Where does Dzhigan and Oksana live? Dzhigan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

"We have become one"

Photo: IVstudio

Rapper Dzhigan appeared on our stage almost ten years ago. Everything is going well for him, both professionally and in his personal life. Just two weeks ago, at the “Muz-TV Award 2014. Evolution” ceremony, he was recognized as “Best Hip-Hop Project of the Year.” But that’s not all - very soon Dzhigan will become a dad for the second time.

Last time I met Dzhigan and his wife Oksana two years ago. Then this brutal man with tattoos said that it is not necessary to get married, because you can live with your beloved woman and child in civil marriage. Over these two years, a lot has changed in Dzhigan’s life. “We have matured a lot, grown in terms of material well-being,” he says, smiling. “My business is going uphill, Ksyusha has taken up a career as a designer and sews beautiful dresses.” And very soon Dzhigan and Oksana will become parents for the second time. OK magazine! I went to visit them to conduct a home photo shoot and find out why they still need a stamp in their passport.

Denis, you said that you don’t have time for a wedding, but you and Oksana got married anyway.

Denis: Yes, there really was no time. We literally decided in three days that we needed to get married. ( Smiling.)

Oksana: Denis and I periodically talked about the wedding, but we wanted to choose some beautiful date for this event. And one day they suddenly realized that December 12, 2012 was the last chance to make their dream come true.

D.: By the way, when our relationship was just beginning, we thought that we would get married on that very day. So, in three days we came to our senses and ran to the registry office. There was so much to do!

A: We had such a rush, it’s scary to remember! ( Laughs.)

We managed to buy a magnificent Wedding Dress, a luxurious veil?

O.: I just didn’t want to fluffy dress and a huge number of guests. I made the dress myself: I have my own clothing brand - MiraSezar.

D.: And I ran to the store, bought trousers and a white shirt, because, frankly, I didn’t have one. We didn’t invite anyone; only our closest ones were present at the registration. Everything went modestly, like a family. The main thing for us was just to tell each other important words.

So what, the stamp in the passport somehow influenced family life?

O.: The fact of the matter is that with his appearance absolutely nothing has changed.

That is, it was possible to live without him?

D.: Yes, but anyway, let it be, since that’s how it’s supposed to be. ( Smiling.)

Oksana, did you take your husband's last name?

Oh no. Too much hassle with documents.

By the way, how many years have you been living together?

D.: I constantly get confused: either five, or six.

A: In my opinion, by the end of the year there will be six.

D.: No, it’s already seven.

O.: Will there be seven?

O.: Nightmare! ( Laughing.)

Where did you meet?

D.: We met at the club, and then I invited Oksana to shoot my video “Frozen”, and then...

O.: And then there was New Year! And from the second of January we were no longer apart.

Denis, did you immediately understand that Oksana was exactly the girl you had been looking for for so long?

D.: No, not right away. A week later. I just looked into her eyes and realized that I only wanted to be with her. You see, by that time a huge number of women had accumulated around me, and Oksana turned out to be the very unique person whom I had imagined next to me all my adult life. I was 23 years old at the time, and my experience with women allowed me to understand them. For some it comes earlier, for others later. Some men, even up to the age of forty, cannot understand the women who surround them. Or maybe they just don’t want to understand. To each his own. I understood everything about Oksana pretty soon.

You filmed your daughter Ariela in the video for the song “Hold My Hand.” Would you like her to be creative in the future too?

D.: The film crew called our daughter a real angel. She's just a miracle! On the one hand, Oksana and I were very worried about whether it was good to show our small child, but on the other hand, we had no doubt that Ariela should play this role. She is still very young, so it is too early to talk about what profession she will choose. Besides, I wouldn’t want to make such decisions for her. Let him grow up first, and then we'll see. But now we are raising her in in the right direction: she learns English language with a tutor, we instill in her a love of good music.

For some reason it seems to me that you are such a kind dad. This is true?

D.: Well, of course. ( Smiling.)

O.: Sometimes Denis wants to be strict dad, but he doesn’t succeed.

