Tips on how to become cheerful, sociable and interesting. How to be sociable

In fact, almost all people experience communication problems. At least I don’t know of a single person who would be completely satisfied with communication with all others. There will still be someone who is difficult to approach. But this is a slightly different matter. In this article we will talk about the problem of sociability. This includes many phenomena:

- acquaintance;

- maintaining a conversation;

- conversations in the company;

— defending one’s own beliefs, etc.

I hope the tips below will help you understand how to become sociable. I'll try to bring maximum amount useful recommendations that you can actually apply. Some of them will be more useful, others less. Try to try everything, and only then draw conclusions about its effectiveness.

Stay on top of things

The problem with most conversations is that the topic is not fully understood. Each microgroup has some interests that allow them to unite and identify themselves with other people. But this is the smart way, and to put it simply, you should be on the same wavelength with your interlocutors.

Let's say a group of students is discussing their schedule, a recent lecture, or a difficult assignment. At work they can discuss projects, salary and boss. Housewives - their husbands, new wallpapers and events in the series. There is always some topic that characterizes certain people, and if you understand it, the dialogue will go by itself.

For example, I can talk a lot about psychology, business, SEO, copywriting and some other areas. If in a new team people start talking about these topics, then I will immediately be able to carry on the conversation and tell a lot of interesting things. Likewise, you need to understand the main problems and interests of the people with whom you want to establish relationships.

But this applies if we're talking about about a group conversation, but what to do during a dialogue? in this case? Everything is simple here too. Start the conversation with standard phrases and try to understand the person's main hobbies. The easiest option is to ask what he did over the weekend, since free time most people prefer to spend on things they love.

Be helpful

People rarely do anything for no reason. This is one of the basic psychology. In order for there to be a reaction, a stimulus is needed. So it is with conversation. If you can't bring anything useful to people, then why should they come to you? Let's say in the case of students discussing a schedule. If you have no idea where the classroom is or what the teacher's name is, then you will be much less likely to be contacted.

This problem is easily solved if you have any profile. For example, professional doctors rarely suffer from a lack of communication, since many people are trying to find out how they can cope with a particular disease. You also have to become someone useful if you want to communicate more. It is unlikely, of course, that a specialist in the development of nanotechnological materials will be able to tell something useful to the average person, but it is easy for people close to his work.

And in general, the more useful you are as a person, in principle, the less you will suffer from lack of communication. Therefore, try to develop whenever you can. By the way, to understand how to become a sociable person, you could be taking on a ton of debt. Believe me, then people will be drawn to you :)

Of course, if your social circle consists of gopniks with a bottle of beer, then this advice is unlikely to be useful to you (although it will still help to some extent). But in this case you would hardly read this material. Think for yourself which interlocutor is more interesting for you to communicate with:

  • Knows a lot, talks Interesting Facts, can be of interest and will easily answer any questions that arise;
  • He barely ties two words together and his area of ​​knowledge ends with events that happened in his immediate environment.

I think your answer will be obvious. WITH smart people It’s interesting to communicate, they can always carry on a conversation, and you will always understand what they are talking about.

Besides, you can just be interesting person. Even if you don't have higher education, but you have traveled a lot, then you probably have something to tell people. Some interesting facts, incidents, events, stories, etc.

Let's say you want to find out how to become more sociable. To find the answer to this question, you probably entered a request in search engine and found this article. Written communication is also communication. And, if you have read up to this point, then you were probably interested, otherwise you would have simply closed the page.

You need to achieve the same. Try to make people want to bring the dialogue with you to its logical conclusion, and for this you will have to arm yourself with some kind of set of knowledge. Not necessarily scientific, but still educational and interesting.

Be witty

Nobody likes bores and nerds. No matter how much you want to deny this fact, it is true. People love to communicate with cheerful and interesting interlocutors. If in response to the banal “How are you?” You say that studying quantum physics is not able to raise your average mood, because according to your research, each page read takes a certain percentage from your subjective mood scale and in order to change this indicator you had to evaluate the influence of other sciences on changes in your psychological state.

