wind” material reaches the Earth, but its influence on the magnetic properties of our planet is enormous.

As you know from astronomy, all the planets of the solar system are in a state of gravitational interaction. The interaction of the Sun, Moon and Earth is visible in the formation of tidal processes in the Earth's hydrosphere. The Moon plays a major role in the formation of tides. The influence of the Sun, despite its enormous mass, due to its great distance (149.5 million km), is 2.71 times less than the influence of the Moon. The highest tide height in the oceans is observed when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are on the same line and their tidal forces are summed up. This tide is called syzygous (from the Greek syzygia - connection, conjugation). The lowest tide is quadrature (from the Latin guadratura - square shape), when the Moon and Sun are at right angles to the Earth.

There are such riddles: “What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than the light, burns without fire?”, “I will get up early, white and ruddy, and when I let down my golden hair, I go outside the city - both man and beast will rejoice.”

What are these riddles about? Of course, about the Sun.

People have treated the Sun with love and special respect for a long time. After all, already in ancient times they realized that without the Sun neither man, nor beast, nor plant could live.

The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Like other stars, it is a huge, hot cosmic body that constantly emits light and heat.

From Earth, the Sun appears small. In fact, it is so large that our planet is very small in comparison. If you imagine the Sun the size of an orange, then the Earth will be the size of a poppy seed. Scientists-astronomers have found that the diameter of the Sun is 109 times greater than the diameter of our planet. And the mass of the Sun is approximately 330 thousand times greater than the mass of the Earth!

Why does it seem small to us? It's all about the huge distance between it and our planet. This distance is about 150 million kilometers!

What is the temperature of the Sun? Very, very high. It's hard for a person to even imagine. We know that when our body temperature rises above 37°, we have a fever. At a temperature of 100° water boils, at a temperature of 1500° steel melts. The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6 thousand degrees, and in the center of the Sun 15 - 20 million degrees!

The sun (this is big secret for physicists who still do not understand how and due to what it exists.

The sun and its radiation

The sun is life's friend. The energy carried by the sun's rays is needed not only by green plants. Birds, animals, and people need it. Radiant energy spreads in the form of special waves that have different lengths.

Scientists have proven that the sun emits three types ultraviolet rays(described below in order of increasing destructive impact):

1. A-rays - penetrate deep into the skin, reducing its elasticity and firmness, causing premature aging of the skin, expressed in the accelerated formation of wrinkles, age spots and freckles, especially in fair-haired and light-eyed people. High activity of such rays provokes the development of skin cancer.

2. B-rays - can cause skin burns and are a direct cause of skin cancer.

3. C-rays are deadly to flora and fauna. The ozone layer of the atmosphere surrounding our earth absorbs them, protecting all living things from the destructive effects of these rays. But, as you know, ozone layer The atmosphere has become less powerful in recent decades. Scientists predict a significant increase in the number of skin cancer cases.

Near the earth, radiation delay occurs mainly due to atmospheric pollution with dust, smoke and gases, during cloudiness and fog. Ultraviolet rays are most delayed in large industrial cities with a lot of smoke and gas pollution.

The amount of direct solar radiation decreases with distance from the equator, as the angle of incidence of the sun's rays decreases. The most large number radiation in mid-latitudes occurs in May, during the day - at noon. There are more ultraviolet rays in the south than in the north.

The sun and its influence on humans

As a result of the action of ultraviolet rays, drying and hardening of tissues, premature formation of wrinkles and, in the worst case, painful changes in the skin, including cancer, occur. The rays of the sun, penetrating through the layer of dead and dying cells of the cuticle, also reach the layer of living cells. The weak effect of sunlight does not harm the body; on the contrary, by exciting the cells, it enhances their activity. Moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays is also beneficial. They kill germs. There are observations that in clear sunny weather the prevalence and duration of epidemics of influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases transmitted through the air are much smaller and shorter. However, excessive, too much irritation sun rays, especially ultraviolet radiation, can not only disrupt the normal functioning of cells, but also kill them. Penetrating deep into the body, an excess of radiant energy could cause great harm to our body, if not protective activity skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is formed in the skin. And with the so-called light starvation, which is observed in people deprived of the opportunity to use sufficient daylight (those living in the North during the polar night, those working in mines, in the subway), numerous disturbances in the functioning of the body. Children develop rickets, the number of cases of dental caries increases, bone strength decreases, functional disorders of the nervous system appear, and the course of tuberculosis worsens. However, if exposed to sunlight for too long without a regular change of day and night (Arctic region), fatigue of the nervous system and changes in reflex activity person. Even “white nights” can cause irritation and fatigue of the nervous system. The human body has mechanisms that protect it from sudden fluctuations in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and changes in atmospheric pressure. But sometimes this protection does not work.

