Catfish - a complete review of sea fish from A to Z. Catfish benefits and harm

Catfish, also called "sea wolf", belongs to the order Perciformes. This fish is quite popular in Russia; it can be found in almost any supermarket, and at a very reasonable price.

However, many housewives do not like catfish, preferring other, often less tasty and healthy fish. This is due to the fact that the preparation " sea ​​dog"is associated with certain subtleties, due to ignorance of which the dish turns out not at all as it was intended.

History and geography

Catfish is a northern fish, it lives exclusively in cold waters northern hemisphere. Its distribution area includes Arctic and Atlantic waters, and Pacific Ocean, as well as the seas of the Far Eastern zone. Today, the main fishing grounds for catfish are the Norwegian Sea ( especially its northern part) and the Barents Sea. Moreover, catfish fishing has begun to be regulated in many countries, as natural populations are steadily declining due to overfishing.

Catfish has been used as food since ancient times. Its main consumers were the peoples of Alaska, Scandinavia and other northern regions.

And because of the strong developed jaws this fish was considered very predatory; in the Middle Ages there was even a legend that catfish sensed shipwrecks and came to feast on prey. In fact, its main food is shellfish.

Types and varieties

Today, several types of catfish are known:
Striped. Its habitat is the northern part of the Atlantic, the Baltic, Barents, Norwegian and North Sea(occasionally this fish is also found in the Gulf of Finland).
Far Eastern. Found in the northwestern Pacific waters of the Far Eastern region.
Blue. Lives in Norwegian and Barents Seas, as well as in North Atlantic waters.
Spotted. Found in the same place as blue catfish, but more northern latitudes, differ from it only in the presence of spots on the skin.
Acne. Habitat: North Pacific Ocean, also found in waters from Alaska to California.

For food ( especially in habitats) all these types are used. Moreover, work is currently underway to raise catfish in artificial conditions of fish farms in order to meet the growing demand for it and preserve natural populations. Catfish goes on sale mainly frozen, both in the form of cut fillets and in the form of whole carcasses.

Useful properties

Catfish, like almost any sea fish, has particular benefits for the body. Thus, its meat is very rich in vitamins PP, A, E and group B. In addition, it contains vital omega-3 acids, lysine, glutamic, aspartic, pantothenic and nicotinic acids. Catfish is also an excellent source of riboflavin and thiamine.

Useful properties of catfish:
Normalization of the thyroid gland;
Improved vision;
Improved skin condition;
Prevention of the occurrence and development of heart and vascular diseases;
Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol;
Preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Due to its high nutritional value and calorie content, catfish is recommended to be consumed to restore the body’s strength after illness or surgery. It is also often included in sports diets due to the presence of a large amount of easily digestible proteins.

The only contraindications to eating catfish include individual intolerance or allergies. In addition, you need to take into account the calorie content of this fish, since if you have weight problems, it can ( in excessive quantities) provoke the development of obesity.

Taste qualities

Catfish meat is white, very juicy and tender, despite its high fat content, but it has a rather loose structure. It has a slight sweetish taste, for which it is especially appreciated by gourmets. Moreover, the meat of this fish contains almost no bones, which significantly increases its taste and consumer qualities. Moreover, the taste and structure of meat depend on the type of fish. So, in spotted catfish it is denser, while in blue catfish it is looser and quite watery. Fresh fillet ( even frozen) should not have a grayish tint.

Use in cooking

Catfish meat is widely used in cuisines different nations, especially northern countries. However, the preparation of this fish involves certain subtleties. So, it is best to steam it, grill it or bake it. But you need to fry catfish in a special way. The fact is that due to its very delicate structure, its meat almost “does not hold its shape,” that is, when fried, it seems to “spread” and turns into jelly.

Therefore, before frying ( or stewing) pieces need to be dipped in thick batter. Preliminary boiling in highly salted water gives density to the fillet. You need to fry the catfish in a very hot frying pan so that the batter “sets” immediately, and the amount of fat should be minimal (it’s best to do without it altogether, for example, if you use a frying pan with a ceramic coating).

