Regulations on youth. Regulations "on the youth council"

The Youth Council of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Council of the FNPR) is created to develop proposals, action plans and implementation youth policy FNPR, coordination of the work of youth councils of FNPR member organizations


about the Youth Council

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

1. General provisions

1.1. The Youth Council of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the FNPR Youth Council) is created to develop proposals, action plans and implement the FNPR youth policy, coordinate the work of youth councils of FNPR member organizations.

1.2. The FNPR Youth Council in its practical activities is guided by legislation Russian Federation, decisions of the FNPR congresses, General Council and the FNPR Executive Committee, the FNPR Youth Policy Concept and these Regulations.

2. The main goals and objectives of the FNPR Youth Council

2.1. Development and implementation of proposals to improve the unified youth policy of the FNPR, its member organizations and their associations, and state youth policy.

2.2. Promoting social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, upbringing and education of youth, implementation of socially significant initiatives, use of the innovative potential of youth in the interests of the development of trade unions and youth themselves, and prevention of age discrimination.

2.3. Introducing new forms and methods into trade union work that are adequate to new conditions and realities modern Russia, close and understandable to young people.

2.4. Coordination of the activities of youth councils of FNPR member organizations in the field of youth policy.

2.5. Participation in the work of the FNPR and its member organizations to protect the social and labor rights and interests of working and student youth.

2.6. Assistance in self-organization of youth in order to implement their socially useful initiatives and interests, fostering independence in solving life issues.

2.7. Participation in the formation of a unified information space to inform young people about the activities of trade unions.

2.8. Formation among young people of the image of trade unions as a prestigious and strong organization that is really capable of protecting the labor, social and other rights of young people.

2.9. Promoting the creation of youth councils (commissions) in all-Russian, interregional trade unions, territorial associations of trade union organizations and their associations, the introduction of modern educational and information technologies into their work.

2.10. Intensification of work on education and training of trade union personnel and active youth.

2.11. Studying, summarizing, using and disseminating the experience of working with youth of FNPR member organizations, their youth councils (commissions), foreign trade union centers, improving the forms and methods of this work.

3. Main activities

3.1. Participation in the work of the FNPR General Council and its commissions, the FNPR Executive Committee.

3.2. Interaction with youth councils (commissions) of all-Russian, interregional trade unions, territorial associations of trade union organizations and their associations, public associations and organizations, social partners, state authorities and local governments, international organizations, means mass media and other organizations in the field of youth policy.

3.3. Participation in the examination of draft laws and decisions of executive authorities on issues affecting the rights and interests of youth.

3.4. Collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information about the situation various categories youth, their problems and issues of interest, as well as ways and options for solving them.

3.5. Development and formation of proposals for the General Agreement, recommendations for industry tariff agreements, as well as collective agreements in the “Working with Youth” section.

3.6. Development and preparation of proposals for the adoption of special programs and events for youth.

3.7. Organization of training for young trade union personnel and activists, holding forums, rallies, symposiums, seminars, round tables on youth problems.

3.8. Promoting the representation and promotion of youth in the elected bodies of the FNPR and its member organizations.

3.9. Participation in the development of the social infrastructure of trade unions (sanatorium and resort centers, clubs, sports institutions and bases, recreation and tourism institutions, training centers, clubs, etc.) to work with and serve youth.

3.10. Involving young people in trade union membership and creating new trade union organizations, creating new incentives to motivate trade union membership and work in trade union bodies at various levels.

4. The procedure for the formation and term of office of the FNPR Youth Council

4.1. The FNPR Youth Council works under the leadership of the FNPR Executive Committee.

4.2. The composition of the Youth Council is formed on the basis of parity representation of the interests of all-Russian trade unions, territorial associations of trade union organizations, as well as the interests of working and student youth from trade union leaders no older than 35 years old and is approved by the FNPR Executive Committee.

The composition of the FNPR Youth Council is formed, as a rule, from among the chairmen of youth councils (commissions) of all-Russian trade unions, territorial associations of trade union organizations, their associations and all-Russian (interregional) trade unions that are not members of the associations.

Each association of all-Russian trade unions and territorial associations of trade union organizations delegates 2 representatives to the FNPR Youth Council.

All-Russian (interregional) trade unions that are not members of associations delegate 2 representatives from all trade unions by mutual agreement.

The FNPR Youth Council includes an employee of the FNPR Office no older than 35 years.

4.3. The powers of a member of the FNPR Youth Council can be terminated early by the decision of the organization that delegated him, and upon reaching the age of 35.

4.4. In case of early termination of powers of a member of the Youth Council, the organization delegates a new member to the Youth Council within a month. The submitted candidacy is approved by the FNPR Executive Committee at the next meeting.