Can the sun and heat strike and what should you do?

Any person prefers a warm sunny day to a cold or cloudy one. But sometimes exposure to heat and sunlight can lead to a very unpleasant painful condition. In very warm weather, high humidity and difficult heat transfer from the surface of the body, a condition called heat stroke develops.

Direct exposure to direct sunlight on the head on hot days can cause severe damage (overheating) to the brain - sunstroke. Unlike heatstroke, with sunstroke there may not be any general overheating. However, the patients' complaints are similar.

Signs Causes First Aid

Heat accumulated in the body - tight, poorly breathable clothing; - first, the patient must be placed in a cool place; it negatively affects the function of the central - in the open air: with high physical strength, in a place in the shade, of the nervous system; activity in a humid, stuffy atmosphere (even - provide access fresh air, release

Oxygen starvation develops; - in the absence of sun) in calm weather; from tight, constricting clothing, blood viscosity increases; - give me cold water to drink,

Blood circulation is impaired; - if the rules for taking sunshine are not followed, apply a cold compress, and, if possible,

Headache, dizziness, and noise appear. ice on the head, armpits and groin areas in the ears; (large blood vessels pass through there).

Experience extreme thirst and nausea; - water procedures

Worried about weakness, drowsiness - mandatory rest in a supine position and

There is redness skin, their drinking plenty.

humidity; - in severe cases, emergency treatment is necessary

Breathing becomes more frequent, tachycardia develops, and medical care decreases.

blood pressure;

Vomiting and nosebleeds may occur.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke:

To avoid overheating, it is necessary to maintain a microclimate in residential and production premises, maintain an optimal drinking regime, and also use rational clothing;

It is recommended to wear clothes made of porous fabrics (cotton, linen, etc.), through which air can easily be exchanged. This is especially true for clothing in the warm season. In the summer, even without taking a special air bath, try to get rid of excess clothing: for example, when working in the garden, take off your shirt or T-shirt.

It is sometimes believed that the more tightly the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. Often, for this purpose, thick towels are tied around the head, and tall caps are made from newspapers. But all these “hats” interfere with normal heat transfer. A light white Panama hat, a small light cap with a visor, a cotton scarf; A straw hat will perfectly protect your head from the sun.

Thermoregulation is negatively affected by the subcutaneous fat layer, which is poor in blood vessels. Therefore, overweight people need to be especially careful about overheating.

Do we need a tan? Benefits and risks of tanning.

We love summer very much. After all, in the summer you can walk, you don’t need to wear warm, heavy clothes, and you can bask in the hot sun to your heart’s content. How nice it is to become bronzed from a tan after a few sunbathings! What is a tan?

In everyday life, we call this the darkening of the skin under the influence of sunlight. And there is something complicated behind this chemical reaction. The fact is that the skin contains a substance called tyrazine. In the sun it turns into the pigment melanin. (“Pigment” means paint.) Melanin moves to the surface layers of the skin, giving it a dark color. These skin is protected from further exposure to the sun. That is, tanning is another thing protective device body.

The body's defense against radiant energy develops very slowly. Only gradually, over a number of days, does the cuticle become enriched with pigment and become thicker.

That is why, before exposing the skin to strong and prolonged exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to accustom it to the sun. There are people whose skin contains very little pigment and does not tan, but only turns red in the sun. And in other people, the cells capable of forming skin pigment are distributed unevenly, separate groups. And then, instead of an even tan, freckles appear, around which the skin for a long time remains light.

