What to open in a new residential complex. What you need to know to open a business on the first floors of a residential complex

Just a few years ago, there was an opinion in the business community that residential areas were poorly suited for quickly promoting a business, and only those entrepreneurs who were not chasing big profits and were willing to quietly earn a living little by little in a quiet place could afford to open stores in such unpromising places. . But after several well-known retail chains from residential areas immediately stepped into large regional markets, the attitude towards this format changed. Today, residential areas are considered promising for a number of business areas.

General characteristics of the concept of making money in a residential area

Any city is divided into three main zones: a shopping and cultural center, an industrial zone and a residential area. The industrial zone is considered the least attractive for the trading business of essential goods, while the most successful is the shopping center. In the residential areas of the city, active trade is just beginning to form and therefore this business niche is considered untapped and developing.

Today, business in a residential area is an obligatory part of the city infrastructure. Already during the construction of residential complexes, architects lay down the need for arrangement:

  • grocery stores;
  • beauty salons;
  • shops household chemicals;
  • small coffee shops and pubs;
  • sports clubs.

Potential consumer demand is calculated by determining the number of retail outlets for every thousand people in a residential area. The average size residential area is about 50 thousand inhabitants, the small one is about 10 thousand and the large one is 100 thousand and above.

In accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, for every thousand people there should be 150 square meters of grocery retail space and 300 sq.m. – non-food.

Today there are few residential areas in which this standard is met. Therefore, if you decide to open profitable business in a residential area, then study the occupancy of the market in a particular area, and start trading those consumer goods that are least represented in the analyzed area.

The most successful groups of goods for an entrepreneurial start are considered to be:

  • household chemicals;
  • building materials and components;
  • pet products;
  • alcohol and tobacco products;
  • food products.

Products are mentioned last because they are the most complex look retail, and starting this business will be difficult for a beginner. Therefore, if possible, it is better to start with a non-food group of goods.

Household chemicals store

For a residential area, a household chemicals store is always relevant. Of course, there is no need to open a self-service point of 300 sq.m. at the initial stage. For starters, a small store of 50-70 square meters is suitable, with trading floor 40 sq.m.

The store's assortment includes the most popular products designed for mass buyers:

  • laundry detergents;
  • hair care products (shampoos and conditioners);
  • shower and body care products;
  • toothpastes and brushes;
  • napkins and toilet paper.

Store shelves should also have cleaning and cleaning products for the kitchen and bathroom.

Regarding brands, then you need to choose as carefully as possible. Too expensive or cheap goods will not be in demand in such stores, so the main calculation is for a buyer with an average income.

This trading format will require only two sellers, so labor costs will be minimal. Maintaining accounting and store security can be entrusted to specialized companies under contract. This approach will also reduce the cost of maintaining a retail outlet.

The average monthly income of a store selling household chemicals is about 600 thousand rubles. Profitability is 20% and, accordingly, the entrepreneur will be able to spend about 120 thousand rubles monthly to pay off start-up costs and develop the store. After achieving self-sufficiency, this amount will go into the businessman’s personal income.

Trade in construction materials

A building materials store is a more demanding business, and for its successful establishment, an entrepreneur needs to understand construction, renovation, and the latest trends in residential design. This knowledge will be required in order to competently purchase goods for the store.

The difficulty is that in a residential area a large retail outlet per thousand square meters will not provide much return. A 300 sq.m. store, which presents the most current and in-demand products, will be more profitable. We need an assortment that will ensure active commodity and cash flow.

The most popular products in the construction market are:

  • kitchen and bathroom faucets;
  • wallpaper and tiles;
  • lamps;
  • curtains and textiles;
  • decorative items.

To service such a store, you will need three salespeople, one accountant and one cleaner. Maintaining such a staff will cost 200 thousand rubles monthly.

The average monthly income of a building materials store is 800 thousand rubles. Business profitability – 25%. Thus, the monthly profit on average for the year is about 200 thousand rubles. But it should be taken into account that in winter months turnover is significantly reduced, while the summer season provides an opportunity to restore the level of profitability. Therefore, it is recommended to open such stores in the spring.

Pet Products

A simple and profitable business is trading in animal feed and accessories. Today, almost every family has pet- cat, dog, parrot, fish, etc. All of them require daily care and therefore pet stores never suffer from a lack of customers.