4.5. The Youth Council is formed for the term of office of the FNPR Executive Committee.

5. Organization of the work of the FNPR Youth Council

5.1. Meetings of the FNPR Youth Council are held as necessary, but at least twice a year, and are considered valid if more than half of them are present. total number members of the FNPR Youth Council.

5.2. Decisions of the FNPR Youth Council are made by a simple majority of votes from the total number of members of the FNPR Youth Council who took part in the meeting.

5.3. The activities of the FNPR Youth Council are led by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman(s) of the Council, who are approved by the FNPR Executive Committee on proposals from the FNPR Youth Council for the term of office of the FNPR Youth Council.

5.4. The Chairman of the FNPR Youth Council is accountable to the Executive Committee and the FNPR Youth Council.

5.5. To prepare and conduct meetings, record keeping and keeping minutes of the FNPR Youth Council, the secretary of the FNPR Youth Council is elected from among the members of the FNPR Youth Council at its meeting.

5.6. The FNPR Youth Council works on the basis of plans approved at its meetings.

5.7. In order to promptly consider urgent issues, the FNPR Youth Council can make decisions by surveying its members with subsequent approval at the next meeting of the FNPR Youth Council.

5.8. The FNPR Youth Council, in the areas of its activities, develops and adopts recommendations for the implementation and improvement of the FNPR youth policy, which are approved by the FNPR Executive Committee and sent to FNPR member organizations for further use in their work.

5.9. The FNPR Youth Council can cooperate with public and other organizations dealing with youth problems and issues.

5.10. Representatives of the FNPR, FNPR member organizations that do not have their representatives in its composition, as well as, at the invitation of the Youth Council, representatives of public associations, state authorities and local governments, employers, and other organizations.

5.11. The FNPR Youth Council, in accordance with its goals and objectives, can form working groups and commissions with the involvement of scientists and specialists.

5.12. Chairman of the FNPR Youth Council:

ensures and controls the work of the FNPR Youth Council;

represents the FNPR Youth Council at FNPR congresses, meetings of the General Council and the FNPR Executive Committee;

represents the FNPR Youth Council in public organizations and employers' associations, state authorities and local governments, and international organizations;

collects and conducts meetings of the FNPR Youth Council;

regularly informs the FNPR Executive Committee, FNPR member organizations, and their youth councils about the work done.

5.13. The powers of the chairman of the FNPR Youth Council and his deputy(s) may be terminated early by decision of the FNPR Executive Committee in the event of:

reaching 35 years of age;

recall of the delegating organization;

failure to comply with decisions of the Executive Committee and the Youth Council of the FNPR.

5.14. Organizational and technical support for the work of the FNPR Youth Council is carried out by the relevant divisions of the FNPR Apparatus.

5.15. The activities of the FNPR Youth Council are financed within the limits of the FNPR income and expenditure budget for the corresponding year.

6. Final provisions

6.1. These Regulations, as well as changes and additions made to these Regulations, come into force from the moment of its approval by the FNPR Executive Committee.

Word version can be downloaded here


1.1. These Regulations define and regulate the organizational and content basis of the activities of the Youth Center, hereinafter referred to as the MC.

1.2. In their activities, the participants of the MC are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the World Declaration of Volunteerism (January, 2001), the Charter of the KGOBUSPO "Ussuri medical college"and these Regulations.

1.3. The center represents a voluntary association of college students involved in socially significant activities.

1.4. The Youth Center is designed to provide methodological and organizational support to students seeking to realize their socially significant ideas and projects.

1.5. The Youth Center, created by decision of the College's Pedagogical Council, serves the purpose of meeting the needs of students in creative and cultural development.


2.1. The purpose of the MC: to provide a comprehensive solution to the problems of social support and rehabilitation, the prevention of juvenile and youth delinquency, ensuring employment and creating conditions for meeting social needs, physical, spiritual and moral development youth, formation of a civil and moral position.

2.2.Objectives of the MC:

2.2.1. the priority task is to develop in students social activity, development creative thinking, formation of an active life position;

2.2.2. satisfying the interests, abilities and talents of adolescents and young people, creating conditions for creative work, reasonable and meaningful leisure, recreation, popularizing the ideas of volunteering among students;

2.2.3. attracting students to participate in voluntary, free assistance on the basis of the college, as well as social services of the city

2.2.4. identifying and attracting college students to joint creative activity in the field of various fields of art;

2.2.5. formation of a high performing culture and development of students’ aesthetic tastes;

2.2.6. creation of educational and methodological base and organization educational process for the purpose of obtaining additional education;

2.2.7. creating a system for stimulating student initiatives and supporting their creativity.


