Determine the zodiac sign of Vedic astrology. Vedic horoscope online with decoding (interpretation)

The Vedic horoscope is considered the most accurate and ancient on Earth. With its help you can determine your strengths and weaknesses, understand why certain events happen in life. The horoscope has 27 signs, which more accurately characterizes each person.

Thanks to Vedic astrology Jyotish makes it easier to understand which aspects of life fall into the category of data at birth, and which undoubtedly need to be developed in order to achieve well-being in all areas of your life. This horoscope makes it possible not only to understand and accept yourself as a person, but also to learn to avoid troubles, develop new abilities and resist weaknesses.

UTTARA ASHADHA (from January 12 to January 24, symbol - mongoose)

The ruling planet of these people is the Sun. Zodiacal location of the constellation - Capricorn. Ashadha gives people confidence, perseverance and strong intuition. They are purposeful and almost always finish what they start. The advice of these people is often heeded. They achieve a position in society thanks to their ambitions, as well as cooperation. Exceptional organizational skills make it possible to choose professions associated with responsibility. People of this constellation are characterized by practicality and a love of organizing knowledge and experience gained. They can become excellent doctors, lawyers, and spiritual mentors. From negative traits character can be noted rigidity, sharpness, frequent manifestations anger and unwillingness to put up with the opinion of the majority.

SRAVANA (from January 25 to February 6, symbol - monkey)

The Moon, the ruling planet of the people of this constellation, which echoes Capricorn, imparts gentleness, receptivity and the ability to listen. These are patient and persistent people who do not tolerate haste and superficial judgments. They often choose a path with an emphasis on art, which gives them the opportunity to express their nature to the fullest. Negative manifestations Shravana - manipulation, gossip, some recklessness, which has a detrimental effect on the choice of friends, and also inclines a person to bad deeds and actions. The need to curb your temperament entails the formation of personality, develops willpower and allows you to achieve significant heights in your chosen professions. This could be journalism, medicine, creative professions, teaching.

DHANISHTA (from February 7 to February 19, symbols - lion or lioness)

Dhanishta's people belong to to a greater extent to the zodiac Capricorn and to a lesser extent to Aquarius. Their ruling planet is Mars. They have bright character traits. This strong personalities prone to adventure. Their agile mind, as well as their reluctance to sit still, give rise to extraordinary natures, capable of both pranks and harsh critical statements. Courage helps them achieve their goals despite difficulties and obstacles. Most often they choose a mate for life. They are receptive and insightful, but their character may show arrogance, vindictiveness, and a desire to achieve a goal by any means necessary. Perseverance and patience are what Dhanishta people should cultivate in themselves.

SHATABHISHAK (from February 20 to March 4, symbol - horse)

People whose planet is Rahu, or the north node of the Moon, are endowed with a tendency to seek the truth without divulging secrets. The relationship with the zodiac Aquarius has positive aspects, which are manifested in a philosophical perception of the world, stubbornness and optimism. Negative qualities are pride, selfishness and inflated ambitions. They strive for integrity and unity. Knowledge of the truth for these people is a source of strength and at the same time manifests itself in selfishness and deception. They are inclined towards professions in the media mass media. Their behavior is often shocking in its closedness and suspicion. Love of solitude and independence allows you to develop wisdom and seek paths to enlightenment. However, manifestations of pessimism and self-deprecation are frequent. Willpower and hard work allow people of this constellation to achieve knowledge secret meaning many things.

PURVA BHATRA (from March 5 to March 17, symbol - lion)

The influence of Jupiter on Purva Bhatra people gives them determination, loyalty and intelligence. They have a calm character, but are also capable of aggressive outbursts of emotions. The constellations Aquarius and Pisces endow with contradictory qualities. This is envy, anxiety and at the same time unprecedented concentration and communication. They tend to provide themselves with material goods, so they are often aggressive in achieving their goals. Among the professions often chosen are those related to the afterlife, occultism and secrets. They adapt well to the role of a psychiatrist, provide any kind of ritual services, and can try themselves as magicians, healers and soothsayers. One way or another, Purva people are attracted to death and everything connected with it. In connection with such interest, tendencies towards fanaticism, the search for hidden truths, depression, as well as a tendency towards solitude and asceticism are often outlined in the character.

UTARA BHATRA (from March 18 to March 31, symbol - cow)

People whose ruling planet is Saturn have a multifaceted character, which also owes them to their similarity with the zodiac Pisces. This wise people who achieve success through their ability to build on the current situation and use any circumstances to their advantage. At the same time, they are not prone to manifestations of selfishness, they are compassionate and receptive to the needs of others. The patronage of Uttara Bhatra makes it possible to keep everything under control, which ensures their success in their chosen profession. Often these are people of creative professions, mentors in yoga, meditation and various occult sciences. They are distinguished by responsibility, lack of laziness and completion of the work taken.