It happens that, wanting to get a deeper tan, a person spends whole days in the sun. And in vain! Firstly, it does not cause the skin to darken more. After all, in the daytime, under direct rays of the sun, melanin is almost not formed. For its formation, “cold” morning and evening rays are needed. And, secondly, the hot daytime sun very quickly causes skin burns. If the body turns red, like boiled crayfish, don’t hope that you’re black-tanned. The redness will go away, and the skin will become covered with large and small blisters. Then they will begin to peel off and take on the appearance of rags. What beauty there is!

Let's take a look positive aspects exposure to the sun.

Benefit Harm

Being in the sun makes you feel healthy - exposure to the sun causes: premature aging of the skin;

The level of blood circulation increases, and a feeling of vigor appears. deep wrinkles (which cannot be smoothed out);

The sun is good for human bones and teeth. - the appearance of spots and freckles on the skin; skin cancer; burn;

Vitamin D is produced when exposed to the sun. - allergic reactions for certain types of products, medicines and

In some cases, the sun can help get rid of pimples. cosmetics;

The appearance of irritation in the form of watery blisters; some people

The appearance of skin rashes.

May weaken the immune system.

Sunburn is not just a temporary phenomenon that disappears without a trace. Typically, sunburn is a fairly stable form of skin damage, and scientists are providing increasing evidence that sunburn predisposes to skin cancer.

Freckles are great!

For skin to be tanned, the pigment melanin is necessary. In the summer, a lot of it is produced in the sun, and the skin acquires a golden-brown color. But in general, melanin is also formed in winter. Even if the cold sun hits only your face, your skin will still produce a little melanin. It also contains carotene and hemoglobin, also pigments. Skin color depends on the ratio of these three pigments.

In some people, for some unknown reason, melanin particles clump together. It is these lumps, clearly visible on the surface of the skin, that we call freckles. Why not everyone has freckles is unknown. But it is well known that they never appear in old people and adults are rarely affected. Freckles are a sign of childhood and youth. Don't rush to part with them. It’s not for nothing that grandmothers say: “A lot of freckles means the sun loves you.”

Why sunlight good for health?

Every person instinctively feels that it is better to live in the light. But did you know that this is scientifically proven? Let's look at what happens when we expose our body to the sun's rays.

Sunlight destroys “Sun Vitamins” substances arrive

Certain fungi and bacteria, which When light hits the skin in the blood, the Sun also has a specific ability to settle in the skin (medicine has adopted substances that give tone to the effect - creates the so-called “solar properties of sunlight); muscles. Tension is created in the muscles, and they are vitamins.” Ultraviolet light transforms matter

White ones work better when exposed to sunlight. From solar energy, what is in the skin is charged into vitamin D. It is then that blood cells (phagocytes) become stronger in our nervous system. It makes us feel energized and is called the “sunshine vitamin.”

active (these cells help in preventing the desire to move. It is reasonable that our energy is sick). always finds a way out when we play ball, do gymnastics or swim. We have a desire to move more because the sun strengthens the nervous system.


Benefit Rules of admission

Prevents anemia; - the next day, expose another 1/5 to sunlight

Favorable changes in the activities of the central nervous system; part of the body and increase the time spent in the sun by another 5 minutes and

Increases resistance to infections; etc.

Metabolism improves; - sunbathing is best taken in the morning, when the earth and air are less

Prevention of rickets; heated and the heat is much easier to bear;

Strengthens tooth enamel. - it is advisable to take sunbathing only 1.5-2 hours after eating;

Sunbathing should be especially careful for those who:

Very white skin, blond or red hair,

Many moles and age spots,

I had sunburns as a child,

Close relatives suffered from melanoma.

Drink alcoholic drinks

There are hot and spicy dishes,

Wipe the skin with alcohol-containing liquids,

Wash with soap before and after sunbathing.

The sun kills 60 thousand people every year

Sunny ultraviolet radiation kills 60,000 every year human lives", the report says World Organization Health (WHO). Every year, 48,000 people worldwide die from malignant melanoma, and another 12,000 people die from other types of skin cancer. In 90% of cases, these cancers are caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

According to WHO, solar radiation can also cause severe burns, early skin aging, cataracts, herpes and other diseases.