In addition, catfish is often smoked ( both cold and hot). When smoked, it is an excellent snack and is perfect for preparing various types of sandwiches or salads. Also, catfish meat produces very tender and juicy cutlets and especially rich broths.

Catfish ( in any form) goes well with vegetables, potato dishes, cereals, eggs, various kinds of sauces ( especially creamy and cheesy ones), as well as with some fruits. For example, very delicious salad made from boiled catfish fillet, apples and cheese.

Catfish- sea perch fish. Lives mainly in the Arctic seas, as well as northern regions Quiet and Atlantic Oceans, at a depth of 600 meters. There are four types: blue, spotted, striped, Far Eastern, and all of them are edible.

It can reach length one meter and weigh up to 30 kg. She has powerful, concave teeth, big eyes and blotchy skin. Because of her “formidable” appearance, she was popularly nicknamed “sea wolf.” This name can be found in many old cookbooks and among the rural population.

Dietary properties of catfish

Refers to dietary fish species. There are practically no carbohydrates in it. This mainly affects its value in dietary nutrition.

Nutritionists advise people who want to lose weight to include catfish in their diet, since during a diet the body is weakened and experiences a special need for nutrients and substances. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements, so necessary for the body, this type of fish contains in abundance.

Its special feature is that everything healthy vitamins and microelements are quickly absorbed by the body. Dishes made from it turn out to be light, especially if you steam them, and are quickly digested.

Therefore, it is included in therapeutic diets for the following diseases:

  • gastritis varying degrees and types, pancreatitis, mild form of gastric ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • heart disease.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Has a rich chemical composition:

  • 100 g contains 19.6 g protein, 5.3 g fat, 80 mg cholesterol;
  • phosphorus– 180 mg, sodium – 100 mg, iodine – 0.05 mg, iron – 0.5 mg, molybdenum – 0.04 mg, calcium – 30 mg, potassium – 335 mg, magnesium – 35 mg, fluorine – 0.043 mg, zinc – 0.6 mg, cobalt – 0.02 mg, chromium – 0.055 mg, chlorine – 165 mg, sulfur – 190 mg per 100 g of product;
  • vitamins A – 0.06 mg, B1 – 0.24 mg, B2 – 0.04 mg, B6 – 0.3 mg, E – 0.4 mg, D – 0.025 mg, PP- 2.5 mg, C- 1 .4 mg per 100 g of product;
  • unsaturated Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • glutamine, lysine, aspartic, pantothenic, nicotinic acids;
  • water, ash.

Calorie content

Refers to low-calorie varieties of fish. 100 g contains only 95 kcal. Of course, the calorie content is greatly influenced by the cooking method. Boiled meat contains the fewest calories - only 114 per 100 g. Baked fish contains 137, and fried fish 209 kcal.

Benefits for the body

The rich composition determines all its beneficial properties. Its use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, internal organs, as well as the nervous system and general emotional state.

  1. Primarily useful for people with problems cardiovascular system . Due to the presence of large amounts of potassium, magnesium, omega-3 and 6, harmful cholesterol is removed from the body, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and clogging of veins.
    Potassium in the composition reduces swelling and stabilizes blood pressure. Thanks to it, excess salt is removed from the body. And since it is excess salt that provokes some diseases of the joints, kidneys and blood vessels, this also has a beneficial effect on them.
    People with ischemia and arterial hypertension, doctors prescribe its mandatory use. It is also useful for blood clotting problems.
  2. During recovery After serious illnesses and fractures, doctors strongly recommend including catfish in the diet. A large amount of nutrients and vitamins allows you to reduce rehabilitation time and return to a full life earlier.
  3. Iodine included helps with thyroid problems.
  4. This type of fish often recommended for people who are depressed. Eating it for breakfast can significantly improve your mood for the whole day.
  5. Protein found in fish, much more useful than that, which is found in meat and even poultry, it is absorbed faster, has a more positive effect on cells and muscle mass. Athletes and patients during recovery include it in their diet precisely because of its positive effects on the body.
  6. Eating everything A serving of catfish twice a month can provide the body with vitamins A, B, E, D, PP.
  7. Abundance of vitamins and microelements not only allows you to cope with many diseases, but also improves immunity.
  8. Regular consumption of fish stimulates brain activity, strengthens muscles, increases the elasticity of skin and tissues.