Did you fully read what I wrote above? Most likely no. Likewise, a person will not listen to you if you answer in a boring way. Another body, if you are witty and can somehow hilariously comment on his statements and questions. What am I talking about, even girls prefer guys who are able to engage in conversation. And no muscles are needed here. Pushkin was not the most handsome guy in the village, but the young ladies were crazy about him, and it was all about eloquence.

By the way, speaking of that, how to become sociable and interesting, at this point one cannot fail to mention going too far. Many people notice that their jokes are well received and begin to make them left and right. As a result, he may develop a reputation as a clown, that is, they will also simply joke with him, but at the same time, hardly anyone will want to adequately perceive his other words. Therefore, do not go too far and try to use this recommendation in conjunction with the others.

Be mindful of your behavior

For example, you may constantly sniffle, rub the back of your head, wave your arms, or talk very loudly. It seems like a small thing, but it can actually be off-putting. a large number of of people. Therefore, before asking a question about how to become cheerful and sociable, think about whether your behavior irritates other people.

In order to get rid of such ailments, try to copy the behavior model of some famous actor or speaker. Just imitate his way of speaking and gesticulating and very soon you will notice incredible results. In general, modeling is an extremely useful thing. It can even be used to understand...

Be confident in yourself

Uncertainty will not only kill your desire to meet or talk with other people, but in general can bring a lot of inconvenience. I will devote an entire article (or maybe even more than one) to this issue, so if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to my blog updates. This can be done by clicking on this link or using the form at the bottom of the page.

Communication is a voluntary process. Moreover, most often, people feel good in the process of exchanging information. But for this to happen, the interlocutors must feel on the same wavelength and seem to be at the same levels. Agree that when a boss communicates with a subordinate, this can hardly be called a full-fledged conversation. But when two colleagues are talking, it’s a completely different matter.

Therefore, you must have good self-awareness. You must understand what exactly you are, what level you are at, and be sure to show it to the other person. This is probably one of the most important points regarding the question of how to become a sociable girl or a guy.

If you pretend to be someone you don’t know, then very soon your circle of contacts will narrow down to the same egoists. At the same time, if you constantly become poor, then the attitude towards you will be appropriate. Try to be on the same level as your interlocutor and don’t be afraid to speak, even if you haven’t communicated much before – you will succeed.

Be consistent

Even if you are afraid to talk to other people, you will still have to do it. Without this you simply cannot understand how to become open and sociable. But the adaptation process can be significantly easier if you act according to the plan.

  1. First, just get to know the person. Shake hands or simply say hello, introduce yourself and ask for a name. This will be enough to establish first contact. But remember that you must behave confidently so that your interlocutor understands that you are not a sycophant or a hypocrite;
  2. Start chatting on common topics. This does not have to happen at the time of acquaintance, but you need to talk again. You must determine the topic yourself, I talked about this in the first paragraph. Therefore, if you immediately scrolled down, do not be lazy and re-read this subparagraph;
  3. Talk about more in-depth topics. To proceed to this step, you must already know each other well enough. At this point you can start discussing, for example, or ;
  4. Only after this can you move on to closer topics. For example, family relationships and so on. This will allow you to understand how to become a more sociable person.

There is no need to shape events. If you have just met a person, then you should not ask related questions. Understand that this will take some time. A person cannot open up right away and just like that.

Be a good listener

Along with self-confidence, it is also one of the most important points. To be good conversationalist you must not only speak well, but also listen well. In one of the books (honestly, I don’t remember which one) I read one interesting case:

Once, a famous business coach flew on a plane to another country and met another famous person. They struck up a conversation that continued throughout the flight. Landing famous person said it was the best interesting dialogue, which he has ever led. The highlight was that the business coach practically did not speak, but only listened.

