The most modern American tank. The best tank in the world

IN game World of Tanks the most important thing is tanks. Here are real-life combat vehicles presented, each of which has its own unique story. This is partly why this game is so popular in the world. Each player finds something for himself good tank in World of Tanks and calls it ideal. But in this review we will look at the most attractive cars that are fun to play and fight for the victory of your team.

It is quite difficult to select the 10 best World of Tanks tanks. After all, each car is good in its own way. Some tanks will be very fast, some will be powerful, and some will combine both high speed and power. And what criteria are used to determine the efficiency of the unit? However, each level has its own most successful combat vehicles, which we will try to highlight.

Let us immediately note that we will begin our review of good tanks in World of Tanks right from the fifth level, since below this level frivolous combat vehicles are used. They can hardly be called effective and interesting. IN WOT game Serious battles begin at level five and above.

Level 5

To summarize, there are only 3 best tanks in World of Tanks at level 5. The first of them is the Soviet KV-1 unit. This is a fairly well-known Soviet car that had great success on the battlefields against fascist Germany. This tank has a solid historical component, powerful all-round armor and versatile weapons. All this gave the tank a serious reputation in the game. Almost every older generation gamer considers it their duty to buy this tank and upgrade it to the maximum.

The second best tank in World of Tanks 2017 is also the Soviet T-34. She also has rich history. It is believed that the T-34 combat vehicles changed the course of the war. In the game, this tank is valued for its high maneuverability, as well as for its 57 mm ZiS-4 gun, which easily penetrates armor but causes little damage. In the WOT game there are two popular development branches for medium and heavy tanks. At the fifth level, gamers have the opportunity to purchase similar combat vehicles.

There is also a cool one, but it’s quite difficult to get. In the game, users call it an “imba,” that is, a machine that is out of balance. Has all-round armor. It can barely be penetrated by a level 5 cannon. Even “sixes” often cannot damage the armor of the KV-220 tank.

Level 5 Bonus

The bonus at level five is fighting machine T67 is American anti-tank self-propelled gun with high speed of movement, stealth, low silhouette, and most importantly - high armor penetration. The unit easily destroys tanks of its level with one shot.

Level 6

At the sixth level, the best tanks in World of Tanks are represented by one Soviet and two British combat vehicles. It’s worth starting with the legendary T-34-85, monuments to which are in many Russian cities.

T-34-85 is medium tank The USSR, which has maneuverability and a good weapon capable of penetrating strong armor. High accuracy, rate of fire, and maneuverability make the unit popular. His demand is also explained by his rich combat history, but this does not play a role in his fighting qualities, which are at their best. With the right tactics, positioning, and ammo, many experienced players have won victories in this Tier 6 tank against more powerful Tier 8 tanks.

The second good tank in World of Tanks at level 6 is the English Cromwell. The car is good for extras. Unlike the Soviet T-34-85, the British Cromwell has no armor at all, which is why the vehicle has enormous speed and a high-speed gun. All this gives a significant advantage to the player who, without any problems, “shines” enemy tanks for his team.

The third tank of the level is the Sherman Firefly. This combat vehicle has a cool OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII, which allows you to effectively fight even against older tanks of the 8th level.

Level 6 Bonus

The bonus at this level is the Soviet KV-2 tank with very powerful armor and an M-10 152 mm cannon. This vehicle is capable of fighting even with level 10 units, not to mention combat vehicles of its own level. However, getting this tank is quite difficult. Therefore, it is extremely rare in the game, which cannot be said about the T-34-85. This is one of the most popular models, which is in the arsenal of almost every player.

Level 7

According to many gamers, the seventh level of the game is the most balanced. Consequently, it is difficult to single out equipment that would have significant advantages over other combat vehicles.

The first good tank in World of Tanks at level seven is the IS or IS-2. Both cars are almost identical to each other. Therefore, we will add them to this list. IS is one of the most popular tanks in the game, is quite famous due to its powerful gun, mobility and armored turret. If such a tank of the seventh level finds itself in a battle with equal vehicles and tanks of a lower level, then the allied team has an easy time - the IS always goes straight into battle. And often this ends well. If the IS gets into battle with tanks for more than high level, then shooting from cover is a good tactic that also brings results.

The second unit is the Tiger I. This German heavy tank took part in World War II. It also has a rich history, and in-game its execution is simply stunning. The vehicle has 1500 hit points and is equipped with a Kw.K gun. 43 L/71. Playing on such a tank is pleasant and fun. But if a vehicle gets into battle with tanks of a higher level, then tactics need to be developed as for anti-tank artillery.

