Fortune telling by zodiac sign. Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Leo

There are a huge number of simple and quick ways, like, but not every one of them is right for you. Determine your ideal fortune telling by Zodiac Sign.


The best way for you is to use one dice. It will be the most correct one, because Aries have always been particularly lucky in gambling. Throw the cube on any reflective surface and say: “there is truth in you.” Each of the numbers will indicate events in the coming days. One - promises stability in your personal life, two - on the contrary, difficulties in relationships. A dropped three symbolizes wealth, a four symbolizes pleasant acquaintances, a five symbolizes success at work, and a six symbolizes unexpected joy.


For diligent Taurus, an unusual fortune telling using three matches is best suited. They need to be marked with notches: on the first - 1, on the second - 2, and on the last, respectively, 3. Put the matches in a small bag and shake it well over your head. With your left hand, without looking, pull out one of the matches. If you get the first one, expect passionate love affairs, the second one - unexpected profits, the third one - serious changes in all areas of life.


You are the most dual sign of the Zodiac and your method will be question-answer fortune telling. To do this, make a pendulum from a gold ring on a long red thread. holding it over right palm, ask a question. If the ring swings left and right, the answer is affirmative; if it swings back and forth, the answer is negative.


You are sociable and always surrounded by people. Your type of fortune telling is very simple and unusual. Just before leaving the house, standing at front door, say to yourself the event whose outcome interests you. If, when you go out into the street, you meet a woman first, everything will turn out just fine, but if you meet a man, your wish will not come true.


For active Leos, any fortune telling on cards is suitable, but the most accurate method will be the one with four aces. At any time of the day, lay out 4 cards of the highest rank in front of you, always from a new deck, so that no one has played them before. Without looking, select a card with your left hand. The right one must be held in a fist. The suit will tell you about the future. Worms promise passion and love, diamonds - loyal allies and help, spades - profit, not always obtained honestly, and crosses - changes or life’s troubles.


For sophisticated Virgos, it is best to resort to fortune telling from a book. Anything is suitable for the ceremony. old book, but they advise you to take Bulgakov’s mystical novel “The Master and Margarita”. Make a wish for something especially important and interesting for you, then name the page and line. By opening the book in the right place, you will find the answer to your question.


yours by true fortune telling There will be a simple method with a needle and thread. Thread a dark thread through the eye and make a kind of pendulum, and tie a knot at the end. Hold the pendulum over the mirror and think about an important question. If the needle moves from left to right, the plan will not come true, back and forth - there will be a good result.


For reserved Scorpios, the ancient Scandinavian method with four kings is suitable. Without looking, mix the kings, put them on top playing deck and remove the very first card. If the cross king is the first, expect unexpected news, the king of spades - have a nice meeting, the king of diamonds - monetary reward, and hearts - changes in your personal life.


People of this Sign can completely rely on fate and use the enchanted coin. Whisper the magic words onto any coin: “tell the truth, hide nothing, bring good luck.” When in doubt about a decision, ask yourself a question and throw a coin in the air right hand. Heads will indicate a positive result, tails will indicate a negative result. You should always carry such a coin with you and not give it to anyone.


Capricorns can ask the most exciting question the enchanted cube and find out what to expect from the near future. White dice needs to be lowered into cold water and say: “roll the dice for the answer, indicate the truth.” Then throw the dice with both hands. If it falls out even number, the answer is affirmative, the odd one is negative.


The red thread method will be the right one for you. Without hesitation, cut a piece of any size and wrap it around ring finger, silently counting: “one, two, three. One, two, three." If the thread ends at one, expect success in any business, at two - a pleasant and fateful meeting, while three promises unexpected changes.


You have a highly developed intuition, and gypsy fortune telling will suit you. playing cards. The new deck must be mixed well and placed on a red cloth in front of a lit red candle. The top card will tell you about the future. The worms carry within them a meeting with the right person, tambourines - good financial situation, peaks - changes, crosses - discord in an important matter. If there is a six of any suit on top, beware of mistakes and insidious enemies.