D.: Because it’s a girl. Well, how can I be strict with her? It’s enough for my daughter to say: “Daddy, I love you” or “Daddy, I’m sad” - and I melt. I can’t object to anything after such words. She is a very independent girl. Well, not always, of course. Children are children. That is, she can lie down watching cartoons, and ten minutes later she can come, climb into her arms and say: “Swing!”

A: We never come to punishment. If Ariela doesn't want lunch, we make up games.

D.: And if he doesn’t want to play with toys, then we just throw them away. ( Smiling.) This is necessary for prevention. We don't scold her, we don't want her to grow in aggression. It seems to me that girls are easier to raise than boys. At least for dads.

Denis, were you raised strictly?

D.: I wasn’t particularly pampered, but I wasn’t particularly punished either. Of course, dad sometimes beat me. But this was infrequent.

O.: Did you give me a belt?

D.: And not only the belt. It happened that I received strings from a guitar.

O.: Yes, it’s a sin not to punish you.

D: Why is this? I studied well at school, I almost had only fours and fives. But there were problems with behavior. I always had too much energy.

Denis, if a son is born, will you be a strict dad?

D.: Son is another story. The point is not in the severity of education, but in its correctness. But I know what foundations need to be laid in raising a boy. If we have a son, I will use this knowledge in practice.

Oksana, is your second pregnancy different from your first?

A: During our first pregnancy, we spent nine months rethinking our entire life. We were preparing, imagining how we would behave in this or that situation, we were worried, we thought: we can handle it, but we can’t handle it. And the second pregnancy proceeds absolutely calmly. No nerves. Even for dad. Is it true?

D.: Yes, now we already know everything and are not nervous at all. Last time I was so worried that I didn’t wait for Oksana to give birth and fell asleep. I woke up only when the text message arrived: “I gave birth.” ( Smiling.) I was happy. These sensations cannot be compared with anything!

Over the years that you have been together, has your relationship changed in any way?

D.: We have matured a lot. That is, if two years ago we still had some misunderstandings, now we don’t.

What about jealousy?

D.: Again, at the beginning of the relationship we were very jealous of each other, but over time it went away.

O.: Maybe this is due to the fact that at first we were not completely confident in each other. Now that we have been together for so long, there can, of course, be no talk of any jealousy. I have nothing to be jealous of, because Denis tries to spend every free minute with his family. And I’m always either at home with the child or with him. I don't hang out with my girlfriends. And not because my husband forbids me, but because I’m not interested.

D.: Even if Oksana and her friends were hanging out, you can’t fool your intuition. Over the years we have become one. All the scandals and scenes of jealousy have faded away for several years now. Of course, like in any family, we have minor disagreements over some everyday trifles, but this is such nonsense. We have very a strong family.

A: We live in our own world, and we don’t need strangers in it. For example, guests never come to us.

Are you such a closed person?

D.: We have enough of each other.

A: We have no need to communicate with anyone else. Naturally, we have acquaintances and friends with whom we periodically meet at events. That's enough for us.

D.: Considering that I have such an active lifestyle - constantly flying, touring, so many people around - that at home I only want to be with my wife and daughter. It happens that between flights I stop home for at least an hour to see Oksana and Ariela.

Denis, you are in great shape physical fitness. Do you continue to play sports?

Even more active than before. A month ago I became the absolute champion of Moldova in bodybuilding and took first place in the Men’s Physique pentathlon.

Why did you get the title in Moldova?

D.: I had a concert there, and at the same time I took part in the championship, took the cup and went home. ( Smiling.)

A: Ariela calls dad’s awards grapes. Dad is just on the threshold, and she is already shouting: “Dad brought grapes!” ( Smiles.)

D.: In fact, of course, I spent three months preparing for this championship. And before that I trained intensively for two more years.

When will you become a champion in Russia?

D.: In fact, there are no such competitions in Russia yet. Men's Physique is beach bodybuilding, new category, which is now gaining popularity. But in Russia she is still poorly known.

You used to be seriously involved in mixed martial arts. Is show business like sports? And in which area is it easier to achieve success?