“We all need sunshine, but too much can be dangerous - and even fatal,” said the Director of the WHO Department of Public Health and environment Maria Neira. “Fortunately, diseases caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in particular malignant melanomas and other types of skin cancer, are almost 100% preventable with the necessary protective measures.”

Why does the face especially need protection?

The skin suffers greatly from the sun: it does not “forget” a single ultraviolet ray that touched it, ever, starting from the first day of life. Thus, in general, the face receives a significantly higher dose of radiation than the body and needs increased protection - and not just during holidays.

Lips burn especially easily. Therefore, always cover them with a protective agent. Since the protective film peels off very quickly, renew it every hour.

How do solar protection products work?

Effect of chemical protection Disadvantages of chemical protection

Chemicals, like tiny antennas, capture - they penetrate the skin and (in small quantities) through the blood ultraviolet radiation and change under its influence, preventing it from entering the body. In addition, they can cause allergies due to excess radiation reaching our living cells;

Soothes, cools and heals minor injuries

After prolonged contact with the sun, the skin needs moisture and coolness. This will help her heal sun damage and make her tan look better. Antique home remedy against the lungs sunburn- a compress of sour cream or kefir. But if you have swelling, blisters and fever, then you have a real burn and you should definitely go to the doctor!

Remember that the thermoregulation of burned skin is impaired, so even in warm weather You may become hypothermic - be sure to wear something warm, especially in the evening.

What should be the “correct glasses”?

Means for protecting the eyes from excess light were provided by nature itself. The protective role here is played by the eyelids, which can move closer together, and the pupil, the size of which can decrease, thus regulating the amount of light entering the eye. But in very bright light, on the beach, in the desert or in a snowy area, where the sun's rays reflected from the surface multiply the intensity of the light falling into the eyes, the need for sunglasses arises. Children, the elderly and people with eye diseases are most sensitive to the harmful effects of sunlight. The most dangerous light conditions are excess solar radiation with a high content of ultraviolet and blue rays: high mountains, polar regions, southern seas and deserts.

Glasses must block at least 70% of the incident light. With, for example, a forty percent light delay, they are practically useless. Experts advise doing the following check on your sunglasses. You need to move them away from you at arm's length and look through them at some distant object. It should not look enlarged or reduced. In addition, there should not be any "ripples" or distortion when the glasses move.

The opinion that sunglasses must be dark - this is a fallacy. Glass may even be colorless. It absorbs ultraviolet light special composition, which has almost no shade. Therefore, it’s not a matter of what color the glass is, it’s much more quality is more important goods. Dark glass or plastic does not block ultraviolet radiation. In order to block this type of rays, a special coating is needed. Such products are produced only by well-known companies with a solid reputation. And the cost of such glasses is several times higher than ordinary ones.

May there always be the sun, giving blessings to man! Let his radiant energy help everyone improve their health, gain strength and energy!

Ancient people attached great importance to the influence of stars on human life. The rulers of the empires did not make a single decision without consulting astrologers, and even days favorable for conceiving children were precisely calculated years in advance. Not only wealthy people used the services of astrologers. Astrology permeated all areas of life, from agricultural work to drawing up a marriage horoscope.

Modern people are all “sick” of one disease called “lack of time.” But it does not stop the thirst for knowledge, so we will share with the reader knowledge about Vedic astrology in a simplified and condensed version that everyone can put into practice. It is worth noting that the horoscope and the location of the planets are not something rigid and unchanging. Rather, these are the opportunities and limitations given to a person at birth. Based on an understanding of your limitations caused by karma (the consequence of actions in previous incarnations) and your capabilities, you can apply this knowledge to accept right decisions in real life, contributing to development and spiritual growth.

On the following website you can create a free Vedic horoscope:

Please note that the Vedic horoscope, although much closer to Western horoscope differs in the method of compiling a horoscope; in general, the planets are shifted one sign back. Both the Western and Vedic horoscope are completely different from the Chinese horoscope.

As part of this series, we would reveal the influence of the main planets in Vedic horoscope in particular on health and character: sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, rahu (north node of the moon - the head of the dragon), ketu (south node of the moon - tail of the dragon). Ketu and Rahu are not celestial bodies as such, but points, which means that these points coincide with solar and lunar eclipses.

