Plasticine on clothes is not a death sentence, there is a way out! Recommendations for removing plasticine from different surfaces.

With the advent of children in the house, the issue of cleanliness of clothing becomes especially acute. At first, mothers are puzzled by how to remove traces of food and juices from things. Then they learn to wash paints and markers, and when the child gets older and begins to do creative crafts, another task arises - how to remove a stain from plasticine. True, plasticine on fabric itself is not terrible. The problem is created by the traces remaining from it, containing fat and color pigment.

How to remove plasticine from clothes without leaving traces

Plasticine is a mixture of paraffin, wax, fats and dyes. After removing the top layer of sticky mass, a greasy colored stain will remain in its place. A mistake made by inexperienced housewives is trying to wash plasticine in washing machine. This type of washing will “seal” the wax into the structure of the fabric and complicate further removal.

Also, do not try to immediately wipe off the plasticine with a knife, this will not give any result, except for possible damage to the clothes. There are a few effective ways how to remove traces of plasticine.

  1. Freezing - place the contaminated item in a plastic bag, then place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. After freezing, the sticky substance quickly breaks into small pieces. Now use the back (not sharp) side of the knife to carefully scrape off the stain. If the item is too large, use an ice pack and apply it to the stain.
  2. Heating - for this you can use a hair dryer or an iron heated to 50-60 degrees. Before removing plasticine from clothing, cover the stained area with paper. Then heat with an iron, softening the sticky substance. Clean the remaining stain with a cloth and then wash with soapy water.

You can use the following products to remove plasticine stains:

  1. Ammonia. They need to saturate the damaged area of ​​clothing. Dilute 10 drops of ammonia in a glass of water, treat the stain, then leave the item for half an hour. Afterwards, wash the item in the standard way in a machine.
  2. Kerosene. This substance dissolves fat well. Washable washing powder. Take a piece of cotton wool, soak it in kerosene, then wipe the stain thoroughly. After 15 minutes, rinse the item and then wash it in warm water.
  3. Vegetable oil. To do this, take a piece of cloth, wet it with oil, then gently rub off the stain. When the fabric of the clothing is well saturated, the sticky substance will come off. But then it will arise new problem– a greasy mark on the product. To remove it, use dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy. Then wash the item in the washing machine.
  4. WD-40. The product is suitable for processing synthetic fabrics. Apply it for 5 minutes, clean the stain with a napkin, and then wash the item in the machine.

To eliminate multi-colored stains, you can use stain removers that easily solve this problem. For example, Vanish, ACE, Amway, Antipyatin, Maxima soap.

To remove the stain, follow these instructions:

  • first remove the sticky substance mechanically;
  • place a white cloth under the contaminated area;
  • take another piece of cloth or sponge and moisten it with liquid stain remover;
  • Apply the product to the stain, then wait a few minutes until the sticky substance dissolves;
  • Rinse the product and wash as usual.

Before using the stain remover, you need to try its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product, so as not to accidentally spoil the fabric in the process.

In addition to special products, you can use ordinary laundry soap and soda:

  • dissolve a small piece of laundry soap in hot water;
  • Apply the solution to the damaged area of ​​the product, leave for 20 minutes;
  • Rub the stain thoroughly with a brush or sponge;
  • if the fabric is thin, then carefully rub the item with your hands;
  • sprinkle the stain with baking soda and leave for another 15 minutes;
  • wash the product in a machine at 60 degrees or by hand.

A way to remove smart plasticine without stains

Smart plasticine is a rubber toy like plasticine: it takes any shape and changes its state (flows or hardens, tears or stretches), but not under the influence of heat, like ordinary plasticine, but as a result of the intensity of mechanical action. Throw it on the floor - it will bounce like a rubber ball, pull it slowly or put it on the table - it will spread like condensed milk.

If a child played with “smart plasticine” and it remained on clothes, then you should not get upset and throw the thing away. You can remove it from the fabric. First, try to mechanically remove as much plasticine as possible from clothing; you can use a scraper. What cannot be scraped off is removed with isopropyl alcohol or a liquid containing it.

For example, a car windshield wiper will do. Pour it onto the resulting stain, wait a while, and the plasticine will dissolve. Then remove any remaining residue with a paper towel. If you doubt whether this method of removing plasticine can be used on things, then conduct a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. However, keep in mind that this will not work on synthetic fabrics. Alcohol can dissolve the fabric itself. In this case, take the item to the dry cleaner and tell them that the fabric is stained with silicone-based material.