The third best vehicle is the T29 heavy tank with powerful armor, which sometimes even level 9 vehicles cannot penetrate. Of course it has its advantages, but weaknesses are also present. A good balance between armor, mobility and damage makes this vehicle almost universal and convenient for use on the battlefield, which explains the popularity of the tank.

Premium tank level 7

At level 7, the best premium tank in World of Tanks is the so-called “Gatling gun”, or “flea” - this is the German E-25 anti-tank self-propelled gun. It's a very small car and hard to get into. It causes a lot of problems for clumsy and “blind” vehicles such as Soviet TT tanks. The E-25 does little damage. However, the rate of fire and accuracy infuriate opponents who fall under the gun of this “flea.” Unfortunately, this car has become so popular that it is no longer even on sale. However, there are no fewer of them on the battlefield, because those players who managed to buy it or win it for completing tasks actively use it to “farm” money.

The seventh level is so rich in cool tanks that the following vehicles are worth highlighting separately:

  1. T-34-1.
  2. Spähpanzer SP I C.
  3. LTTB.
  4. M41 Walker Bulldog.

All these models should also be on this list.

Level 8

At this level, there are already quite serious tanks that take part in company battles, global maps, and fortified areas.

In World of Tanks is the best Tier 8 tank is IS-3. This vehicle is ideal for all of the above battle modes due to its frontal armor on the turret and hull, high-quality gun, low silhouette and mobility. All this makes such a tank successful on the battlefield.

In second place is the FCM 50t - a very difficult machine to play on which beginners will constantly lose. It's slow and big tank without armor, which is easy to destroy. However, experienced players set records with this tank again and again. As an analogue we can offer AMX Chasseur de chars. This car has even weaker armor. However, the camouflage factor of this tank is high, making it difficult to detect. The model also has a very high speed, which is guaranteed by the Maybach HL 295 F engine with 1200 horsepower. Among the best medium tanks in World of Tanks, the AMX Chasseur de chars deserves attention first of all. You just need to know how to play it, and such a machine cannot be recommended for combat to a beginner.

AMX 50100 is next best tank Level 8, which is often found in company battles and in fortified areas. Such a combat vehicle is capable of destroying any tank of its class in 1-2 shots and quickly “escaping” from the scene of the crime. This is exactly how most players try to use the machine. The biggest drawback of the tank is its long reload time, lasting 50 seconds. During this time, the tank is “meat” for the enemy. Second weak point- lack of armor. However, this is typical for many French cars.

Level 8 Bonus

Bonus tanks of the eighth level are the British-made Charioteer tank destroyer and the Japanese medium tank STA 1. These are hidden combat vehicles that are perfectly camouflaged. Therefore, it is appropriate to use them as support for allied tanks that are fighting on the main battlefield.

Level 9

The improved tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf is an imba (that is, an unbalanced vehicle), which, with its new durable armor, represents one of the best tanks at later levels. The technique perfectly holds back the enemy’s onslaught and can be at the forefront of the attack. However, it is important for her not to “shine.” After all, the sides of the tank are very weak, and a shell hit from the side will be fraught with bad consequences. But mobility partly solves this problem.

The second model is the middle one german tank E 50. This universal machine, which can suddenly open up in an unexpected area of ​​the map, coming from behind the enemy’s rear. It can also be used as a heavy tank for frontal attack. Thanks to high mobility and a powerful, accurate gun, playing the “epis” (as this model is called by players) is a lot of fun. This machine gives the player many options for combat, and he himself decides which tactics to choose. This opens up great opportunities for an experienced gamer, but even a beginner will find it quite pleasant to drive this tank. However, if a player has reached level 9, then he can hardly be called a beginner.

M103 is the third best heavy tank of tier 9. This American example has high armor at the front, which can withstand hits from large calibers. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it in battle as the main penetrating force. And if the map allows, then due to its good mobility the tank allows you to play “cat and mouse” with enemies.

Level 9 Bonus

The bonus vehicle at level 9 is the Soviet medium tank T-54. The developers deteriorated this vehicle several times, reducing the thickness of the hull armor. However, this tank is still very popular and a worthy contender for the title of best. High speed, low silhouette and mobility - these are the advantages of the machine.

Level 10

At the last, 10th, level there are the best tanks, which are to some extent the result of the technical development of each nation. All cars of this level have their own "chips" and have good characteristics. Naturally, there are even imbats such as ART-SAU, PT 10 and Waffenträger auf which must be replaced.

