Presentation on the topic "Vladimir Vysotsky". Presentation on history on the topic: “Vladimir Vysotsky Vysotsky military songs

Presentation by Valentina Grigoryevna Primenko, teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Gremyachinsk, Perm Territory, 2011.
I decided to come up with a song about Volodya Vysotsky: Another one will never return home from a hike. They say that he sinned, that he put out the candle at the wrong time... He lived as he could, but the nature of B. Okudzhav does not know the sinless.
“Born in 1938 in Moscow in the family of an employee. When the war began, my father Vysotsky Semyon Vladimirovich, who had graduated from the communications college by that time, went to the front, and my mother Vysotskaya Nina Maksimovna and I remained in Moscow. In 1943, my mother and I were evacuated to the city of Buzuluk, Kazan region. In 1945, we returned to Moscow, and I entered first grade.” From the autobiography of V. Vysotsky
V. Vysotsky - student at MISS
When Volodya graduated from tenth grade, he quite decisively declared: I want to go to theater. But his parents were against it, and he entered the Civil Engineering Institute. I studied there for a short time - only six months - and couldn’t stand it: “Enough!” And in 1961, he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in Moscow and became an actor at the Taganka Theater under the direction of Yuri Lyubimov.
V. Vysotsky as Don Guan. TV movie "Little Tragedies"
V. Vysotsky as Lopakhin. Play by A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard»
Scene from the play Hamlet. Starring – V. Vysotsky
He played this role 217 times. In 1977 in France, the play was awarded the highest prize of French criticism as the best foreign performance of the year, and in 1980 it received first prize at the second International Festival “Warsaw Meetings”.
Vladimir Vysotsky during a speech on February 28, 1979
Vladimir Vysotsky wrote more than 600 songs and poems, played more than 20 roles on the theater stage, 30 roles in films and television films, 8 in radio plays. The most popular of the roles is the role of Zheglov from the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”
In 1967, Marina Vladi (Polyakova) came to Moscow for the festival and attended a rehearsal of the play “Pugachev”, where Vysotsky played main role. Marina was shocked by the strength, despair, extraordinary voice of the actor... and declaration of love.
It’s about her, about Marina Vladi, Vysotsky wrote: “Marinka, my dear Marinka, my little blood and soul mate...”
Although they got married, they lived in different countries, and only Marina had the opportunity to come to Soviet Union. For six years, Marina Vladi did everything possible and impossible so that her husband, Vladimir Vysotsky, received a visa to travel abroad, to Paris, where she lived and worked.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t leave, And don’t get your hopes up - I won’t leave!” From a song by V. Vysotsky
“Without Russia I am nothing. I cannot live without an audience that adores me. Without their love I am suffocating. But without freedom I die” V. Vysotsky
Vysotsky foresaw his death and knew what would happen after, and therefore wrote the poem “Monument”:
During my life I was tall and slender, I was not afraid of a word or a bullet, And I did not fit into the usual framework. But since I’m considered dead, They limped me and bent me, Nailing me to a pedestal: “Achilles”
Used literature: I.D. Ivanova. “Let his hoarse baritone circle over Moscow...” We read, study, play. Magazine - collection. “Liberia - biblioprint”, 2007, issue No. 10, pp. 20-26 Photographs and music: Electronic manual “ Great encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius 2004" Set of postcards "Vladimir Vysotsky", "Planet", 1988.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Meeting with the poetry of Vladimir Vysotsky" Extracurricular reading lesson (grades 10-11)

Goals: to introduce students to the life and creative work of Vladimir Vysotsky; - develop interest in poetry; - ...

Didactic project for a literature lesson in 12th grade. Lesson topic: Vladimir Vysotsky: fate and poetry.

The goal for the students was to understand that the poetry of Vladimir Vysotsky is an expression of delight in beauty, it is a hymn to a feeling that elevates and ennobles a person....

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Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich (1938 - 1980)
Actor, poet, singer and performer of his own songs.

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Born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. Father is a military man, mother is a translator. He spent the first three years of his life in Moscow, in communal apartment. During the war they were evacuated to the village of Vorontsovka. In 1943 they returned to Moscow. In 1947, after his parents’ divorce, he moved to live with his father and his second wife in Eberswald, Germany, at his father’s place of service. In 1949 he returned back to Moscow and settled in Bolshoi Karetny Lane, 15. In 1955 he graduated from high school.