Plasticine is one of the most popular entertainments for children. Little sculptors often forget about caution, leaving their sculpting tools in the most unexpected places, as a result of which there will certainly be a very noticeable mark on the clothes of any family member. This can be a serious problem. It is difficult to remove plasticine from clothes, because it contains fats, paraffin and dyes.

You can get rid of such unpleasant marks on things in several stages. Sometimes one will be enough, but most cases require a careful approach and the use of all three types of influence on plasticine stains.

The first step in getting rid of the consequences of careless modeling will be the thermal effect on plasticine. It includes freezing and strong heating with an iron. But first you have to cut hard object the bulk of the plasticine mass, and only then proceed to the next steps.


This common method for removing pieces of plasticine is suitable for almost all types of fabrics, making it universal. To do this, you will need to find a plastic bag and use the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

What do we have to do:

  1. Place the item in a bag.
  2. Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes (longer if needed).
  3. Take out your item and try to remove the frozen pieces using not too sharp objects.

After these steps, you should proceed to warming up or immediately to the next stage.

Warming up

Strong heating of the problem area will help remove remaining traces of plasticine. You can use it additionally after freezing or start right away with it. You will need to stock up in advance big amount paper napkins and find a good iron. This is one of the best ways removing plasticine from trousers and other items made from similar dense materials.

How to proceed:

  1. Turn on the iron in the delicate fabric ironing mode.
  2. Place one napkin under the stained area and place the second one on top of it.
  3. Slowly smooth the item, regularly replacing both napkins with new ones, until the paraffin ceases to stand out.

After this, only a small greasy spot may remain on the item, which can be easily removed in the next step.

How to remove traces of plasticine - basic tools

They show particular effectiveness in eliminating traces of plasticine traditional methods and specialized chemical substances. They allow you to get rid of not only the remaining pieces of oil inside the fabric, but also noticeable oil stains. They should be used after heat treatment.

Soap and soda

Soap does most of the work, but soda complements it perfectly, increasing its effectiveness. This option is suitable for all types of clothing.

You will need to do the following:

  1. Fill a suitable container warm water, dissolving in it whole piece laundry soap.
  2. Soak soiled clothing in the solution for one hour.
  3. Clean the damaged part of the item with a brush, while simultaneously removing plasticine pieces from the fibers.
  4. Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to make a thick paste.
  5. Slowly rub the mixture into the stain and then rinse.

After the procedure, the item should be rinsed well.

Vegetable oil

This cleaning method will help remove plasticine from any clothing if it remains after freezing and warming up. However, it should be used with extreme caution. If oil gets on a clean fabric, the area of ​​the greasy spot will noticeably increase, and the washing process may take a long time.

How to clean with oil:

  1. Apply a small amount of any vegetable oil onto the problem area, being careful not to spoil the rest of the fabric.
  2. Wait about two hours until the softening is quite strong.
  3. Remove the oil with dry wipes.
  4. Wash off the greasy stain with dishwashing detergent.

You can avoid spreading oil over the entire area of ​​the fabric in the following way: you need to position the item so that in place of the stained area there is a small depression from which nothing can leak.


You can find ammonia at any nearest pharmacy. This cheap product copes well with a huge amount of dirt. Ammonia is no less effective in removing traces of plasticine from clothes. However, you should be careful as it can cause damage to delicate fabrics and, with prolonged exposure, negatively affect the brightness of the dye of clothing.

How to use:

  1. Dilute in cold clean water(70 ml) approximately 5 drops of ammonia.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and apply it to the stain for half an hour.
  3. Rinse clothes thoroughly with conditioner to remove ammonia odor.

This method allows you to get rid of greasy marks on most fabrics. You can also skip the cotton pad and simply wipe the area repeatedly until it is perfectly clean. After this, you will need to rinse the item with a special conditioner in the same way as when applying it.


Kerosene will help clean your favorite clothes from plasticine stains. It used to have a strong odor, but now it can be purchased in a purified form, which allows you to use it without worrying about the future need to remove the odor. However, it should be used with caution, as there is a high probability of corroding the paint and structure on delicate fabrics. It allows you to most effectively remove a stain from which the bulk of the plasticine mass has already been removed.

Mode of application:

  1. Place soiled clothing on a table or any other hard surface.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in kerosene, squeeze it out and apply to the stain for 10 minutes (if the fabric is delicate, then no more than 5 minutes).
  3. Clean off any remaining substance with dry wipes using careful repeated applications.
  4. Wipe the treated area with a piece of lemon and start washing.