REVATI (from April 1 to April 12, symbol - elephant)

Revathi personalities are optimistic, generous and attention-grabbing. Their ruling planet is Mercury and their Zodiac is Pisces. They do not give in to difficulties and are prone to daydreaming. Positive traits character leaves no room for selfishness and manifestations of aggression. Therefore, Revatis are great friends, ways to provide help and support, and to instill confidence in those who have doubts. Most often they choose professions related to art. Their intellectual abilities allow them to express themselves in the exact sciences, but their penchant for religiosity and self-knowledge pushes them towards an in-depth study of psychology and psychiatry. They are interested in manifestations of human character and its characteristics.

ASHVINI (from April 13 to April 27, symbol - horse)

The ruling planet of Ashwini people is Ketu, the southern node of the Moon. Location - zodiac Aries. Connoisseurs of freedom and restless people, they do not tolerate loneliness. Ashwini's courage and determination borders on the extreme. Their ability to control the situation ensures a quick career takeoff, because command and the desire to keep everything under control is one of their character traits. However, those who have not achieved management positions will face difficulties in life due to restlessness. People of this constellation have an excellent sense of humor, are not prone to bitterness, but are extremely stubborn. Possess inexhaustible creative potential, which is also manifested in everyday life, and in the profession.

BHARANI (from April 28 to May 11, symbol - elephant)

Bharani is ruled by Venus, and their constellation echoes the zodiac Aries. People are endowed with highly developed intuition and often follow their feelings. Their character includes many aspects that take them from one extreme to another. A huge amount of energy and natural curiosity gives them the motivation to learn and experience the world around us. Their activities are not limited to the choice of specific professions, so Bharani often requires a mentor to guide them on the right path. The thirst for adventure and emotionality often lead to extreme manifestations in the chosen path.

KRITTIKA (from May 12 to May 25, symbol - sheep)

The zodiac signs of Aries and Taurus, as well as the ruler of the Sun, give people a tendency to harsh behavior bordering on tactlessness. They are used to achieving their goals based on their own judgments and research, they often argue about the essence of the appearance of certain things, and have a negative attitude towards restraining factors. They have leadership abilities, but productive and leisurely work is not for them. They light up with new ideas, but quickly cool down if the process drags on. Under the mask of external severity and selfishness, tenderness and a desire to give care often lurk, but the same selfishness and the desire to appear independent of other people’s opinions, moods and emotions prevent them from appearing.

ROHINI (from May 26 to June 8, symbol - snake)

The Rohinis are ruled by the Moon and their constellation corresponds to the zodiac Taurus. They are aimed at achieving well-being for progress and comfort of life. Driven and tenacious individuals, they are often ardent environmentalists. They have a passion for art and successfully express themselves in this field. Rohinis value their loved ones and therefore provide them with full support. Their life credo is the desire to try literally everything in order to determine the most convenient sources for drawing positive emotions, wealth and satisfying their needs.

MRIGASIRA (from June 9 to June 21, symbol - boa constrictor)

Mars, zodiac signs Taurus and Gemini characterize Mrigasira people as seeking individuals. Curiosity and a thirst for new knowledge are based on suspiciousness and caution, which can often be confused with timidity. According to the Vedic horoscope, Mrigasirs are self-sufficient and purposefully move towards their goals. However, short-lived rejoicing again pushes them to search for new sources of satisfying their personal needs. These are people with established opinions, spiritually filled and rarely give in on controversial issues.

ARDRA (from June 22 to July 5, symbol - dog)

These people are ruled by Rahu, the northern node of the Moon. The zodiac is marked by a bright red star in Gemini. These are people with the character of a child, easily moving from a state of excitement to apathy and resentment. They are endowed with an inquisitive mind, sensitive and prone to self-sacrifice, and do not tolerate any manifestations of pain. The happiness of these people lies in the ability to balance the mind and emotions. Having achieved this balance, the Ardra are capable of brilliant manifestations of their nature in the most various professions, including those related to exact sciences, calculations and microsurgery.

PUNARVASU (from July 6 to July 19, symbol - cat)

The ruling planet of Punarvasu people is Jupiter. The constellation Gemini is closest to them. These are people who bring harmony and care. Their intellect and emotions are in a delicate balance, which gives rise to individuals striving for light and self-knowledge. Achieving Punarvasu's goals lies through hard work and diligence. They tend to be caring and take loved ones under their wing, providing them with everything they need. There is a certain humility in their character, which provides them with good relationship both with superiors and subordinates. However, these are alive and active people capable of defending their opinion. Characteristic feature is a thirst for adventure and travel in order to experience the beauty wildlife and enjoy a sense of belonging to the whole world.

