What is the SCO: decoding. SCO countries

World history knows many examples when countries created special interstate structures in order to solve pressing problems. There were many reasons for the desire to join forces. Most often, alliances were created against the backdrop of an alarming international situation. Sometimes this was prompted by the enormity of the challenges facing countries. However, always a necessary condition was a community of interests, similarity of views on the current state and development of the geopolitical situation. It was this principle that became the basis for the unification of the SCO member countries, which created a new organization in 2001.

Western politicians assessed the prospects for an alliance between such different states very skeptically. However, he has already managed to prove his relevance and worth.

What is the SCO?

Everyone knows about the purpose and principles of the structure of the UN, NATO, and OSEAN. What is hidden behind the letters SCO? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple. It contains an abbreviation formed on behalf of the city in which the founding documents were signed and a general description of the association. Complete official name structures - Shanghai organization cooperation.

Initially, the alliance was created to jointly combat international terrorism and consolidated opposition to potential military threats. Gradually the range of topics discussed expanded. Today this is a convenient platform for consideration on top level any pressing issues. Here, effective responses to global political challenges are developed, decisions are made to deepen economic and cultural cooperation between the participating countries. At the same time, the SCO, unlike many regional alliances, is not a military alliance.

Prerequisites for creation

The emergence of an association similar to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization should be considered a historical inevitability. After the collapse of the USSR in Central Asia Several new independent states emerged. Some of the former Soviet republics, by tradition, gravitated towards Russia. Some countries chose to focus on the West or the eastern hegemon - China. Such a situation is fraught with conflicts, the emergence of which is only a matter of time, given the existence of long-standing territorial claims against each other among a number of neighboring states.

Showing political foresight, the leaders of Russia, China, and the Central Asian republics began to actively cooperate in the field of ensuring common security since the end of the last century. The result of their combined efforts was the creation of the Shanghai Five in 1996. The founders interstate structure there were Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. A little later, Uzbekistan joined them. Members of the association held annual summits, established cooperation on different levels.


The official founding date of the SCO is June 15, 2001. On this day, the top leaders of the participating countries, who gathered for the summit in Shanghai, signed the basic documents of the organization. They were the Declaration of Creation and the Convention on Combating Separatism, Extremism and Terrorism. A year later, already in St. Petersburg, the Charter - the Charter of the organization was adopted. After that, the whole world learned about what the SCO is.

It took several years to form management structures. The main directions of the association’s activities, ways to fill the budget were determined, and a mechanism for accepting new members was developed. The formation of organizational institutions was completed by 2004.

Declared goals

The organization was created to solve specific problems. The main goals of the SCO, as stated in the basic documents, are:

  • Strengthening good neighborly relations between members of the association.
  • Development of effective measures capable of minimizing threats from extremist, separatist, terrorist organizations.
  • Countering the activities of transnational crime syndicates, drug cartels, suppressing illegal migration.
  • Joining efforts aimed at increasing general security, preventing new ones and promptly resolving current armed conflicts. Establishment of a fair world order in which political and economic sovereignty is guaranteed to each state.
  • Development of interaction in all areas - from deepening economic ties to cultural exchange.
  • Creating conditions that are most favorable for the economic development of the region and each individual SCO country.
  • Ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms to citizens of states that are members of the organization, based on current legislation and national traditions.
  • Development of relations with countries or alliances showing interest in cooperation with the SCO.
  • Development of mechanisms for integration into the global economy without loss of commodity and monetary sovereignty.

The creation of the SCO, according to its founders, will help countries that have pooled their capabilities to give a worthy response to any challenges.

Features of the structure

To facilitate the management of a very cumbersome supranational organization, a fairly effective mechanism has been created. Each of its elements is endowed with certain powers. The structure looks like this:

Organ Representation Functional
CHS - Council of Heads of State Higher officials states Determines the goal setting of the SCO. Resolves the most important issues concerning the structure of the organization, cooperation with external alliances, and individual states. Can change the status of a member country, abolish or transform any structural unit.
CGP - Council of Government Leaders Prime Ministers Considers specific issues to establish and deepen economic cooperation. Adopts the organization's budget.
CMID - Council of Heads of Foreign Affairs Foreign Ministers He is preparing for a meeting within the framework of summits of top officials of states. Exercises control over the implementation of key political decisions of the SCO. Provides consultations on important international problems.
Meetings of relevant ministers Heads of departments and ministries by area Resolves highly specialized issues of legal, military, economic nature. Meetings of the ministers of trade, defense, culture, and communications are held regularly. The heads of prosecutor's offices and law enforcement agencies gather for meetings.
Secretariat Representatives of the SCO member countries Deals with all issues related to ensuring the current activities of the association - from developing the agenda for summits to executing the budget. The structure is led by the Secretary General, elected on a rotational basis.
SNK - Council of coordinators representing countries Authorized representatives from each member of the organization Coordinates and directs the work of the secretariat, participates in solving current problems. Engaged in preparations for the holding of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the State Duma, and the Council of State Duma.
RATS is an analogue of the regional anti-terrorist center Managers national structures specializing in counter-terrorism It has the status of a legal entity and has its headquarters in Tashkent. Collects and processes information about the actions of terrorist groups and extremists. Develops methods of combating radical organizations, forms proposals for approval by the highest bodies of the SCO. The head of the RATS is appointed at a meeting of the Council of State Duma.
IBO - Association for Interbank Cooperation Representatives of the largest banks - one from each country Created to implement joint credit and financial projects. Operating since 2005

The governing body of the SCO is the Council of State Councils. All structures lower in the hierarchy are required to follow his directives. Decisions at the Council of Heads of State and meetings of other divisions are made in a consolidated manner. In order for them to be initialed, consensus must be reached. The opinion of any member of the organization can be decisive.