Isopropyl alcohol

Another folk way cleaning clothes. It is only suitable for cotton. You cannot use it with other things, because they will simply be damaged.

How to use this method:

  1. Lay out the clothes on a horizontal surface.
  2. Lightly moisten the desired area with a few drops.
  3. Wait a minute.
  4. Wash off any remaining alcohol from clothing.

Immediately after this you need to move on to the next stage - washing.


A radical way to get rid of plasticine stains is to use a special product called WD-40. It should only be used on synthetic materials with extreme care to avoid damaging the fabric.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. Spray the product onto the problem area. Wait a few minutes.
  2. Remove softened pieces of plasticine.

The item itself should be washed immediately afterwards.

Interesting video - how else you can use WD-40:

Stain removers

Specialized chemicals created to remove stains will become excellent option, if traditional methods did not help. They are extremely effective, but they must be used with extreme caution, following the instructions. You can use them to remove a greasy stain from plasticine very quickly.

How to use them:

  1. Wet the area where the plasticine oil stain is present with warm water.
  2. Dilute the stain remover, following the instructions exactly, and pour it onto the area. Wait 20 minutes.
  3. Throw the clothes into the washing machine without washing the treated area. Add stain remover and start washing.

After this, there should be no signs of contact with plasticine or any other substances on the clothing.

How to wash clothes that have plasticine on them

The last step will be a classic wash. It is required in all cases, because simply wiping off the stain is not enough. It is necessary to start washing immediately in order to have time to get rid of the tiny pieces of plasticine that are located in the nearest layers of fabric.

The higher the temperature, the more likely it is to wash the item. However, you need to choose the mode that is acceptable for a particular type of material. Otherwise, there is a risk of completely ruining your favorite clothes.

Several additional cleaning methods - video:


After going through all three stages, the likelihood of even the smallest traces of plasticine being present is almost zero. That is why it is recommended to use all three, without passing by the first or second, as some people sometimes do, trying to save time. It would be much more correct to do everything as it should and achieve the desired result.

When there are small children in the house, you can expect surprises from them every minute. Paints, felt-tip pens and plasticine - these creative tools can stain clothes so much that it seems that the only thing left to do is throw them away. Moreover, not only children’s clothing suffers from them, but also adults’ clothes, upholstery and other textile products.

Plasticine contains chemical dyes, wax, clay, ozokerite and fats. All these substances prevent drying, but firmly adhere to the surface. Therefore, difficult-to-remove stains remain on the fabric, especially if the plasticine is smeared and pressed into the surface. You can remove plasticine without damaging the fabric using several methods by properly preparing the item for cleaning.

Clothes stained with plasticine should not be washed immediately. Visible particles of the substance are removed using a sharp object - a knife or nail file, and then the item is processed so that the plasticine is removed from the fabric fibers.


An effective way to remove plasticine prints from fabric is freezing. The item with adhering plasticine is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in freezer for an hour. The paraffin contained in the plasticine will freeze and fall off on its own. The remains are scraped off with a knife or file, and the clothes are washed in the usual way.


Under influence high temperature plasticine begins to melt - this property can be used to remove grease stains from fabric.

  • Soiled clothes should be straightened out on a flat spot with the stain facing up;
  • Place stains on both sides paper napkins or newspaper sheets;
  • Iron the stain with a hot iron or warm it with a stream of hot air from a hairdryer.

How to remove traces of plasticine from clothes

After plasticine is removed from the surface of clothing, greasy colored stains often remain on it. The substance penetrates the tissue structure, making it difficult to remove. To clean a thing from traces of plasticine, the following means are used.

Laundry soap

This is one of effective ways get rid of a dirty stain. The item, cleaned of plasticine, needs to be soaked in warm water and soaped well, and rinsed after half an hour. If the stain is too deep, you can use a thick soap solution. Grate the soap into shavings and dilute hot water until a porridge-like mass is obtained. This mixture is applied to problem area, rub in with a brush, and after half an hour the clothes are washed.


Also, when cleaning things with laundry soap, use baking soda. It is sprinkled on top of the stain treated with soap and gently rubbed with a brush.

Another alternative method is from soda and warm water Make a thick mixture, rub it into the stain, and leave until completely dry. After this, the item is washed by hand or in a machine.

Soda can be replaced with a regular cleaning agent, such as Komet or Domestos.