3.1.The college youth center includes:

3.1.1. social-patriotic club "Position"

3.1.2. music studio "Sibelius"

3.1.3. student theater studio "Phoenix"

3.1.4. sports and fitness center “Health is in our hands”

3.1.5. information and publishing press center "UMKa"

3.1.6. pharmacological squad "Travnik"

3.1.7. initiative-research psychological group "Mind Games"

3.1.8. volunteer group “Mercy and Care”

3.1.The head of the MC is appointed by order of the college director from among the teachers.

3.2.The responsibilities of the head of the MC include:

3.2.1. planning and general management of the activities of the MC;

3.2.2. organizing and ensuring at the proper methodological level the activities of creative associations;

3.2.3. control over the conduct of classes and the implementation of repertoire plans by the leaders of the MC;

3.2.4. involving college teachers and staff in the work of the MC.


4.1 The Center performs the following functions:

4.1.1. cooperation with social services on the organization and conduct of socially significant events;

4.1.2. propaganda volunteer movement in college among students through the media;

4.1.3. assisting students in the process of preparing and implementing their own projects;

4.1.4. interaction with government and public organizations interested in student volunteer activities;

4.1.5. organizes the work of student creative associations;

4.1.6. participates in conducting cultural events college;

4.1.7. identifies and promotes creatively active students;

4.1.8. organizes concert and performing activities;

4.1.9. promotes youth participation in festivals and competitions at various levels.

5.1. The Youth Center has the right:

5.1.1. formulate and clearly document your project proposals;

5.1.2. create socially significant projects;

5.1.3. review student projects and take part in their preparation and implementation;

5.1.4. to adequately represent socially significant projects at the city, regional, interdistrict and other levels;

5.1.6. have your own symbols and attributes


6.1. General coordination of the activities of the MC is carried out by the director and deputy for educational work. Their powers include reviewing and preparing for approval of current and long-term plans work of the youth center.

6.2. The head of the MC for current activities reports to the College Pedagogical Council, and at the end of the year to the College Council.



About the Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Moscow City Duma *

Document with changes made:
by resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 8, 2006 N 317 (Vedomosti of the Moscow City Duma, N 12, 12/26/2006);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma,, 04/10/2013);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 02/10/2014).
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 09/16/2014);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, November 28, 2014);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 04.12.2015);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 12/14/2016).


by resolution of the Moscow City Duma of September 10, 2014 N 265 ..

Moscow City Duma


1. Create a Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Moscow City Duma.
by resolution of the Moscow City Duma of September 10, 2014 N 265.

2. Approve the Regulations on the Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Moscow City Duma (appendix).
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated September 10, 2014 N 265.

3. The clause has lost force - resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated November 25, 2009 N 52..

4. This resolution comes into force from the date of its adoption.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma.

Deputy Chairman
Moscow City Duma

Application. Regulations on the Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Moscow City Duma


* The title as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated September 10, 2014 N 265..

1. General provisions

1. The Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Moscow City Duma (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Chamber) consists of representatives of the youth of Moscow and is a youth advisory and advisory body under the Moscow City Duma to discuss draft laws of the city of Moscow, draft resolutions of the Moscow City Duma in the field of implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of young people, as well as on other issues within the jurisdiction of the Youth Chamber. The activities of the Youth Chamber are coordinated by the commission for organizing the work of the Duma.
(Clause as amended by resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated September 10, 2014 N 265.

2. The Youth Chamber carries out its activities on a voluntary basis, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, these Regulations, as well as the regulations of the Youth Chamber.

2. Main tasks and functions of the Youth Chamber

1. The main objectives of the Youth Chamber are:

1) preparation of proposals to improve legislation in the field of implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of young people, as well as on other issues within the jurisdiction of the Youth Chamber (subparagraph as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 25, 2009 N 52;

2) review, analysis and evaluation of applicants to the Moscow University City Duma proposals to improve legislation in the field of implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of young people (subparagraph as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 25, 2009 N 52;

3) increasing the interest of young people in the work of the Moscow City Duma;

4) formation of the legal and political culture of youth;

5) representing the interests of Moscow youth in the Public Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under State Duma the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Parliament under the State Duma) and in the Chamber of Young Legislators under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Chamber under the Federation Council);
by resolution of the Moscow City Duma of April 3, 2013 N 80.

6) preparation of proposals for the development of interregional and international relations of the Moscow City Duma on issues referred by these Regulations to the jurisdiction of the Youth Chamber (subparagraph as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated November 25, 2009 N 52;

2. To implement the main tasks, the Youth Chamber performs the following functions:

1) prepares proposals for improving legislation on issues related to the implementation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people;

2) conducts an analysis of draft laws of the city of Moscow and resolutions of the Moscow City Duma in terms of the implementation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people;

3) conducts educational and explanatory work among young people, aimed at improving the legal culture of young voters, the availability of socio-political information, and the formation of an active civic position among the youth of Moscow;

4) studies the opinions of young people on the activities of government authorities of the city of Moscow in implementing state youth policy;

5) carries out constant interaction with all-Russian, interregional, regional and local youth public, student associations, associations of student and working youth in order to support and promote the socially significant ideas put forward by them;

6) performs other functions that correspond to the main tasks of the Youth Chamber and do not contradict the legislation.