Overall, the best tank World of Tanks level 10 is almost impossible to select. After all, we are always talking about extremes. There are huge “cast iron walls” that are difficult to break through, there are powerful drum heavy vehicles, as well as diverse medium tanks. Consequently, the player will have to make a choice and determine for himself which tank is better in World of Tanks. After all, the excellent balancing of the game does not allow us to highlight best car, which would be superior to others in all (or at least half) of the parameters. Therefore, among the “dozens” it is impossible to single out just one tank.


Each player determines the best combat vehicle for himself to the best of his abilities and playing style. Some people like to butt heads with heavy tanks, while others prefer fast travel around the map to find targets for your team. The developers very carefully worked out the characteristics of all combat vehicles in the game and eliminated situations where most players choose the same unit, forgetting about the others.

Russia is betting on creating completely new armored vehicles, while its opponents are upgrading to the last minute models from thirty years ago

Submitted by general public At the Victory Parade in Moscow, the new Russian T-14 tank on the Armata tracked platform created a sensation among tankers around the world. The Russian novelty forced everyone to compare again and again combat capabilities armored vehicles that are in service around the world today. Although, in fact, there are not so many tanks to compare. Only four countries were and remain trendsetters in tank building and the main exporters: Russia, Great Britain, Germany and the USA. In addition to them, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, China, both Koreas, Pakistan, Poland, France and Japan produce their own tanks or put them on production lines. The vast majority of countries are content with acquiring more or less new developments from major tank-building powers or ordering the modernization of existing armored vehicles.

It is impossible and pointless to seriously compare tanks that have never met each other in real combat. And if in reality, say, the Israeli Merkava Mk.4 met in single combat with, for example, the Chinese Type 99, then to a large extent the outcome of the battle would depend on the characteristics of the theater of operations, and on the training and experience of the crew, and from many other factors, which even veteran tankers cannot always take into account in advance. A simple comparison of tactical and technical characteristics does not make it possible to seriously talk about the advantages of one tank over others and vice versa.

Our current rating takes into account the only objective indicator: the year a particular tank was put into service. And, of course, a simple requirement was taken into account: the tanks included in this top 10 must be original designs. Taking into account all these indicators, we have selected ten of the most modern and powerful tanks in the world.

It is not surprising that the domestic T-14 Armata took first place on this list. On the one hand, there is simply no more modern tank in the world today that has already been presented to the public and entered military testing. On the other hand, in many formal indicators, the Armata is ahead or at least rises to the same level as most other modern tanks, and in combination with with good reason claims to be the most modern and powerful armored vehicle.

T-14 "Armata" (Russia)

Year of adoption: 2016 (plans)

Combat weight, t: up to 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125 (installation of a 152 mm gun is possible)

Gun type: smoothbore + launcher ATGM

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 10–12

Machine gun caliber, mm: 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: up to 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: up to 75

Cruising range on the highway, km: up to 600

Tank T-14 "Armata". Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

The most fundamental difference between the Armata and all other modern tanks is the so-called capsule design: all three members of the T-14 crew are located in a special armored capsule inside the hull, that is, actually behind two spaced layers of armor. At the same time, the turret, which is also unique for modern tanks, remains uninhabited - all fire control is carried out using the combat information and control system. In addition, serial T-14s will be able to be equipped with a 152-mm smoothbore cannon - a missile launcher, which will make the Armata's fire advantage undeniable: no modern tank has a weapon of such caliber, power and range.

K2 "Black Panther" (South Korea)

Year of adoption: 2015 (plans)

Combat weight, t: 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: up to 10

Dynamic protection: yes

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank K2 "Black Panther". Photo:

Experts call the K2 “Black Panther” tank the first independently developed South Korean tank. Its predecessor - K1 - was actually adapted to the conditions of the Korean Peninsula American tank Abrams. Korean novelty, judging by the formal tactical and technical characteristics and demonstration shooting, claims to be one of the most modern tanks. The Black Panther, like most current tanks of NATO member countries and their allies, is armed with a well-proven, but already outdated 120-mm smoothbore gun of the Rheinmetall Rh-120 type. True, it is complemented by a modern and fast automatic loader, providing high tempo shooting. However, this same tank also holds a very dubious record for the highest cost of a combat vehicle: $8.5 million apiece. It is not surprising that at such a price the army South Korea refused to completely replace the K1 fleet with K2 and ordered only 297 new vehicles.

