Polish singer Anna German: biography, personal life, creativity, cause of death. The story of singer Anna German: The celebrity family was saved from death by a Polish intelligence officer Anna German the best

One of the most famous and beloved artists of the 20th century was the legendary singer Anna German. The biography of this woman is quite complex and tragic. Possessing a unique style of performance and a beautiful voice - a high-timbre soprano, she did not leave indifferent those who have ever heard songs performed by her.


Anna German's roots go far to Holland, from where her ancestors moved to Germany, and then to Ukraine, near Sea of ​​Azov. There, the great-great-grandfather of the legendary singer founded the village, which was then called Neuhoffung, which translated into Russian means “Hope”. This settlement still exists, although under a different name - Olkhino.

Anna's grandfather Herman Friedrich had nine children, among them was the father of the future star - Eugen (Eugene in the Russian manner) Herman. But during the dispossession of kulaks, Friedrich Herman was arrested for 10 years without the right to correspondence and died at hard labor near Arkhangelsk. The same fate awaited all of Frederick's children, and one of his sons, Willy, ventured to escape through Poland to Germany.

After his wanderings, Eugen first ended up in Donbass, and from there he fled to Uzbekistan. In this country, or rather in the city of Urnech, Eugen met his second wife (Anna German's mother) Irma Martens. The woman was from a family of Dutch Protestants who arrived in Russia at the end of the 18th century. The young people had a lot in common: language, love of music and poetry, which brought them together. And on February 14, 1936, they had a daughter, who received the name German Anna-Victoria.


Anna's mother was a teacher by profession German language, his father is an accountant, but he composed songs and performed them perfectly himself. A young family lived with Irma’s mother, who helped them raise the child. The couple's happiness was short-lived, because eight months after the birth of their daughter, Evgeniy German, was accused of espionage and sentenced to ten years in prison. But already in 1938 they were shot in the capital. In the same year, she had to endure another loss - the death of Anna's younger brother Friedrich (Igor in the Russian manner) from illness.

Frightened and desperate women decided to flee Uzbekistan. So they changed their place of residence all over Soviet Union. First they ended up in the capital of the Uzbek SSR, then fate brought the women to the north of the USSR to Novosibirsk, and from there to Krasnoyarsk. And then I had to move to Kazakhstan and stay in the city of Dzhambul. Here Anna went to first grade and studied for three years.

In this city in 1942, Anna’s mother married a Polish officer for the second time, whose name is mystical coincidence was Herman. But less than a year after their wedding, he died in a battle near Lenino in Belarus. Not believing in the death of her husband, Irma left for Herman’s homeland in the hope of waiting for him there. This is how Anna’s family ends up in Poland. And in 1949, their small female family moved to live from Nowa Rude to Wroclaw, where Anna’s mother got a job in her profession at the local academy.


The girl continues to go to school and is already studying Polish language, and very good. Anna was especially good at drawing. The future artist dreamed of going to art school. Anna studied at a secondary school for working children, as she helped her mother support her family. After graduating from this educational institution A girl, contrary to her long-time dream, enters the geological department of a local university. There she studied soil rocks, the structure of the earth's crust, and even managed to go on an expedition. The girl also performed in the university theater called “Pun” as a singer. Her debut happened in her fourth year at university, when the head of the group saw Anna’s performance and invited her to join their theater.

Career rise

After graduating from university, the girl passed an exam at the Polish Ministry of Culture and received certification and permission to perform singing activities. This made it possible to travel around the cities of Poland with small concerts and the same fees. Nevertheless, Anna slowly but surely gained popularity among the Polish public. In 1963, she represented her country at the international song festival in Sopot, where she took third place. But already in Olsztyn, at the All-Polish competition of pop groups, the girl won the first award. This year was very successful - singer Anna German participated in many competitions and festivals, where she took pride of place. She was also able to travel to Italy as a scholarship recipient from the Ministry of Culture and Art, where she improved her vocals.

The participation of Herman Anna-Victoria with the song “Dancing Eurydice” in the international festival in Sopot, which took place in 1964, can be called a triumph. There she was awarded second place in the category of international vocalists and first place among Polish ones. In the autumn of the same year, the singer visited Moscow for the first time. Also this year, Anna German's debut album entitled "Dancing Eurydice" was released.