To open a pet store it is not necessary to rent large area and equip it with large aquariums, bird nets and rabbit cages. Today, a pet store can be located on fifty square meters and at the same time trade a large number products for animals. Main product items:

  • feed for all types of animals;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • care products;
  • brushes, combs;
  • accessories for games.

To ensure the operation of such a store, two sellers will be required. Accounting and bookkeeping can be carried out by employees of an outsourcing company. You can reduce costs by collaborating with suppliers on an ongoing basis. Many wholesalers and manufacturers offer good discounts to their regular customers.

The profitability of the pet store is also at 25%. With an average monthly income of 500 thousand rubles, the profit will be 125 thousand per month.

Premises and start-up capital for a business in a residential area

Most best way to purchase premises for a store in a residential area - to buy the rights to a new building from the developer during the construction stage. The advantages of such a purchase are the low cost compared to a ready-made facility, the ability to design non-residential premises immediately to accommodate a store, and thirdly, there is practically no competition in areas under construction.

The downside is that the business will begin to generate stable income only when the neighborhood is at least half populated. The period of such settlement may last for six months. This start is suitable for entrepreneurs starting a business with their own money. If the business starts with credit funds, then this option of purchasing premises will drive the business into debt.

Store area for a residential area – from 50 sq.m. up to 300 sq.m. The estimated rental cost is about $10 per square meter per month.

Approximately the start of a store with a sales area of ​​50 sq.m. will cost the entrepreneur 150 thousand US dollars (including the purchase of the premises). If the monthly profit is 3 thousand US dollars, then the investment will pay off in 4 years.

When considering which store to open in a residential area, first of all focus on the group of goods in which you are well versed. The seller must be in control of the market situation, this golden rule small retail. And of course finance: at the very initial stage, a financial plan must be drawn up, according to which you can determine whether it is possible to start a business with the available resources, or whether such an opportunity is not possible.

A crisis, as we know, is a time of opportunity, one of which is opening your own business. If you need commercial space for this, then it’s time to take a closer look at non-residential premises on the ground floors, since rent here is cheaper than in shopping or business centers. The portal site decided to find out from experts how to avoid mistakes when choosing premises for small businesses on the territory of a residential complex.

What is not prohibited is permitted

Let's start with the fact that not all types of activities are possible on commercial space in residential buildings. One of important documents regulating restrictions on doing business in residential complexes is the version of the corresponding SNiP - (SP 54.13330.2011. Code of rules. Residential multi-apartment buildings. Updated version of SNiP 31-01-2003). Without delving into the legal subtleties, we can say that any activity that will cause inconvenience to residents is prohibited on the territory of the residential complex. You will not be able to trade in the residential complex chemicals, motor oils, rubber, carpets and fish, but also grocery store will not receive permission to work around the clock, only until 23 hours. Laundries and dry cleaners can only be opened as collection points. There is no place in residential buildings and factories, discos, X-ray rooms, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories, emergency rooms, funeral home etc. Catering establishments with a capacity of up to 50 people and an area of ​​no more than 250 square meters. meters, with appropriate ventilation and fire safety, by the way, you can open it. But such establishments will also only be able to operate until 11 p.m.

The times when the market was growing with unsaturated consumer demand are, as we know, long gone. Accordingly, in order not to go down the drain, you need a clear business plan and marketing research. “Over time, the rating of demand for businesses in residential complexes may change,” says managing partner of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya. - For example, in the first few years after the completion of a new building, while active settlement is underway, curtain salons and stores with building materials are in demand. Over time, when the bulk of the repair work is completed, such a business loses profitability in a particular residential complex. It’s being replaced by cafes, development centers, children’s stores, etc.”

Alexander Zubets, General Director of New Vatutinki LLC, agrees with Maria Litinetskaya: “At the stage of moving into a house, I advise opening a store building materials. Repair is not a simple matter, in which you constantly need to buy something in addition. Also, grocery stores and consumer services should be opened first in new buildings. In the second - hairdressers, beauty salons, travel companies.”

Director of the commercial real estate department at RRG Yuriy Taranenko advises focusing on the following figures: per 5,000 residents, 3 to 6 food stores, 5-6 beauty salons/hairdressers, 2-3 medical organizations(including dentistry), 2-3 educational organizations, 1-2 children's goods stores, a bank branch, one pharmacy.