Type 10 (Japan)

Year of adoption: 2012

Combat weight, t: 44

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 28

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 10. Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi / AP

Closing the top three of our review is the new Japanese tank Type 10 is the third and last of the modern tanks with the highest specific engine power. Like the Armata and the Black Panther, it reaches 27.3 horsepower per ton of armored vehicle weight. True, the Japanese tank received such a thrust-to-weight ratio not due to engine power, but due to its lower mass: 44 tons versus 55 for its Russian and South Korean rivals. The Armata Type 10 is also inferior due to its main one - the same 120-mm German gun, mass production of which began in 1979.

"Arjun" Mk.I (India)

Combat weight, t: 58.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 39

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Engine power, hp: 1400

Specific power, hp/t: 23.9

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank "Arjun" Mk.I. Photo: M. Lakshman / AP

Like the South Korean K2, the Indian Arjun can be considered India's first independently developed tank. True, it took Indian engineers and technologists no less than 37 years to create a new product! During this time, many of the solutions incorporated in the Indian tank became outdated or were close to the point of obsolescence, and the need to constantly change the architecture and range of on-board equipment led to problems with unification. As a result, India adopted only 124 tanks of this modification.

Type 99A2 (China)

Year of adoption: 2011

Combat weight, t: 58

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 41

Rate of fire, rds/min: 7

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 99A2. Photo: website

The Chinese Type 99A2 (the most modern modification of the Type 99 tank, which entered service in 2001) is one of two tanks in this review, which can be called a completely independent national development with some stretch. This vehicle is based on the Soviet medium tank T-72, which has proven itself well throughout the world, although it received a completely new welded turret, enhanced protection - both armored and active, as well as much more modern filling. In particular, the Type 99A2 is equipped with an automatic loader, thanks to which the crew has been reduced to three people, and the rate of fire has increased to seven rounds per minute. In addition, unique equipment for tanks participating in this rating is the laser active countermeasures system installed on the Chinese vehicle, which is capable of literally blinding enemy equipment and soldiers.

BM "Oplot" (Ukraine)

Combat weight, t: 51

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank BM "Oplot". Photo: website

Ukrainian combat vehicle (this is how the abbreviation “BM” stands for) “Oplot” is the second “conditionally independent” participant in the current rating. The conditionality of its independence is given by the fact that, in essence, the Oplot BM is the fourth derivative of the modification Soviet tank T-80U, more precisely, its diesel version, produced at the Kharkov Malyshev plant. It is not surprising that this option was designed and embodied in metal in just three months and within six months it was adopted by the Ukrainian army. True, to date, the Ukrainian army has not received all 50 Oplot BMs ordered. But the contract with Thailand is being fulfilled much more successfully, which should receive 49 “Oplots”, 10 of which have already been delivered to this country. Thus, today the armed forces of the Kingdom of Thailand are the only army in the world where the Oplot combat vehicle is actually in service.

"Merkava" Mk.4M (Israel)

Year adopted: 2009

Combat weight, t: 65

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 48

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8–10

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7, installation of a 60-mm mortar is possible

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.5

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank "Merkava" Mk.4M Photo: Tsafrir Abayov / AR

Based on the totality of combat capabilities and experience combat use, which only three out of ten participants in the current ranking can boast of, Israeli tank The Merkava has been repeatedly recognized as one of the best, if not the best, tank in the world over the past two to three decades. Indeed, in terms of the ratio of combat power, protection of the crew and the vehicle itself, as well as armament, the fourth generation Merkava has one of the best indicators, but only for the Israeli theater of operations. The Merkava was never exported, and, according to many military experts, not only because the Israeli Defense Forces banned the sale of these vehicles abroad, but also because a tank designed specifically for Israeli conditions would significantly lose in efficiency outside the Middle Eastern theater. In particular, it has too much mass to move freely in wooded or swampy areas, and is not at all designed to overcome water obstacles.

Challenger 2 (UK)

Year of adoption: 2008 (beginning of large-scale modernization of vehicles in service)

Combat weight, t: 62.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled

Ammunition, rounds: 52

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Specific power, hp/t: 19.2

Maximum speed, km/h: 56

Cruising range on the highway, km: 400

Tank "Challenger 2". Photo: Joerg Sarbach/AP

The British Challenger 2 tank is the second armored vehicle in this rating that has real combat experience. True, very specific: English cars participated in the so-called peacekeeping operation in Kosovo and fought on the side of the anti-Iraq coalition during the NATO invasion of Iraq in 2003. According to experts, British tanks showed themselves well in battles; however, few of these experts specify that Challenger 2 had to fight with morally and physically obsolete Iraqi T-55 tanks created in the mid-50s! It is not surprising that the British emerged victorious in this confrontation. True, the Iraqi experience still showed that the Challenger 2, which was originally put into service in 1991, needs serious modernization, which was carried out in 2008 for three quarters of the tanks in service: they received new guns, new engines and transmissions (German instead of British), and also new system fire control. But even with these innovations, British tanks are still significantly inferior to foreign competitors created in the last decade.