The permanent bodies include the Secretariat and RATS. Members of the Council of People's Commissars meet annually more than three times. Meetings of relevant ministers are scheduled as needed. The CMFA and the SGP are held simultaneously with the SSG. The events are chaired by representatives of the country organizing the annual meeting. The mechanism for choosing a venue for the summit is simple. All member states of the association become its owners in turn. Rotation occurs in alphabetical order.

Regular members

The trend towards gradual expansion has been observed since the formation of the organization. At first, however, only the number of states classified as observers increased. However, in 2017, the association gained two new members. India and Pakistan joined the Russian Federation, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

The status of a permanent member gives the right to enjoy the rights and privileges provided for by the charter of the political-economic union. Among them, it is worth noting access to credit and financial resources according to the decision of the Interbank Association.

Partner and Observer States

There have always been many countries wishing to join the SCO. Suffice it to say that back in 2004 Mongolia expressed a similar desire. However, the founders are holding back the expansion process. There are good reasons for this.

There are long-standing differences between some of the Asian countries vying for membership that date back centuries. It is difficult to make a consolidated decision in such conditions. Besides, a large number of secondary partners will reduce the foreign policy weight of the union. Belarus stands out from the crowd. A. Lukashenko’s ardent desire to introduce the state into a promising union was prevented by nature itself. The country that gained independence after the collapse is located too far from Asia great empire.

Iran and Afghanistan are observer states of the SCO, along with Mongolia and Belarus. The club of official applicants for this status consists of Qatar, Maldives, Israel, Vietnam, and Iraq. Applications from Syria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Bahrain, and Ukraine are under consideration. The category of dialogue partners includes Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Armenia, Turkey, Cambodia, Nepal.

Authoritative international associations have shown interest in cooperation with the Shanghai organization. The corresponding agreements have been ratified with the EAEU, CSTO, CIS, UN, ASEAN.

Uniting factors

At the time of the organization’s creation, the main motivation for joining its ranks was the growing threat from global terrorism. For the countries of Southeast or Central Asia, Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS were not just words, but a real danger. Military-diplomatic successes of Russia on the Syrian front, which made a complete defeat Islamic State, inevitably, indirectly helped to stabilize the situation in the former Central Asian republics of the USSR.

However new threat turned out to be even worse. The overseas hegemon dropped his mask and showed his real face. Complete disregard international treaties, the desire for permanent expansion with unlimited use of force demonstrated by the United States brought to mind the dark era of the Conquest. For most Asian countries, salvation can now only be an alliance with powerful China and Russia.

We should not forget that the economic situation of many countries in the region is not optimistic. Investments from India, the Russian Federation, and China are vital for some SCO member countries.

Internal contradictions

There are hidden and sometimes obvious contradictions between members of any major international organization. The Shanghai Eight was also no exception. An illustration of this will be the answer to the question - who is the leader in the SCO?

Pro-Western political scientists unconditionally give primacy in the unification of the PRC, with its huge economy. However, Russia openly claims to be the political locomotive of the alliance. The main contradiction between the world allied powers is manifested in goal setting. Beijing views the organization as a tool to facilitate the expansion of Chinese goods into new markets. Moscow considers the military-political part of the agreement to be the main one. At the same time, both empires are secretly wary of each other.

In addition, the geopolitical interests of India and Kazakhstan, for example, cannot be compared. These countries cannot be compared in terms of population, territory, or GDP. Accordingly, the goals they want to achieve as members of the organization differ.

For small states on the continent, joining an alliance with the largest Asian powers is the only way to maintain full sovereignty. China and Russia, as two counterweights, maintain the system in a stable state. They will not tolerate excessive American or European expansion into the region and will not allow the mutual balance to be upset.

Suffice it to recall how the organization expanded to 8 members. Moscow reacted instantly to Beijing's proposal to admit its longtime protégé, Pakistan, into the union. At the same time, India joined the ranks of the association.

Development prospects

The modern world is changing rapidly. The world hegemon of recent decades is experiencing difficult times. The United States, like any empire entering its decline, is gradually losing influence. At the same time, the illusion of omnipotence, formed during the period of undivided domination, remains. Against this background, new centers of power are beginning to make themselves known more and more loudly.

Continuing its progressive development, the SCO is able to transform from a regional association into the most influential structure on a global scale. By the way, Washington contributes to this most of all. The superpower's unpredictable foreign policy forces Asian states to worry about their own sovereignty. Therefore, we can confidently predict that the number of countries aspiring to membership in the organization will only increase.

Completing the transcript SCO, as a term and phenomenon of international politics, one cannot help but cite several interesting facts. They testify to the globality and potential power of the organization:

  • It unites states occupying more than 60% of the area of ​​Eurasia. Almost half of the Earth's inhabitants are concentrated here.
  • As of the end of 2017, the SCO member countries produced 30.26% of world GDP.
  • The organization's four permanent members are nuclear powers.

There is one more feature that distinguishes the SCO from other regional associations. There is no English among the official languages ​​of the organization. Russian and Chinese have this status.

) can now rightfully be called the “Shanghai Eight”. At the Astana summit on June 8-9, India and Pakistan joined the SCO. The organization now has four nuclear powers and the world's two largest economies. Why at the summit they decided that the SCO could eclipse other international associations, and what caused a stir among Indian journalists - in the report.

