Abraham Rousseau birth. Abraham Russo biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Abraham Russo is one of the domestic singers. It was especially popular in the early 2000s. IN recent years the man again began giving concerts and touring around the Federation. The number of fans is constantly growing.

For his creative work, the man received many prizes and awards. He recorded as many as ten solo albums. Video clips were shot for many of his compositions.

The star’s personal life is known in detail. He lives happily with his wife Morella and has two daughters.

Height, weight, age. How old is Abraham Russo

At the end of the 90s of the last century, the singer performed for the first time in front of the capital's public. More than twenty years have passed since then. The popular pop singer has large number fans who know the most about him detailed information, including information about the man’s height, age, and how old Abraham Russo is.

The celebrity is on the verge of her 50th birthday. In honor of this, he is preparing a big pop tour of several Russian cities, which he did not do for many years, having survived an assassination attempt in 2006 that remained unsolved.

The man never hid his nationality. In an interview at the beginning of the 2000s, he said that he has Armenian roots. In another interview he said that his father was French, and his mother was a Turkish-Syrian Armenian. The artist currently calls himself a citizen of the United States of America.

Abraham Russo, whose photo in his youth and now amazes numerous fans of the star, has not changed at all. He is attractive, courageous, incredibly talented and artistic.

The popular pop singer maintains his shape with daily training in his own gym. He performs a set of exercises, thanks to which he remains fit and physically strong. The artist weighs 62 cm with a height of 180 cm.

Biography and personal life of Abraham Russo

The biography and personal life of Abraham Russo contains a lot interesting information about the famous singer.

The future pop singer was born in the late 60s of the last century. His hometown was Aleppo, Syria. The parents named their son Abraham. Father, Rousseau Jean, once served in the French Foreign Legion. Mother Ipjyan Maria worked in one of the Syrian hospitals, where she met her future husband. In addition to Abraham, the family had a sister and brother, whose name was John.

The boy lived in Syria for 7 years. Then, after the death of his father, he and his mother moved to the French capital. It was there that he began singing and participating in competitions, where he improved his creative talent.

WITH adolescence Regulars of Parisian coffee shops and restaurants could listen to songs performed by our hero. After graduating from high school in Paris, the young man received his education at one of the French universities. It was at this time that he began to sing professionally.

The artist performed not only in various French cities, but also outside France. It was at this time that he took a creative pseudonym and began to be called Abraham Russo. The performer learned to speak at 13 foreign languages. The artist speaks English, Russian, and French without an accent. He also knows and can speak Armenian, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Turkish languages. He speaks both Hindi and Hebrew.

In 1997, our hero was noticed by entrepreneur Telman Ismailov, who saw young artist in one of the French restaurants. It was he who invited the guy to the Russian capital. He took advantage of the offer and soon gave his first concert in Moscow. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Abraham Russo began working and living in the Russian Federation. It was produced by famous producer Joseph Prigogine. At the beginning of the 2000s, with the help of the Knox Music production center, Abraham Russo recorded his first album. The man’s popularity grew year by year, and the tour schedule was scheduled several months in advance. The celebrity has received various music awards.

In 2006, it became known that unknown persons had attempted to assassinate the artist. It was not possible to solve the crime without delay. Russo took his family and left for the United States of America. Several years in Russian Federation he didn't come.

Abraham never tires of performing even now. He performs for emigrants in New York restaurant establishments and records new albums of songs.

In 2015, the artist performed in one of the Moscow nightclubs. Numerous fans of the star came to the concert.

About the personal life of a popular pop singer long time no one knew. He carefully protected this side of his life, believing that every person should have a certain territory that no one around him should know about. Abraham is happily married. He and his wife own a house in New York and have two daughters.

Family and children of Abraham Russo

The family and children of Abraham Russo, after the assassination attempt on the popular pop singer, chose for themselves American New York, where they currently live. The artist’s loved ones are his most important wealth. He repeatedly stated this in his numerous interviews for various media. mass media. The singer is the father of two daughters. He dreams of having a son. But that hasn't happened yet.

