The best tank in the world. The most modern and powerful tanks in the world

More than a hundred years ago, tanks first appeared on the battlefield. And throughout the twentieth century, these combat vehicles determined the outcome of major military conflicts. The strongest was considered to be the one whose tanks had better armor protection, more powerful weapons and who had more of them. Despite large number anti-tank weapons existing today, tanks still remain the main striking force of the ground forces. Most military experts believe that this situation will continue in the next decade.

One of the most discussed topics related to military equipment and weapons, the question is which is the best tank in the world. States annually invest tens of millions of dollars on the development of new combat vehicles and the modernization of old models. The most “advanced” tank-building countries are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel and Ukraine. They can mass-produce tanks and have serious tank-building schools with long-standing traditions. In recent decades, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Poland, both Koreas and Japan have sought to join this “club of the elite”.

The question of which is the best tank is not very correct: it is very difficult to compare vehicles that have never met each other in real combat. And one fight will not be able to dot all the i's in this matter. The outcome of the fight depends not only on tactical and technical characteristics combat vehicles, but also on the training of the crew, the specific theater of operations and on countless other factors (from luck, in the end). We should not forget that tanks do not fight alone - they are part of a complex army mechanism, working in close cooperation with infantry, artillery, and aviation. So a simple comparison of the performance characteristics of vehicles does not make it possible to seriously talk about the advantages of this or that tank.

We will try to conduct a comparative analysis of the most famous and modern tanks, and present to you the top 10 strongest armored vehicles in the world. Some of the tanks in service with the world's strongest armies were developed several decades ago (American Abrams, Israeli Merkava, German Leopard), after which they went through several stages of modernization. In our rating we will consider only the latest (most advanced) modifications of cars. The main criteria for awarding a particular place will be three indicators: the protection of the combat vehicle, its firepower and the mobility of the tank. So, our top: 10 best tanks modernity.

10. "Arjun" Mk.I (India)

Our top 10 opens with an Indian combat vehicle, which was put into service in 2011. This tank can be called the first independent development of Indian tank builders, although it took Indian technologists and engineers more than thirty-five years to create it. "Arjun" has a mass of 58.5 tons, its crew consists of four people, the tank is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun, from which it is possible to launch guided missiles. The gun's rate of fire is 6-8 rounds per minute.

The tank is equipped with an engine with a power of 1400 hp. With. (specific power - 23.9), which allows the car to reach a speed of 75 km/h on the highway.

"Arjun" Mk.I made it into our top, but it is on the very bottom line. The development of this combat vehicle began more than 35 years ago. Perhaps the technical solutions used in its design were once modern, but now they are somewhat outdated.

9. Type 99A2 (China)

Type 99A2 is the latest modification of the Chinese combat vehicle, but calling this tank a completely independent development would be a stretch. The vehicle was created on the basis of the Soviet T-72 tank, although it has a large number of differences from it. This combat vehicle was put into service in 2011, it has a mass of 58 tons, a crew of three people, the tank is armed with a 125-mm smoothbore cannon with a rate of fire of 7 rounds per minute. A 1,500-horsepower engine (specific power 25.9) allows this combat vehicle to accelerate on the highway to a speed of 70 km/h.
Unlike the T-72, the Type 99A2 received a new welded turret and more advanced protection, which consists of both more “advanced” armor and the latest generation of dynamic protection. In addition, the Type 99A2 has a laser system that can literally blind the enemy.

8. AMX-56 Leclerk

In eighth place in the top 10 is a French tank that entered service in 1992. At the time of its creation, this combat vehicle was considered the most modern and high-tech, but more than twenty years have passed since that moment. The AMX-56 Leclerk has been discontinued from serial production. You can also add that this French tank is one of the most expensive in the world (about 6 million euros).

The latest series of this combat vehicle weighed 57.4 tons, the tank was armed with a 120-mm smoothbore cannon, and its engine had a power of 1,500 hp. With. The Leclerk has an automatic loader, which is not typical for the Western school of tank building. This element made it possible to reduce the crew to three people and strengthen the armor without increasing the weight of the vehicle. The design of the automatic loader differs from analogues used in Soviet (Russian and Ukrainian) tanks. It is located in the aft insulated part of the tower, which is equipped with knockout panels. This engineering solution can easily be considered one of the main advantages of the tank.

7. Challenger 2 (UK)

Production of this tank began in 1994; it belongs to the second generation of British Challengers. The combat weight of the vehicle is 62.5 tons, it is armed with a rifled 120-mm cannon, and the tank has a crew of four people.

Experts consider the main advantage of the Challenger 2 to be its armor protection, which ensures high safety for the crew. The machine is also equipped with dynamic protection. The engine (power 1200 hp) provides maximum speed 56 km/h.

"Challenger 2" has real combat experience; it was quite successfully used by the British in the Balkans and during the second Iraqi campaign. True, in these conflicts this tank was opposed by outdated models of Soviet combat vehicles. In 2008, taking into account the obtained real combat experience A deep modernization of the tank was carried out: the vehicles received a new gun, engine and transmission. The fire control system was also replaced.

6. K2 "Black Panther"

This is a South Korean tank that was put into service in 2018. It is considered the first tank that South Korean engineers independently developed. The car turned out to be very advanced, but very expensive: the cost of one Black Panther is estimated at $8.5 million.