PUSHIA (from July 20 to August 2, symbol - ram)

These people are ruled by Saturn, and the Zodiac echoes the constellation Cancer. They are characterized by patience and perseverance in achieving their goals. These are non-conflict people, diligent and good-natured. Their courtesy and politeness inspires confidence and reliability. Manifestations of pessimism are characteristic of Pushia only in extreme cases, therefore they are loved for their good disposition, agreeableness and selfless help and care.

ASHLESHA (from August 3 to August 16, symbol - cat)

Mercury, as well as the zodiac Cancer, give these people the opportunity to express themselves regardless of the opinions and actions of others. Ashlesha are possessive by nature and have strong energy, which gives them difficulties in communicating. However, in their desire to have what they need, they often show impatience, aggression and often endanger those around them. They are cautious, suspicious and often in a state of readiness to fight to win their interests. They often use less than honest methods when doing business and are prone to hoarding and spending money on luxury goods.

MAGHA (from August 17 to August 29, symbol - rat)

Ketu, the southern node of the Moon, creates a thirst for knowledge in these people. Magh's attachment to the zodiac Leo endows them with a love of freedom, courage and purposeful actions without fear or doubt. These people are characterized by optimism and a desire to lead. They often find it difficult to find common language with the environment due to straightforwardness in statements. Magha individuals value their roots, respect their elders and learn from their experiences. They tend to idealize the world, but are able to get along with worldly restrictions.

PURVA FALGUNI (from August 30 to September 13, symbol - mouse)

The ruling planet Venus influences the character of these people, endowing them with gentleness, friendliness and good nature. In the Leo Zodiac, the constellation Purva is represented by two bright stars. This combination gives Falguni people an exceptional personality that attracts people. They love to be the center of attention and draw strength from boundless love for themselves. They know how to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, which promotes rapid rapprochement and networking. The negative qualities of people of this constellation are jealousy, vindictiveness and often inflated self-esteem. However, Falguni know how to analyze their actions and direct their energy in a peaceful direction.

UTTARA FALGUNI (from September 14 to September 26, symbol - buffalo)

The ruling planet is the Sun, and zodiac Leo and Virgo echo the constellation Uttara Falguni. These are people who are harmonious by nature and strive for creation and comfort. They are interested in creating comfort, are friendly and hospitable. Not prone to destructive actions. However, they are distinguished by their independence and desire to be outside the crowd. They have a rigid core and are capable of showing selfishness, straightforwardness and determination if their interests are criticized.

HASTA (from September 27 to October 10, symbol - buffalo)

People whose ruling planet is the Moon are often dependent on their mood. Hasta intersects with Zodiac Virgo. This combination gives Hasta people business acumen, confidence and ease of learning. These are distrustful and often suspicious people who strive to streamline and organize everything and everyone. They are distinguished by extreme punctuality, which limits their social circle due to Hast's constant nagging. People of this constellation are multi-talented, which gives them the opportunity to realize themselves in any field, often associated with monotonous work and attention to detail.

CHITRA (from October 11 to October 23, symbol - tigress)

Chitra is associated with the Zodiac Libra and Virgo, and the ruling planet is Mars. Chitra personalities, according to the Vedic horoscope, strive to stand out from the crowd and have natural magnetism, attracting attention to their person. They have a contradictory character, but skillfully cover up their shortcomings with bright behavior. Possessors of powerful sexual energy, they often use their charms and are able to manipulate the emotions of others, benefiting themselves. In general, these people are characterized by self-doubt and timidity.

SVATI (from October 24 to November 6, symbol - buffalo)

Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is the ruling planet of Swati. Restlessness, independence and the ability to adapt distinguish these people. Lovers of adventure, Swati has a sense of balance, which allows them to find their niche in life and achieve their goals without enormous expenditure of energy. Their liveliness and subtle mind make it possible to avoid any conflicts and find a common language with almost any person. They make excellent businessmen, and Swati’s connection with the Libra Zodiac is responsible for material stability and well-being. The luck of people of this constellation often helps them out of adventurous ventures.

VISHAKHA (from November 7 to November 19, symbol - tiger)

Visakha people are ruled by Jupiter. They are distinguished by a love of power and pleasure. To achieve their goals, they make truly titanic efforts, but the result almost always more than pays for their efforts. The strong energy of Vishakh is also due to the Zodiac Libra and Scorpio. These are people who know their worth, do not waste time on trifles and are able to move people who are in the way. Their whole life is an endless challenge that they take for action.

ANURADA (from November 20 to December 2, symbol - deer)

Leaders by nature, Anurad people are ruled by Saturn. They have exceptional intelligence and intuition. They combine determination, kindness and carefreeness. Capable of heroic deeds, but often based on benefit for themselves. The Scorpio zodiac for these people manifests itself in positive qualities creation and self-knowledge. Negative qualities are the manifestation of anger, impatience and selfishness. Discipline is one of distinctive features character - allows people of this constellation to curb their negative qualities, which becomes the key to a successful and prosperous life in their chosen path.