People love to be listened to. Moreover, almost everyone suffers from the fact that they cannot fully speak out. So, if they see that they are being understood, they begin to open up as quickly as possible. There is no point in describing this issue in detail now, because entire books are devoted to this topic, but I will most likely write an article. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

How to become sociable - be good

No matter what they say, but communicate with kind and good people always more enjoyable. Therefore, always try to do good, sow the reasonable and eternal, and in general try to be a good man. You will need this not only to understand how to become talkative and sociable, but in general it will be useful in life.

That's all. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. There you can express your point of view on this issue. Dispute my statements in any way or, on the contrary, agree with them. And don't forget to subscribe to new articles. There will be many more interesting things to come. Bye!

Every person has experienced communication difficulties. Every day we communicate with dozens of people. Each of them has their own interests, opinions and habits that differ from yours. When communicating, you have to adapt to the characteristics and character of your interlocutor. Really hard to find mutual language with everyone, some are hard to even understand. And it is absolutely impossible to always find a common language with strangers. So, if you are experiencing this kind of difficulty, do not despair. This is a fairly common problem and there are simple ways her decisions.

Why do we need communication?

Becoming more confident and sociable is an important task. As a result of thorough psychological research, it was found that mental and physical health depends on communication. A conversation with an interesting person lifts your mood. And those who feel like part of a team are happier, get sick less often, and are less susceptible to stress.

People whose social circle is limited to family and a few colleagues often feel lethargic and apathetic. It is difficult for them to achieve success in any type of activity; they are less likely to decide on drastic changes. Women who give up work and communication after the birth of a child are precisely why they feel irritability and dissatisfaction. The same applies to people who have lost their jobs. Limiting social contacts also affects appearance.

Watching successful people You can see how easily they make acquaintances and carry on a conversation. The opinions of others are important to them, it is important to be interesting conversationalist. Becoming a more sociable person means developing in other areas.

When difficulties arise and how to overcome them

Difficulties in communication can be periodic or permanent. In the first case, we are talking about difficult, unpleasant conversations, attempts to join new team etc. In the second case, we can talk about excessive isolation or lack of communication skills. It will be easier to cope with periodic difficulties. Sometimes it’s enough just to tune in yourself or give your interlocutor time to do the same.

To overcome permanent communication difficulties, you will have to make an effort. To become a more sociable person, you need to observe yourself for some time and remember the reactions of others.

Remember, becoming more sociable is not just a desire, but a vital necessity. Only by having the opportunity to fully communicate can you achieve success and learn to enjoy life. Therefore, do not delay, start following the tips given in the article immediately!

If you are increasingly being asked why you are silent all the time, you urgently need to change something in your life. But how can you become a sociable and interesting person if you are modest and shy by nature? Finding a topic for conversation is a real test for you, and being the first to speak to a stranger is beyond your strength. What to do? How to become easy to communicate? Start changing now.

Why do communication difficulties arise?

There are several reasons why people become withdrawn and silent:

  1. Wrong upbringing. Someone came up with the term natural shyness, and they began to cover everything real problems. However, people are social creatures. Information exchange is the most important “weapon” in the fight for survival. Human psychology is such that he is interested in everything new and unusual. People's interest in news is driven by a subconscious desire to learn a lesson for themselves in case the same thing happens to them. Therefore, by nature, all people are sociable to a greater or lesser extent. However, upbringing and negative experiences of socialization make their own adjustments. If the parents led a closed or antisocial lifestyle, the child simply does not have a model of interaction with other people, that is, he has not learned to be friendly and communicate normally. In childhood, these problems may not be as pronounced, as other children will be drawn into the conversation. But with age, when the initiative must come from the person himself, communication problems may manifest themselves.
  2. Negative experience. Often, elders close the mouth of an initiative child or teenager so as not to interfere. Peers may tease you with offensive nicknames. Sometimes others begin to bully an adult, expressing doubts about his competence or intellectual development. And how to become an open and sociable person in this situation? Usually such a person withdraws and even communication with well-meaning people becomes more and more difficult for him. He is embarrassed to speak out.
  3. Low level of intelligence. How less people knows, the fewer subjects he has for discussion and communication, the narrower the circle of people who are ready to conduct a dialogue with him. Sociable people are aware of all events and news.
  4. Character traits. This point may seem to contradict the above. Not at all. There are people whose need for communication is lower than others. Both an introvert and a phlegmatic person require less communication than the same extrovert. The main difference between an introvert and a shy one is that the first is not shy at all, and he has no problems in communication. If desired, he easily finds a common language with unfamiliar people, does not feel oppressed in someone else's company and is not burdened by the lack of a topic for conversation when left alone with someone. This is what distinguishes him from a closed person. It is the latter who should change his character and become more open to people.
  5. Self-dissatisfaction and embarrassment. These traits prevent you from establishing any public relations. They interfere with friendship, career, love. How can an insecure person become more cheerful and sociable? Only by increasing your self-esteem and self-respect. Find the best in yourself and develop those traits. Tell yourself: “That’s it, I’m becoming confident, cheerful and interesting.” And good luck!