The tank weighs 55 tons and has a crew of three people. The K2 is armed with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, developed on the basis of the German Rh-120 tank gun, one of the best in the world today. But that’s not all: the tank is equipped with an automatic loader, similar in design to that found on the French Leclerc. The automatic loader allows the tank to fire at a rate of 15 rounds per minute. In addition, the K2 MBT is equipped with an active protection system capable of shooting down enemy shells and guided missiles.

The electronic components of the K2 are also very advanced: everything electronic systems tanks are collected into one network (TIUS), and the combat information and control system allows you to control a tactical tank formation in an automated mode, exchange information in real time between tanks and other types of military equipment, as well as control points.

5. BM "Oplot"

4. T-90AM (Russia)

3. Abrams M1A2 SEP

1. T-14 “Armata” (Russia)

T-14 "Armata". This combat vehicle topped our top 10, one might say, in advance. The vehicle is still experimental, that is, it is not yet in service with the Russian army. Information about it is incomplete and quite contradictory. It was first demonstrated to the general public in 2018.
The creators position it as a new generation tank. The tank weighs 55 tons, has a crew of three people, and will be equipped with a 125 mm cannon.

This combat vehicle has several differences in its layout: the tank's turret is uninhabited, and the crew is located in its front part, in a special armored capsule. The tank will be equipped with a phased array radar (like the latest fighters) and a large number of video cameras that will provide all-round visibility to the crew.

From the defense of the Armata, mention should be made of the Afganit KAZ, which, according to the developers, will be able to shoot down even modern BOPS. It is also worth adding the latest Malachite dynamic protection complex and a mine protection system.

Among the disadvantages of the vehicle, experts already name the automatic loader with part of the ammunition, which is located in the fighting compartment. This is a typical Soviet layout, which leads to the detonation of the ammunition when a cumulative or sub-caliber projectile hits the fighting compartment.

The developers call the Armata the world’s first tank for “network-centric warfare.” The problem is that today in the Russian army this tank is the only element for conducting such combat operations.

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Real historical facts, skillfully intertwined with fiction, often become the basis for the plot of exciting books, films, and, of course, game projects. So, in the world of the gaming industry, one of the most popular multiplayer games today online games can confidently be called World of Tanks. The gaming project, which brings together more than one million people every day in front of PC monitors, is dedicated to tank battles historical period of the Second World War.

Having joined the army of virtual tankers, every gamer strives to shoot as many frags as possible, inflict maximum quantity damage to enemy vehicles, earn credits and commemorative medals. WoT presents more than 300 tanks of various classes and nations, so many players are interested in the question - what is the coolest tank in the world of tanks? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. But let’s still try to rank the best combat vehicles, taking into account the opinions of experienced players.

The best fighting vehicles VoT

In WoT, tanks from various nations are presented for upgrade: USSR, Japan, Germany, USA, Britain, China, Czech Republic. In each development branch, armored vehicles are classified into:
lungs (LT);
average (ST);
heavy (TT);
anti-tank self-propelled guns (tank destroyers);
ART-SAU (artillery).

Each individual World of Tanks vehicle, in addition to unique story, received its advantages, disadvantages, performance characteristics. Depending on the class, armored vehicles have their own purpose on the battlefield. TTs provide defense, breakthrough of flanks, light tanks are the eyes of the team, STs are support vehicles, tank destroyers and artillery destroyers are the firepower of the allied team.

All armored vehicles presented in WoT are divided into 10 levels. Moreover, each level has its own “heroes” and favorites. Depending on personal preferences and playing style, gamers choose the most comfortable class of gaming equipment for a particular nation. Some prefer to go into battle on fast, maneuverable tanks, while others prefer well-armored tanks. Another category of virtual tankers enjoys playing artillery, anti-tank self-propelled guns, and working to spot the players of the allied team.

Conventionally, the combat vehicles of the World of Tanks can also be classified into tanks:

  • for farming (earning) silver and experience;
  • for battles in team battles, fortified areas, companies, and playing on the Global Map;
  • to increase personal rating (efficiency).

Despite the fact that there are constant changes in balance in WoT, at each level there is a category of really worthy combat vehicles that have a greater influence on the outcome and effectiveness of the battle. As for fancy armored vehicles, we’ll start the review with low-level equipment, with equipment for bending in the “sandbox”.

The best armored vehicles of tier 3

Since the first two levels differ little in their characteristics and most often players complete them for free experience, we will begin our review with tanks located on the third level. At this level, more interesting armored vehicles are presented, which not only allow you to gain experience for playing high-level vehicles, but are also ideal for “bending down” and comfortable play. As a rule, Tier 3 combat vehicles are represented by light and medium tanks. The exception is the Japanese TT development branch, which is opened by Type 91.

At the third level, the tank of Soviet tank construction definitely deserves attention - BT-7, which, thanks to its excellent visibility, good maneuverability and speed, can simultaneously serve as a “reconnaissance” and a support tank. The Soviet light tank T-46, which received a fairly accurate weapon, good speed and dynamics, can also be classified as imbecile vehicles.

A popular tank of the third level can be called the premium LT tank T-127, which has fairly good armor, excellent dynamics and speed. Suitable for reconnaissance, detection, support, and breakthrough on the flanks.

The best Tier 3 armored vehicle can also be called the German Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C, which boasts good (for low levels) armor, an accurate gun, good dynamics, good maneuverability, and maneuverability.

Fourth level

At this level you can see a lot of different machines that are interesting in terms of gameplay, by playing which you can gain experience and prepare for battles with high-level vehicles. Tier 4 armored vehicles are also “passable”, they can be completed using free experience or experience gained in battles.

