Why is the Internet dangerous? The influence of the Internet on humans. Love on the Internet - meeting in real life: is it necessary to continue virtual relationships, and in what cases this can be done

There are a number of reasons why people start online dating. They are usually caused by personal characteristics, lifestyle, as well as psychological problems. For example, these could be factors such as:

  • Shyness. If a man or woman suffers from an inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence, phobias related to communication, and is therefore unable to meet people in person, he or she prefers online dating. You can always be a “star” online, it’s easy to embellish something, hide something, it helps you relax and feel more confident.
  • Loneliness and narrow social circle. Unfortunately, for many people their actual social circle is extremely narrow: colleagues, a few friends, a few relatives - and that’s it. Also, the lifestyle itself limits a person (“home-work-home”). In such conditions, there is simply nowhere to meet people, and as a result, a person begins to register on dating sites in order to find a soul mate there.
  • Excessive romanticization. Characteristic of some older girls adolescence. Let's say a girl is not delighted with her classmates or classmates and believes that on the Internet she can find a real prince, an oligarch, a genius, a movie star - in a word, someone truly worthy of her, she just has to find contacts and start correspondence. And there she will quickly charm the “object”, and the happy ending is ready. This is certainly a very infantile approach.
  • Dissatisfaction with life, poor relationships between spouses. This is another reason why both men and women engage in online dating. Often after for long years family life people no longer experience passion or sexual attraction for each other and, accordingly, do not receive emotional and sexual satisfaction. It also happens that spouses live in an atmosphere of constant quarrels, for some reason being unable to get a divorce. All of the above leads some to the idea of ​​finding partners on the Internet. The purpose of the search is usually an easy relationship without obligations.
What else can be attractive about online dating in general is the simplicity and complete control of communication, the feeling of security. If you get tired of communicating, you can end the contact with one movement of the mouse. Nothing disturbs your comfort. But, in fact, spending time on the Internet can turn out to be an unsafe thing, especially for girls who want to find a mate in this way.

What are the dangers of online dating?

When communicating online, you can, unfortunately, encounter some rather unpleasant phenomena. Let's try to divide the main dangers into categories. First of all, on the way of a girl looking for a romantic acquaintance on the Internet, she may come across scammers of all stripes who are fluent in manipulation techniques.

Social media scammers

Fraudsters on the Internet are a special type of people who are capable of ingratiating themselves with women and charming them in order to seize their money and property. They usually have a deep knowledge of psychology, the ability to build communication in such a way that the victims themselves, voluntarily give them material values. Fraudsters skillfully select the “key” to a girl’s heart, “signaling” to her that she is loved, beautiful, desired, and make her fall in love with them.

There are several types of such personalities:

  1. "Generous Fans". It may look like this: for example, an online boyfriend tells his crush that he is sending her a gift “directly from Paris,” but then it turns out that the girl must pay for delivery through an international service, the website of which is actually a hoax, and the money arrives directly scammer. Another “pen pal” can invite a girl to come visit him in another city, or even abroad. Carefully drops a link to the airline’s website. A gullible girl leaves her credit card information there, not suspecting that this is also a deception site. Those at risk are, as a rule, middle-aged women and inexperienced girls, often from the provinces.
  2. "Trapped in difficult situation» . These “specialists” make a girl fall in love with them in the already mentioned way (compliments, confessions, etc.), and then seem to find themselves in a difficult situation - an accident, an illness, a card loss, threats from bandits... In general, what is enough imagination. A lady in love, already mentally deciding on a style wedding dress, receives a message that her beloved is “in trouble, dying, arrested, needs urgent surgery” and the like. It is easy to understand that a frightened and psychologically traumatized woman immediately gives the required amount of money. Which is exactly what the scammer needed. Again, you can improve the situation, at least get your money back, using law enforcement. Who is at risk: women over 30, single, divorced.
  3. Love extortionists. At times, when a virtual romance flares up, an Internet fan asks to send private photos or videos. You should think ten times before sending them. The fact is that they can find themselves on public display at any moment! The owner or owner of the photo receives a letter from a recent “online dear friend”, which says that if she (he) does not pay such and such an amount, all the pranks in front of the camera will end up with her husband (wife), boss, or simply on YouTube, for example. Unhappy selfie lovers run to transfer money. But, as a rule, scammers do not limit themselves to one time. This is a very serious situation that is almost impossible to stop without the intervention of law enforcement agencies. You will have to choose: eternal monetary “donation” or “turning yourself in,” in which the police, and, most likely, your family and boss will become aware of your hobby, but there is a chance to catch the attacker. Risk group: both women, especially married and successful ones, and men.