3. Composition and procedure for forming the Youth Chamber

1. The Youth Chamber is formed on a voluntary basis and consists of 63 people.
(Clause as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated April 3, 2013 N 80; as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated November 25, 2015 N 254.

2. The Youth Chamber is formed for the term of office of the deputies of the Moscow City Duma of the next convocation.

3. A member of the Youth Chamber may be a citizen of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 30 years, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 3.1 of this section, having a place of residence in the city of Moscow or studying or working in the city of Moscow;
(Clause as amended by the resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated November 25, 2009 N 52; as amended by the resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated January 29, 2014 N 23.

3.1. A member of the Youth Chamber who has reached the age of 30 less than a year before the date of elections of deputies of the Moscow City Duma of the next convocation continues to exercise his powers until the termination of the powers of the members of the Youth Chamber of the current convocation.
(Clause 3.1 was additionally included by resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated January 29, 2014 N 23)

4. The Youth Chamber includes:

1) 15 people by nomination political parties in the following ratio:

a) from political parties that nominated candidates for deputies of the Moscow City Duma, who were registered in accordance with the law, but based on the election results did not receive the number of votes necessary for election as deputies of the Moscow City Duma - 1 representative each;

b) from political parties represented in the Moscow City Duma - in proportion to the number of deputies elected from the relevant parties;

2) 48 people on the proposal of the executive body authorized in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Government in the field of development of youth parliamentarism in the city of Moscow in the manner established by it from among representatives of the youth chambers of districts and settlements of the city of Moscow. The authorized executive body submits candidates for approval to the Youth Chamber after six months from the beginning of the exercise of powers by members of the Youth Chamber from among representatives of youth chambers of districts and settlements of the city of Moscow. When calculating specified period The time of summer and winter breaks in the work of the Moscow City Duma is not taken into account.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 30, 2016 N 150.

(Clause 4 as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 25, 2015 N 254.

5. The personal composition of the Youth Chamber is approved by the decision of the commission on organizing the work of the Duma. The Youth Chamber is valid if at least 2/3 of its members are approved from the established number of members of the Youth Chamber.

6. Membership in the Youth Chamber may be terminated early:

1) by at will a member of the Youth Chamber on the basis of his personal written application;

2) in case of recall of a member of the Youth Chamber by decision of the organization that recommended him;

3) by decision of the commission on organizing the work of the Duma in the event that a member of the Youth Chamber no longer meets the requirements provided for in paragraph 3 of this section.

7. It is not allowed to approve a new member of the Youth Chamber to replace the one who has terminated his powers if less than one year remains before the date of elections of deputies of the Moscow City Duma of the next convocation, as well as for the period until the termination of powers of members of the Youth Chamber of the current convocation, with the exception of the case of early termination of powers of members of the Youth Chamber Chamber, entailing the incompetence of the Youth Chamber.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated January 29, 2014 N 23.

8. The term for the formation of the composition of the Youth Chamber of the next convocation and the date of its first meeting are determined by the commission for organizing the work of the Duma. The powers of members of the Youth Chamber of the previous convocation are terminated from the moment of the opening of the first meeting of the Youth Chamber of the new convocation.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of November 19, 2014 N 314.

9. At its meeting, the Youth Chamber, by a majority vote of the approved number of its members, elects from among its members a representative to the Youth Parliament under the State Duma, and also recommends the candidacy of a representative of the Moscow City Duma to the Youth Chamber under the Federation Council for approval by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma. The candidacy of a representative of the Moscow City Duma for the Youth Chamber under the Federation Council is recommended from among the deputies of the Moscow City Duma or a representative body of local government in the city of Moscow under the age of 35 inclusive.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated January 29, 2014 N 23.

4. Organization of the work of the Youth Chamber

1. The main form of work of the Youth Chamber is meetings at which issues within its jurisdiction are resolved.

2. The Youth Chamber of the new convocation meets for its first meeting no later than a month after the completion of the formation of its composition.

3. The first meeting of the Youth Chamber of the new convocation is opened by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma.

4. The frequency and procedure for holding meetings of the Youth Chamber are determined by the regulations of the Youth Chamber, approved at its first meeting.

5. A meeting of the Youth Chamber is considered valid if more than half of the approved number of members of the Youth Chamber is present.