The popular domestic pop singer says that thanks to his family, he survived many troubles. Now he is happy and calm, doing what he loves.

The artist’s mother met her future husband during her years of work in one of the Syrian hospitals. He was twenty years older than her and had fought in various wars. The marriage was, despite big difference aged, happy. He brought three. After the death of her husband, the woman decided to move with her children to Paris.

The performer's mother lives with him. The woman devoted herself entirely to her son and his family. She is incredibly happy that she was able to become a grandmother.

Abraham has an older brother, John, and a sister. Almost nothing is known about them. Only recently, Russo said that his brother lives in France, and his sister recently moved to Miami. She got married and became the mother of twins. The singer loves when close people come to visit him. This usually occurs around Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter.

The artist calls several of his colleagues, with whom he became friends in the early 2000s, his family. Abraham often communicates with Dmitry Malikov, Valery Leontiev and Philip Kirkorov. The artist says that these people helped him feel needed during a difficult period for him, for which he is grateful to them.

Russo is proud of his roots. But in his interviews he often gets confused. Either he will say that he has Armenian roots, or he will declare that he belongs to the Turkish nation. The biography states that the artist is Syrian-Armenian on his mother’s side and French on his father’s side.

Daughter of Abraham Russo - Emanuella

For the first time, the pop star became a father during a difficult period for him. The baby was born in mid-2006. Shortly before this, an attempt was made on our hero. The singer barely survived. He for a long time was sick. Doctors made disappointing forecasts for him.

The man and his pregnant wife left for the United States of America, where the birth took place in one of the best New York clinics. The performer himself was present at the birth of the baby. He was the first to take her in his arms.

The daughter of Abraham Russo, Emanuella, studies at one of the New York schools. The girl speaks several foreign languages ​​well. She speaks English, Russian, Armenian and French without an accent.

Emanuela dances, sings and draws well. In the future she wants to become a singer or actress.

Daughter of Abraham Russo - Ave Maria

Our hero became a father for the second time on a fine August day in 2014. He gave his baby daughter a name in honor of the Mother of God, since on this day the Orthodox, to whom the singer belongs, celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord. Ave Maria translated from Latin language like a Hail Mary.

The daughter of Abraham Russo, Ave Maria, is loved by her parents, grandmother and sister. The girl is forgiven for many pranks. She has already started studying music, singing, and dancing.

Recently, a girl together with her parents and older sister I went to Israel and Paris. The artist believes that he is obliged to introduce his daughters to the history of his family.

Abraham Russo's wife - Morella

The future spouses met in 2003. Morella came to the star’s concert, which he gave in one of the New York restaurants. The girl was born and raised in the United States of America, but her ancestors came from Soviet Union. They left the country shortly before World War II and settled in the New World. Morella herself is proud of her belonging to the American nation, although she talks about her roots.

After the first meeting, the lovers began to meet often. The girl moved closer to the groom. In 2005, the marriage union was registered. The ceremony took place in Moscow, and the wedding was widely celebrated in New York. In the winter of 2006, the lovers got married in one of the Israeli churches.

Abraham Russo's wife, Morella, supported the performer during a difficult period for him. She gave birth to her beloved two daughters. Currently, a woman devotes all her strength to raising heiresses. In the future, she does not exclude that she will also give her beloved husband an heir, a son.

Recently, information was disseminated on various Internet portals, which later turned out to be an ordinary newspaper duck. She reported that Abraham Russo was getting a divorce and sharing a mansion worth 300 million with his wife. The performer himself was very surprised. He stated that he loved his wife and children. He never had any thoughts about divorce, especially since the marriage was consecrated in the church. In addition, Abraham said that a woman like his Morella was worth looking for. He advised not to look for sensation where there is none.

Instagram and Wikipedia Abraham Russo

Instagram and Wikipedia of Abraham Russo allow you to learn about the life of the popular domestic pop singer. These sources are replenished quite often.

