Benefits and contraindications of home nasal rinsing with folk remedies. How to clean the pores on your nose at home? How to wash your nose

You can rinse your nose every day for preventive purposes. This procedure is especially useful during the season of colds and during a runny nose, when swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, making breathing difficult and threatening many complications.

Purpose of rinsing

Not everyone knows about this useful procedure and how to rinse the nose with a runny nose.

The mucous membrane covering the nasopharynx, sinuses and cavity performs very important function. The constant vibration of its cilia ensures the removal of mucus formed in the sinuses, and with it the products of metabolic processes, dust particles and other harmful substances.

When at viral infection the membrane becomes inflamed, the secretion of mucus increases, which becomes a favorable environment for the spread of infection. When you have a runny nose, rinsing your nose is necessary because:

  • will remove excess mucus and pus from the nose, and will also remove huge number viruses;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane will help prevent it from drying out and completely blocking the nasal passages with the formation of crusts;
  • regular procedure will prevent infection from penetrating further into the respiratory organs;
  • in addition, after it the surface of the mucous membrane will be cleaned and prepared for the effects of drugs.

Salt water

To this procedure was successful, you need to choose what to rinse your nose with when you have a runny nose. The easiest way to do this is to take a solution of table salt in ordinary boiled water. In this case, the temperature and concentration must be optimal for an effective effect on the mucous membrane.

An isotonic solution of sodium chloride is optimal, easily prepared by adding a teaspoon of dry substance to a liter of boiled water. Moreover, it is salty that will help with a runny nose, not clean water, otherwise the swelling of the mucous membrane will only increase.

In case of more concentrated solution water from the mucous membrane will pass into the solution, diluting it. At the same time, the shell will dry out. If the solution is less concentrated than the mucous membrane, then the movement of water will occur in reverse side and will lead to even more swelling. Therefore, a concentration of saline solution is required that will create an osmotic pressure approximately equal to blood plasma.

Many firmly believe that salt is used because of its bactericidal properties. Supposedly it destroys microbes that have settled in the mucous membrane. However, the amount of salt is completely harmless to bacteria, and an increase in its content is dangerous because it burns the mucous membrane. Nasal rinse solution is not intended for treatment, and none of its components will also not speed up the healing process.

The nose is washed in order to clean it and thus prepare the conditions for further treatment. And salt water, and herbal decoctions, and other means will not be able to destroy the viruses hidden in the depths of the mucous membrane. Their task is to clear the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe.

Wash solutions

Salt water is the simplest, most affordable and effective means for irrigating the nose at home.

However, there are a sufficient number of others who are able to cope with this task.

They can be easily found at the pharmacy or, if desired, prepared at home. Of the best ways to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose, the following are usually used.

  • Saline solution for intravenous infusions. It is often used to clean wounds or for other purposes. This is the same salt solution, only prepared under sterile conditions. The drug perfectly thins mucus and cleanses the nasal cavity.
  • Solutions containing sea salt. They have approximately the same composition as saline solution.
  • Pharmacies offer large selection sprays prepared on the basis of saline solution and differing in herbal additives. They are more expensive, but are produced in special bottles that are safe for irrigation. To rinse a child’s nose at home, it is much more comfortable to use such packaging.
  • Many people often use tinctures to irrigate the nose. medicinal herbs. Prepare the product by dissolving a small spoon of a water-based preparation in a glass of boiled water.
  • Diluted with boiled water lemon juice rinses your nose well.
  • You can also use beet, carrot or onion juice, but they must be used with caution. For example, with bacterial rhinitis, beet sugar can serve as a good feed for microbes and lead to complications.
  • Can be cooked salt water with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine.
  • Some herbs are known for excellent anti-inflammatory properties. For example, rinsing the nose with chamomile can to some extent reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane; oak decoction also has similar properties. The products can be used by both children and adults. They are also advised to gargle.
  • Kalanchoe can also relieve inflammation, but due to possible side effects, doctors do not recommend using it often.

A few tips will help you carry out the procedure correctly and effectively:

  • the prepared solution should be at room temperature;
  • after rinsing, mucus will still flow out of the nose for ten to twenty minutes, so evening irrigation should not be done immediately before going to bed;
  • When blowing your nose after the procedure, you need to open your mouth slightly so as not to put pressure on your eardrums;
  • V cold weather You can leave the house only 30-40 minutes after the end of irrigation.

If you have a runny nose at home, you should not rinse your nose if you have:

  • possibility of bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • obstruction of the nasal passages caused by extensive swelling;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • abnormal curvature of the septum;
  • damage to the eardrum;
  • the appearance of allergies to substances contained in the rinsing liquid.