D.: I think that both sports and show business have their difficulties. But if you are a real fighter, you will definitely achieve your goal. I achieved a lot in sports, a lot in music. But this is not the limit. I wouldn't say that the stage is the same as a ring. No. There are a lot of crooks and cowards here. A coward will not enter the ring. It is a fact.

It became known that the famous rapper Dzhigan, along with his wife Oksana Samoilova and two little daughters, finally moved to live in the countryside. Now they do not live in a familiar apartment, but in their own house. And although I have worries famous people quite a lot, but they are happy with the fact that they live outside the city and do not plan to return to Moscow. According to Samoilova herself, who is a famous fashion designer, they began to think about their own home when the time came to have children. According to him, the health of children in the city is at risk, since their Negative influence have environmental and climatic factors.

Samoilova is active user social network Instagram. In her profile, she actively shares her thoughts with fans, and also talks about the most important events that happened in her life. This time she decided to talk about her fears that overwhelmed her while preparing to move out of town. According to her, quite a lot of doubts arose in her head, thanks to which her plans could collapse at any moment. She said that when she began to think about moving to Vacation home, then she was tormented by various fears. According to Oksana, he believed that after moving outside the city she would be cut off from civilization and she would have difficulties when she had to choose a school and kindergartens, as well as clubs for her children. At the same time, as Oksana said, she was worried about how she would have to travel to work in connection with her new place of residence.

Samoilova admitted that many people who choose country living are afraid of how they will live, being far from city civilization, without having the usual amenities nearby. Subscribers, getting acquainted with Samoilova’s next post, noticed that all the fears of Dzhigan’s wife are connected mainly with children and leisure. In this regard, fans wrote in the comments that any parent would think so, because every person, first of all, worries about their children and wants to live and not worry about how they will adapt to life in an environment that is unusual for them.

Oksana Samoilova in her post asked fans to tell stories or ask a question that she could answer and advise them. For their decision to change their place of residence, fans praised the family of Dzhigan and Oksana. Fans wrote in the comments that many nowadays would like to live in their own home. According to fans, it is necessary to take note of this trend and follow the example set by the spouses. In the comments, many fans praised the couple for their decision to move out of town. According to them, this step is correct. According to fans, it is much better to live in the countryside than in a metropolis, where there is a lot of dust and constant noise. Others noted that outside the city, children will live in harmony, which will have a positive impact on their health. One of the fans wrote that he would like to move to the countryside, but would never do it, since it was too difficult a task, and he said that he admired the people who took such a step. Many of Samoilova’s subscribers were happy for this couple and decision. Others noted that Oksana and her husband became an example for them, and they also admired the way they take care of their children.

Our article will tell you who Dzhigan is, what creative path he happened to go through what he loves and is proud of, how he lives now.

Until recently, few people knew about this performer. Dzhigan really quickly conquered musical Olympus and gained many fans. But in his life there is a place not only for music.

Childhood and youth

Dzhigan's real name is Denis Aleksandrovich Ustimenko-Weinstein. He was born and raised in South Palmyra - in the beautiful city of Odessa. The question of what Dzhigan’s nationality is remains open, since the artist himself never comments on this. However, his double surname suggests that he probably has Ukrainian and Jewish blood.

First significant date V short biography Dzhigan - August 2, 1988, it was on this day that he was born. Denis Alexandrovich also does not like to talk about his parents; all that is known is that he was born into a sailor’s family.

The entire youth of the future artist was spent in his native seaside town. Like other children of sailors, young Denis had access to real treasures of those times - goods brought from abroad. But when his peers were mainly interested in fashionable clothes and overseas delicacies, Denis was most happy with the cassettes and discs brought by his father. He enthusiastically listened to music from different countries, memorized the words of songs, sang along, and once tried to record his own singing. He liked the result, and the guy decided to develop in this direction.

His debut as a singer took place on the stage of his native school. But soon the guy realized that he dreamed of more.

First steps in creativity

Even then he understood that music was his calling. Excellent organizational skills also made themselves felt. And a person who strives for fame cannot do without a pseudonym. It was then that he came up with his stage name.