Important! That's not all the dangers of online dating. For girls meeting guys on the Internet, there are much bigger threats.

Online dating and sexual slavery

In pursuit of romantic love girls who meet guys on the Internet can end up in real sexual slavery. This international problem does not lose its relevance. Of course, no one lies in wait for them in dark alleys to grab them, take them away and sell them, but there is the Internet, where slave traders feel quite comfortable and lure their victims with promises of a prestigious, well-paid job or marriage with a rich foreigner.

Criminals are very inventive and use various methods to get his victim. The most common methods are:

  • Deception under the guise of a marriage agency. Girls are offered an acquaintance with rich single foreigners who are eager to find a bride in Russia (Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). Correspondence is organized, then again follows an invitation to come to the potential groom, payment for a visa and a ticket (in this case real). Sometimes false grooms from abroad register on dating sites as private individuals, and then the same scheme is applied.
  • Highly paid job offers. Work in a modeling agency, a prestigious company abroad, the salary is high, experience is not required... Many girls come across such advertisements. Usually, caring “employers” draw up documents, help with the purchase of air tickets, only upon arrival, what awaits you is not a modeling agency at all, but “work” in a brothel. Girls should be very, very careful if they receive such offers on the Internet, because they cannot hire for a truly highly paid and prestigious job without the appropriate education and experience.

Perverts on the Internet

There is another type of danger in online dating - perverts and maniacs. Among Internet perverts there are both relatively harmless and deadly ones, communication with which is fraught with loss of health and life. Although even “relatively harmless” ones can shock and cause mental trauma. There is no need to talk about especially dangerous ones, these are maniacs and even serial killers, hiding under the guise of charming guys.

You can recognize a pervert on the Internet by several signs:

Of course, it’s impossible to predict everything, and even the most cautious woman can fall under the spell of experienced Internet criminals, perverts, and maniacs. But it still wouldn’t hurt to be attentive and vigilant, because this is the only way to protect yourself from problems and not become victims of online dating.

Modern children are familiar with the Internet from an early age. Many parents know that children face various dangers online. In the article we have collected material about what threats exist on the Internet and how parents can protect their children from these dangers by establishing rules, conversations and using special programs.

Why the Internet is dangerous for children and teenagers: types of threats

The main types of threats on the Internet for children:

  • Sites related to sex. The Internet is full of services that promote unhealthy sexual relationships: sex for money, various corruptions, homosexuality. You need to protect your children from this, especially if they are still small and do not understand much.
  • Sites that disseminate information about prohibited things and concepts. These include terrorism, sectarianism, fascism, etc. Such content can greatly harm a child’s weak psyche.
  • Games. Firstly, many games contain violence and murder. Secondly, games begin to replace the real world, and it becomes increasingly difficult for a child to leave the game, especially if he felt like a real hero in the game and has a lot of friends there.
  • Gambling. They promise big money for short term. But it is much more difficult for a child to resist such a temptation than for an adult. Under the influence of a thirst for winning, a child may begin to waste his parents’ money.
  • Forums, social media, dating websites drag the child into virtual world. He makes friends with a lot of people online, he communicates well there. But in reality, the child may have problems communicating with peers.
  • There are a lot of scammers on the Internet and it’s easier for them to get close to us and our children. There are many ways to deceive a person. Let's look at one of the popular methods of online deception. The site asks you to enter your cell number, then you receive an SMS about your winnings large sum money. To receive them, scammers ask you to send an SMS from your phone to another number. As a result, a decent amount is debited from your mobile account.
  • Deception in real world . Through the Internet, anyone can meet your child, for example, under the guise of a pretty girl and set him up on a date. Your child comes to the meeting place, and an unknown man approaches him, introduces himself as the girl’s father and persuades him to take him to her, since she is sick. In this case, anything can happen to him. Therefore, teach your child not to trust strangers.