How to develop communicative skills?

It should be remembered that sociability or sociability is not so much a character trait as a skill. And the same laws of development apply here as with any other skill. If you've spent your whole life sitting at a computer, it's possible that you'll quit the race in running competitions. However, the situation will change if you practice running daily for a long time. If you don’t train your memory, you will soon be unable to remember a piece of the most banal text. The same goes for communication.

A sociable person is in constant contact with others. But having once become a hermit, you will not be able to suddenly return to society and be a ringleader. However, daily communication will greatly improve your communication skills. How to become talkative? Where to begin? From the simplest:

  1. Say hello to your neighbors, ask them how they are doing, how their children and parents are, what’s new in their lives. Under no circumstances allow yourself to be drawn into intrigue, do not support or spread gossip. This can push people away from you, and you will find yourself further from your goal than when you were a hermit.
  2. The next step on how to develop your sociability is simple. Talk to strangers: in line, at a bus stop, with sellers. Do not be shy! In the market, you can ask if trading is going well. At the bus stop, how long ago was the minibus you needed? Complain that public transport has become worse, or be glad that the situation on the roads has improved. It’s good to remember a story from life, for example, how a person sued transport company due to lack of air conditioning. While waiting in line to see a doctor, you can talk about the pros and cons of paid and free clinics, tell something interesting about foreign medicine (after researching the issue first). However, you should not speak negatively about your doctor or talk about your illnesses. They don't like people like that.
  3. Many trainings on the topic “How to become a sociable person” suggest talking to passers-by on the street. Come up with a non-existent opinion poll. For example, how do people feel about the sterilization of stray animals? Or whether it is worth allowing foreign citizens to adopt children. Choose any current topic from the news and monitor public opinion. If you don't hear about any polling topics, scour the Internet and select a topic from surveys conducted by professional journalists. Be sure to ask the person why he holds this opinion. Try to make your own arguments. This is the simplest recipe on how to become more sociable and make friends easily.

You need to practice your communication skills every day. And after some time you will understand how to be relaxed, friendly and sociable in any company.

Universal topics for conversation

How to become easier in communication and be an interesting interlocutor? To do this you need to work hard. First, decide on topics that are close to you.

For example, animals. Almost everyone loves them. Even if you encounter someone who hates animals, you will have something to argue about. Start collecting interesting facts about animals, jokes and stories. This will help you come across as cheerful and stop being shy. Study the opinions of animal rights activists and their opponents. Watch discussion shows. They will help you understand how to become a good conversationalist.

It is important for you not to become a walking encyclopedia, periodically providing scattered information. To be interesting, you need to engage others in conversation. A sociable person always strives to involve others in a discussion. Therefore, the approach even to such a simple topic should be versatile. It can be viewed through the prism of psychology. For example, discuss a man who, feeling angry at his wife, secretly kicks her cat. Lift up social problems, such as doghunting or grannies keeping dozens of half-starved cats, etc. You can present this topic with a humorous “sauce”. Only a variety of viewing angles will help you hold the attention of your interlocutors and become more talkative.