This is followed by participation in Polish and international song competitions, where Anna German gets first and second places. The singer's biography is decorated with the release of her first disc, songs from which become famous throughout Europe. Thanks to such luck, the singer was noticed by Italian producers and offered to sign a three-year contract with a record label. Herman gladly agreed and in 1966 began collaborating with CDI.

Career in Italy

In Poland, the girl could not earn money big money, because the singers there were paid pennies, and the Herman family didn’t even have their own housing. Anna had a dream - to give her mother and grandmother an apartment. Therefore, signing a contract with the Discographics Italiano studio seemed to be a very promising move. Besides, the girl really liked Italian language and music. As it turned out later, the producer was just starting to work in this area, and he did not have a suitable artist. Having received Anna as professional material, he began to mold her into a star according to all the rules of Western show business. And this included not only stage performances, but also photo shoots for magazines, numerous interviews and participation in television shows. Being a modest and honest woman, it was not easy for Anna to fit into a life of this quality. For the same reason, the artist rejected an offer from the United States for cooperation, one of the conditions of which was a fictitious marriage with an American in order to avoid paperwork when obtaining a residence and activity permit.

The rhythm of life in Italy was crazy. The producer involved his protégé to the maximum in all kinds of concerts and festivals. It is worth saying that it was not without results - Naples gave them the Audience Award. And in San Remo, singer Anna German became the first foreigner to be admitted to the domestic Italian competition.

Car accident

Her career is heading upward, a little more, and the star Anna German will shine on the horizon of the European stage. Fate decided otherwise - on the night of August 26, 1967, the singer got into a terrible car accident near Milan. The driver of the sports car was tired and fell asleep at the wheel. Auto on high speed crashed into a concrete fence. The collision was of enormous force - the singer flew several meters through the windshield, falling onto the rocks. The ambulance arrived only in the morning, and then only provided assistance to the driver. They returned for Anna just a few hours later (when it turned out that there was also a passenger in the car) and found her already in a coma.

The artist lay in this position for about two weeks, and when she woke up, she experienced incredible pain - she had a concussion, two spinal fractures, both legs were broken and left hand, almost the entire body was in a cast. Doctors gave disappointing prognoses, they advised him to forget about his singing career, and there was little faith in a complete recovery. A long course of intensive rehabilitation followed, during which two more talents of the artist were discovered. Anna composes songs and dictates a book called "Return to Sorento."

Return to the stage

Contrary to predictions, Anna was able to recover and after a couple of years she was already walking around the apartment, albeit with great difficulty. During this period, the singer is also working on a new album called “Human Destiny,” which includes songs of her own composition. On the night before Christmas 1969, the artist appeared on television, and the following year gave solo concert at the Palace of Science and Culture, where she was greeted with a long, stormy ovation.

The first appearance on stage after the accident was triumphant. On television, radio, in newspapers - Anna German was mentioned everywhere. Biography of the star short term filled with professional offers, as well as all kinds of awards. In 1970, the singer received a prize for the song “Maybe” from the chairman of the municipal council in the city of Opole, followed by an award for the song “Four Cards” in 1971.

USSR in the career of Anna German

In the spring of 1972, the artist came to Moscow, where she recorded the Russian-language song “Nadezhda,” which became a hit for many years. After the release of this composition, many Soviet songwriters began to offer cooperation to the artist, among whom were: Vladimir Shainsky, Arno Babazhdayan, Jan Frenkel and many others.

There were two periods of Anna German's tour of the USSR: 1974-1975, as well as 1979-1980, during which several Russian-language hits were created, known and loved to this day. Songs performed by Anna German in Russian: “Nadezhda”, “Spring”, “When the gardens were blooming”, “Shine, burn, my star”, “Far is that day”, “And I like him”, “Echo of love”, “White Bird Cherry”, “Everything That Was”, “Lullaby”. The singer was greeted throughout the USSR with thunderous applause, requests to sing for an encore, the dressing rooms were filled with bouquets of flowers, and the halls were full of loving spectators. Tickets for the concert in the Kremlin were sold out a couple of weeks before it started.

Personal life

The sixties were the most successful for Anna German. Despite the active professional activity, the girl was lucky enough to meet the love of her life in the person of the Polish engineer Zbigniew Tucholsky. This happened in 1960 on the Wroclaw beach, where a 29-year-old man came to swim after working day. He immediately noticed Anna - she stood out from total mass people thanks to his high height of 180 centimeters. The girl was taller even than many men. In addition, she was a slender blonde and clearly not stupid, since she was reading a book on geology. Zbigniew asked Anna to look after his things while he bathed.