The point is to better understand the laws that affect our body, and also to better build relationships with each other.

Influence of the Sun

At the moment of conception, all the planets make their mark on the body of the future person, that is, it is already determined when he will be born and die and all the main events that will happen in the life of this person. This information changes only in two cases: when a person decides to do a lot of bad things, or when he embarks on the spiritual path of self-improvement. According to the Vedas (ancient Vedic knowledge), a person can follow only two paths: the path of the Sun - self-improvement, or the path of the Moon - pleasure.

The sun is the force of happiness, which gives us the opportunity to exist and act. The desire to act is the desire to live. If a person does not want to act, then he does not want to live.

Everything has its own character, spirit. For example, if there is one plant, one result is obtained, if there is another, another result. In the same way, planets have their own character. Each planet is ruled by a personality. The sun is ruled by Surya and is considered a demigod. Demigods are individuals who strictly carry out all the instructions associated with our life, and it is not difficult for them to do this, because we already have a mechanism inside us that will itself react to their existence, in accordance with how we are supposed to. A person carries in his field all the information about his past actions. The purer our mind and actions, the purer our perception of the world will be.

The sun is the representative of time, eternal time. This is the most important force that determines whether we achieve our goal in life or not. How does the Sun control our ability to succeed in this life? The sun simply provides us with the opportunity to succeed. If we don't do anything on time, we don't achieve success. Because the sun gives vitality. The tone of happiness in which a person can live or the tone of unhappiness in which he can live. If a person gets up early, he gets the tone of happiness, if a person gets up late, he gets the tone of unhappiness, if a person eats at the wrong time, then he gets a decrease in his potency, his strength and an increase in toxins in the body, if a person eats on time what he should, he gets power. A person who is determined to live for others, to do good for people, will get up early.

At the center of the Sun is the main soul, which gives energy to all the planets in the solar system. They call her Savita.

Mental purity depends on the Sun, because the Sun is of a fiery nature and the mind is of a fiery nature. The sun makes it possible for this force to exist, i.e. gives strength to the mind. The moon gives pleasure and tranquility to the mind, cools the mind and gives rest to the mind. And the Sun gives strength for the activity of the mind. If a person has very weak contact with the Sun in his body, then his mind works poorly, it is difficult for him to think. If a person strong contact with the Sun, his mind works well.
The Sun represents the father and the Moon represents the mother. There are two principles in this world, the father principle (yang - male energy) and the mother principle (yin - female energy). The mother principle means material nature, the father principle means God, i.e. spiritual nature. If the mother principle prevails, then everyone begins to strive for the material; if the mother principle is subordinate to the father principle, then everyone begins to strive for the spiritual.
A woman has the inclination to serve her husband; if she does so, she gets happiness. A woman can correct her husband. The man represents solar power. If a man takes responsibility for his family, then the power of the Sun is in this family. If a woman takes responsibility for the family, then this family does not acquire the power of the Sun. Therefore, ancient people placed great emphasis on the roles and responsibilities that family members performed in relation to other family members and society.

A man gives strength to activity, and a woman gives peace and relaxation. If a man treats a woman badly, he loses peace. He does not have the power of rest, he loses the ability to be calm. The same thing with a woman: if she does not respect a man, father and husband, then she will not have the power of creative activity.

The sun represents the cardinal direction East, summer and Sunday. Some people start getting sick in the summer. Why do people get sick from sunlight? This means that his lunar aspect is more strongly developed, it is more difficult for him to do good for others, enjoy life, and sacrifice. If the solar aspect is well developed, then he uses the sunlight that goes inside him for other people, i.e. nothing is retained in it, circulation occurs. If a person becomes less selfish, he can tolerate sunlight more easily.

The one who devotes Sunday to himself experiences difficulties on Monday, and the one who devotes this day to spiritual work, doing good deeds for others, becomes happy.

The sun reaches its absolute strength at noon, then a person, at noon, has the ability not only to act, but also to refresh himself, therefore the most dense nutrition should be at noon. You should try to eat sunny foods; wheat, for example, is associated with the energy of fire and the sun. The very concept of taste is associated with the sun; the effect of taste is enhanced by the influence of the Sun. A person who does not have solar energy within, he cannot taste.