Harm to catfish

For a long period of time, catfish were not suspected of harm. The chemical composition and low calorie content of the meat indicated that the meat was healthy. And only after some time, scientists began to study it in more detail, identifying some of its harmful properties and even contraindications.

Therefore, before eating it, you should consult a doctor or at least pay close attention to its selection, preparation and consumption itself.

  • The greatest harm of use brings it to people who are contraindicated to eat it, but more on that below.
  • Rotten, old, not the first the freshness of fish, which is often sold in markets and on passages, can cause poisoning. The degree of poisoning directly depends on the condition of the fish and the type of preparation.

    Fresh fish always has clean, not cloudy eyes. The meat should have a rich color, be pressed when pressed and immediately return to normal.

    It is better not to buy frozen fish, unless it is from a trusted manufacturer. If the fish lies on ice, this means that it has already been frozen several times. Therefore, it is best to buy fresh catfish, cut it into portions at home and hide it in the freezer.

Important to remember golden rule – only uncontrolled consumption of the product can cause harm. Not large number it, if there are no contraindications, will only be beneficial.


In some cases, catfish should not be eaten at all, even in small doses.

  • Like any other sea fish, it is a strong allergen. Freezing and heat treatment have no effect on this. If a person is already allergic to some type of fish or seafood, it is worth conducting tests before consumption or eating a very small piece (although this can also be dangerous).
  • Pregnant, nursing mothers and small children under 6 years of age. Part of the reason is the same possibility of allergies. After a series of clinical trials, American scientists have proven that eating catfish has a negative impact on the child’s nervous system.
  • For pancreatic problems glands fish can provoke worsening of the disease.

Cooking recipes

You can cook more than just meat, but also catfish caviar. Most often it is used in preparing delicacies, but it is also great for everyday dishes. Cut up meat can be boiled, stewed, baked and fried, salted and even smoked.

Fresh fish is never infected with helminths, unlike river fish. This significantly expands the possibilities of preparing her dietary meat.

In many cultures, catfish is eaten raw, although this is a rather exotic method of preparation, but it is often practiced.

Of course, in order to avoid harmful microorganisms and diseases that may be contained in it from entering the body, the fish is prematurely pickled or salted to make it spicy. The principle of use is the same as in sushi, where wasabi acts as a “killer” of everything harmful that may be contained in fish.

Catfish in batter


  • Catfish fillet;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • Flour or breadcrumbs;
  • Salt and spices.


  1. The catfish is cut into medium-thick slices.
  2. The eggs are beaten separately, they need to be salted, peppered and seasoned to taste with your favorite seasonings.
  3. Separately prepare a plate with flour or breadcrumbs.
  4. Frying pan with sunflower or olive oil warms up.
  5. Then take a piece of meat, dip it in an egg, then in flour and place it in a frying pan. The fish cooks very quickly, so it is important to ensure that it does not burn.
  6. To remove all excess fat, place the finished fish on a plate lined with kitchen paper towels.
  7. Rice, pearl barley, and vegetables are best served as a side dish.

Catfish baked with vegetables



  1. Steaks are rubbed with salt, spices, pour over lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes to marinate.
  2. Made from foil small ramekins (baskets with sides) the size of the steaks.
  3. Onions and potatoes are chopped rings, carrots and cheese are grated on a coarse grater.
  4. Added to sour cream finely chopped greens and mix.
  5. In a foil pan a layer of salted potatoes, carrots, onions, more potatoes is laid and all this is watered sour cream sauce done earlier.
  6. Steak is laid out on the sauce catfish and surrounded with onion rings. Everything is topped with cheese.
  7. With the rest of the molds the same thing is done.
  8. The forms are placed on a lined line the baking sheet with foil and cover it completely with foil so that there are no holes.
  9. The baking sheet is placed in the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  10. Then the dish comes out, remove the foil and put the pan back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Catfish with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker


  • Catfish – 1 steak;
  • Broccoli – 30 g;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Spices and salt.