The young people got to talking, and it turned out that the age difference between them was six years, and the young people lived in different cities. But Zbigniew asked to notify him about the concert, which would take place near Warsaw. Soon Anna was performing in a town 300 kilometers away from the capital of Poland, and informed Zbigniew about it, not hoping for a meeting. But the distance didn't stop young man, and he came to the concert of Anna, then still a soloist of the Kalambur theater. This second meeting in their lives was the start of the relationship.

The couple lived in civil marriage, Anna still did not dare to answer Zbigniew’s proposal for marriage. And when the woman found herself in a hospital ward after a terrible accident in Italy, her husband supported and cared for his beloved in every possible way and again offered to legalize the relationship. Anna German promised that she would marry him after recovery. And so in 1970 the couple got married. This event was celebrated modestly, with family and without much publicity.

The couple had lived together for fourteen years and wanted a child, but doctors did not recommend Anna to give birth. The injuries sustained in the accident affected the singer's health - she developed thrombophlebitis, which was incompatible with an easy pregnancy and childbirth. But even here Anna German showed perseverance and strength of character. Despite the prohibitions and the inappropriate age for childbirth (40 years), the woman decides that she will be able to bear and give birth to a child. The pregnancy was difficult, but Anna gave birth quickly, and on November 27, 1975, a boy, Zbigniew Jr., was born. His parents often called him Zbyszek, which means “little sparrow” in Polish. Anna's son German inherited his parents' tall height (220 centimeters) and modesty. He is now a scientist and works at the Polish Academy of Sciences.

With the birth of the child, the singer went on maternity leave for two years, the couple raised the boy together and were very happy.

In 1978 we managed to buy big house, which Anna German dreamed about so much. Family in in full force moved there. It seemed that this was the end of all the trials, and people would continue to live happily.

Anna German: cause of death

After a two-year break, Anna resumes her singing activities with new strength and capabilities. The woman continued to be tormented by sore legs, but she attributed this to a manifestation of thrombophlebitis. Anna found it increasingly painful to move, and in 1979, at a concert in Alma-Ata, she became very ill. But the singer does not consider this a reason to interrupt the tour and continues to perform. Then there were concerts in Moscow and in the cities of Poland, at which the woman felt unwell. Later, she decides to undergo examination, and the doctors make a terrible diagnosis - bone cancer. But Anna has a work trip to Australia, planned for the fall of 1980, which the singer dares to undertake, despite the hellish pain. The tour still had to be interrupted and returned to Warsaw due to the rapid deterioration of the singer’s condition.

At first Anna was treated at home, not trusting modern medicine, she fell into traditional methods treatment and began to read the Bible intensively. She also decided to be baptized and marry her husband. Her left leg became three times larger than the right one, and the woman constantly experienced excruciating pain. She decided to go to the hospital. Anna's son German, mother and husband were frequent visitors. The woman suffered several complex operations. All this time, Anna’s husband German supported and looked after his wife.

In the spring of 1982, the singer could no longer get out of bed. She died exactly fifteen years after the accident in Italy - on the night of August 26, 1982. Anna Herman's funeral took place on August 30 at the Evangelical-Reformation Cemetery in Warsaw.

Despite her long residence and cooperation with the USSR, the singer still remained a foreigner to everyone. Anna German herself called herself a Polish artist. Romances in large quantities from her repertoire were performed in Russian and entered the golden cultural fund of our country. Anna was one of the sincere supporters of extremely close cultural relations between Poland and the Soviet Union.

Anna German, whose biography is filled tragic events, since childhood I was able to preserve and develop kindness and love for the world, people and life. Possessing a unique performance style, drama and sincerity, the singer made an indelible impression on the residents of the USSR and all other countries where she had the opportunity to perform. Left with this artist an entire era a frank, touching performance that still gives people hope, strength and inspiration today.

30 years ago, on the night of August 25-26, 1982, Polish pop singer Anna German died.

Singer and composer Anna German was born on February 14, 1936 in the city of Urgench (Uzbekistan).

Her mother Irma (1909-2007), nee Martens, from the village of Velikoknyazheskoye (now the village of Kochubeevskoye Stavropol Territory), came from Dutch Mennonites who settled in Russia in Catherine's time; worked as a German language teacher. Father Eugen (Eugene) Hermann (1910-1938) is an accountant of German origin from Lodz (Poland). He was accused of espionage, repressed and executed in 1938. Anna, her brother and mother were deported to Kyrgyzstan. There, a year later, Friedrich died of illness - younger brother Anna.