The only disadvantage of this effective remedy is the specific bad smell. But it can be easily removed with regular washing powder or fabric softener. A plasticine stain can be removed by wiping it with a cloth soaked in kerosene.

Wool sock

An unnecessary wool sock or any other item made of wool will help remove contamination from plasticine. To do this, rub the problem area with a woolen product until the wool absorbs plasticine particles.

Vegetable oil

Grease stains left from paraffin can be easily removed with a similar substance – vegetable oil. To do this, use a sponge soaked in oil to thoroughly wipe the item in the area of ​​contamination and leave for 20 minutes. After this, excess oil is removed using a cloth soaked in Fairy detergent.

If plasticine gets on a fur product, it can be cleaned with oil. The oil is applied to the pile using a cotton swab, after which it is combed with a special brush or fine-toothed comb.


10 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 100 ml. water. Soak a cloth in the solution and rub the stain with it until completely clean.

Video: how to remove plasticine from clothes

How to remove plasticine stains from different fabrics

An important condition when cleaning things from plasticine is to take into account their color and material. After all, one thing can be easily cleaned, while another can just as easily be ruined.

White things

Clothes white You can remove plasticine using:

  • baking soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • oxygen bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Under no circumstances should you use bleach or other products containing chlorine to clean white clothes.

Colored products

When cleaning colored items, it is important not to damage their pattern. For example, you can easily spoil color scheme things using acetone solvents or chlorine-containing products. You can remove a plasticine stain from colored fabric using the following substances:

  • laundry soap;
  • a mixture of dishwashing gel and soda;


Wool items have an uneven surface and porous structure, which is why cleaning products cannot penetrate deeply. In this case, solvents are effective:

  • turpentine;
  • kerosene;
  • refined gasoline;
  • nail polish remover without acetone.

Use one of these products to thoroughly wipe the stain and leave for half an hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

It is better to dry-clean items made from white wool, as they may turn yellow when exposed to solvents!


Silk is a delicate fabric, so you need to clean it carefully. Traces of plasticine can only be removed with pure alcohol:

  • place the soiled item on a flat surface with the stain facing up;
  • place a paper napkin under the stain;
  • Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, soak the stain until it disappears.


Plasticine that gets on jeans clothing is removed using all of the above means, with the exception of acetone and chlorine-containing products. You also need to pay attention to the color of the jeans. White items must be cleaned in a manner appropriate for that color.

Professional stain removers

In addition, you can use a professional stain remover, which can be found in a large variety on the market. household chemicals. The best means according to housewives:

Product name Manufacturer Purpose
Vanish Great Britain Removes stains of various origins.
Ecover Belgium Stain remover based on natural ingredients. Easily copes with stains of various origins.
Frau Schmidt Austria Removes greasy, blood stains, traces of wine and berry juice.
Antipyatin Russia Used when soaking clothes different colors and fabrics.

As you can see, with little effort there are no traces of plasticine left. The main thing is not to panic and provide timely assistance to the clothes.

Modeling crafts from plasticine is one of the most favorite activities of children. However, after working with it, not only your hands are dirty, but also all the objects around you.

If it is easy to scrape it off the table and plastic and just wash the surface, then how to remove plasticine from clothes? Regular washing will not help here, but simple home and professional remedies that can deal with the problem in a matter of seconds will come to the rescue.

Peroxide and ammonia

Removing traces of paint, pens, markers, or modeling material from clothing almost always seems like an insurmountable task. First of all, this is due to the fact that most mothers simply do not know how to wash plasticine.

Don't throw away your clothes. Even if the stains remain, it can be worn on the child next time.

How to clean plasticine? Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide remove this substance quite well. Scrubbing off plasticine is not a problem at all if you have one of the suggested remedies in your home.

They can be used to clean toys, trousers and other cloth items.

How to wash plasticine from clothes:

  1. First, try scraping with a spoon or something not sharp. upper layer. The more material you remove initially, the faster the chosen product will cope with the remains.
  2. Take an ammonia solution (10 drops per 250 ml of water) or undiluted hydrogen peroxide, soak a cotton pad in the solution and lightly walk over the contaminated area. Work the stain from the edges to the center so as not to smear it even more.

Ammonia is used for all things. They can be used to display material for modeling on clothes both light and dark.

Hydrogen peroxide lightens the material slightly. You can use it at home only for light-colored things.

Vegetable little

Enough effective means is vegetable oil. It is not used to remove plasticine from fabric. Vegetable oil is used to clean clothes from.