Choose your most effective way fortune telling, which in the best possible way will be suitable for your constellation and will most accurately tell you how to proceed. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Each of us knows many methods of fortune telling. But it turns out that not all of them can predict our future. Fortune telling by zodiac sign will help you find out exactly what awaits us in the near future.

Fortune telling for Aries

The Aries zodiac sign often enjoys luck in gambling. This means that in order to find out the future, fortune telling with dice is suitable for him. Its principle is simple: you throw a cube onto a mirror surface and say, “there is truth in you.” Whichever number appears, this is how the upcoming events should be interpreted.
Number 1 - predicts happiness in love;
2 - difficult relationship with a lover;
3 - promises financial stability;
4 - promising acquaintances;
5 - professional success;
6 - joy and surprise.

Fortune telling for Taurus

What fortune telling by zodiac sign is suitable for Taurus? This could be fortune telling with matches. You need to take 3 matches and put marks on them. That is, on the first match there is 1 notch, on the second - two, and on the third - 3. Now all the matches need to be put in a small bag and shaken above you. Lower left hand into the bag and, without looking, pull out one match. If you took out a match with one mark, it means expect love and passion. A match with two notches means financial wealth, and a third match means changes in fate.

Fortune telling for Gemini

Fortune telling "Question-Answer" will be most suitable for Gemini, who are distinguished by their dual nature. You need to take gold ring and a red thread. Now build a pendulum from all this. When asking any question, hold the pendulum over the palm of your right hand. The answer is “yes” - the ring swings left and right. The answer is “no” - the ring swings back and forth.

Fortune telling for Cancer

The following method of fortune telling by zodiac sign is ideal for the sociable Cancer. When leaving the apartment, mentally remember the situation that you want to resolve in the near future. If you see a man first on the street, your wish will not come true. Well, if on the way from Raku’s house he met a woman, then the situation will turn out great.

Fortune telling for Leo

Fortune telling with cards is a great way to find out the future for the energetic zodiac sign Leo. You just need to guess not on all cards, but on aces. Take 4 aces from the new deck. Now clench your right hand into a fist, and your left hand into a fist. eyes closed, draw one of the cards.
Ace of Diamonds - reliable partners and support;
hearts - romance novel;
peak - financial profit ;
cross - obstacles and changes in life.

Fortune telling for Virgo

The Virgo zodiac sign can use a book to find out their future. Take any book, for example, the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy. Now ask the question you are interested in and state the page and line number - top or bottom. Then you open the book and read the answer to the question that worries you.

Fortune telling for Libra

Fortune telling by zodiac sign can be the most unusual. For example, Libra is recommended to find out the future with the help of a thread and a needle. You need to insert a dark colored thread into the needle. You have a pendulum, at the end of which make a knot. You need to hold the pendulum over the mirror and ask the question of interest. The needle moves from left to right - the wish will not come true. Moves back and forth - your plan will come true.

Fortune telling for Scorpio

In order to find out the future, Scorpio should use fortune telling, which came to us from Scandinavia. To do this you will need 4 kings from a new deck of cards. Shuffle and place the kings on top of the deck, then look at the first card. If you have the King of Spades in front of you, then a romantic meeting is expected, the King of the Cross means news and surprises, the King of Hearts means changes in your personal life, and the King of Diamonds means monetary profit.

Fortune telling for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is considered by everyone to be the favorite of luck, so he can find out the future with the help of a coin. But it should not be simple, but enchanted. Take a coin and whisper: “tell the truth, hide nothing, bring good luck.” Now flip a coin with your right hand, mentally asking the question. If the answer is heads, then the answer is “will not come true,” and if it is heads, then the answer is “will come true.” Zodiac sign Sagittarius must carry the coin with you and not show it to anyone.