Commercial premises from 5 sq.m. meters!

It is worth considering that the tenant of street retail premises built into residential complexes must often correlate the concept of his business not only with Russian legislation, but also with the owner of the premises, that is, the developer. Some large developers even say that under no circumstances will they sell non-residential premises in their residential complexes in order to be able to control the availability of infrastructure in their facilities.

The owner of Ecooffice Group of Companies Andrey Kovalev notes that developers strive to be guided by market principles when designing commercial premises in residential projects. There is a well-developed toolkit for researching the target audience, competitive environment, etc., on the basis of which the developer makes a decision on the advisability of including certain functions in the project in certain volumes. However, the expert immediately makes a reservation: “this is an ideal, but in reality there are cases of serious discrepancies between the plan and the results - both due to errors made in the analysis and due to changes in the economic situation. In particular, many new Moscow microdistricts are experiencing serious difficulties with the occupancy of such commercial premises. The reason often lies in the formal approach to studying the needs of both the residents themselves and the tenants of each specific profile (shops with everyday goods need premises with the same characteristics, medical centers- with others, cafes and restaurants - with others, etc.).” According to Andrey Kovalev, it is not uncommon for a project to include some abstract “workplaces” rather than areas with specific functions, calculated based on the composition and needs of future residents.

However, the crisis and the growing vacancy rate are forcing both residential real estate developers and owners of shopping and business centers to be more loyal and flexible. The head of commercial real estate at Morton Group of Companies, Yulia Koroleva, notes that Morton Group of Companies tries to take into account all wishes and technical requirements future tenants at the construction design stage, and can also offer various formats of commercial premises, for example, with an area of ​​5 sq. meters.

In fact, meeting the tenant halfway is beneficial for the developer himself. “The trade and service infrastructure in residential complexes is a fairly strong tool with which a developer can, firstly, create additional effective tool for home sales; secondly, to improve the image of the project in terms of the comfort and convenience of its future residents; thirdly, to form an additional cash flow“,” summarizes Polina Zhilkina, director of the strategic consulting department at CBRE.

Tell me who your neighbor is and I'll tell you what will happen to your business

The future tenant has the right to know about the developer's plans, even if he doesn't like them. Is it possible that, having launched a grocery store, a small business owner will find a competitor in a residential complex 100 meters away in six months?

Another rule that should not be neglected is that the infrastructure of a residential complex located next to a large shopping and entertainment center can and should be more modest than in a similar project, where it takes more than 10-15 minutes to get to the nearest large shopping center, says Polina Zhilkina.

But there are other pitfalls that Alexander Zubets talks about. Of course, location plays an important role for a grocery store. “It would be ideal if it would be on the “first line,” that is, as close as possible to the main flows of people,” says the expert. - In this case, it is worth contacting the developer and asking for a development plan for the territory of the complex. After all, it is absolutely not a fact that if today a store is located on the main road, then in two years, when the microdistrict can be completely built up, this same road will not turn out to be a secondary road and not so accessible.” Maria Litinetskaya also advises monitoring the surrounding area: “When choosing premises for commercial use, you should pay attention to nearby objects. For example, it would be appropriate to organize some kind of educational club next to the kindergarten. A pharmacy will be conveniently located near the clinic. If it’s a car wash, then you should open it at the entrance to a residential complex or next to the parking lot.”

Another important point What you should pay attention to when choosing a room is whether the residential complex is fenced or not. A fenced area is a very serious limiting factor for potential tenants of commercial space, Polina Zhilkina is sure. To a lesser extent, this applies to “targeted” visits (beauty salons, medical clinics, fitness clubs), but for shops, cafes and small service enterprises, a fenced area can significantly worsen attendance indicators and, accordingly, revenue.

However, developers can, on the one hand, take into account the wishes of future new residents to live in an area closed from outsiders, and on the other hand, ensure that tenants of commercial space in their residential complexes attract “external” demand. “If the territory of the residential complex is fenced, there are two entrances - from the yard and from the outside, from the road and the street,” says Yulia Koroleva. “At the same time, we always take into account that the loading and unloading areas of stores and other necessary technical premises are located on the territory of the complex without harm to residents.”