6. Meetings of the Youth Chamber are held openly. During the meetings of the Youth Chamber, minutes are kept.

7. Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, representatives of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the Student Government of understudies, the Youth Parliament under the State Duma, the Youth Chamber under the Federation Council, the Youth Parliamentary Assembly, public and other associations and organizations.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of April 3, 2013 N 80.

8. The Youth Chamber, in the areas of its activity, develops and makes decisions that are advisory in nature, and brings them to the attention of the commissions of the Moscow City Duma.

9. The decision of the Youth Chamber is considered adopted if more than half of the approved number of members of the Youth Chamber votes for it, unless otherwise established by the regulations of the Youth Chamber and these Regulations.

10. The work of the Youth Chamber is managed by its chairman. By decision of the Youth Chamber, deputy chairmen of the Youth Chamber may be elected.

11. Groups of members of the Youth Chamber of at least three people have the right to nominate candidates for the positions of chairman and deputy chairman of the Youth Chamber.

12. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber and his deputies are considered elected if more than half of the approved number of members of the Youth Chamber voted for them.

13. The term of office of the chairman of the Youth Chamber and his deputies is determined by the regulations of the Youth Chamber and cannot exceed the term of office of the Youth Chamber.

14. One member of the Youth Chamber cannot simultaneously be the chairman of the Youth Chamber, the deputy chairman of the Youth Chamber and the representative of the Youth Chamber in the Youth Parliament under the State Duma or in the Youth Chamber under the Federation Council.
(Clause as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated November 25, 2009 N 52; as amended by Resolution of the Moscow City Duma dated April 3, 2013 N 80.

15. Upon expiration next year work, as well as two weeks before the voting day for the elections of deputies of the Moscow City Duma of the next convocation, the Youth Chamber reports to the Moscow City Duma on the work done. The procedure for preparing and submitting reports is established by the regulations of the Youth Chamber.

16. The Youth Chamber has the right to create sections from among its members in the areas of activity of the Youth Chamber. The procedure for the formation and activities of sections is established by the regulations of the Youth Chamber.

17. Members of the Youth Chamber have the right of access to information resources of the Moscow City Duma in the manner established by the Chief of Staff of the Moscow City Duma.

18. Members of the Youth Chamber have the right to attend meetings of commissions of the Moscow City Duma and take part in their work with the right of an advisory vote.

19. Members of the Youth Chamber receive a certificate, which is the basis for entry into the building of the Moscow City Duma.

5. Ensuring the activities of the Youth Chamber

The activities of the Youth Chamber are ensured in accordance with the legislation by organizations whose representatives are members of it. The organizational work of the Youth Chamber is ensured by the commission for organizing the work of the Duma.

6. Termination of the activities of the Youth Chamber

The activities of the Youth Chamber are terminated based on a decision of the Moscow City Duma on the proposal of the commission on organizing the work of the Duma.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the Youth Council at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow SE No. 170 DZM (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) establishes goals, objectives, main areas of activity and general provisions organizing the work of the Youth Council at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow, SE No. 170 DZM (hereinafter referred to as the Council).
1.2. The Council is a permanent youth advisory body of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow, SE No. 170 DZM, created for the effective implementation of state youth policy in the field of healthcare in the city of Moscow.
1.3. The Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, as well as these Regulations.
1.4. The Council carries out its activities on the basis of the principles of equality, legality, transparency and voluntary participation.

2. Goals, objectives, areas of activity and rights of the Council

2.1. The Council was created to ensure the effective participation of young specialists of the Moscow Health Department and the Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the State Budgetary Institution No. 170 of the Department of Health Care (hereinafter referred to as young specialists) in the implementation public policy of the city of Moscow in relation to youth, the formation of a system for training young personnel, the study and dissemination of best work experience, as well as the development of innovative approaches to development state system health care of the city of Moscow.
2.2. Main goals of the Council:
2.2.1. Involving young specialists in developing the main directions for the development of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow.
2.2.2. Ensuring the development of professional and creative potential young specialists.
2.2.3. Creating conditions for professional and social adaptation young specialists.
2.3. The main tasks of the Council:
2.3.1. Preparation of proposals to the head of the Moscow State Budgetary Healthcare Institution, State Enterprise No. 170 DZM (hereinafter referred to as the Head) to improve the organization of work processes.
2.3.3. Preparation of proposals for coordinating the interaction of the Head of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the State Budgetary Institution No. 170 of the Department of Health and Youth Associations located in the territory of the city of Moscow.
2.3.4. Informing young people about the activities of the Moscow Health Department and the Moscow Government in implementing state youth policy.
2.3.5. Participation in creating conditions that ensure the formation of an active civic position among young specialists.
2.3.6. Participation in public discussions (hearings) on priority issues of public policy of the city of Moscow in the field of healthcare.
2.3.7. Participation in the prescribed manner in events conducted by the Moscow Department of Health, in the implementation of events, projects, programs initiated by members of the Youth Council under the Moscow Department of Health.
By decision of the Head, other tasks may be assigned to the Council.
2.4. The main activities of the Council are:
2.4.1. Preparation and holding of events in the field of state youth policy in Moscow.
2.4.2. Supporting the initiatives of the Youth Council under the Moscow Department of Health, as well as youth organizations and associations located in the city of Moscow.
2.4.3. Organization of master classes, demonstration classes, sports, cultural and leisure events for young professionals, etc.
2.4.4. Organization and holding of professional competitions, festivals, forums.
2.5. The Council, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, has the right:
2.5.1. Provide recommendations and suggestions to the Manager to improve the organization of work processes.
2.5.2. Together with the Youth Council under the Moscow Department of Health, organize discussion platforms with the participation of representatives of youth, the Moscow Department of Health and organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health.
2.6. Council decisions are advisory in nature.
On issues requiring decisions by the Head, the Council makes proposals in the prescribed manner.