The pungent taste itself is also associated with the Sun. Everything that has a bitter taste is also associated with the power of the Sun. Eating spicy-sweet foods is the Sun in goodness, these foods are filled with the Sun in goodness. And there are bitter-spicy foods - these are those foods that are filled with the power of the Sun in passion or ignorance. We need both forces for life. For example, winter already means ignorance, and a person needs a bitter taste to save himself from the power of winter. Therefore, in order to maintain the body in winter, it is necessary to eat mustard, black bread, etc., such foods that give solar power through bitterness. Because grief comes out on its own, it exists on its own, then thin body must be nourished by the bitter taste, otherwise the subtle body begins to become exhausted. A bitter taste fills the subtle body when a person lives in sorrow. It consumes the subtle body and replenishes the bitter taste. This is also due to the power of the Sun.

All poisons have the power of the Sun. Hatred gives birth to the existence of poison. A person who hates other people accumulates solar energy and turns it into poison. We humans can form poison at the mental level, but when we do this, our body is automatically filled with poison too. For example, when a person hates other people, his subtle body of mind begins to accumulate the power of poison into itself, and automatically the whole body also begins to become polluted toxic substances. Thus, if we are under the influence of toxins, there are a lot of all sorts of substances in the body, the metabolism is disrupted, this means that we have accumulated, accumulated the power of hatred. We need to remove this force and then we will not have any problems in cleansing our body.

Pain and passion are also born from the Sun. In passion, people begin to hoard. Those who misuse the energy of the sun are born in northern countries in their next lives. The weapon also contains the power of the Sun, but it is intended to protect, not cause problems. There are animals that accumulate the power of the Sun, like a lion, it collects the power of the Sun in order to eat everyone, and poisonous animals, they collect the power of the Sun in order to sting everyone. Plants can collect within themselves the more beneficial power of the Sun. All spices that have a sweetish taste have the power of the Sun, for example, saffron. There are plants that accumulate the power of the Sun for themselves, they become fleshy: aloe, Kalanchoe, but if they also have a medicinal taste, healing power, then this is not their main activity. Therefore, all medicinal herbs are based on the power of the Sun. If the power of the Sun is not in the grass, it cannot heal.

Plants also have the power of the moon, it cools a person. The anti-inflammatory effects all come from the power of the Moon, and the burning of disease, i.e. restoration of metabolism, burning of tumors, etc., burning of toxins, all this comes from the Sun. Those people who do not want to take the solar path, they do not want to be treated by burning the disease, they want to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and they use plants that have the power of the moon. And those who want to follow the path of progress, they burn away all diseases, and their food becomes more saturated with spices and products associated with the Sun. And they burn away the diseases within themselves. Those who follow the path of the Moon, they eat without spices, bland food, and they try to slow down the disease. This does not mean that you should eat spicy foods. Spicy food is the food of passion. One must eat food filled with spices, i.e. joy. Those spices that suit your taste will bring you joy. Those that don't fit, they will bring passion.

There are trees that have solar power. All fruit trees have solar power. Fruits represent the power of the Sun. Spices represent the power of the Sun, fruits represent the power of the Sun. Nuts are also associated with the power of the Sun. Herbs such as lavender, anise, rosemary, nutmeg, aromatic herbs, the aroma coming from the grass, this is also the power of the Sun. The area can be sunny, i.e. carrying the force of the Sun. There are two types of terrain that carry the power of the Sun. The desert carries the negative power of the Sun, and the forest carries the positive power of the Sun. If we are in the forest, and the forest is in goodness, purification occurs. If the forest is in ignorance, then the person there begins to get sick. In the desert he will always feel bad, because there the sun has destructive force. Why doesn't anything grow there? Because this area, which is located in the desert, the area itself, carries this power, according to the law of fate. The top of the mountain signifies solar power. All the solar power is accumulated at the top of the mountain. But the cave gives the opposite effect, i.e. all solar power there is minimally expressed. Karmic Law determines where a person will live.

The influence of the Sun on character traits.