The artist is active user Internet. It is registered in various social networks. The man’s Instagram page alone is subscribed to by more than a million people living in different countries peace. On the page you can read detailed information about it creative activity, listen to songs in 13 languages ​​of the world performed by him. Photos of the star from the tour, with friends and loved ones are also presented here. There are especially many pictures of Morella’s wife and daughters.

The Wikipedia page provides information about the pop star. Here you can read about his childhood, youth, formation and creative activity. The page tells about parents, brother, sister, wife and children. You can read on Wikipedia about the assassination attempt on a man.

Celebrity divorces rarely go quietly.

Usually they are generously stuffed with showdowns, reproaches and mutual revelations, which are watched by the whole country. Now such a series has begun in the life of Abraham Russo...

“I’ll tell you everything about him!” - threatens the singer’s wife Morela. The same one that just recently was ready to follow Abraham into both fire and water. But an offended woman is worse than any enemy. And Rousseau offended his wife greatly. There would be no way to quietly and peacefully resolve issues with her and go their separate ways. different sides. But Abraham Russo decided to make a real show out of his divorce. However, like many other stars in a similar situation, which everyone has forgotten about.

Our problems have been going on for quite a long time, but we haven’t talked about it,” he explains, however, without naming the exact reason for the cooling. - I wanted to save the family, because we have two children, the youngest daughter is only three years old. I didn't want to taste this bitter taste of divorce. But I can no longer play the role of an exemplary family man, I don’t want to deceive everyone!

At the same time, as it turned out, the singer forgot to warn his wife not only that he was going to confess about the breakup, but also that he had initiated the process of dividing property. Nobly left her with the children huge house in America. The one for which the mortgage has not yet been paid. And which hangs like a dead weight and drives owners into debt. Huge taxes are assessed on the house, which is why it is impossible to sell it - buyers do not want to get into such bondage.


Abraham Russo, a burning brunette with piercing blue eyes, was very handsome in his youth.

I was eligible bachelor in this country for a long time, in the early 2000s, millions of letters came from different girls - he still savors his long-standing success.

And he proudly admits: yes, he was always amorous and passionate. He pursued many people and lived with several girls. They say that one of them, realtor Svetlana Khlymova, gave birth to his daughter Lisa. This was at the very beginning of the singer’s career - he had just moved from Syria to Moscow, still spoke Russian poorly and did not want to start a family. Svetlana raised the girl herself, without the participation of her father. Now Lisa is already a high school student...

Morela, which Rousseau always called pathetically only love of his life, he met when he gave concerts in America with Kristina Orbakaite. Those tours turned out to be fateful - it was then that Christina met her future husband Mikhail Zemtsov, and Abraham met Morela Ferdman. The daughter of Ukrainian emigrants, who had previously worked with Ricky Martin, approached him after the performance and offered her services as a tour manager.

The romance was fast paced. A few months later, the girl rushed to her beloved in Moscow. In 2005 they played magnificent wedding in Russia, then got married in Israel.

A year later, when Morela was six months pregnant, there was an attempt on Abraham’s life. His car was fired at point blank range. For three days he balanced on the brink of life and death, losing almost four liters of blood.

Russo was in a coma for 72 hours. A monstrous test for Morela. All this time she did not leave the hospital,” recalls Viktor Drobysh.

Having barely recovered, Rousseau fled to America in wheelchair together with his wife, scared to death. And from there he began to blame his ex-producer Joseph Prigozhin - they say that he organized the assassination attempt on him.


He slandered many, I will give frank interview! - Morela now promises in the heat of the moment. Having given birth to Abraham two daughters, supporting her husband in difficult time, having done everything for him to recover, get back on his feet and return to the stage, today she is preparing for the fight.

Over the years of marriage, Rousseau changed beyond recognition. He became fanatically religious, spent all his time in church, sang in the choir, read prayers, and wore a pendant with particles of 15 saints. And he even built a chapel in the house, where he disappeared for hours.

Morela believes that after the birth of his second child, Abraham had a certain confessor who began to take him away from his family, says her lawyer. - Constant scandals, insults - she was cut off in communication with her friends, and ended up in forced seclusion. As Morela told me, it came down to assault.