Oksana Moiseeva, head of the commercial real estate department of the NDV-Real Estate company, notes that reducing traffic due to the fencing of the territory is not an obstacle to organizing the company’s representative office, showroom, medical and children’s institutions. Moreover, isolation can be an additional bonus, a wild card. “The fencing of the territory will not greatly affect the profitability of the business of beauty salons, hairdressers, and children's studios,” says Oksana Moiseeva. “And in the premium segments of these areas, a fenced area will even be a plus.”

But in general, the closed nature of the territory, as a rule, reduces rental rates for commercial space on the first floors of a residential complex by several percent compared to similar proposals in “open areas.” Rental rates depend on the location, area and format of the residential complex. “For a residential area, rates are at the level of 10 - 15 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter per year, for premises in the center they range from 30 to 65 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter per year,” says Lena Serenko, General Director of MIEL-Commercial Real Estate. The expert, by the way, speaks very categorically about opening a business on the territory of residential complexes: “It is better for a beginning entrepreneur without work experience not to open a business in premises in a residential complex, but to look for objects in an established retail zone where there is a synergistic effect.”

Competitors don't come here

A counterargument to Lena Serenko’s words is expressed by Alexander Zubets, noting that in the conditions of a residential complex, an entrepreneur can become the only one who offers a service in demand by residents, for which they would otherwise have to travel a certain distance, including by car or public transport. In particular, he says that due to the technical difficulties of placing cafes and restaurants on the ground floors of residential buildings (installing ventilation, organizing a kitchen, storing food), by opening a cafe on the ground floor, you can be out of competition for a long time. But, as they say, everyone chooses for themselves - a food court or a separately located cafe with no competitors at gunshot distance.

In any case, as the deputy clarifies general director according to analytics and consulting at NDV-Real Estate, Elizaveta Gudz, when choosing premises you need to pay attention to the features of your business, target audience, understand whether a load or a large showcase is needed, whether the room allows for optimal planning, arrangement of equipment, furniture, etc. Moreover, obviously, there will be plenty to choose from in 2016.

In 2016, we will see an increase in vacant space, - Alexander Zubets is sure. - Economic crisis does not at all contribute to opening a new business. It is likely that some entrepreneurs will be forced to wind down their business and terminate their leases. Together with the emergence of new vacant space from developers, all this will increase competition among landlords. As a result, rates may be adjusted downward.” Lena Serenko also agrees with the expert: “The level of vacant space will definitely increase, which is associated with a decline in trade due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.” The expert notes that rental rates continue to decline, but not as noticeably as in 2015. On average, the discount is no more than 10-15%.

Elizaveta Gudz expects that in 2016 the trends of the previous year will continue: changes in consumer behavior, migration of tenants to more convenient locations that were previously “unaffordable,” renegotiation of contracts on more attractive terms - that is, the market will continue to look for an equilibrium state.

Given such forecasts, the most optimistic is the very cautious statement of Yuri Taranenko: “The level of vacancies in the segment will most likely remain high in 2016. Although in general its development will continue due to the opening of new catering establishments and grocery stores of various formats: coffee shops, stores selling alcohol, food products; pharmacies and so on."

In particular, the change in opinion was facilitated by the success of the development of several retail chains, launched just in residential areas. Our ideas will help you decide which residential area. Below we will tell you about the TOP 20 most profitable options.

This is the first thing that comes to mind promising business. To open a store with an area of ​​60 sq. m. will require capital of $25,000.

Calculations and payback of a grocery store

Approximately the costs look like this:

  • Initial assortment – ​​$15,000;
  • Equipment and furniture – $5,000;
  • Legal registration persons obtaining licenses – $500;
  • Fire and security systems, appearance store – $1,600;
  • Rent – ​​$1,800;
  • Salary, transportation and other expenses – $1,100.

With an average markup on products of 20-30%, the store will generate $2,000 per month in net profit, the project will pay off in approximately 1.5-2 years.

However, it is worth noting that opening a profitable grocery store is not easy; you need to collect a lot of documents, obtain various permits and licenses.

But what to sell in a residential area, if not food? There are many options.


A small store is actually a very profitable type of business. It will take about two months to open a store, taking into account the paperwork time and approximately $10,000. Monthly profit before deduction of costs for rent, purchase and staff salaries is approximately $5,000, net profit is about $3,000.