How to wash plasticine from clothes:

  1. Lay the item out on a flat surface.
  2. Pour some vegetable oil into a separate container.
  3. Take a cotton pad, soak it in the product, and apply it to the stain. Rub a little.
  4. Remove greasy traces from vegetable oil using dishwashing detergent or wash in an automatic washing machine.

You can also wash plasticine from carpet using this method. Just don’t use it to remove it from wallpaper.

Baking soda

You can remove plasticine stains from clothes with laundry soap and soda. These products cope with almost any contaminant. They can also remove pen marks and .

How to remove plasticine:

  1. First you need to remove most of it. Try cleaning the plasticine off the item using a knife.
  2. Pour water into a basin, dissolving laundry soap in it. Use 1 bar for 5 liters of water. The solution must be concentrated.
  3. Place the item in a container and soak for 1 hour.
  4. Then we take a stiff brush and clean off the remaining plasticine from the clothes. Be careful not to smear the stain.
  5. Dilute baking soda with water. Once you have the paste, apply it to a cloth and leave for 5–10 minutes. Rinse the mixture with water and wash completely in the machine.

Baking soda does not remove the modeling material itself, it only removes the greasy marks left by the paraffin.

You can remove plasticine from clothes using purified kerosene. It is sold at a hardware or hardware store.

Be careful when removing this method; some fabrics cannot be treated with kerosene.

How to clean plasticine from clothes:

  1. Take a cotton pad. Pour kerosene into a separate container.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the product, first wipe the stain from the edges to the center, and then apply the swab to the stain.
  3. After 15 minutes, try to clean the plasticine from your clothes. Remove the top layer and wash the item itself.

Refined kerosene is not always available in the store. Alternative option- use of isopropyl alcohol.

Cleaning fabric from plasticine is similar to using kerosene. When you remove the stain, wash the item well.

Stain removers

You just need to know how to get rid of modeling material if there are small children in the house. Sooner or later this knowledge will come in handy.

How to clean off stains? Clean clothes using professional stain removers. Choose products according to the type of fabric.

How to remove plasticine stains from things:

  • Vanish;
  • Ace Oxi Magic;
  • Antipyatin;
  • pre-cleaning spray from the manufacturer Amway.

Any stain remover removes this kind of stain well. Just before use, you should carefully read the instructions.

How to remove stains:

  1. Apply the selected composition to the stain.
  2. Let it sit for a little while on the dirt. Typically, the exposure time is 5–10 minutes, but it can be longer if the manufacturer indicated this in the instructions.
  3. Then wash off with water. We wash clothes in the usual way.

You should wear gloves when working with chemical reagents. Some substances are very aggressive and can damage the delicate skin of your hands.

Ice cubes or freezer

If you are afraid to risk things by using ammonia, peroxide, kerosene and other means to get rid of material, try the freezing method.This furniture method will certainly get rid of the problem.

How to remove plasticine from clothes:

  1. Place the clothes in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  2. Grab the edge and tear it away from the item. Use a knife to remove it or something else.

Do not try to immediately tear off or wash things. The situation will only get worse from these actions.Try to clean in more efficient and wiser ways. Not only will they not make the situation worse, but they will actually improve the situation.

How to clean a carpet? This method is also suitable for rugs.

Take an ice cube or something frozen (even meat and dumplings will do) and apply it to the imprint on the item for 5 minutes. Do not allow the cube to defrost, but rather place it in a glass and then on the affected area.

You can remove it from the furniture in the same way. This method can also be used with wallpaper; it will then simply dry and there will be no traces left.

Iron and napkins

A good way to remove stains is to heat treat items. Use an iron and napkins.

How to clean carpet from plasticine:

  1. Lay your clothes out on a flat surface.
  2. Heat the iron to the highest possible temperature, depending on the type of fabric.
  3. Cover the dirty area with a napkin and iron it.

When heated, the plasticine will melt a little and stick to the paper. After such treatment, there will still be a greasy mark on the clothes.

It is wiped off from things with regular shampoo, dishwashing detergent or powder.


Plasticine is the easiest way to wash off plastic. This surface is usually smooth, so removal should not be difficult.

How to wash:

  1. You can simply clean the plastic with hot water. Moisten the stain and rub well.
  2. Use isopropyl or ammonia.
  3. For light-colored plastic, hydrogen peroxide is suitable.

After treating with the chosen product, simply scrape off large pieces with a plastic knife and wash off the rest with soapy water.


Parents often find plasticine on the wallpaper. You can’t just peel it off, it will leave stains or it will come off along with the paper.