Rousseau, of course, denies the fight: “When did this happen?” And he makes counter-accusations: his wife is taking his children away from him!

What can I do? I love my children. I will love them all my life. I'm not the kind of father who abandons his child. But who will let them stay with me? This is America and its laws! - the singer is seething. - First, let me at least let me see them!

The war between Abraham Russo and his wife is just beginning. What trump cards they hold in reserve and what kind of weapons they are ready to use will become clear very soon. Morela is planning to fly from America to Moscow in the near future. To tell your truth on television...

Abraham Russo, whose biography is interesting to many, is a famous Russian singer. His appearance on the domestic stage was accompanied by a luxurious legend. The artist was dubbed " eastern prince", attributed to him Greek, Turkish, Syrian and Armenian roots, hinted at his extreme religiosity and outstanding abilities. However, time has put everything in its place. We will talk about the details of the life and career of the famous singer in our article.

Personal image

Majestic gait, clear gaze blue eyes, dark skin, pleasant voice... Abraham Russo, whose nationality is often discussed in the media, knows how to make an impression. It all started with a beautiful oriental fairy tale. The artist claimed that he was a native of the island of Cyprus, and Greek and Turkish blood flowed in his veins. That he managed to learn Russian in just three months. That he studied in a monastery for two years, but his passion for performing skills overcame his desire for inner harmony. Then a version appeared that the singer was born in the city of Aleppo (Syria). He was born in 1969 on July 21. He has an older brother and younger sister. The artist’s father, Jean, served as a legionnaire in the French Foreign Legion. He died when our hero turned seven. After this, Abraham and his family moved to Paris. For some time the boy was raised in France. He's with early years loved to sing, took part in various specialized competitions. At one time, the future celebrity studied in a Lebanese monastery. However, at the age of 16, Abraham had to take up his singing career in earnest. He sought to feed his family, so he began performing in cafes and restaurants. Looking for good earnings he visited many countries. The artist has learned and speaks 8 languages ​​well.


Without a doubt, exotic origins had to play a leading role in maintaining the artist’s personal image. At that time, Tarkan, a sultry singer from sunny Turkey, conquered the world stage. Abraham Russo, whose nationality is not known to anyone for certain, is our answer to foreign show business. He is no less handsome and, of course, very talented. However, over time it became known that his real name was not as euphonious as his creative pseudonym. His name is Efrem Ipdzhyan. This surname is very similar to an Armenian one. But our hero always found plausible answers to all questions. He claimed that “Ip” is translated from Turkish as “thread”. The artist’s ancestors allegedly owned a thread factory. But Abraham's father's name was Jean. So it turned out “Ipjyan”. In 2015, the singer told reporters that “Russo” was his mother’s maiden name. He took it because it suited his stage image better. However, in 2010, information appeared in the media that “Russo” was the father’s surname. And more beautiful shape He chose his name - Abraham - from many suitable options. It would really be difficult to get promoted with the name Efrem Ipdzhyan in Russia. But why create so much fog about your origins? It's already big question. By the way, “Rousso” means “little red” in Greek.

Armenian or Syrian?

After the Great Patriotic War The family of Abraham Russo moved to Syria. The artist’s biography says that he is actually a native of Armenia. In 2005, the singer was caught lying for the first time. However, he referred to the unscrupulousness of Moscow journalists who constantly create a stir around his name. In 2008, Abraham completely refused to talk about this topic. However, in 2010-2012. a number of Armenian publications published information that Russo is an Armenian because his parents belong to this nationality. When Russian journalists approached the artist with questions that inevitably arose, he became extremely indignant. They say that it is not his duty to shout at every corner that he is Armenian. He is a representative of the Russian stage. And this should be enough for everyone. Now on the singer’s official website there is no information about his ethnic origin. We can say that the question remains open. However, the “Armenian” version seems to many to be closest to the truth.