To survive, Irma, her mother and her little daughter moved from one city to another. They had to wander a lot around the Soviet Union - they lived in Tashkent, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Dzhambul, where the Great Patriotic War found them Patriotic War. In Dzhambul, Anna went to first grade. Here, in 1943, Anna’s mother remarried Polish officer Herman Brener, but did not live with him for long; he died in the war.

In 1946, Anna with her mother and grandmother moved to her stepfather’s homeland, Poland, where they settled in the city of Novaya Ruda; in 1949 they moved to Wroclaw. Mother got a job as a charwoman and got a small room in communal apartment, and 10-year-old Anya continued her studies at a Polish school. Little Anna sang and drew well, but the family did not have money for private lessons or a music school to develop the girl’s talents.

After studying at primary school V Nowa Ruda and a general education gymnasium for workers (she had to work at the same time as studying) in Wroclaw, Anna Herman applied for the painting department at the Wroclaw High school arts, but, following the advice of her relatives, she took them back and entered the geological department of the Wroclaw University. Boleslav Bierut, where she studied from 1955 to 1961.

In 1960, Anna German made her debut on the stage of the student theater "Kalambur", with which she toured the nearest cities of Poland.

Her performances at the institute’s evenings were a success, and the girl decided to continue vocal career. Although music education she didn’t have one; after graduating from university, she chose the profession not of a geologist, but of a pop singer. By that time Anna had passed State exam tariff (certification) commission of the Ministry of Culture and Art of the Polish People's Republic and received permission for professional singing activity on the stage. The singer’s program included not only pop compositions, but also classical and jazz works.

Anna German's first recordings were made with the band "Estrada" at the radio station "Polish Radio". The Polish Ministry of Culture awarded her a scholarship, which she used to study vocals in Italy.

Anna Herman's songs received first recognition at the 3rd International Song Festival in Sopot (1963), where she shared second prize (in the category of Polish performers) for the song “I feel so bad with this,” as well as at the All-Polish Festival of Pop Groups in Olsztyn for the song Ave Maria. Anna German's real fame came in 1964 with the song "Dancing Eurydice" (2nd prize in the category of acting and literary song at the II Festival of Polish Song in Opole, in 1965 - 1st prize at the International Pop Music Festival in Sopot).

In 1965, at the III Festival of Polish Song in Opole, she received first prize with the song “To Bloom as a Rose” and in the same year she performed for the first time in Moscow, where she recorded her first major album, “Dancing Eurydice.” Later, Herman performed at the “Friendship of Youth” festival (1967, Grand Prize), at the Sanremo Popular Music Festival (1967), the Neapolitan Music Festival in Sorrento, where she received the Oscar della sympatia (Oscar of Sympathy), and also at the Olympus Hall in Paris. In 1966 in Cannes she received the Marble Record Award at the International Record Fair MIDEM.

In 1966, Anna German signed a three-year contract with the Italian record label CDI, which included recording records and participating in various festivals. According to the contract, she had to not only sing, but also demonstrate clothes in fashion houses, appear on television, and appear on magazine covers.

On August 27, 1967, Anna German, while on tour in Italy, got into a car accident and suffered several major operations and did not appear on stage until 1971. During this period, she recorded her best songs in Russian: “Nightingales”, “Nadezhda” by Alexandra Pakhmutova, “Echo of Love” by Evgeniy Ptichkin, “You, Mother...” by Oscar Feltsman, etc. At the same time, Anna wrote a book of memories about Italy.” Come back to Sorrento? ", composed music based on poems by Polish poets, and thought about a new program.

After her illness, Herman hosted programs for children about physics on Polish radio. At the same time, she wrote a children's fairy tale, composed a cycle of songs based on the poems of the Iranian poet Akhmat Shamlu, and wrote music for the sonnets of Horace and the works of Sappho.

Anna German returned to the stage in 1971 with the program “Human Destiny” (her original composition as a composer with words by Alina Novak).

Since 1972, she began to be active creative life: toured all over the world, acted in films, recorded records.

In 1977, at the special invitation of director Evgeniy Matveev, German recorded the song “Echo of Love” for the film “Destiny”. The singer performed the same song in a duet with Lev Leshchenko at the Song 77 festival. In the same year, she recorded two of Shainsky’s hits at once - “When the Gardens Were Blooming” and “And I Like Him.”