  1. Water is poured into the multicooker bowl and a sieve is placed on top for steaming.
  2. The fish is defrosted (if it was frozen) or a fresh steak is taken, rubbed with spices and salt and placed on a sieve.
  3. The carrots are cut into medium circles and also placed on a sieve, next to the catfish along with the broccoli; they need to be slightly salted.
  4. Then the multicooker needs to be closed and set to “steam” mode for 30 minutes.

Catfish is a very healthy fish. A large amount of nutrients and vitamins makes it indispensable for diet, as well as in the diet of athletes and during recovery from serious illnesses and bone fractures.

If you choose it correctly and prepare it, it will only bring benefits to the body, especially since its market price is quite low, but we must not forget about contraindications. Even in small doses it can cause harm to people intolerant to this product.

Catfish is a fish that lives in northern waters. In Europe they gave it a second name - “sea wolf”. It belongs to the representatives of perciformes, but in appearance it does not at all resemble a perch. What kind of fish is this and what benefits and harm does it bring to the human body?

Description and varieties of catfish

Her appearance is terrifying. Large, ugly and protruding teeth. The body is spotted, about 1 meter in size, and weighing up to 30 kg. It is found in the North, Barents, Baltic, and White seas at a depth of 600 m. The food of the “sea wolf” is crayfish, mollusks, and jellyfish.

There are several varieties of catfish in nature.

In warm weather, the fish is located near the coast and lives at a depth of 150 m; in cold weather it sinks lower. Changes are also observed in appearance: the color becomes light, spots and stripes are invisible.

Depending on the habitat, the reproduction process occurs in different times. In the south, in warm waters- in winter, in the north - in summer.

Chemical composition

Fish pulp is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It does not contain carbohydrates at all, which is why it is actively used for dieting.

Benefits for the body

"Sea Wolf" - white fish, which is valued for its delicious meat and delicate caviar. Catfish pulp is nutritious and has a pleasant taste. Experienced craftsmen make unusual souvenir products from beautiful leather. What are the benefits of a seafood product?

Dietary properties, calorie content

Catfish is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of which contain 95 kcal. Depending on heat treatment energy value may vary:

  • boiled - 110 kcal;
  • baked in the oven - 130 kcal;
  • fried - 210 kcal.

For this reason, nutritionists allow it to be included in the diet to reduce excess weight. Muscle fibers are not destroyed and their volume does not decrease. As a result of diet overweight goes away smoothly due to the elimination of the fat layer.

Unlike other types of diets, there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins. You cannot replace the usual ingredients with sea fish. You can simply increase the frequency of intake by reducing your daily calorie intake. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to include catfish in your diet no more than 2-3 times every 7 days.

Fish is allowed to be used for a fasting day. It is consumed steamed or boiled along with vegetables. This method of removing waste and toxins from the body is recommended to be used twice a week.

Interesting fact! Unlike river species, catfish is not infected with helminths, which is no less important for the human body.

To buy delicious healthy fish It is important to adhere to the basic rules.

  1. Initially, pay attention to the eyes of the catfish. They should be light and clean. The presence of turbidity and rust indicates that the product is not fresh.
  2. The fish flesh should be light and firm. If you press on the meat with your thumb, the resulting hole smoothly returns to its original state. If the place of pressure remains unchanged, you should refuse to buy catfish.
  3. It is recommended to purchase the product chilled. The freezing process affects the preservation of vitamins and other useful substances.
  4. The refrigerated shelf life is 24 hours; after this time, the seafood becomes useless.