3. The procedure for the formation and structure of the Council

3.1. The Council is formed from among young specialists from an organization subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health, who are engaged in socially significant activities in the field of health care in the city of Moscow, aged 18 to 35 years.
The total number of Council members is established by the Head.
3.1.2. Upon reaching the age of 36, members of the Council are considered to have left the Council without the possibility of writing an application for extension of powers.
3.2. The personal composition of the Council is approved by the Head.
3.3. Changes to the personal composition of the Council are made by the Head.
3.4. Structure of the Council.
3.4.1. The Chairman of the Council is elected from among the members of the Council by a majority of votes participating in the meeting of the members of the Council.
3.4.2. The Chairman of the Council is elected annually at the first meeting.
3.4.3. Chairman of the Council: Provides general management of the activities of the Council. Coordinates the activities of the Council. Monitors the implementation of Council decisions. Informs the Council about the progress of decisions. On behalf of the Council, interacts with the Head and representatives of the Youth Council under the Moscow Department of Health. Signs Council documents on behalf of the Council. Performs other functions aimed at achieving the goals and objectives defined by these Regulations.
3.4.4. The Secretary of the Council is elected on the proposal of the Chairman of the Council.
3.4.5. Secretary of the Council: Ensures the organization of the current work of the Council. Prepares materials for meetings and draft decisions of the Council. Ensures the maintenance of Council documentation. Monitors the timely implementation of the Council's work plans.

4. Rights and obligations of Council members

4.1. Members of the Council have equal rights and responsibilities.
4.2. Members of the Council are obliged to:
4.2.1. Take part in Council meetings.
4.2.2. Carry out decisions of the Council, as well as instructions from the Chairman of the Council.
4.2.3. Comply with the requirements of these Regulations.
4.2.4. Assist in achieving the goals and solving problems facing the Council.
4.3. A member of the Councils has the right:
4.3.1. Participate in events, programs and projects implemented by the Council.
4.3.2. Make proposals to improve the activities of the Council.
4.4. Membership in the Council may be terminated:
4.4.1. By voluntary resignation from the Council. Resignation from the Council membership is carried out on the basis of a written application from a Council member.
4.4.2. By decision of the Council for actions contrary to these Regulations.
4.5. Members of the Council carry out their activities in the Councils free of charge on a voluntary basis.

5. Rules of work of the Council

5.1. The work of the Council is carried out in accordance with the work plan, which is agreed with the Head and approved by the Chairman of the Council.
5.2. The Council's work plan for the quarter is proposed by the Council at the first quarterly meeting of the Council.
5.3. The activities of the Council are led by the Chairman of the Council.
5.4. Meetings of the Council are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.
5.4.1. The Head and Chairman of the Council have the right to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Council.
5.5. A meeting of the Council is considered valid if at least half of the approved composition of Council members is present.
5.6. Issues for consideration at a meeting of the Council are included in the agenda and communicated to all members of the Council no later than one week before the next meeting of the Council.
5.7. Extraordinary issues are included in the agenda of a meeting of the Council by the Chairman of the Council or by decision of the majority of Council members.
5.8. Issues at a meeting of the Council are considered in the order of presenting information, making proposals, appointing responsible persons, and setting deadlines for preparing a decision.
5.9. A member of the Council, in the event of his absence at a meeting of the Council, has the right to express his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing, which is announced at the meeting of the Council and attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Council.
5.10. The decision of the Council is made by open voting of the Council members participating in the meeting.
5.11. The Council's decision is considered adopted if at least half of the Council members participating in the meeting vote for it.
5.12. In case of equality of votes among members of the Council, the vote of the Chairman of the Council is decisive.
5.13. Council decisions on issues under consideration are documented in the form of minutes of Council meetings.
5.13.1. Minutes of Council meetings are signed by the Chairman of the Council and the Secretary of the Council.
5.14. The Council annually prepares and publishes a progress report.
5.15. The activities of the Council are terminated based on the order of the Head.


about the Youth Government of the Kaliningrad Region


1. These Regulations determine the status and procedure for the activities of the Youth Government Kaliningrad region(hereinafter referred to as the Youth Government).