How to keep children safe on the Internet - tips for parents

Table. How to protect children from the dangers of the Internet?

Types of dangers on the Internet How can parents prevent their child from encountering dangers on the Internet? What should parents do if their child encounters a certain problem? dangerous situation online?
Objectionable Content Tell your children that there is a lot of false information on the Internet. Teach them to ask you if they misunderstood something.

Be sure to ask what your child has seen on the Internet. It often happens that he becomes interested in one site, he begins to open other similar sites.

It is worth enabling parental controls and safe search. They will help in the fight against unwanted content.

The family should have rules for using the Internet. Thanks to this, the child will clearly know what to do if he encounters unwanted content.

Ask your child what he is looking for on the Internet.

Internet - dating You must know who your child communicates with on the Internet; check his contacts to know who he communicates with.

If you notice that your child often communicates with people older than his age, then you should talk to him about it.

You should not allow your child to meet an online friend without your permission. If he is eager to meet one of his virtual acquaintances, then you should definitely accompany your child.

You need to know where your child goes and who he goes there with.

Explain the following rules to your child:

1) You should not give your friend personal information about yourself. And acquaintance with a virtual acquaintance should take place under the supervision of parents.

2) If you feel uneasy when communicating with a friend on the Internet, convince him to break off such communication.

Cyberbullying Talk to your child and convince him to communicate on the Internet politely and without rudeness.

Teach him to respond appropriately to messages from other people. Explain to him that you should not continue communicating with a person who is aggressive.

If a child has been offended, then help him get out of this situation. On any forum or website, you can block this person or write a complaint about him to the moderator.

Explain to him that you cannot make threats or spread gossip on the Internet.

Keep track of what your child is doing online. Observe his mood after using the Internet.

If a child receives insults via email or other services, it is worth changing contacts on the Internet.

If you find a picture of cyber-humiliation of your child online, be sure to contact the service administration or call the hotline.

Cyber ​​fraud Teach your child about types of scams and encourage him to seek adult advice if he wants to use any online service.

It is worth installing an antivirus or personal firewall on your computer.

If your child wants to make a purchase in an online store, then tell him about the safety rules.

It is worth checking all the data about the store (details, name of the legal entity).

Find out if the online store delivers cash receipts.

Please read the store rules carefully.

Find out exactly how much you will need to pay for the product.

Tell your child that you shouldn’t give out all the information about yourself when you buy something in an online store.

Gaming and Internet addiction Observe your child and analyze how much time he spends on the Internet every day.

Chat with your child, ask what he is doing online. Does he neglect his real hobbies in life: does he play his favorite sports, does he read, etc.

Look at his mood after each exit from the Internet. If he's in bad mood, aggressive, irritable and does not want to talk to anyone - this speaks of Internet addiction.

Communicate with your child more often, show interest in his personal life, play with him.

You cannot prohibit him from using the Internet, but it is worth limiting his stay on it.

Allow him to use only your computer or a computer that is located in the common room for better control of the child’s Internet activity.

If you see that a child has become attached to the Internet and practically cannot live without it. Convince him that nothing bad will happen if he takes a few hours off from the Internet.

Malware It is necessary to install specialized mail filters and anti-virus programs on all computers.