Here's another example of how to develop sociability using a common topic. Health is a universal topic. You can talk to young people about healthy eating, vitamins and antivitamins, with representatives of the older generation - about herbal medicine. Study the issue thoroughly. It is not enough to know that chamomile is brewed for coughs. Every coin has two sides. Herbs have benefits and contraindications. There are often cases when the ambulance did not have time to save people after taking harmless herbal teas. Study similar cases. Take an interest in newfangled diets, their reverse side, uncontrolled use of hormones and anabolic steroids. Tell us about it. However, be wary of becoming argumentative.

Expand your social circle

If you don't have a hobby, you need to start one. For example, you can become a cactus grower, grow outdoor flowers, take up sports, cooking, edible decorations, get interested in design, photography, or making furniture and toys for animals. This will help you become useful. You will be able to share information with friends and give practical advice. Useful information everyone loves it, even those who will never use it. In addition, in the process of mastering a new activity, you will make new friends.

Communicate on thematic forums. These could be forums for fans of fantasy series, computer games, romance novels or robotics enthusiasts. Study people's opinions on various issues, learn to express your point of view in a reasoned manner. Forums - good trainer communication skills. There you will have no choice but to become a sociable girl or guy. The disadvantage of virtual communication is that it can separate you from the real thing. To prevent this from happening, discuss what you find in the virtual space and in personal communication with friends.

Still don't know how to become sociable and confident? Join an organization. This could be a volunteer organization, a thrill-seekers club, or a house committee. Sign up for driving courses foreign language or trainings. Any community is people connected common cause. Common goals and interests always unite, and where there are common interests, communication is easy and relaxed.

Communication mistakes

To figure out how to be more social without going overboard and alienating people, consider the following mistakes. Think about which interlocutors you dislike the most? Most likely, the so-called professional mommies, cat people and sectarians will fall into this category. Why? Yes, because their horizons are either limited or temporarily narrowed to one topic.

Are you a young mother and don’t know how to become more sociable? Don't focus on children's themes. There are many other subjects of conversation that interest you that you simply forgot about:

  1. There are people who just burst with humor. Anecdotes and tales pour out of them, both appropriately and inappropriately. At first these people are interesting, but very quickly they begin to irritate. It is necessary to develop a sense of humor. But the main rule of its use is relevance. An anecdote on topic is your plus, endless jokes indiscriminately are a minus. Ask how to become cheerful? Parry your interlocutor's jokes. Funny and good-natured verbal duels amuse the company.
  2. Nobody likes to communicate with eternal whiners. A positive-minded person evokes sympathy and respect. He is always a welcome companion. However, there are people who can turn even this positive quality into an irritating factor. A smile is a sign of affection. However, the eternal smile is puzzling. If a person is faced with an important life question, and he expects empathy from you, and instead you cheerfully answer: “Don’t drift, everything will be fine.” This will cause disappointment. It is not enough to tell a person that everything will be fine, you need to convince him of this, express words of support and empathy. And only then give out the positive.
  3. It happens that a woman who was previously shy with people, not knowing how to learn to be relaxed and talkative, begins to fawn and coo with everyone. She is sure that this is the only way she can please him. However, this is annoying. Even the most sociable person who lavishes sugary sweet speeches, flavored with a sea of ​​​​compliments to everyone, will be poorly received by society.
  4. When communicating with people, do not try to bring them down to your level. For example, it is not permissible to call people you don’t know well or those standing above you in the hierarchical ladder by affectionate nicknames. Respect people and they will respect you.

The recipe for becoming a master communicator is simple. Expand your horizons, bring new information, become useful, develop a sense of humor, take an interest in the life of your interlocutor, let people speak, do not try to pull the blanket over yourself. Avoid familiarity, intrusiveness and tediousness. And you will always be welcome in any company.

While it may seem that some people are naturally more sociable than others, the important thing is that all human beings are social and, like any other skill, one can learn to be more sociable. Read this article to find out how to get out of your comfort zone and improve social life.