At the end of the 1970s, Anna German's popularity in the USSR was enormous. She gave more than 100 concerts a year throughout the country, and participated in Soviet festivals - “Melodies of Friends”, “Friendship of Youth”, etc.

In the early 1980s, doctors discovered Anna German had cancer.

In 1980 she last time came to the USSR and in May performed in Luzhniki at the Melodies of Friends festival. At the concert she became ill and was sent to the Sklifosovsky Institute. The singer refused the examination and flew home to Warsaw. Then Anna underwent a series of operations. In September, being seriously ill, she finally decided to go on tour to Australia.

Returning home, she again went to the hospital, where she underwent several complex operations, but the doctors were powerless.

After one of the operations, Anna German asked to bring her a Bible. She read the book for several days in a row, and then said that she would be baptized.

In May 1982, she was baptized and around the same time she composed music for the Psalms of David, the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle Paul's Hymn of Love.

Anna Herman died on the night of August 25-26, 1982 in a military hospital in Warsaw. She was buried in Warsaw at the Evangelical Reformed Cemetery.

During her life, Anna German recorded more than 400 songs, about 100 of them in Russian. The songs she performed became hits in the USSR, and many of them were included in the list of popular ones: “Hope”, “When the Gardens Blossomed”, “Echo of Love”, “Shine, Shine My Star”, “Accident”, “From Behind the Island on rod", "Khasbulat daring", "Have pity on me" and others. Songs for her were written by Soviet composers Arno Babajanyan, Evgeny Ptichkin, Alexandra Pakhmutova, David Tukhmanov, Jan Frenkel, Oscar Feltsman, Vladimir Shainsky and others.

During her lifetime, five long-playing records were released in the Soviet Union, the first of which was released in October 1968.
Anna German was married. Her husband is Zbigniew Tucholski, with whom she gave birth to a son, Zbigniew, in November 1975.

After her death in Russia, countries former USSR, as well as in other countries - in Germany, Holland, the USA, many evenings and concerts were held in memory of Anna German.

Dozens of discs with the singer’s recordings have been released (the number of Anna German’s posthumously released discs is many times greater than the number of records released during her lifetime). Many videos of Anna German have been released, dozens of films and programs about her have been made, and dozens of radio programs in her memory have been released. Several books have been published, the latest of which, “Anna German. We are a long echo,” was published in the summer of 2012.

In October 2010, in the Russian publishing house "Eksmo" in the series " Best biographies"Ivan Ilyichev's book "Anna German" was published. Shine, shine, my star", in which, in addition to full version Anna German's book "Return to Sorrento?.." for the first time published "The Tale of the Swift-Winged Starling", which Anna German wrote shortly before her death.

In 2003, in Moscow, on the Square of Stars in front of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", a personal star was laid for Anna German (the only foreign performer among other stars).

In 1975, the name Anna German was assigned to asteroid 2519, discovered at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Valid in Russia international club fans of the singer, annually organizing concerts and evenings in memory of the singer.

Organized International Foundation in memory of Anna German and its branches in many cities around the world.

In 1987, a central street in the city of Urgench (Uzbekistan) and an amphitheater in the city of Zielona Gora (Poland), accommodating six thousand spectators, were named after Anna German.

Her name was given to the rowan alley in Moscow (Matveevskoye district).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Date of birth: February 14, 1936
Date of death: August 26, 1982
Place of birth: Urgench city, Uzbek SSR, (USSR)

Anna German - famous singer and composer. German Anna Victoria born February 14, 1936 in Urgench. Her mother, Irma, was from Dutch descendants who lived in Germany (Mennonites). Irma worked as a German teacher, but at home she spoke only one of them. dialects.

Father, Eugen Hörmann (c. Russian language Evgeniy German), was also of German blood. Eugen worked as an accountant, but already in 1937 he received a false report, according to which he was accused of espionage, and the next year Anna’s father was shot. Herman was not the only child in the family, but her younger brother, Frederick, died in childhood, contracting scarlet fever. After the death of their father, the family was forced to live constantly moving.

In 1942, the mother married for the second time. Polish officer Herman Berner becomes Anna's stepfather. However, he, too, dies a year later as a result of hostilities. But along with this marriage, the Herman family got the opportunity to move to Poland, which they did in 1946.