The long road to the SCO

The Commonwealth was created back in 2001 by six founders - China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Over the past decade and a half, different stages Observer countries, applicants for membership, and dialogue partners joined the organization. But the main composition did not change.

India and Pakistan, who also managed to work with the Shanghai organization as observers, submitted applications for membership back in 2010 and 2006, respectively. The process took a long time. At first, the organization’s charter did not contain a mechanism for joining, and then it took time to bring legislative framework countries in accordance with the requirements of the SCO.

“There is no need to hide, there are certain problems in relations between these beautiful countries,” recalled an even more significant obstacle. At the summit in Astana, the Belarusian leader proposed to regard the admission of conflicting powers into the organization as a “courageous and responsible step.” In his opinion, this will not only strengthen the Shanghai organization, but will also help New Delhi and Islamabad resolve a long-standing conflict.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international association that includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Since 2004, the SCO has been an observer at General Assembly UN. The history of the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the interaction of the countries included in the association and the prospects for the development of the SCO - in the TASS material.

How was the SCO created?

  • Intensive dialogue between member countries of the organization began 20 years ago. In 1996, the first meeting of the heads of five states – Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan – took place in Shanghai. The summit participants signed an agreement to strengthen confidence in military field in the border area. Based on this agreement, a political association emerged known as the Shanghai Five. The main goal unification was to ensure stability along the border of the former Soviet republics and China.
  • In 1997, another agreement was signed - on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area. The agreements became the first real steps towards military detente in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • The third meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai Five took place in 1998, ending with the signing of a final joint statement by the foreign ministers, which supported Kazakhstan's proposal to convene a meeting on interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia.
  • A declaration on the main directions of the association's strategic partnership was signed in 1999. At the meeting of the Shanghai Five leaders, the topic of combating cross-border crime, drug trafficking and organized crime was discussed. Special attention was devoted to the issues of restoring the Great Silk Road.
  • Successful cooperation has allowed the five countries to go beyond cross-border cooperation. In 2000, the Shanghai Five was transformed into the Shanghai Forum, and Uzbekistan took part in the summit as an observer.
  • In 2001, after Uzbekistan joined the “five”, the heads of six states signed the Declaration on the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The goals of the organization were to stabilize the situation in Central Asia, strengthen friendship and good neighborliness between the participating states, and develop cooperation in political, economic, scientific and other spheres. As a result of the meeting, the SCO member countries signed the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, and agreed to create a regional anti-terrorist structure with a center in Bishkek.
  • According to the SCO Charter, the goals of the alliance are stability and security in the region, as well as the fight against terrorism and extremism, the development of economic cooperation, energy partnership, scientific and cultural interaction. Priority areas - development of transport infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, oil and gas sector, Agriculture, usage water resources and etc.

How did the SCO develop in the future?

  • The formation of the SCO as an organization was completed in 2002. At the meeting of heads of state in St. Petersburg, the Declaration of the Heads of SCO Member States and the SCO Charter were signed, and an agreement was concluded on the creation of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.
  • An important step for the SCO was the meeting of the Council of Heads of State in 2005: it was decided to grant observer status to three major Asian powers - India, Iran and Pakistan. Previously, in 2004, this status was granted to Mongolia. Happened geographical expansion organization, which made it possible to fundamentally increase the international weight of the SCO.
  • In 2007, the SCO countries signed an Agreement on Long-Term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation.
  • In 2009, a decision was made to grant dialogue partner status to Sri Lanka and Belarus.
  • In 2012, the leaders of the SCO countries adopted a Declaration on building a region of long-term peace and shared prosperity. In the same year, Afghanistan received observer status in the SCO, and Türkiye became a dialogue partner.
  • In 2014, India and Pakistan officially applied for membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  • In 2015, the leaders of the SCO countries approved a decision to begin the procedure for admitting India and Pakistan to membership in the organization; decisions were also signed to grant Belarus observer status in the SCO, and to grant dialogue partner status to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal. Iran and Afghanistan are also vying for full membership in the SCO.

What does the SCO look like on the geopolitical map of the world?

  • The territory of the SCO, including observer countries, covers the space from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic to the Indian Ocean and occupies 61% of the Eurasian continent.
  • According to World Bank, the world population reached 7.26 billion people in 2014. The population of the SCO member countries in 2014 totaled 1.57 billion people, and including observer countries - 3.17 billion people.
  • The total gross domestic product (at current prices) of the SCO member states reached $12.5 trillion in 2014, i.e. 16.03% of the global figure (for comparison: in the USA - $17.42 trillion, in the EU - $18, 47 trillion).
  • Global GDP at purchasing power parity was $108.7 trillion in 2014. The GDP of the SCO countries according to PPP for the same period is $22 trillion, i.e. 20.24% of the global total.

How is interaction carried out within the SCO?

  • The highest body in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the Council of Heads of State; Leaders' summits are held once a year. The SCO Council of Heads of Government annually considers issues related, in particular, to economic areas of interaction. The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Meeting of Heads of Ministries and Departments, and the Council of National Coordinators have been created within the organization.
  • The two permanent bodies of the SCO are the Secretariat in Beijing and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure in Tashkent.
  • In 2006, the SCO Forum was formed - a public advisory and expert body created to promote and scientifically support the activities of the organization, conduct joint research on topical issues, clarification of the tasks and principles of the SCO.
  • An important area of ​​the SCO's activities is humanitarian cooperation. In 2007, Russia proposed the establishment of a university based on the network principle. The decision to form the SCO Network University (a system of interaction between universities in member countries of the organization) was made in 2008. The university began operating in 2010 and includes more than 80 universities from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Specialists are trained in 7 areas of master's degree, including regional studies, ecology, energy, IT technologies, nanotechnology, pedagogy and ecology.
  • In 2015, a presentation of the initiative to create International card young person of the SCO member states (SCO Youth Card). The map should become unique social package for young people, helping to develop humanitarian cooperation, study the culture and history of the SCO countries.