Execution technique

This simple manipulation is not associated with any particular difficulties, but it must be carried out competently and according to the rules so as not to harm the body. There are different ways how to rinse your nose at home when you have a runny nose.

  • Scoop some of the liquid into cupped palms, then lean over the sink and, raising your hands to your nostrils, suck in the liquid. Spit out some of the liquid that gets into your mouth and, after blowing your nose, free your nose from mucus. Instead of using your palms, you can draw water into any container.
  • You can suck in the liquid through each nostril alternately, closing the other and periodically clearing your mouth and nose. After finishing the procedure, you need to thoroughly blow your nose, then rinse your mouth with boiled water.
  • It is especially important to understand how to properly rinse your nose when using a rubber syringe or a special vessel for irrigation. In such a case you need:
  • fill the vessel with liquid;
  • leaning over the sink, turn your head at an angle of 90 degrees, opening your mouth;
  • insert the spout of the vessel into the nostril, which is located above, and release a stream of liquid;
  • after passing through the nasopharynx, it should pour out of the second nostril;
  • do the same manipulation with the other nostril.

When you have a cold, it is better to rinse frequently; saline solution is completely safe and does not cause side effects. If a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat, you can also clear plaque from your throat at the same time. In this case, you should not lower your head, but raise it.

Nasal rinsing for children

If you need to rinse a child’s nose with a runny nose, the technique for performing the procedure will be the same as for adults. However, it is not advisable to carry out manipulations before the age of five, as the fluid may enter the lungs. IN special cases such a procedure is allowed for a three-year-old child, but only if the following conditions are strictly met, which must be met simultaneously:

  • the baby can swim and dive well and will not be afraid if water gets into his nose;
  • The child is calm about the procedure and, without resisting, follows all instructions exactly.

However, before three years Irrigating the nose of children is strictly unacceptable. Fluid and mucus can get into the ear, causing complications. And the child will not allow this to be done, being capricious and resisting. You can simply drop the solution into his nose to moisturize. Flowing back, the liquid will also remove excess mucus. If parents are worried about what to use to rinse their child’s nose, they can be found at the pharmacy. special means in convenient bottles that make them easy to use.

If you have a runny nose, it is always better to consult a specialist, and he will be able to advise what and how to rinse your nose. This useful procedure will alleviate the condition and speed up treatment.

Free nasal breathing is the basis for the prevention of rhinitis. During the cold season, you need to rinse your nose every day in order to promptly remove bacteria, viruses, dust, and allergens from the mucous membrane. Today we will talk about how to properly rinse your nose at home.

Our consultant: otolaryngologist with 12 years of experience Nikolay Kuleshov, Moscow.

The main mistake is rinsing the nose with saline solution. It does not have the properties necessary for thorough cleansing of the nasal cavity. For these purposes, it is better suited for both adults and children. mineral water without gas: “Minskaya-4” or “Essentuki 17” or balanced solutions for rinsing the nose from a pharmacy. It is also good to rinse your nose with saline solution when you have a runny nose.

You can prepare a similar solution at home: thoroughly stir 5 tsp in 1 liter of water. salt.

How to properly rinse your nose when you have a runny nose (rhinitis)

  1. Find a comfortable position over a sink or bathtub.
  2. Tilt your head to the side. Hold your breath for a while.
  3. Slowly pour in the liquid. If you are rinsing your left nostril, tilt your head to the right, and vice versa.

The fluid should flow from the adjacent nostril. If you rinse with a watering can, the liquid flows by gravity, without pressure, into the nasal cavity, and you don’t have to worry about developing complications. This technique is considered correct to rinse the nose with salt solution or any other suitable liquid.

For children over 3 years old, you can rinse your nose using the “Cuckoo”: while rinsing the nose you need to say “ku-ku” so that the liquid does not get into the throat.

Stages of runny nose (rhinitis) in children and adults

1st stage of rhinitis

Accompanied by itching in the nose, body aches, and general malaise.

Can: warm your nose, put mustard plasters on calf muscles, take antipyretics, painkillers, or combination medications to treat colds.

You can use a device for magnetic therapy at home (AMT).

2nd stage

Characterized by copious mucus discharge from the nose.

Can: vasoconstrictors (use no more than 5-7 days) based on oxymetazoline or xylometazoline. Drops are suitable for small children, spray for adults.

If you don’t know how to rinse your nose with snot, then first drip vasoconstrictor drugs, and then after 20 minutes. rinse your nose. That's the only way! You can use antiseptic drops to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection and avoid taking antibiotics: sodium sulfacyl 20% (children) or 30% (adults).