It is best to freeze catfish yourself at home. There will be 100% confidence in the freshness of the product. You can store this method for no more than 60 days.

Cooking methods and recipes

Fish meat is very tender, so simply rolling it in flour, frying or baking will not work, as the product will lose its integrity and turn into porridge. As a side dish for the catfish pulp, it is better to serve rice and vegetables. Pairs perfectly with creamy sauces and fresh herbs. Let's look at how to cook delicious, aromatic “sea wolf”.

Fish soup


  • carrots - 80 g;
  • millet - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • catfish - 400 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • potatoes - 4 medium-sized tubers.

Peel all vegetables from inedible parts and rinse. Cut the tubers into medium-sized cubes, onions and carrots into strips.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil and add salt. Remove the scales from the catfish, rinse and cut into pieces. Place in boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool, and remove the seeds.

Strain the broth and pour into a saucepan. Lay out the processed fish, add vegetables and washed cereals. Cook until the food is completely softened. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and bay leaf.

Leave under the closed lid to infuse. Pour into serving bowls, adding finely chopped greens to each.

"Sea Wolf" in foil


  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • catfish steak - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.;
  • spices to taste;
  • fresh parsley - 20 g.

Rinse the purchased fish under running water. Place on a napkin and dry. Rub with spices and salt as desired. Peel the onion head and chop into thin rings. Cut the foil into equal sizes, grease it with a little oil, place the onion and the fish on top of it.

Rinse the fresh parsley, dry it, chop it finely and sprinkle on the dish. Cut the citrus fruit into slices and place. Wrap the foil tightly in the form of a pocket. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour, preheating it to a temperature of 200 degrees.

Advice! Lemon left on fish can give the product a slight bitterness. In order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, you can simply squeeze out the juice and pour ready dish before serving.

Harm and contraindications

Nutritionists and scientists argue among themselves about the positive and negative properties of fish. Having a rich mineral composition and low calorie content, nutritional value catfish is undeniable, but harm is not excluded. Main contraindications for use.

  1. The pulp of the “sea wolf” contains many substances that cause allergies in humans. Even after heat treatment, their concentration does not decrease. Therefore, people prone to allergies are strictly prohibited from eating fish. Otherwise, itching, burning, rash, and in the worst case, Quincke's edema may appear.
  2. Seafood intolerance.
  3. If you have pancreatic dysfunction, it is not recommended to include catfish in your diet.
  4. Pregnancy period and breast-feeding baby. The composition adversely affects the formation of the baby’s central nervous system.
  5. Catfish meat is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age.

Negative consequences are only possible if you overuse fish. Small portions will not harm the body.

"Sea wolf" is a healthy sea fish. Proper storage and cooking technology preserve the vitamin composition and minerals in the product. Before use, do not forget to read the contraindications.

Benefit sea ​​fish for the human body is undeniable. And the taste and variety of dishes prepared from its meat deserve special praise! One of the inhabitants of the seas that deserves our attention is the catfish. The benefits and harms of this fish should be known to everyone who is going to go to the store to buy it and cook it with catfish in leading role hearty and original dishes.

Catfish, or “sea wolf” - what kind of fish is this?

This inhabitant depths of the sea is a representative of the order Perciformes. The photo of the catfish is impressive. It is distinguished by a powerful body reaching 1-1.5 m, a weight exceeding 30 kg, thick skin and small scales. Another feature that explains the name is powerful teeth that are renewed annually.

The "sea wolf" lives at a depth of 600 m, in clean water, which guarantees the production of meat free of any harmful impurities.

Nutritional value of catfish

Fish is one of the indispensable components of many diets. The minimum fat content in combination with proteins and a whole complex of vitamins and microelements provides it with nutritional value and extreme ease of absorption. In addition, unlike river fish, sea fish are not infected with helminths.

Thanks to such features of a fish called catfish, the benefits and harms of this product are of interest to everyone every year larger number specialists in the field proper nutrition and dietetics. 100 grams of its meat contains about 120-126 kcal, 19.6 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates. Such characteristics make it possible to use catfish as a component of any carbohydrate-free diet.