Anna studied at a secondary lyceum in the city of Wroclaw, where they stopped to live. After school, Anna Herman entered the University of Wroclaw at the Faculty of Geology, and after graduation she was educated as a geologist. IN student years began to open up creative potential future singer: she took part in amateur performances. She made her debut as part of the 1960 Pun competition.

In 1963 she took part in the third International Song Festival in Sopot. It was the song “I feel so bad with this” that gave the girl the second prize in the competition, and from this began her rise to fame. She then performed at the All-Polish Festival held in Olsztyn. This time Anna performed the Italian song “Ave Maria”, which brings her victory. Already in 1964, having performed “Dancing Eurydice,” success awaited her. She took second prize at the second Polish Song Festival, third place at the International Festival and first place at the local round.

However, in 1967, Anna was forced to interrupt her fledgling career: while on tour in Italy, she got into a car accident. She manages to survive miraculously, because her car crashed into a fence at full speed, and the singer herself flew through the windshield of the car. Her car was found only a few hours later.

She received many severe fractures and bruises, but remained alive. Anna German lay in a coma for about two weeks, and the doctors no longer even hoped to save her, but she was able to pull out. Despite this, the doctors stated the worst thing: Anna would no longer be able to sing, as her chest was severely damaged. German spent six months in the hospital, almost completely in a cast.

But Anna was not going to give up. In 1970, her voice again sounded for listeners. After this turning point in her life she publishes the book “Come back to Sorrento?”. The circulation of 30,000 copies was instantly swept off the bookshelves.

Anna was lucky to work with such talented composers of the USSR as Vladimir Shainsky, Oscar Feltsman, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Jan Frenkel. Even today one cannot listen to her legendary songs “Echo of Love”, “Hope”, “When the Gardens Bloomed” and many others without excitement. In 1977, she performed “When the Gardens Bloomed” at “Song of the Year.”

The hall literally burst into applause, and the festival organizers, going against their own television broadcast limits, allowed Herman to perform the song again.

In the early 80s, Herman's voice was recognizable anywhere in the world. But at this time the woman begins to suffer from pain, which she considers to be the consequences of the disaster. However, doctors make a different diagnosis: the singer was diagnosed with cancer. Both the woman and her entourage knew that the days were numbered. But she never stopped singing. Heat, periodic fainting, lack of sleep. That's how it went last years Anna German - legendary singer.

The woman’s personal life was not shrouded in secrets. She loved only one man, and he was the engineer Zbigniew Tucholski. Herman met him in 1960 in the city of Worclaw. He was with her after the terrible car accident. In 1972, they formalized their relationship, and 3 years later Anna gave birth to a son, who became famous in the field of scientific research.

In the last years of her life, Anna suffered from sarcoma. The singer died in 1982 in a military hospital in Warsaw. She was buried in the Calvinist cemetery.

Achievements of Anna German:

Herman's songs are considered unusually warm, deep and soulful. They are melodic, and the notes of her songs touch human heart, remaining in it forever. Anna German's voice is very recognizable.
In any country, she managed to win the hearts of listeners, because she performed all the songs in the language of the country in which she performed.
The singer had a chic lyric-coloratura soprano with a high timbre.

Dates from the biography of Anna German:

1936 – birth.
1938 - Father Herman is shot on false charges of espionage.
1946 – family moved to Poland.
1960 - met Tukholsky, her future husband. She made her debut in the theater at the university.
1963 – second prize at the third International Song Festival in Sopot.
1964 – received several music awards for “Dancing Eurydice”.
1967 – career break due to a terrible car accident.
1970 - returns to the big stage.
1972 – gets married.
1975 – birth of a son.
1977 - performance and encore performance in “Song of the Year” with “When the Gardens Bloomed.”
1982 – death.

Interesting facts about Anna German:

The speed of the Fiat car in which Anna crashed was about 160 km per hour.
When Zbigniew and Anna find out that the singer is pregnant, the doctors warn them that it is better not to give birth, because after such terrible accident birth healthy child unlikely. However, they have a healthy son.
Anna's husband German is alive and continues to be faithful to his wife.
Many believe that Herman was haunted by the magic of numbers: she was born on Valentine's Day and died on August 26 - the same day she had an accident 15 years ago.
Son famous singer single, lives with his father. He is very tall. Height is 2 meters 18 cm.