It is worth using licensed programs and data only from trusted places.

Explain to your child that you should not download everything, but only verified information.

Scan your computers for viruses every week.

Be sure to copy important documents to a flash drive or disk.

Change the passwords on your accounts every three months and do not use overly simple passwords.

Communicate with your child kindly. Win him over, he must trust you.

Listen carefully to your child if something happens. Try to understand how much this affected him.

If a child made a mistake and was hacked on a social network, or he decided to buy something on the Internet and came across a scam, then you should not scold him too much. We just need to figure it out together and calmly explain to him the rules of action on the Internet.

If a child is threatened on the Internet, then you need to find out all the information about this person. Ask the child if he has met him. It is imperative to insist that with strangers You can't meet.

You can try to collect more information about this person, copy the messages he sent and contact the police.

If you notice that the child does not say something or you cannot understand what happened, contact specialists who will tell you what actions to take in this situation.

“Parental Control” program - assistance in ensuring the safety of a child on the Internet

There are a lot of programs for parental control of children on the Internet. Let's look at some of them.

  • Paid program KinderGate Parental Control b blocks sites for adults, there are settings to limit access to gaming sites, sites with violence or drugs, etc. You can set a schedule when the child can surf the Internet. You can see what sites he visits.
  • Free browser for children's Internet filter CyberDad. Here the filter is turned on and the child visits only children's sites that have been carefully checked. Only parents can turn it off if they know the password.
  • Paid program CyberMama. You can create times when your child can be online. All this is controlled. You can also block Internet access.
  • Free children's browser Gogul. This browser has its own children's sites. Here is the time when the child can surf the Internet. You can limit your Internet access. Parents receive a full report of which sites their children were on.
  • NetKids. Parents view all the sites their child visits. They can also block dangerous sites.
  • Paid program KidsControl. Here you can manually limit access to dubious resources and control the time your child spends on the Internet.

Advice from experts on child safety on the Internet

The first thing parents need to do is teach their child not to share passwords with anyone. Tell your child: “Never share your passwords with others, even friends. Keep written down passwords out of reach. Never give out your password e-mail.» ( A. Levchenko, Assistant to the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Director of the NP Monitoring Center for identifying dangerous and prohibited content by law)

It is important to teach your child not to share personal information online and not to publish confidential data. Excessive frankness on the Internet is fraught. At the same time, it is important to remember that personal information may become available unintentionally: by using autocomplete functions, allowing applications to track location, filling out fields indicating address and telephone number, a child exposes himself to additional danger. Contact between parents and children is a key factor on which a teenager’s behavior in virtual life depends. Parents should navigate social networks, know what sites their children are on and how they spend their time, and, in addition, improve their own level of technical awareness.( R. Veraksic, security expert at McAfee, a division of Intel Security)

Communicate more with your children, gain their trust, take an interest in their affairs, involve them in family games, go with them to . Then your child will not want to spend a long time on the Internet, because real life will be more interesting for him than virtual life.

Cybercrime, pedophiles and online scammers are less of a concern to parents of children who are passionate about computers than the danger to them physical health. These conclusions were made by researchers from the analytical company B2B International, who conducted a survey commissioned by Kaspersky Lab. Russian users home Internet over 16 years of age.

In total, five main threats to children were named, which, according to adults, are fraught with the Internet.

Negative impact on the child’s health - 59%

Vision and posture are the main victims in the body of a young user who spends too much time at the computer. Even the most comfortable furniture is unlikely to help here - a person, and especially a young and actively growing one, needs to move a lot. If you spend the first half of the day sitting at a desk at school, and after lunch, first sitting on homework and then at the computer, it will be almost impossible to stay healthy.

“On the one hand, the parental control function can help here,” says Kaspersky Lab child safety expert Maria Namestnikova. - The program allows you to set the period of time when the child will be able to access the computer. But it is much better to simply offer and show by example interesting and varied activities outside the World Wide Web. Or, for example, encourage reading paper books instead of electronic books."