Fortune telling for Capricorn

What fortune-telling can be offered to Capricorn by zodiac sign? This can be a simple method using a die. It is he who needs to ask the question that worries Capricorn. We lower the white cube into the water and say: “roll the cube for the answer, indicate the truth.” Take the die with both hands and throw it into the air. If it falls odd number, then the wish will not come true. If it's even, then the answer is yes.

Fortune telling for Aquarius

Suitable for Aquarius fortune telling with a red thread. Cut a piece of thread of any size and wind it around your ring finger. At this moment you need to count: “one, two, three (2 times).” Did the thread end at number one? Good luck awaits you in business. Deuce? Look forward to meeting your loved one. Troika? Changes in life.

Fortune telling for Pisces

Pisces, who intuitively sense change, can use the following fortune telling. Need to take gypsy cards and shuffle the deck. Now place the deck on a red thread and place a red burning candle in front of them. The top card will tell you about the future. If this:
worms - wait for a fateful meeting;
cross - troubles in business;
diamonds - monetary stability;
peaks - unexpected changes.
But if you see a six on top of the deck, then beware evil enemies and envious people.

Fortune telling by zodiac sign common to everyone

Today, one of the surest ways to find out the future is fortune telling by zodiac sign. It appeared recently, but has already gained fame among those who like to “tempt fate.” In addition, this type of fortune telling is quite truthful.

To start fortune telling, purchase 13 wooden cubes, the size of which is 3x3 centimeters. Then cover the cubes with plain white paper. On 12 cubes, on all sides, you need to draw the signs of the zodiac - Virgo, Leo, Aries, etc. There is one more cube left - the 13th? There is no need to depict anything on it - we will call him “prince”. Now let's take a clean one large leaf and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 50 cm.
The fortuneteller throws the cube into the circle and sees whether the prince will fall into it or remain with him. If the second option happens, then we throw the cube into the circle two more times. Past? This means you shouldn’t use fortune telling by your zodiac sign today. As they say, “not your day.” This principle of fortune telling is quite easy. Throw the cube into the circle and see which cube it fits next to. Now feel free to predict the future:

Zodiac signs dropped in fortune telling and their meaning

  1. Pisces - troubles in life
  2. Aquarius - serious losses are expected
  3. Capricorn - sad news
  4. Sagittarius - travel, pleasant trip
  5. Scorpio - Beware of danger
  6. Libra - deterioration of health, illness
  7. Virgo - your bad deed will remind you of yourself
  8. Leo - good changes in fate
  9. Cancer - someone will change the course of events in your life
  10. Gemini - an unexpected gift or surprise
  11. Taurus - someone is passionately in love with you
  12. Aries - success in work and new endeavors

A blank “prince” cube dropped in fortune telling represents a person. If, for example, he lay down next to the cubes

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Taurus

Now is not the time for change, you are established and firmly on your feet. waiting for you financial well-being and comfort. Now may not be the right time to fulfill your wish, but luck in money will console you!

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Gemini

The time has come for change and discovery. A romantic date or a new acquaintance awaits you. Your wish will come true with the help of another person!

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Cancer

You are under the influence of emotions. It’s worth thinking about everything and waiting, maybe the time has simply not come to fulfill your desire, since the result may disappoint you.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Leo

Everything is under control now, you have already achieved a lot, but you still have a long way to go. This work will bring results, your wish will come true and will exceed all your expectations.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Virgo

During this period, there are many obstacles on the way, but do not despair, gradually some problems are replaced by others and we don’t even remember the old ones. Your wish will come true if you do not forget about yourself.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Libra

At the moment, you react very subtly to everything, your intuition does not let you down, since you are a very sensitive nature, so you don’t need to doubt your decisions, listen to your heart, not your mind, and your desire will come true.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Scorpio

This is a period of complete transformation. Old problems will be solved and you can start over. If you focus and come up with a good plan, calculate the steps, then your wish will come true.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

Now is the time to move towards your goal. Go forward and don't look back. After all, it is better to regret what you did than what you didn't do, and you will eventually achieve what you want.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Capricorn

You should show endurance and perseverance in moving towards your goal. If you are able to control your character, cope with yourself, and calculate everything, then you will undoubtedly achieve what you want.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign of Aquarius

Now is the time when you should look to the future and make plans. You shouldn’t live in the illusion that everything will work out on its own; in order to achieve what you want, you will have to make some efforts.