How is economic interaction carried out within the SCO?

  • The first meeting of the heads of government of the SCO member states took place in 2001. At this meeting, a Memorandum was signed on the main goals and directions of regional economic cooperation and the beginning of the process of creating favorable conditions in the field of trade and investment. Priority areas of interaction are recognized joint development oil and gas sector, transport infrastructure, creating conditions for the free movement of goods, capital, services and technologies.
  • In 2003, in Beijing, following a meeting of the heads of government of the SCO countries, a long-term program of multilateral economic cooperation until 2020 was adopted, providing for the creation of a common economic space within the organization. In the short term, it is planned to increase the volume of trade turnover, and in the long term, the creation of a free trade zone. The main areas of cooperation in the document are energy, transport, agriculture, telecommunications, defense environment etc. The action plan for the implementation of the program was signed in 2004.
  • One of the priority tasks of the SCO is cooperation in financial sector. Lack of a mechanism for financing joint projects for a long time was the main obstacle to further development organizations. To solve this problem, a Development Bank and a Development Fund (special account) are being created within the SCO. China took the initiative to create the Development Bank of the member countries of the organization in 2010. The bank will be focused on financing interstate infrastructure projects and foreign trade operations. The creation of the SCO Development Fund was proposed in 2013 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2015, the SCO countries announced their intention to create an International Center for Project Finance on the basis of the Interbank Association of the organization.
  • In 2013, the SCO Energy Club, created on the initiative of Russia, began its work. The memorandum on the creation of this organization, along with the Russian Federation and China, was signed by Afghanistan, Belarus, Mongolia, India, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
  • In 2015, it was decided to begin developing a regional economic cooperation program for the next five years. Cooperation will be developed in 10 areas, within which about 100 projects are planned for a total amount of $100 billion. The main direction is the development of transport infrastructure.

How do SCO countries cooperate in the field of security?

  • The SCO is not a military bloc, but the organization's countries consider issues related to security and the fight against terrorism. Since 2002, as part of security cooperation, SCO member countries have regularly conducted joint anti-terrorism exercises (both on a bilateral and multilateral basis). The largest of them are the Peace Mission exercises, which have been held since 2003 (the next one is planned for September 2016 in Kyrgyzstan).
  • In 2004, a protocol on cooperation was signed between the foreign ministries of the SCO countries. The document emphasized that in order to develop common points of view of the SCO countries on major international problems, it is necessary to conduct consultations at various levels. Among the main issues were security in Central Asia, the formation of an effective system collective security in the Asia-Pacific region, the fight against international terrorism, extremism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in weapons and drugs.
  • In 2006, the organization announced plans to fight the international drug mafia, and in 2008 - about participation in normalizing the situation in Afghanistan.
  • In 2009, under the auspices of the SCO, the first large-scale international conference on Afghanistan was held with the participation of representatives of the EU, CSTO, NATO and other organizations.
  • On June 15, 2011, at the anniversary summit of the SCO, the heads of state of the organization approved the Anti-Drug Strategy of the SCO member states for 2011-2016 and the action program for its implementation, designed to help increase the effectiveness of joint efforts to counter the drug threat in the SCO space. At the same time, agreements were signed on conducting joint anti-terrorist measures on the territory of the SCO states, on cooperation in the field of identifying and blocking channels of penetration into the territory of the SCO countries by persons involved in terrorist, separatist and extremist activities.
  • In 2012, the leaders of the SCO countries adopted a program of cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2013-2015.
  • In the Bishkek Declaration of the SCO, signed in 2013, the countries of the organization declared their intention to counteract “the use of information and communication technologies to undermine the political, economic and public security of member states, to counter terrorism, extremism and separatism, as well as to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking, illegal arms trafficking."

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international association that includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Observers in the organization are Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Belarus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Syria and Sri Lanka also submitted applications). In September 2014, India and Pakistan submitted formal applications for full membership in the organization. Iran and Afghanistan are also vying for full membership in the SCO.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka have the status of SCO dialogue partner.

What part of the earth's landmass is occupied by the SCO countries, what are their economic indicators and how states interact in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - in the TASS material.

The Republic of Kazakhstan

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Kazakhstan was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The Shanghai organization, combining Islamic, Christian and Confucian civilizations, is a worthy example of effective cooperation, harmony and mutual understanding in a vast area from of Eastern Europe to the southern borders of Asia... The SCO embodies a new culture of interstate relations, which in the future will determine the appearance and character of our region"

Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan. reference Information

  • Territory: 2.7 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 17.3 million
  • Capital: Astana.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since April 24, 1990, the president of the country has been Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev.
  • GDP (2014): $76.139 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.04%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products, including oil and gas condensate (71.6%), metals and products made from them (13.1%), products chemical industry (7,1%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and equipment (40.6%), chemical products (14.9%), metals and products made from them (13.2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Italy, China, the Netherlands, Russia; for imports - Russia, China and Germany.