Secrets of meat store success

A butcher shop in a residential area will bring good profits if:

  1. There are no competitors within a kilometer radius of this store;
  2. Sellers are able to competently advise the buyer;
  3. Only fresh products are presented on the counter.

In fact, meeting these conditions is quite simple. When recruiting employees, it is important to interview them to determine their meat knowledge and, if necessary, be prepared to spend time and money on staff training.


In this case, the idea is similar to the previous one, only the store will sell fish and seafood. The investment is approximately the same - $8,000, the profit will be slightly less - at the level of $2,000 monthly.

Fruits and vegetables

What kind of store is profitable to open in a residential area so that there will always be customers there? This is a store selling vegetables and fruits.
The opening will cost $4,000, you can count on $2,000 net profit per month.

But here it should be taken into account that many fruits quickly lose presentation and, therefore, they should be implemented in a short time.


This is another option for what kind of business to open in a neighborhood and make a good profit.

The most simple view A candy store is considered a point of sale of ready-made sweets. To open it you will need about $7,000, the average monthly profit is $1,200.

In addition, you can open the following types confectionery:

  • A store with a café;
  • Shop and own workshop for the production of confectionery products;
  • Shop, bakery and cafe.

Of course, any of these options will require much larger investments, but it will be more profitable compared to a regular store.


A small store selling beer will be profitable if the buyer is given the opportunity to choose. As practice shows, the most profitable stores in residential areas that specialize in selling beer offer at least 20 varieties of the drink.

The initial capital, which includes the purchase of equipment and goods, rent, advertising and salaries to sellers, is about $9,000. Having done emphasis on the most popular brands, you can make a monthly profit of about $2,000.


In this case, the store’s assortment includes all kinds of alcoholic beverages, including wines on tap. Opening a store will require obtaining permits and licenses, but a 100% markup on alcohol will allow you to receive a monthly profit of $4,000; you will need to invest about $30,000 when opening a store.


Despite the fight against smoking and propaganda healthy image life, selling tobacco is always profitable business in a residential area. The costs of opening a tobacco shop will be relatively minimal - only about $2,500, the net monthly profit with a markup of 20% is $650.

There are no special difficulties, the only important thing is draw up all documents in accordance with current legislation and decorate the store with a bright sign that is clearly visible to customers.

Small nuance

Today, so-called “electronic” smoking is popular, these are all kinds of electronic cigarettes and vapes.

By adding these devices, as well as liquids to them, to the assortment of your own tobacco shop, you can get more profit.

Pet products

Pets require care and daily feeding, so opening a pet store would be a good idea. The main assortment will be food; it is important to offer the buyer as much choice as possible: starting from the most simple options and ending with those advised by professionals.

In addition, the assortment should include toys, combs, and cleaning products for pets. Opening a pet store will cost approximately $8,000, with an average net monthly profit of $1,200.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals products designed for mass buyers will bring huge profits to the store owner. In this case, a small area of ​​70 sq.m. is sufficient. ( total area), there is no need to open a huge self-service hall.

To understand the use of household chemicals in a residential area, you need to study most popular brands washing powder, toothpastes, detergents and cleaning products.

Too cheap and expensive goods will not be in demand, the calculation should be made for the average buyer.

To open a store you will need $9,000, net monthly profit – $1,500.

Construction materials

What store can be opened in a residential area so that it always makes a profit? Of course, this is a building materials store, especially if it opens in a residential area of ​​new buildings.

The most popular products include tiles, wallpaper, faucets and various small items. To competently advise clients, it is important that the seller is well versed in the topic.

A premises with an area of ​​300 sq.m. is suitable for a hardware store; it will require $18,000 to open. With good advertising and a properly selected assortment, you can count on a monthly net profit of $3,500.

It is also important to take into account that in winter the demand is lower than in summer and, if possible, it is recommended to plan the opening of the store for the spring months.

“1000 little things” or a store all at one price

1000 little things

This special kind stores where you can find everything from a kitchen mixer to a SIM card. Many products, such as flash drives, memory cards, souvenirs, wires and adapters can be ordered in China.

Opening a store with all sorts of little things will require about $4,000 in investment, the profit will be about $800 per month.