Part 1

How to overcome complexes
  1. Be less critical. Some who call themselves "antisocial" are prone to constant criticism of themselves and others. They avoid social connections because, on the one hand, they are afraid of criticism from others, and on the other hand (which is very ironic) they are very critical of others. To become a more social person, it is important to accept that everyone, no matter who they may seem, has positive and negative qualities. What separates confident people from insecure people is their attitude towards themselves. Confident, sociable people tend to pay attention to positive features in themselves and others, while insecure, antisocial people are focused on their own shortcomings and the shortcomings of others.

    • Make a list of your positive qualities. Make sure you include both internal (intellectual, emotional) and external (physical) qualities. Make it a habit to remind yourself of your positive qualities, and from any negative thought You can get rid of it with the help of two positive ones.
    • Stop thinking of yourself as shy, quiet, or antisocial. The more you use these words to describe yourself, the more you become accustomed to the idea that you are incapable of communicating and also begin to avoid other people. If you want to become a more sociable person, you need to first believe that you can be sociable. Remind yourself that you choose whether to be social, not nature.
    • Accept that human nature is good. Although there are many bad people, it is important to accept that people can be loving, kind and tolerant. If you believe this, you will want to meet new people instead of avoiding them.
  2. Don't try to analyze your communication. If you analyze communication too much, you won't be able to enjoy it. Although it may seem difficult, it is important to break the habit of second-guessing and analyzing communications.

    • Instead of focusing on what went wrong or how you embarrassed yourself, start new interactions with a clean slate and a positive attitude.
    • When you think about past communication situations, focus on the positive rather than the negative. Even if it wasn't the most significant or interesting communication in your life, try to find something good in every situation, even if it is something as simple as making someone laugh.
  3. Realize that you are not that important. Interestingly, modest people, who feel invisible and unwanted also tend to feel like they are constantly being watched and criticized. This strange paradox of shyness prevents people from feeling comfortable around other people. This does not mean that you should think that no one needs you, but that you are your own worst critic; other people are too busy to constantly judge and criticize you.

    • Remember that people are so caught up in their own lives and socializing that they don't have time to notice if you embarrassed yourself, said something stupid, or didn't look perfect. Even if they notice, they are unlikely to think about it, since they have plenty of their own problems.
    • Understand that everyone (to one degree or another) feels the same way. Even the most sociable people feel insecure and worry about embarrassing themselves; the only difference is that they took a risk and enjoyed it rather than worrying about how others would react.

    Part 2

    How to improve your social life.
    1. Practice. As with any skill, it takes consistency and practice to master sociability. This means that you will need to get out of your comfort zone and force yourself to constantly communicate with other people. Try not to compartmentalize your life or separate your “social life” from the rest of your life. If you truly want to become a social person, you need to be sociable in all aspects of life, from work and school to family.

      • Train yourself to strike up casual conversations with people you meet every day, including bank employees, bartenders and tellers.
      • Spend your free time with friends whenever possible. If you are one of those people who spends their time doing hobbies or physical activity, then try inviting a friend next time.
      • Always accept invitations. Avoid excuses like you're tired, you have to wake up early, or you're not in shape today. While some of them are valid, others are used only to avoid communication. Learn to distinguish honest arguments from dishonest ones.
    2. Be positive. Everyone wants to be around someone who is optimistic, cheerful and happy people. Even if you are not positive all the time, you need to at least pretend positive when you talk to other people. For example, if someone asks you to talk about your life, focus on the positive aspects of your life rather than the negative ones.

      • If your life is positive, you will constantly attract other people's interest and they will want to know more about you.
    3. Engage in conversation. If you want to appear interesting, you must show your interest in their life, especially in conversation. When you talk to someone, listen to what they have to say rather than thinking about what you need to say. Make eye contact, nod your head, and ask questions.