"Leopard" 2A6M (Germany)

Year adopted: 2004

Combat weight, t: 59.9

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 44

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 25

Maximum speed, km/h: 72

Cruising range on the highway, km: 550

Tank "Leopard" 2A6M. Photo: website

The first tanks of the Leopard model entered service with the Bundeswehr in August 1963. The Leopard 2A6M tank included in the current rating is the sixth modification of the second generation of the legendary armored vehicle. Legendary because today it is in service with almost two dozen countries, and many of its components, primarily the 120-mm smoothbore gun, can be found in more or less modified versions on many foreign modern tanks. With all that, since the tank platform has not changed for several decades, each subsequent modification comes closer to the limit of the vehicle’s modernization capabilities. And some unchangeable features of the Leopard, such as the lack of an automatic loader, significantly reduce its combat capabilities.

Abrams M1A2 SEP (USA)

Year adopted: 2000

Combat weight, t: 63

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 42

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.8

Maximum speed, km/h: 67

Cruising range on the highway, km: 425

Along with the German Leopard, the British Challenger and the Israeli Merkava, the American Abrams can easily be called one of the most famous tanks in the world. Which is not surprising: the first modification of this model was regularly upgraded, receiving more and more on-board systems, weapons and fire control systems, as well as active and passive protection. A reason for everyone new modernization These tanks became involved in one or another military action, but always outside the United States itself. The model that was included in the current rating received, first of all, new armor in the frontal part of the turret with uranium filler, as well as new digital fire control systems and... air conditioning. Currently, work is underway in the United States on the next reincarnation of the Abrams - the M1A3, which should become lighter and faster than its predecessors. The weight of the new model will be 55 tons, the gun will be highly accurate and long-range - American tank builders are clearly in the wake of their Russian colleagues.

All of the tanks mentioned here are incredibly powerful and destructive, but none of them actually saw action against each other. This rating is based on specifications and available data. The list does not include prototypes or tanks that are currently under development. So, below are the ten best modern tanks in the world.


The AMX-56 Leclerc is a French modern tank mass-produced by GIAT Industries (now Nexter) since 1992. It was named after the World War II general Jacques Philippe Leclerc. As of 2012, it is the main battle tank (MBT) in service with the armies of France (406 units) and the United United Arab Emirates(388 cars). In 2011, the price of the Leclerc was 9.3 million euros, and before the advent of the K2 Black Panther and Type 10, it was considered the most expensive MBT in the world.

This tank is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading and a rate of fire of up to 12 rounds per minute. Its fire control system can track up to five moving targets simultaneously, and uses a laser, thermal imager and on-board computer to improve firing efficiency. The official maximum speed of the tank on the road is 72 km/h, over rough terrain - 55 km/h. Weight - 56 tons. The Leclerc is one of the lightest main battle tanks in the world.

In ninth place in the list of the best modern tanks in the world is the Merkava, or more precisely, its modification Mk.4. The Merkava is an Israeli battle tank, exclusively in service with the Israeli Army. Serially produced since 1979. It has four modifications - “Mk.1”, “Mk.2”, “Mk.3”, “Mk.4”.

Modification "Mk.4" in service israeli army since 2004, it is one of the most protected tanks in the world. This combat vehicle is equipped with a 120 mm MG253 gun. Empty tank weight - 65 tons. Estimated price - $ 3.7 million. Maximum speed on the highway is approximately 60 km/h, over rough terrain - 40 km/h.


Al-Khalid or MBT-2000 is a Chinese-Pakistani battle tank produced since 1999 by Heavy Industries Taxila in conjunction with Norinco. It entered service with the Pakistani army in 2000. It was named after one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - Khalid ibn al-Walid. The unit cost in 2011 was $4.7-$5.8 million. A total of about 750 copies were produced.

Al-Khalid is operated by a crew from three people and is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Among other things, the tank is equipped modern system fire control system similar to the Leclerc system. Maximum speed - 72 km/h. Weight - 46 tons. Capable of overcoming water obstacles up to 5 meters deep.