Internet addiction in children - 54%

For some reason, no one ever complains that people are dependent on water and air. Or, for example, from human affection and communication. They are considered the natural needs of people. Plunging headlong into the World Wide Web, people usually try to compensate for the lack of something in everyday life. What do children and teenagers do most on the Internet?

According to the cloud service Kaspersky Security Network, young users spend the vast majority of their virtual lives - 77 percent of the time spent on the Internet - on online communication tools. That is, social networks and instant messengers. Live communication, of course, much more interesting. If there are no particular difficulties with it, then additional network communications are unlikely to lead to serious problems. If a child or teenager experiences difficulties with live communication, this is a reason to consult a psychologist. Computer and network dependencies here are not the cause, but the consequence of problems.

Children will see inappropriate content - 53%

Firstly, we're talking about about the classic set: pornography, suicide, scenes of violence and cruelty. Search filters, privacy settings, and parental control programs help block access to sites with this content.

“Parents should not be lazy and set up the children’s gadget so that it simply does not allow access to resources that, in the opinion of mom and dad, the child should not visit,” continues Maria Namestnikova. “There is no need to be lazy tinkering with the settings or installing special programs, Moreover, it’s all quite easy to do.”

There is another approach to this problem. What we call “undesirable content” is also a part of our world that a child should also be introduced to. And if little man It is not the Internet that brings up the child, but the parents, so helping with this is their direct task. Naturally, this must be done as tactfully and carefully as possible, so as not to damage the fragile psyche.

“I don’t see anything wrong with my children seeing porn or something like that on the Internet,” explains twice-father actor Maxim Vitorgan. “The most important thing is that when faced with something surprising or shocking, they come to me , and we discussed what we saw. I think I can correctly explain the meaning of this and highlight all the emphasis. Trusting relationships with parents help much more than prohibitions and restrictions.”

There is also non-standard “objectionable content”. Network security experts say Special attention to cyberbullying. That is, the collective persecution of one person via the Internet. The scale of this phenomenon is quite serious. Last year, BtoB International researchers surveyed more than 11 thousand parents around the world, including Russia. The results surprised even experts. Almost all families have experienced cyberbullying in one form or another. Almost 60 percent of parents surveyed had to intervene themselves to protect their child from aggression. In addition, every sixth virtual conflict eventually grew into a real one. Moreover, often the victim of online bullying went to take revenge on his offenders in real life and thus she herself became an aggressor, and sometimes a criminal. Another seven percent of respondents said that their children experienced the consequences of cyberbullying so much that they had to long time recover from psychological trauma. And, what is most dangerous, a quarter of the mothers and fathers of all victims of cyberbullying learned about the problems of their children only a considerable time after the incident itself.

In addition, according to another survey, now of children themselves, 80 percent of them are not going to tell their parents that they have been cyberbullied under any circumstances. Meanwhile, it is an adult who can quite easily stop an attack on his child: in most cases, it is enough to write a letter to the administrator of the social network where the aggression occurs. They have their own user protection technologies and usually respond to parental letters without unnecessary delay. And another category of “undesirable content” is thoughtless online shopping. Often, when passing a game, the user is offered to buy something. Even an adult does not always understand what they are offering to pay for with in-game currency and what for with real money. If a parent’s card is tied to the computer on which a child is playing, he can, without knowing it, give his parent’s salary, or even more than one, for his hero’s ammunition and other conditional benefits. Here are some recent stories. The young Briton paid 1,700 pounds Strellings (16,750 rubles) for purchases in Zombies game vs Ninjas. One novice gamer spent $4,500 (291,000 rubles) in FIFA 2015, and the Game of War: Fire Age hobby cost another family $46,000 (almost 3 million rubles).

