Prince from an oriental fairy tale. There are miracles there, there is a goblin wandering there Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum wife

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UAE Prince Hamdan (aka Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, but you are unlikely to remember that) - resembles the real one eastern prince from the book One Thousand and One Nights. Judge for yourself - Hamdan is handsome, lives in a beautiful palace, owns a multi-billion dollar fortune and has a lot of money. interesting entertainment. For example, the eastern handsome man loves racing cars, rock climbing and horse riding. He rides on a white horse, of course.

By the way, the prince runs a fairly popular Instagram, where he, like mere mortals, posts photos with cats. True, instead of ordinary cats, he has real tiger cubs and lion cubs. Mimimi!

Emin Agalarov


People like Emin Agalarov are said to be “born with a silver spoon in his mouth” - his father Aras Agalarov is the owner of the “construction empire” Crocus Group, and therefore numerous shopping centers and the entire Crocus complex in Moscow. More recently, Emin was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, but the couple recently broke up and eligible bachelor free again!
Besides big business Agalarov is interested in music - it is possible that you have already been to his concert. Emin sings romantic love songs, which, however, does not prevent him from holding the position of vice president of Crocus Group and delving into all the company’s affairs. This dream man lives in two cities - Emin can be found in Moscow and Baku.

Sheikh Mansour

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Sheikh Mansour, whose full name sounds like Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan, one of the richest men in the world - he is a member of the royal ruling family Abu Dhabi, owner of the Manchester City football club and a fortune of $32 billion. In his spare time, the sheikh enjoys horse riding and even won a number of tournaments held in the Middle East on his Arabian horse.

Mansur is used to living in grand style, which is why he has not one wife, but already two, but it’s not a fact that an oriental man will stop there.

Burak Ozcivit

Turkish actor, star of the series “The Magnificent Century” Burak Özçivit began his career in Europe as a model, but fame befell him in his native Turkey. After his starring role in the sensational TV series, Burak decided not to waste the money he earned on empty entertainment and opened own business- a chain of restaurants in Istanbul. A little later it turned out that becoming a restaurateur was his childhood dream - the artist’s father owned a small kebab shop in the city of Mersin, and Ozçivit simply decided to continue the successful family business. Commendable!

By the way, handsome Burak, despite numerous gossip about his affairs, is still not married, so his fans have a chance.

Sheikh Majid bin Mohammed

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Sheikh Majid - brother UAE Prince Hamdan, whom we have already talked about. But unlike his older brother, Majid is not a very public person, and even on his Instagram he prefers to post not personal photos, but pictures from official ceremonies. However, nothing human is alien to the sheikh - like many of his “colleagues,” Majid is fond of racing and equestrian sports. For some time he lived in Great Britain, where he graduated military academy, however, he soon returned home - to government affairs.

Free time Majid performs at various sporting events in Dubai and Abu Dhabi - not a single competition is complete without him. As for his personal life, absolutely nothing is known about her (by the way, as well as about the mother of the sheikh himself) - women in royal family United Arab Emirates remain in absolute shadow.

Mehmet Akif

Turkish heartthrob Mehmet Akif made it into our rating not because of his fabulous fortune (although he is clearly not in poverty), but because of his magnificent appearance. It is worth noting that Mehmet is not alien to truly masculine hobbies - before starting a modeling career, the son of a military man first served in the army. After returning from service, Akif took part in a Turkish modeling competition and won it, and then won a similar competition called “The Best Model of the World.”

Now Mehmet enjoys enormous success in Turkey - he acts in films and hosts a TV show. And one more good news— the sultry handsome man is not married, so we’re all going to Istanbul.

King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck

Let's move from the Middle East to Asia for a while - there are also cute and wealthy men! For example, the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, who, however, recently got married, but still cannot be excluded from our list.

Firstly, the king has an excellent education - he graduated from college in the USA and Great Britain. Secondly, Khesar is actively involved in charity work and helps those in need. And thirdly, the king found the courage to marry for love, and not for the sake of state affairs - his wife was a girl from an ordinary family, the daughter of a pilot. And this is admirable!