A person who has good Sun in his horoscope, i.e. he is well connected with the Sun, he will show the main quality - responsibility. Determination is also related to the power of the Sun. But the volitional effort itself does not come from the Sun, it comes from Mars. Determination means optimism in this case. A person who has the power of optimism, he will do everything with determination. And this comes from the Sun.
A person who has the power of the Sun from birth is already valiant. When a person freezes in winter, it means that he has no kindness. Kindness is the power of the Sun, which is inside a person. If a person is able to not freeze in winter, it means that in past lives he has accumulated piety, which gives him the opportunity to have sunlight within himself. Like Ivanov Porfiry, he generally walked in the snow in his shorts and slept in a snowdrift. He simply showed everyone that, in fact, the power of kindness, i.e. The power of the Sun is such that it does not matter what the temperature is, a person will feel absolutely calm anywhere. He won't feel cold inside. Because the feeling of cold is the feeling of cruelty. But when a person boasts of something, he loses it.
Respect also comes from solar power. And people who have a lot of solar power inside, their society chooses to rule. If a person uses this power for selfish purposes, then in the next life he will be a nonentity. A person who takes responsibility, by the power of his destiny, his piety, can turn the entire country into a blooming garden. We get the rulers we deserve.
So, all leadership abilities come from the Sun. Also from the Sun comes the following abilities: rationality, prudence, determination, justice, the power of truth, enthusiasm, self-discipline, patience, humanity, firmness, truthfulness, willpower, perseverance, sincerity, nobility, generosity, the ability to progress, to be positive, achievement, ability in the arts, prosperity, generosity, generosity, bliss in activity, correct self-esteem, i.e. to evaluate oneself correctly also comes from the Sun, the ability to draw the right conclusion, innovation, all this also comes from the Sun.
The negative qualities that a person acquires when he does not want to live for others and spiritually work on himself: pride, ambition, looks down on everyone, does not respect, impulsiveness, bile, i.e. causticity, he is angry for a long time, selfish, arrogant, proud, arrogant, hostile, feels that he is unworthy of the people with whom he lives, is prone to violence, and also behaves extravagantly, not like everyone else.
A person who has a lot of solar power, he gets the following type of appearance. He has a roundish face, large build, wide forehead, high forehead, dark skin color or red skin color. May also have golden hair, or dark hair, strong skeletal system, brown eyes, big eyes, gray eyes. When a person is born with poor contact with the Sun, then he has a very frail physique, he looks rather dry, and is bent. He usually has lightish, sparse hair, a weak skeletal system, small eyes, all this is due to a lack of Sun.
If a person dies during daylight hours, in the summer, in clear weather, he walks along the sunny path. If a person dies at night, in cloudy weather, in winter time, then he then follows the lunar path if he progresses. But when a person degrades (no matter when he is born), he still degrades.

When a person lives incorrectly, sinfully, he experiences great fear, and he himself does not know what he is afraid of. Everything inside him is shaking, trembling, he begins to become an alcoholic, because he wants to overcome this fear in himself, and he begins to commit some kind of violence against others, to get angry with loved ones. He subconsciously feels that Hell awaits him. A person who has already been sentenced to go to heaven experiences strong happiness coming from within, regardless of what situations happen to him. Thus. All these forces come from the Sun.
Dangers from poison from enemies, weapons, trees, fire and punishment from the government are associated with the misuse of solar energy. The next article will highlight the connection between the Sun and health.

The material is collected from lectures by Dr. Torsunov.

The basis of life on our planet

The sun holds us in place. Despite the fact that our planet is located 140 million kilometers from the star, without its gravity, we would simply fly into deep space, away from heat and light, into the cold of black space.

The influence of the Sun on the Earth

Our star, like the Moon, creates tides. Although most daily ocean tides are due to the influence of the Moon, the highest and lowest tides occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up. It gives the Earth the necessary energy. Every square meter The Earth receives an average of 342 watts of energy. This is an average that includes day and night.

Much of this energy is reflected off the Earth and back into space, but our atmosphere acts like a blanket, retaining some of this heat.

Thanks to him we enjoy average temperature at 15° C. The sun affects our weather. As you know, it constantly heats the planet, and differences in heating create weather. When warm air over the land and cold air over the ocean move from one region to another, winds are formed.

When the Sun heats the water, it evaporates, becomes clouds and eventually falls as rain.

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