      • Try not to constantly check your phone or look around during a conversation. This behavior is considered rude and shows that you are not interested in the person or the conversation.
    4. Watch your body language. If you are at a party or other event, the position of your body conveys a message to other people. If you want others to approach you, you shouldn't stand in the corner with your arms crossed, checking your phone and frowning.

      • If you make eye contact and smile, you will appear friendly, open, and non-threatening. Besides, everyone looks more attractive when they smile.
    5. Initiate communication. If you are constantly waiting for people to call you or invite you somewhere, then you are wasting your time. Relationships are built on mutual efforts; If you want to show people that you value your friendship, you need to take a step forward and find ways to spend more time together.

      • Keep in touch with friends even if you don't live in the same city. Pick up the phone and call them, send them a message or email to ask how they are doing.
    6. Take advantage of opportunities to meet new people. The best way Making new friends and expanding your social circle means saying “yes” to meeting new people. Accept invitations to parties and meetings, travel to new places and talk to strangers in a cafe, at school, on a plane, and so on.

      • While meeting strangers may be intimidating, think of it this way: if you don't know where to start, you have nothing to lose if it doesn't work out. On the other hand, you never know which stranger might become your new best friend, business partner or loved one!
    • Being sociable doesn't mean you have to be friends with everyone. It is impossible to please everyone; it is much more profitable to have a small circle of close, important friends than a hundred mediocre ones.
    • Don't forget to smile and say hello to everyone. This will help you break down barriers, make people remember you, and get them to talk to you later.
    • If you are positive, you will good influence on the rest.
    • Always try to be yourself and not someone you are not.
    • If you feel a lack of communication, then pick up a new hobby, join a local club or sports team, become a volunteer, etc. Choose an activity that involves interacting with people.
    • It is best to keep your opinions on religion, politics, abortion, etc. to yourself, unless the person you are talking to shows a genuine interest in these issues. These topics rarely lead to pleasant conversations.

Many people find it very difficult to make friends. And for this case there is no universal recipe. It all depends on the individual and his ability to build relationships with others. a sociable person? Use the tips in this article.

1. Be yourself.

If you are thinking about how to be more sociable, then first of all learn to openly express your position. Be yourself and don't be afraid of how others will react. If your opinion causes aggression and misunderstanding in someone, just try not to pay attention to it.

2. Improve yourself.

It is necessary to develop and improve yourself in all areas of life. This approach will add self-confidence and help get rid of inhibitions when conducting dialogues with other people.

3. Remember to smile.

How to be more sociable? More often tells your interlocutor about your favor and interest. But you need to use a smile with caution, because if you smile in any situation, you may be misunderstood. This will only alienate others.

Sociability is also trained with the help social networks. There you can find new friends all over the world. All you have to do is join the group common interests. Well, without eye contact, communication becomes simpler and more relaxed. Over time, this is projected into real life.

5. Develop a sense of humor.

Not only men should have a sense of humor. If a girl is thinking about how to become sociable and cheerful, you can recommend that she develop her personality. But here it is important not to overdo it. Rude and inappropriate jokes turn people off.

6. Listen.

Show interest in your interlocutor. Every person likes to talk more than listen. If you listened carefully to your opponent, he will certainly appreciate it.

7. Remember self-respect.

It is important to respect not only others, but also yourself. After all, how can you be more sociable if those around you have neither respect nor love for you? By learning to love yourself and knowing your worth (at the same time, self-esteem must be adequate), you can raise your own rating in the eyes of others.

8. Say hello to others.

Don't be afraid to do this, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Make an effort and make it a goal to regularly say hello and occasionally strike up conversations. It will be great if you say hello to a complete stranger.

9. Learn beautiful speech.

In order not to think about how to be more sociable, you need to develop your own speech. After all, a correctly and clearly formulated speech always makes a pleasant impression. Intonation is no less important. To train it, you should read interesting and competent literature. The best option- classic. This will broaden your horizons and subconsciously transfer the acquired skills into everyday speech.

10. Take action!

Make a plan to develop the quality of sociability and take some action every day. This is the only way to become sociable, make friends and get rid of loneliness.