Sheikh Hamdan Mohammed al-Maktoum has many advantages - a horse owner, a poet, an athlete, the heir to a royal family, and even a bachelor. Sheikh Hamdan's wife is still absent from his personal life, however, last summer information leaked to the media that he was going to marry Palestinian refugee Kalila Said, whom he met at one of the charity events. It is said that this marriage was approved even by the prince's parents, although at first they were disappointed with their son's choice.

In the photo - Sheikh Hamdan

Sheikh Hamdan is one of the many children of Sheikh Mohammed, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and head of the Emirate of Dubai. He was born thirty-three years ago and grew up in incredible luxury. Sheikh Hamdan received an excellent education, first at the private school named after Sheikh Rashid, created by English model, then at the Dubai Government School on the faculty public administration. Hamdan Mohammed al-Maktoum graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK, where the scions of English aristocrats study, and specialized courses at the London School of Economics.

From childhood, the sheikh's father prepared his son to participate in political life native state, and now Hamdan is a regular participant in various congresses and summits. Sheikh Hamdan attends all these political events out of necessity, and privacy he prefers traveling, horse riding, and falconry. He is a very romantic person and even writes poetry under the pseudonym Fazzaa.

In general, almost nothing is known about the personal life of Sheikh Hamdan, and the image makers of the court are constantly working to create an impeccable image for him, and this can be judged by the numerous photographs in which he is captured with relatives and looks very nice. Hamdan devotes a lot of time to charity - he manages the work of several foundations, and personally helps people in need.

To questions about whether he was going to end his bachelor life, the prince always answered that he had been engaged for a long time - future wife Sheikh Hamdan should become a maternal relative, however, due to latest events When he met Kalila Said, everything could change. In general, according to the laws of his country, a sheikh can have not one, but several wives - his father Sheikh Mohammed, for example, according to some information, has as many as five wives, and time will tell how many wives Sheikh Hamdan will have.

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Oriental beauties of the 21st century no longer appear only in burqas. They surprise with their style, incredible appearance and active lifestyle.

website invites you to enjoy the charm of these stunning women.

Rania al-Abdullah

Queen of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah II and mother of the heir to the throne, Prince Hussein. Rania actively leads instagram , fights for women's rights in the Middle East and advocates a change in traditional clothing style. The queen herself loves clothes from Giorgio Armani and even appears in photo shoots for fashion magazines.

Amira at-Tawil

Princess Saudi Arabia openly advocates reforms in his country and by his example he proves that you can live as your heart dictates, and not according to laws and stereotypes. Amira received higher education in the USA, drives a car and even divorced her husband. Now the princess is in charge charitable foundation Alwaleed Philanthropies.

Dina Abdulaziz al-Saud

The most stylish princess of the Muslim world, who owns fashion boutiques in the capitals of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In 2016, Dina became editor-in-chief of Vogue Arabia magazine. Despite her love for the fashion industry, the princess loves spending time with her family and has three children.

Moza bint Nasser al-Misned

The second wife of the former emir of Qatar and the mother of the country's new ruler. Moza is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and UNESCO Ambassador. She advocates the development of free media and also dreams of turning Qatar into a competitor to Silicon Valley.

Moza is a mother of seven children who surprises not only with her style, but also with her ideal figure.

Haya bint al-Hussein

Sister of the current King of Jordan and wife of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. The princess received her education at Oxford. Haya is involved in charity work and is a UN Messenger of Peace. He is interested in horse riding.

Still the reason mysterious death 33-year-old Sheikh Rashid remains shrouded in mystery. Let us recall that the eldest son of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, passed away at the age of 33. According to media reports, on September 19, 2015, Sheikh Rashid, who had a reputation as a handsome playboy with a brilliant future, died at home due to a sudden heart attack.

Despite the fact that the official version of his death is a myocardial infarction, there have long been rumors in the United Arab Emirates that the young Sheikh Rashid abused drugs and because of his addiction, he repeatedly ended up in a rehabilitation center. In 2008, he was stripped of his legal title as Crown Prince of Dubai.