The K1A1 is the main battle tank of South Korea, mass-produced from 1985 to 2010. It is a variant of the American M1 Abrams tank, adapted for combat operations in mountainous and swampy areas. Korean Peninsula. It was put into service in 2001. A total of 484 examples were built.

The K1A1 is flown by a crew of four. It is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, thermal sight, laser rangefinder, modern electronics and a fire control system developed by the company Samsung Electronics. The weight of the tank is 53.2 tons. The maximum speed on the road is 65 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.

Challenger 2 is a main battle tank that has been in service with the armies of Great Britain and Oman since 1998. Was designed and built British company Vickers Defense Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments). A total of 446 units were produced. The cost of one copy is about $5.8 million.

"Challenger 2" is controlled by a crew of four and is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun maximum sighting range, which is more than 5 km. It is considered one of the most heavily armored and well-protected tanks in the world. Its turret and hull are covered in Chobham (also known as Dorchester) armor. The weight of the tank is 62.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 59 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.


PT-91 Twardy (“Solid”) is a Polish main battle tank, developed on the basis of the T-72M1 tank. The first prototypes of the PT-91 were manufactured in 1993, and in 1995 the tank entered service. In total for armed forces 232 units were produced in Poland. Several combat vehicles have been developed on its basis. He also has large number modifications.

The Tverdy is operated by a crew of three. This tank is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Combat weight - 47.3 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h.


The fourth place in the ranking of the best modern tanks is occupied by the T-90 (“Vladimir”), a Russian main battle tank created in the early 1990s as a modernization of the T-72B. On October 5, 1992 it was officially adopted for service. Between 2001 and 2010, the T-90 became the best-selling MBT on the world market. As of 2011, the cost of one T-90 unit is 118 million rubles ($4.2 million). A total of approximately 3,200 examples were produced. Currently in service with Russia (about 700), Algeria (305), Azerbaijan (20), India (620), Turkmenistan (40) and Venezuela (50-100).

The T-90 crew consists of three people (commander, driver-mechanic and gunner). The combat vehicle is equipped with a 125 mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun. The mass of the tank is 46.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h, on rough terrain - about 50 km/h.

Type 99

The Type 99, also known as the ZTZ-99 and WZ-123, is a Chinese main battle tank based on the Type 98 prototype. It was put into operation in 2001. It is in service with the Chinese army. In total, about 600 units were produced. The cost of one Type 99 is approximately $2,000,000.

The crew of the Type 99 tank consists of three people. Its main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The fire control system includes combined sights, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imager, a digital ballistic computer, a 2-plane weapon stabilizer, a set of sensors (atmospheric conditions, barrel wear, etc.), a multifunctional commander’s panel and an automatic target tracking system. The tank has a water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 1,500 hp. With. gives a maximum speed of movement on the highway - 80 km/h, over rough terrain - up to 60 km/h. The tank accelerates from zero to 32 km/h in 12 seconds. Its combat weight is 54 tons.

K2 " Black Panther" is a new generation South Korean main battle tank that replaced most of the M48 Patton and complemented the K1 series. It was developed by the South Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and Rotem (a division of Hyundai Motors). Its serial production began in 2013. At $8,500,000 per unit, this tank is the most expensive in the world.

The Black Panther is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing up to 20 rounds per minute. This combat vehicle is capable of moving with maximum speed 70 km/h on road surfaces, over rough terrain - up to 52 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 32 km/h in 8.7 seconds. The weight of the tank is 55 tons.

The M1 Abrams is the latest generation American main battle tank developed by the Chrysler Corporation. Serially produced since 1980. The tank was named after the general who took active participation in the Vietnam War - Creighton Williams Abrams. It is in service with the US and Egyptian armies. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. The price of one Abrams reaches $6.21 million. The number of units built is 15,221 units. There are three main modifications of it - “M1”, “M1A1” and “M1A2”, the production of the latter two continues to this day.

The best modern tank in the world is considered to be the M1A2 Abrams modification, equipped with a 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun. The tank has high-strength composite armor and a powerful gas turbine engine capable of accelerating the combat vehicle on the highway to 67 km/h, and over rough terrain up to 40 km/h. The weight of the tank is 62.1 tons.

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Do you want to know which the tank is the best in the world to date? In fact, the task of making such a comparison is not entirely simple. After all, the effectiveness of a specific operating tank largely depends on the effectiveness of the crew.

In addition, tanks need to be compared in combat conditions, but the models from this rating have never fought with each other to this day. This rating currently offers current models, which are not discontinued and are not a prototype.