2. The Youth Government is guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Kaliningrad region, these Regulations, as well as the Regulations of the Youth Government.

3. The Youth Government is an advisory body under the Government of the Kaliningrad Region and functions on a voluntary basis.

4. The youth government is formed on a competitive basis from young people aged 18 to 25 years inclusive, who are citizens of the Russian Federation, registered and permanently residing in the Kaliningrad region.

5. The members of the Youth Government are the winners of the competition for the formation of the Youth Government.

6. Coordination of activities and logistical support of the Youth Government is carried out by the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy.


7. The youth government is created in order to attract young people to the process of socio-economic development of the region, create an integral system of selection, training and involvement of socially active young people in management activities, and improve their legal and political culture.

8. Objectives of the Youth Government:

2) involving young people in solving problems facing the Government of the Kaliningrad Region;

3) assistance to government authorities of the Kaliningrad region in the implementation of priority areas of youth policy;

4) identification and support of young people with organizational skills and leadership qualities;

5) creation of an integrated system for the selection, training and promotion of socially active young people;

6) studying and summarizing the opinions of young people about the activities of government bodies, other bodies and institutions.


9. To solve the tasks assigned to it, the youth government has the right:

1) request and receive information in accordance with current legislation (in agreement with the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy);

2) participate in the development and submission to the Government of the Kaliningrad Region of draft regulatory legal acts and proposals to solve problems of socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad Region;

3) make proposals to the draft agenda of meetings of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region, prepare the necessary materials for the meetings;

4) take part in events held by the Government of the Kaliningrad Region and other executive authorities of the Kaliningrad Region (in agreement with the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy);

5) hold meetings, consultations, round tables and other events with the invitation of representatives of government and other organizations;

6) create expert and working groups to solve the problems of the Youth Government;

7) to solve individual issues attract scientists and other specialists from government and non-government bodies and organizations free of charge;

8) make decisions on issues within the competence of the Youth Government;

9) take part in meetings of the coordination and advisory bodies of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region (in agreement with the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy and the chairmen of the coordination and advisory bodies of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region).

10. The youth government is obliged:

1) comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Kaliningrad region;

2) quarterly submit to the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy a plan of its work for the coming quarter, as well as inform the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy about the results of its activities;

3) annually present a report on the results of their activities to a meeting of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region;

4) present to those interested government agencies, organizations, citizens information about their activities.

Chapter 4. TERM OF POWER

11. The term of office of members of the Youth Government is two years.

12. The term of office of members of the Youth Government begins on the day the composition of the Youth Government is approved and ends on the day the new composition is approved.

13. Members of the Youth Government do not have the right to participate in competitions for the formation of the following compositions of the Youth Government.

14. The powers of a member of the Youth Government are terminated early in the following cases:

1) a written statement from a member of the Youth Government about the resignation of his powers;

2) loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation;

3) the entry into force of a court conviction against a person who is a member of the Youth Government;

4) the entry into force of a court decision declaring a person who is a member of the Youth Government incompetent or partially capable;

5) moving to permanent place residence in another subject of the Russian Federation or outside the Russian Federation;

6) absence from meetings of the Youth Government more than 4 times in a row, with the exception of cases of absence for a valid reason (illness, participation in events of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region and the Youth Government);

7) non-participation in the activities of the Youth Government for more than 4 months.

15. In case of failure to perform or improper performance of their duties, a member of the Youth Government may be expelled from its composition by decision of the Youth Government if at least two thirds of the current members of the Youth Government vote for this decision.


16. The Youth Government is formed on a competitive basis based on the results of two rounds of a qualifying competition held in accordance with the Regulations on the competition for the formation of the Youth Government of the Kaliningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

17. The Regulations on the Competition are approved by a resolution of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region.

18. The body authorized to organize the Competition is the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy.

19. The composition and structure of the Youth Government are approved by order of the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy based on the decision of the competition commission based on the results of the Competition.

20. The structure and quantitative composition of the Youth Government may change depending on changes in the structure of executive authorities of the Kaliningrad region.

21. Members of the Youth Government are the chairman of the Youth Government, deputy chairmen of the Youth Government, members of the Youth Government supervising certain areas of the Youth Government, and the head of the Youth Government apparatus.