Triumphant Path

Abraham Russo, whose photos are often published in glossy magazines, made a breakthrough in his career at the turn of the century. He performed in Cyprus in cafes and restaurants until he was noticed Russian entrepreneur- Telman Mardanovich Ismailov. The artist was invited to Moscow. An influential patron began to actively promote it. This is where versions of exotic origin and unique intellectual abilities. In 1999, the singer met Joseph Prigogine - and made a phenomenal breakthrough in his career. He signed a contract with Knox Music. Then in 2000 he released his first album - Amor.

At the peak of glory

His duet with Kristina Orbakaite became unusually successful. Several beautiful songs and fiery videos made this couple incredibly popular. Many attributed an affair to them. But it was just a successful commercial project. The composition “I Know” stayed on the prestigious chart for more than three months. “Engagement” and “Far Away” - several weeks. In 2006, Abraham Russo, whose nationality, in essence, does not matter, was at the peak of his fame. He performed 220 colorful shows, became a hero of the national press, established himself as a talented artist and a very handsome man. During his performance in the Caucasus, he was recognized as a national hero.


In the same 2006, an attempt was made on the life of singer Abraham Russo, whose biography is filled with many interesting events. He was shot at in his own car. A serious injury did not stop him from pressing the gas pedal. He only stopped when he lost consciousness. This story is surrounded by many rumors. Some were perplexed: the singer does not know how to drive a car, so where do such heartbreaking details come from? The artist, known for his hoaxes, no longer inspired unconditional trust. Someone claimed that he simply decided to have rhinoplasty and made up the story as a cover-up. Someone - that he is simply trying to attract even more attention to his person. However, the media claimed that the artist was seriously injured. He was wounded in the shin and nearly lost his leg. He had to learn to walk again. Ultimately, he emigrated from the United States to escape persecution. According to rumors, an influential patron wanted to deal with him. The reason was large sum money. Returning to Russia a few years later, the singer claimed that he was severely beaten by bandits. They broke his nose and damaged his ligaments. Since then, he has not gone outside without security, and his team always includes an experienced phoniatrist.

New music

Abraham Russo, whose nationality has not been officially confirmed by anyone, took a long time to come to his senses after tragic story. He started writing completely different music. The style in which the musician creates is called Gospel Inspirational (“inspirational music”). In 2009, I was able to appreciate the album Resurrection with soulful compositions general public. The songs are played on English. They are distinguished by spiritual depth and touchingness. At the very end of 2009, the artist returned to Russia. Joseph Prigogine took him under his wing again. At the beginning of 2010, the singer began a tour across the country. He called his show “The Return.” Abraham gave 170 concerts. The fans received him very warmly. However, the artist was unable to repeat his previous success. However, loyal fans still consider him the No. 1 star in the field of domestic show business.

Personal life

The artist got married in 2005. Abraham Rousseau's wife is Morela. The singer’s biography says that he met his future beloved during one of his concerts. She offered him her services as concert director. The girl is American Ukrainian origin. She knows the Russian language well, loves Russian culture and is well versed in the intricacies of show business. She impressed her future husband with her spectacular appearance and serious approach to work. From the very beginning, Abraham tried to charm the unapproachable beauty. The fortress shook, but not immediately.

The marriage was officially registered in Moscow. However, the lovers got married in Israel. Morella sometimes performs on stage with her husband. They sing a duet, delighting the ears of a large audience.

Path to God

Abraham Russo, biography, whose personal life is no secret to anyone, almost died when his wife was four months pregnant. To protect himself and his family, the artist decided to leave for the USA. The couple settled in New York. There our hero had a daughter. She was named Emanuella, which means “God with us” in Hebrew. The singer believes that he was saved by a miracle. He converted and began to search new way in life. Now he cares about self-improvement. He sings to the glory of the Almighty.

Our days

Seven years later, in 2012, Abraham Russo (biography, personal life, the children of the famous singer are of concern to the interested public) had a second daughter. They called her Ave Maria. The artist cares very much about his girls. He's proud eldest daughter because she's in her early age shows a remarkable character. She takes her father's example. He knows eight languages, and the baby can already speak Russian, English and Armenian. Her plans include Arabic and French.