Everything for one price

We are talking about where all goods have a fixed price - for example, 49, 69, 99 rubles, etc. Such a store can be opened either as a franchise or independently. The investment is small, about $5,000, and the net profit per month will be about $700.

Home textiles

Beautiful bed sheets, bedspreads, curtains, pillows and blankets make many women want to immediately update the interior of their home, at least with the help of textiles.

The store will be especially relevant in new buildings where people are just settling in.

To open a store you will need $4,000, monthly profit will vary between $600-800.

Tableware and souvenirs for the home

Affordable, but good quality dishes will be in demand even in a residential area. Pots, pans and beautiful plates will perfectly complement cute souvenirs, such as glass figurines.

Opening a store will cost $6,000, taking into account the average markup on tableware of 30%, you can count on a net profit of about $1,000 per month.

Household appliances and electrical appliances

What stores are opened in residential areas to make the product popular?

You can create your own store where you will sell household appliances and electrical appliances such as microwaves and televisions.

Here it is worth understanding that a store created from scratch is unlikely to be able to compete with large chains, so you should open an outlet similar to a television market.

Equipment can be purchased at pawnshops, at bailiff auctions, taken from hand and returned to its salable condition.

Children's clothing store

If you sell clothes, what stores are best to open in residential areas? As practice shows, it is best to sell products for newborns, since they are not influenced by fashion, and the markup can be up to 400%.

It will take $14,000 to open; net profit per month can reach $3,000.

Toy store

There are always many children living in a residential area, so selling children's toys is a great option for what kind of business to start in a residential area. To start your own business, you need to spend about $10,000, the net profit will be about $1,300 per month.


It is best to open a small stationery store next to a school or kindergarten located in a residential area. Investments for opening are about $3,000, net profit per month is $500-700.


If you don’t know what business to open in a residential area -! In this business there is a very good markup on goods, usually 120-200 percent.

Opening will require about $9,000, profit per month (excluding holidays) – 1600 — 2200$.


In addition to the recommended options about which stores are best to open in residential areas, it is worth thinking about. There are many pensioners and children in residential areas, so dietary supplements and vitamins will be in great demand.

Opening will require a substantial investment, about $20,000, however, with good advertising and competent advice, you can achieve an excellent net profit of $3,500 or more.

Important point: on this type activities require a license, all employees must have appropriate education.

Features of business in a residential area

In a residential area, the rhythm of life is significantly different from the city center. That's why it is important to consider that The highest traffic in stores is before 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m.

Due to competition with chain supermarkets, Don't expect instant profits, it will grow gradually, along with the growth of the client base.

Since in residential areas people mostly know each other, It’s worth keeping an eye on the store’s reputation. Sellers must be polite and the product must be of high quality. Otherwise, word of mouth will spread information about poor service instantly and there will be no buyers.

And, of course, for success it is important to take into account competition, the demand for the product, how far away the city is located, or rather its central part.

A residential area is a residential area in a big city. People living there go to work in the center every day and return home in the evening to relax. Most often this is a quiet place with little business activity.

When creating a business in a residential area, you should consider several important issues:

  • What to sell to locals.
  • What essential goods do customers need?
  • What services do they need?

When planning a business in a residential area, you definitely need to develop a strategy. It should take into account that people will pop into the store on their way to work or back. To understand your customers' needs, put yourself in their shoes. For example, a clothing store would clearly be inappropriate. For such purchases, people go to large shopping centers.

A business in a residential area should sell relevant goods: groceries, drinking water, household items. Popular services include clothing repair, shoe repair, and catering services. Food is consumed quickly, and almost all residents big city no time to cook lunch and dinner. You can offer them light breakfasts to take with them. In the evening people will come to you for dinner or just to sit with friends.

Residents of residential areas like to take a walk after work. Consider creating a cafe or bistro. Convenient location near the road, affordable prices, and your profit is guaranteed. You won’t have to look for long to find regular customers. If there is little competition, they will come to you.

A business such as a grocery store is well suited for a residential area. In the evening, food is purchased for dinner; bread and cigarettes are always in demand.