The best Tier 4 tank, according to players, is the German Hetzer tank tank and the American T-40. The armored vehicles received accurate guns with good armor penetration, decent maneuverability, and a large viewing radius. Suitable for effective, comfortable play, farming silver, gaining experience and statistics.

In the ranking of the best Tier 4 vehicles, we can note the French heavy tank B2, the Soviet Valentine II, and Matilda. The tanks are well balanced and feel quite confident in battles against high-level combat vehicles. Weaknesses can be called low speed, lack of dynamics.

Beginners who plan to download the Soviet development branch can choose to play medium tank T-28, tank destroyer Su-85-B. Armored vehicles are quite mobile, maneuverable, and have good weapons. Minus - almost complete absence armor, which implies a careful, thoughtful game in battles against stronger and more experienced opponents.

Fifth level

At the fifth level, Soviet tank-building vehicles deserve special attention - the legendary heavy tank KV-1, which can confidently be called the best tank of World War II, the main combat unit of the team on the virtual battlefields, as well as the T-34 medium tank. The KV-1 received impressive armor parameters and excellent weapons. In addition to being comfortable. confident play, KV-1 is ideal for raising your personal rating, earning credits and experience.

Another vehicle that many players consider to be a real level seven "imba" is the premium E-25 anti-tank vehicle. The weak level of armor is fully compensated by an accurate, rapid-fire gun, excellent dynamics, speed, and impressive viewing radius parameters. The low silhouette makes the car almost invisible. Having upgraded the “camouflage” of the crew, installing the “Camouflage Net”, the “Stereo Tube” can be successfully exposed, repeatedly causing damage from well-chosen shelters to the enemy team’s tanks, while remaining invisible to the enemy.

Eighth level

Military equipment of the eighth level, as well as armored vehicles presented at the sixth level, take part in team battles, battles on the Global Map, and in Champion companies. The undisputed leader among all Tier 8 armored vehicles is the Soviet heavy tank IS-3, which, thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, can confidently be called universal. Good armor, a ricochet silhouette (“pike nose”), a comfortable gun with good penetration, comfortable angle-of-range guns, and mobility completely compensate for the minor shortcomings of this vehicle (weak field of view, long aiming). The IS-3 is in demand in company games, fortified areas, team battles, and in main gun battles.

Among the medium tanks, one can note the Soviet ST-Shku T-44. Among the tank destroyers, the ISU-152 (USSR), the German tank destroyer from Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, is popular among players. The Soviet tank destroyer is known for its powerful gun (BL-10), the German tank destroyer is known for its accurate gun and low silhouette.

Thanks to its excellent armor and powerful weapons, the Japanese heavy O-HO is popular among players. Despite its sluggishness, lack of dynamics, and specific gameplay, this armored vehicle at its level can be called a real “mastodon.”

Ninth level

The best armored vehicles of the 9th level include the medium Soviet tank T-54, the main advantages of which include a low silhouette, good maneuverability, dynamics, maneuverability, speed, and a fairly good accurate gun. A group of several T-54s poses a particular danger to the enemy team, but playing with cumulative shells allows you to feel confident in confrontations with level 10 vehicles. The overall win rate across servers for this tank is 49.8%. which is a pretty good indicator.

You cannot ignore the heavy tank of German tank production E-75. The armored vehicle received an accurate cannon with good alpha, strong ricochet armor, and good maneuverability. The American heavyweight M103 also has decent characteristics. Like all US equipment, the M103 is famous for its strong ricochet turret, good frontal armor, and powerful weapons. Ideal for breaking through and defending flanks.

Tenth level of armored vehicles

At level ten it is quite difficult to determine the best armored vehicle, since each tank, regardless of class, has its own unique features, features and advantages. Among the dozens there are vehicles with a drum loading mechanism, well-armored vehicles, slow steel monsters such as E-100 and Mouse, fast ST-shki, ART-SAU, which, when accurately hit with one shot, send the enemy to the hangar. Therefore, each player has the opportunity to choose the most based on personal preferences and playing style.

To get to top technology, you will not only have to spend a lot of time, but also save up a fairly substantial amount of silver to purchase. In addition, the game is high levels requires experience, concentration, correct tactics and strategy.

According to experienced players, the best, most impressive tanks of level 10 include: T-62, Object-140, E-100, IS-7, T110E5, FV215b 183, T57 Heavy Tank, Bat Chatillon 155, JagdPz E-100, AMX 50 B. Among the artillery self-propelled guns, we can highlight the American T-92, the British artillery gun Conqueror Gun Carriage, the penetration of which is 2200 units, and the Soviet Object-261.

Bottom line

After reading our review, perhaps not all tankers will agree with the presented rating of the “best armored vehicles.” Each class of armored vehicles in World of Tanks has its own unique technical parameters, specialization, and functions, so it is quite difficult to determine the best tank in the game. To find tanks for an effective, comfortable game, you need to conduct at least several battles in a random room or on a test server using one or another vehicle.

In addition, developers periodically delight gamers with new nations and combat vehicles. Thus, heavy tanks from Japan and armored vehicles from the Czech Republic were recently introduced into the game, among which there are vehicles with excellent performance characteristics.

Each tank was created by the manufacturer's country, taking into account the defense of that particular country. When creating tanks, the climate, terrain, level of crew training, availability of electronic systems, satellite support, provision of spare parts are taken into account, and this is only a small list.
For example, what will happen to the crew who will spend, say, 3 days in a tank located in the desert in the heat, if this tank does not have air conditioning?