Anna Victoria German-Tukholskaya (Polish: Anna Wiktoria German; February 14, 1936, Urgench, Uzbek SSR, USSR - August 26, 1982, Warsaw, Polish People's Republic) - Polish singer and composer, pop star of the 1960s - early 1980s, known mainly as a performer of songs on different languages world, primarily in Polish and Russian. She performed in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Mongolia, and toured the GDR, West Germany, Czechoslovakia and the USSR. Laureate of national and international festivals in Monte Carlo, Wiesbaden, Bratislava, San Remo, Naples, Viareggio, Cannes, Ostend, Sopot (see below), Opole, Kolobrzeg, Olsztyn, Zielona Gora.

Songs for it were written by Soviet composers and songwriters Arno Babajanyan, Evgeny Ptichkin, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Jan Frenkel, Oscar Feltsman, Vladimir Shainsky and others. The most famous songs performed by her are: “Hope” (music by A. Pakhmutova to lyrics by N. Dobronravov), “When the Gardens Bloomed,” “Echo of Love,” “Accident,” “Burn, Burn, My Star.” The songs performed by Anna German were distinguished by great warmth, sincerity, melodiousness and melody.

Anna was very popular among fans of lyrical songs in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s. During her life in the USSR, the Melodiya company released five of her long-playing gramophone records, the first of which was released in October 1968 and is today a collectible philophonic rarity.

Anna German (in a duet with L. Leshchenko) was chosen to perform the song “Echo of Love” by E. Ptichkin and R. Rozhdestvensky in Evgeny Matveev’s film “Fate” (1977). This song also became a popular Soviet song single in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

In 1977, Anna German made a historic performance at the finals of the Song of the Year festival with two songs at once. Both performances were in the second part of the concert. The first song is “Echo of Love” in a duet with Lev Leshchenko, the second is “When the Gardens Bloomed” (V. Shainsky - M. Ryabinin). The prolonged ovation received by the audience in the hall forced the festival organizers to go beyond the rigid boundaries of television broadcasting, and the song was performed as an encore (a rare occurrence in the history of “Songs of the Year”). Unfortunately, this recording is irretrievably lost - it is not on television, and most likely, in other archives.

Anna was a sincere supporter of the closest possible cultural ties between the peoples of Poland and the Soviet Union.

Anna German's voice is a powerful lyric-coloratura soprano of an unusual, transparent, high timbre. The unique manner of performance gives the impression of unlimited upper voice register. The singer was distinguished by great musicality, artistry, great warmth and soulfulness of the created song image.

The singer's repertoire included songs of various genres and meanings. Even humorous songs carried a light, transparent touch of sadness in her voice. As for tragic songs about war, bereavement or unfortunate woman's destiny- in them, Herman fully revealed her dramatic artistic talent, genuinely and poignantly showing inconsolable grief and deep despair. This manner captivated listeners in all countries where she performed.

Anna German - Soviet singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR. The artist performed in Poland and the Soviet Union, and was a regular participant in international music festivals in Cannes, Monte Carlo, San Remo and other cities. Listeners around the world happily sang along to Anna German’s popular songs: “Hope”, “When the Gardens Blossomed”, “Echo of Love”, “Accident”, “Burn, Burn, My Star” and “The Earth Is Empty Without You”.

Childhood and youth

Anna Herman is an ethnic German, born in the Uzbek SSR, and became famous as a Polish singer. She was born on February 14, 1936. A year after Anna's birth, her father was arrested on charges of espionage and sentenced to 10 years without the right to correspondence. Already during the years of perestroika, relatives managed to find out that Eugen Hermann was shot in 1938 in Tashkent. He was rehabilitated twenty years later - posthumously.

A year after Eugen’s arrest, another grief happened in the family - Friedrich, Anna’s younger brother, died. The mother took her daughter and, escaping the pain, moved from city to city. They lived in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tashkent, Dzhambul. In Dzhambul, Anna went to school and graduated from 3rd grade. In 1943, her mother remarried, and three years later they moved to Poland, her husband’s homeland.

Anna German was a good student, was fond of drawing and dreamed of studying at the Higher School of Fine Arts, but her mother advised her to choose an earthly profession. After high school, Herman entered the geological department of the university and successfully graduated.

During her student years, the girl performed on the stage of the youth theater "Kalambur" and became seriously interested in the stage. After university, Anna Herman received permission to perform on stage and began performing concerts in small Polish cities.


In 1963, the International Song Festival was held in Sopot, in which Anna German participated. At the competition she took III place. It was followed by another festival, after which Herman’s songs began to be played on radio stations. Sopot in 1964 was triumphant for the aspiring singer. She performed the composition “Dancing Eurydice” and took 1st place among Polish performers and 2nd place in the international ranking.

