Shanghai Cooperation Organization presentation. Presentation: Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

Shanghai organization cooperation (SCO) arose on the basis of the “Shanghai Five” (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Tajikistan), formed in accordance with the Agreement on Confidence-Building in military field in the border area (1996) and the Agreement on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area (1997). In 2000, Uzbekistan joined the Shanghai Five. The population of the SCO member countries is 1.5 billion people, and the territory occupies 3/5 of the Eurasian continent.

The highest decision-making body in the SCO is the Council of Heads of Member States. It meets once a year and makes decisions and instructions on all important issues of the organization. The Council of Heads of Government of the SCO member states meets once a year to discuss the strategy of multilateral cooperation and priority areas within the organization, resolve fundamental and current issues economic and other cooperation, and also approves the annual budget of the organization. In addition to the meetings of the Council of Heads of State and Government, there is also a mechanism for annual meetings at the level of the ministers of foreign affairs, economy, transport, culture, defense, security, prosecutors general, as well as heads of border agencies and ministries emergency situations. The coordination mechanism within the SCO is the Council of National Coordinators of the SCO Member States. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has two permanent bodies - the Secretariat in Beijing and the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure in Tashkent. The Executive Secretary and the Director of the Executive Committee are appointed by the Council of Heads of State for a period of three years.

To conclude the first of these two agreements, the leaders of the five states met in the spring of 1996 in Shanghai, which gave rise to the term “Shanghai Five”. The Shanghai summit and the Moscow summit that followed a year later became the prototypes of the structure that, after six years, was transformed into a full-fledged organization of multidisciplinary cooperation. Collaboration on the implementation of the mentioned agreements served as the fundamental basis of what came to be called the “Shanghai spirit”, which includes mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, respect for each other’s interests and opinions, mutual consultations, reaching mutual understanding through consensus and voluntary agreement to implement the agreements reached .

At the third summit of the Five in July 1998 in Almaty, an understanding was reached about the need to continue in-depth consultations on regional and Asian security issues, to establish large-scale and long-term cooperation, including in the areas of trade, economics, energy resources, as well as the joint fight against ethnic separatism, religious extremism, international terrorism and transnational crime. The Almaty meeting gave impetus to the process of rapprochement between the five states, made it possible to approach it with new expanded criteria and plans, and marked the beginning of work on synchronizing approaches to a number of current problems region Central Asia and international life in general.

The idea of ​​broader interaction received practical development in the fundamental agreements following the fourth summit of the five countries in August 1999 in Bishkek, during which the Russian side’s proposal was supported to hold meetings of the heads of law enforcement agencies, ministers of defense and foreign affairs of the five states, as well as to conduct business with creating joint working groups of economic experts to prepare specific recommendations for projects and programs of five-party business partnerships. On March 29-30, 2000, the first meeting of defense ministers was held in Astana. Since then, military contacts have been carried out on a regularly scheduled basis. A “Bishkek group” of leaders has been formed law enforcement agencies and intelligence services of the SCO member states. The interaction of the Shanghai Five states is becoming increasingly closer and multifaceted.

The fifth summit of the Shanghai Five took place on July 5, 2000 in Dushanbe. It marked the beginning of the transformation of the “five” into a forum for considering key issues in the life of Central Asia (security, defense, law enforcement, foreign policy, economics, security environment, culture).

On June 14-15, 2001, a meeting of the heads of six states - Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan took place in Shanghai, at which it was announced the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a new regional association that declared strengthening between the participating states as its goals mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness; encouraging effective cooperation between them in political, trade, economic, scientific, technical, cultural, educational, energy, transport, environmental and other fields; maintaining and ensuring peace, security and stability in the region.

The Declaration on the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, adopted at the summit, reflected the fundamental guidelines for building the SCO, which during the year were translated into legal language and enshrined in the basic founding document- The SCO Charter, adopted at the next summit in St. Petersburg. The Charter was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on June 7, 2002 in St. Petersburg during a meeting of the heads of the six founding states of the SCO and ratified by the Federation Council in 2003. The Charter is the fundamental document of the SCO, which defines the goals, objectives and main directions of cooperation of this organization, its structure and the order of relations with other countries and international organizations.

In addition, the Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism was signed at the Shanghai summit, establishing legal basis for collective counteraction to threats and challenges common to all countries in the region. On the basis of the Convention within the SCO, in order to improve interaction in the fight against terrorism, separatism, extremism, illicit drug and weapons trafficking, as well as illegal migration, the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS) was created - which received the status of a permanent body in 2002 SCO.

