The best tank in the world. The most modern and powerful tanks in the world

It was in September that the first tank was born. The very first representative of self-propelled military equipment was significantly different from modern monsters. But it is thanks to him that the world tank industry today produces top-class death machines.

In 1915, Britain, France and Russia simultaneously came to the conclusion that their military industry needs fundamentally new military equipment. Therefore, scientists from all over the world began designing fundamentally new weapons. The British were the first to achieve the result by building the Mark I - heavy tank, which became the threat of the First World War. The technique was first used on September 15, 1916 at the Battle of the Somme. Therefore there is an excellent reason to once again run into the pub and drink to the birthday of the first tank.


The men's online magazine MPORT will quench your thirst for knowledge about the coolest combat vehicles in the history of mankind. We will tell you about the ten best death monsters.

T-84 BM Oplot

Be proud of your country, because Ukraine is the mother of the most rated tank on the planet. The T-84 Oplot is a monster that won all 12 victories in 12 simulated battles conducted with the participation of the best tanks in the world. Its combat effectiveness is equated to the capabilities of an entire company of soldiers. Not surprising, since the tank boasts a maximum speed of 70 km/h, a 125 mm cannon and multi-layer armor. As of 2010, 10 T-84 units have already been produced in Ukraine.

Leopard 2A7

The Germans are also skilled tank builders. They began to prove this since the Second World War. Today their best achievement is Leopard 2A7. The tank boasts a 120 mm Rheinmetall 55 caliber smoothbore gun. The armor of the turret's forehead reaches 1300 mm, while the monster can accelerate to 72 km/h. The weight of the latest modification of the Leopard is 67 tons.

American Abrams together with German Leopard won 10 out of 12 victories in simulated head-to-head matches tank battles. Machines repeat technical specifications each other. The only difference is the German's superiority in protection: the frontal armor of the American's turret is 300 millimeters inferior to its European counterpart.


Type 10

Country rising sun also cares about his safety. Therefore, Japanese military engineers are actively replenishing military equipment hangars with brand new Type 10 tanks. The monster is equipped with a 120 mm Reinmetall 44 caliber cannon, weighs up to 48 tons and accelerates to 70 km/h. On January 10, 2012, the Type 10 officially entered Japanese service.


Merkava Mk-4

The development, design and production of Israeli Merkava military equipment began back in 1979. Today the tank is exclusively in service with the Israel Defense Forces. Its latest modification - Mk-4 - weighs 70 tons, has a 120 mm smoothbore gun and fourth-generation steel modular armor. The car can accelerate to 60 km/h.


T-90MS Tagil

The Russian government is tired of overpaying crazy amounts of money for the unreasonably expensive T-90A of the 2006 model. Uralvagonzavod was afraid that it might lose important orders for supplies to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Therefore, engineers modified the outdated T-90A. The result was the T-90MS Tagil, equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun and an armored composite steel hull. The price of the tank increased from 70 to 118 million rubles. But the Russian authorities have not yet purchased a single unit.


K-2 Black Panther

South Korea produces one of the most expensive tanks in the world. Unit price: $8.5 million. The new generation vehicles are equipped with a 120 mm 55 caliber smoothbore gun, a diesel engine with maximum speed 70 km/h and combined projectile-proof armor. But the tank managed to win only 6 out of 12 simulated battles.

Only a few countries in the world produce their own tanks. These include Russia, the USA, Germany, Israel, France, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea and China. The defense industry of some countries is trying to improve the design of their own armored vehicles based on samples purchased abroad, without making significant changes.

Weapons are manufactured not only for defense needs, but also for export, and, according to all the laws of the market, there is competition. The best tanks in the world compete in demonstration runs and firing during international exhibitions, their advantages and disadvantages are assessed by experts. The most complete is possible during military conflicts, but such an assessment is subjective, since the success of combat operations significantly depends on the training of the crews, the tactical advantages of the terrain and many other factors that level out the quality indicators of armored vehicles.

All the best tanks in the world have a number of common features, defining the general line of modern design solutions. The most important parameters are the characteristics of the weapon, the degree of survivability, speed, maneuverability and ergonomics.

The main weapon at the moment is turret gun, its caliber has grown from 120 to 140 mm in the last two decades. In addition, the best tanks in the world can use their barrels to fire not only shells, but also guided missiles.