His native Odessa became the first city to find out who Dzhigan was: his parties attracted huge numbers of people, clubs vied with each other to invite the talented DJ. Reputable MCs also began to pay attention to Dzhigan.

In 2005, he received an invitation from the famous DJ DLEE, a DJ who worked with Timati. But the Odessa musician was not even twenty then! It was one of those turning points in the biography of Dzhigan, who predetermined his future fate.

People who know how to take risks and use the given chances wisely usually get good results. This is what happened with Dzhigan: his acquaintance with the capital’s musical scene laid the foundation for many creative projects. Together with Bogdan Titomir and Timati, the young performer released a track that quickly became a favorite of hip-hop fans.

Two years later, the musician received an offer from Black Star Inc. move from Odessa to Moscow. The first work was another song recorded together with Timati. Later there was collaboration with Anna Sedokova, Zhanna Friske, Yulia Savicheva, Vika Kruta, “Disco Accident”. It seemed that the guy had become a real favorite of fate: everything he took on brought resounding success. Each of the songs instantly fell into radio rotation, the videos broke records for the number of downloads, and autograph sessions attracted crowds of thousands.

2011 was truly a “fruitful” year: Dzhigan received the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards, people began to recognize him, offers poured in one after another.

Dzhigan in the cinema

One of these proposals was very different from most others, but the musician, who believed in himself, agreed. He became the author and performer of the soundtrack for the film “Dodgeball”. The song “You are a champion” was loved and remembered by many.

Another film work deserves attention: in 2011, in the film “Shadowboxing 3: The Last Round”, Dzhigan played himself - an athlete and a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

Own way

It is not surprising that a creative person who managed to take part in the creation of so many successful projects thought about a solo career. The first work was the song “We Are No More” (2012). It formed the basis of the album “Frozen”.

In December 2013, Dzhigan announced his resignation from Black Star Inc. Within a couple of months, his video “We need to pump ourselves up” was released, and the song on which it was filmed became, in fact, an anthem healthy image life and sports.

Soon the performer gave fans another gift - the song “Take Care of Love.”

In 2014, Dzhigan was awarded as the best hip-hop project of the year, and soon after that he became the winner of the RnB-Fashion award.

Since then, he has been releasing hits with incredible consistency while continuing to build solo career. Dzhigan's biography currently includes 5 albums.

But, no matter how important and beloved music may be, it is only one of the components of his life.


Fans who follow Dzhigan’s personal life and biography know how important sport is to him. In his youth, he started kickboxing. Dzhigan proved himself in this field, winning the Ukrainian championship, as well as several prestigious tournaments in different countries Europe.

Another significant victory was first place in bodybuilding at the championship in Moldova.

Today he continues training. But love for sports is expressed not only in regular trips to the gym: Dzhigan is happy to share his experience with everyone who strives for health, strength and beauty, and is the author of several programs on bodybuilding, fitness and healthy eating. The “School of Martial Arts” founded by him is a personal contribution to the development and popularization of sports among young people (the project is not commercial).


A pumped-up handsome man covered with tattoos, spoiled by fame and having a good, to put it mildly, income, could well choose the role of a macho man, surrounded by fans, as many of his “colleagues in the shop” do. But there is nothing like this in Dzhigan’s biography. Career and money did not prevent him from becoming an exemplary family man.

He openly boasts about his smart wife, who herself has achieved great success like a professional. He is with great love tells journalists and social media subscribers about his daughters and often says that family is the most important thing in his life.

Dzhigan's wife is a former model and heads her own fashion house, which produces several clothing brands. She fully shares her husband’s passion for sports and is his main ally. In addition, Dzhigan often involves the beautiful Oksana in filming her own videos.

Oksana is also known to a wide audience as a blogger (by the way, on Instagram she has many more subscribers than her star husband - almost 7 million).

The couple has three daughters: Ariela, Leah and baby Maya. According to Oksana, they are all very different: the eldest Ariela is an obedient and non-conflict smart girl, the middle Leya is a real hooligan, and the one-year-old Maya is a gentle and loving baby. But for three girls with different characters the main authority is the father, whom they simply adore.