To prevent this from happening, experts advise not allowing children to play on their parents’ gadgets, but when sharing a device, open a profile for each user. Then the child simply will not have the opportunity, willingly or unwillingly, to spend family money on his own entertainment.

Communication with strangers - 44%

Not all meetings are created equal. Children are easier to persuade than most adults; they are more trusting. Therefore, they can completely calmly tell their new virtual friend what they would never tell a stranger in ordinary life. For example, the parent’s bank card number and three digits of the CVC/CVV2 code, allowing you to make purchases online. Or the day when the whole family goes on vacation, leaving an empty apartment for a long time. Or some other information with which attackers can cause big trouble for the whole family. To prevent this, you need to teach your child simple rule: Communication on the Internet is exactly the same as communication in real life. Online anonymity is an imaginary thing, and you should not rely on it. Just as you shouldn’t publish compromising photos: your own, your family or friends. “What goes on the Internet stays on the Internet.” The post can be deleted, but the digital photograph or video posted in it will not go anywhere. It will remain in the depths of the World Wide Web and one day will emerge at the most inopportune moment.

Communication with strangers on the Internet can develop into real communication in life - 36%

Unfortunately, this danger is very real. Surveys show: every twentieth child has already attended meetings with people they know only through online communication. Such dates are dangerous because all kinds of villains: pedophiles, child abductors, drug dealers and so on - it is through social networks and dating sites that they often seek out and lure out their victims. Of course, the virtual interlocutor may well turn out to be a good, honest person, but the risk of running into a criminal during such meetings is very high.

In addition to these five dangers, which users themselves talk about, experts list several others that can come from the Internet. They are very different. For example, often search engines To a completely harmless child's request, they can give very seditious answers. A schoolchild types in “How to glue a model?”, and instead of airplanes and manuals for assembling them, he is given advice about getting acquainted with beautiful girls. Or children become victims of phishing - they follow a link to a site that looks very similar to a well-known resource. And even the address is almost the same - it differs by one letter or with a different domain - not .ru, but .com. There he is asked to type a password or provide some information about himself. Being confident that he is on a reliable site, the child does what is required and thereby transfers the information to attackers who can do with it as they please. Viruses and other harmful software also await unlucky young users. Russia is confidently one of the top three countries with the maximum distribution of banking Trojans that steal payment card numbers and PIN codes, and at the same time is a stable leader in the distribution of ransomware. Once on a computer, such a virus blocks its operation, and a notification appears on the screen indicating that the user has visited a site with some nasty stuff. And in order to unlock the computer, they offer to pay a “fine”.

In general, there are enough threats and dangers on the Internet. How to protect yourself from them all? Experts recommend using two methods at once. First, set yourself good antivirus, set up parental controls and blocking of dangerous or inappropriate content. And, secondly, raise your children yourself, be real parents for them, teach them, and not hope that the computer and the Internet will do this instead of mom and dad. According to surveys, in modern Russia For some reason, 45 percent of parents believe that children learn more from the Internet than from real life or from themselves. They will find out, of course. But such knowledge often comes at a prohibitively high price.

VLADIVOSTOK, June 9 – RIA Novosti, Yulia Kovaleva. Virtual friendship, which flourished with the advent of the Internet, has become an important part of the daily life of many people, regardless of their age, profession and social status. How real is friendship on the Internet, and can it eventually develop into simple communication over the network into relationships “in life,” a RIA Novosti correspondent learned on International Friends Day, celebrated annually on June 9.

Internet friendship is a reality these days

Internet friendship is a phenomenon modern society, says an Internet designer from Vladivostok and active user social networks Andrey Reznik. According to him, due to the constant employment of modern man There is not much time left to go somewhere and get to know each other, so many people prefer to communicate while sitting at home.

“Friendship between people whom you have never seen, or have only seen in photographs, is possible. The main thing in friends is not how he or she looks, but communication and common interests. Previously, we made pen pals, looked for interlocutors in newspapers, sent letters, but with the advent of the network this became much easier, and the choice of interlocutors became wider,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

According to him, finding people with similar interests to communicate with is not so difficult; for this, there are many different forums and websites where participants can easily communicate with each other on various topics, discuss your problems or share your impressions.