PURVA ASHADHA (from December 9 to January 11, symbol - monkey)

People of this constellation are ruled by Venus. Their character also depends on the Sagittarius Zodiac, but to a lesser extent. Purva Ashadha gives you an exceptional opportunity to wait for a favorable combination of circumstances and act decisively. This approach provides almost instant victory and is associated with a love of excitement. These people, like predators, wait for a conditioned signal, after which they make a sharp jump and capture their prey in their tenacious claws. They have an explosive nature, feel great alone and are reluctant to share their knowledge.

MULA (from December 16 to December 28, symbol - dog)

These people are ruled by Ketu, the south node of the Moon. They have a strong mind, are logical and consistent. They are aimed at learning new things, constantly expand their knowledge, and tend to seek the truth in everything. The Sagittarius zodiac connects them with search and research, but also endows them with negative qualities - selfishness and arrogance. At their worst, Mule people pride themselves on their intellect, which can make them unpleasant to interact with. Impulsive individuals, they are often alone in their research, which does not at all darken their existence. Mules are in constant movement and are not limited to narrow standards. They always want more, so they thoroughly study everything that interests them.

The Vedic horoscope is able to lift the veil of mystery about the origin of each person and his connection with the planets and stars. Everyone develops certain character traits given at birth in their own way. Everyone has the power to change themselves and their Destiny. Any horoscope is attached to these aspects, which reveals to a person his main features, allowing him to choose the path to light and learning new things. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Signs of the zodiac

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Which constellation (zodiac sign) do you belong to?

People often wonder: what zodiac sign do I belong to? Now you can often hear: I am Taurus or I am Leo. In the media, predictions are made for Scorpios and Pisces. In this case, the zodiac sign in which the Sun is located at the time of the person’s birth is always implied.

The Vedic astrological system of Jyotish, in which we make forecasts and give recommendations, works not with zodiac signs, but with constellations. Nowadays, these two concepts are different. If you have never drawn up a horoscope and do not know in which constellation the Moon is located or the antecedent in your horoscope, then you can read the forecast for the constellation in which the Sun is located.

The dates of influence of this or that constellation differ from the usual ones, but there is no error here.


According to Jyotish, you are an Aries if you were born between April 14 and May 13. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Aries.


According to Jyotish, you are a Taurus if you were born between May 14 - June 13. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Taurus.


According to Jyotish, you are a Gemini if ​​you were born between June 14 - July 15. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Gemini.


According to Jyotish, you are Cancer if you were born between July 16 - August 15. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Cancer.


According to Jyotish, you are a Leo if you were born between August 16 - September 15. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Leo.


According to Jyotish, you are a Virgo if you were born between September 16th and October 16th. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Virgo.


According to Jyotish, you are a Libra if you were born between October 17 - November 15. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Libra.


According to Jyotish, you are a Scorpio if you were born between November 16 - December 14. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Scorpio.


According to Jyotish, you are a Sagittarius if you were born between December 15 - January 13. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Sagittarius.


According to Jyotish, you are a Capricorn if you were born between January 14 and February 12. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Capricorn.


According to Jyotish, you are an Aquarius if you were born between February 13 - March 13. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Aquarius.


According to Jyotish, you are a Pisces if you were born between March 14 - April 13. You were born during a period when the Sun was in the constellation Pisces.

Sincerely, astrologer Tatyana Borodina

Vedic astrological horoscope: description and characteristics

Jyotish or “Light of God” (the meaning of the word in Sanskrit) is one of the most ancient sciences, which allows you to accurately determine all the patterns of human life.

Vedic astrology jyotish helps to identify all the connections of a person’s past with his future and find an explanation for events in his present. In this regard, the presented astrological system helps to correct and also make changes to current events in a person’s life.

In many sources, the science presented is considered on a par with Indian astrology. However, it should be noted that Vedic astrology for success has more wide application than the usual system of astrology.

The ancient sages advised finding the answer to all questions of interest with the help of Vedic astrology for good luck, which can tell how this or that planet, and especially the celestial bodies, will influence the events occurring in a person’s life.

Thus, the Sun, which is called Surya, is responsible for the essence of a person, his inner “I”, the center of what will happen in his life.

In eastern countries, people always resort to the advice of astrologers before making a decision. In the forecasts of predictive Vedic astrology, lunar compatibility represents the most important part of jyotish, because it helps to accurately determine how successful the marriage of two people or the conception of a child may be.

Vedic horoscope

The Vedic horoscope by date of birth is a traditional science in the field of astrology, which Eastern peoples have resorted to for several thousand years, and during all this time the presented astrological system has not lost its relevance.

When considering the Vedic compatibility horoscope, one should take into account the fact that, according to this science, the zodiac consists of 27 constellations, which determine various characters and their relationships, both in romantic relationships, friendships and family, and in business partnerships.