IN recent years, especially before his death, Sheikh Rashid somehow gradually and smoothly pulled away from social life and went into the shadows, while becoming one of the most mysterious influential figures in the emirate of Dubai. His father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, had only two wives and 24 children. Through his efforts, he transformed a dull and mediocre emirate into a dazzling modern metropolis and a global high-tech and tourism center.

There are many versions of the death of the 33-year-old Sheikh of Dubai. For example, the Iranian Fars news agency stated that Rashid did not die from suffering a “sudden heart attack,” as the official statement said, but during the fighting in Yemen. Iranian media unanimously claim that Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed al-Maktoum and several other UAE soldiers were killed during artillery shelling by rebel forces in the Yemeni province of Marib. False information about the death of the Crown Prince of Dubai as a result of a heart attack was published in order to mislead residents of the United Arab Emirates, who are in favor of withdrawing troops from Yemen.

Another version of the prince’s death in the form of a diplomatic message was published on the Wikileaks website. It contains a fascinating description of the events that really took place in the palace and were carefully hidden from prying eyes. A certain diplomat from one of the Western countries shared information that Sheikh Rashid lost his title as Crown Prince of Dubai and all prospects of legitimate power due to the fact that he allegedly killed his father’s assistant in a state of passion. Although the assistant's name is never mentioned, analysts have suggested that the murder was committed as a result of a steroid-induced rage.

Another leak, provided by a Saudi Arabian diplomat, suggests that drugs and mass sexual orgies are commonplace in the palace of the ruler of Dubai, as well as in the emirate of Dubai as a whole. However, access to such events is open only to wealthy Arabs.

If we weigh the pros and cons, analysts agree that the heart attack that ended the life of 33-year-old Sheikh Rashid is nothing more than a beautiful excuse that does not cast a shadow on the sheikh’s reputation.

Reminds me of a “real fairy tale”. It is generally accepted that they bask in luxury, denying themselves nothing. Comfortable planes, yachts, cars for the heirs to the throne in the UAE are a familiar and commonplace phenomenon. They can have fun as they please. However, the older generation royal dynasties instills in the offspring not only a love of pompous leisure, but also develops in them a talent for wise government in the state, so that it prospers every year, and its residents feel secure and happy.

It was in this spirit that 33-year-old Prince Hamdan was brought up. He prefers an active lifestyle, skillfully distributing time between state affairs and your hobbies. Perhaps this is the secret that today the Principality of Dubai is an economic miracle of the 21st century? Thanks to whom could it appear on the territory of the UAE? Naturally, thanks to the competent policies of the ruling elite. And, of course, Dubai made its contribution to this process. How does he manage to properly combine work and rest so that he has enough time for both? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

History of the dynasty

Not many people know that the mentioned Prince of Dubai is the son Arab sheikh Mohamed Al Maktoum. The heir's father is the Prime Minister and Vice President of the Emirates. Historiographers claim that the sheikh’s ancestry originates from the ancient Bani Yas tribes, who lived in areas where the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are currently located.

The Arab principality of Dubai was founded by Sheikh Maktoun bin Butta in 1833. Since then this ancient family and rules over them.

Curriculum Vitae

The thirty-three-year-old Prince of Dubai was born on November 14, 1982. It should be noted that he is not the only heir in the family. Sheikh Hamdan has 9 sisters and 6 brothers. In his homeland, the boy studied at one of the private colleges.

He spent his youth in Western Europe, namely in Great Britain, where he received an excellent education. First, the Prince of Dubai gnawed on the granite of science at a military school ground forces, located in Sanghdhurst, England. He then graduated from the College of Economics in London, and upon returning home, from the School administrative management in Dubai.

Government activities

The Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, began ruling the principality on February 1, 2008, after his older brother “abdicated the throne.” In fairness, it should be noted that the parents assumed a similar outcome of the matter, so they prepared their son in advance for the fact that he would take the reins of government of the principality into his own hands.