Vitality, that is, the ability to withstand modern means damage is determined by the properties of the armor. To create modern protection, it is not enough to simply increase its thickness; its structure is important, as well as the presence of reactive layers capable of dissipating cumulative impacts. TO important indicators This also includes created conditions that allow the crew to quickly leave the vehicle in the event of its destruction.

Speed ​​and maneuverability are determined by ride quality and power power plant. The best tanks in the world are currently equipped with diesel engines. A promising direction of engine development is gas turbines.

Rationalization of all crew movements and maximum automation give the combat unit an advantage in time, which can be a decisive factor in victory. Great attention is paid to the ergonomics of military equipment.

Based on all the criteria, most foreign experts believe that the German Leopard-2A5 is the most best tank world 2013. Its main advantage is the ability to modify previously produced machines to the level latest model, installing new guidance devices and an engine.

The American one is equipped with a turbine, which, despite its obvious advantages, has shown its vulnerability in conditions of sand and dust storms. Engines too often have to be shipped from conflict zones to the United States for repairs. In all other respects, the tank is not inferior to the Leopard.

Third, fourth and fifth places, according to foreign military observers, went to the Japanese Type-90, the French Leclerc and the English Challenger 2. All three cars differ little from each other and from the Leopard; they were built in the “mainstream” design thought of the 1990s, abundantly equipped with electronics and electric drives.

A very cautious approach was taken in assessing the combat qualities of the Russian “Black Eagle”. Data about it is published sparingly, but just in case, it was given sixth place in the world tank rating. Its predecessor (T-80) was often criticized, but significant changes were made, and, apparently, they concerned precisely the identified shortcomings.

The same considerations dictated the assignment of seventh place to the Russian T-90. Dynametic armor system "Kontakt-5", electronic protection "Shtora-1", a cannon capable of firing laser-guided projectiles - everything could suggest that this is the best modern tank in the world, but it was insufficient by Western standards. level of comfort. The same claims apply to the Ukrainian T-84.

The South Korean Type-88 is similar to the Japanese Type-90. Why he is in eighth place is unclear. Apparently, the lack of experience of the tank builders of the “Land of Morning Freshness” is taking its toll.

The Russian T-72 is in honorable ninth place. Many countries are willing to buy its export modifications; it is good, reliable, and inexpensive. Perhaps in some characteristics it is inferior to the Leopards and Abrams, but it is quite suitable for performing the usual tasks assigned to tanks.

The Israeli Merkava III tank should not have been included in this rating at all. This machine is very specific; it was created for the conditions of the Middle East. The tank has powerful weapons, reliable protection, and is adapted for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, but it is slow-moving. That's right, Israel is a small country, and long-range offensives are not expected, the main thing is to defend its own.

Chinese cars were not included in the top ten.

The Russians and Ukrainians did not get any prizes. Little is known about our tanks, but we are still respected and considered one of the best.

Every country has the right to protect itself from harm. However, for most countries, the main task is to ensure the security of their country. Ever since the governments of all countries came to the conclusion that there was a way to “put” weapons on wheels, they have been trying to figure out how to create this ideal weapon for their own defense. All this resulted in what we now call modern tanks.

A completely reasonable question arises: which tank is better? Each country contributed to the list of the 10 best tanks in the world. After reading this review, you will be able to form your own opinion and determine which tanks, in your opinion, are the best?

NOTE: The purpose of this article is not to contribute to the outbreak of World War III. It's only brief overview speed and other features of the best tanks from around the world. So please keep our world without violence and just have fun exploring the most advanced tanks in the world.

10. Leclerc

Leclerc is the main battle tank of modern France. It is equipped with a 120 mm tank smoothbore gun and 40 rounds of ammunition. The model is complemented by a 12.7 mm co-axial machine gun or M2HB, which holds as much as 1,100 rounds, and a 7.62 mm machine gun with a magazine of 3,000 rounds. This is truly a force to be reckoned with.

9. Merkava

Merkava is the main battle tank, the pride of Israel. The model has undergone many modifications, the latest version, Merkava-4, is the most powerful today. His main feature is a 120 mm smoothbore gun MG 253, which is quite capable of using a Lahat - ATGM (anti-tank guided missile) equipped with a laser homing system. All this is complemented by 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm machine guns, as well as 12 smoke grenades.

8. Al-Khalid

Modern tank Pakistani-made, equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun. Thanks to the night vision system, the model can operate freely both during the day and at night. Optional kit may include 12.7mm anti-aircraft gun or 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun.

7. K1a1

The best and most commonly used main battle tank South Korea, K1a1 has been in operation since 2001. The vehicle is controlled by a crew of 4 people at once, since the model is equipped with a KM256 mm weapon. In addition, there is a 7.62 mm M60 machine gun.

6. Challenger

The tank is produced in Great Britain and is in service both in England itself and in Oman. Some believe that since 2008 it is perhaps the most reliable modern tank. The main weapon is a 120mm L30A1 120 rifled cannon. To the left of the main weapon is an L94A1 EX-34 coaxial with a 7.62 mm cannon, and a 7.62 mm L37A2 machine gun is installed near the commander's hatch.

5.PT 91

Main fighting machine Poland, first put into operation in 1995. The tank is equipped with reactive armor and a powerful engine. The main weapon, the 125 mm 2A46MS smoothbore gun, is supported by one 7.62 mm MAG co-axial machine gun and a 12.7 mm M2HB anti-aircraft machine gun.

4. T-90

Russia also has its own unique modern tank models. T-90 is the most modern Russian battle tank. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore gun, auxiliary weapons are a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gun. The most remarkable thing is that you get all this while weighing 46.5 tons and being about 6.8 meters long.

3. Type 99

China's contribution to heavy armor modern tanks, perhaps, it is the Type 99. The model is expensive, as a result of which it loses to its more economical competitors. The weight of the car is 54 tons. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, the secondary weapon is a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun. Those who want to purchase such a “brainchild” will have to fork out approximately $2,500,000.

2. K2 Black Panther

The 60 ton K2 Black Panther, arguably South Korea's newest and best modern tank, has been in production since 2009. Almost 7.5 meters in length and 2.2 meters in height. The main gun is 120 mm 55 caliber, and there is also a 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun.

1. M1A2 Abrams

The best tank in the world today is the M1A2 Abrams. The United States has, since 1980, produced perhaps the best battle tanks in the world. The Abrams model underwent several redesigns throughout its service life to become the M1A2. Compared to other modern tanks, it is equipped with reinforced armor and the most modern electronics. 8 feet long, 12 feet wide and weighs 67.6 tons. The model also offers one .50 caliber M2HB anti-aircraft machine gun, plus two M240 and M256 120 mm machine guns.

P.S. IMPORTANT: We have already released an updated rating and a lot has changed in two years, take a look.

A modern tank is a combat vehicle, without which it is difficult to imagine at least one more or less serious military company. Despite the fact that times of massive tank battles who remember the fields of the Second World War have passed, all the leading countries of the world continue to develop their technology.

In this article, we will look at all the most modern tank combat units and find out which vehicle represents the best tank in the world.

First place - M1A1 Abrams (USA)

Despite the fact that this vehicle was produced back in the eighties, it is still the most formidable force in tank battles. Naturally, over thirty years the tank has gone through several serious modifications, which made it not only competitive, but also brought it to first place among all tanks in the world.

The tank has an English M86A1 rifled gun (105 mm) or a German M256 smoothbore gun (120 mm, which is paired with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun. A 7.62 mm machine gun is located at the hatch, and a 12.7 mm machine gun and a pair of six-barreled grenade launchers are loaded at the commander's turret. smoke grenades ).

Abrams is not only the best tank in the world. He has the most great experience V practical application. He performed very well during the war in Iraq, where American tanks easily destroyed the T-72s in service with Saddam Hussein’s army.

Second place - Leopard (Germany)

The first generation of this combat vehicle was created in the sixties of the last century with the aim of opposing the powerful tanks of countries Warsaw Pact. Even then it was a formidable force, but immediately after its release the Porshe company began developing a new generation. Already in 1979 it entered service. Few other tanks from the late 70s can compete with modern models.

The machine has a complex multi-layer armor composite type, which is made from a mixture of steel and tungsten. At the same time, its cavities are filled with plastic and ceramics. The Leopard has a 120mm cannon and two machine guns, one of which is paired with a turret-mounted cannon.

The tank serves in the armies of 18 countries around the world.

Third place - T-90 (Russian Federation)

The best tank in Russian Federation, not counting the T-14 tank shown this year at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory based on the Armata, which has not yet entered service military service, and therefore is not taken into account in this rating. It is equipped with a 125 mm cannon, which is capable of firing armor-piercing, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation shells and anti-tank missiles. The roof is equipped with a 12.7 mm machine gun that fires at a rate of 700-800 rounds per minute. It is designed for firing at both ground and air targets. The cannon is paired with a 7.62 mm machine gun, which can fire at a distance of two kilometers.

The T-90 is not only widely used in Russian army, but also very well bought by many countries. It is the best-selling tank from 2001 to 2010. The car has many different modifications.

Fourth place - Merkava IV (Israel)

Israeli army because of her geographical location I had to fight a lot in the 20th century, proving the viability of my state. That is why this country pays a lot of attention to military equipment. The Merkava car has a very good level crew protection, resembling a fortress on tracks. The installed 120-mm gun allows you to fire anti-tank missiles. In addition, two 7.62 mm machine guns are installed.

However, the Merkava also has disadvantages, the main one of which is that it can only be effectively used on hard ground in the absence of precipitation.

Fifth place - Challenger-2 (United Kingdom)

2nd generation of British combat vehicles, production of which began in 1994. Despite the fact that they are more than 20 years old, they still show their effectiveness. The security of the Challenger crew is not much inferior to its Israeli counterparts. Among the military weapons, there is a 120-mm rifled gun capable of hitting targets at distances of up to two kilometers with high accuracy. There is also a coaxial machine gun (7.62 mm), which is installed near the turret. He is capable of firing at the enemy in the air. In addition, there is a 40 mm mortar.

Sixth place - AMX-56 Leclerc (France)

The French combat vehicle has the title of the fastest and most maneuverable tank. Its speed can reach 76 kilometers per hour. The armor consists of an alloy of titanium, tungsten and ceramic. There are also good weapons: a 120-mm gun with 22 shells in a clip. In addition, the Leclerc is equipped with two machine guns aimed at firing at ground and air targets. The tank is not only the fastest, but also the most expensive. The production of one unit costs six million euros.

Seventh place - Type 99 (China)

The Chinese People's Army also boasts a fairly powerful tank. This is the Type 99. It is based on the Soviet T-72, but differs significantly from it. The main difference is more advanced armor, which ensures its safety during missile strike. In addition, the Type 99 has a system for blinding enemy laser tanks, which makes it possible to disrupt enemy aiming.

The weapons include a 120mm gun, which can fire salvoes of projectiles containing unenriched uranium, as well as controlled missiles. In addition, there is a machine gun and a pair of grenade launchers equipped with grenades.

Eighth place - 1A1 (Republic of Korea)

The powerful tank in service with the South Korean army has a high level of crew protection, thanks to the separation of the crew compartment from the ammunition. The vehicle is an improved version of the first Abrams, which is more adapted for use in Asian conditions. There are 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns and a 120 mm cannon.

Ninth place - T-84 (Ukraine)

The T-84, which was produced in Ukraine, was reputed to be a fairly fast tank. According to calculations, 1 ton of vehicle weight accounts for 24 horsepower, thanks to which the T-84 can accelerate to 70 kilometers per hour. The tank is a highly modified version of the Soviet T-80. Weapons include machine guns and smoothbore guns. The tower has an anti-aircraft gun aimed at combating the air threat. Among other things, the T-84 can be equipped with a weapon that meets the standards of the armies of NATO countries.

Some experts even believe that the T-84s are the best tanks in the world. post-Soviet space.

Tenth place - Zulfiqar (Iran)

Iranian military equipment is a very impressive force in the Middle East. It is not for nothing that Israel considers this country its strategic enemy. This model is the result of a major modification carried out on the Soviet T-72. The tank has a 125 mm cannon, twin machine guns and an anti-aircraft gun. Zulfiqar (meaning “sword” in Iranian) is capable of firing 20-kilogram projectiles at a speed of 800 meters per second, which is an impressive result.

OKHRANA.RU invites its readers to get acquainted with the TOP 5 most powerful tanks in the world that exist today. We asked the famous military expert Dmitry Litovkin to comment on the capabilities of combat vehicles. According to him, any comparison of the combat effectiveness of tanks is very dubious, because they have never encountered direct military confrontation. Therefore, we decided not to assign places in our ranking.

Dmitry Litovkin:

“Russian designers once offered the Americans a comparative test of the T-90 and M1 Abrams tanks during a training battle. But they categorically refused. The fact is that in all the markets in which these vehicles are present, they have never met each other .Also never met GermanLeopardwith T-90 and others. Let's say that Iraq has Abrams today, and Syria has T-90s, but these states are not at war. Or another example: after the first battles in the Gulf, when the Abrams shot down unmanned T-76s standing in the parking lot, the Americans announced the advantages of these tanks, but when they reached Baghdad, they were burned with old RPG-7s. Therefore, the ratings are very conditional, because there were no direct collisions, and we can judge the characteristics of the cars only by indirect evidence."

M1A1 "Abrams" (USA)

This is perhaps the most honored tank of our time: honored in the sense that it has gone through three wars and several stages of modernization. Despite the declared superpowers, the Abrams have a number of shortcomings that neutralize the PR admiration for these giants. For example, having the most powerful engine in the world (3500 l/s stated), the M1A1 remains very heavy and clumsy. The Americans themselves were so upset by the slowly turning turret that they installed an additional engine here, covering it with standard iron. As a result, it turned out to be possible to burn the famous supertank with one shot: a bullet hitting this additional engine creates a spark, which in turn ignites the fuel compartment, and so on. Even if a fire was avoided, the tower, as we said, loses four times its rotation speed. In addition, loading shells into the Abrams cannon is done manually. That being said, that's enough for today. mass tank, written-off cars are not destroyed, but dismantled, and their spare parts are used for new models.


Tank weight: 61.4 tons.

Crew: 4 people (commander, gunner, loader, driver).

Chobham armor, steel using depleted uranium.

Armament: 105 mm M68 rifled gun, 120 mm M256 smoothbore gun, 12.7 mm machine gun, 2 M240 machine guns of 7.62 mm caliber.

Highway speed: 67.72 km/h.

Ground speed: 48.3 km/h.

Dmitry Litovkin:

“This tank is very heavy, and the engines are gas turbine, although now it seems they are going to switch to diesel. In Iraq, the model did not perform very well. As we know, it turned out that it cannot even withstand a hit from an RPG-7.”

T-90MS "Tagil"

This is a modification of our best production tank to date, the T-90, which in turn replaced the T-72. Here an attempt was made to “cure” our samples from old tank “diseases” - weak weapons and low engine power. We managed to get rid of the first one completely: Tagil now has a cannon that can penetrate the armor of any NATO member at a distance of 1,500 km. In addition, there are the latest electronics, a fire guidance system and automatic weapon loading. And also - new modular packages for protection against cumulative enemy fire, a machine gun above the turret with remote control. The disadvantages still remain the low power “under the hood” - only 1000 l/s, and the lack of all-round visibility for the driver. They only installed a rear view camera.

The basic advantages of the T-90 include that in its armament it is superior to most models in the ability to hit unarmored targets, since its ammunition includes high-explosive fragmentation shells. The tank also has high performance in hitting armored targets at long distances. Its main anti-tank weapons are armor-piercing sabot shells (3BM-42 and 3BM-42M) and the Reflex-M guided weapon system with 9M119M and 9M119M1 missiles, which ensure the defeat of the same Abrams in all areas of the frontal projection at a distance of up to 5000 m.


Tank weight: 48 tons.

Crew: 3 people.

Armament: 125-mm 2A46M-5 cannon, ammunition - 40 rounds; Guided weapons: 9K119M "Reflex-M", coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm 6P7K (2000 rounds), anti-aircraft machine gun 7.62 mm 6P7K S UDP (T05BV-1) (800 rounds).

Maximum highway speed: 60 km/h.

Highway range: 500 km.

Dmitry Litovkin:

"Now the T-90 has come in handy in Syria. It seems to be praised. But again, there are no direct clashes with tanks of other types. The Tagil simply takes into account the military requirements for the layout of equipment. There is a steering wheel, there is GLONASS, a new sighting system. That is, this is a modernization of the T-90 so that it is simply modern and more effective."

Challenger 2 (UK)

An old tank or a long-lived one, whichever you prefer. Production of Challengers began in the early 90s, and the current model is only the second generation. Despite this, British tanks have a number of important advantages. For example, excellent crew protection or the L30A1 rifled gun, which is capable of accurately hitting distant targets. This is the only rifled gun on NATO tanks today. In terms of armor protection and resistance to cumulative shells, the tank can be called the most protected tank in the world in this regard. It is equipped with a 12 cylinder diesel engine with 1200 horsepower and the most modern system aiming and visual observation, including at night. But again, the Challengers never left the shores of Britain, and it is difficult to predict what they are like in a real battle in new terrain. Besides, British cars are very expensive.


Tank weight: 62.5 tons.

Crew: 4 people.

Armament: 120 mm L30 smoothbore gun, 2 7.62 mm machine guns, 10 L8 grenade launchers.

Highway speed: 59 km/h.

Power reserve: 450 km.

Dmitry Litovkin:

"Well, what can we say about a tank that never left British territory? Although others British tanks"Chieftains" were actually in service with Iran during the Iran-Iraq conflict. The Iraqis, as far as I remember, were on Soviet T-62s. So, using the maneuverability of our vehicles, they went into the flanks of the clumsy British and shot them from the side projection. I think that the new generation of Challengers have the same drawback - these tanks are heavy and slow."

"Leopard" 2A7 (Germany)

One of the oldest examples of tank building in the world. It was put into production in 1972 and has since gone through several stages of modernization. In "protection" it has composite three-layer armor made of steel and tungsten. In the “attack” he received one of the best guns to date, the 120 mm Rhl 120/L55. It is in service in 18 countries around the world. At the Eurosatory 2010 exhibition, the Germans showed a new modification of the Leopard - 2A7+, adapted for combat in urban areas. A lot has changed on the new models - from the hull to the safety of the crew. There is additional protection against cumulative projectiles, all-round visibility for all crew members with thermal imagers for night observation. Thus, the main combat "Leopard-2" has remained one of the best for many years and is deservedly in demand in military markets. He managed to fight quite a bit: in Afghanistan in 2007, several of these vehicles were blown up by improvised explosive devices, all the crews survived with the exception of one driver.


Tank weight: 67,500 kg.

Crew: 4 people.

Armament: 120 mm L55 smoothbore gun, 12.7 mm machine gun, 40 mm grenade launcher, 7.62 mm machine gun.

Speed: 72 km/h.

Power reserve: 450 km.

Dmitry Litovkin:

“Yes, it is considered that now this is one of the best tanks in the world. But again, it has not been tested in battle. At this point, only the Abrams, T-62 and T-72 have fought with us, and now the T-90. Therefore, “Leopard” can only be assessed based on its basic characteristics.”

"Merkava" (Israel)

It was created after Great Britain refused to supply a batch of its tanks to Israel in 1970, which incredibly stunned its government. The tank has gone through four modernizations, but the next model, judging by media reports, will be a fundamentally new vehicle with a laser gun, and testing will begin in 2020. In the meantime, the Merkava differs from its counterparts in its original design: the engine is located in the front, eliminating the possibility of the crew being hit by frontal fire. There are also escape hatches through which the crew can escape the vehicle during enemy fire. The tank has a 1500 l/s diesel engine. In 2006, Merkava Mk. 4 appeared in the Lebanon War. During the battles with Hezbollah militants, who used anti-tank guided missiles en masse, 6 vehicles were knocked out, and 2 tanks were irrevocably destroyed. One from fire from the Kornet-E ATGM, the other from a landmine explosion with an approximate capacity of 300-350 kg of TNT.

Do you need to protect your crew as much as possible? Please! On "Armata" stands uninhabited tower, that is, three crew members are in a specially protected separate capsule, which is located inside the vehicle platform. The tank's guns are controlled remotely.

Have you always dreamed of arming a tank so that no infection...? Easily! The T-14's smoothbore 125-mm cannon fires not only standard shells, but also guided surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles. In this case, the ammunition is hidden in a separate module, which prevents its detonation when hit by a projectile.

Was there not enough filling? Make yourself comfortable! Thanks to the latest electronic systems, "Armata" itself collects and analyzes information, observes any movements around in any weather and time of day. In addition, the T-14 is the first tank in history that automatically protects itself. System active protection"Afganit" detects and destroys all shells and missiles on approach to the "Armata" within a radius of 20 meters.

Did you need a light and maneuverable tank? Give us a highway! "Armata" is 20-30 tons lighter than all existing models with the same powerful engine - 1500 l/s. The T-14 drives with the breeze at a speed of 80-90 km/h.

It remains to add that serial production of the Armata will begin this year, and by 2020 the Ministry of Defense plans to put 2,300 vehicles into service! They will completely replace all the old ones soviet tanks, which still serve the interests of the country.

Dmitry Litovkin:

"Thus, there are 5 (the list can be expanded to 10) most famous and powerful tanks in the world, but to objectively evaluate their actual combat power not possible. After the Battle of Prokhorovka in 1943, there were no more direct tank clashes in the world. And it is the war that puts everything in its place, which is why our T-34 is still considered the best car World War II."