Considering all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that the Indian Vedic horoscope for 2017 will help determine with whom the most promising relationships will develop, as well as get advice on whether it is worth making this or that decision.

Vedic astrology zodiac signs

The history of the appearance of the Vedic zodiac signs, or, as Eastern peoples call them, “Rashi,” has its roots several thousand years ago.

The Vedas say that the human soul is immortal and undergoes its evolution on earth from the lowest to the highest level of consciousness.

When considering the presented horoscope, one should take into account all the differences between Western and eastern horoscope. In the Vedic horoscope, the signs of the zodiac correspond to the fixed constellations of the same name, and in Western astrology the zodiac circle moves slowly against the background of these fixed constellations due to the phenomenon of precession.

Vedic signs and symbols

Vedic symbols and signs gained the greatest popularity in ancient times after the Great War, when wise men and magicians provided people with additional protection in the form of symbolic amulets against the influence of dark forces.

In many eastern countries, astrology is an independent science, which is resorted to before making all important decisions, be it marriage, conceiving a child or choice suitable profession. This is why Vedic symbols and their meanings play a vital role in the science presented.

Houses in Vedic astrology

Experts first analyze the 12 houses of the Vedic astrology horoscope, each of which represents a separate area of ​​a person’s life.

In order to determine the influence of planets on a person’s destiny and find the weakest area in his life, one should consider the location of planets in houses in Vedic astrology, find relationships between signs, houses, their rulers and planets.

Cancer zodiac sign characteristics of a woman briefly

For some reason, people are sure that the signs of the zodiac in their usual Western understanding can tell a lot about a person. Many people consider it important when meeting a new person to ask him what month he was born, as if having learned the zodiac sign, it will immediately become clear what kind of person he met along the way.

Vedic astrology has a deeper and more accurate interpretation of the zodiac signs than Western astrology. For example, a person may have not one, but several zodiac signs: this is due to the fact that individual horoscope A person has nine planets, each of which is located in its own zodiac sign. This means that you can be Leo, Capricorn and Cancer at the same time.

Usually in newspapers and magazines where weekly horoscopes are published, you can see under each sign the period to which it belongs. Born in May? You are a Taurus, which means you will certainly have success this week! Or maybe you are Pisces? Unfortunately, you are in tears this week, nothing can be done.

But believe me, this is where you can change something, just by familiarizing yourself with the basics of Vedic astrology. Those zodiac signs discussed above indicate the location of the planet Sun in them. Western and Vedic methods of distributing zodiac signs are very different. For example, in Western Sagittarius refers to the period from November 23 to December 22, but in Vedic - from December 15 to January 15.

Remember, have you ever noticed how the zodiac signs and a person’s character do not coincide?. It would seem that Cancer - he should build his own family nest, but he strives to distance himself from the family, like a real Gemini.

You always have a choice and you yourself have the right to decide which astrology is the most correct. But there is one more thing in Vedic astrology that you should know. The fact is that each zodiac sign has its own sub-periods, which are influenced by different planets.

Let us remember the same Sagittarius, which refers to the period from December 15 to January 15. It has three sub-periods, the first of which begins on December 15 and ends on December 28. Under the influence of Ketu, such people become spiritual and renounced individuals, they have a strong desire to go beyond the limits of material consciousness.

From 28.12 to 10.01 is the second sub-period, it is under the influence of Venus. A person born at this time has a completely different character. He, on the contrary, will strive for pleasure, luxury, pleasure.

From January 10 to January 15 - the third sub-period. The Sun rules here. Such people want to control others, they want power. They become managers, ministers.

This is how, from the point of view of Vedic astrology, completely different people can be born in one zodiac sign.

The Vedas say that the immortal soul is a particle of God. The body is temporary, the soul puts it on, just like we put on clothes. The soul on Earth goes through a difficult path from lower consciousness to higher consciousness. And this path is demonstrated by astrology and the Vedic signs of the zodiac.

Vedic astrology zodiac signs - four levels of consciousness

It is no coincidence that a person is born under a certain zodiac sign– the soul receives birth in accordance with its spiritual development.

In the astrology of the zodiac, four elements are manifested, which in the Vedas is considered as four - varnas or, as they are also called, castes. Varnas show the degree of spiritual realization of the embodied personality. The Vedas, the Vedic zodiac signs in the horoscope, distinguish four varnas: Shudras, Vaishyas, Kshatriyas and Brahmins.