And Prince Hamdan of Dubai lived up to the expectations placed on him: he is actively involved in political life home country, trying not to miss a single congress and summit.

Back in 2006, he was offered the position of head of the Emirate's Executive Council. In charge young man included monitoring and oversight of government agencies. In this responsible position crown prince Dubai Hamdan developed and invited his colleagues to take strategic plan development of the Emirate for the coming years, which was done. The young manager showed his business qualities in another position - the head of the Sports Council of the Emirate of Dubai. He was also entrusted with leading the Institute of Young Entrepreneurs.

Social projects

Sheikh Hamdan devotes a lot of time to solving social problems. In particular, he funds several programs aimed at helping children and animals, often attending charity events. The Crown Prince even heads a specialized autism center in the Emirates.

Despite his high position and social status occupied in society, Sheikh Hamdan in life - modest man, who does not boast of his regalia and merits. That is why he earned great authority among the people.


Dubai Hamdan has a lot of hobbies. He loves to explore the expanses of the Persian Gulf on scooters and water skis. The young man is also interested in underwater world having fun practicing scuba diving.

Not everyone knows that the sheikh prefers to spend his time falconry. He likes skydiving. He usually does this over the artificial island. Prince is no stranger to jumping for a long time - long months of training take their toll.


In addition, the heir to the throne in Dubai once experienced an ultra-modern aircraft JETLEV-FLYER, which operates in the air thanks to the power of giant jets of water. The young man was able to rise up and “soar” against the backdrop of the famous seven-star hotel called Burj al Arab. Sheikh Hamdan loves to get a good dose of adrenaline from time to time.

The heir to the throne is, among other things, an experienced horse rider. He participated in horse racing many times and repeatedly won prizes at prestigious competitions. In particular, the sheikh took first place at the Asian Olympic Games.

He spends fabulous money on purchasing camels, honoring Bedouin traditions.

And, of course, the royal offspring cannot do without traveling. However, it is to a greater extent interested in extreme tourism. Thus, the Prince of Dubai has already traveled to the African continent, where he hunted lions with a photo gun. He also visited Russian Federation. In our country, he became more familiar with the traditions of falconry.

Romantic and altruist

One more thing unusual hobby Sheikh Hamdan is a poem. The young man inherited it from his father. The prince composes on romantic and patriotic themes. He creates his poems under the pseudonym Fazza (“success in everything”). Moreover, his talent as a poet has already been noted by the public.

The heir to the throne of Dubai's hobbies also include doing good deeds, that is, helping people. He is one of the participants in the creation of the Society without Borders structure, the purpose of which is to provide support to people with disabilities.

Back in 2006, the prince initiated the “Integration” project, which was supposed to help members of society with disabilities simplify integration into the social environment.

The Sheikh also took care of strengthening road safety, increasing penalties for those drivers who ignore the rules traffic. At the same time, persistent violators will be deprived driver's license for up to 6 months.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Of course, the Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, is every girl’s dream, and given that he is charming, handsome and smart, then a whole line of representatives of the fairer sex will line up in an attempt to win his heart. However, Eastern men are capricious and temperamental, and the heir to the throne is no exception.

At the same time, the young man keeps the details of his personal life secret. Would girls give a lot to find out who the wife of the Prince of Dubai is? Previously, the press wrote that the heart of the “heir to the throne” is not occupied by anyone.

The media also mentioned that the sheikh imposes quite strict demands on his potential chosen one, these are the traditions of the East. However, religion allows the sheikh to have as many wives as he wants, so it is quite difficult to talk about his love interests. Formally, women in the Emirates are not infringed on their rights, but they still dominate here, so the wife is obliged to unquestioningly obey her husband.

And yet, after some time, he revealed the secret of his personal life, saying that his engagement took place in infancy. This is the odious statement that the Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, once made! The wife of the heir to the throne is his cousin on the maternal side. Her name is Sheikha bint Saeed bin Thani al-Maktoum. Newspapers several times published photographs in which the young man was captured with a stranger, whose face was hidden from prying eyes.