Tank parameters for comparison

  • Degree of protection.
  • Fire aiming.
  • Fire power.
  • Maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther - made in South Korea

This model is the most expensive and modern in the world. The Koreans know how to make not only cool electronics, but also, for example, composite-type weapons with rocket modules that are installed on this tank. By the way, a German 120 mm cannon is used here, just like on the previous model.

A special feature is the perfect guidance system, which can be aimed at the target according to the specified parameters, regardless of the operator. The tank can even shoot down low-flying helicopters.

In terms of maneuverability, it should be noted a powerful diesel engine and hydropneumatic suspension, which in combination provide high speeds and incredible mobility. By the way, in general the model is similar to the M1A2 Abrams, but is distinguished by higher maneuverability. At this time, mass production is not underway, although the army North Korea, perhaps in the future he will purchase these particular models for himself.

Leopard 2A7 - made in Germany

A continuation of the legendary Leopard 2, but with improved electronics, combat power and degree of protection. Can be used both in cities and outside cities.

This tank is heavier than its predecessor, but it has an improved suspension, which only adds maneuverability and makes the unit incredibly mobile and nimble. The engine has a power of 1500 horsepower, performance characteristics are at least as good as Leopard 2. Improved guns provide more accurate aiming.

At this time, Saudi Arabia is interested in purchasing these tanks, which wants to get 200 units at its own disposal. Now the developers expect to convert up to 150 existing Leopard 2 into an improved model.

Challenger 2 - UK production

This tank is interesting because of its most powerful protection system; no analogues are currently seen on operational tanks. Therefore, it is Challenger 2 that is better than all the others in being able to withstand shelling from direct-fired guns.

It should also be noted the attack potential, the basis of which is a 120 mm gun with an internal threaded barrel. Thanks to this, the tank is capable of firing shots over a range of five kilometers or more. Now Challengers are the leaders in tank combat.

Regarding maneuverability, there is some drawback; more precisely, this option is simply not so powerful in motion and does not develop ultra-high (for tanks) speeds, unlike its competitors. However, Challenger has reliable mechanical equipment that does not require frequent maintenance. Now these tanks are used in the armies of Oman and Great Britain.

Merkava Mk.4 - made in Israel

It is a continuation of the Merkava Mk.3 model. It is distinguished by its original engine location at the front, which provides additional protection for the crew.

Has low maneuverability, but high power weapons. Can shoot down helicopters. Used in the Israeli army.

M1A2 Abrams - USA made

One of the best representatives of American weapons, which has proven itself in combat conditions. Unique technologies and weapons are used here. Uranium armor and a variety of protection systems make the tank incredibly durable against a wide variety of anti-tank weapons.

The slight drawback is probably the gas turbine engine. On the one hand, such an engine has excellent performance, but servicing this unit is extremely labor-intensive. And such an engine consumes a lot of fuel.

There is a newer model M1A2 SEP which is an improved version. These tanks are very popular all over the world. They are used in the armies of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Great Britain.

TK-X - made in Japan

This Japanese “samurai” is distinguished by its maneuverability, which is ensured by a lower protection class.

Hydropneumatic suspension provides the ability to ride on the most different surfaces. The armament is used like on the Abrams, automatic guidance is used.

It is in service in Japan, but is not supplied to other countries. After all, the Japanese cannot export weapons.

T-90 - made in Russia

The tank is cheap and cheerful, and this is gaining popularity all over the world. There is not much high technology here, but production has long been tested and has high economic efficiency.

Among the advantages, noteworthy is its small size, which is inconvenient for enemy guidance systems. One of the disadvantages is the carousel delivery of shells. They are not located in a separate protected compartment (in Western tanks) but close to the crew; if the charges detonate in the tank, the tank is completely destroyed.

Let's celebrate the most new model T-90 MS Tagil, which received new:

  • Engine.
  • Guns.
  • Guidance system.
  • Armament.
  • Location system.

These tanks are in service not only in Russia, but also in the armies of Azerbaijan, Algeria, Turkmenistan, India, and Venezuela.

Leclerc - made in France

Interesting details here are the automatic loading of shells and composite weapons, which allow you to add additional modules.

Just like previous models, Lerkerk uses hydropneumatic suspension and 1500 hp. engine. It is part of the Armed Forces of France and the United Arab Emirates.

Oplot-M - made in Ukraine

In essence, it is a developed Soviet model T-80UD. It uses an automated supply of projectiles, but they are still in the same compartment with the crew.

Produced in limited quantities, the characteristics are similar to new versions of the T-90.