On the other hand, according to nutritionists, this fish should be introduced with caution into the diet of a person trying to lose weight due to its high nutritional value. In such cases, mainly boiled or steamed catfish meat is used. But it fully justifies itself as part of the diet of athletes and other people who withstand maximum physical activity day after day. Easy-to-digest catfish meat will provide the body with the energy necessary for full functioning.

The benefits of catfish for human health

If you buy fish called catfish, the benefits and harms of this product should be known to you. Its meat contains the following substances:

  • vitamins A, B12, E and D;
  • riboflavin, lysine, thiamine, pyridoxine;
  • acids: glutamic, pantothenic, aspartic, nicotinic;
  • minerals and trace elements;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.

Sulfur ensures the activity of metabolic processes, chlorine ensures the normalization of water-salt balance. Potassium helps get rid of puffiness, changes blood pressure. In addition, when combined with magnesium, it restores full-time job cardiovascular system. Calcium and phosphorus guarantee the strengthening of bone tissue, and vitamin PP improves blood supply to internal organs. This process occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels. Vitamin D ensures optimal blood clotting and normal functioning nervous system and hearts.

Catfish meat should enrich the diet of people suffering from the following diseases:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • destabilization of metabolic processes;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart diseases and others.

Can catfish be harmful?

Like any other product, “sea wolf” is useful only when making the right choice, proper preparation and consumption in reasonable quantities. By including this fish in your menu too often, especially in unlimited quantities, you risk getting poisoned.

If you are allergic to seafood products or individual intolerance to catfish, you should completely exclude it from your diet.

Selection rules

Catfish can be sold with or without the head. In the first case, you should pay attention to the eyes of the fish. A fresh “specimen” will have an unclouded and shiny iris.

If you are offered a headless carcass or fillet, gently press on it - fresh meat is elastic, it will immediately restore its previous shape. Its shade should be light.

When purchasing frozen sea wolf, discard pieces of meat from a large number ice crystals. This sign indicates repeated defrosting and freezing of the product. Its usefulness is very doubtful.

Once you purchase fresh fish, you can store it in the refrigerator, under freezer, maximum 1-2 days. The shelf life of frozen fillets is 2 months.

Using "sea wolf" in cooking

If you have catfish at your disposal, how to prepare this product? The choice can be made to your taste. Use any heat treatment methods: frying, boiling, stewing, using a grill and a double boiler.

Catfish can be served without “companions” or included in combined dishes - fish soup from several types of fish, salads and other dishes. The delicate, sweetish taste of “sea wolf” guarantees its optimal combination with vegetables, cereals, and dough.

Catfish recipes

Fried catfish

This is one of the most simple options using catfish. Simply cut the fillet into large pieces and lightly boil it in salted water. Then roll the fish in flour and fry in heated sunflower oil until golden brown. With this preparation, the pieces will retain their elasticity and juiciness.

Catfish with cabbage, celery and miso sauce


  • 200 g catfish fillet;
  • 150 grams of white cabbage;
  • 115 g soy sauce;
  • 10 grams each of olive and green oil;
  • 100 grams of pineapple juice, honey, sugar;
  • 50 grams each of celery and miso paste.


  1. If you choose this dish, you will be provided with tasty and juicy catfish, the calorie content of which will remain low and the nutritional value will be maximum.
  2. To make miso sauce, combine honey, juice, soy sauce, sugar and miso paste. Melt these products in a saucepan, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes the sauce is ready. Use it to marinate fish fillets.
  3. After an hour, place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes.
  4. Add soy sauce to the fried cabbage. Simmer this vegetable over low heat, covered with a lid, until it is ready. Then fry it until deliciously golden brown.
  5. Green oil is obtained by beating olive oil with the addition of salt and chopped parsley. Use a blender for this purpose.

Well, celery puree is prepared as follows:

  • the prepared root is cut into pieces;
  • fried in olive oil;
  • stewed with 300 grams of water and a pinch of salt;
  • beat in a blender bowl.