Such a crew will think about how to survive in the tank in general - without losing consciousness.

For mountainous areas, the specific power of the engines is important, otherwise overheating is inevitable. Can a tank run on low-quality fuel? If yes, then for how long.
There are more questions than answers.

Engineers take all these data and problems into account due to technological capabilities, but here the cost of manufacturing the tank comes into play. Cost is not only how much it can be sold, but also the number of people and resources involved in production. But will the country’s economy survive, or will it be able to produce 5-10 tanks a year, no more.
The rating published below is of a conditional nature; you should not absolutely take into account that tank number 5 is much better than tank number 7.

the most modern tanks:

1. (Germany)

In 2010, at the Eurosatory 2010 exhibition, the Germans showed a new modification of their main tank Leopard 2. The peculiarity of this tank is that. That it is positioned as a tank adapted for conducting operations in the city. The modernization affected almost everything: the tank hull, engine, transmission, mass balance, weapons, fire control and crew support systems.
When fighting in the city, the tank is equipped with additional protection against cumulative shells.
The tank is designed to fight 24 hours a day. The driver received a 360-degree view of the area around the tank, as did all crew members, and thanks to thermal imagers, everything was visible even at night.

Technical characteristics of the tank +:

120 mm L55 smoothbore gun
12.7 mm machine gun
40 mm grenade launcher
7.62 mm machine gun
Country of origin: Germany
Crew: 4 people
Tank weight: 67,500 kg
Power reserve: 450 km
Speed: 72 km/h
There are no other data available at this time.

2. (USA)

The tank entered service in 1980, then called the M1 and replacing the M60 main battle tank. Since 1994, a modification has been produced - different from the previous one in guidance, surveillance and reservation systems.
What fundamentally distinguishes this tank from the rest? This is, first of all, the most powerful engine in the world. From the very beginning of production, a turbine engine with a power of 3500 hp was installed on the tank, although in all official documents indicated power is 1500 hp. The tank even has a power and speed limiter installed, since the full power of the engine simply tears the tracks.
Since 1990, the tank has been equipped with an additional power unit to supply the tank with electricity when parked, so as not to start the main engine and not to use batteries.
The tank also has its drawbacks; ammunition is loaded into the gun receiver manually.
Due to the large mass of the tank and high power The engine life of the tracks is about 1100-1200 km.
For now, that's enough mass tank, so as of 2012, more than 9,000 tanks were produced. Decommissioned tanks are not destroyed, but rather dismantled, and suitable hull parts are reused in new tanks.

Technical characteristics of the M1A2 tank

Tank weight: 61.4 tons
Length with gun: 9.77 m
Case length: 7.93 m
Width: 3.66 m
Height: 2.44 m
Crew: 4 people (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Chobham armor, depleted uranium steel
105 mm M68 rifled gun (installed on M1)
120-mm M256 smoothbore gun (installed on M1A1, M1A2, M1A2SEP)
12.7 mm machine gun
2 x M240 7.62mm machine guns
Engine AGT-1500C multi-fuel gas turbine engine
1500 hp (according to other sources, engine power without power limiter is 3500 hp)
Power ratio 24.5 HP / T
Ground clearance 0.48 m (M1, M1A1)
0.43 m (M1A2)
Cruising range: 465 km
Highway speed: 67.72 km/h
Ground speed: 48.3 km/h

3. (UK)

This tank deserves an honorable 3rd place after combat tests in Iraq. Only 1 tank was destroyed during the Iraq War by enemy fire. In June 1991, the British government ordered the first 127 tanks for the Royal Army.
A special feature of the tank is that it is currently produced mainly for export and is adapted for use in high temperature conditions.
The tank is equipped with the most modern aiming and visual surveillance system, including at night.
In terms of armor protection and resistance to cumulative shells, the tank can be called the most protected tank in the world in this regard.
The tank is equipped with a 12-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 1200 horsepower.
The disadvantage of the tank is the high production cost; about 400 of these tanks were produced.

Engine power: 1200 hp

Highway speed: 59 km/h
Tank weight: 62.5 tons.
Crew: 4 people
Power reserve: 450 km
120 mm L30 smoothbore gun
2 machine guns of 7.62 mm caliber
10 L8 grenade launchers

4. (Israel)

Merkava Mark IV

– main battle tank Israeli army. The tank is quite modern, since it was put into service in 2004. Among the plans to modernize the tank is the installation of an active protection system against anti-tank grenade launchers on the tank. Israel is currently looking for a financial partner to finalize this system.
The tank has a very original design, for example, the tank’s engine is located not at the rear, but at the front, which creates additional protection for the crew from frontal enemy fire. At the rear of the tank there are hatches for the tank crew, which allows the crew to leave the tank under enemy fire, or to replenish ammunition. In the rear of the tank there is space for troops or additional ammunition.
The tank is equipped with an American-made diesel engine with a power of 1500 hp.

Tank specifications:

Tank weight: 65 tons

Length: 9.04 m with cannon
Length: 7.60 m without gun
Width 3.72 m
Height: 2.66 m
Crew: 4 people (commander, driver, gunner, loader)
armament 120 mm MG253 smoothbore gun
1 x 12.7 mm machine gun
2? 7.62 mm machine gun
1? 60 mm grenade launcher
12 smoke grenades
Engine 1500 hp turbocharged diesel engine
Specific power: 23 hp / T
Ground clearance: 0.45 m
Fuel tank capacity 1400 liters
Power reserve: 500 km
Speed ​​64 km/h on highway

This is a modern, but not yet production tank Russian army. The tank was created on the basis of the T-90 tank, which in turn is a deep modernization of the T-72 tank. Why 5th place and not first? Russian tanks have a number of disadvantages, first of all the eternal problem - a low-power engine; there were attempts to install a turbine on the T-80, but this tank was unsuccessful and did not go into production. Engine power is only 1000 hp. and its relatively small resource. The second disease that has been cured on the T-90MS Tagil tank is the weakness of the weapons. The gun must penetrate the frontal armor of any NATO tank with the first shot from a range of 1,500 meters. And lastly, electronics and fire guidance systems. So, even on the T-90MS Tagil Tank, the driver mechanic does not have all-round visibility; he was limited to installing a rear-view video camera. So far, apparently the funds do not allow us to create a fundamentally new tank, a tank of a new generation, everything has to be crammed into the profile of the outdated T-72 hull.
Positive distinctive feature is the automatic loading system of the gun, let us remind you that the Americans do this by hand.
The T-90MS Tagil tank was shown to V.V. To Putin on December 7, 2009. What's new? A new gun sight and, in fact, a new fire guidance system. New modular packages for protection against cumulative enemy fire. A machine gun is installed above the turret with remote control.
Armor protection has been significantly enhanced, including that of the top of the tank. A new V-92S2 engine has been installed, but it is too early to say that it is significantly superior to foreign competitors.
So, the main difference between the T-90MS Tagil and its predecessors is the fire control system, which can already compete with Western models.

Performance characteristics

Tank weight: 48 tons.
Crew: 3 people
Length with gun: 9530 mm
Case length: 6860 mm
Width: 3460 mm
125 mm 2A46M-5 gun
Ammunition: 40 shots
Guided weapons: 9K119M "Reflex-M"
Coaxial machine gun: 7.62 mm 6P7K (2000 rounds)
Anti-aircraft machine gun 7.62-mm 6P7K S UDP (T05BV-1) (800 rounds)
Engine V-92S2F2: 1130 hp. With.
Fuel tank capacity: 1200+400 l
Specific power: 24 l. s./t
Maximum highway speed: 60 km/h
Highway range: 500 km
Specific ground pressure: 0.98 kg/cm


This tank is big step on the way to improving self-propelled weapons, but still in many respects this tank is inferior to the best NATO tanks. The tank was introduced in 2009. Attention!
The Oplot-M tank should not be confused with the T-84 Oplot tank
These are completely different tanks, they differ even in appearance, not to mention the equipment. The Oplot-M tank was created at the Kharkov Design Bureau. What's new? The ability to quickly replace the gun without dismantling the turret, that is, replacing the gun can be done in the field. 1200 horsepower diesel engine. In power it is already equal to Western engines, in terms of specific power the tank is even surpasses many other NATO tanks, but again there is a disadvantage of the engine, oil consumption on average is about 10 liters per 100 km, but it can run on gasoline, diesel and kerosene. The tank has an auxiliary power supply EA-8, which allows it to provide power. electricity without starting the main engine.
A new fire guidance system that can already compete with Western models. New armor protection that can withstand hits from cumulative projectiles.
It is planned to supply tanks to Thailand, according to the director of the plant, named after. Malysheva, Nikolai Belov, the contract is currently being implemented in full (2012). If the contract is fulfilled, then another model of a modern tank will appear in the world.
One of the disadvantages of this tank is its poor test history. Currently, about 10 tanks have been built.

Technical characteristics of the tank

Tank weight: 51 tons.
Crew: 3 people
Specific power: 24.7 hp/ton
Power: 1200 hp
Power reserve: 450 km.
Highway speed: 70 km/h
125 mm KBAZ smoothbore gun (46 rounds)
7.62 mm machine gun (1250 rounds)
12.7 mm machine gun (450 rounds)


CI Ariete is the main battle tank of the Italian army. Currently, the Italian Army has 200 CI Ariete tanks in service. The tank was designed and produced by Iveco - Fiat and Oto Melara. The tank has a modern digital guidance and fire control system, which allows firing on the move day or night. The tank was put into service in 1995 and is currently produced in single copies.
Among the shortcomings of the tank of the first releases is the insufficient specific engine power. Over its history of modifications, it was possible to slightly reduce the overall weight of the tank, so that it weighed less than 60 tons, the tank received a new, more powerful engine - 1600 hp.

Technical characteristics of the CI Ariete tank

Start of production: 1995
Tank weight: 54 tons
Length: 9.67 m with cannon
Length 7.59 m without gun
Width: 3.42 m
Height: 2.5 m
Crew: 4 people
120 mm cannon (42 shots)
2x7.62 mm machine gun (2500 rounds)
Engine power: 1300 hp (in latest modification)
Power reserve: 550 km
Speed: 65 km/h

8. (France)

AMX-56 Leclerc is the main battle tank of the French army. The Leclrc was developed to replace the outdated AMX 30 tank. The tank entered service in 1992. Currently, tank production has been stopped. on his the change will come a new battle tank, but which one has not yet been announced. When developing a tank special attention was given active protection against cumulative projectiles. A fire control system was developed for the tank, and in particular a friend-foe recognition system. Until 2001, the Leclerc was inferior to NATO tanks in terms of armor level and quality in general, but in 2001 the tank already used the same armor as the Challenger 2 and German Leopard. Diesel engine V8X-1500 with a power of 1500 hp. c. Allows the tank to reach speeds of more than 70 km/h. The exhaust is cooled by a special device. There is also an original innovation - in the event of a shell attack on a tank from the front, the engine is equipped with a hydrokinetic brake, the braking is so sharp that the crew in the tank fastens their seat belts. In addition to France, the tank is in service with the UAE army.

Technical characteristics of the Leclerc tank

Tank weight: 54.5 tons
Length: 9.87 m without gun
Width: 3.71 m
Height: 2.53 m
Crew: 3 people
120 mm cannon (40 shots)
12.7 mm machine gun (1100 rounds)
7.62 mm machine gun (3000 rounds)
Engine power: 1500 hp
Specific power: 27.52 hp/ton
Power reserve: 550 km
Speed: 72 km/h

9. (Republic of Korea)

K2 Black Panther is the most modern tank in the Republic of Korea. To date (2012), several prototypes of the tank have been produced; full-scale production of the tank should begin in the second half of 2014. What else is remarkable about the tank? It was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive tank in the world, its cost is $8,500,000. In 1995, the Korean government set the task of developing a tank capable of resisting North Korean tanks (mainly the T-55).
In 2006, after 11 years of development, the tank project was ready.
The tank is equipped with a modern fire control system, which is capable of detecting targets using a thermal imager at a distance of 9.7 km. The tank is capable of destroying low-flying aircraft.
A special feature of the tank is the suspension, which can be adjusted in terms of ground clearance, and each wheel can be adjusted individually.
At the moment, there are some problems with the reliable operation of the engine and suspension, which has caused some delay in the mass production of tanks.

Technical characteristics of the K2 Black Panther tank

Tank weight: 55 tons.
Length with gun: 10.8 meters
Length without gun: 7.5 meters
Width: 3.6 meters
Height: 2.4 meters
Crew: 3 people
120 mm cannon (40 shots)
12.7 mm machine gun (3200 rounds)
7.62 mm machine gun (12,000 rounds)
Engine power: 1500 hp
Specific power: 27.2 hp
Power reserve: 450 km
Speed: 70 km/h


Type 90 is the main tank of the Japanese army. The tank was designed and manufactured by Mitsubishi. The tank, quite expensive, cost $7,500,000 in 2008. The task was set such that the finished tank would successfully fight with real and promising tanks of the USSR. The tank was adopted by the Japanese Army in 1990. The tank is equipped with a German L44 cannon. The tank uses an automatic shell loader. The tank uses modular ceramics and composite armor made of high-quality steel as armor.
The tank is not supplied abroad, and it has never taken part in real combat operations.

Technical characteristics of the Type 90 tank

Tank weight: 50.2 tons
Number of tanks produced: 333
Tank length: 9.755 m
Tank width: 3.33 m
Tank height: 2.33 m
Crew: 3 people
120 mm smoothbore gun (35 rounds)
12.7 mm machine gun (1500 rounds)
7.62 mm machine gun (2000 rounds)
Engine power: 1500 hp
Specific power: 30 hp/ton
Power reserve: 350 km
Speed: 70 km/hour

The very first tanks were produced during the First World War. In 1915, almost simultaneously, the production of the first tanks began in France, Russia and Great Britain. Of course, the models presented on our list are much stronger than their predecessors, although they have the same base. Almost all of them are tracked and are based on cannon weapons. We present to you the 10 best tanks in the world.

Leader - Abrams M1A1

The first on the list and one of the best tanks in the world, developed in the USA, is the Abrams M1A1.

It survived many modernizations and saw three wars. He performed well in battle and poses a real and powerful threat to the enemy. They are also used in armies such as Great Britain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Video about Abrams M1A1:

Second place on the list is taken by Leopard 2, Germany

Just like the previous representative, Leopard was repeatedly redesigned and improved.

Combat power, electronics system, protection and aiming accuracy, the ability to fight not only in open areas, but also within limits - these are the main characteristics of this tank.

Video about Leopard 2, Germany:

Third place - Black Panther K2

Designed South Korea- This is one of the newest and most modern tanks in the world.

Accordingly, this tank is several times different from the others. The Panther's guidance system automatically finds the target and fires a shot, making it capable of firing even at a low-flying helicopter or other object. It develops with the help of a diesel engine and hydropneumatic suspension - these are the criteria for this engineering miracle.

Video about Black Panther K2:

In fourth place is the Israeli-made Merkava 4 combat vehicle.

Merkava is the most protected tank in history.

That is why its engine was moved forward of the car, which provides additional protection for the crew. It is capable of transporting not only crew, but also cargo. The latest guidance system is extremely effective against low-flying air targets. The downside is low mobility - due to the enormous weight of the machine.

Video about Israel Merkava 4:

Fifth place on the list was taken by the Challenger 2 tank, Great Britain.

The effectiveness of confrontation with direct-guided weapons, an accurate shot system that allows you to fire a shot within a radius of 5 kilometers.

Therefore, it is he who holds the record for long-distance battles. Its engine is not as powerful as that of previous models, but its mechanical equipment will give a head start to many models. These are the characteristics that make it one of the best in the world.

Video about Challenger 2, UK:

Sixth on the list is TK-X, Japan

This 2012 model is new in the development of Japanese engineers.

Light in weight, highly maneuverable, with an automatic surveillance system. The hydropneumatic suspension has become a guarantor of the vehicle's maneuverability even on the most difficult and hard surfaces. The downside of the vehicle is its low security compared to other tanks of this class.

Video about TK-X, Japan:

At the seventh level of the list is the Leclerc AMX-56 France

The Leclerc is capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 km/h, is exceptionally maneuverable and is highly protected by multi-layered and extremely durable armor made of tungsten and ceramics.

Hydropneumatic suspension and 1500 horsepower engine. The projectile is loaded automatically, which makes it effective against not only stationary but also moving targets. The technical characteristics of this machine were taken by other Western developers.

Video about Leclerc AMX-56 France:

Eighth place belongs to Type 99, made in China

This is one of the most modern tanks in China. This vehicle is based on the model of the Soviet T-72 tank, which perfectly protects the vehicle from missiles.

The ability to blind the enemy rangefinder and target designator with a laser gives a great advantage in battle. He is also armed with a machine gun, which is coaxial with a cannon, and grenade launcher units with a smoke grenade are installed on the sides of the vehicle. It is equipped with a powerful engine and has high maneuverability. The Type 99 is only in service with the Chinese army.

Video about the Type 99 tank, made in China:

The penultimate, ninth place in the list is occupied by the Korean tank K1A1

This tank is a newer and improved version of the M1A1 Abrams, USA,

"Korean K1A1"

which has become more suitable for use in Southeast Asia. Composite armor provides strong and reliable protection for the crew, smoothbore weapon complemented by two machine guns 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm.

Video about the K1A1 tank:

Our rating is completed by the Zulfiqar tank, Iran.

The Iranians took the Soviet Union's T-72 tank for modification.

They modernized it with parts of the American-made Paton 48 machine, installing a 125-mm smoothbore gun on it with the help of installing additional 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm machine guns, while gaining the ability to fire at. Another ability is the ability to fire aimed shots with 23-kilogram projectiles with an initial speed of 850 meters per second.

Video about the Zulfiqar tank, Iran:

The development of tank building has reached its peak. Of course the best engineers there will be more peace for many years develop and improve protection and military power combat vehicles. Having considered the list of the 10 best tanks in the world and setting priorities, everyone will be able to choose and highlight for themselves which tank is better and which country has made a more impressive contribution to the defense of its country.

Military technology has always interested people, even if they are not involved in this area. A variety of weapons are studied in terms of rate of fire, ease of use, penetrating power and other parameters. Almost every year people choose the most powerful tank in the world.

It is not surprising that such military equipment attracts attention. Such a multifunctional vehicle combines defensive properties and the ability to use artillery. Once inside, a person feels completely safe, although at the same time he is in one of the most effective types of weapons.


Merkavah, which means “chariot” in Hebrew, is Israeli tank, the first version of which was created in 1979. Later, several modifications were released, the last of which was the Merkava Mk.4. The tank owes its appearance to the fact that Great Britain refused to sell the Chieftain, which was in service in the sixties and seventies, to Israel.

A special feature of the Merkava is the location of the engine and transmission compartment. It is located in the front of the body. Thanks to this design element, crew protection has been enhanced. However, the tank has one more feature that is considered almost unique. The vehicle has a compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops, although it is also used for additional ammunition.

As a result of a number of design solutions, the Merkava is capable of performing various tasks. Depending on the situation, the tank can play the role of an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier or a tactical element. The main weapon is the M68 rifled cannon, and the secondary weapon is a coaxial MAG machine gun.

This main battle tank was adopted by South Korea in 2014. It was intended to replace the US M14 medium tanks, which had been in use since the fifties. The Korean armed forces initially intended to purchase just under 700 tanks, but due to a shortage of funds, only 297 Black Panthers were purchased. Moreover, the cost of each of them was more than eight million dollars, which made them the most expensive in the whole world.

All electronic systems of the vehicle are integrated using the tank information and control system, abbreviated as TIUS. Automated control is provided by a special combat information and control system. A tank gun is installed, the barrel length of which is 55 calibers. An active protection complex with a thermal imager and three-dimensional radar is used.

The Polish tank called RT-91 was created on the basis of the most popular second-generation battle tank of the USSR, the T-72 Ural. The first versions appeared in the early nineties, but serial production began in 1995. Later, a number of modifications with upgrade packages were released, as well as armored vehicles and a prototype anti-aircraft gun based on the RT-91.

The tank is equipped with a smooth-bore weapon with a 125 mm caliber and active armor, which significantly reduces the amount of damage from the first enemy shot. The design includes three machine guns, thanks to which the RT-91 works well at close and medium distances. It is used to destroy anti-aircraft guns.


The Russian tank, known as the Vladimir, appeared in the late eighties, but was put into service later, in 1992. The chief designer was Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin, who died in 1999. After this, the Russian government assigned a verbal name to this tank.

For about ten years, the vehicle was considered the best-selling main battle tank. However, supply costs subsequently began to increase. If in 2010 they amounted to seventy million rubles, then in 2011 the figure rose to 118 million, which led to the cessation of purchases.

The tank is capable of immediately hitting targets located at a distance of up to five kilometers, and if the battle is ongoing an inexperienced person. Master Gunners perform significantly better in both speed and distance. Guidance is carried out using the 1A43 complex, which includes automatic sensors for firing conditions, a ballistic computer and a guidance device.

The Type-99 is a modern battle tank developed by China based on a series of third-generation prototypes called the Type 98. It is considered a development of the T-72 concept, the most produced second-generation battle tank created by the Soviet Union. Despite this, for China such a design is considered a breakthrough. In particular, in the Type-99 the weakened area near the hatch was reduced.

The designers strengthened the frontal protection by placing dynamic protection on top of the armor. Other parts were also improved, such as the rear turret niche. In addition to the first serial modification, China subsequently created a number of combat systems. For example, the Type 99A2 received a new information and control system, dynamic and active protection, as well as an integrated motion control system.

One Type-99 costs more than twenty-two million dollars. For all its lightness, the tank is armed with three machine guns (two against infantry and one against anti-aircraft guns), as well as a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The Type-99 is inferior to many vehicles in terms of target engagement range, but it does an excellent job of destroying anti-tank missiles.

Another reason why the Type-99 is included in the list of the most powerful tanks is its laser protection system. This unique technology, which is used only on Chinese vehicles, makes it possible to suppress signals from anti-tank missiles and also interfere with the targeting of other tanks.

BM Oplot, which was called Oplot-M before being put into service, is a battle tank created on the territory of Ukraine. The placement of weapons, protection, chassis, crew and other elements is done in a classical manner. Thanks to the presence of an automatic loader, three people can be inside - the commander, the gunner and the driver. Each crew member has his own hatch for disembarkation and landing.

Among its peers, Oplot stands out:

  • A system for accounting for the bending of the barrel bore;
  • Modified fire control system;
  • A panoramic sight that has night and day channels, as well as a laser range meter.

From a protection point of view, the tank boasts new form welded turret, electro-optical active protection “Gate”, as well as large side screens, thanks to which the chassis and hull are better protected from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. Latest models Oplot BMs are in many ways comparable to the T-90. This tank is capable of reaching speeds of up to seventy kilometers per hour.

The AMX-56 Leclerc is a French tank that was created in the late eighties as a replacement for the main battle tank France AMX-30. Leclerc was in serial production from 1992 to 2010. These machines are still in use, not only by France, but also by the United Arab Emirates.

For a long time, the Leclerc was recognized as the most expensive battle tank. He lost this title relatively recently, when modern vehicles like the Type 10 and K2 Black Panther were adopted. As in the case of the Oplot, a classic layout and a crew of three are used. Interestingly, the maximum height of a person to be in Leclerc is 182 cm, and the driver cannot be taller than 176 cm.

The cost of the AMX-56 is eight million dollars. At the same time, the tank is equipped with two machine guns with a magazine for four thousand rounds, as well as a 120-mm muzzle, the ammunition capacity of which is forty rounds. Leclerc is one or two kilometers higher than the speed developed by the Bulwark, and therefore is actively used against moving targets.

The tank, better known as Al-Khalid, was developed jointly by China and Pakistan. This is a second generation combat vehicle, which was put into service in 1997. Designs used during development were Type-96 and Type 90-II. The name Al-Khalid was given to the modification in honor of one of the companions of Muhammad named Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Makhzumi.

Installed on the machine modern system fire control, which is practically no different from the similar one on Leclerc. Al-Khalid also boasts a 125 mm smoothbore gun and French thermal imagers. Initially, it was planned to install French engines on the MBT-2000, but due to pressure from India and the United States, it was necessary to use Ukrainian 6TD-2.

Al-Khalid works equally effectively at any time of the day. The weapon is effective against almost all types of equipment, but its presence causes the refusal of one machine gun. In general, the tank combines elements of vehicles from different countries. For example, its chassis corresponds to the Soviet T-72M.

Challenger 2 is a British battle tank that is also in service ground forces Oman. The year of operation is considered to be 1995, and since then more than 400 Challenger 2 have been produced. According to expectations, the vehicles will be in use until at least 2035.

The tank is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun, which is the successor to the Challenger and Chieftain guns. It is covered with a thermal insulating casing, chrome-plated, and cast L30A1 using the electroslag remelting method. The destruction range is eight kilometers.

Challenger 2 is included in the list of the best tanks in the world due to its reliability and effectiveness against foot soldiers. The main disadvantage of the car is considered to be poor mobility. The tank reaches a speed of no more than 56 kilometers per hour. But the armor can easily withstand about sixty direct hits from an RPG.

T-14 - the most powerful tank in the world

The Russian development based on the universal Armata platform is recognized as the most powerful tank in the world. This tank first saw the light of day in mid-2015, when about twenty vehicles were produced. Full mass production started in 2017. This process was accompanied by the elimination of identified deficiencies.

Artama was the first tank of its kind, which was created with an eye to the concept of Network-Centric Warfare. This means that the main task of the T-14 is reconnaissance, adjusting artillery and anti-aircraft fire, and target designation. For this purpose, the vehicle is equipped with a Doppler AFAR radar, as well as special ultraviolet HD cameras.

Suitability for reconnaissance is due to such design features as low visibility on radars. Moreover, the T-14 is difficult to distinguish even with visual contact. Another feature of Artama is the location of the crew in an armored capsule, and not in a turret. This allows people to survive even in conditions of tank detonation.

At the same time, the probability of detonation of the ammunition is very low, because the designers moved it to another place, with excellent protection indicators. In addition, the T-14 is able to withstand hits from anti-tank shells thanks to the active protection of the Afghanit. Malachite armor resists fire from hand grenade launchers. To top it all off, the Armata develops enormous speed and is armed with a 125 mm gun and two machine guns.