The Organization is actively working to establish practical cooperation in various areas. In April 2003, a meeting of the foreign ministers of the founding states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held in Almaty. It preceded the meeting of the heads of SCO member states, which took place on May 28-29, 2003 in Moscow. The ministers prepared a whole package of documents defining the procedure for the work of the SCO statutory bodies, the formation and execution of the organization's budget: provisions on the Councils of heads of state, heads of government, foreign ministers, national coordinators, on meetings of heads of ministries and departments, on the SCO Secretariat and other mechanisms provided for Charter of the organization. At the meeting, the ministers confirmed that they had made progress towards further creating the framework of the organization, and the SCO should become a full-fledged international organization with a well-functioning structure, capable of adequately and in the most as soon as possible find the right answers to new challenges and threats to the region.

At the third summit of the Shanghai Organization in the Moscow Kremlin on May 28-29, 2003, the institutional construction of this new international organization was almost completed. At the Summit, a number of documents were approved regulating the work of the SCO statutory bodies, in particular the provisions on the councils of heads of state, heads of government on the regulations of the executive committee of the SCO regional anti-terrorist structure, etc. The leaders of the SCO member states approved the candidacy of the first executive secretary - this is a most experienced diplomat , Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Russia Zhang Deguang. It was decided to locate the secretariat in Beijing. At the summit, an Agreement was signed on the procedure for forming and executing the SCO budget, a kind of financial Charter of the Organization. In addition to the organizational documents, following the summit in Moscow, a political Declaration was adopted.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has great value for system construction collective security in the Asia-Pacific region. SCO along with others multilateral mechanisms and institutions operating in this region, in the opinion of all members of the organization, is a new important link in the system of multilateral cooperation. The anti-terrorist direction in the activities of the SCO, which has become lately priority for the Organization, received additional impetus after the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States. Long before the events in the United States, the SCO member states faced a threat from terrorist forces that had taken refuge in Afghanistan. The SCO member states have long called on the international community to correctly assess the scale of the threat looming over the world and have taken appropriate countermeasures both at the national level and in bilateral relations, as well as within the Organization.

The SCO is not a military bloc or a closed alliance, but an open organization focused on broad international cooperation, including the possibility of expanding its composition. The main objectives of the SCO are to maintain peace and stability in the region and develop trade and economic cooperation. India, Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, the USA, Japan, ASEAN, the EU and other states and organizations are already showing significant interest in the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

One of the main achievements of the “Shanghai process” over the years has been the easing of tensions along the border with China, including the creation of 100 km deep zones on both sides where mutual military inspections are carried out. In this way, confidence measures are provided that allow any doubts and misunderstandings to be removed.

The creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization convincingly demonstrates that a new dynamic association is emerging in the center of the Eurasian continent, covering about a fifth of the planet's population and including such global powers as Russia and China, which entered the new century as strategic partners. We can say that, on the one hand, the proclamation of the SCO is a kind of “intermediate finish”, but at the same time it is also a start to a new long and responsible distance.

In parallel with organizational building, practical interaction between members of the Organization is gaining momentum. Naturally, one of the priorities in this context is the joint fight against new threats. Work is underway on regulatory documents regarding the deployment of RATS headquarters in Bishkek. There is a general understanding of the need to quickly establish cooperation in curbing the drug threat.

The SCO has consistently demonstrated its openness and readiness for broad international cooperation in solving problems of common interest. New confirmation of this is the mentioned temporary scheme of relations between the SCO and states and other international organizations. Its purpose is to create conditions for the speedy establishment of interaction between the Organization and interested associations, since the preparation and approval of permanent regulatory documents will take time.

The SCO continues to attract close attention in the world. A number of countries have already shown a desire to establish contacts with the Organization and international associations. In particular, ASEAN expressed its intention to establish cooperation with the SCO in various fields. On behalf of the Council of People's Commissars of the SCO, in December 2002, Jakarta was visited by the special representative of the Russian President for SCO affairs, national coordinator from Russia V.Ya. Vorobyov to discuss relevant issues in the Secretariat of the Association. In this regard, the Russian diplomat noted that the SCO and ASEAN operate on the basis of the same principles - equality and consensus. In addition, these organizations share similar worldviews on many issues.

Since January 2004, the SCO has been functioning as a full-fledged international organization. Its permanent bodies have officially begun to operate: the SCO Secretariat in Beijing, endowed with administrative and technical functions, headed by Secretary General and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) in Tashkent.

June 17, 2004 - the Council of Heads of SCO Member States was held in the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. This was the first summit after the completion of the initial stage of the formation of the SCO, and it was important for determining the plans and directions of the Organization’s work at the new stage. The main themes of this summit were “specificity” and “openness”.

During the summit, the heads of six states summed up the work of the Organization in various areas, launched at last year’s Moscow summit, and developed a number of important and specific directives for its further work, emphasizing that as the Organization transitions to new stage development, it is necessary to gradually shift the main emphasis in the work to comprehensive practical cooperation, to achieve in every possible way the earliest possible results in establishing cooperation in security, trade, economic, humanitarian and other areas, in the interests of the well-being of the peoples of the six states. In addition, it is necessary to continue to expand exchanges and cooperation with other states and international organizations in order to participate even more actively and constructively in promoting peace and development in the region and the world as a whole.