In the same year, Anna German gave her first concerts in Moscow, Belgium and other countries - all of Europe started talking about her. The result of a large tour was the first disc, which sold millions of copies. In 1965, the singer recorded the song “City of Lovers,” which became popular.

In 1966, Anna first appeared in films. The singer played a cameo role in the Polish film “Sea Adventures”. Actor career Anna German did not work out: as an actress, the woman appeared in three more films and only in episodic roles.

In 1966, Anna German signed a contract with an Italian recording studio and left for Rome. A year later, she adequately represented Poland at the festival in San Remo. Then there were festivals and victories in Cannes, Naples, Monte Carlo.

In the spring of 1967, the singer was seriously injured in car accident. The singer's car crashed into a concrete barrier on the road between Forli and Milan because Anna's manager fell asleep at the wheel. The singer was thrown onto the road through the windshield. German suffered fractures and injuries internal organs and did not regain consciousness for more than a week. The singer lay motionless for six months, and then underwent rehabilitation, learning to walk again. In 1970, the artist returned to the stage.

The singer's popularity in the Soviet Union peaked in the 70s - the Melodiya studio recorded and released 5 records by Anna German. Other Soviet pop masters also wrote songs for the Polish singer. Her “Hope”, “Echo of Love”, “Tenderness” were heard on radio and television, they were known by heart and sang along. Also favorite was the performance by Anna German of the famous war song“Katyusha” and the lyrical composition “Lullaby”.

In 1975, a series of television programs “Anna German Sings” was released, and the singer went on a tour, during which the composition “And I Like Him” was performed for the first time.

In 1976, Anna met young and, as well as a number of poets and composers. invited Anna to record the song “ White bird cherry", and the singer recorded the vocal part of the track the first time.

In 1977, Anna German was invited to “Song of the Year,” where she performed the song “When the Gardens Bloomed,” more famous for the refrain “Once a year the gardens bloom.” The audience applauded and did not want to let the artist leave the stage. The concert organizers had to agree that the singer perform an encore. At the concert, Anna also performed the song “Echo of Love” in a duet with.

Subsequently, the artists recorded a music video for this song. During her career, the singer presented more than ten music videos. Her songs had spiritual touching and enormous power, their lyrics were close and understandable to every listener - for this Anna German was loved in the USSR.

Personal life

Anna German's personal life was going well. She met her future husband Zbigniew Tucholski in Wroclaw in 1960. He worked as a researcher and came to the city for work.

They met prosaically: Zbigniew asked Herman to look after his things while he took a swim in the river. The young people started talking, and in the conversation the singer invited him to a concert. The couple lived in a civil marriage for several years. They legalized their relationship only after Anna German was in a car accident.

She was 39 when she first became pregnant. Doctors discouraged the star from giving birth, given her age and the severity of her injuries, but she did not agree to an abortion. In November 1975, Anna German gave birth to a son, Zbyszek. The boy followed in his father’s footsteps: he graduated from a university in Warsaw and is engaged in scientific activities.


Anna German had everything that women dream of: a husband, a son, a house, a favorite job. But happiness collapsed one day. In the late 70s, doctors gave her a terrible diagnosis - sarcoma.

The singer went to the hospital with complaints of pain in her leg, which intensified in Lately. Just at this time she was about to go on tour, which the artist did not cancel. Overcoming the pain, the singer went on stage and sang in Australia, Kazakhstan, and Moscow. One day at a concert she lost consciousness.

In Poland, Anna Herman underwent several operations. Doctors fought for her life for a long time, but could not defeat the disease. On August 25, 1982, the singer passed away. She was buried in Warsaw.

Since 1982, films and television programs about the singer’s life began to be released. In 2012, the latest series to date, “Anna German. The Secret of the White Angel”, based on the biography of the singer. The plot of the serial film was based on an episode with a car accident, when Anna was on the verge of death. The series shows the life of the singer through the memories of an unconscious woman. The role of Anna German was performed by.


Anna German's discography includes fifty albums and collections released by record companies in the USSR and Poland. The most famous of them:

  • "To the Other Shore"
  • "Dancing Eurydice"
  • "When the Gardens Bloomed"
  • "Bride"
  • "The Last Meeting"
  • "Recital piosenek"
  • "Anna German"
  • "My tambourine"
  • "Znaki zapytania"
  • "Wiatr mieszka w dzikich topolach"