“I have hobbies that many of my friends with whom I communicate in everyday life do not understand. Therefore, if I want to chat about this topic, I use the Internet and correspond with people who have the same interests. If I like the interlocutor , and we have a lot in common, then over time, of course, not in an hour or two, he becomes my friend, no matter where he lives,” he noted.

Reznik noted that it is always possible to translate virtual communication into reality, even if you live in different countries. “Last year I went to visit at the invitation of my friend from Australia, before that we communicated for three years only on the Internet and saw each other only on Skype. There was no awkwardness at the first meeting, already at the airport we started talking about our hobbies, as if all our lives lived nearby,” he said.

From Internet friend to husband

According to Vladivostok customs employee Olga Rubleva, meeting people on the Internet is not difficult, the main thing is to be careful, but also not to be afraid of meeting a virtual interlocutor, then the relationship from friendship can develop into something more. According to Rubleva, she met her husband on the Internet.

"We met on one of the sites. At first it was just communication online for several years. We were interested in communicating with each other, then we decided to meet. The funny thing is that he didn’t even come to the first meeting himself, but sent a friend to he “looked at me,” she told RIA Novosti.

According to her, before meeting her husband, she often communicated with people on the Internet; many of the forums organized meetings where everyone could come and look at those with whom they communicated online.

“Looking at the people with whom you have been communicating for a long time online is quite interesting. The first impression is no longer so important to you - what he looks like, or how you look in his eyes, it is communication that is important. I think that is why many people find it easier to communicate when they are not constrained no boundaries, even if they are external,” Rubleva noted.

Olga said that over the course of several years she had made many friends who moved from virtual life to real life, but there were also those with whom communication ended after the first meeting. “On the Internet there is a danger of creating an image of yourself that does not correspond to reality, and you will not understand this until you meet the person,” the interlocutor explained.

Emancipation and illusions

As Tatyana Pushtova, a psychologist from Vladivostok, told RIA Novosti, relationships on the Internet are as real as in life, although they do not provide the full extent of communication. The Internet itself is just one of the platforms for communication, maintaining connections, it helps to bring people together, but people build relationships themselves.

“Dating through the Internet is one of the most popular methods today. Thanks to it, many have found their other half and friends, but do not forget that not all the people who are added to your page are your friends,” she said.

She said that communicating over the Internet allows people to remove certain inhibitions, which is why it is often easier than in reality.

“For example, if a person stutters, it is difficult for him to overcome shyness because of this, or he is timid because he is dissatisfied with his appearance. All this affects him in ordinary life, but on the Internet he can not be afraid of this and be himself,” Pushtova said.

She noted that, despite all the advantages of communicating on the Internet, you need to be very careful when communicating with people. When communicating, many begin to share very personal things, which dishonest interlocutors can take advantage of. In addition, there is a danger of creating illusions.

“When people communicate on the Internet for a long time, they have a desire to meet each other in life and take the relationship to another level. Of course, there may be cases when you like a person on the Internet, but having met him, you understand that this is absolutely not what you expected. When communicating via the Internet, it is best not to create illusions that may not come true,” the psychologist said.

She added that, despite all the advantages, the Internet is capable of providing communication that opens only one third of a person. To get to know him better, you also need live interaction, since for full communication you need to see, hear and feel the interlocutor.

The Internet has long become a certain part of our everyday life. I still remember the time when the Internet was a kind of distant entertainment for many. It was due to the fact that you need a computer, you need a home phone, a modem, and the speed is also low... But it was a privilege in some way. Now, with the development of electronics, the Internet is everywhere, even in the most remote corners of the earth, and everyone can afford it.