Plasticine is removed from wallpaper using the temperature method. Heat it with a hairdryer and remove everything with a napkin.

You can try scraping it off the wallpaper with a knife, and wash off the remaining residue with damp wallpaper. This method is suitable if they are washable.

Removing it from a relief coating is even more difficult. This will require a lot of effort. You can use the same hair dryer, try to remove it with white plasticine or scrub it with a scraper.

Plasticine stains are difficult to remove, even with use professional means. This difficulty lies not in the chosen substance for their removal, but in the fact that it melts in heat.

If you act immediately, you can return clothes and furniture to their previous appearance. If you leave it for later, there will be more problems with removing contaminants. A greasy stain from plasticine will be difficult to remove.

IN Lately Manufacturers have learned to produce plasticine that leaves no marks on hands or surrounding objects. Unfortunately, this miracle costs much higher than average, so schools and kindergartens still use the good old modeling compound, which firmly adheres to leather, fabric, wood and even plastic. Despite the apparent drama of the situation, it is quite possible to remove plasticine from clothes, furniture or floors without consequences.

General tips:

  1. Do not try to wash off the plasticine stain with water or clean it with a napkin. Plasticine contains wax, and this plastic substance only smears due to mechanical stress and penetrates deeper into the structure of the fabric. The best effect on plasticine is a change in temperature: when cold the substance hardens, when heated it melts.
  2. In the methods below, use an iron with a steam function - this will give you an even better effect.
  3. Colored plasticine can be “dipped” with white: take a lump of light mass, stick it to the dirt and tear it off sharply. Repeat the action until only a greasy mark remains on the surface.

Store products. Special means There is no way to remove plasticine from clothes, but there are oxygen-containing stain removers: Antipyatin, Vanish, Ace Oxi Magic and others. Add any of them during the final wash and the greasy stain will disappear. The proportions and processing methods are indicated in the instructions.

How to clean plasticine using folk remedies

Methods depend on the material and characteristics of the product.

Fabric and clothing

1. Place the soiled item in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the frozen plasticine will fall off on its own (by the way, you can do the same with chewing gum).

2. Iron the dirt through a cloth or paper towel("silk" mode), do not forget to place a sheet of paper folded several times under the stain. toilet paper. The plasticine will melt and remain on the blotting pads. Change paper as needed.

Iron and paper - the fastest, most affordable means

3. Apply a little sunflower oil to a cotton pad and wipe the contaminated area thoroughly. The artificial clay will form pellets and will be easy to remove.

Removing the remaining stain

Removing plasticine is only the first step: the substance leaves behind untidy, greasy stains, so mechanical cleaning is not enough; chemical treatment and washing are needed.

1. Make a concentrated soap solution (dissolve in 5 liters hot water 200 g of laundry soap shavings), soak the affected clothing for 15-20 minutes, then treat the plasticine stain with a brush (you can first sprinkle the stains with soda). This method is well suited for synthetics.

Soaking in soapy water does not replace a full wash: after treating problem areas, wash the item as usual.

2. To remove stains from cotton or other natural material, use the following method: mix water with ammonia (10 drops per glass), thoroughly wipe the plasticine stain with this mixture.

3. Make a paste from hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap shavings (proportions by eye, you should get a thick paste), apply the finished paste to the remaining mark, rinse off after 20 minutes.

Do not use this product on colored items; hydrogen peroxide may dissolve the dye.

Carpet and upholstered furniture

The same principle applies here as with fabric: cold or heat.

1. Place a plastic bag of ice or just a bag of frozen vegetables on the stained area.

2. To clean the plasticine, heat it with a hairdryer or iron it through a napkin.

Wipe the remaining greasy stain with a cotton swab with acetone, gasoline or ammonia, sprinkle the remainder with soda, and after some time simply sweep off the grease-absorbed powder with a brush.

Greasy plasticine stains can be easily removed only with solvents

Hard surfaces and wallpaper

Scrape off the plasticine with a silicone spatula (you can use one of the tools for working with plastic materials), remove the residue with soapy water or dishwashing detergent.

Place a sheet of clean paper on the affected area of ​​the wallpaper and blow it with a stream of warm air from a hairdryer - the plasticine should melt and transfer to the “application”. Wash off any greasy stains with Fairy or another similar dishwashing detergent.

Lint, wool (animal), hair

Remove large lumps with your hands, comb out the remainder with a comb, then treat the lint, wool or hair with a degreaser (for example, shampoo) and rinse with water.