Kazakhstan participates in all areas of SCO activities. Representatives of the republic have repeatedly come up with various initiatives. In 2011, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov proposed to the SCO countries to create an interstate reserve bank. On December 6, 2013, Kazakhstan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. On September 12, 2014, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the SCO summit in Dushanbe announced the need to create an SCO Coordination Council, which will replace the existing mechanism of meetings of national coordinators with representatives of observer countries during the organization. On March 15, 2016, Kazakhstan ratified the Agreement on cooperation and interaction of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on border issues.

Kyrgyz Republic

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, it was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

Today we can confidently say that the SCO is significant and influential international association, which sets itself the task of developing effective mechanisms of interaction, maintaining peace and stability in the region, strengthening trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation

Almazbek Atambayev, President of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan. reference Information

  • Territory: 191.8 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 5.84 million
  • Capital: Bishkek.
  • State structure: parliamentary-presidential republic; Since December 1, 2011, the president of the country is Almazbek Sharshenovich Atambaev.
  • GDP (2014): $7.404 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4%.
  • Export (2015): gold (50%), food products And tobacco products(11.5%), machinery and transport equipment (11.4%).
  • Imports (2015): industrial goods for various purposes (32%), mineral products (20%), machinery and equipment (19%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Russia; for imports - Russia, China, Kazakhstan.


The main areas of cooperation within the SCO for the republic are the security and economic spheres, primarily attracting investments in the transport industry and hydropower. Kyrgyzstan came up with the idea of ​​creating a Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) within the SCO. The republic is currently discussing with its SCO partners the possibility of implementing a number of large economic projects in the country. One of these projects is the construction of a railway that should connect the north and south of Kyrgyzstan. On June 1, 2016, the Kyrgyz Parliament ratified an agreement on cooperation and interaction between SCO member states on border issues.

People's Republic of China

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, China was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The “Shanghai Spirit”, which permeated the entire development process of the organization, has become a valuable asset that ensures the development and strengthening of the organization... Now our planet is going through a period of great development, great changes and great transformations, all countries are faced with unprecedented chances and challenges... We are ready, adhering to the "Shanghai spirit", to take advantage of opportunities together and meet challenges together, to act in the same direction, carrying out development and innovation, and build a new model of regional cooperation.

Hu Jintao, Chairman of the People's Republic of China in 2003-2013.

China. reference Information

  • Territory: 9.563 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 1.364 billion people.
  • Capital: Beijing.
  • State structure: socialist republic; Since March 14, 2013, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China (head of state) has been Xi Jinping.
  • GDP (2014): $10.354 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 8.6%.
  • Exports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (50.2%), textile and knitwear products (8.4%), chemical products (8.1%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (46.6%), mineral fuels (11.9%), chemical products (9.5%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - USA, Hong Kong, Japan; for import - USA, Taiwan, Japan.


China takes part in all formats of cooperation within the organization. Pays special attention to security issues. He advocates the creation of a center for responding to security challenges and threats on the basis of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure. On December 6, 2013, China signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In December 2015, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Keqiang said that the SCO member countries would work on the issue of creating a free trade zone.

Russian Federation

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Russia was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

Our organization is based on clear and precise principles. Among them - mutual trust, open discussion of any problems, resolution of issues without any pressure, but through consultations... Now, when allegations about supposedly insurmountable cultural and civilizational differences between states are being revived, the Organization demonstrates an excellent example of equal partnership in the Eurasian space. Partnerships whose strategic goal is to strengthen regional security and stability, promoting economic process and integration processes while preserving the national and cultural identity of each state

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Article "SCO - new model successful international cooperation", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", June 14, 2006.

Russia. reference Information

  • Territory: 17.125 million sq. km.
  • Population (2015): 146.267 million
  • Moscow the capital.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; since May 7, 2012, the president of the country is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (served as president in 2000-2008).
  • GDP (2014): $1.86 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 2.86%.
  • Exports (2014): mineral products (70.5%), metals, precious stones and products made from them (10.6%), chemical products (5.9%).
  • Import (2014): machinery, equipment and vehicles(47.6%), chemical products, rubber (16.2%), food products and agricultural raw materials (13.9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - the Netherlands, Germany, China; for import - China, Germany, USA.


Russia takes part in all formats of cooperation within the organization. Cooperation within the SCO is one of the main directions of Russian foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Within the SCO, the Russian Federation's priorities are the political consolidation of the organization, the development of common approaches to current international problems, and the expansion of practical interaction with leading multilateral organizations and associations, primarily the UN. In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation took the initiative to create the SCO Energy Club (the corresponding memorandum was signed on December 6, 2013). In 2015, Vladimir Putin proposed organizing, on the basis of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO, a Center for countering threats and challenges to the security of member states of the organization.

The Republic of Tajikistan

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Tajikistan was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The potential of the SCO is great. Our common task is to reveal it fully in the interests of the peoples of the participating states

Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan

Tajikistan. reference Information

  • Territory: 139.96 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 8.3 million
  • Capital: Dushanbe.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since November 16, 1994, Emomali Rahmon has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $9.242 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7.1%.
  • Exports (2015): base metals and products made from them (26.1%), precious and semiprecious stones and metals and metal products (23.3%), mineral products (22.9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery, equipment and vehicles (21.7%), mineral products (16.6%), plant products (11.2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Türkiye, Switzerland, Kazakhstan; for imports - Russia, China, Kazakhstan.