Shudras are the lowest level of consciousness. The intellect and feelings are poorly developed, the Shudras perform monotonous, rough work, they are diligent performers. This caste corresponds to the elements of the Earth and the zodiac signs of the horoscope: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Vaishya is the first of the higher varnas. Its representatives have quite developed intelligence, they have the ability to control matter. People of this caste are engaged in trade, crafts, and are also engaged in public relations. These Vedic zodiac signs refer to air element: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Kshatriyas are the second of the highest varnas. Kshatriyas are kings and warriors. In the world of modern realities - politicians and administrators. They have high intelligence, they know how to control matter and people. They have leadership traits, they have a strong will, and they are independent. Kshatriyas are characterized by courage and determination. Everyone is on their own, taking responsibility. In the Western zodiac, this varna manifests itself in the Vedic Fire zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Brahmins - highest level consciousness of the soul in the human body. Brahmins, during their earthly days, strive for difficult self-knowledge and live a spiritual life in a constant search for God. Brahmins are the spiritual teachers of humanity and provide spiritual food. Very developed intellect, solid mind, high moral principles- these are the qualities of the highest varna. Vedic zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces correspond to the varna of the Brahmins. In the Western zodiac, these signs belong to the element of Water.

Zodiac signs and the Moon in Vedic astrology

The position of the Moon is extremely important in Vedic astrology, since it is by its position in Vedic sign The zodiac determines the level of consciousness that the soul has reached while on Earth in the human body, and, accordingly, the varna to which the soul belongs.

In the ancient times of the Vedas, the external corresponded, and in the family of brahmanas brahmanas were born, and in the family of sudras - sudras. But with the advent of the age of the demon Kali, Kali Yuga, on the night of January 23, 3102 BC. e., centuries of discord, degradation of consciousness and decline in morality, a confusion of varnas occurred. Now the position of the Moon and the Sun in a sign is not a determining indicator of varna.

If we look at the night sky, we will see countless stars. The star belt, which encircles the entire Earth in a circle, is called the zodiac. Vedic astrology divides its 360 degrees into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees, which are called the signs of the zodiac.

As the planets move relative to this fixed zodiac, they manifest their energies in different ways. Note that this division into 12 zodiac signs is rough. In fact, each small area of ​​each of the zodiac signs has its own characteristics that modify the influence of the planets. Then each section of such a section in turn has special, more subtle qualities. Thus, the entire structure of the zodiac, speaking modern language, fractal. That is, as the “scale” increases, more and more new aspects of reality are revealed to us. From this we can understand that the words “I am a Pisces” or “I am an Aquarius” are only rough and approximate descriptions of personality characteristics.

On the horoscope diagram, “Aries”, the “first” sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the second from the left “square” in the top row. The signs then follow in a natural clockwise order: Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces.

Now, as in the section about planets, we will present the main characteristics of the zodiac signs in a summary table, after which we will give the necessary explanations.

Body parts of personified time

The entire zodiac is a material projection of the spiritual body of God, which manifests itself to the vast majority of souls in this world as inexorable time. This appearance in Sanskrit is called “kala purusha”, personified time. The signs from Aries to Pisces correspond to the various belts of the universal image of God from head to foot. Since our bodies are a kind of projection or, in mathematical terms, “constrictions” of the global universal image of God, beneficial or harmful influences on these signs will correspondingly affect parts of our body.

Houses of the natural zodiac

The signs of the zodiac correspond not only to the body parts of the universal image of God. They are also associated with other aspects of the life of the "Cosmic Being". They actually correspond to various aspects of the total or collective consciousness of all living beings in the universe. The movement of planets through the signs of the zodiac indicates the evolution of these aspects over time.

Owners of signs

Each sign is ruled by one of the seven major planets. The exceptions are Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Ketu, and Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Rahu simultaneously. The signs correspond to the circumstances and environment, while the host planets, with their energies, set the orders that rule in the respective territories. In this way they contribute to the characteristics of the signs.

Movable, fixed and dual signs

Movable, fixed and dual signs replace each other in a cyclic sequence. Mobility is used in prashna (a horoscope, which is drawn up at the time the client consults an astrologer) to determine the distance from home of any object, place of incident or event. Movable - far away, motionless - close, dual - in the middle. In addition, mobility gives everything associated with this sign the characteristic of dynamism, development, expansion, expansion. Stillness - stability, constancy, conservatism, compression. Duality indicates the desire for perfection.



Body part





Ram, order


Ego, soul, health


Bull, endurance

Face, eyes, mouth

Family, welfare, nutrition


Lovers, variety

Hands, throat

Bravery, energy, strength


Cancer, domestic

Heart, chest

Education, imagination, comfort

Leo, courage



Single girl, purity

Navel area, kidneys, etc.

Service, obstacles, enemies, relatives



Libra, justice

Small pelvis

Relationships, spouses, partners, passion


Scorpio, passion

Genital organs, anus

Longevity, esotericism, troubles, illnesses


Archer, mind


Morality, luck, guru, father


Crocodile, practicality


Work, karma, honor, achievements, status


Woman with jug, friendship


Ambition, friends, profit, big brothers


Two fish, compassion


Loss, liberation, meditation, sleep

Signs and elements of nature

The elements of passion, ignorance and goodness correspond to the processes of creation, destruction and maintenance - for better or worse. What type of signs is it in? more planets, such characteristics of activity will prevail. Note that a person focused on serving the Lord will not be influenced by negative qualities, and therefore all his activities will be aimed at the highest good.