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Years of study:
In 1955, Vladimir Vysotsky graduated from school No. 186. In 1955-1956 he studied at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev. In 1956, Vladimir Vysotsky entered the Moscow Art Theater School. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the acting department.

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Vysotsky wrote his first poem “My Oath” in 1953 (in 8th grade). It was dedicated to the memory of Stalin. The first songs appeared in the early 1960s. The song “Tattoo”, written in 1961, is considered the very first. It was this song that marked the beginning of the cycle of “thieves” themes.

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Vysotsky invented a style of performance with long but hard consonants, a rolling “r”, and open and clear-sounding vowels. In life, he spoke completely differently - quietly, softly, with a shy smile, a rich set of sly, mocking intonations. And in the theater his voice reached the last rows of the balcony.

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Since 1953, Vladimir attended a drama club led by an artist from the Moscow Art Theater. From 1956 to 1960, Vysotsky was a student in the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. The year 1959 was marked by his first theatrical role (the role of Porfiry Petrovich in the educational play “Crime and Punishment” and the first role in the film “Peers” (a cameo role of student Petya). In 1960, the first mention of Vysotsky occurred in the central press.

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He stood out for his natural existence in the conventional elements of the film, his creative generosity in working with partners

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Throughout his life, Vysotsky did a lot: He wrote over 100 poems. About 600 songs and a poem for children. In total, he wrote approximately 700 poetic works. He took part in 11 radio performances and 15 performances at the Taganka Theater. He starred in almost 30 films. He has released about 50 records abroad.

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Vladimir Semyonovich was married three times. They lived with their first wife, Iza Konstantinovna Meshkova, for 4 years; they had no children. The second wife is Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. They were married for 5 years and had two sons, Arkady and Nikita. Third wife - Marina Vladi. They were married from December 1, 1970 until Vysotsky’s death.

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Vysotsky died during the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. There were reports of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, except for two: in “Evening Moscow” (about the date of the civil memorial service) and in the newspaper “ Soviet culture" V Soviet means mass media almost nothing was published.
Perhaps after the funeral, an article in memory of Vysotsky was published in “Soviet Russia”.

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There are at least 6 Vysotsky museums. Vysotsky's house on Taganka is the most famous museum. A cultural and leisure center named after him is located in Norilsk. In the territory former USSR More than 20 monuments (and the same number of memorial plaques) have been installed. There are 9 monuments in Russia: another 4 monuments abroad.

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Objectives of the lesson: - to introduce the life and work of the poet-bard of the 70s Vladimir Vysotsky; -draw students’ attention to the variety of themes in Vysotsky’s poems, to the tragic note in poems and songs when performed; - to reveal the poet’s extraordinary nature, the stylistic richness and originality of his work; - cultivate civic feelings and moral qualities students using the example of the poet-fighter and patriot V. Vysotsky.

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From the biography

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Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

Childhood, youth, beginning. Born on January 25, 1938, in Moscow. His parents - Nina Maksimovna Seregina and Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky - lived together for about five years - at the front, Volodya's father met another woman and left the family. And after some time, Nina Maksimovna also got a new husband. After being evacuated in the Urals, and then with his father in post-war Germany, Vysotsky settled in Bolshoi Karetny Lane.

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Where are my seventeen years? On Bolshoy Karetny. Where are my seventeen troubles? On Bolshoy Karetny. Where's my black pistol? On Bolshoy Karetny. Where am I today? On Bolshoy Karetny.

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In 1955, Vladimir Vysotsky entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanics. However, he did not study there for long - after three months he left the institute with the firm intention of soon entering drama school. He applied to the Moscow Art Theater School and, to the surprise of his loved ones, he entered there on the first try. There he met a girl who would soon become his first wife. The girl's name was Iza Zhukova.

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In 1959, Vladimir Vysotsky made his film debut. In the film “Peers” directed by Vasily Ordynsky, he played a tiny role of a student at a theater institute. In the same year, Vladimir Vysotsky appeared on stage for the first time. He mastered playing the guitar immediately after graduating from school and by that time had managed to compose several of his own songs. He performed them on the stage of the MSU student club.

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In 1960-1964, Vysotsky worked (with interruptions) at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. The roles are mostly episodic. In 1961, on the set of the film “The 713th Requests Landing,” he met Lyudmila Abramova, who became his second wife.

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Mature years.

In 1964, Vysotsky created his first songs for films and went to work at the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater, where he worked until the end of his life. In July 1967, Vladimir Vysotsky met the French actress of Russian origin Marina Vladi, who became his third wife.