When serving, celery puree, a little green butter and baked fish fillet with fried cabbage are laid out on a portioned dish.

Catfish is not as common a fish in the diet of our compatriots as some of its other marine “relatives”. But this does not mean that “sea wolf” is worse - you just need to know how to choose and prepare it. Competence in these matters will ensure that catfish dishes taste wonderful. Well, nature itself made sure that they would benefit the body by giving the meat of these sea ​​creatures numerous valuable components. However, it is important to remember that excessive consumption can make catfish an enemy of our body.

Among the beneficial substances that catfish contains are antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, internal organs and mood. Catfish contains a lot of protein, which is why athletes eat the fish.

The beneficial amino acids in catfish are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium are beneficial for human bones.

Fatty catfish contains unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Magnesium is involved in protein, fat and energy metabolism. By eating catfish at least twice a month, you will receive a set of vitamins: A, B, E, D, PP.

Energy value

Catfish is a low-calorie fish. The calorie content of a 100 gram serving of catfish is about 126 kcal. Fish contains almost no carbohydrates, and the amount of fat is approximately 5 grams.

Boiled catfish is considered the least low-calorie - 114 kcal per 100 grams. Baked fish contains 137 kcal, and fried fish contains 209 kcal.

Medicinal properties

Fish is useful for those who have high risk development of cardiovascular diseases. Catfish eliminates dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscles. Unsaturated fatty acids prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stimulate brain activity.

Fish contains a large amount of potassium, so it should be consumed by people prone to swelling and high blood pressure. It removes salts from the body.

During the diet, it is necessary to include catfish in the diet, because the body lacks nutrients.

In case of coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension, the consumption of catfish is mandatory.

Sea fish is a strong allergen, so even after heat treatment the level of antigens does not decrease. Eating fish is not recommended for people prone to allergies.

Small children and people with pancreatic dysfunction should not eat fish.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, avoid eating fish. Clinical trials conducted by American specialists have proven that fish negatively affects the child’s nervous system.

With small consumption, the harm to catfish will be minimal, but it’s not worth the risk.

How to choose?

Seafood is piling up toxic substances. Choose your catfish correctly to avoid serious poisoning:

  1. Fresh fish has a clean look. If the fish has cloudy eyes, it is not the freshest.
  2. Fresh fish meat is pressure sensitive and quickly returns to shape when pressed. The color of the pulp should be bright.
  3. Do not buy a carcass that is on ice. Such fish is re-frozen and is hazardous to health. It's better to buy fresh catfish, cut it into portions and freeze - this will increase the shelf life by two months.

Catfish dishes, recipes:: Catfish fish - beneficial properties

What is catfish valued for? The benefits of fish

The beneficial qualities of catfish are determined by its unique chemical composition. It is a source of valuable fish oil, which contains a lot of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, this type of fish contains a number of amino acids, including glutamine, aspartic and lysine; it also contains several acids that are beneficial for our body - nicotinic and pantothenic.

Catfish meat contains a lot of essential minerals for our body. So one hundred grams of such a product saturates our body with about three hundred milligrams of potassium, almost two hundred milligrams of phosphorus, as well as a significant amount of sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

This wonderful fish supplies our body with a number of microelements, among which the leading place is occupied by iodine, fluorine and iron. In addition, it contains quite a lot of copper and manganese, zinc and chromium and other similar substances necessary for our body.

Among other things, catfish is also distinguished by its amazing vitamin composition, because it saturates the human body with tocopherol, provitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin D.

The most basic components that determine value of this product, it is common to consider protein and fatty acids. The consumption of catfish meat will be especially beneficial for babies and women expecting the birth of a child.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, have a positive effect on brain activity, and prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Accordingly, dishes based on such fish should be included in your diet if you have suffered a heart attack or stroke, or suffer from heart disease.

Fatty catfish meat saturates the body with a huge amount of potassium, which effectively cleanses our body of salts. Accordingly, systematic consumption of catfish helps eliminate swelling and optimize blood pressure.