Your question is influenced by the zodiac sign Pisces

Now you find yourself in a rather confusing situation, but you have enough strength to overcome all obstacles. The fulfillment of your desire depends on yourself, if you do not give up, you will receive your reward.

Zodiac fortune telling

This is a very interesting fortune telling. It will answer questions related to love and your loved one. Moreover, for each zodiac sign there is its own answer under a specific number.

The answers are written exactly under this number that was given to you.

Look carefully for your response number.


1. With him it will be simple and easy for you, as if you have known each other for an eternity.

2. He will be very persistent, so much so that at first he will even scare you. But soon you will realize that you have met the very prince you dreamed of.

3. In the gym, on the tennis court, or any sporting events in which you will participate or to which you will come to “cheer.”

4. They will find him too quiet and timid. But the main thing is not window dressing. You'll be fine with him.

5. Most likely, the guy you like takes love very seriously. Perhaps even too serious for you. Try not to deceive his feelings.

6. You are afraid to show your feelings. Relax and don't get complex. Be natural, he likes you the way you are.

7. In the village or at the dacha. Just at this time you will be chatting with your girlfriends about the guys you know and in general about your girly affairs.

8. Easy! You will simultaneously say, “Hello!” and you will meet every day.

9. The young man is witty and cheerful. He will appreciate your cheerfulness and willingness to laugh at his every joke. Everything will be just fantastic.

10. Alas, although he is good-looking, he is not your soulmate. Don't expect more than a light romance.

11. You are in a constant state of high, you smile all day, and your face emits a special light. You are convinced that this time you have found your prince. But for how long?

12. If you don’t bother everyone with conversations about how beautiful, unusual and wonderful he is. Let him show himself and improve his relationships with everyone.

13. At a concert, disco or at a party with friends. He will offer you a cocktail or invite you to dance.

14. On the beach. His gaze will be attracted by your slender, tanned figure.

15. You are too shy and will “swing” for a long time, but one day you will pluck up the courage, approach him, look straight into his eyes and ask if he wants to date you.

16. Of course! Moreover, you will do the right thing by deciding to introduce them: they will have a lot in common.

17. Terribly suspicious. One look to the side and you'll start to think he's attracted to someone else. As soon as he gets distracted from your chatter, it seems to you that you are no longer interested in him. Learn to understand people.

18. Unfortunately, no. You can only be friends.

19. Yes. But be careful, he is a natural ladies' man and he likes other girls. Make sure he doesn't break your heart.

20. You can be sure. As soon as you see each other, you will understand that this cannot be avoided.

21. Friends will tell him how passionate you are about him, and he will set you up on a date.

22. You will. He will invite you to his friends' dacha or to a picnic outside the city. Everything will happen there.

23. It will take a lot of time to understand this.

24. On one of the clean family events. He may turn out to be the son or brother of your friends.

25. Yes. But keep in mind that he loves determined girls, not “goats” on a string.

26. No. But he doesn’t strive for this - he wants to own you completely. Slow down his ambitions.

27. In the most unexpected place and incredible situation.

28. Strong, stylish and proactive. He knows what he wants and will make you happy. You like guys who are hungry for success.

29. Yes, but he won't be the only one. This is how you are made: first, kisses with the handsome school boy, then intelligent conversations with the local genius, and in the end you will forget everything in the world in the arms of the fatal man.

30. You will, but not everything will work out well right away. It helps that you have something to say to each other.

31. Your relationship will be simply fabulous, but, unfortunately, short-lived. This is just another hobby, don’t expect it to turn into true love.