One of the current business options for a residential area is a pharmacy. But it should be maximally adapted to the needs of residents. The demand for medicines may be so wide that an assortment of five thousand items may not be enough. It is clear that a visitor who cannot buy the necessary medicine from you is unlikely to come again. It is also worth considering that the majority of pharmacy visitors in a residential area are housewives and retirees. Include widely advertised medicines and dietary supplements. Special attention Pay attention to drugs that are advertised on the radio. Pensioners will be glad to receive competent advice about them.

Specifics of the residential area

The main feature is visiting the store in the morning and evening. During the day, active trading is possible only on weekends, but purchases are likely to be impressive. After all, usually a person tries to purchase everything he needs and as quickly as possible. Therefore, food products are an ideal business for a residential area, but not the only one.

In older areas, the infrastructure has been thought out and tested over the years. They usually have many shops, kindergartens, catering establishments, consumer services, clubs, etc. In new areas the situation is not so rosy. Their residents are forced to travel to the other end of the city for the things they need. In such areas it is easy to develop almost any business. Food, clothing, industrial goods, hairdressing services, repair of electrical appliances - everything will find its buyer. The question of how to choose an area that will definitely generate income cannot be answered unambiguously. It will be different for each region. Therefore, consider several options, determine their pros and cons.

Pay special attention to the staff who will work in your store. If the seller is rude, inattentive, and rude to customers, you may not expect any profit. Therefore, before hiring a person, find time for an interview. And in the future, ensure constant contact with him.

What goods and services are relevant for the residential area

Business in a residential area can be different. Store of household supplies and useful goods. Selling household items, household chemicals, light bulbs, CDs and other goods can bring good profits. In a residential area there is an opportunity to develop a customer base, which is an undoubted advantage of business. If the space allows, you can open a small department store. Products and household items in one place - great option for a residential area.

You can open a shoe repair shop and set up a photocopier there, offering residents printouts and photocopy services. At the same time you can sell SIM cards, stationery, batteries, top up mobile phones. These points are often called “1000 little things” and are very popular among residents. The profit from them is not very high, but profitability can be increased by creating several kiosks located throughout the area.

When starting a business in a residential area, you should be prepared for a small profit, especially at first. One of the main competitors in this case is chain supermarkets. But if you correctly determine the circle of potential consumers and their needs, periodically carry out various promotions, you can form a base of regular customers.

Business in a residential area the right approach capable of becoming a stable and profitable business.

When you have the opportunity to open your own business in a residential area, you need to take into account all the nuances of such a location. Imagine yourself in the buyer’s shoes and assess the need for certain products.

Features of doing business in a residential area

Keep in mind that the main flow of buyers in residential areas occurs in the early morning and late evening. Of course, a clothing store will be irrelevant, because for such purposes people go to shopping centers on weekends for shopping. It is necessary to focus on selling essential and daily necessities:

  • products;
  • water for coolers;
  • catering points;
  • repair of clothes, shoes and accessories.

When considering business ideas for a residential area, it is not difficult to guess that the most relevant product is food.

Its reserves are consumed quickly, and with the accelerated rhythm of large cities and the vast distances of the capital, the working population has practically no time left to prepare food. Look for a place on the “caravan routes”, calculate prices wisely, and the result will not be long in coming.

Options for running a business in a residential area

  • Bar, cafeteria, bistro. On the way to work, ready-packed main courses and salads for lunch are in great demand, and in the evenings, many would willingly come to such an establishment to have dinner and just take a break from the working day.
  • . Evening trade in the residential area is brisk and busy. People need food for dinner, bread, matches, cigarettes. And in the morning there is considerable demand for hot pastries and ready-made sandwiches.
  • Household needs store. Business in residential areas is well built on the sale of household chemicals and household materials that are in daily demand (detergents, toilet paper, light bulbs, batteries). If space allows, you can open a universal point by combining food and household goods in one place. This will increase your income potential.
  • . Repairing shoes, umbrellas, bags and clothes brings good profits. You can enter additional services according to the “1000 little things” principle:
    • photocopier printout;
    • sale of SIM cards and replenishment of telephone balance;
    • sale of stationery, flash cards and CDs.

Initially, this type of business does not provide much profit. Moreover, there is greater competition in at the moment hypermarkets made up small retail outlets. A good plus for a small store is the accumulation of its regular customers. If you sell taking into account the wishes and needs of each buyer on the list, and carry out various bonus promotions for them, then an increase in income will not be long in coming.