The main areas of cooperation within the SCO for the republic are the security sphere and the economy. On December 6, 2013, Tajikistan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In May 2014, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Tajikistan organized scientific and practical conference on the topic "Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Ensuring Regional Security: Problems and Prospects." The forum brought together heads and representatives of relevant research institutes from member states, observer states and dialogue partners of the SCO.

The Republic of Uzbekistan

At the summit in Shanghai on June 14, 2001, she joined the Shanghai Forum association. It is the founding country of the SCO. Uzbekistan was among the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001.

In a relatively short period, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become an influential international structure playing a prominent role in world politics

Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan. reference Information

  • Territory: 425.4 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 30.76 million
  • Capital: Tashkent.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since March 24, 1990, Islam Abduganievich Karimov has been the president of the country.
  • GDP (2014): $62.644 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 8.2%.
  • Exports (2015): energy resources and petroleum products (25.9%), food products (10.2%), ferrous and non-ferrous metals (6.4%), cotton (5.7%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and equipment (40.5%), chemical products (17%), food products (12.8%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): Russia, China, Kazakhstan, South Korea(official data on the main exporters/importers has not been published).


The priority areas of cooperation within the SCO are maintaining regional stability and developing economic and investment cooperation. After the summit in Ufa in July 2015, the presidency of the SCO in 2015-2016. passed to Uzbekistan.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2012. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on June 6-7, 2012 at the summit in Beijing.

Afghanistan. reference Information

  • Territory: 1.629 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 31.6 million people.
  • Capital: Kabul.
  • State structure: Islamic republic; Since September 29, 2014, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $20.03 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.4%.
  • Exports (2014): carpets (45%), dried fruits (31%), medicinal plants (12%).
  • Imports (2014): petroleum products (33%), machinery and transport equipment (15%), food products (14%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - Pakistan, India, Russia; for import - Pakistan, Russia, Uzbekistan.


As an observer, Afghanistan is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO.

Since its formation, the SCO has been paying priority attention to the development of the situation in Afghanistan, instability on whose territory threatens all member states of this association. In addition, within the SCO there is an active fight against drug trafficking from Afghanistan. On November 4, 2005, a protocol on the creation of the SCO-Afghanistan contact group was signed in Beijing.

On December 6, 2013, Afghanistan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. On May 27, 2015, the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (SCO RATS) and the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed a protocol of intent on cooperation in the field of security.

At the SCO summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, Afghanistan applied to become a full member of the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2015. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa. Prior to this, the republic had been a dialogue partner for five years (memorandum dated April 28, 2010).

Belarus. reference Information

  • Territory: 202.91 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 9.47 million
  • Capital: Minsk.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since July 20, 1994, the president of the country is Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko.
  • GDP (2014): $76.139 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3.5%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products (29.9%), chemical products, rubber (21.3%), food products and agricultural raw materials (16.3%).
  • Imports (2015): mineral products (31.1%), machinery, equipment and vehicles (23.4%), food products and agricultural raw materials (14.6%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Russia, Great Britain, Ukraine, the Netherlands; for imports - Russia, China, Germany, Poland.


The Memorandum on granting Belarus the status of a dialogue partner dated April 28, 2010 set out the main areas of cooperation: creating favorable conditions for trade and investment, intensifying interaction in customs affairs, partnership in matters of regional and global security, and developing dialogue on foreign policy issues.

Supported by Business Council SCO Belarus participated on equal terms in the project to create prototype the first multi-purpose maritime unmanned complex in the CIS (the Belarusian side developed software). Also, interaction within the SCO made it possible to create a high-tech park in Belarus, offering high-quality software and IT services. The project of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone” is under development, which is focused on the development of mechanical engineering, fine chemistry, biomedicine, production of household appliances and electronics.

Republic of India

India. reference Information

  • Territory: 3.287 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 1.295 billion people.
  • Capital: New Delhi.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since July 25, 2012, the country's president has been Pranab Kumar Mukherjee.
  • GDP (2014): $2.049 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7.2%.
  • Exports (April 2015 - February 2016): precious and semi-precious stones and metals (15%), mineral fuels and products (11%), land transport and equipment (5.4%).
  • Imports (April 2015 - February 2016): mineral fuels and products (25.7%), precious and semi-precious stones and metals (15%), electrical machines and equipment (9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (April 2015 - February 2016): for export - USA, UAE, China; for imports - China, USA, Saudi Arabia.


Representatives of India are present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of the security councils of SCO member countries, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, India signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. On December 6, 2013, the country signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In September 2014, India applied for membership. During the summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, a procedure was launched to grant the country the status of a full member of the organization.

Islamic Republic of Iran

Received the status of an observer state at the SCO in 2005. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 5, 2005 at the summit in Astana.

Iran. reference Information

  • Territory: 1.629 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 78.1 million people.
  • Capital: Tehran.
  • State structure: Islamic republic; since June 4, 1989, the leader of Iran (head of state) is Ali Khamenei; Since August 3, 2013, Hassan Rouhani has been the president (the head of the executive branch, representing the country at SCO summits).
  • GDP (2014): $425.3 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 1.2%.
  • Exports (2014): oil and gas (82%), plastics (5%), chemical products (3.6%).
  • Import (2014): machinery and transport equipment (26%); iron and steel (14%), chemical products (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - China, Japan, Türkiye; for imports - UAE and China.


As an observer, Iran is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, Iran signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. On September 19, 2014, at a meeting of the SCO RATS Council, documents regulating the interaction of RATS with the competent authorities of Iran were approved. In March 2008, Iran applied for membership in the SCO.


Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2004. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on June 17, 2004 at a summit in Tashkent.

Mongolia. reference Information

  • Territory: 1.564 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 2.9 million people.
  • Capital: Ulaanbaatar.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since June 18, 2009, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $12.016 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 11.1%.
  • Exports (2015): copper concentrate (49%), coal (12%), gold (9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (45%), mineral fuels (19%), food products (13%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - China, Great Britain, Russia; for import - China, Russia, Japan.


As an observer, Mongolia is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On December 6, 2013, Mongolia signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Received the status of an observer state at the SCO in 2005. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 5, 2005 at the summit in Astana.

Pakistan. reference Information

  • Territory: 796.1 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 185 million people.
  • Capital: Islamabad.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since September 9, 2013, the country's president is Mamnoon Hussein.
  • GDP (2014): $243.6 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3.4%.
  • Exports (FY 2014-2015): textiles and products (52%), food products (16%), machinery and transport equipment (11.6%).
  • Imports (FY 2014-2015): mineral fuels and products (26%), machinery and transport equipment (22%), chemical products (16.5%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (fiscal year 2014-2015): for export - USA, China, Afghanistan; for import - China, UAE, Saudi Arabia.


As an observer, Pakistan participates in meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as in the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, Pakistan signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. In September 2014, Pakistan applied to join the SCO. During the organization’s summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, the procedure was launched to grant the country the status of a full member.

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on March 14, 2016.

Azerbaijan. reference Information

  • Territory: 82.7 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 9.54 million
  • Capital: Baku.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since October 31, 2003, the country's president has been Ilham Aliyev.
  • GDP (2014): $75.198 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3%.
  • Exports (2015): oil (76.7%), petroleum products (6.6%), natural gas (2.5%), fruits and vegetables (1.02%).
  • Imports (2015): vehicles (23.6%), machinery and equipment (21.1%), ferrous metals and products made from them (16.3%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Italy, Germany, France; for import - Russia, USA, Türkiye.


Azerbaijan's dialogue with the SCO began in 2012, when the country's President Ilham Aliyev sent an official letter to the SCO granting Azerbaijan observer status with the SCO. Currently, Azerbaijan is involved in the implementation of important regional communication projects, such as the New Silk Road transport corridor with the participation of China, and the North-South transport corridor with the participation of the Russian Federation. The Azerbaijani side also shows interest in interaction with SCO member countries in the energy sector, the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism.

On March 14, 2016, at a meeting between Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov, the main areas of cooperation were agreed upon: the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, strengthening regional peace and security, transport and energy projects.

Republic of Armenia

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on April 16, 2016.

Armenia. reference Information

  • Territory: 28.47 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 3 million
  • Capital: Yerevan.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since April 9, 2008, the president of the country is Serzh Azatovich Sargsyan.
  • GDP (2014): $11.644 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4.2%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products (28.7%), food products (20.7%), base metals and products made from them (15.4%), precious and semi-precious stones and metals and products from them (13.9%) .
  • Imports (2015): mineral products (19.8%), machinery and equipment (12.5%), food products (10%), chemical products (9.2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Russia, China, Germany, Iraq; for imports - Russia, China, Germany, Iran.


Armenia applied for observer status in the SCO in 2012. In July 2015, at a summit in Ufa, the President of the Republic Serzh Sargsyan said that cooperation with the SCO should “ensure in the future that the implementation of large infrastructure and transport projects will reach a new level, such as construction of the Iran-Armenia railway." This railway will provide access to the EAEU countries through the Persian Gulf to Indian Ocean. Armenia also considers the priority areas of cooperation with the SCO to be “attracting investments, using transit opportunities, opening new transport communications and entering Asian markets.”

Kingdom of Cambodia

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on September 24, 2015.

Cambodia. reference Information

  • Territory: 181 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 15.33 million people.
  • Capital: Phnom Penh.
  • State structure: a constitutional monarchy; Since October 29, 2004, the head of state (king) is Norodom Sihamoni.
  • GDP (2014): $16.78 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (68%), footwear, hats and parts thereof (9.8%), food products (4.9%).
  • Imports (2014): textile materials and products (23%), mineral fuels and products (15%), machinery and vehicles (13%).
  • Territory: 147.2 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 28.17 million people.
  • Capital: Kathmandu.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since October 29, 2015, the country's president has been Bidhya Devi Bhandari.
  • GDP (2014): $19.77 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4.5%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (36%), food products (16%), base metals and products made from them (13%).
  • Imports (2014): mineral fuels and products (20%), electrical machinery and equipment (12%), base metals and products made from them (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - India, USA, Germany; for import - India, China, Hong Kong.


On September 16, 2015, representatives of Nepal took part in a meeting of ministers of the SCO member states responsible for foreign economic and foreign trade activities.

Turkish Republic

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on June 7, 2012 at the summit in Beijing, the memorandum on granting status was signed on April 26, 2013.

Türkiye. reference Information

  • Territory: 783.6 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 75.8 million people.
  • Capital: Ankara.
  • State structure: presidential-parliamentary republic; Since August 28, 2014, the country's president has been Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
  • GDP (2014): $799.5 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 5.4%.
  • Exports (2015): machinery and vehicles (27%), manufacturing products (19%), livestock products (9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (31.5%), mineral fuels (18.2%), chemical products (13.9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Germany, Great Britain, Iraq; for import - China, Germany, Russia.