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In the summer of 1969, Vysotsky had a clinical death, and then he survived only thanks to Marina Vladi. She was in Moscow at that time. Walking past the bathroom, she heard groans and saw that Vysotsky was bleeding from his throat. Fortunately, the doctors brought Vysotsky to the Sklifosovsky Institute on time; a few more minutes of delay - and he would not have survived. Doctors fought for his life for eighteen hours. Rumors about his death were already spreading around Moscow.

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In November 1971, the premiere of the play “Hamlet” took place at the Taganka Theater (directed by Yu. P. Lyubimov), in which V. S. Vysotsky played the main role.

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In 1975, for the first and last time A poem by Vysotsky was published during his lifetime in the Soviet literary and artistic collection (Poetry Day 1975. M., 1975) - this is the poem “From a Travel Diary”.

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Together with the actors of the Taganka Theater, he went on tour abroad: to Bulgaria, Hungary, France, Germany, Poland. Having received permission to go to his wife in France for a private visit, he also managed to visit the USA several times (including concerts in 1979), Canada, etc. Vysotsky gave more than 1000 concerts in the USSR and abroad. On January 22, 1980, he signed up for the CT program “Kinopanorama”, fragments of which were first shown in January 1981, and the entire program was released only in 1987.

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On July 25, 1980, Vysotsky died in his sleep in his Moscow apartment. Vladimir Semyonovich was buried on July 28, 1980 at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

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About creativity.

Vysotsky starred in almost 30 films, many of which feature his songs. The most famous are “Two Comrades Served,” “Dangerous Tours,” “Bad good man", "Meeting place can not be Changed".

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Vysotsky wrote over 100 poems, about 600 songs and a poem for children (in two parts), that is, he wrote approximately 700 poetic works. Quite a lot of songs were written specifically for films, but most of them, sometimes for technical reasons, but more often due to bureaucratic restrictions, were not included in the final versions.

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It is difficult to find aspects of life that he would not touch upon in his work. These are “thieves” songs, ballads, love lyrics, as well as songs on political topics: often satirical or even containing sharp criticism of the existing system and state of affairs, humorous songs and fairy tale songs. Many songs are written in the first person and were later called “monologue songs.” Other songs could have several characters, whose “roles” Vysotsky performed by changing his voice (for example, “Dialogue in the Circus”). These are original “songs-performances” written for performance by one “actor”.

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Let's listen to the song "Song about a Friend." (text in the form of handouts) 1. How does the image of a friend emerge in the poem? 2. How did the categorical and cruelty of the author’s position manifest itself? (according to stanza 2).

Let's listen to the song "Crystal House". (text in the form of handouts) 1. Does the attitude towards women in the poem take on the character of service? Give examples from the text. 2. From where (in space) does the hero admire his beloved? Why?

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Homework. Answer the questions: Find out how your parents, acquaintances, and teachers feel about Vysotsky’s poetry and his personality? What poems became dear to them? What poems (songs) do you remember? Why? Read Vysotsky's poems. What roads did you take and why?

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Sources: Literature. 11th grade. Textbook for general education Institutions. At 2 o'clock"; edited by V.G. Marantsman. -. : Education, 2009.

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VYSOTSKY Vladimir Semenovich Born (January 25, 1938, Moscow - July 25, 1980, ibid.), Russian poet, author and performer of songs based on his own poems, actor. Born into the family of a military man, Semyon Vladimirovich, and a translator from German, Nina Maksimovna Vysotskikh. In 1941-43. he was evacuated with his mother in the Chkalovsk (now Orenburg) region; in 1947-49 he lived in Germany with his father and his second wife. In his youth, Vysotsky was significantly influenced by creative friendly company, which met in a house on Bolshoi Karetny Lane (L. Kocharyan, A. Makarov, V. Akimov, etc.), where he lived with his father and stepmother in 1949-55. (later moved to his mother

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First songs In 1960 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (among the teachers was A.D. Sinyavsky, who contributed to the formation of Vysotsky’s literary interests, a specialist in “Silver Age” poetry), and worked for a short time at the Theater. A. S. Pushkin, Theater of Miniatures, acted in films in episodic roles. In the early 1960s, Vysotsky’s first songs appeared (and were soon recorded on the then reel-to-reel tape recorders), usually associated with a prison theme: “Tattoo”, “Recidivist”, “Formulation”, etc. Reflecting the inherent interest in the intelligentsia of that time in the street and camp folklore, these songs (the author himself called them “stylizations”) at the same time contain the original author’s interpretation of such topics, taboo for official Soviet culture.