Abraham Rousseau, nationality, biography, whose children we are discussing today, writes a book called “In Search of Truth,” in which he talks about his spiritual quests. The subject of his study is a person with all his weaknesses and shortcomings. The artist wants to talk about his own experience of overcoming life's obstacles. He believes that at a critical moment in his life he was saved only thanks to the will of God.

Now the singer adheres healthy image life. He eats right - drinks a lot of water, eats only healthy products. Friends say he looks younger. The artist strives for new creative achievements. He is happy in his professional sphere and personal life. And he strives to embody his joy in new interesting projects.

Singer Date of birth July 21 (Cancer) 1969 (50) Place of birth Aleppo Instagram @avraamrusso

Abraham Russo - famous singer, who won fame on Russian stage. Few people know, but the real name of the performer is Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhyan. He sang at the largest domestic concerts, worked together with Kristina Orbakaite and Natalya Valevskaya, and countless times turned into the epicenter of discussion due to enormous “yellow” scandals. A monastery, restaurant tours, top music tracks and even an attempt on life - there is plenty of everything in the extensive biography of Abraham Russo.

Biography of Abraham Russo

The widely known performer's birthplace is Aleppo, Syria. Abraham was born on July 21, 1969. My father was a French legionnaire, my mother was a nurse. The couple were extremely religious, which explains the decision to choose a name for their son.

At the age of 6, the boy’s childhood was overshadowed by tragedy - his father died. The mother raised her two sons as best she could. Then she decided to leave her hometown and move with her children to Paris. After this, the single-parent family had to move to Lebanon, where Abraham studied at monastery and at the same time practiced singing. It worked out great - he regularly performed at religious concerts and aroused the admiration of the public.

In 1987, the young singer graduated from a monastery school and decided to follow the musical path. A charming voice, interesting appearance and performance in his own unique style quickly raised the talented young man to professional heights. European, Eastern and American employers were interested in him.

The concert in Cyprus became fateful: the charismatic young man a serious man noticed. Business man offered the singer a job in Russia. The partners signed a contract, and Abraham became part of Russian show business. His tracks instantly acquired the status of hits. They were played on TV, played on the radio, and the discs were sold out in huge quantities.

By 2001 new star firmly joined the elite of the local stage. Then Abraham performed a song with Kristina Orbakaite. Now the whole country knew about him. The subsequent hit track Amor topped the music charts for a long time.

Then he again performed in tandem with Orbakaite. “Just Loving You” was remembered by absolutely all true connoisseurs of pop music of that time. “I Know”, “Engagement” and “Far Away” turned out to be no worse. Abraham revealed himself more and more powerfully.

2006 was probably the most eventful and successful year for my career. Crazy tours, more than ten million records sold, more than two hundred TV shows and a flurry of responses in the media - because of all this, one could go crazy. But Abraham endured and worthy of respect I did what I loved with zeal.

However, this year is not only filled with positive moments. An attempt was made on the life of the singer, who had become familiar on TV, by shooting at a car. Severe injury, great blood loss, danger of leg amputation - it seemed that not only his career was over, but also normal life. But Abraham got out and disappeared with his wife in New York.

He returned only three years later. Then he toured with a high-profile program called “Return” and resumed cooperation with producer Joseph Prigozhin. By the way, the organizers and perpetrators of the assassination attempt remained unpunished. Investigators were unable to find the mysterious criminals.

Abraham Russo is an honored participant in the Song of the Year festival, winner of four Golden Gramophones and an incredible polyglot. The singer knows as many as 13 languages. By the way, when he arrived in Russia, he did not know a single word of Russian. Lightning-fast adaptation and ability to speak languages ​​quickly corrected the situation.

Celebrity couples who changed their minds about getting divorced

Abraham Russo and Morela Ferdman Exactly a year ago - in October 2017 - the Runet was shocked by the news that Abraham Russo was divorcing his wife after 12 years of marriage. All these years their marriage was considered exemplary: two wonderful daughters, a beautiful house,...