Signs and primary elements

Let us remember that fire symbolizes the quality of energy and transformation. Earth - grace, structure and form. Water - creativity, imagination and emotions. Air - rapid variability, excitability, intellectuality. Ether, the fifth primary element, symbolizes the universal link and harmony - it permeates all twelve signs.








Blood red






Grass green


Pale red










Reddish brown












Signs and varnas

The Vedic tradition describes four types of occupations of people in accordance with their natural psychophysical characteristics. Brahmins are the intellectual "class", Kshatriyas are administrators and warriors, Vaishyas are traders and farmers, and Shudras are artisans. In the zodiac water signs give brahmanas, fiery ones - kshatriyas, air ones - sudras, and earthly ones - vaishyas. If large number planets are located in signs of the same type, then the qualities inherent in this “class” will be clearly expressed in a person

Own sign, mulatrikona, exaltation and debility

Passing through various signs zodiac, planets can “feel” differently in them, transmitting these sensations to us. Vedic astrology identifies four types of special signs corresponding to each of the planets: “own” sign, “mulatrikona”, “exaltation” sign and “weakness” sign.

To understand the difference between these four positions, the following analogy is given. Your sign is like your home. A person feels most natural and relaxed at home. Mulatrikona corresponds to the workplace - where we perform our duty. The sign of exaltation is like a favorite place that evokes delight and admiration. A sign of weakness is a place where it is unpleasant to be. Let us give an example to explain why planets are exalted, etc. in the corresponding zodiac signs:

Jupiter is a benevolent and religious brahmana (priest, intellectual). Ethereal Jupiter, the planet of perception, reason and wisdom, is most comfortable in benign Pisces, the 12th house of the natural zodiac. This is his home. However, he must also support religion. Upholding the highest principles is his duty. Whether he likes it or not, he has to do it. Thus, fiery Sagittarius, the 9th house of the natural zodiac, is his mulatrikona.


Your sign











In Sagittarius, Jupiter is like a royal high priest. Sometimes he has to make drastic decisions to uphold higher principles (for example, passing a death sentence). In watery Cancer, the 4th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter enthusiastically devotes himself to creative (water) studies (4th house). In rough, earthly Capricorn, the 10th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter cannot tolerate engaging in ignorant, well-defined activities (10th house). This is contrary to his nature. Carrying out well-defined gross activities may be normal for the gross planets Mars and Saturn, but Jupiter does not like this. Thus, Jupiter is weakened in Capricorn. (Note that here he nevertheless copes well with these responsibilities, although he does not like it).

Let's take Mercury as another example. This is an intellectual planet, which is an indicator of communications.

“Intellectual communications” is the activity that brings him the greatest comfort. Thus, his house is intellectual Gemini, the 3rd house of the natural zodiac (communications). However, intellectual argument and debate is his assigned official work. Virgo, 6th house of natural zodiac (disputes) is its mulatrikona.

While the benign and ethereal Jupiter does not really like the work of forcefully maintaining the principles of religion and does it out of a sense of duty, Mercury loves his official work! He loves to indulge in intellectual debates. Thus, Virgo (6th house of natural zodiac) is not only his moolatrikona (work) but also the sign of exaltation (favorite place). However, “intellectual communications” (Gemini) is where he feels most comfortable (home).

Let's take one last example - Ketu. Ketu is most comfortable with occult activities, signified by the 8th house. Thus, he belongs to the 8th house of the natural zodiac, i.e. Scorpion. However, its official duties are to bestow liberation and the tendency to meditate, as indicated by the 12th house. Thus, his moolatrikona is the 12th house of the natural zodiac, i.e. Fish. And Sagittarius is a place where one can fight for the highest goal of religious principles, liberation, throwing away all attachments - a sign of his exaltation.

Horoscope example

In conclusion, let's look at the position of the planets in the zodiac signs of the author's horoscope.

Firstly, I would like to immediately ask: “Who is he according to the zodiac?” It is necessary to clarify that when we read descriptions for certain zodiac signs in Western horoscopes, more precisely this means that a person has the Sun in this zodiac sign. The Sun describes the characteristics of the ego, the object of identification of a person, and changes sign once a month. In Vedic astrology, a more important place is given to the position of the Moon (emotional preferences) and the ascending sign (physical constitution, nature) of a person (in the horoscope denoted As), which change signs on average once every three days and once every two hours, respectively. Let us also note that the Vedic zodiac differs from the Western one. Thus, if according to Western horoscope The author is “Aquarius”, then in the Vedic horoscope his Sun is in the sign of Capricorn.