The vitamins contained in this fish perfectly improve the functioning of the immune system and have a positive effect on general condition and on the activities of organs and systems. In addition, B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, and vitamin D is needed to maintain healthy teeth and bones.

Catfish will be beneficial if you suffer from metabolic disorders, as well as disruptions in activity digestive system, high blood pressure, ischemia and other ailments.

To whom is catfish dangerous? Harm to fish

Let's make some catfish dishes! Recipes for housewives

How to simply fry catfish?


Catfish: benefits and harm, calorie content. How to cook delicious catfish?

The benefits of sea fish for the human body are undeniable. And the taste and variety of dishes prepared from its meat deserve special praise! One of the inhabitants of the seas that deserves our attention is the catfish. The benefits and harms of this fish should be known to everyone who is going to go to the store for it and prepare hearty and original dishes starring catfish.

Catfish, or “sea wolf” - what kind of fish is this?


Nutritional value of catfish

The benefits of catfish for human health

Can catfish be harmful?

Selection rules

Using "sea wolf" in cooking

Catfish recipes

Fried catfish

Catfish with cabbage, celery and miso sauce

Catfish: benefits and harms

When you first look at a catfish, you can be seriously scared. The fact is that it very much resembles a moray eel. This fish has protruding teeth and is not at all edible. But you still shouldn’t be afraid of her. In fact, catfish is one of the most delicious and healthy representatives of perciformes.

What is beneficial in catfish?

Catfish contains many important substances that can benefit humans. It is rightfully considered a delicacy, which is why it is not cheap. But catfish can be used not only for preparing dishes with excellent taste qualities. It also brings benefits due to its rich composition. The most important elements contained in catfish are:

  1. Fish oil. It is well known how beneficial this substance is to health. Catfish is a fairly fatty fish, so fish oil can be obtained in large quantities when consumed.
  2. Amino acids. These elements are necessary for the body to maintain normal performance. Catfish contains glutamine, lysine and other amino acids, which must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.
  3. Pantothenic and niacin acids also provide invaluable health support. There are a lot of them in catfish, which is good news.
  4. The mineral set of fish is incredibly extensive. It contains magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium. But phosphorus is especially useful, and catfish also have a lot of it.
  5. Vitamins A, B, C. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. All these substances can be obtained by regularly adding dishes from such fish to the menu.

For all its positive features, catfish still sometimes turns out to be harmful. Therefore, before consuming such a delicacy as catfish, its benefits and harms should be considered from all sides. Then you will be able to achieve better results from the most ordinary food.

Catfish - benefits

How the properties of fish affect the human body is influenced by its type. There are several species of catfish, of which five are most often eaten. Be that as it may, certain useful qualities observed in any variety of this fish. In general, the benefits that can be obtained from it are as follows.

  1. Has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Doctors recommend eating catfish for people suffering from vascular pathologies. For example, this fish can lower cholesterol levels, although it contains a lot of fat.
  2. Strengthens bone tissue. Actually, almost any fish can make your bones stronger. But catfish performs especially well in this regard.
  3. Strengthens immune capabilities. Here, first of all, vitamins bring benefits, which make the body’s defense system stronger.
  4. Increases stress resistance. This effect is achieved thanks to the vitamin D contained in sea wolf. By the way, such a substance generally has a positive effect on the body.
  5. Maintains water-salt balance. Since catfish contains potassium, the fish is able to regulate metabolic processes due to the concentration of salts in the cells of the body. One of side effects This is also the removal of puffiness.
  6. Normalizes digestion processes. This quality can even be used to combat overweight. Catfish, cooked correctly, removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, which helps in weight loss.

This list useful properties, observed in the sea wolf, is far from complete. But when considering the benefits of fish, we must not forget about certain dangerous qualities that it has. After all, sometimes it makes more sense to use other types of fish. Many ways have been invented to cook mackerel deliciously. And they are worth trying in practice.