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Ironizing the unexpected “nobility” of a hero from a criminal background, the poet also parodied common speech cliches Soviet ideology(“Why are they lying to us: / “People’s court!” - / I didn’t see the people...”, etc.). At the same time, songs about marginalized heroes carried the pathos of sympathy inherent in Russian culture in general “ little man”, often opposed to a soulless and repulsive environment.

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The rise of the actor The year 1964 became an important creative milestone for Vysotsky. He comes to work at the then transformed Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater under the direction of Yu. P. Lyubimov and soon becomes one of its leading actors, demonstrating a powerful expressive style of acting: he participates in poetic performances (“Fallen and Living,” based on poems by front-line poets , 1965), A. A. Voznesensky (“Antiworlds”, 1965), V. V. Mayakovsky (“Listen!”, 1967), receives the title role in B. Brecht’s play “The Life of Galileo” (1966), the role of Khlopushi in dramatic poem by S. A. Yesenin “Pugachev” (1967). In 1967, the film “Vertical” by S. S. Govorukhin and B. V. Durov was released, with the participation of Vysotsky as an actor and singer-songwriter of songs about mountains, which for the first time widely “showed” him to the country and greatly contributed to the growth of his popularity. Vysotsky’s first major film roles date back to the same time (1967-68) in the films “Brief Encounters” (directed by K. G. Muratova), “Intervention” (directed by G. I. Poloka), “Two Comrades Served” (directed by E. . E. Karelov).

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On the way to the epic For the second half of the 1970s. marks the final period of Vysotsky’s creativity. During these years, he played several significant roles in the theater (Lopakhin in The Cherry Orchard, 1975; Svidrigailov in Crime and Punishment, 1979) and cinema: Ibrahim Hannibal (The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married the Arab, 1976 ), Gleb Zheglov (“The meeting place cannot be changed”, 1979), Don Guan (“Little tragedies”, 1980). In the poetry of these years, one can notice, on the one hand, a kind of summing up, expressed in the development of a new theme for the poet of childhood as an autobiographical theme (“The Ballad of Childhood”, “About the End of the War”), in a return to the camp theme (“There was an escape for a dash ...”, “Paradise Apples”) and to their long-standing plots (“The End of the “Wolf Hunt” ...”, “In Ten Years”), and on the other hand - the discovery of new possibilities of the song genre: strengthening the epic beginning, the ability to fit into the plot an entire human fate, usually tragic, connected with the fate of the nation (“Robber”, “Life Flew”). The attraction to the epic was also expressed in an attempt to write the prose “Novel about Girls” (1977). Even before that, Vysotsky wrote the scripts “Somehow It All Turned Out” (early 1970s) and “Where is the Center?” (1975); No films were made based on them.

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In 1967 he met the famous French actress Marina Vladi, the acquaintance soon grew into a whirlwind romance, in 1970 they got married, this circumstance helped Vysotsky become a “travelling” man. Since 1973, he visited England, Italy, the USA, Canada, Mexico and other countries, and constantly visited France. Three discs were released in France. As part of the Taganka Theater troupe, Vysotsky performed (1975-1980) on stages in Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, France, and Poland. The impressions from the trips were reflected in songs, both serious and humorous (“Montenegrin Motifs”, “Letter to a Friend, or Sketch about Paris”, etc.).

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Prophet in his Fatherland Wide creative range, immersion in the elements of life, non-ostentatious, organic non-conformism, insatiable imagination, colloquial, saturated with phraseological units and puns, rich in word-formation possibilities and at the same time rhyming (“my rock climber” - “climbing”, “on those tyshi” - “you won’t find”..., “we are bermoth in the heart and bermoth in the soul”), opposed to the smooth and emasculated Soviet newspeak, a piercing, aortic-rupturing manner of performance - all this ensured Vysotsky’s songs the widest, truly nationwide popularity. In the 1960-1980s, it was difficult to find a house or apartment in the country where the songs of Vysotsky - “the national Volodya” (A. Voznesensky) - were not played - most often rewritten on magnetic tape, not always of high quality. The authorities, however, preferred not to notice this popularity; moreover, they not only kept silent about it, but also criticized it from time to time in leading Soviet publications (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “ Soviet Russia" and etc.). Vysotsky's poems were not allowed on the pages of books and magazines; During his entire life, only a few of his minion records were released in the USSR (3-4 songs on each). Vysotsky was not a member of creative unions and therefore did not have the official status of a writer or composer. The poet's numerous performances before the public were usually semi-legal in nature and often turned into trouble for their organizers.