There is no doubt that the Internet is very useful... BUT... But in moderation! and you need to know about this and you need to understand this! Of course, I would like this article to be read primarily by young families who have or will have small children. And you shouldn’t treat the Internet with horror. It exists and you can, even need to, adapt to it, or rather learn to use the Internet as a tool, and not allow the Internet to become a part of your life. So, in this article we will analyze such questions as: the influence of the Internet on a person. How it can be dangerous both for the personality of each person and for society as a whole.

Impact on society.

The Internet is a means of open storage of information of different nature, which is provided by the owners of web resources or sites. This information may be unreliable, contrary to law or inconsistent with generally accepted morality. A clear confirmation of this are sites for free downloading of books, music, and films. We must understand that by downloading for free, we expose ourselves to the risk of being deceived, plus we can also pick up viruses.

Through the Internet, you can watch a film even before it officially appears in theaters, or read a book instead of buying it in a store. Copyright holders lose profits and remit less tax to the state.

Propaganda sites change people's minds. For example, racist sites increase the population's aggression against visitors, resulting in an increase in crime. Websites religious sects affect young people and divert their attention from normal development and education. These examples prove the detrimental impact of the World Wide Web on society. And this is done not only through websites, but also through social networks! We ourselves never know who we are really communicating with, and we can fall under the influence of such bad people. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this influence!

In addition, the Internet poses a threat to large companies and corporations. Using the Internet, fraudsters called hackers can gain access to bank customer accounts. It will also track your payments on the Internet and eventually steal all your funds from your account. Hackers are a special type of computer specialist. They often manage to overcome the security systems of banks or companies and make large write-offs Money from their accounts. The actions of hackers bring huge losses to banks, reducing customer confidence in them. The advantage of hackers is that they can commit a crime while being away from the “victim”.

They can only be caught by searching for individual computer numbers on the network, but these attempts are often futile. Hacker attacks are carried out not only for the purpose of profit, but also for the purpose of expressing protest or self-affirmation. There are known cases of attacks on US military databases and cyber attacks on computer networks in the UK and Georgia. Attacks by online scammers strain relations between countries and expose the vulnerability of classified information, which can provoke repeated attacks. For these reasons, management of companies that have been attacked often hire hackers themselves to develop new defense systems.

Impact on personality.

The number of network users is growing faster and faster every year. Thanks to this, the number of virtual “platforms”, so-called Internet communities, is increasing, allowing people to exchange information in real time. On the World Wide Web it is quite easy to find people with similar interests and views on the world; it is psychologically easier to start communication than in a personal meeting. As a rule, a person finds a community in search of answers to his questions and often becomes more interested in the subject and continues to visit the community.

Relationships arise between members of a community that keep them in it. In an online community, a person develops a virtual identity that may be very different from his real personality and may even be more important to him. Thus, some people are so addicted to virtual space that they prefer worldwide network real life. Such people are able to spend 24 hours a day in front of a computer screen. This phenomenon is called Internet addiction. Addiction is psychological and consists of an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and the inability to disconnect from it in time.

According to scientists, the number of Internet addicts in the world is about 10% of all Internet users, in Russia it is 4-6%. The consequences of addiction are misunderstanding of relatives, quarrels and a decline in a person’s social status. Having considered the above examples, the harmful influence of the Internet becomes obvious. The world continues to fight Internet piracy and cyber attacks; psychologists are trying to help people addicted to the Internet, but they have not yet been able to completely eradicate these problems. When using the World Wide Web, you must remember that it is a gigantic repository of information that can be dangerous.

To avoid possible damage, you need to look for answers to your questions in trusted sources and protect your computer the latest systems security, and also not to forget that the Internet is not another world in which you can hide from real problems, but only a means of obtaining information. By ignoring these warnings, it is easy to become a victim of the World Wide Web.

At the end I will provide interesting video on this topic, very interesting:

Why is the Internet dangerous? The influence of the Internet on humans. updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel