The most incredible stories from people's lives. Mysterious, unsolved cases from life

In our world, interesting and funny situations often occur that amuse many people. But in addition to such curiosities, there are moments that make you think or simply frighten, driving you into a stupor. For example, some item mysteriously disappearing t, although a couple of minutes ago I was in my place. Inexplicable and sometimes strange situations happen to everyone. Let's talk about real life stories told by people.

Fifth place – Death or not?

Liliya Zakharovna- A well-known primary school teacher in the area. All local residents tried to send their children to her, since she aroused honor and respect, trying to teach children wisdom not according to the usual program, but according to her own. Thanks to its development, children quickly absorbed new knowledge and applied it in practice with skill. She managed to do what no teacher could do - make children work beneficially and gnaw on the granite of science.

Recently Liliya Zakharovna reached retirement age, which she happily took advantage of by going on legal rest. She had a sister Irina, whom she went to see. This is where the story begins.

Irina had a mother and daughter who lived next door on the same staircase. Lyudmila Petrovna, Irina’s mother, had been seriously ill for a long time. The doctors did not know the exact diagnosis, because the symptoms were completely different with each visit to the hospital, which did not allow them to give a 100% answer. The treatment was very varied, but even it did not help put Lyudmila Petrovna on her feet. After several years of painful procedures, she died. On the day of death, the cat that lived in the apartment woke up my daughter. She caught herself and ran to the woman and found that she was dead. The funeral took place near the city, in his native village.

The daughter and her friend visited the cemetery for several days in a row, still not accepting the fact that Lyudmila Petrovna no more. On their next visit, they were surprised that there was a small hole at the grave, the depth of which was about forty centimeters. It was clear that she was fresh, and sitting near the grave was the same cat that woke up her daughter on the day of her death. It immediately became clear that it was she who dug the hole. The hole was filled up, but the cat was never released. It was decided to leave her there.

The next day, the girls went to the cemetery again to feed the hungry cat. This time there were already three of them - they were joined by one of the relatives of the deceased. They were very surprised when there was a hole on the grave larger size than last time. The cat was still sitting there, looking very exhausted and tired. This time she decided not to resist and voluntarily climbed into the girls’ bag.

And then strange thoughts begin to creep into the girls’ heads. Suddenly Lyudmila Petrovna was buried alive, and the cat was trying to get to her. Such thoughts haunted me, and it was decided to dig up the coffin to make sure. The girl was found by several people without specific place residence, paid them money and brought them to the cemetery. They dug up the grave.

When the coffin was opened, the girls were in complete shock. The cat was right. Nail marks were visible on the coffin, which suggests that the deceased was alive, trying to escape from captivity.

The girls grieved for a long time, realizing that they could still save Lyudmila Petrovna, if they had dug up the grave right away. These thoughts haunted them for a very long time, but nothing could be returned. Cats always sense trouble - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Fourth place – Forest paths

Ekaterina Ivanovna is an elderly woman living in a small village near Bryansk. The village is located around forests and fields. Grandma lived here all her life long life, so she knew all the paths and roads inside and out. Since childhood, she walked around the neighborhood, picking berries and mushrooms, which made excellent jam and pickles. Her father was a forester, so Ekaterina Ivanovna was in harmony with Mother Nature all her life.

But one day it happened strange case, which my grandmother still remembers and crosses herself. It was early autumn, when it was time to cut hay. Relatives from the city came to help so as not to leave all the care of the household to the elderly woman. The whole crowd moved to a forest clearing to collect hay. Towards evening, the grandmother went home to prepare dinner for her tired assistants.

It takes about forty minutes to walk to the village. Of course, the path ran through the forest. Here Ekaterina Ivanovna He has been walking since childhood, so of course there was no fear. On the way, in the forest thicket, I met a woman I knew, and a dialogue began between them about all the events taking place in their native village.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. And it was already starting to get dark outside. Suddenly, the unexpectedly encountered woman screamed and laughed with all her might and evaporated, leaving a strong echo. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete horror, realizing what had happened. She was already lost in space and simply became nervous, not knowing which way to go. For two hours the grandmother walked from one corner of the forest to another, trying to get out of the thicket. In a toga, she simply fell to the ground, exhausted. Thoughts already came to mind that she would have to wait until the morning until someone saved her. But the sound of the tractor turned out to be life-saving - it was towards it that Ekaterina Ivanovna headed, soon reaching the village.

The next day, the grandmother went home to the woman she met. She rejected the fact that she was in the forest, justifying this by the fact that she was caring for the beds and simply did not have time. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete shock and already thought that, against the background of fatigue, hallucinations had begun, leading her astray. For several years now, these events have been told to local residents with fear. From that moment on, the grandmother never went to the forest again, as she was afraid of getting lost or, worse, dying from extreme fear. There was even a proverb in the village: “The devil leads Katerina.” I wonder who was really in the forest that evening?

Third place – Dream come true

In the life of the heroine, various situations constantly occur that one simply cannot dare to call ordinary: they are strange. In the early eighties of the last century, Pavel Matveevich, who was his mother’s husband, died. The morgue workers gave the heroine’s family his belongings and a gold watch, which the deceased loved very much. Mom decided to keep them and keep them as a memory.

As soon as the funeral has passed, the heroine of strange stories has a dream. In it, the late Pavel Matveevich demands from his mother that she take the watch back to where he originally lived. The girl woke up in the morning and ran to tell her mother about her dream. Of course, the decision was made that the watch must be returned. Let them be in their place.

At the same time, a dog barked loudly in the yard (and the house was private). When one of her own comes, she is silent. But then, apparently, someone else came. And it’s true: my mother looked out the window and saw that a man was standing under the lantern and was waiting for someone to leave the house. Mom came out and it turned out that this mysterious stranger was Pavel Matveevich’s son from his first marriage. He happened to be passing through the village and decided to stop by. The only interesting thing is how he found the house, because no one knew him before. In memory of his father, he wanted to take something from him. And my mother gave me the watch. The strange stories in the girl’s life are not going to end there. At the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Ivanovich, my husband’s father, fell ill. On New Year's Eve, he found himself in the hospital awaiting his operation. And the girl dreams again prophetic dream. There was a doctor there who informed the family that the operation would be on the third of January. In the dream, another man furiously demanded the question of what interests the girl most. And she asked how many years the parents would live. No answer was received.

It turned out that the surgeon had already told his father-in-law that the operation would be performed on January 2. The girl said that something would definitely happen that would force her to reschedule the operation the next day. And so it happened - the operation took place on January 3rd. The relatives were stunned.

The last story happened when the heroine was already fifty years old. The woman no longer had any special health. As soon as the second daughter was born, the parent had a headache. The pain was so severe that I was already thinking about giving an injection. Hoping that the pain would subside, the woman went to bed. After dozing off a little, she heard the little child wake up. There was a night light above the bed, and the girl reached to turn it on, and she was immediately thrown back onto the bed, as if an electric shock had occurred. And it seemed to her that she was flying somewhere high above the house. And only the child’s strong cry brought her back to earth from heaven. Waking up, the girl was very wet, thinking that there was clinical death.

Over all times, the crowns of nature have accumulated many amazing stories about themselves. Some of them are truly frightening, others are alarming, and others amaze and even inspire achievements. So what situations that happened to people in different eras have the right to be called the most extraordinary of all?

Among the amazing stories about the lives of people side by side with wild animals, the story of Marina can be considered almost the canonical embodiment of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan stories.

Chapman, then a little 5-year-old girl, ended up in the Colombian jungle in the 50s of the last century. She ended up in impassable forests because she was kidnapped and then, for some reason, left there by unknown men. Soon the baby was found by a group of monkeys. Its representatives began to show a benign interest in a larger, but still similar individual. The girl quickly got used to it and became part of the community: she began to move on all fours, steal food, look for fleas and, if possible, make some sounds.

After 5 years, Marina accidentally exposed herself to poachers, who immediately decided to make money from the young creature and send her to a brothel. However, due to her age, Chapman only performed the work of a maid there. Then the girl’s bitter fate continued with beatings and imprisonment in the mafioso’s house, where she found herself after escaping from a brothel. Soon justice prevailed, and Mowgli found good people. One of the women became her adoptive mother.

Today Marina lives in Bradford, UK, with her husband and children. She again mastered human speech and even learned to be a chef. However, the amazing story from her life still reminds us of itself. For example, Chapman can still confidently move on all fours, climb trees and give a tough fight.

Bird child

The next amazing story from life will also be dedicated to the baby, only it is no longer 50, but more than 280 years away from modern times. In 1735, the German Schmidt family from the small town of Tauha was preparing for the birth of their 4th child. The couple, 28-year-old Johanna-Sofia and 38-year-old Andreas, not only did not expect to face premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy, but also to see what it would bring with them...

The baby that emerged combined the features of a human and a chicken. The strangeness of the phenomenon was further enhanced by the fact that all the previous offspring of the couple were absolutely normal and healthy. Gottlieb Friederici, who published the work “The Rarest Human Monster,” once took on the task of explaining this amazing case; it was he who preserved the baby’s body in alcohol, which then ended up in the Waldenburg Museum in Germany. However, even today, progressive doctors and researchers have not been able to identify the nature of the appearance of such a creature and find in history other examples of people with a cleroid-shaped skull, the absence of ears, an underdeveloped lower jaw, an abnormally sized heart and long fingers ending in claws. Scientists were only able to establish the gender of the bird child, who brought another mystery into this life - it was a girl.

Three-eyed patient

Some amazing incidents from life can bring a lot of inconvenience to the main characters. For example, once in China, doctors discovered a 25-year-old man with 3 eyes. For all time, humanity has encountered such precedents only 3 times.

Uncharacteristic for ordinary people an additional eye was located at young man on the temple on the left side. The eye included all the necessary elements: eyelid, pupil, lacrimal gland and even the brow ridge. But he also had one significant drawback - he could not see anything at all, and also significantly worsened the vision of his “partners”.

Blood that conquers poison

The next amazing and incredible story will also be associated with the inexplicable characteristics of the human body, but in this case you will need to move to India. Today it is home to Singh Abu, who has earned the nickname "Lord of Snakes", although he could also be dubbed "Lord of Death". The fact is that this man experimentally found out: the bites of crawling dangerous viper not only do not kill him, but even make him stronger!

Research has found that Indian blood has an unusual composition that breaks down poison and then turns it into useful substances. nutrients. This is truly amazing, but circulating in circulatory system Lord of the Snakes liquid does not belong to any group known today (0, A, B, AB). Singh-Abu decided to turn the lucky break into a business and make a living from his uniqueness: he is currently showing people performances where he walks barefoot on a reptile-infested floor and performs various tricks with them.

Tears made of plastic

And here is another story, which is considered one of the most amazing not only in North Africa, where the phenomenon girl Hanuma lives, but throughout the world. How many people have cried at least once in their lives? Of course, there are many. However, the main character of this story is not familiar with tears in the usual sense.

The baby grew up as a non-capricious and obedient child, so her parents did not immediately notice her peculiarity. Only when the girl matured enough to help her mother with housework did the couple realize how different she was from the rest. One day Hanuma was cutting an onion when suddenly hard grains like beads fell from her eyes. This amazing case would have remained the property of the North African family if its head had not decided to use beautiful and easy-to-cut crystals in his jewelry work. Stories about beautiful jewelry began to pass from buyer to buyer, until the product was purchased by a researcher interested in its composition. He found out that the main element, namely Hanuma's tears, is special kind plastic, the manufacturing method of which is still unknown to the world.

Scientists have still not been able to explain this amazing story. The most interesting and joyful thing is that the “grains” falling from the eyes do not interfere with Hanuma in real life. They harden on the eyelashes, do not stick to the skin, do not spoil vision and do not cause pain.

Funny incidents and coincidences

Among the most amazing stories from life are not only those that can cause bewilderment, but also those that simply make you smile. Here are some of them:

  • After landing on the surface of the Moon in 1969, American Neil Armstrong immediately said the phrase: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorski!” Once upon a time, while still a boy, the future astronaut witnessed a quarrel between a couple living nearby. During the showdown, Mrs. Gorski blurted out that the neighbor's shooter would rather fly to the moon than her husband could satisfy a woman.

  • A phenomenal incident happened in 1965 in a village in Scotland. Residents gathered at the local cinema to enjoy the film "Around the World in 80 Days". At the moment when the frame showed the sending of the balloon and the cutting of the rope, the audience heard a roar. It turned out that exactly the same ship had landed on the roof!

  • In 1966, a 4-year-old boy named Roger Losier nearly drowned near Salem, USA. He was noticed in time and pulled out of the water by the brave Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, without knowing it, repaid the debt to the savior, namely, in the same place, he saved from death a man who turned out to be her husband.

This is an interesting story about how 80 millionaires appeared overnight in one village.

And this story began like this. Back in 1917, Antonio Fernandez was born in the Spanish village of Cerezales del Condado. His family lived very poorly, and his parents, who had 13 children, had to work to the limit of their strength in order to somehow feed themselves. Antonio Fernandez attended school until the age of 14, but never completed it. He was forced to quit his studies and go to work in the fields to help his parents. It would seem, what could be remarkable about this person? But an extraordinary fate awaited him.

In 1949, our hero, at the age of 32, went to Mexico to seek his fortune. His wife's uncle lived there. Having got a job at Grupo Modelo - largest manufacturer beer, he began to move quickly along career ladder. In 1971, he was already in top management, and all the founders of the corporation listened to his opinion.

Corona beer, under the leadership of Antonio Fernandez, has grown from a local producer into a recognizable global brand, and it has become general director. Managing the company until 2005, the billionaire retired from business only at the age of 88.

The main feature of Antonio Fernandez was that wealth did not eat him up from the inside. The fact is that he bequeathed 200 million euros to the residents of his Spanish village, where he was once born and raised. This wonderful man had no children, so management of the company passed to his nephew. But he decided to give such an extraordinary gift to his former fellow villagers.

Villagers tell how shocked they were when they learned that they became millionaires overnight. Each of them received more than 2 million euros, which can ensure their comfortable existence for the rest of their lives.

In general, it is known that Antonio Fernandez was very involved in charity work both in his native Spain and in Mexico, where he lived for more than half a century. Having died at the age of 99, he became a symbol of kindness and true nobility. Such life stories show that not all humanity is lost among extremely rich people.

When a real billionaire makes millionaires the entire village in which he was once born, it makes one admire the nobility and genuine kindness of a real benefactor.

The amazing fate of Violet Jessop

This is an interesting and amazing story about the life of a woman who came out unharmed from mortal danger three times; she survived sea accidents three times.

Violet was born into a family of Irish immigrants in Argentina. She was destined for an extraordinary fate, and this became clear even in childhood.

She was the first surviving child, as the three older children died very early. As a child, Violet Jessop was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and the doctor left no chance for life, since the situation was too serious. However, she survived, and after the death of her father, the whole family moved to the UK, where Violet began her career as an air hostess.

At the age of 23, a young and promising girl worked on board the famous giant ship Olympic, which was practically a copy of the Titanic. But in 1911, the Olympic collided with another ship at sea. Having received a 14-meter hole, the ship miraculously survived, and Violet Jessop successfully survived the first disaster in her life.

A year later, our heroine goes to work on the Titanic. Her friends said that she did not want to go there, but they convinced her that it was very promising for her future career. On the night of April 15, the liner suffered a shipwreck, which became one of the most notorious disasters of the twentieth century. But flight attendant Violet Jessop, along with some other employees, again managed to escape. In boat No. 16 they waited for rescuers and saved their lives.

Violet herself writes in her memoirs that when she got into the boat, some officer handed her small child, with which she was saved. When they boarded the ship Carpathia, which came to the aid of the Titanic, a woman ran up to her and, without saying a word, snatched the child from her arms and disappeared with him into the crowd. It was probably his mother who was scared to death. It would seem that the second warning should have made the girl think about changing jobs. But that was not the case!

During the First World War, Violet Jessop became a nurse on the HMS Britannic. In 1916, the ship hit a German mine and began to sink. During the process of evacuating passengers, when the first two boats were launched and loaded with people, they suddenly fell into the whirlpool of the Britannic sinking under the water.

Not thinking of giving up, Violet Jessop jumped out of the boat and was saved, although more than 20 people were pulled under the propeller of the sinking ship, where they died. In her memoirs she says that after this tragic story She developed severe headaches and was forced to see a doctor, who discovered a crack in her skull. +After these three maritime accidents, the thrice-surviving flight attendant worked on passenger airliners for more than 40 years and even traveled around the world twice.

Interestingly, Violet Jessop was one of the passengers on the Titanic who heard the hymn “Nearer My God to Thee” sung on the sinking ship.

Having lived 83 years, she died peacefully in England.

Incredible luck in one person's life

This story is about an Australian man named Bill Morgan and the amazingly lucky events that happened in his life.

In 1999, he was 37 years old and working as a truck driver. Everything would have been fine if our hero had not gotten into a serious car accident. At the hospital, professional doctors fought for his life, but Bill's heart stopped. It would seem that the story has come to an end, and there is nothing more to talk about. But that was not the case!

After 14 minutes, Bill Morgan began to respond to the actions of the resuscitators and came to his senses. In reality, such clinical death, as a rule, cannot last more than 15 minutes. In a word, just a little more, and Bill would have left our world forever.

So, the heart began to beat, but Morgan ended up in a coma. This went on for 12 whole days. Then he came to his senses and recovered very quickly, which was an extreme surprise for the medical staff of the hospital, who had seen everything.

Of course, after such a story, Bill decided to “give up” with cargo transportation, and in general, quit his job as a driver. Having found something else to do, he proposed to his beloved woman, who gave him a positive answer.

Everything happened as if in a dream. At first terrible accident, then clinical death, then coma and finally recovery. Now Australian Bill Morgan is starting a family and looks incredibly happy. Indeed, luck is evident!

In honor of the upcoming celebration, our lucky guy decides to buy himself lottery ticket. So what? He wins a car, which costs about 18 thousand dollars. And this, in the late 90s, was enough large sum for Australia.

Knowing about the events that Bill had to endure in the recent past, journalists decide to interview someone who is incredibly lucky in life. Before filming, the reporter asks Morgan to buy a lottery ticket on camera and exclaim that he won a car. They say this will be an interesting report. No sooner said than done!

The cameramen begin filming, and Australian Bill Morgan comes to the window and buys a real lottery ticket. A journalist is standing right there, waiting for the agreed upon phrase, but instead he sees Bill’s changed face, who quietly says: “I won 250 thousand dollars”! Not understanding what was going on, the journalist clarifies what happened, and Morgan repeats: “I’m not joking at all and I really won this amount of money.”

Of course, the filmers were in real shock, but the material for the report was truly sensational. Just think, such incredible luck in a short period of time! Mr. Morgan immediately called his fiancee and told her that they would now buy the house they had long dreamed of. Future wife, when she was interviewed, said: “I hope that my dear husband did not waste all his luck in these lotteries, and we will live happily ever after.”

Here they are incredible stories amazing luck happens in life.

17th century French document

This story could be classified as an anecdote. However, documents are a harsh thing.

And this document has survived to this day, although it dates back to the 17th century. It tells about an incident that happened to the French Cardinal d'Armagnac in 1654.

And this is what happened: one day the cardinal, walking down the street, noticed an 80-year-old man who was crying. Approaching him, he asked what was the matter. In response, the 80-year-old old man told an amazing story. It turns out that he was crying because his 113-year-old father beat him for disrespecting his 143-year-old grandfather. Can you imagine?

This document and this case are repeatedly described in various research papers on genetics.

Incredible facts

As you know, the true nature of a person is known only when he is driven into a corner.

There are many people in history whose stories and actions we admire, and we are also amazed at how they were able to cope in incredibly difficult situations.

In many cases, they were helped by courage and bravery, the ability to reason soberly and choose the right plan actions.

Some of them were able to survive the ordeal only through willpower and inflexibility.

Real stories of real people

Leonid Rogozov

1. In 1961, Soviet doctor Leonid Rogozov removed his inflamed appendix. He was the only doctor at a remote research station in Antarctica and, thanks to the surgery performed, was able to survive.

When 27-year-old doctor Leonid Rogozov was stationed at the new Antarctic colony, he came down with severe pain and classic symptoms of appendicitis. He knew that his only option would be surgery, but since there was no transport due to the snowstorm and he was the only doctor on the base, he had to operate himself.

Several people assisted him as he calmly and concentratedly carried out the operation. Every five Rogozov took breaks to recover from weakness and dizziness.

It took him 1 hour and 45 minutes to perform the operation, which he did while looking at his reflection in the mirror. The doctor recovered after a few weeks and started working again.

Miyamoto Musashi

2. Miyamoto Musashi - 17th century Japanese swordsman was late for fights twice and defeated both opponents. For his next duel, he decided not to be late and arrived early, ambushing those who ambushed him.

After the war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans in 1600, a young 20-year-old Musashi began a series of duels against the Yoshioka school. He was able to defeat the school master Yoshioka Seijiro with one blow. Seijiro handed over the leadership of the school to his brother Yoshioka Denshichiro, who also challenged Musashi to a duel, but was defeated, leaving 12-year-old Yoshioka Matashichiro as master.

This angered the Yoshioka family so much that they ambushed him with archers, musketeers and swordsmen. However, this time Musashi decided to come much earlier than the appointed time and hid. He unexpectedly attacked the enemy and killed him, ending the Yoshioka family.

Roy Benavidez

3. Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez fought for 6 hours, suffering 37 puncture wounds and a broken jaw, his eyes swollen with blood. He was declared dead, but when the doctor tried to seal him in a black bag, he spat in his face.

In 1965, Benavidez was struck by a mine in South Vietnam and was evacuated to the United States, where doctors said he would no longer be able to walk. However, after several months of persistent practice, he began to walk again. Despite constant pain, the sergeant returned to Vietnam on May 2, 1968, after hearing a call for help from a captured Special Forces team.

Armed with only a knife and an orderly's bag, he took off in a helicopter to save people. He repelled the attacks and helped save the lives of at least 8 people, but he himself was already considered dead. They stuffed him with a bag, and when the doctor tried to zip it up, Benavidez spat in his face.

Harald III the Severe

4. Harald III the Stern - a Viking who was forced to leave his native Norway and flee to Russia, became an elite guardsman in the Eastern Roman Empire and fought in Iraq. He then returned to Russia, married the princess and returned to Norway as king, taking over England with his army.

When Harald was 15 years old, he and his brother Olaf fought in the battle for the Norwegian throne, which he lost to the Danish king Canute the Great. However, they lost the battle and were forced to leave the country, spending 15 years Kievan Rus and in the Varangian Guard in the Byzantine Empire.

In 1042 he returned from Byzantium and began a campaign to regain the Norwegian throne. He became an ally of Sven II, the nephew of the king of Denmark, with whom he became co-ruler of Norway and sole ruler after Sven's death. Harald unsuccessfully claimed the throne of Denmark until 1064 and the throne of England in 1066. His death at the Battle of Stamford Bridge for the throne of England is considered the end of the Viking era, and he is considered the last great Viking.

Thomas Baker

5. Being wounded, soldier Thomas Baker ordered his squad to leave himself near a tree with a pistol and 8 cartridges. Later, when Baker was found in the same place with an empty pistol, 8 dead Japanese soldiers lay around him.

During World War II, between June 19 and July 7, Thomas Baker demonstrated exceptional courage. He voluntarily ran with a bazooka 90 meters from the enemy, and under gunfire.

On July 7, Baker was seriously wounded when the perimeter he was within was surrounded by Japanese soldiers.

Refusing to evacuate, he asked his friends to lean him against a tree with a pistol, which had 8 rounds in its clip. When he was later found dead, the gun was empty and 8 dead Japanese soldiers lay nearby.

Interesting stories from people's lives

Jesse Arbogast

6. In 2001, 8-year-old Jesse Arbogast was attacked by a 2-meter sixgill shark, which tore off his arm. His uncle, hearing the noise, pulled the shark from the ocean to shore while the shark was still holding the child's severed hand. Fortunately, surgeons were later able to reattach the arm.

Jesse Arbogast was on the Pensacola Beach in Florida with his uncle Vance Flosenzier when the accident occurred.

The first thing his uncle did was pull the shark out of the ocean and return his nephew's hand. Fortunately, surgeons were able to successfully reattach the boy's arm.

Jeanne de Clisson

7. Frenchwoman Jeanne de Clisson became a pirate in the 14th century in revenge for her husband being beheaded. She sold her lands and bought 3 ships, painting them black. She attacked French ships and dealt with the sailors, beheading them with an ax herself.

It all started when the French authorities, with whom Clisoon had once defended Brittany from England, began to doubt his loyalty. He was captured and tried for treason by order of King Philip VI. Clisson was beheaded and his head was sent to Nantes for public display.

Enraged by the execution of her husband, Jeanne became a pirate and for 13 years, killed all the French who crossed her path, even after the death of King Philip VI. Due to her ruthlessness, she was called the "Breton Lioness".

Later, Jeanne fell in love with an English nobleman, got married and began to lead a quiet life.

Peter Freuchen

8. Arctic explorer Peter Freuchen made a chisel from his own frozen excrement to free himself from an avalanche. In addition, he amputated his frozen fingers with an ax without anesthesia.

One day, having decided to take refuge from a snowstorm in a snowdrift, Peter Freuchen discovered that he was trapped in a block of snow and ice. For many hours he tried to get out of the snowdrift, picking out the snow with his bare hands and frozen bear skin. He almost gave up, but then he remembered that dog excrement can freeze and become hard as rock.

He decided to experiment with his own feces and made a chisel out of it, patiently digging through a snowdrift. Returning to camp, he discovered that his feet were frostbitten and gangrene had set in. He amputated his toes with forceps without taking a drop of alcohol to relieve the pain.

The strongest man in history

Charles Rigoulot

9. French weightlifter Charles Rigoulot was imprisoned for punching a Nazi officer, but he was able to escape from prison by bending the bars.

Charles Rigoulot was a French weightlifter, professional wrestler, racing driver and actor. He won a gold medal in weightlifting during the 1924 Summer Olympics and set 10 world records between 1923 and 1926.

In 1923, he began working as a strongman in a circus, and was called "the most strong man in the world." During World War II, he was jailed for punching a Nazi officer, but he escaped the prison by bending the bars, allowing himself and other prisoners to escape.

Jesus Garcia

10. In 1907, Mexican railroad conductor Jesus Garcia saved the entire town of Nacozari in the state of Sonora by sending a burning train loaded with dynamite 6 km from the town before it exploded.

Jesus Garcia was a railroad conductor on the route between Nacozari, Sonora and Douglas in Arizona. On November 7, 1907, sparks from a house chimney began to be carried to the train containing dynamite.

Garcia made an immediate decision and took the train in the opposite direction 6 km from the city before it exploded. He died in the explosion and the city was named Nacosari de Garcia in his honor.

Joseph Bolitho Jones

11. A man named Joseph Bolitho Jones, or Moondine Joe as he was known, escaped from an Australian prison so often that the police were forced to build a special cell for him. However, he escaped from it too.

Joseph Bolitho Jones was arrested several times in the mid-19th century. In 1848, he was arrested for stealing 3 loaves of bread, a piece of bacon, several pieces of cheese and other provisions from his home. His behavior angered the judge so much that he sent him to prison for 10 years.

John was imprisoned several more times before he turned 55, but he always managed to escape. Even when he was imprisoned in a separate cell, he escaped from it. To this day, every first Sunday in May, the city of Tudiy celebrates the Mundine festival in honor of the fugitive.

Amazing people in history

Barry Marshall

12. Dr. Barry Marshall was convinced that the bacterium H. pylori caused stomach ulcers, but no one believed him. Since testing his theory on people was prohibited by law, he infected himself with a bacteria, and then treated it with antibiotics and received Nobel Prize.

Barry Marshall worked at the Royal Perth Hospital with Robert Warren, who was studying the spiral-shaped bacterium and its connection with gastritis. They assumed that Helicobacter pylori causes ulcers and stomach cancer. But the theory was not supported in the medical community, since it was believed that the bacterium could not survive in such an acidic environment.

Convinced that he was right, Marshall drank a culture of the bacteria, expecting symptoms to appear within a few years. However, after just three days he developed nausea and halitosis, followed by vomiting 5-8 days later. After conducting tests, the marshal began taking antibiotics, which improved his condition. He later received the Nobel Prize for his discovery.

Zheng Yi Xiao

13. The most successful pirate in history was the Chinese prostitute Zheng Yi Xiao. She commanded 80,000 sailors and the largest fleet, and therefore the government was forced to offer her a truce. Having retired from pirate affairs with the loot, she opened a gambling den, which she maintained until her death.

Chinese pirate Zheng married a prostitute in 1801. In turn, she agreed to marry on the condition that she would share power and wealth with him. After Zheng died, Zheng Yi Xiao took the reins, but knowing that the pirates were unlikely to listen to the woman's instructions, she appointed Zhang Bao as the ship's deputy captain.

Zheng Yi Xiao was in charge of affairs and military strategy, established the pirate code and led a growing number of pirates. She repelled all attacks by the Chinese fleet until they changed tactics and offered amnesty to the pirates in exchange for peace.


14. The Mongolian princess Khutulun declared that any man who wanted to marry her must defeat her in a fight and give up his horses if he lost. She won 10,000 horses by defeating potential suitors.

Khutulun, born in 1260, was the daughter of the most powerful ruler Central Asia- Hajdu. She helped her father in many battles, and he considered her his favorite and always consulted with her and sought her support.

Hajdu tried to appoint her as his successor before his death, but his brothers and relatives did not allow this. Marco Polo described Khutulun as a magnificent warrior who could rush into the enemy's ranks and snatch up a prisoner like a hawk on a chicken.

Hugh Glass

15. In 1823, American fur trapper Hugh Glass was attacked by a grizzly bear, which he killed with a knife while 320 km from the nearest populated area.

He treated his wounds by allowing the worms to eat the infected flesh to prevent gangrene. With a broken leg, he crawled to the river to make a raft and get to Fort Kiowa. The entire journey took him 6 weeks.

Based on the story of Hugh Glass, the film “The Revenant” was made with Leonardo DiCaprio. Hugh Glass came across a female grizzly bear and her two cubs, and she immediately attacked him. Glass was badly mauled and received serious wounds, but was able to kill the bear with the help of his comrades.

When he lost consciousness, his two partners decided to stay to wait for him to die and bury him.

But when they were attacked by a Native American tribe, they fled, leaving Glass without weapons or equipment.

Having regained consciousness, he discovered that everyone had abandoned him, he had festering wounds, and deep wounds the ribs were exposed on the back. Despite everything that happened, Glass was able to survive and get to the nearest settlement.

Michael Malloy

16. In 1933, five acquaintances of homeless alcoholic Michael Malloy conspired to take three insurance policies from the poor man and drink him to death.

When that didn't kill him, they decided to replace the alcohol with antifreeze, then turpentine, horse ointment, and even mixed rat poison into the alcohol. They then tried poisoned oysters and sardines on him, and none of them killed him. After several more attempts, they finally managed to kill him by placing a hose in his mouth and releasing gas.

But that was not all he experienced. When the crooks realized that it was impossible to poison him, they decided to freeze him to death. After drinking him until he lost consciousness, they took him outside at an air temperature of -26°C and poured 19 liters of water on his chest. The next day he appeared as if nothing had happened.

The next time they decided to hit him with a car at a speed of 72 km per hour. Although it broke his bones, Michael was soon released from the hospital. When he reappeared at the bar, the criminals made one last attempt, and this time they were successful.

The police later exhumed the corpse and found out the reasons for the poor man's death, and the five criminals were executed in the electric chair.

Gordon Cooper

17. During the last manned flight on an automatically controlled spacecraft Faith 7 arose technical problems, which forced astronaut Gordon Cooper to take manual control.

Using his knowledge of the stars and his wrist watch, he oriented the spacecraft and landed just 6 km from the rescue ship in the Pacific Ocean.

All spacecraft missions in NASA's Mercury program were controlled automatically, including Faith 7, piloted by Gordon Cooper. Automatic mode was considered a controversial engineering decision that reduced the role of the astronaut to that of a mere passenger.

Towards the end of the mission, the spacecraft experienced technical problems, but the mission was saved thanks to Cooper's management.

Stories of great people

Ernest Hemingway

18. Ernest Hemingway survived anthrax, pneumonia, dysentery, diabetes, hypertension, two plane crashes that resulted in a ruptured kidney and liver, a broken skull, second degree burns and many other accidents.

Renowned author, journalist and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway went on a safari to Africa after publishing The Old Man and the Sea and was involved in a serious plane crash where he was seriously injured.

As Hemingway recovered from the aftermath, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Later he was placed in psychiatric clinic, trying to treat him with electric shock. Ultimately, in 1961, the writer committed suicide by shooting himself with his own gun.

Simo Häyhä

19. The sniper known as Simo Häyhä killed 505 soldiers during the Finnish-Soviet War without a telescopic sight in temperatures ranging from -40 0 C to -20 0 C. His face was disfigured after being hit by an explosive bullet, but he survived and lived to be 96 years old.

Simo Häyhä joined the Finnish army when he was 20 years old and soon became an expert in marksmanship. He served as a sniper against the Red Army during the Finnish-Soviet War.

Häyhä killed more than 505 soldiers, although the exact number is a matter of debate. However, in 1940, a Soviet soldier was hit by a sniper. An explosive bullet hit him in the left cheek, disfiguring him. Despite everything, Simo lived a long life, living to the age of 96.

Thomas Fitzpatrick

20. In 1956, Thomas Fitzpatrick made a drunken bet, hijacked a plane and flew from New Jersey to New York, landing in front of a bar. In 1958, he again hijacked a plane and landed in front of the university building because the bartender did not believe that he had done it.

Thomas Fitzpatrick was a sailor during Korean War, as well as an American pilot. In a drunken deal, he stole a plane from the Teterboro School of Aeronautics in New Jersey and flew it to New York in 15 minutes.

The next time, in 1958, he repeated the same thing, hijacking a plane and landing in front of a private university.

Cliff Young

21. In 1983, a 61-year-old farmer ran the Sydney to Melbourne Marathon. He became the first and was able to run 875 km 10 hours faster than his closest pursuers. While the others were sleeping, he set a record, improving the previous record by 2 days.

Australian farmer Cliff Young won the 875 km Sydney to Melbourne super marathon. Young ran at a slow pace, well behind the race leaders on the first day.

However, he continued to run and did so even when others were sleeping, eventually overtaking the best runners, he became national hero. Young received the $10,000 prize, but gave it away to other track and field athletes, claiming that he did not know about the prize's existence and that he was not participating for the money.

Molly Schuyler

22. In January 2014, Molly Schuyler, who weighs 56 kg, won an eating contest by eating 363 chicken wings. The next day, she won another pancakes and bacon eating competition, eating more than 2kg of bacon in 3 minutes. In 2015, she was able to eat three two-kilogram steaks in 20 minutes, breaking her own record and the restaurant's record.

Molly Schuyler has won many eating competitions. In August 2012, she competed in the Stellanator competition by eating a sandwich containing 6 hamburger patties, 6 eggs, 6 cheese, 6 bacon with fried onions, jalapenos, lettuce, tomato, pickles, two buns and mayonnaise. That same year, she tried to master the Goliath burger, which included more than 2 kg of various products.

In 2015, she competed in many competitions and set a record by eating a 1.8kg sandwich and 500g potato balls in 2 minutes 55 seconds, and in another competition, eating 2.2kg bacon in 5 minutes.

James Harrison

23. James Harrison, who underwent major surgery at the age of 14, requiring 13 liters of blood. He decided myselfbecome a donor when he turns 18 years old.

It turned out that his blood contains very strong antibodies that help solve the problem of Rh factor incompatibility between mother and child. He donated blood more than 1,000 times and helped save the lives of more than 2.4 million children, including his own daughter.

Harrison became a blood donor in 1954 when doctors discovered that his blood contained strong antibodies against antigen D (RhD). Thanks to his donation, thousands of children were saved from hemolytic disease of the newborn.

The unique properties of his blood are considered so important that his life was insured for a million dollars.

Also based on his blood samples, a commercial Anti-D immunoglobulin vaccine known as RhoGAM was created.

Revenge of the Unborn

The story is not mine. My classmate told me, whom I met in the hospital on last week. I can’t keep it to myself, so here it is. In her words: “These events have been going on for many years. It all started when I was a stupid 15-year-old brat and lived in my home village in the Bryansk region. One young man looked after me, 5 years older than me.

Everything happened as it should: flowers, hugs in dark corners and, of course, the first sexual experience. You can understand that it’s spring, hormones are playing, school is ending, and adult life lies ahead. After ninth grade, I went to Bryansk and entered a vocational school. The boyfriend, therefore, stayed and is not bored at home without me. His friends reported on his adventures.

A couple of weeks later I noticed that for some reason I had not had my period for a long time. I realized that I was pregnant. And now I’m sitting in the dorm alone, crying, I don’t know what to do. I just got in, I can’t quit my studies, but I’m ashamed to go back. There was no support from my boyfriend either; as soon as he found out the news, he began to avoid me altogether. There was nothing to do, I signed up for an abortion while the time allowed. I remember very well what I was thinking at that moment. It's like everything happened yesterday. No hesitation about killing a child, no pity. Nothing.

At that time I had no idea what was happening inside my body. What to take from a rural girl. It wasn’t even scary that there was a possibility of remaining infertile, which the gynecologist warned about. Just a solution to the problem. As they say now, it’s nothing personal. Personal things started much later...

That winter I decided to celebrate the New Year at home. At that moment, I missed my parents so much, my room, where there was a professional piano, it sounds like that... By the way, I still play it. That's what a tool means. Oh, I got distracted. I didn’t want to go anywhere, but then my friends came, persuaded me, and in the end I went to celebrate with my friends in our school group. At this holiday I met the same guy who is a scoundrel.

I don’t know what came over me then, probably I was just a fool, but everything started to turn out all over again for him and me. We dated for six months. Either he came to me, or I’ll come to the village for the weekend. This is love. And then, like a bolt from the blue, there was a two-week delay. I take a pregnancy test - positive. And, characteristically, she took the pills. Well, everything went as planned again. The boyfriend is hiding, avoiding meetings, I’m crying into my pillow, exams and studies are ahead.

True, this time I was unable to hide my condition from my parents. I had a long and serious conversation with my mother. We decided that we had to give birth, no matter what. I tuned in to the baby and even began to feel happy. Still, the support of family is wonderful. But no luck this time either. On an ultrasound, doctors saw some kind of defect in the development of the fetus. This phenomenon has a name, but I didn’t remember it at the time.

I only remember that everything was in a fog, and I remember the doctor who wrote out a referral for an abortion for medical reasons, as if in a dream - a pen on paper slowly, slowly draws letters. And I really wanted to say: “You are my dear man, there is no need to write like that with your pen. Maybe there is something else that can be done? Maybe there are medications or surgery can be done?” But I sat there completely crushed by what was happening, watching how the tip of the pen left a mark on the paper. This time I wasn’t the only one crying. My grief, now completely conscious, was shared with me by my mother. I don’t know what I would have done without her then.

The result is abortion number two. Years have passed. As many as ten. I am already married to the man I love. And everything was wonderful with us, but it just didn’t work out with the baby. And he really wanted, and not just one, but several. Of course, I didn’t tell my husband anything about my past “adventures.” In general, “obviously” is not for everyone. Only those who loved and were afraid of losing a loved one know what it was like for me. How much I hated myself for this, who would know.

We’re sitting with my husband in the evening, he starts talking about the baby and I support this conversation (and why not support it, my wife is perfect), but I myself was ready to burn out. I would give anything to get my fifteen back and fix everything. A leg, an arm - no question. I didn’t pray, so I won’t say that God heard my prayers. But one way or another - a long-awaited pregnancy. What a miracle it is. It’s all so simple for my husband, but for me, who despaired of ever giving birth, it’s a real miracle. Need I say how I protected my unborn child? I walked on tiptoe, I was afraid to sneeze again, and my husband flew around me as if on wings, fulfilling all my whims.

And everything was wonderful, until in the ninth month I dreamed bad dream. I’m walking through some dirty basement, the lighting is not bright, the walls are shabby, something is dripping from the ceiling. And I remember there were a lot of turns and dead ends in that basement, I walked and walked and, in the end, came across a door. Not a door, or rather, but a bulkhead, like on ships. I open it and find myself in some old operating room. There is a gynecological chair in the corner, the walls are covered in blood, and in the middle of the room, holding hands, stand children, or rather, almost teenagers. Two. Girl and boy.

I immediately realized who was in front of me. And at that very moment when I understood everything, it was not fear that came over me, no – HORROR. I felt like I was in court before the verdict was announced. And so, here I stand, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks, but I can’t do or say anything. But the children began to talk. The older girl only said: “Why, mom?” Boy holding his sister only hand, pulled her back and told me: “Together with my brother, we will appear and take him to where children are not allowed to cry.” I woke up in the middle of the night, all wet from sweat and tears. I immediately felt pain in my lower abdomen. I touched it with my hand - blood!

My scream woke my husband. My beloved - well done, he immediately understood everything, took me to the hospital in a matter of minutes, fortunately we were already preparing for childbirth, a lot was agreed upon in advance. Then the operating room... I don’t remember well, because they pumped me full of anesthesia right away. Until the last moment I prayed to God to leave me my son, not in a whisper, I prayed with a cry, until the anesthesia took effect. In a word, everything ended well. My Egorka was born healthy. The doctors unanimously told me about a miracle and that with such bleeding a child usually cannot be saved - a miscarriage.

I didn’t believe my luck, just like my husband, however. Egor grew up without deviations, which I was very afraid of. And I began to forget that terrible dream, like... well, like a terrible dream. Until one day in the summer of last year, something happened. I must say that my little son grew up restless: sometimes he would stumble out of the blue, sometimes he would hurt himself, sometimes he would drop something on himself. It seemed like all children, but he suffered severe injuries. Before he was two years old, he suffered a fracture, two dislocations and a burn. I’m generally silent about bumps, scratches and bruises; there’s always a lot of this stuff.

And most importantly, in the presence of my husband and me, nothing happens to him; as soon as he goes to another room, there is screaming and tears. I didn't attach any importance to this special significance until Yegorka started talking. We were sitting with him in the room one day. My husband was not at home. Yegor was next to me, leafing through a children's book, and suddenly asked: “Mom, why doesn’t the boy have a pen?” At first I didn’t understand: “What boy are you asking about, son?”, but I looked at him in the book, trying to see the one-armed boy in the drawing. Yegorka extends her hand and points towards an empty corner of the room: “That’s the boy next to the girl.”

I don’t know how much effort it took me not to scream out loud then, but my face became such that even Yegorka was scared. I immediately remembered in great detail the nightmare and the words of my unborn son. That's when the first ones appeared on my head gray hair. As it turned out from the son's questioning, troubles happened to him precisely when he played with sad girl and a one-armed boy. The worst thing is, even if I took him from his grandmother’s house, he didn’t play with the “imaginary” children for just a couple of days, then they found him and new bruises appeared on Yegor’s body.

In the time that has passed since then, my unborn children have become much stronger. Now they are no longer embarrassed by my presence, and are trying to kill Yegor before my eyes. There is no escape from this. No prayers help, and sorcerers and sorcerers close doors in front of me, just by looking at Yegor. I can’t tell my husband anything. Even if he forgives abortions, he will definitely end up in a mental hospital for everything else. I sleep 2 hours a day. The rest of the time I took care of Yegorka, and more than once saved her from certain death under an “accidentally” fallen chandelier or from boiling water. It is clear that there can be no talk of any kindergarten.

Now I’m waiting here while the doctors pull the knife out of my son’s leg. Such games. This is how I live, waiting for death only son. And I have no doubt that THEY will achieve their goal sooner or later. Somewhere around the middle of the conversation, tears flowed continuously down my friend’s cheeks. And before saying goodbye, she said: “My dear friend, I ask one thing - no need for abortions, okay. After all, even the worst life is better than a cruel death, or what awaits unborn children after it.”
I am now under the impression of this conversation and want to warn my readers against rash actions.



I once lived temporarily with a friend. I was looking for an apartment, but I lived with her. But that’s not what the story is about... Her apartment is small, even though it’s a two-room apartment. We slept together, on a double bed. Only each under her own blanket. Every day The ritual of going to bed was the same, we went to bed and chatted for about an hour, discussed how everyone's day had gone, giggled... I have this peculiarity of falling asleep slowly, as if floating away. And then one day, Alena came home from work very tired and we went to bed early We didn’t chat for long, Alena was already snoring, and I, wrapped in a blanket, began to float away.
And suddenly, in my sleep, I feel small feet stepping on a soft blanket, like a child about two years old. Before I had time to be surprised, a leaden weight suddenly fell on me. The dream was blown away by the wind! Terrible panic and fear! I can’t move, but the weight It’s choking and it’s pressing harder, there’s not enough air! Thoughts are racing through my brain: how can I save myself? It’ll strangle me! Will it cross itself? But I can’t move my hand! Should I call Alena? But I can’t breathe! I started mentally reading the Lord’s Prayer. The heaviness slowly receded... The strangest thing was that after that, fear and panic also disappeared and I fell asleep peacefully. And about half a year later, when I was already living separately from my friend, the same thing happened to her. Then she fumigate the apartment with incense and it never happened again .

Deadly Relic
In our family, on the maternal side, a doll was passed down from generation to generation that belonged to grandmother Alexandra Savelyevna, who died young from transient consumption even before the revolution. The doll had porcelain arms, legs and head, and a rag body stuffed with sawdust. She was dressed in a pink frilly dress. We children were not given a doll. At first, neatly wrapped in a tapestry, it was kept in my grandmother’s chest of drawers. At the beginning of summer and autumn, the doll, along with other things, was dried and then returned to its place. When my grandmother died, my mother took care of the doll.

In May 1984, my mother died in an accident. After the funeral we all left. Of course, they forgot about the doll. But I started having the same dream: as if my mother was standing with a doll in her hands and looking at me with such reproach that I even woke up in a cold sweat!..

Soon I had to go to home- Father got sick. And again I dreamed of my mother with a doll. While my father was in the hospital, I decided to find the doll. After spending several days searching, I found it in the summer kitchen in a plywood box among unnecessary things. She was all shabby, chewed by mice. The father clearly showed no interest in the family heirloom! I began to examine the doll. To my great surprise, I found a bundle of tapestry tied with threads in the doll’s body. I unfolded it and there was an old, old letter that my great-grandfather wrote to his great-grandmother. This letter was saturated with love - now hardly anyone is capable of experiencing and expressing such tender and deep feelings! - and under it lay a simple handmade silver bracelet with turquoise.

I gave the doll to my aunt, who immediately designated it for restoration. “And the bracelet,” said the aunt, “wear it!” For a long time the bracelet lay uselessly in the box. But after cleaning and a little restoration, I finally decided to wear it. And within a day I got so used to the feeling of it on my hand that I went to bed without taking off the bracelet. I had a nightmare: my son’s hamster was lying crushed in a box. Imagine my surprise when two days later the hamster actually died. The box with it stood under the bookshelf.

Medical reference book (and this is a very thick and hefty volume) fell from the shelf straight onto the hamster. The children were shocked.

About a month and a half later, I decided to wear the bracelet under my blue blouse and again forgot to take it off at night. And again a nightmare! It’s as if our cat, the family’s favorite, is lying under the windows, and in a dream I understand that he is not alive. In the morning I look: the cat is alive and well. But it still happened! It was the beginning of summer, Sunday morning, the balcony was open, the cat, as always, was walking along the railings, and I was sitting at the table and finalizing the report, looking through the tulle curtain at the cat... Suddenly, out of nowhere, a crow attacked him and began to peck at him straight to the head! I didn’t have time to run to drive the bird away. The cat fell from the fourth floor directly onto a stake to which the flowers in the flowerbed were tied!.. The children and I could not come to our senses for a long time after the death of our pet. But I didn’t connect this event with the bracelet either...

Then I dreamed that I was going somewhere at night on a regular bus. I see our bus rushing towards the truck. I woke up in a cold sweat and for some reason the first thing I looked at was my hand: that’s right - it was wearing a bracelet, which I again didn’t take off at night! I reassured myself that I was not going to travel anywhere in the future, I was not allowed to travel abroad at work, and all that. However, after a very short time, I was sent on a business trip in place of a sick employee. It was necessary to get there by night bus, and be there in the morning. I fell asleep on the bus. I woke up from screams: our bus was rushing towards a truck, apparently the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. I don’t know what saved us, but the collision was tangential. Everything worked out...

Since then I haven’t worn the bracelet, but I often ask myself questions: can things really somehow influence the living? Maybe that’s why the bracelet was “immured” in the doll?

Good afternoon Mystical events have also happened to me several times in my life, which I cannot explain. I will only tell you the latest events that happened.
I got married and gave birth to two children. But when I became pregnant with my third, strange events began. You can say that even before I got married, my mother-in-law and my husband’s sister didn’t welcome me in their house! They tried their best to survive me. But then my husband’s sister got married, gave birth to a child and calmed down a little. We were at odds with my mother-in-law for about two years, until I gave birth to my second girl. But, having become pregnant with my third, I experienced negativity from my husband’s sister and his mother. I myself didn’t plan to have a child yet, but I shouldn’t have an abortion. My husband supported me. On the second day after I found out that I was pregnant, I met a believer. I complained to her that it was hard for me mentally and physically (I have two other small children in my arms). There is no need to expect help from your mother-in-law. She advised me to pray to God to sort everything out. Maybe the child is not well established and everything will fall into place. I prayed all day. She said that it would be difficult for me with three, so that everything would work out on its own without an abortion. The next day I woke up in the morning. Nearby lay the youngest daughter in diapers, I heard her breathing. I looked at my watch; it was still too early to get my eldest ready for kindergarten. I collected the eldest, and my husband took her away. And we got some more sleep with the smaller one. I closed my eyes and thought about lying down some more. Then I clearly heard steps towards my bed, then someone jumped onto the bed and I felt how the sofa was denting with each step. There was no fear at the beginning. A terrible fear began when he jumped on me and began to choke me. I couldn’t move, I forgot all my prayers. From my moan my daughter began to curl up next to me. I just repeated in my mind: “Lord help me.” I heard a child scream: “Mom, mom!” I thought that it was the eldest daughter screaming outside the door, now someone would hear her and let her in. And the one who is strangling me will let me go. When the child screamed three times, they released me and I ran out of the room. To my surprise, no one heard anyone scream. The eldest daughter was still sleeping. Then it dawned on me that something must happen to her, because she was the one screaming. But as it turned out, it was not her, but my unborn child. I lost him in the 6th month of pregnancy. Moreover, during my pregnancy I very often had a dream that I was giving birth to a boy at the beginning of summer, immediately after my eldest daughter’s birthday. That's how I gave birth to him. Out of the blue, my water broke right after my birthday, and on June 10th I gave birth to a boy. Naturally dead. After that there was a shock.

Two years pass and I get pregnant again. But it's already planned here. My husband really wanted a boy instead. I want to say that before this contact with the brownie or someone unknown, we consecrated the apartment and got married. Although those two children were carried to term and were born in an unmarried marriage. Contacts with the brownie began precisely after the consecration of the apartment. And now I’m pregnant, we don’t tell anyone anything. Then, somewhere in the sixth month, my mother-in-law found out. But she already reacted normally. Moreover, her beloved daughter is finally pregnant with her second child. But I never had to report it. Before reaching the 7th month my water broke again. I'm giving birth to a girl. We spent a month in the hospital with her and were discharged.

And then I had a dream that my baby was vomiting blood. I wake up in horror for her, she is alive. I take it to my place and, half asleep, I again feel chilling horror and someone’s presence, then such pressure, as if a closet had been dumped on me. In the morning I got up, put the baby in the stroller, and went to prepare her milk. I come, she's dead! She started bleeding from her nose and mouth. Although we were discharged healthy! What is this? Alien energy, such rock? No prayers help! I prayed throughout this pregnancy just to carry it to term, but I didn’t. I prayed in the hospital for a whole month, read morning prayers in the morning, evening prayers in the evening, and read the entire psalter. Nothing helped. And dreams and the brownie only predict bad things, but there is no way to avoid them.

Between that event and this one there was no contact with the brownie. Only for some time I woke up from a terrible unreasonable fear. Then it went away. And now we want to take the baby from home. Nobody knows that ours died, not even our children. We tell everyone that she is back in the hospital. Only two months have passed since her death. And on the eve I dreamed huge spider. He seems to have implanted his spore in me. I'm terrified to think how I'll carry a baby spider. And he tells me that don’t worry, I’ll take this child away from you anyway! And I wake up to someone distinctly licking my forehead. I even crawled under the blanket. I don't know what this could mean. Nothing has happened yet. This all happened recently. If only I could talk to someone knowledgeable. Otherwise we can only guess. Maybe you can predict something or avert trouble, but I don’t know how to do it. My sister says that I need a psychologist or psychotherapist, but I don’t know how they can help in this situation. Whatever it was, I was tired of communicating with someone from the other world in this way. I invited my father to Epiphany. He sprinkled the apartment with prayers. So far everything is quiet. But I don’t know what else to expect.


This was in 1991 near the village of Ilovlya Volgograd region. I was 5 years old then, and I was brought to the village to live with my grandparents. After my first week in the village, this is what happened. Early in the morning, a neighbor came to our house and asked my grandfather to take him to the field in his car. They took me with them. Arriving at the place, we saw a huge hole, round in diameter and deep. Simply overwhelming.

It felt like someone had carved it into the ground with some kind of tool. And he took the land because there were no dumps left nearby. Then a combine harvester almost fell into it. I had to resort to help and call Emergency Situations Ministry employees from Volgograd to help understand the situation. Whether they figured it out, I don’t know. Although it’s unlikely... But many years have passed, and I already adult girl, the grandmother told the continuation of this story.

That night my grandmother slept in a separate room. In the middle of the night, she woke up from the feeling that someone had touched her and was nearby. Frightened, she opened her eyes. There was a creature standing near the bed. It was wearing some kind of silver clothing, but it was difficult to see its face: it seemed blurry in the darkness. The humanoid stood by the bed, without moving, for about ten minutes, and then pointed with a hand that was half as long as a human one, in the direction where the hole was discovered. This incident was written about in the Ilovlinsky newspapers.

Everyone was inclined to believe that the pit was formed not without the participation of a UFO. I completely agree with this, because no failure or voids were found underground. As I was later told, the hole was more than 10 meters in diameter and five meters deep. Its origin remains unsolved.

Galina Romashkina. Volgograd region.


My parents said that they saw a UFO of unusual size and configuration. This happened around 1993-1994 in the area of ​​the city of Leninsk. They were driving a Zhiguli along a country road in the middle of a small forest. It was already late, darkness shrouded the road, and the car was not going fast. When we passed the oak grove, a view opened onto a large clearing, illuminated by a strange light.

It came from an incomprehensible object hovering above the tops of the trees and resembling a vertical house with several floors. Light poured from holes that resembled rounded windows, and the color and brightness also changed. Out of surprise, the father abruptly stopped the car and turned off the headlights. About three minutes later, the object floated silently behind the treetops, and the light went out. Only half an hour later my parents decided to continue the trip.

N. Telbukhova. Leninsk, Volgograd region.


This incident happened to me, as far as I remember, in the summer of 2002. I was visiting my cousin V Astrakhan region. The village where she lived is quite unusual. Strange things often happened there. Now the village has a different name, but in tsarist times it was called Koldunovka, as sorcerers lived in it. Maybe these are fairy tales, but I don’t think so anymore: I myself felt the atmosphere of this village. Some strange feeling. Unusual.

And even now they say that there are people here who cast magic. There are many stories about strange things in the village. All around is the steppe, the village itself is small, everyone knows each other. I was most struck by the stories about the night steppe. It’s as if it’s better not to walk on the steppe at night, because people can hear voices and noise, although there seems to be no one behind them! And as if in this case you should under no circumstances turn around. Those who do this go crazy because they see something terrible. Yes, I myself noticed that every Thursday there were some kind of flashes in the sky.

It feels like lightning is somewhere in the distance, but the sky around is clear. These flashes continued at intervals of approximately five minutes in the same place. There was no way it could have been lightning: the flashes were too bright and sudden - you immediately got scared. This happened every Thursday. I don't know what it could be. But something unusual and frightening. Well, now my case. I saw... a ghost. I must say that in this village they were also seen by many and more than once. Was dark night, and so the sudden appearance of a figure dressed all in white right in front of me was a complete surprise to me!

The fact is that white is very clearly visible from afar, even in the dark. And then something suddenly appeared, passed me silently, I couldn’t even hear the sound of footsteps. And just like that it immediately disappeared, dissolved behind me. It became creepy, although I still didn’t understand what it was. An hour and a half later, my friends and I were sitting on a bench outside the house. I was on the edge, and then suddenly the same white figure passed me again and disappeared behind the house. I thought a little and followed her. Of course, I didn’t see anyone, but I heard a voice ahead that called my name. It was very dark there.

Then I became completely scared, and I hurried back. After my walk older sister, who was not with me that evening, also told me about a white silhouette that appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere... Of course, they can say that it was a man, but I don’t believe it. People can't behave like that! Now this village is called quite harmlessly

- Vladimirovka. E. Musaeva, Volgograd.

And one more story


This story happened somewhere in the 90s. Lekha lived in the city and worked on a suburban state farm. The distance between our city and the state farm is 5 kilometers. It seems like not much for a passenger car. But the entire road passes through a desert area, with forest plantations on both sides of the road. And then one evening the guy returned home from work late. It got dark. There are no lights around the road. Only the moon in the sky and headlights.

Suddenly, in the headlights ahead, Alexey saw female figure in a white dress. The woman waved her hand. On this route, drivers always give rides to fellow travelers for free. But when Lekha drove closer and slowed down, he clearly saw the woman’s creepy face. The woman ran to the car door, but Alexey stepped on the gas and abruptly pulled away, overcome with horror. To his surprise, he saw that the woman was running after his car, and was still trying to open the door.

The woman's eyes burned in the darkness with devilish fire. She shouted something indistinctly and shook her fist at Lekha. Finally frightened, Alexey increased his speed as much as possible. The woman did not lag behind. And only when the lights of the approaching city shone ahead, the woman slowed down, and then completely fell behind and disappeared into the evening twilight. Only then did Lech exhale and stop. I must say that Alexey is not a cowardly person at all, but at that moment his hands were shaking.

The next day, he talked about what happened at work, and found out that this woman had recently appeared on the highway and was chasing all the late cars. Several drivers described the story in exactly the same way. Is this true? I don't know. Our city newspapers published an article about this Horse Woman.

That's what journalists called it for the speed it develops. The journalists laughed and joked that it was just a resident of the state farm who was used to walking to the city and back to the state farm, since transport was poor. Some people also wrote that she runs so fast even with full bags. After some time, the woman simply disappeared. Is it true? Artifice? Hallucinations? Who knows......

G. Karaganda, Zh. Verkhusha


This was last summer...It was around 15.15-15.25! I was at home alone, drinking tea and watching the series “Split” for the first time. At this time my father was supposed to return... The series switched to commercials and I took the cup to the kitchen. When I was returning from the kitchen into the hall, I heard someone coughing from the entrance and decided that it was dad. I turned on the intercom (I have two intercoms, one for calls from the street, the other with 2 cameras, one camera goes into the entrance to the opposite door through this camera you can talk and hear everything, and the second camera went out onto the landing) and the camera went out onto the landing and what I saw was something!!!
I saw translucent black spot it floated down the railing, I, like all of you, probably thought that these were glitches with the intercom, so I switched the cameras, turned the intercom off and on, and even unplugged it from the socket, but the spot continued to float along the railing! I froze... I couldn’t even take it phone to at least film it all! The spot smoothly flew to the window and it was at that moment that I decided to open the door (I have a lock with two latches), I clicked once and “it” flew like lightning to the fourth floor (I live on the fifth) ...I’m shaking all over...I run into the living room, turn on the TV loudly, go into the bedroom and start calling my aunt, she didn’t pick up because it later turned out that she was putting my daughter to bed. I called my friend, to which she replied that it might have seemed to me, I called another friend on , she completely believed me and even said that when her mother was 17 years old, her mother died, and so after school a 17-year-old girl came home and saw the ghost of her mother, they stood and looked at each other after which everything disappeared... as if Feeling everything, my dad called me and asked WHAT HAPPENED? To which I replied that he should come quickly. Less than 7 minutes later, my dad arrived and saw how scared I was. He told me to pack the necessary things and for me to go to my sister. On the way, I told him everything, but for some reason he remained silent.
I will never forget this story!

Strange creatures

Hello site visitors!
I want to tell you a story that happened to me as a child. As a child, I often caught colds and got sick. This happened to me when I was 6 years old. I was sick then. The temperature was under 38. I was treated and my mother did everything the doctor advised. It was an ordinary evening... We didn’t watch TV at night then, and we didn’t watch it at all, since my mother and I lived alone and lived poorly.
We had a TV, but it was very old, often broke down and did not work for most of the time. It was 1996. Usually in the evening my mother and I listened to music on the radio or she read me bedtime stories. What I mean is that I didn’t watch horror films at night, and they didn’t read horror stories to me at night. Mom and I went to bed. We lived in a one-room apartment and also slept in the same room. Mom slept on the sofa on one side of the room, and I slept on the bed on the other side of the room. They lay down and slept. At about two in the morning I woke up with terrible fear, and what I saw I remembered for the rest of my life. They flew to me strange creatures, they resembled how they draw angels, but they were not angels. They were less than a meter tall. About 70-90 centimeters. They had no skin, how to say “internal orgone”.
These were bones and you could see how they were connected, you could see how their arms bent, how their skull opened when they spoke. They were dressed in a gray robe and the light coming from them was so cold gray and weak, and over their naked hair they had a gray halo. There were three of them. In fact, everything came together very quickly. I open my eyes, they are flying around the ceiling around me. When I saw everything, I wanted to scream, but I realized that I couldn’t even open my mouth, it was as if I was paralyzed. I want to scream “Mom help!!!”, but I can’t do anything.
I can’t even move, I just look at them and can’t do anything, but at the same time I clearly understand that I am not sleeping and I see that this is exactly the room where my mother and I sleep and I see that my mother is lying and sleeping on the sofa. At first these creatures simply flew holding hands, and then they began to stretch out their bony hands to me. At the same time, they said with hoarse, creepy heads: “Dima, come to us,” “Dima, come to us,” “We will love you,” “We will protect you,” “We will never betray you.” . And then they repeated again - “Dima come to us, come to us”... At some point it even seemed to me that I was starting to rise from the bed and was being drawn to them. I lay with my eyes wide open in horror and looked at them and it seemed to me that they saw that I saw and heard them. And they were kind of scared that I saw them.
They somehow got spun around like a wheel and flew through the ceiling. After that, I immediately pulled myself up on the bed and shouted “Mom!!!” Until the morning I slept with my mother in bed. The next morning I told my mother this story, but she didn’t believe me. She said that I slept with a fever and I dreamed it all, even though it all seemed very real to me. Then for a whole year I was afraid to sleep without a night light. Well, that's all. I want to know if this has happened to any of you?

Childhood memory
There is an established opinion in our society that strange and sometimes scary stories told by children should not be taken seriously. Such stories are attributed to children's imagination and fears. But is it always fantasy that’s to blame? Maybe sometimes you should listen to your children?
My story happened to me in early childhood. At that time I was either 6, or 7 or 8 years old, I don’t remember, but for this reason I won’t lie. However, I don’t force you to believe it either, because... everyone has their own truth.
I have lived in the same apartment my entire life, since birth. My grandparents received this apartment 44 years ago. This house at that time was new and no one had lived in it before us and until today, fortunately, no one had died. There are no pathogenic zones in this place, so it’s impossible to write off my story as a “bad place.” My apartment is located on the 5th, top floor, and the windows of my room overlook a very busy street. There is no balcony in my room. I am telling you all this only so that you can clearly imagine that nothing from outside could have influenced what happened.
That evening, as expected, I went to bed before everyone else. My parents were drinking tea in the kitchen, my grandparents were watching TV in the next room. Sleep did not come to me and, in order not to give myself away, I decided to just lie in bed and listen to what was on TV in the next room. I don’t know how long I lay there before my attention was drawn to the window towards which I was sleeping facing. Through the thin curtains, the light from the street lamps came through from the street and one could see the outline of flowerpots standing on the windowsill. But besides the flowerpots, at that moment there was someone (or something) standing on the windowsill! I remember this silhouette like it happened yesterday! It wasn't standing on the windowsill tall man(I, naturally, could not see his face), dressed in trousers, a tailcoat and a top hat. IN right hand he was holding a cane. He didn’t show himself at all, he just stood there and looked at me! I knew it for sure! I don’t know where, I just knew. How long our silent examination of each other continued... It seemed to me like an eternity! When I came out of my stupor, I rushed to my parents in the kitchen and told them everything! Naturally, when we returned to the room, there was no one there. My parents surprisingly believed me, but then they didn’t do anything. After some time, this man came to me several more times and even sat on the edge of my bed, but, alas, I don’t remember this, but I know from the stories of my parents. My fear was so strong that I refused to enter this room in the dark and slept with my grandmother until I was 12 years old!
Subsequently, my parents said that before this incident I had seen something mystical in that room, but they did not go into detail, and I myself no longer remember it. And a few years ago, dad admitted that he also saw something glowing in the window before I was born, but this “something” was outside. Dad says he tried to wake up Mom and show her what he saw. Mom then woke up on her own and, according to her, found dad sitting on the edge of the bed and looking out the window. He didn’t even blink, and he didn’t react to all mom’s attempts to put dad to bed. A few minutes later, as if nothing had happened, he lay down and fell asleep.
Now my son is growing up and if, God forbid, something like this happens to him, I will be ready not only to believe him, but also to help and support him if possible!
Perhaps my story will seem fictional to some, not scary to others... But I will never forget what I saw that evening!

My son died. He was only 27 years old and he was the only one. Now you understand what kind of condition I was in... I cried and grieved days and nights. I didn't want to live.
And then this happened for six months: I woke up at night and went to the kitchen to drink water. I didn't turn on the light. Walking past a large room, I saw the silhouette of a man on the sofa. I was terribly scared, ran into the bedroom, lay down and covered my head with a blanket. Suddenly I feel someone sitting on the edge of the bed. I was very scared, I threw off the blanket - I looked and my son was sitting on the edge of the bed.
For some reason he glows from the inside, like a gutta-percha man with no shirt but wearing trousers. I stood up, and he stood up too. I hugged him, and he hugged me. I feel his body is warm. It flashed through my head - he died... where is the body warm from? I started asking: can I feed him? How is he doing there? And she cried and cried. He hugs me and just reassures me: Mom, don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m fine. And smiles. He repeated only these words. And suddenly three figures appeared behind him - all in hoods, no faces visible. Only on bent arms are wicker baskets. The son turned, looked at them, kissed me and told me: I have to go.
And then everything disappeared. I stood in front of the bed and remained there. Only one already.
Then I knowledgeable people They explained that the Holy Trinity had come for their son, that everything was fine with him in that life.
And I felt a little better.

Black bag

I have a friend, her name is Lena. Lena married a very good guy Kolya. Not only is Kolya kind, he is also very hard-working. Siberia, the USA, Norway - this is an incomplete list of places where he visited to earn money. He earned good money and built a large house on three floors. The house is very beautiful with various gazebos, fountains and a brick fence. Kolya also bought an expensive car, it would seem that in his lifetime Rejoice. But that was not the case.
One day, a tearful Lena comes to me:
-I have no life in this house. My husband and I constantly quarrel to the point of fighting. I can’t sleep at all... Maybe Kolka has found someone else. Martusya, could you go with me to my grandmother, a fortune teller, she lives in the suburbs, maybe she can help me .
“Yes, of course,” I immediately agreed, wanting to help my tearful friend and not really believing in what was going on.
With great difficulty we found the grandmother's house. We open the gate and see the grandmother digging in the garden.
- Hello, grandma, we came to you for help.
The grandmother continued digging in the garden without even looking at us and muttering to herself: “Everything is under the gate, everything is under the gate.”
We thought deaf and started yelling:
- Grandma, grandma, we came to tell your fortune, we will pay you well.
“Well, let’s get out of here and go wild, she hasn’t been telling fortunes for a long time,” the grandfather who came out of the house shouted at us, “Come on, let’s leave.”
So we left with nothing.
On the way home, I suddenly remembered: - Lena, she said EVERYTHING UNDER THE GATE, you remember, but let’s look under your gate.
No sooner said than done. We took a shovel and started digging. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn’t have believed it. We dug up a black bag, carefully opened it with a shovel, and there was a black wedding veil. We were shocked. First of all, we had never We didn’t see the black veil, and secondly, who could do such a thing. We, carefully not touching the bag with our hands, took it out onto the road and burned it. Lena’s relationship with her husband improved, and she suspects of the story with this bag ex-girlfriend her husband, who is not yet married and is probably jealous of their happiness and wealth.

The boy warned about the fire

“This incident is genuine, it happened to my mother, who is now 87 years old, when she was still a girl. At the end of August, my mother had to leave for school in the city, and she was preparing to leave. In villages, cows are turned out to graze very early, and before that they must be milked.

Early in the morning, at about four o'clock, my mother was woken up by a boy about her age, whom she had never seen, and said: “Get ready, you will burn today.” Then he asked again: “Did you understand well? You will burn today, get ready,” and before her eyes he hid under the bed.

Mom immediately jumped up and began to look under the bed, where the unfamiliar boy had just slipped, but did not find anyone. At this time, her mother entered the room and asked: “Why did you get up so early and what are you looking for under the bed?” My mother told her about this boy, but she just laughed: “Look, the door is bolted, I’m just going to milk the cow, I haven’t even gone out into the yard yet.”

All day my mother made a plan of what to bring forward, she packed some things, because each one was expensive. Her mother, sister and two brothers didn’t believe it and laughed at her: look, they say, don’t tell anyone, otherwise we’ll really catch fire, and the neighbors will accuse us of arson. In the evening, her friends came to pick her up, inviting her to go to a club and take a walk, but she refused, saying that she was packing her things and getting ready to leave for school.

And as soon as it got dark, shouts of “Fire!” rang out in the street. and the third house from us caught fire. There was a strong wind, and all three houses in a row burned down completely, ours was the third. They managed to take out all the things. And only after that the relatives believed the mother. Then, of course, they told everyone about her foresight.

And the fire occurred due to the carelessness of a woman who went into the barn to milk a cow in the evening with a kerosene lamp, put it on the floor, and the cow touched the lamp with her foot, the kerosene spilled, there was straw all around, and instantly everything caught fire.

From that day and then all my life, every serious event or death of relatives - everything was predicted for my mother.”

Nina Skryabina, Dmitrov, Moscow region

My husband came at night

“I want to tell you what happened to me after the death of my husband. I was 32 years old then, and now I’m almost over 60. It was a long time ago, but I remember everything clearly.

My husband did not die a natural death, he shot himself. We buried him as expected, but refused to perform the funeral service in the church, explaining that he had committed suicide. They said they would serve a memorial service if I brought a certificate from a doctor that he was not all right in his head. Naturally, I could not provide them with such information.

It all started after the ninth day, when his mother-in-law cried at his grave and asked him to come in a dream and tell us if he was happy with the way we buried him. That same night he came, but not to his mother-in-law, but to me.

This is where my nightmares began. He began to come to me every night. He said that it was good there, that he was happy, and invited me with him. I clearly heard his steps in the room, as if walking barefoot on the floor. He went to bed with me. I heard his voice. He talked to me, caressed me. It got to the point that I began to be afraid of the night, afraid to go to bed. Even in my sleep I heard him clearly.

Grandma Shura lived in our house, she was a very religious woman and often went to church. One day she asked me what was happening to me. I told her everything. Then she lit a candle for the repose, and my husband did not come to me that night, but the next night he appeared again.

Grandma Shura, peace be upon her soul, taught me what to do on the fortieth day so that he would not take me to his place: at night, tightly close all the windows and doors and not open them to anyone, no matter who knocked. And before front door Place the ax with the blade facing the threshold. This had to be done so that the deceased could not cross the threshold. My mother spent the night with me because I was afraid to sleep in the room alone.

And then at night, around 12 o’clock, someone quietly knocked on the window. We then lived in a wooden house on the first floor. After a while, the knock was repeated, and I heard my husband’s voice: “Jackdaw, open up!” I lay in bed and was afraid to even move. Then he knocked on the door, and then again on the window, all the while asking me to open it for him.

He walked around the house. At 12 o'clock at night, out of anger, he hit the wall with such force that the house shook, and left. My mother and even the neighbors on the second floor woke up from such a roar.

After that, my husband came to me in a dream, but no longer called me to him. And I dreamed somehow differently, not like before. I often lit candles for the repose of his soul. In addition, he began to warn me in my dreams of what could happen to me.

About two and a half months after his death, he came to visit me in a dream with his friend Victor and asked him not to leave me and the child alone. And Victor promised him to take care of my son and me. I seem to have forgotten this dream. And four months later Victor came to visit and proposed to me. He said that Vladimir (this is my husband’s name) came to him in a dream and asked him to take care of my son and me.

But I refused him. There were reasons for this, and not much time had passed since my husband’s death.”

Galina Ryaboshapka, Arkhangelsk

Nikolai Ugodnik saved me

“This all happened in 1947. I was 18 years old then. There was such hunger in our area that we were all plump, and all my legs were covered in ulcers. They took me to the hospital, and there they said that my legs had to be cut off, nothing could be cured. I refused.

The pain was hellish, there was nothing to treat, and I decided to commit suicide. My relatives were on duty around me day and night in turns, although no one knew what I was up to. My legs were burning, especially my calves, all covered in sores that were running, and my family blew on them to ease my pain. Mom prayed to God day and night.

And this is the dream she had. It’s as if a tall man in a black suit, wearing a top hat, with a crutch came up to her and said: “Don’t torture your girl. Your cousin, Vasya Kosoy, works as a tractor driver. Ask him for machine oil, but not distilled oil. Treat them with them." And he left.

Mom didn't know what to think. I was in pain like an animal, the evil one was already in control of me. They didn't want to bother me unnecessarily. And my mother decided to go out with the old women to consult. They told her to be sure to do as she was told in the dream, because it was Nikolai Ugodnik.

Our Vasya is indeed a scythe, he worked as a tractor driver. Mom took the oil from him and lubricated my feet with a goose feather. I soon fell into a deep sleep. And I got better! Every day I felt better and better. And I didn’t have to cut my legs. I am alive and well, for which I thank Saint Nicholas, the great wonderworker! And less oil was used.

In the Kursk region there were many people with the same wounds. Word spread about me, people came to us, and my mother gave everyone oil.

After that I believed in God. God saved my soul from the devil, and my legs from the doctors. Who knows what awaits us all? We all have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. God forbid, if something happens, they will know how to treat it.”

Alexandra Tafintseva, Kursk

Guardian angel under the bridge

“Voroshilovsky Bridge in our city - favorite place suicide And my friend Shurik, once finding himself in a complete dead end in life, also went to take his own life. But he had not yet fully decided - he stood on the bridge, leaning slightly over the railing, and thought. And suddenly he hears someone’s voice: “Why are you delaying? Life is not going well, so at least die with dignity.” And then - a strong push in the back and the rapidly approaching asphalt of the embankment.

Consciousness turned off, and he woke up on the asphalt safe and sound. Almost immediately two men ran up to him. They say: “Sorry, we didn’t have time to help. Say thank you to the pavement for being alive.” Shurik did not ask what kind of pavement this was. I couldn’t think of anything out of horror. He got up and went.

Telling me about this, he swore that they helped him make the jump. But who? There was no one on the entire bridge except him. I didn't believe his story. A person cannot survive after falling from such a height. But somehow I later ended up on the Voroshilovsky Bridge. I didn’t have any suicidal intentions, I was just in a bad mood. And suddenly for some reason I wanted to throw myself down. “Why not? What keeps you in this life? - a voice rang out clearly.

But not nearby, as it seemed to a friend, but in my head. These words somehow strangely hypnotized me... And then it was as if something hit me in the face - so much so that I almost flew away from the railing onto the roadway. In general, I did not leave this terrible incident like that. We have a center for energy information sciences in our city. I went there and this is what they told me.

From time to time, a direct tunnel opens under the Voroshilovsky Bridge, either to the kingdom of the dead or to parallel world, which draws in those who have become at least a little disillusioned with life. Woe to the passerby who lingers on the bridge for no particular reason and looks down with sad eyes! The temptation to death is too great.

But, according to the psychic with whom I spoke, a pavement lives under the bridge - something like a brownie, a kind of guardian spirit. No one saw him, but they heard or felt him - like I did when I was thrown to the side from the railing. This pavement imperceptibly supports the suicide in the air, takes him away from dangerous place, softens the blow. But often the tunnel still turns out to be stronger...

I would have thought that all this was a lie if I had not collided with some unknown forces on the Voroshilovsky Bridge, one of which pulled me down, and the other, it is possible, saved me. I don’t know if they gave me the right explanation, but the Voroshilovsky Bridge is a bad place, that’s for sure, and it’s better not to linger there.”

Sergey Korobeinikov, Rostov-on-Don

Several stories from the head of the ethnology sector of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Konstantin Loginov, who has been collecting eyewitness accounts of paranormal phenomena in Karelia and beyond for more than 20 years. His archive contains stories about ghosts, ghosts, flying saucers and other subjects and objects, the existence of which each of us is free to admit or deny. By the way, in his youth, K. Loginov himself was a skeptic, but over the years he changed his opinion, including thanks to personal experience. Kuzmich, for example, claims that, out of stupidity, he once almost came into contact with a UFO and that he saw with his own eyes the skull of the so-called Reed Man (about this little mysterious creature almost nothing is known).

Death of the Sorcerer

And this story was told to Konstantin Kuzmich by his friend. Ten years ago, a sorcerer died in a hospital. A native of one of the villages, who lived most of his life in the Karelian capital with his family, during his life he dealt with evil spirits, which equally helped him in healing and in causing damage. The sorcerer wrote down conspiracies, excerpts from the Book of Black Magic and other “recipes” in his notebook.

History is silent about how his relatives lived side by side with a man who regularly communicated with devils. But the death of the sorcerer turned into a real nightmare for them.

The sorcerer, or rather, something taking his appearance, suddenly began to appear to them in the evenings. At the same time, the ghost behaved extremely restlessly: it rushed around the house, tore out its hair, and waved its arms, as if trying to explain something. Just what?

“If his relatives asked them to dream about him and tell them in a dream what he wanted, the sorcerer would stop appearing to them, would tell them why he comes every night and instills fear,” the scientist is sure. “But they didn’t do it.”

The ghost continued to terrorize the family until someone got the idea that the sorcerer needed his notebook, which he had to get rid of. Only in this case would the deceased finally find peace and stop frightening his relatives. After breaking everything in the house, they finally found her among the toys of the sorcerer’s grandson. Since, as Konstantin Kuzmich says, it is useless to burn the notebook (the fire will throw it back), and it does not sink in water (it will definitely float up somewhere), they decided to bury the notebook at the magician’s grave. No sooner said than done.

Having slightly stirred up the ground, they threw the notebook there and began to bury it, when suddenly a loud laugh was heard, forcing the relatives to throw down their shovels and run away... However, since then the sorcerer has no longer bothered the family.

Ghost Dog

Another friend of K. Loginov swears that she saw a ghost with her own eyes. It was midnight on Epiphany. The woman was in a hurry to go home and decided to go through the cemetery near the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Petrozavodsk: it might be creepy, but it was faster. But as soon as she stepped onto the path, a dog blocked her path.

She had never seen anyone like her before. The dog was black, of unprecedented size (the size of a calf), but most surprising of all were its burning eyes. The woman was dumbfounded. However, what frightened her was not so much this mysterious creature as the feeling that came from nowhere that the dog was not letting her go further by chance and that something bad was happening in the cemetery. Realizing that it was better not to mess with all this, she turned around and rushed back.

By the way, according to Kuzmich, residents of nearby trees have to deal with paranormal phenomena almost every day. And for good reason. According to the scientist, these houses were built on bones, in fact, on the territory of the same cemetery.

That’s why I’ve heard a lot from local residents,” he continues. - The most common story is that someone regularly comes to them at night and demands that they move out of there. This can happen in a house built on the grave of a sorcerer or on the site of a spell. Or, if a person dies not at the age that the Almighty has given him, but much earlier. He, say, was destined to live 90 years, and at 18 he committed suicide. And until the time allotted to him has expired, he can appear to the residents: cry, feeling sorry for himself, or pester them. It happens differently.

Ghosts in the Dorm

Residents of one of the hostels educational institutions They told the scientist that they were home to two ghosts at once. Both are related to what happened here in different years tragedies.

At the beginning of the new century, a young man who lived here committed suicide in one of the rooms.

“Since then,” says Konstantin Kuzmich, “from time to time at night, residents from different floors (but most often this happens in the same room) hear a whisper: “Pray for me.” It has been verified that if you go to church the next morning and light a candle, the whispering will stop for a couple of weeks, after which everything will repeat itself.

The second ghost, according to stories, lives in the basement of the hostel, where a girl was raped ten years ago. Unable to find the strength to recover from what happened, she committed suicide. It is believed that if you go down to the basement on one of the autumn or winter days, you can meet her.

– Where else in the city or its environs can you encounter the inexplicable? – we ask Kuzmich. – They say, for example, that a ghost also lives in the Wedding Palace...

– I don’t know about the Palace, but on the Devil’s Chair, for example, sorcerers from all over Russia gathered at least twice; they had a congress there. And it’s no coincidence, probably. There is some kind of special energy there, something is happening to the psyche. If, for example, it is not typical for a person to swear in ordinary life, he may suddenly begin to use obscene language... In general, when you write about all this, many, having read it, will consider such stories to be nonsense. However, I myself didn’t believe in anything like that before...

The thunderstorm was thundering

I live in a mountain village. Tourists from the city often come to us, and many of our people take groups to the mountains for a fee.

I often make money this way too. And then in June 2004, early in the morning, a group of young tourists approached me with a request to take them to distant cascading waterfalls. I almost agreed, however, after looking at the top

Rocky peak, I noticed a small curly cloud: “No,” I say, “you shouldn’t go along that route - it will rain.” About two hours later I found out that a group of tourists had gone to the mountains after all, and seventh-grader Kostya was leading them. I decided to catch up with the group and accompany them to avoid trouble. After all, if rain catches them in the Dead Lake area, it will not lead to anything good. The point is that mountain river during a rainstorm it turns into a powerful stream, destroying everything in its path. If a downpour catches tourists behind a large waterfall, they will also be in trouble.

I caught up with the group behind Dead Lake. The sky had already turned black; a thunderstorm was approaching. We needed to have time to get at least to the rocks that were called Katkiny Vorota. These are two huge boulders the size of a three-story house, which collided with each other as if head on, and a river flows under them. There you could hide from the rain. According to legend, the Kabardian horseman Azamat fell in love with a Russian girl, Katya. It is clear that parents on both sides were against such a union. To separate the lovers, Azamat was sent to the farthest pastures to graze sheep. Catherine ran away from home to her beloved, but on the way she was caught by a storm and died on these rocks. They say that sometimes the ghost of a girl appears in these places, warning travelers of danger. However, I didn’t really believe in it...

Finally, we got to Katkin's Gate. A thunderstorm was already thundering somewhere nearby. Suddenly there was a deafening roar, as if an ammunition depot had exploded, and there was a sharp smell of ozone. In the ringing silence, someone lightly pushed me in the back to attract attention. From the gorge, the ghost of a girl was moving through the air straight towards us. He stopped just above the place where our guys wanted to pitch their tent. The ghost hung in the air for a bit and disappeared...

For some time everyone stood in silence. Then someone asked, “What do you think she wanted to tell us?” There was no answer.

As soon as we managed to make a fire, a downpour began, which put out the fire. The storm roared and rumbled. We did not sleep all night, shivering from the cold; we were unable to pitch the tent. And the next morning it was shining again bright sun. In the place where we wanted to spend the night, there was a collapse and everything was covered with stones...

Shaman Ring

This story took place in 1985. I was a schoolboy then and lived with my parents in Khabarovsk in the Krasnoflotsky district in the private sector. On our street, five yards away, in a small log house lived a strange elderly couple. Grandfather, puny, with a thick beard and big blue eyes. His wife, either a Nanay or an Evenk, is a thin woman with a wide, dark face. Hair dyed with henna hung like tow. In her ears she wore ring earrings made of white metal. Smoked. It was rumored that she was a shaman, and he was a former miner whose life she had once saved. There was talk that she was good at healing people with herbs and could move objects with her gaze. Sometimes at night the sound of her tambourine could be heard from their house...

And then one day in the middle of the night we were woken up by the sirens of fire trucks - the shaman’s house was burning. The next morning, the remains of the owners were taken away from the fire.

Once after the incident, two of my friends, Stas and Maxim, and I gathered behind the old bathhouse to smoke in secret from our parents. Stas offered to inspect the fire. And Maxim said with a heavy sigh: “Maybe the shaman would have cured me!” Maxim often had weeping sores on his legs.

And now he didn’t go to school because of this. I also thought that I, too, could use the help of a shaman, since my parents were often called to school because of my poor performance in the Russian language. I think Stas also dreamed of a miracle. He was terrified of his stepfather, who often whipped him with a canvas belt. We approached the burnt house when it was already completely dark.

The smoke-stained walls seemed gloomy and ominous. Maxim volunteered to go in first. And a couple of minutes later he jumped out like a bullet. In his hands he held silver ring.

“I saw her, she stood there, near the wall, and then disappeared,” Maxim said as he ran, gasping for breath. - And the ring is probably hers. How do you think? - he asked Stas.

Why do you need it? - we were scared.

Maybe it will cure me.

I didn’t see my friends for a week because I had to study Russian.

Finally, at school Maxim asked:

Listen, let you have the shaman’s ring.

“You found it, so keep it with you,” I said.

You won't believe it, but it helped me! Look! - Maxim lifted his trouser leg.

All that was left from the sores were purple spots.

I dreamed about her constantly. I’ll wake up and she’ll be standing at my feet... You have a Russian dictation soon, take it,” Maxim insisted.

“You’re lying,” I said, but still took the ring. The whole night before the dictation I had nightmares with the shaman and the Russian language teacher. But, to my surprise, I received a “B” with a huge minus.

A little later, Stas suggested taking the ring to the shaman’s grave and burying it there. I gave him the ring. And after some time, Stas and his mother went to live with their grandmother. As my friend told me, after one of the spankings, he spent the whole night in a dream asking the shaman to convince his mother to leave his father. And in the morning his mother told him: enough, we have to suffer with the tyrant, let’s move to our grandmother!.. After that, my friends and I went to the shaman’s grave, thanked her for her help and buried the ring.

Amazing story

This story was told by one of our users, I won’t name him. Not everyone has the courage to tell people like this, and Since I have known him for a long time, I have no doubt about the sincerity and truthfulness of everything stated.

I won’t lie, it was a long time ago... I can’t give the exact date. But that's not the point. One night I “had a dream” in which I made love to a very beautiful blonde girl. Well, sleep and dream..., it seems like something..., but it was repeated every night. My parents and sister began to notice some oddities in my behavior, in which they manifested themselves unimportantly, for me everything was as usual.

A month passed, she taught me something, I don’t remember it very well. Her name was Rogneda (that was the name of the daughter of the Polovtsian prince, I couldn’t find any other similar names).

(The first known prince of Polotsk, mentioned in chronicle sources, is Rogvolod (died about 978). In 988-1001, Izyaslav Vladimirovich, the son of Rogneda Rogvolodovna and Vladimir Svyatoslavich, reigned in Polotsk, the founder of the dynasty of Polotsk princes Izyaslavich, note Admin)

My relatives were all aware that I was communicating with someone there... well, the guy was crazy, but what if it was a spirit, or a ghost, or something else, I fed her candy, and all the candy wrappers were there for the morning smoothed out as if with an iron and lay in a pile. Well, one fine evening she told me that it was time for her to leave, and my mother, either for fun, or for a reason known only to her, asked:

Well, she’s leaving, obviously, but maybe you can show her to us?
After that, I went into my room for 10 minutes, literally, and returned with an affirmative answer that she agreed and I was ready to show her. After that, I took a sketchbook sheet and a black felt-tip pen from my sister, and I folded the sheet in half, and went to my room, my family followed me. Entering the room, I unfolded a sheet of whatman paper (for some reason the size of the sheet became exactly that), laid it on the floor and began to draw.

You hit the felt-tip pen with your finger or shook it and it changed color. As a result, I drew a girl in full height(she was dressed in some kind of long shirt, or robe). He painted all this in the presence of all his relatives, according to his father, his jaw dropped, although he did not believe in anything unnatural. In the end, I drew it, as they said, better than the photograph.

This is the situation that happened to me in my life: in the morning they found whatman paper, torn into almost even pieces, clean and folded in a pile. I forgot to say she (Rogneda) said that she was a kikimora. What does this mean? I don’t really want to interfere, let them be better positive emotions from meeting her.

(Kikimoras (shishimoras), in folk tales
describes the appearance of a long-haired girl in a shirt or robe of a single color, not to be confused with the swamp kikimora, note by Admin.)

If anyone has had similar cases, write and share your memories.

What came for the husband?

Hello! My grandmother has been practicing magic since she was young. I was never particularly drawn to it, because my grandmother constantly told my mother that someone was strangling her; devils beat you in your sleep, in the morning you’re all covered in bruises and by the evening they’re gone; there’s knocking on doors and windows, but there’s no one there; sometimes at night someone rattles dishes, in general it’s just pure horror! And since I’m dumbfounded and with I don’t dream of having demonic affairs, - I completely refused to learn from my grandmother and accept the “gift” (I’m already not right in the head))) I live calmly, I don’t have to deal with this. And 6 years ago I met future husband. Some time later I invited him to visit. By the evening of that day, we discovered that all the clocks in the apartment had stopped, even his wristwatch. Although I felt uneasy, I tried not to dwell on it. He left, my daughter and I We went to bed on the sofa. I then rented an apartment with terribly creaky floors, for some reason without interior doors. In the middle of the night, through my sleep, I heard the floor being held together, as if someone was carefully walking. I was simply horrified, realizing that my daughter and I were alone , she’s sleeping next to her and there’s no one to creak except... I just broke into a cold sweat from the thought that came into my head. The feelings that I experienced then simply cannot be expressed in words! I can’t open my eyes to look at the doorway, I feel that it’s standing there doorway and looking at us. It felt like something heavy was placed on top of me, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t make a sound. The steps headed towards the kitchen and the weight lifted as if by hand. I hugged my daughter and lay there without moving until the morning with bulging eyes. As soon as it became light on the street, I could already hear the neighbors walking, at least some movement began on the street, I calmed down a little. In the evening, I still asked my friend to come spend the night. After that, I occasionally heard sounds in the apartment, but I tried Don’t get too hung up on it, you can go crazy!
A year and a half later, already as a legal wife, I moved to my husband’s apartment. He left to work. Everything seemed fine, but with the move I stopped sleeping normally. I woke up at night for no reason. Fortunately, I worked from home and sometimes slept in the afternoon. I went to bed somehow in the back room, I fell asleep. Through my sleep I hear clear steps in the kitchen, someone takes a jug of water (we had a jug of water on the table, with a saucer under it), pours water into a cup, puts the jug on the saucer... and goes to my room. I’m overcome by the same horror that the first time, I can’t move or open my eyes. What’s up, I can’t turn around to see who’s standing in the doorway! I don’t know why, but I stopped trying to get up and just with the thought “this is a dream!”, I fell asleep further. I woke up with a terrible feeling in my soul, quickly got ready and rushed out into the street.
Afterwards, no one strangled, but the unreasonable feeling of horror, insomnia, knocking, footsteps continue to this day, albeit rarely. Now I have two children, the youngest sometimes starts looking at a certain place, for example at the door to the kitchen and says that she won’t go. there is someone standing there. I attribute it to imagination. A week ago at night I woke up from steps in the hallway, opened my eyes, it was dark, I heard as if someone was rummaging through jackets on a hanger. My eyes got used to the darkness, I saw the silhouette of a person, stood and went to the front door. I plucked up courage, turned on the light, everyone was sleeping. Panic horror seized me when in the morning my daughter asked if dad had come or something. I asked why she got it, she said that at night someone was walking in the hallway, as if he was rummaging through things, stood and left. I was shaking all day, twitching from every sound.
In general, this started from the day my husband came to visit me, I don’t know. My husband believes me because he himself felt something similar. However, a couple of years ago I was rummaging through the cabinets here, leafing through books and found a couple of sheets of paper with a love spell (the father-in-law left the family a long time ago, the mother-in-law still hates her rival), a piece of paper where it is written how to take earth from the cemetery and sprinkle it on someone to die. She didn’t tell her husband. And now she’s surprised that her son is like that unlucky, why is her health so bad, but she can’t get out of constant problems... And for the sake of the girls, I’m now learning from my grandmother not to be afraid and to put up protection, maybe it will help.

Message from the future

I want to tell you one strange story that still haunts me. In 1981, I, a 6th grade student, decided to join the International Friendship Club (IFC), which worked at the Palace of Culture in my area. I liked learning English, but I missed communicating with native speakers.

The head of the KID gave me several addresses of peers who lived in the UK and wanted to communicate, and I wrote letters to them. Standard text about how well I live in the Soviet Union. Almost everyone responded with the same empty phrases about their lives, but one boy named Martin amazed me. In order not to be unfounded, I present here a translation of a fragment of his letter.

“Dear Misha, I am very glad that “perestroika” has begun in your country and “ cold war“is coming to an end. I and my parents really like your leader Gorbachev. He understands what democracy and openness are, and brings the USSR closer to the whole world. Thanks to him, we are no longer afraid of the “hand of Moscow.” Probably, soon you will remove the Iron Curtain and we will be able to visit each other..."

Next came everyday details. I didn’t understand anything from this text: what “Gorbachev”, what “perestroika”? The guy obviously messed something up, and I didn’t write to him anymore. But several years passed - Brezhnev died, Gorbachev came to power and began democratic reforms, and then I was surprised to remember this letter, as if it had come from the future.

Ten years later I visited England - and decided to find Martin, but people living in specified address, have not heard anything about such a boy and have never written to the USSR. It’s just some kind of mysticism... I have nothing more to say for now.

Ball at a secret facility

This is what a good friend of mine, who once served at a military training ground, said. It was in the summer of the 1980s. in the steppes of Kazakhstan. There were silos with missiles equipped nuclear warheads. The area was cordoned off with barbed wire and there were highly sensitive sensors.

A friend of mine went on duty and inspected the area - everything was normal. And then suddenly the sensors went off - through the viewing window one could see a bright yellow ball landing exactly at the location of the rocket. The ball began to illuminate the area with a spotlight, as if it was inspecting it, collecting information about a secret object.

A minute later, the spotlight went out, and the ball quickly soared upward, dissolving into the blackness summer sky. What was that? Earthly or not?

Grandmothers' funeral

This strange story happened to my family a few months ago. Relatives from the village called us and told us bad news- Grandma Vera died.
The very next day we went to the village for the funeral. We arrived late in the evening. We went into the room, in the middle there was a coffin, my grandmother was lying in it, but not Vera, but her sister Nadezhda, who told us about the death of grandmother Vera. And on the sofa next to her sat Grandma Vera, alive and well. I thought it was stress and the long journey. She closed her eyes, rubbed her temples with her palms and opened her eyes again - the same picture.
Then I went outside, walked around the yard, talked with relatives, breathed in the fresh cool air and returned to the house. I went into the room, but everything remained the same.
We spent the whole night preparing for the funeral, I helped in the kitchen, and never entered the room again. In the morning I decided to go in there - Grandma Vera was lying in the coffin.
The funeral was peaceful. I constantly looked at one grandmother who died, then at another, Nadezhda. I didn’t tell anyone everything that happened at night and attributed it to fatigue and a wild imagination.
After the funeral everyone went home. We also got ready. And before leaving, I talked with grandmother Nadya, still told her my visions, and wished her health and to be careful.
And after a while, relatives called us and told us that grandmother Nadya was in the hospital. I was very worried, I remembered the funeral. She blamed herself for not doing anything to prevent this from happening. Grandmother was sick for some time and then died. Again we went to the village for the funeral. Grandma Nadya was buried next to her sister, Grandma Vera.
Then, often in my dreams, either Grandma Vera or Grandma Nadya came to me, and sometimes together, and told me how good they were there together.
This story may not be mystical, but it stuck with me forever and left a bad taste in my soul.

A night with the mermaids

Having gone fishing, our reader ended up in the lair of witches and sorcerers.

His uncle told my friend about this, writes a reader from Perm region Tatiana Epifanova.

It was a few years ago when my uncle went fishing with a friend. With a rich catch, the men landed on the shore and decided to stop for the night in an abandoned village. In one of the houses, bunks were built for fishermen and hunters and it was possible to light a stove. Hanging over the lake full moon. The fishermen were walking along the shore when suddenly they noticed a fire in the distance.

Coming closer, we saw a man cooking something in a pot.

Why didn’t you reach the village? - the travelers asked.

“I don’t like abandoned villages,” said the peasant, whose name was Yegor.

I somehow encountered a witch there. He told me word by word how it all happened.

At the beginning of July, Egor also agreed with a friend to go fishing. But he refused at the last moment. Yegor decided not to change plans. In the evening I took a bus to the place where I was going to spend the night by the river. I lit a fire, had a snack and lay down on my quilted jacket. Suddenly, through my slumber, I heard footsteps - as if someone was splashing through the water with their bare feet. Soon a girl in a long white shirt appeared in front of him.

“Ugh, girl, I scared you,” he exhaled.

What are you doing here at night? - I can’t sleep, my husband left. And I went swimming. Will you treat me to some tea, fisherman? Yegor poured tea into mugs. Suddenly the girl suggested:

Come to me. Don’t be afraid, I won’t pester you, I’m a married woman. Ivan was too lazy to move, but then something seemed to push him, and he trudged after the stranger.

It wasn't far to go. On the outskirts of the village there was a large log house with a Russian stove. On the table Yegor saw a cup of okroshka, mushrooms, boiled potatoes, lightly salted cucumbers and green onions. The hostess offered us a snack and took out a bottle of vodka.

What about the husband? - just in case, Egor asked.

What about the husband? “The husband doesn’t care, he’ll move,” the stranger laughed.

What's your name? The girl introduced herself as Agrippina.

Do you wear a cross? - she suddenly turned to Yegor.

I'm an atheist. The priests are talking nonsense.

And it’s true, these crosses are useless,” agreed Agrippina.

Well, let’s get to the meeting,” she raised a glass of vodka.

Half an hour later, a cheerful company burst into the house - two guys and two girls: Bogdan, Lesha, Kiska and Muryska, that’s how they introduced themselves. This is where the revelry began. They danced until they dropped, chanted songs, cackled. There was at least plenty of vodka. Lesha and Bogdan invited Yegor to the yard and then for a walk past the lake to the forest. The girls said that they would also tag along - they wanted to swim in the night. But Agrippina shouted at them so sternly that they quieted down.

True, they soon started talking again. The drinking continued. Finally Yegor became tired and fell asleep.

Witch's gift

Yegor woke up with the sun shining brightly in his eyes - the rays made their way through a huge hole in the roof. Birds sang and grasshoppers chirped everywhere. It was already noon. The man was lying in an abandoned hut with rickety walls. His mouth was filled with dirt. His clothes were so dirty, it was as if he had rolled around in a puddle.

Old vodka bottles and fish backbones were scattered everywhere. The first thing Yegor thought about was that his acquaintances from yesterday were playing a prank on him. “These bastards!” - the fisherman cursed and decided to find the scoundrels. Going out onto the road, I saw a local resident and asked where to find a girl named Agrippina. A passerby glanced warily at the man in dirty clothes and said that a woman with that name lived here eight years ago, but died young. And that she was engaged in evil deeds.

Look what’s left of her house,” he nodded at the rickety log house.

The roof fell inward - this is what happens to sorcerers and witches when their soul flies out. Have you ever met her? - the man chuckled.

They say she likes to mock visitors. You should get out of here as quickly as possible - out of harm's way.

Yegor rushed to the river. He ran until the ground burned under his feet. On the shore I found my fishing rods, grabbed a quilted jacket, but hesitated in search of a fish tank. Suddenly I heard a splash in the bushes. I looked, and there was a fish tank filled to the brim with fish. When he got home in the evening, Yegor did not tell anyone what had happened to him. Is it a matter of hanging around witches at night and drinking vodka with them - no one will believe it.

But he didn’t touch his fish, and later learned that in these places mermaids are called Kiska and Muryska, from the words “beautiful” and “muryzhit”. And the men, Lesha and Bogdan, were most likely called Leshi and Bodun. Yegor also remembered that a strange story happened to him on the night of July 6-7 - near Ivan Kupala, when all kinds of evil spirits crawl out of their holes. So don’t believe in devilry after this.


Hello everyone!!! I read your stories and decided to add my own.
When I was in 11th grade (2006-2007) during the New Year holidays, on the night of January 8-9, my classmate hanged himself, I communicated well with everyone, including him, everyone dreamed of how we would see him off to the army after school, t .To. he would have finished it at the age of 18, had fun and got on the nerves of the teachers. What prompted him to do such an act is still a mystery to me... In general, closer to the point, they buried him, time passed. And I dreamed about it, the dream was so clear that I woke up not myself in a cold sweat. We met him in a dream, and walked through the streets and courtyards of our city, I realized that he was dead, and I was in shock. When they walked and talked about something, I held his arm, he was dressed as usual in a trowel and some pants, and through the trowel I felt how cold his hand was. Our friends were walking through my yard on the street, but no one was paying attention to us, as if everything was as usual. Then we approached a construction site, there was a staircase that ended at the end, he told me that it was time for him to leave and began to climb it, he said come with me, I flatly refused, he did not persuade me, he got up and disappeared at the end of the stairs. So many years have passed, but it’s still creepy... He also told me in a dream, when I asked him if he was in heaven, something like “what kind of heaven am I in, I’m a suicide”... Why such a dream is not clear...

Pass the cross

Hi all! I read the stories on your site and decided to add an incident from my life.
In January 2 years ago, my beloved grandmother on my mother’s side died. The funeral took place, my mother was very worried, but she still stood strong. We didn’t touch anything in grandma’s room and only after 40 days did we decide to put things in order there. Opening the old sideboard, we found grandma's cross! How so? How did we not see it? Mom was completely upset, blamed herself, said that mom felt bad there without him, and much more. 3 months passed and one day our neighbor Aunt Nina came to us and told us that her father, who lived in the village, was dying, in his delirium he asked for a cross for Daria Simonova (this is my grandmother), and Comrade Nina knew ours very well grandmother and immediately understood who we were talking about... Mom gave her the cross, and when Comrade Nina’s father died, they put a cross with him in the coffin for our grandmother. Mom didn’t dream about her, but I didn’t dream about her once, she just stood there and smiled. The most interesting thing is that Comrade Nina’s father did not know our grandmother, and even more so, that she passed away without a cross.

As is often the case with teenagers, at a certain age I liked to visit the cemetery often, including at night. But this story is not about the night. One afternoon, with my closest friend, we went for a walk to the cemetery (this atmosphere relieves tension). We walked around and looked at the tombstones and people's faces. And we found there the grave of a girl who died about 30 years ago. She died young, at 31, her name was Zoya. The beauty and warmth of her appearance bewitched us so much that we could not tear ourselves away from her. But it still worked out. From that day on, my friend and I, together and separately, began to regularly visit her grave. Sometimes it even seemed to us that her portrait changed the expression of emotions on her face from time to time, but this is our imagination. So we visited her for some time. And so, one day, during another visit, standing on both sides of Zoya’s grave, we began a conversation, during which it became clear that each of us began to have feelings for Zoya... love feelings. Love. The most real one. And as soon as we admitted this to each other, jealousy immediately appeared. From time to time I looked at the portrait and it seemed to me that the image on it became more stern, as if Zoya was angry. A friend noticed this too. Right at this point, an argument began between us; we began to “divide” the girl in the most obvious way. They even argued about who saw her first and who came more often. It came down to light threats (all this is right there, above the grave). And, as they say, what else can scold two male friends if not love for the same woman? And everyone completely forgot that she died 30 years ago, even before we were born. At this moment, one of us looked at Zoya again and exclaimed: “Look! She seems to be crying!..” I must say, it was dry that day. And in the tombstone portrait, right from the corner of the eye, a drop slowly flowed down... It flowed so smoothly, so physiologically, as if it knew all the contours of the deceased’s face. And the dry gray slab under this drop became wet and turned black. We began to look up and around where this drop could have come from. And we didn’t find such a place. There was only one thing left to be sure.. I reached out my hand and carefully took this drop on my finger, brought it to my mouth and tasted it with the tip of my tongue.. It tasted like a real tear. A chill went down my spine. After that, we stopped quarreling, quietly apologized to Zoya and left. From that time on, everything somehow calmed down and we stopped going to her. Only sometimes, when I’m at that cemetery, do I come closer for a minute to say hello and once again apologize...

He described it in one breath, stated everything exactly as it happened. Thanks for reading.

Once upon a time in the village

So. I am writing the most mysterious incident from my life. I’ll say right away that many here will see little “mysticism”, because... everything happened in reality and + I don’t know how to force it up - especially memories from 10 years ago. Nothing added - unnecessary - removed. I won’t write names, so I’ll call you “friend”, “girlfriend” - some people don’t take it well. I’ll just say that my name is Sergey))

One day in the summer of 2000, we gathered in my village (my grandparents lived before, but died in 1991). The house is located about 60-70 meters from the cemetery. I’ll say right away that the cemetery is like a village cemetery, not very big - the little one even liked to walk there alone - read the names, look at the dates and didn’t notice anything supernatural.

Our composition was as follows: me, my best friend and our girlfriend (I was 18 years old at that time, they were 17). Also, preempting some commentators, I’ll say that we didn’t take alcohol at all, and none of us even smoked at that time.

Day one: daylight hours, as it should be - nothing to do. In the evening, barbecue. Around 11 o'clock they were sitting around just chatting about something and playing cards. And suddenly, out of the blue, the house begins to shake. Not even shaking, but rocking - the electric samovar fell off the table and the direction of this rocking was “up and down” with a fairly noticeable amplitude and an interval of two seconds. 3-4 pushes and it calmed down. We sit in silence and look at each other. As soon as I silently put the samovar in place, it happened again, it shook and pushed even more violently, 7 times, no less, and then it became quiet again. We are sitting. Scary. We voice our thoughts: “Dog? No.”, “The neighbor’s cow? No, even she wouldn’t have enough weight and she couldn’t jump in one place.” We decide to go out onto the porch, grabbing a knife - and it becomes truly creepy - one board in the floor of the porch is broken and bent upward. The board is five centimeters thick. In general, I kicked it back to the “horizontal” position and went back. And somehow everything was quickly forgotten - we talked and discussed more and went to bed.

Day two: yesterday’s incident somehow completely disappeared from my mind. We wanted to go home, but decided to stay another day - it was too nice to be in nature, it was beautiful there. At night, around half past twelve, we decided, out of boredom, to check “weakly.” Like, who will go to the cemetery next? Scary. The three of us decided to go together. We entered - let's go, it was a moonlit night, but the territory was almost completely covered and there were tree crowns everywhere, i.e. light breaks through, but not everywhere. We walked about 30 meters along the path and THERE something_begins_to_move_and_stand up_heavily_ half a meter away from me. Only I was numb, I could only hear two pairs of legs running away, somehow squealing. This something gets up - a COW!))) Let go) I came back running too... we are standing near the cemetery - funny)
And then the first inexplicable thing happens: I see that the trees and foliage begin to glow, like phosphorescence, fading a little and gaining luminosity again, no crosses, no monuments, no fences - but only trees and foliage - we look at this miracle, asking each other friend “do you see?” no more than half a minute passes - we can’t take our eyes off it (it also turned out later that we saw different colors - silver for me, white for my friend, reddish for my friend) and then with a growing shout March cat a cat runs out from somewhere - well, we’re here and have already rushed home (a friend lost his slate, which in the end was not found in the morning).
In general, it would seem that we were full of impressions... the luminosity of the trees - all sorts of cars were immediately rejected - there was nowhere to shine - the taiga was behind us.
Let's settle down to sleep. We lay down and then suddenly he gets up and goes out - I told him: “Where?”, He said “to the toilet” - I hear the door opening and closing (the closing and opening of the door is always accompanied by quite noisy noise). We’re lying with a friend, joking that the dude is about to disappear and that’s it (I myself keep shooting when the door opens, because somehow we started “squeezing” there, although I can’t even explain... is it possible to “squeeze” each other in a friendly way) ). After about 15 minutes, it seemed to become alarming - where is he?. Another five minutes pass - we start getting dressed, I hear a plane flying low (key moment) - I leave the room and go nuts - my friend is lying on the floor (in the next room) and crying! A man is crying whose tears you can’t kick out... I come up and ask, what are you doing? He told me: go away. Well, I’m leaving, thinking in my mind - how he came in... I saw him leave, heard the door close - then I didn’t see him come in and didn’t hear how this creaky noisy door opened... and he’s at home. On the floor. And cries. What kind of absurdity is this?
I go into the “bedroom” - my friend is sleeping. Undressed. Although she dressed with me. I sit down and a feeling of some kind of abstraction and unreality begins to appear. A friend comes in and says: “Let’s go out - I don’t want to wake her up”... I got really scared looking into those shifting eyes, red from tears. Let's go out... The result is the following dialogue:

- Sereg, is there all this crap, Sereg, is there all this crap?
- What the hell, what are you talking about, what happened? (I actually “shuddered” - it was dark all around and only light from our windows)
“I was talking with Uncle Pasha just now... with my mother’s brother.”

I look at him and wonder if he’s gone crazy - this Uncle Pasha died four years ago. I look at him questioningly, like, tell me... And this is what he said:

- I went to the toilet, went, I saw the plane flying - low, low, and I thought maybe the light was from some kind of plane or helicopter... I looked towards the cemetery and something pulled me to go there again. I haven’t even reached the territory yet and I hear that I can’t hear anything - the silence is terrible and the light from the Moon has become so dim and dim, and then a voice behind me: “Well, how are you? Hello". I immediately recognized his voice (Uncle Pasha).

I stand, listen, and my nerves begin to shake me - although it’s cool, but not from the cold. I ask him: “Well, why didn’t you yell?” He says that he was not afraid at all and this is the dialogue that took place between them:

- How are you? Hello.
- Yes, everything is fine.
- How is your mother, father, sister?
- Yes, everything is fine too.
“Well, I’m doing well here too, I’ve settled in pretty well here, I miss you.”
- It's clear.
- Come with me? I'll show you how I live here.
- No, I won’t go.
- OK. Go home. They are already going to look for you there.

That's all. And sounds appeared. Along with them comes fear. He said that he came and lay down and cried and got nervous.
In general, we did not sleep until dawn. For the most part they were silent. The three of us left in the morning.

Questions left:

1. He says that he saw a low-flying plane on the street, then he talked with his deceased uncle, then he went home as usual - opened the door, closed the door. But how? Okay with the doors, but it doesn’t fit in with the plane at all, because... after a maximum of half a minute, when I heard the plane, I saw it on the floor.

2. A person could not relieve himself for 15 minutes. However, he says that as soon as he “made it”, he almost immediately saw this plane.

In general, there are some inconsistencies over time.
I understand that the story is kind of tedious, for many it is boring and large in volume... But for me it is very mysterious, in fact. Moreover, a friend also told me that his uncle told him one thing that he cannot say - i.e. I can’t know, otherwise it will be even worse for me later. Not kidding. He is generally a serious person, not an intriguer at all. I've known him since I was 4 years old. He still hasn’t said what I shouldn’t know.

It also occurred to me later that I should have left on the first day after its events. Or don't go to the cemetery. Apparently, the cow in the cemetery provoked the release of such an amount of fear that an ordinary person could sense it a mile away) Not to mention the subtle worlds.

Thanks everyone.


Hello everyone, my name is Dmitry Irkutsk, I’m 20 years old..... This story was told to me by an old resident of a village located in the Irkutsk region.... It was back in the 90s, we were young, we wanted adrenaline and fun, and that’s how we We agreed to go for a walk with friends in the evening, met somewhere at 20:00, there were 4 of us, my name is Alexey, my girlfriend Katerina and my friend with his girlfriend. Their names were Anastasia and Oleg, in general there was nothing to do, it was in the evening... well, out of young stupidity we We went to the cemetery, found a table there, sat down and started drinking the moonshine that Oleg had saved in advance, we chatted, it was fun)) and we didn’t notice how the time came to 23:00 Oleg said so guys, it’s time for me to retire and walked away, I continued to communicate with Nastya and Katyusha, time flew by so quickly I looked at my old dawn clock and noticed that the time was 23:15, that is, Oleg had been gone for 15 minutes, it didn’t scare me much, I told the girls to wait for me and sit with me, that I was behind Oleg, the girls didn’t want to let me go, but still I said that I’ll go and have a look and went. .went out onto the dark path between the graves and began to call Oleg, but apart from silence I heard nothing, I had already passed two rows of graves when I heard Katen’s cry, I ran back, I ran to the table where we were sitting and what I saw plunged me into shock, I became numb Katya stood pressed against a tree, covering her mouth with her hand and streaming with tears, she looked at Anastasia, in an instant I realized what was happening, Nastya was bleeding from her eyes, ears and mouth, I regained consciousness and ran up to Nastya, I tried to check her pulse, it was gone, I was shaking all over I felt the hairs on my back standing on end and I was simply enveloped in cold sweat. Katya was hysterical, what is this, crying loudly, a fit of tears, I grabbed her and started to run away, it was dark, we ran almost falling, and just before the exit we tripped over something big and fell I took off my eyes and the horror of the picture simply seized me with fear, it took over me, it began to overshadow my mind, it was Oleg, he had a lot of arms and legs, dug out eyes and a lot of blood, Katya fell into deep hysterics, she sobbed and screamed loudly, I came to my senses again, took Katya by the hand and we rushed off through the screams of hysterics and sobs, she wiped her legs into blood, we ran outside the cemetery and walked along the asphalt barefoot. Katya’s hysterics did not end, she screamed, cursed and became hysterical, what the hell is this, I’m not able to explain anything, I just walked in silence Not understanding anything, I roared no worse than Katya, I was also afraid, we made it to the Village and told everything to the district police officer. Result: Katya ended up in a Mental Hospital and Died there Due to an overdose of some Drug I was also sentenced to 3 years compulsory treatment but I survived and I still remember the bodies of Oleg and Nastya. They found them torn to pieces on the morning of that day and They said that either wolves or bears but they were not found there and Nastya Died for unknown reasons.

My bird

Mother! I've been here before! - Tanechka suddenly exclaimed when we entered our old house– my childhood home. We were invited by the new residents to come here so that we could pick up letters that had been delivered to the old address by mistake.
“There was a TV in this corner,” the daughter continued to tell, “and there’s a closet...
“That’s right,” I say. And with growing amazement I listen to my child, still wondering what a 3-year-old child can remember about the time when she lived here as a baby in diapers? But what Tanya said next simply shocked me!
- I flew into that window over there... And I wanted to fly out into the light, but there was something hanging on the window... Ah! Yes, it was tulle. And suddenly a black shadow scared me...
Cat, or what? – I asked unexpectedly for myself.
Yes, yes! Black cat! He jumped off the sofa,” and Tanya pointed with her hand to the place where the sofa actually stood when I was still a child.
The little girl seemed to be fantasizing very much... And I probably would have settled on this version if it weren’t for my own memory, which was now so treacherously confusing in my adult consciousness the events from my own childhood with a sense of reality. This can't happen! No! This is unnatural! Why is my three year old daughter now telling me in such detail about what happened to ME when I was 9 years old?
- You drove him away, and I wanted to hide, I flew behind the TV...
- More precisely, under the table with the TV?
Yesss! And then the cat grabbed me with his teeth. And you saved me from him... Mom, I still remember that you held me in your arms for a long time, stroked me and cried.
Tanya looked carefully at my face, squinted a little, as if studying it, and added:
- Only you were somehow different... well,... little or something. And then I don’t remember.
- Yes, my dear. Then I remember...
Of course, I didn’t tell my daughter that that titmouse still died then, despite all my courtship. And I grieved for her so much that I even decorated the grave myself and planted flowers.
But from then on she called her daughter “My Bird.”
When she grew up to curious questions about our past lives, somewhere in adolescence, I told her this story. The grown-up girl again pleased me with another wise observation: “Mom, it turns out that I chose you!”

Gift transfer or what?

Hi all. I want to ask for advice, maybe I was actually given a gift? My great-grandmother told fortunes with cards and spoke to pain. People always came to her to ask if a cow was lost, whether it would be found or not. And grandma always answered correctly. She was highly respected. When she died, she was 83 years old, she could not die for a long time, she suffered greatly. And she asked to call me, I was the only great-granddaughter, the rest were boys. I was 8 years old then. Well, they brought me to her, she took me by the hand, inhaled lightly and did not exhale again, she died. Straightaway. Everyone was scared, but for some reason I wasn’t. When her funeral service was held in the church, I could not go there, I could not overcome myself, I was very scared then. And it's a shame that I didn't come. Several years passed, I often dreamed of my great-grandmother, but it was as if she was alive, not scary. One day, on the day of her death, I see a dream: there is a coffin, she lies in it, everyone is standing in the distance. And I go up to say goodbye, bend over her, and she sits down in the coffin, all so scary and asks why I didn’t go to church? I scream sorry, forgive me and wake up. I told my mother, she took me to church, it became easier. Since then, even if I dream, it’s as before, it’s not scary. Mom was told that when my great-grandmother died, she passed on her gift to me, that when such a person dies, he must pass on his power to someone. Sometimes I notice strange things about myself. I can predict pregnancy. In a dream I see one of my friends who is pregnant, and then it happens. This has happened many times already. One day I saw my friend pregnant, but there was a hole in her stomach. She couldn’t get pregnant for several years, then this happened, I tell her, be very careful. And she and her husband went to a water park, went to the sauna there, and the next day a miscarriage happened. I work as a loan officer in a bank. When filling out an application, clients call phone numbers, I often guess the numbers before they call, or the names of contact persons. So, I can’t do anything else, and I really regret that I didn’t learn everything from my great-grandmother.

Demon in a bottle

One day, as usual, I decided to visit my good friend Katya. My classmate Lera, who, according to her, had nothing to do at home, got in touch with me.

Katya was glad for the small company, we watched a movie together, chatted, played blind man's buff, and then, for dessert, it was time for hide and seek. They played for a long time, until the evening. And, once again Katya drove, she was already counting down at twenty, but there was nowhere to hide, all the closets, closets and other secluded corners were wiped from dust by our clothes. I climbed into the bathroom, standing behind the thick curtain, and began to listen. Lerka ran into the next room, which belonged to Ekaterina’s brother, who had moved out for filming, and climbed into the closet. Now, already a hundred, Katya shouts: “I’m going to look” and, with a horse’s stomp, heads to the room where Lerka is hiding, as if she knew it. I was glad I wouldn't have to drive if she was found first. While it was quiet, only the tramp of Katya wandering around the room, prowling here and there.

Suddenly, in the next room, but not in the one where Lerka hid, which, until that second, I thought was empty, strange creaks and rustling noises were heard, as if something was being dragged. And then there was a dull thud and it went quiet. Go and wonder. Katya is still in the other room, a minute later, or maybe less, her victorious cry and Lera’s indignant groan were heard. About two minutes later they found me too.

Listen, which one of you was hanging around in your parents' room? – I asked, trying to find a logical explanation for what I heard.

What? – Lera responded, clearly not quite understanding my question.

Sanya,” Katka grinned, flashing her green eyes - there was no one there, Lera climbed into her brother’s closet, and we were in his room.

But I definitely heard someone walking in your parents’ bedroom!

We decided to see what the noises were there. Entering Katya’s parents’ room, we saw an ironing board lying on the bed.

But she’s always standing outside the door,” muttered Katya, who didn’t understand anything, “I came here today and she was there.” You definitely didn’t move, otherwise you would have burned yourself.

Most likely, you just didn’t notice it right away,” Lera tried to somehow explain the current situation, also slightly puzzled by what had happened. Because we all knew that it was impossible to move things, especially in the parents’ room.

Having put the thing in its rightful place, we decided to stop playing hide and seek, because we were already tired of it. They simply didn’t think about the ironing board and soon forgot about it. Lera went home, they escorted her to the stop, they put her on the bus, everything was as it should be, but I stayed with Katya for the night, her mother worked as a nanny and looked after other people’s children in a more or less rich house, and her father, as usual, was on a business trip or walking somewhere... That. For the umpteenth time I tried to encourage her to call on some kind of evil spirits, yes, I confess, I am very keen on this kind of thing and many unpleasant situations associated with this have not yet repulsed my desire, just like what happened that night.

Katya constantly fought back, saying that they had done high-quality repairs, there was no need to spoil the apartment, especially the atmosphere. This time I decided to put more pressure on her, and she cracked and told me a little secret why she was afraid to call something at home. She showed me a figurine of a demon sealed in a jar; in response to my questions and the words “it’s just a souvenir,” she denied it and said that it was true, the jar couldn’t be opened either - we’d release it into the wild. Where her parents brought this creature from, she herself did not know.

After a while, we forgot about our little discussion, changed into pajamas, and decided to watch TV before going to bed. At first the screen showed everything perfectly, after some time it began to act up and passed out.

Maybe there's an electrical problem? – I mutter under my breath, looking sideways at my frowning friend.

It’s impossible, everything has been checked and fixed, so to speak. In short, since it wasn’t fate, let’s go to bed.

We headed to Katya’s bedroom; at the threshold we heard the TV turn on again.

Well, there’s definitely a problem,” I say, and at that moment the light flashed, “it would be an electrician.”

The light flashed more often, as if someone was playing around, then we heard footsteps in the parents’ room. Katya will squeal and rush to her bed, not forgetting to slam the door in my face. Of course, I wasn’t offended, but it somehow became unpleasant, especially at the very moment when these same steps began to approach. I turned around, there was no fear due to an incomplete understanding of what was happening, there was no one, the room and corridor were completely empty. Entering the room, I saw my friend on the bed, this began to scare her more and more, the light was flashing again, behind the wall the TV turned off, then turned on again. This went on for about twenty minutes, then everything went quiet. The light worked fine, the TV did not turn on anymore. All this time we chatted, somehow calming ourselves down. I couldn’t fully believe it all, but I still felt an incredible mixture of fear and joy, feeling completely unwell.

Having turned off the lights everywhere, we went to bed, I offered Katya some valerian to calm down. I didn’t drink it myself, I don’t know whether it was in vain or not. But in the middle of the night, when I woke up, I thought I saw several small shadows wandering around the room. After that I couldn’t sleep for a long time, because it became really scary.

In the morning I told this to a friend, she suggested that perhaps this was the work of a demon in bottles. But we couldn’t say anything for sure; we didn’t see the point in telling our parents at the time; we simply reported problems with electricity. Later they checked everything and found no problems; my friend often complained to me about creaks and sounds of footsteps, as well as strange shadows in the corner. A month later we persuaded Katka’s father to invite a priest, but after that nothing happened.

From the author: Believe it or not, this story pure truth. I described it almost briefly, trying to convey everything not somehow, but to make it clear and interesting to read, but without some details. I changed my friends' names just in case.