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Enormous tension at the limit of human strength in last years, painfully experienced non-recognition by official literature, complex relationships with growing conflict in the theater, personal problems, and poor health cut short Vysotsky’s life at the height of his creative career. His death and funeral during the Moscow Olympics became a national event and resulted in the first in many decades Soviet history mass expression of the people's will.. The official recognition of the poet took place only during the era of “perestroika”, in the second half of the 1980s. In 1987 he was posthumously awarded the USSR State Prize. In 1989, the V. S. Vysotsky Center-Museum was opened in Moscow. In the 1990s, Highsocian studies also took shape, and studies began to be conducted. scientific conferences, publish monographs and collections of articles. In Russian poetry of the 20th century. Vysotsky rightfully took his high place.

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (1938-1980)

Father - Semyon Vladimirovich (Volfovich) Vysotsky (1916-1997) - native of Kyiv, military signalman, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel. Mother - Nina Maksimovna (nee Seregina, 1912-2003) - a translator from German by profession. Uncle - Alexey Vladimirovich Vysotsky, (1919-1977) - writer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, holder of three Orders of the Red Banner

Vysotsky's wives Isolda Konstantinovna Vysotskaya (nee Pavlova, Zhukova by first marriage, often used diminutive name- Iza). Born January 22, 1937. Married since April 25, 1960. The date of the divorce is unknown. According to some sources, the couple lived together for less than 4 years; according to others, the divorce was filed in 1965, but it is known that they actually separated long before the official divorce. Therefore, the son of Isolda Konstantinovna, born in 1965, bears the surname Vysotsky, in fact being the son of another person. Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. Born August 16, 1939. Married from July 25, 1965 to February 10, 1970, divorced; two sons: Arkady (born 1962), Nikita (born 1964) Marina Vladi (Marina-Catherine de Polyakoff). Born May 10, 1938. Married since December 1, 1970

Clinical death of Vysotsky “You no longer speak, half-open eyes ask for help. I beg you to call an ambulance, your pulse has almost disappeared, I’m panicking. The reaction of the two arriving doctors and a nurse is simple and cruel: it’s too late, there’s too much risk, you’re not transportable. They don't want to have a dead person in the car, it's bad for the plan. From the confused faces of my friends, I understand that the doctors’ decision is irrevocable. Then I block their exit, shouting that if they don’t take you to the hospital right now, I will start an international scandal... They finally understand that the dying man is Vysotsky, and the disheveled and screaming woman is a French actress. After a short consultation, swearing, they carry you away on a blanket...” (M. Vladi.)

Vysotsky in prison

Last days and death “On July 23, a team of resuscitators from Sklifosovsky came with me. They wanted to put him on artificial respiration to stop dipsomania. There was a plan to bring this device to his dacha. The guys were probably in the apartment for about an hour; they decided to pick it up the next day, when a separate box was freed up. I was left alone with Volodya - he was already asleep. Then Valera Yanklovich replaced me. On July 24 I was working... At about eight in the evening I dropped into Malaya Gruzinskaya. He felt very bad, he rushed around the rooms. He groaned and clutched at his heart. That’s when, in front of me, he said to Nina Maksimovna: “Mom, I’m going to die today...”... He rushed around the apartment. Moaned. This night was very difficult for him. I took a sleeping pill injection. He kept toiling. Then he fell silent. He fell asleep on a small ottoman, which then stood in the large room. ... Between three and half past five, cardiac arrest occurred due to a heart attack. Judging by the clinic, there was an acute myocardial infarction.”

(Anatoly Fedotov) Funeral “In general, we buried him, and in this there is some kind of dominant role for me. They wanted to bury him quietly and quickly. Closed city

, Olympics, but it turned out to be a rather unpleasant picture for them. When they lied, they said that they would bring a coffin to say goodbye to him, and the line was coming from the Kremlin... Apparently, their thinking was such that how to transport this type past the Kremlin to the Vagankovskoye cemetery. So they just dashed into the tunnel. They began to break out his portrait, which is on the second floor, watering machines began to wash away flowers from the asphalt, which people were protecting with umbrellas, because there was terrible heat... And this huge crowd, which behaved simply ideally, began shouting throughout the entire square: “Fascists.” ! Fascists! This shot went around the whole world, and, of course, they hid it.”