32. Most likely - no. You're better off meeting him and your friends separately. Otherwise he won’t be able to stand their sadistic jokes and will run away.

33. You look like a somnambulist: days and nights you think only about him and don’t see anything around.

34. At a party. As soon as your eyes meet, a current will run between you, and you will no longer notice anything except each other.

35. It's hard to say. You crave new experiences, unknown sensations. Try it and you'll find out.

36. A real hurricane. You sweep away everything in your path, destroy your and his plans, just to be together.

37. At a concert. You like the same music and will spend time chatting about your favorite bands. Or maybe about Mozart and Bach, if you are into the classics, or about your favorite comedians or dance ensembles.

38. Yes, but not as simple as is customary today. He is a thorough guy. He will want to introduce you to his parents and will insist on meeting yours. In addition, he will try to make friends with your friends.

39. That prince that all girls secretly dream of.

40. Yes. And he will change your whole old life.

41. You supposedly organize a party for your friends, but in reality you invite only him and spend the entire evening lamenting that everyone else “deceived” you. He will understand everything, don't worry.

42. Without a doubt. After all, he is your twin in spirit.

43. You don't know how to store women's secrets and be sure to tell him about your previous novels. If he survives your revelations, then I wish him good luck.

44. For several months you will think this way. What will happen next - time will tell.

45. Yes. He will be charming, frank, serious at times, but very touching. He is exactly the one you were looking for.

46. ​​You talk too much. Don't open your heart on the first date, you might ruin everything.

47. Natural and don’t try to look like a “queen”. This is just what you need, because you have met your soul mate.

48. A strong and confident guy, that’s what you need, by nature you are a weak “tree” and need support.

49. Perhaps. But don’t rush to conclusions, wait to see what happens in a few months.

50. In the store. You'll be shopping and making a lasting impression on him.

51. For your sake, he will be ready for such heroism as to please your capricious, arrogant and flirtatious friends.

52. You are romantic and sentimental, you need a practical guy who will help you navigate life correctly.

53. He constantly compliments you, you melt. But hold your heart - give yourself and him probation– 2-3 months.

54. Only because he is close to you. On their own, they would not have become friends - they are too different people.

55. He will have problems with his studies. Offer your help if you understand the subject better than him, he will be very grateful to you.

56. An intelligent young man who will make you think. He will give you the opportunity to be yourself, to reveal previously dormant abilities.

57. They will have an even but cool relationship if you don’t blurt out to your company what he thinks about her. He doesn't think highly of your friends.

58. An intelligent and educated person who strives to achieve a position in society. But keep in mind: he is not targeting the new Russians.

59. It’s as simple as that - he’s a real whirlwind, so without giving you time to come to your senses, he’ll drag you to a disco or to a party with his friends. Then you yourself will wonder: “How did we meet?”

60. In the library. It's always cool there, full good books and standing guys. It is possible that this will happen in a museum.

61. You never say directly: “I love you.” You get off with easier options: “like”, “close”, “needed”. You are doing a lot of harm to yourself by doing this.

62. You will say yes only after seeing the Herculean efforts he made to win you.

63. Even faster than you can imagine, he suits them better than you.

64. You need a lot of time to sort out your feelings. Be more open.

65. You like to live cheerfully. This guy will drive you crazy with his jokes and tricks.

66. Very original: in the hall in front of the mirror. You will straighten your hair, and he will go crazy with your “mane”.

67. On vacation or on vacation. Most likely, he will be from another city, so you will have love at a distance.

68. Even if he is ungodly late for the first date, be sure to wait for him. He is the guy of your dreams.

69. He is your prince: passionate and ardent, he will fulfill all your desires and treat you like a princess from a fairy tale.

70. It will be love at first sight. You will encounter some awkward situation for both of you. Both of you will be confused, but when the embarrassment passes and your eyes meet, a spark will run between you.

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