3rd stage

Thick discharge is typical, headache may occur, and body temperature may rise.

? Can: if the nasal discharge is not only thick, but also greenish or yellow, then, in addition to rinsing the nose, you can independently use combination drugs that include an antihistamine, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor (for example, framycetin).

They help thin the mucus that has formed and make it easier to expel.

But even when taking medications, you need to continue to rinse your nose with saline solution or something else.

Complications of a runny nose in children and adults

If, after treatment for 3-4 days, the condition does not improve, congestion appears in the ear, headache increases, and the temperature rises, then you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor.

We are looking for the cause of a runny nose in adults and children

Besides colds and allergies, why else does your nose get stuffy?

  • Deviated septum. Attacks are regular in the same nostril;
  • Pregnancy. The composition of the blood changes, and swelling of the mucous membranes occurs;
  • Enlarged adenoids. Causes nasal and ear congestion in children under 5 years of age;
  • Nasal polyps. Formed due to chronic irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Narrow nasal passages. Innate property. Nasal congestion occurs during intense and frequent breathing (for example, during sports);
  • Severe stress. The release of hormones into the blood dilates the blood vessels - swelling occurs.

An otolaryngologist comments on traditional methods of treating a runny nose (rhinitis)

We asked an experienced otolaryngologist to comment on popular folk recipes combat nasal congestion.

Beetroot drops against runny nose

Instill three drops of fresh beet juice up to 4 times a day. You can mix beet juice with honey (70% beet juice and 30% honey).

Doctor's opinion: Honey is an extremely allergenic product, especially for children. Beetroot has a secretory effect (it only worsens a runny nose). This method should not be used.

Treatment of a runny nose with onions

Grate the onion, squeeze out the juice through gauze, mix with a small amount water. Moisten a cotton swab and place it in both nostrils alternately for 8-10 minutes. To prevent burning of delicate skin, the nostrils can be pre-lubricated with Vaseline.

Doctor's opinion: Vaseline or any other oily preparations should not be used to lubricate the nasal mucosa, because they form a film and mucus will not be released. Onions burn the mucous membrane. The method is not suitable.

Inhalation of pine needles for rhinitis

Pour pine, spruce or larch needles for a day cold water. Afterwards, bring the composition to a boil and pour into a kettle for inhalation. Inhale the steam through each nostril in turn for 5 minutes. You can do 2-3 procedures per day.

Doctor's opinion: inhalations give a good effect. Can be used essential oils. It is also useful to use a nebulizer for inhalation: breathe in a solution of antibiotic drops diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:3. The air in the patient's room should be humidified: either with special apparatus, or you can hang a wet towel on the radiator. The method is suitable.

Warming with an egg for sinusitis

Boil the chicken egg, peel and let cool. Apply to the face in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus. Keep until completely cool. Such warming is recommended to be done in the later stages of sinusitis or at the very beginning of the disease. You can’t warm it up in the acute stage!

Doctor's opinion: You can only heat it in the first stage of rhinitis. If you have sinusitis or headaches, do not use heat! This will only make the swelling worse. Instead of an egg, you can also use a magnet (AMT magnetic therapy device) or use a portable quartz device. The method is suitable only in the first stage of rhinitis.

It often happens that a person has almost recovered from sinusitis, but viscous mucus continues to form in his nose. In this case, blowing your nose does not bring relief for long, so you need to resort to more radical methods. This can be done by rinsing the nasal passages with various antiseptic compounds. Such procedures will help quickly restore normal nasal breathing and reduce the formation of thick secretions. In addition, warming the nasal cavity with dry heat can be used.

Indications for sinus cleansing

You should not resort to self-cleansing of the nasal appendages if there is severe nasal congestion and otitis media.

Benefits of the procedure

Clearing mucus from the sinuses is a very useful procedure. Thanks to simple manipulations you can achieve the following results:

  • Significantly improve nasal breathing.
  • Thoroughly clear the nasal passages and sinuses of viscous mucus.
  • Restore the natural microflora of the nasopharynx.
  • Reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Cleanse the nasal cavity from pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  • Prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.
  • Prevent complications and relapses of diseases.

Regular cleaning of the nasal sinuses is necessary if you are prone to allergies to household dust and pollen. It is also useful to carry out rinsing in the cold season, when the mucous membrane dries out quickly due to too dry indoor air.

By rinsing the nose several times a day, the unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases quickly disappear, and the patient gets better. Before starting such procedures, you should consult a doctor who will determine their feasibility and advise which medicinal solutions to use.