Type-99 - made in China

The supply and location of the projectiles are identical Russian tanks. The highlight here is the active laser protection system, which:

  • Can be used against helicopters.
  • Disables the optical systems of enemy tanks.
  • Suppresses signals from guidance systems and anti-tank missiles.
  • It is characterized by high maneuverability. Thanks to the powerful engine. Used only in the Chinese army.

The Type-99, like the two previous models, is not particularly effective at hitting long-range targets, but it can cope well with anti-tank missiles. If we describe it in general, then this tank is something intermediate between the Soviet and Western tank industry.

Every country has the right to protect itself from harm. However, for most countries, the main task is to ensure the security of their country. Ever since the governments of all countries came to the conclusion that there was a way to “put” weapons on wheels, they have been trying to figure out how to create this ideal weapon for their own defense. All this resulted in what we now call modern tanks.

A completely reasonable question arises: which tank is better? Each country contributed to the list of the 10 best tanks in the world. After reading this review, you will be able to formulate own opinion and determine which tanks, in your opinion, are the best?

NOTE: The purpose of this article is not to contribute to the outbreak of World War III. It's only brief overview speed and other features of the best tanks from around the world. So please keep our world violence-free and just enjoy meeting the most modern tanks in the world.

10. Leclerc

Leclerc is the main battle tank of modern France. It is equipped with a 120 mm tank smoothbore gun and 40 rounds of ammunition. The model is complemented by a 12.7 mm co-axial machine gun or M2HB, which can hold as much as 1,100 rounds, and a 7.62 mm machine gun with a magazine capacity of 3,000 rounds. This is truly a force to be reckoned with.

9. Merkava

Merkava is the main battle tank, the pride of Israel. The model has undergone many modifications, the latest version, Merkava-4, is the most powerful today. His main feature is a 120 mm smoothbore gun MG 253, which is quite capable of using a Lahat - ATGM (anti-tank guided missile) equipped with a laser homing system. All this is complemented by 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm machine guns, as well as 12 smoke grenades.

8. Al-Khalid

A modern Pakistani-made tank equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun. Thanks to the night vision system, the model can operate freely both during the day and at night. Optional kit may include 12.7mm anti-aircraft gun or 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun.

7. K1a1

The best and most frequently used main battle tank of South Korea, the K1a1 has been in service since 2001. The vehicle is operated by a crew of 4 people at a time, as the model is equipped with KM256 mm weapons. In addition, there is a 7.62 mm M60 machine gun.

6. Challenger

The tank is produced in Great Britain and is in service both in England itself and in Oman. Some believe that since 2008 it is perhaps the most reliable modern tank. The main weapon is a 120mm L30A1 120 rifled cannon. To the left of the main weapon is an L94A1 EX-34 coaxial with a 7.62 mm cannon, and a 7.62 mm L37A2 machine gun is installed near the commander's hatch.

5.PT 91

The main combat vehicle of Poland, first put into service in 1995. The tank is equipped with reactive armor and a powerful engine. The main weapon, the 125 mm 2A46MS smoothbore gun, is supported by one 7.62 mm MAG co-axial machine gun and a 12.7 mm M2HB anti-aircraft machine gun.

4. T-90

Russia also has its own unique modern models tanks. T-90 is the most modern Russian battle tank. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore gun, auxiliary weapons are a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gun. The most remarkable thing is that you get all this while weighing 46.5 tons and being about 6.8 meters long.

3. Type 99

China's contribution to heavy armor modern tanks, perhaps, it is the Type 99. The model is expensive, as a result of which it loses to its more economical competitors. The weight of the car is 54 tons. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, the secondary weapon is a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun. Those who want to purchase such a “brainchild” will have to fork out approximately $2,500,000.

2. K2 Black Panther

The 60 ton K2 Black Panther, arguably South Korea's newest and best modern tank, has been in production since 2009. Almost 7.5 meters in length and 2.2 meters in height. The main gun is 120 mm 55 caliber, and there is also a 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun.

1. M1A2 Abrams

The best tank in the world today is the M1A2 Abrams. The United States has, since 1980, produced perhaps the best battle tanks in the world. The Abrams model underwent several redesigns throughout its service life to become the M1A2. Compared to other modern tanks, it is equipped with reinforced armor and the most modern electronics. 8 feet long, 12 feet wide and weighs 67.6 tons. The model also offers one .50 caliber M2HB anti-aircraft machine gun, plus two M240 and M256 120 mm machine guns.

P.S. IMPORTANT: We have already released an updated rating and a lot has changed in two years, take a look.