In 2011, the SCO became an active participant in the Istanbul Process initiated by Turkey, the goal of which is to strengthen regional security and cooperation for the stable development of Afghanistan. On December 6, 2013, Turkey signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club.

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on June 16, 2009 at the summit in Yekaterinburg, the memorandum on granting status was signed on May 6, 2010.

Sri Lanka. reference Information

  • Territory: 65.6 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 20.77 million people.
  • Capital: Colombo.
  • State structure: parliamentary-presidential republic; Since January 9, 2015, Maithripala Sirisena has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $78.82 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.9%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (48%), food products (24%), including tea (17%, largest exporter tea in the world), plastics and products made from them (9.6%).
  • Imports (2014): mineral fuels and products (22%), aircraft, ground vehicles and equipment (19%), electrical machinery and equipment (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - USA, UK, India; for import - India, China, UAE.


On December 6, 2013, Sri Lanka signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. Representatives of the republic have repeatedly taken part in meetings within the SCO, including a meeting of ministers of agriculture on October 9, 2014, a meeting of the expert working group on the development of cooperation in the field of tourism on March 24, 2015, etc.

The predecessor of the SCO was the Shanghai Five, formed in 1996, which united Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and was designed to promote confidence in the military field between the participating countries and mutual reduction armed forces in the border area. After the sixth member, Uzbekistan, joined the ranks of the five in 2001, the newly formed “Shanghai Six” was renamed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The renewed organization has opened up new areas of activity, and to date the SCO has turned into an organization of multidisciplinary, multi-format cooperation, whose potential and significance in the international arena is growing every year. The fight against terrorism, separatism, extremism, cross-border crime and drug trafficking remains a priority for the SCO.

The growing authority of the SCO confirms the desire of more and more countries to join the organization. In 2004, Mongolia received observer status at the SCO. In 2005, the same status was assigned to a number of eastern countries: India, Iran, Pakistan. On April 28, 2010, another link connecting East and West in the SCO was Belarus, which was admitted to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a dialogue partner. Sri Lanka received the same status. Now the SCO occupies 60 percent of the territory of Eurasia. An organization that involves such territorial, human and economic resources, is doomed to authority and influence.

SCO bodies

The highest decision-making body in the SCO is the Council of Heads of Member States, which meets annually. The Council of Heads of Member States determines priorities and develops the main directions of the Organization's activities. Countries preside over the Organization alternately, on an annual basis, ending their term of office with a summit. In 2010-2011, Kazakhstan presided over the SCO. From January 1, 2010 post Secretary General The SCO is occupied by Muratbek Imanaliev (Kyrgyzstan).

The Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) adopts the Organization's budget, considers and resolves major economic issues in the areas of developing interaction within the Organization.

The Council of Foreign Ministers considers issues of the current activities of the Organization, holding consultations within the Organization on international issues. If necessary, the Council may make statements on behalf of the SCO.

For consideration specific issues to develop interaction within the SCO, meetings of heads of ministries and/or departments are held. Meetings are held in accordance with decisions of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers).

The coordination and management of the current activities of the organization is carried out by the Council of National Coordinators.

A permanent body of the SCO is the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the States Parties to the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism of June 15, 2001.

The permanent administrative body of the SCO is the SCO Secretariat. The Secretariat is engaged in organizational and technical support for events held within the SCO, and prepares proposals for the annual budget of the Organization.

Working structures of the SCO

The main working structures of the SCO are the SCO Business Council, the SCO Interbank Association (IBO), the SCO Forum and the SCO Youth Council.

The Business Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was established on June 14, 2006 in Shanghai. The SCO Business Council is a non-governmental structure. It brings together the most authoritative representatives of the business community of the SCO member countries. The main goal of the Business Council is to expand economic cooperation within the Organization, establish direct connections and dialogue between the business and financial circles of the SCO member states.

The SCO Interbank Association was created in 2005. The IBO members included the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, the State Development Bank of China, Vnesheconombank of Russia, the National Bank of Tajikistan, and the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Uzbekistan. On June 14, 2006 in Shanghai, during the second meeting of the SCO IBO Council, the Savings and Accounts Company of Kyrgyzstan also became a member of the association.

The purpose of the SCO Forum is scientific support for the activities of the SCO, development of interaction between research and political science centers of the SCO member states. The SCO Forum is engaged in conducting joint research on topical issues of the Organization’s terms of reference, explaining the tasks and principles of the SCO’s activities, expanding its relations with scientific and public circles, etc.

The main task Youth Council The SCO is “cooperation and exchange of experience among representatives of the younger generation of the SCO countries in various areas of young personality development, which could ensure the fundamental continuity of the SCO policy and contribute to the implementation of its historical mission.”

Belarus is a partner of the SCO

For Belarus, dialogue with the SCO is an opportunity to join interregional cooperation projects, taking into account the advantageous transit position between East and West. For the SCO, Belarus is an access to the European platform, strengthening ties between East and West. The Memorandum providing for the granting of dialogue partner status to Belarus stipulates a number of mutually beneficial areas for cooperation. Among them are the creation of favorable conditions for trade and investment, increased interaction in customs matters, partnership in matters of regional and global security, and the development of dialogue on foreign policy issues.

Back in December 2005, Belarus submitted an application to join the SCO as an observer country. But due to the decision of the participating countries not to increase the number of observer countries in the near future, the application to Belarus was considered. In 2009, the Belarusian application for dialogue partner status was approved. The practice of interaction with partner countries in the SCO has not yet been developed, but most participating countries are inclined to believe that there will not be much difference in the status of observer and dialogue partner.