So, the rising sign, together with Mercury, is in Sagittarius, which gives determination and commitment to higher ideals, a constant search for various ways to achieve higher goals. Three planets: the Sun and Moon and Venus are in “earthly” signs, which gives a pragmatic character and a somewhat “utilitarian” approach to everything, including the aesthetic sphere and the sphere of relationships. Jupiter in airy Libra gives the desire for justice and the triumph of higher ideals as the main principle of life. Mars in “watery” Pisces gives some short temper. A weakened Saturn in mobile Aries gives some “inhibition” in decision making. (Favorite animal is giraffe). Rahu, located in its sign in Aquarius, gives preference to the constant search for new opportunities. Ketu in Leo gives a tendency to be in the shadows and a reluctance to impose one's authority. The presence of three planets and a rising sign in dual signs indicates a constant search for perfection in all areas of life.







Let me guess. Most likely, you know your zodiac sign. And, most likely, look at your horoscope at least once a week. At least once a month, your horoscope comes across your eyes somewhere at the end fashion magazine and I just can’t resist reading it. Or maybe you already receive daily Coliseo horoscopes compiled by leading astrologers especially for you?

However, the ubiquitous astrological horoscopes are not everything. What you and I know and what we are all accustomed to is Western astrology. Yes, yes, the same zodiac signs that we are accustomed to - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo... these are not all the secrets of astrology.

It turns out that in addition to Western zodiac astrology, as well as Eastern astrology (this is the zodiac sign of the year - Horse, Snake, Rooster, etc.), there is also Indian astrology. It is also called "Vedic astrology". So now you can claim your Indian horoscope.

But before doing this, let me say a few words. What kind of Indian horoscope is this, and how does it differ from the usual one?

To begin with, the zodiac signs are the same. But their boundaries are different. So, according to the Western horoscope you can be considered an Aries, but according to the Vedic horoscope, for example, you are already a Taurus. The difference in the boundaries of the zodiac signs occurs due to the fact that the Vedic horoscope produces according to its own system, which differs from the Western system of calculations. Your natal chart, compiled according to the laws of Vedic astrology, will differ from the natal chart according to Western canons.

Also, when an Indian horoscope is drawn up for you, a number of factors are taken into account that are not taken into account in the Western horoscope, or the same factors are taken into account in a different way, such as lunar houses.

And finally, all the names in Vedic astrology are left “as is,” that is, in Sanskrit, including the names of the zodiac signs themselves. This undoubtedly adds romance to the process of making a prediction. Judge for yourself: chandra, mangala, randhara, dharma, ashlesha, chitra... Vedic astrology itself is called throughout the world - Jyotisha - from the Sanskrit word meaning “light, the divine principle”.

In India, Vedic astrology is held in high esteem. The child is not given a name, no marriage is concluded, no one is accepted important decision without consulting the natal chart and horoscope. Indians take this so seriously that astrology is recognized as a science, and a number of leading universities issue official diplomas in astrology as a completely independent, full-fledged profession.

Zodiac signs in Vedic astrology are called Rashi. Approximately two thousand years ago, when both zodiac astrologies were born - Western and Indian, each of them took something of its own as a “reference point”. Since then, Western astrology has calculated the zodiac sign and horoscope based on the movement of the planets relative to the movement of the sun and spring equinox, and Indian astrology measures the movements of the planets relative to the stars. For two thousand years the movement of the planets naturally changed slightly. But this “slightly” is quite enough for the discrepancy in the calculations of two different schools of astrology to be about 30%. The peculiarities of the calculations have led to the fact that Vedic astrology measures the zodiac signs in the same way as 2 thousand years ago, but in Western astrology the “meaning” of the zodiac signs has changed.

Does this mean that one of the horoscopes will be more accurate? Not really. Experts cannot definitely say that one of the horoscope calculation systems is better or worse. They're just different. Your zodiac sign, your horoscope and your natal chart made according to the Western and Vedic systems will be slightly different.

Some people trust the Western horoscope more, while others choose the Vedic one for themselves. As a rule, such a choice is made by intuition: you feel what is closer to you - this is “yours”. You can use this difference in order to find out more - with this approach, you will have information “from different points of view”, which will help you see your present and, presumably, the future, at least its possibilities - “volumetrically” ", from all sides. That is, it is best if you have two forecasts made using both systems.

And finally, let's determine your zodiac sign according to the Vedic horoscope?

Western zodiac

Boundaries of the Western Zodiac

Boundaries of the Indian Zodiac





Purva Falguni

Uttara Falguni


Purva Ashadha

Uttara Ashadha




Purva Bhatra

Uttara Bhatra

Now you know your rashi, which means you can read your Indian horoscope! Good luck to you and only good predictions!