22. Members of the Youth Government are elected by members of the competition commission based on the results of competitive selection by voting by a simple majority of votes.

23. In order to organize the effective activities of the Youth Government, based on the results of the Competition, a reserve composition of the Youth Government (hereinafter referred to as the reserve composition) is formed, which is approved by order of the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy based on the decision of the competition commission. Members of the reserve team are the participants of the second stage of the Competition who did not become its winners, as well as participants in the additional competitive selection to form the reserve.

24. In the event of early termination of powers by one of the members of the Youth Government, this vacancy is offered on a competitive basis for replacement by other members of the Youth Government and members of the reserve staff of the Youth Government. If there are no applicants for the vacancy of a member of the Youth Government, a competitive selection for the reserve composition of the Youth Government is announced. Participants in the competitive selection for the formation of the reserve staff of the Youth Government participate in a competition of written works, pass psychological testing, testing for knowledge of current legislation, as well as knowledge of the Russian language. Decisions on inclusion in the reserve composition of the Youth Government and on filling a vacancy of a member of the Youth Government are made by a competition commission formed by the authorized body to conduct the competition. This competition commission includes: the head of the relevant executive body of the Kaliningrad region, a representative of the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy and the chairman of the Youth Government (except in cases of identifying a candidate to fill the vacancy of the chairman of the Youth Government). The winner is approved by the final protocol of the competition commission, on the basis of which appropriate changes are made to the composition of the Youth Government.


25. Meetings of the Youth Government are held regularly, within the time limits determined by the Regulations of the Youth Government. Extraordinary meetings are held by decision of the chairman of the Youth Government, as well as at the request of at least two thirds of the members of the Youth Government.

26. The work of the Youth Government is led by the Chairman of the Youth Government.

27. Chairman of the Youth Government:

1) manages the work of the Youth Government;

2) presides over meetings of the Youth Government;

3) based on proposals from members of the Youth Government, forms the work plans of the Youth Government and the agenda of its next meeting;

4) gives instructions to members of the Youth Government;

6) represents the Youth Government in government bodies of the Kaliningrad region, local government bodies of municipalities of the Kaliningrad region, other bodies and organizations;

7) exercises other powers provided for by the Regulations of the Youth Government;

8) fulfills the duties provided for members of the Youth Government.

28. The Chief of Staff of the Youth Government provides organizational support for the activities of the Youth Government, keeps minutes of meetings and monitors incoming and outgoing documentation.

29. The meeting of the Youth Government is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the Youth Government and the head of the Youth Government apparatus.

30. On issues of its activities, the Youth Government makes decisions in accordance with the Regulations of the Youth Government, approved by order of the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy.

31. The decision of the Youth Government is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the Youth Government vote for it, except for the case specified in paragraph 15 of these Regulations.

32. The youth government, if necessary, directs decisions made for consideration by the executive bodies of state power of the Kaliningrad region, local government bodies of the Kaliningrad region, public associations and organizations. The decisions of the Youth Government are advisory in nature.

33. Members of the Youth Government have the right:

1) participate in the activities of the Youth Government;

2) submit proposals on issues of its activities for consideration by the Youth Government;

3) participate in events held by the Youth Government;

4) receive information about the activities of the Youth Government;

5) participate in meetings of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region in the manner established by the Regulations of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region.

34. Members of the Youth Government are obliged to:

1) comply with the Regulations of the Youth Government of the Kaliningrad Region;

2) carry out the decisions of the Youth Government, instructions of the Chairman of the Youth Government;

3) personally participate in the activities of the Youth Government, attend its meetings, actively contribute to solving the tasks facing the Youth Government;

4) monthly inform the Youth Government and the Chairman of the Youth Government about the results of their work;

6) prevent actions that damage the activities and interests of the Youth Government and its members.

35. Members of the Youth Government participate in its meetings personally and do not have the right to delegate their powers to other persons. The meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Youth Government.

36. In the absence of the chairman of the Youth Government, his duties are performed by the deputy chairman, determined by the chairman.

37. Documents related to the activities of the Youth Government are included in the list of affairs of the executive body of state power in the field of youth policy and, after the expiration of the storage period, are handed over to the archive.

38. Issues of the activities of the Youth Government that are not regulated by these Regulations, as well as issues of participation of reserve personnel in the activities of the Youth Government are determined by the Regulations of the Youth Government.

39. Based on the results of their work, members of the Youth Government may be given the opportunity to undergo internships in the executive authorities of the Kaliningrad region and participate in educational programs, seminars and other events conducted by the executive authorities of the Kaliningrad region.

40. The youth government is a source of attracting candidates to the reserve of management personnel in the Kaliningrad region.