The family lives in a country cottage.


Speaking about who Dzhigan is, it is simply impossible not to mention his great love to conquer distant horizons. He often travels abroad for work, but spends his holidays only with his family.

On your next trip, be it a cruise on a comfortable ship, quiet rest on a blissful oceanfront or safari in Africa, the family goes to in full force. Oksana often shares useful experiences with young parents, talking on her page about all the intricacies of relaxing with children. By the way, according to her, the main organizer of all trips is always the father of the family.

Young parents dream of showing their little ones the whole world. Judging by many photos, they are close to their goal.

Other hobbies

Talking about his pseudonym, Dzhigan explains that the particle “gan” reflects his love for weapons (from the English “pistol”). He has said more than once that he loves weapons and has managed to collect a good collection.

Another great love of the artist is cars. The family owns two sports cars - a Bentley and a Ferrari. When traveling, he never turns down the chance to rent another cool car.


DJ and musician, artist and performer, composer and lyricist, athlete and coach, weapons collector and car enthusiast, winner of prestigious competitions, an avid traveler - that’s who Dzhigan is. But he considers his most important achievement to be loving and strong family. Both he and Oksana hinted more than once that they were not going to stop there, either as professionals or as parents.

What other creative projects will Dzhigan please fans with? And will the couple have long-awaited son? Well, time will tell.

If you look at the photos before and after Oksana Samoilova’s plastic surgery, the changes that have occurred to the nose, chest, lips and cheekbones will be obvious. In order to become the girl of her dreams, Oksana also got veneers and trained hard in the gym. In her youth, Oksana Samoilova could be called plump, but today she is a model of harmony (Oksana Samoilova’s height is 177 cm, weight is 53 kg). The star, who previously answered questions about plastic surgery negatively, admitted that she had undergone surgery. Such revelations caused a flurry of emotions among subscribers: some fans felt deceived and dared to unfollow the successful mom.

Experts believe that Oksana worked on the cheekbone area with hyaluronic acid and had eyelid surgery: the cheek area acquired a graceful curve, and the eyes became expressive. Oksana Samoilova’s lips, which were plump before plastic surgery, became even fuller after the injection of fillers, and rhinoplasty made it possible to correct the bridge of the nose and create a neat tip. The ideal skin of Dzhigan’s wife is the result of constant beauty injections and hardware procedures.

Singer Dzhigan, along with his wife Oksana Samoilova and two little daughters, finally moved to live outside the city. Now, instead of the usual apartment, the family has to deal with an entire house. Celebrities have much more worries, but, apparently, they are happy with everything and are not ready to return to Moscow. According to Samoilova, first of all, when it came to her own home, she thought about the children. After all, their health is constantly under threat due to bad ecology and climate.

In her microblog, the Instagram star often shares her own thoughts with subscribers and tries to talk about everyone important event. This time she decided not to hide the fact that she was overcome by many fears before their family prepared things for the move. Oksana said that a lot of questions and doubts were arising in her head, which could ruin her plans at any moment.

“When we were just thinking about moving into the house, I was tormented by such fears, it was simply terrifying. It seemed to me that I would be cut off from civilization, and that everything was complicated, and there was no choice of schools, kindergartens, clubs, classes, and how I would go to work every day, and in short, sheer fears,” Samoilova admitted on the social network.

According to the young mother, many people are afraid of the unknown that can await them outside of urban civilization. Out of fear of being cut off from her usual comforts, Oksana practically sounded the alarm. Subscribers noted that Samoilova’s experiences are largely related to children and their leisure time. Netizens emphasized that not every parent would, first of all, think about how their children would feel in an unusual environment.

“Well done, you did everything right! there is no point in living in a dusty and noisy city! Children should grow up in harmony,” “I would never dare to move out of town. It’s not my thing somehow, but I admire those who still do it,” “I’m very happy for you! Your family is a role model for me. So take care of yourself and your children. I couldn't be more excited about your move! Very correct solution“- wrote netizens on the celebrity microblog.