Medicinal compositions

If too much mucus accumulates in the nose, this may indicate the development of a disease such as sinusitis. To cleanse the sinuses of mucus and pus, various medicines prescribed by the doctor.

To reduce swelling of the membranes and improve drainage functions, decongestants are used. Most often doctors prescribe the following medications:

When treating with such medications, it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. You should not take decongestant medications for more than a week. Treatment can be continued only according to doctor's indications.

Medicinal decongestant sprays can be used to cleanse the nasal sinuses for no more than 3 days. Otherwise, even greater stagnation of the viscous secretion is possible.

If excess mucus is associated with allergic reaction, then antihistamines are used.

You can quickly clear your sinuses at home using Furacilin solution. It can be purchased ready-made at pharmacy chain, and cook it yourself. The latter option is more preferable, since the cost of such a solution is lower.

To prepare a healing solution, take two Furacilin tablets, crush them and dissolve them in hot water. After this, the solution is cooled and filtered through a couple of layers of gauze to remove undissolved particles. You can rinse your nose with Furacilin solution three times a day, the total duration of therapy is a week.

Soda solution

You can also rinse your sinuses at home with a soda solution. This composition has a number of useful properties:

  • Reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • Disinfects the nasal cavity.
  • Softens the mucous membrane.
  • Normalizes the drainage functions of the sinuses.

To prepare a soda solution you need to take a teaspoon baking soda and a glass hot water. To make the solution more effective, it can be prepared using decoctions of various medicinal herbs. Most often, a soda solution is prepared based on a decoction of calendula, chamomile and sage.

With congestion in the nose, severe pain often occurs in the bridge of the nose and forehead. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom use painkillers based on ibuprofen.

Cleaning the nose with salt solution

You can clear your sinuses using a medium-strength saline solution. This solution is prepared from a teaspoon of salt and a liter of pre-boiled water. To remove purulent contents from the sinuses, it is necessary to use a more concentrated composition. To increase the effectiveness of the saline solution, you can add a couple of drops to it. alcohol tincture iodine, but it is worth considering that such treatment is not recommended for young children and people with endocrinological pathologies.

You can prepare a solution for rinsing the sinuses from sea ​​salt And warm water. In this case, also take a teaspoon of dry matter per glass of water. Sea water disinfects the nasal cavity well, washes away mucus and pathogenic bacteria, and also helps eliminate swelling and inflammation.

If you don’t want to prepare a saline solution, you can buy ready-made preparations based on sea salt at the pharmacy chain. This includes Humer, Dolphin and Ava Maris. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages only once a day, but to treat a runny nose, such procedures must be carried out several times a day.

During an outbreak of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to rinse your nose immediately after returning from the street or visiting crowded places. Due to this, you can reduce the risk of contracting colds.

Traditional cleansing methods

You can also clear your sinuses at home using various decoctions of medicinal herbs. But before resorting to such treatment, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to such herbal compositions. To do this, apply a concentrated decoction to the skin inside the elbow and wait 15 minutes; if there is no redness, then the decoction can be safely used.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of any suitable medicinal herb, pour a glass of boiling water and keep warm for about 20 minutes, then strain through gauze and use for nasal rinsing. Chamomile, sage leaves, calendula and yarrow have good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. You can make a decoction either from a single herb or from a collection of different herbs.

You can prepare the decoction immediately for a day. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the required amount of solution is heated to a comfortable temperature.

To rinse the nasal sinuses at home, you can use a special teapot, syringe or large disposable syringe without a needle. If a teapot is used for washing, the procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The person stands next to the bathtub or large basin and tilts his head to the side.
  • The medicinal solution is poured into the nostril that is located above. In this case, the jet must be adjusted based on your feelings.
  • After rinsing one nostril, rinse the second, turning the head in the other direction accordingly.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the liquid flows randomly from the underlying nostril, washing away mucus and pathogenic microorganisms.

With great care, you need to rinse your nasal sinuses using a syringe or syringe. With very high pressure, there is a high probability of liquid entering the auditory tube.

Warming up

To clear your sinuses of accumulated mucus, you can warm them with dry heat. But such procedures can only be carried out if purulent contents do not drain from the nose. To warm up you can use:

  • Heated dry salt poured into a cotton bag.
  • Boiled egg.
  • Blue lamp.

Dry heat is applied to the nasal sinuses for 15 minutes, after which they blow their nose well. Before warming up, you can drip your nose with vasoconstrictor drops.

It is recommended to cleanse the sinuses both during respiratory and infectious diseases, and after them, especially if there are residual effects. To do this, the nasal passages can be washed or warmed with dry heat; the use of medications is allowed.