On July 5, 2005, a summit of the heads of SCO member states took place in Astana. The summit participants adopted a joint declaration. From September 14 to 16, 2005, the SCO, led by the organization's Executive Secretary Zhang Deguang, at the invitation of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, took part in the Plenary Meeting high level 60th session General Assembly United Nations as observer. During the Plenary meeting, the SCO Executive Secretary made a statement.

In 2006, the SCO celebrated its fifth anniversary. On June 15, 2006, a summit of the heads of state of the SCO member states took place in Shanghai. In the final declaration, the participants noted that the key to the successful development of the SCO is that it is invariably guided and unswervingly follows the “Shanghai spirit”, which is characterized by mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for the diversity of cultures, the desire for joint development. According to the meeting participants, the “Shanghai Spirit” is the main holistic concept and the most important principle of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which has enriched the theory and practice of modern international relations, putting into practice the universal desire of the world community for the democratization of international relations. In addition, the summit adopted a Statement on International Information Security.

On August 16, 2007, the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. The guests of the Bishkek SCO summit were: President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as well as UN Deputy Secretary-General Lynn Pascoe. The meeting was also attended by SCO Secretary General Bolat Nurgaliev and Director of the SCO RATS Executive Committee Myrzakan Subanov.

As a result of the meeting in Bishkek, the participants adopted the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, the Bishkek Declaration and a number of other documents, including a joint communique, which recorded the decision to hold the Organization’s summit in 2009 in Russia, a source in the Kremlin said.

Message on the topic:

Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Post prepared by:

Student 9 "B" class

Klevinskas Dominic

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. ■ Members ■ Observers ■ “Dialogue partners”

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Background to the SCO The prerequisites for the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization were laid back in the 60s of the 20th century, when the USSR and China entered into negotiations to resolve territorial disputes. In 1996, the Shanghai Five was formed. In 2001, five participating countries admitted Uzbekistan to the organization, forming the “Shanghai Six”

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The main goals and objectives of the SCO are to strengthen mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness between member states; development of cooperation in order to strengthen peace, counter terrorism and extremism; encouraging effective regional cooperation in areas representing common interests; joint search for solutions to problems that will arise in the 21st century; and others;

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BRICS is a group of five rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

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Background to BRICS The organization was created in 2006 on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Until 2011, the abbreviation BRIC was used in relation to the organization; after South Africa joined BRIC on February 18, 2011, BRICS was formed.

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Specializations of the BRICS countries Brazil - rich in agricultural products; Russia is the world's largest exporter mineral resources; India - cheap intellectual resources; China is the owner of cheap labor resources; Republic of South Africa- natural resources.

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Meetings of heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have been held regularly since 2001. In Russia, summits were held in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, and now Ufa will be added to this list. Conclusion Ufa has repeatedly confirmed its readiness to organize meetings of the highest level. For recent years Our city hosted a number of major forums and festivals, meetings of international working groups. thanks to investments there will be hotel complexes world-class, the airport will be modernized, reports the information and analytical department of the Ufa mayor's office.

“Political situation in Russia” - Orders. Young specialists of the CPT. Ability to solve problems. Qualified analysis. Employees. Creative thinking. Specialist. Rational training plan. Current political situation in Russia. Polyvalent approach. Political science.

“The process of political change” - The stage of finalization of the new political regime. Formation of organs state power RSFSR. Changes in foreign policy. Introducing non-socialist elements. Radicalization public relations. Stage of construction of Russian statehood. Political development. Development goes through changes.

“Political development and modernization” - Identification of three types of modernization. Interaction political system(or its elements) with external environment. Ideas of structural functionalism. Mature modernity is characterized by problem solving. Changes in value systems and behavior patterns. The most commonly used mechanism of political modernization.

“1150th anniversary of Russian statehood” - Rurik. Rurik ruled in Novgorod under an agreement concluded with the local nobility. In 862, an act of voluntary agreement took place. 1150 years. Rurik (862 - 879) - the first great Russian prince. Encyclopedia Russian tsars. Princes and princesses of the Russian land. F.A. Bruni "The Calling of the Varangians", 1839 V.M. Vasnetsov "Varangians", 1909

“The current political situation in Russia” - The current political situation in Russia. Anti-Western propaganda Russian media. NATO operation in Afghanistan. Military operations of the United States and Western countries. Causes of fears Russian society. NATO bloc. Threat from a strong state. Legacy of the Soviet past. USA and NATO. Russian society.

“Project “Small Motherland”” - Scope. Justification of the need for the project. Teacher's activities. Expected results. Self-esteem. Updating knowledge. Description of the project. Developing interest in design and research activities. Project plan. More students. Project “My Small Motherland”. Nurturing the ideas of patriotism.

There are a total of 37 presentations in the topic

Studying the history of the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a regional international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Economic and security cooperation.

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