Best Medical Colleges. What exams are required to pass to enter medical school?

Medical colleges are mid-range institutions vocational education who accept 9th grade graduates for study secondary schools. You can enroll in a medical college after 9th grade either on a budgetary basis or on a paid basis.

The duration of college education upon admission after finishing 9th grade is usually 3 years 10 months. During this time, the college student receives both completed general secondary education and secondary specialized education.

When studying at college, students can receive both specialties corresponding to the average professional level and specialties at the initial professional level. After graduating from college, the graduate receives educational documents. If the college is certified, then the document confirming qualifications will take the form state standard. If the educational institution has not passed certification, the document will be drawn up according to the standards of the educational institution.

List of areas of training and specialties that can be entered after 9th grade

Popular materials


Students who have completed training in the specialty of Midwifery in a basic or advanced program receive the qualification of an obstetrician or midwife. With this qualification, a specialist has the opportunity to provide obstetric and gynecological care in specialized institutions healthcare.

Within its professional activities obstetricians deal with:

  • Women at different periods of life;
  • Newborn children;
  • Families at different stages of babies' lives;

Obstetricians gain skills in handling medical records. They also have the skills to work with specialized tools, medications and equipment.

You can undergo training in midwifery through basic or advanced programs. Graduates who have undergone in-depth training can provide high-tech services medical care pregnant women, women in labor and newborns. Another advantage of studying in advanced programs is the opportunity to engage in work on organizing and managing personnel in your field of work. Duration of training for advanced training programs regulatory documents one year longer than in basic programs.

More full information about the specialty obstetrics

Laboratory diagnostics

Training in the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics is possible in basic and advanced training programs. After completing the basic program, students receive the qualification of a medical laboratory technician. Students who complete the advanced program receive the qualification of a medical technologist. Specialists with similar qualifications receive the right to conduct research of a clinical, microbiological, and immunological nature. They have the right to work in healthcare institutions and specialized institutes.

As part of their professional activities, medical technicians and technologists will work with biological materials, objects external environment, food products.

Students who have completed the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics in an advanced program receive the right to conduct high-tech research. They have the right to carry out work to manage the quality level of research.

full description of the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics for 9th grade graduates

Medical and preventive care

Graduates who have received the specialty of medical and preventive care in a basic or advanced program receive the qualification of a sanitary paramedic. As part of their work, sanitary paramedics carry out sanitary and hygienic observations, conduct examinations, and research various factors human habitats. All this work is carried out in order to ensure the proper level of sanitary and epidemiological condition of human habitats.

As part of their professional activities, medical assistants deal with the human environment and the state of public health. To ensure their duties and resolve professional issues, paramedics work with laboratory equipment, special instruments and materials. The scope of activity of sanitary paramedics also includes the preparation of relevant documentation.

Medical optics

Students who will study in the specialty of Medical Optics can count on studying in basic or advanced programs. After completing the basic program, the graduate receives the qualification of a medical optician. Graduates who have completed training in an in-depth program receive the qualification of an optometrist. Specialists with these qualifications will be in demand in organizations that provide services for the creation of optical vision correction devices. There is a need for similar personnel in specialized healthcare institutions.

As part of their professional activities, Medical Optics specialists will have to deal with means of optical vision correction. To solve their professional problems, they will use specialized components and devices, as well as auxiliary materials.

Graduates who have completed training in advanced programs receive the right to select vision correction tools and diagnose refractive errors and others complex species works


Applicants entering secondary educational institutions for the specialty of Nursing will receive the qualification of a nurse or brother upon completion of their studies. This qualification is awarded to both students who have completed the basic program and students who have completed the advanced program. As part of their activities, nursing specialists will provide nursing services to the population. Their activities are necessary to preserve and maintain the health of citizens in different periods their lives.

As part of my professional activities nurses and the brothers will deal with patients and their environment. Often these specialists have to work with healthy populations. To provide specialized services, specialists with such qualifications are trained in the use of means of providing medical and diagnostic care, as well as means of prevention and rehabilitation.

Students who have completed advanced programs will have access to organizational functions and to conduct research activities related to nursing.


Graduates of secondary educational institutions with a specialty in Pharmacy receive the qualification of a pharmacist, regardless of whether they studied in an in-depth or basic program. Pharmacists receive the right to work in specialized pharmaceutical organizations and healthcare institutions. Their functionality includes manufacturing medicines, distribution of medicines and goods.

To qualify, students must master information about medicines and raw materials for its production plant origin. As part of their studies, they become familiar with auxiliary materials and special substances. To qualify as a pharmacist, students must master the skills of working with equipment used in the manufacture of medicines, as well as with instruments and equipment intended for pharmacies.

In addition to the issues listed above, the pharmacist’s competence also includes issues related to regulatory support for production, trade and information activities in pharmaceutical organizations. Future pharmacists receive the basics of working with suppliers and consumers.

Graduates who have completed training in advanced programs receive the right to solve problems in the field of organization and management in the field of pharmacy. They can also advise and inform consumers on the provision of pharmaceutical services.

Groups of areas of training and specialties that can be entered only after 11th grade:

  • General Medicine
  • Medical massage (for training persons with disabilities vision health)
  • Orthopedic dentistry
  • Preventive dentistry

If you see yourself as a medical professional in the future, make medicine your profession, if you are attracted to the work of a nurse or paramedic, you will have to take exams at a medical school in the near future.

What exams are required to pass when entering the school?

As a rule, in order to enroll in training to become a paramedic, laboratory assistant, or nurse, you must successfully pass entrance exams to medical school. Usually these are two such exams: Russian language written (statement or dictation) and biology orally, answer the questions on the ticket.

Examinations at a medical school may be wider if the chosen specialty is laboratory diagnostics, in which case there will also be an oral exam. chemistry, and written ones will increase algebra. Applicants based on nine grades will need to provide GIA results issued by the state final certification.

For applicants on the basis of complete secondary education, instead of entrance exams to a medical school, they will need Unified State Exam results. This is a unified state exam. By the way, most medical schools give applicants the right to choose whether to take entrance tests in the traditional form or participate in a competition based on the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Exam. You will have to study after 9th grade four academic year, and after 11th grade - three academic years.

Exams for medical school based on preparatory courses

In medical schools, most often, preparatory courses for school graduates operate on a self-supporting basis. The duration of their work differs, it can be a month, the so-called short-term courses, aimed at ensuring that the applicant is oriented and able to pass the entrance exams to a medical school, and long-term, aimed at good preparation for passing the entrance tests.

We must remember that the time for submitting documents differs and depends on the choice of the form of entrance exams. To count the results of State Examination and Unified State Exam deadline submission of documents will not be the same as for those who have chosen traditional way. There is a subtlety here: if you decide to enroll based on the results of the TIA and the Unified State Exam, then you will not be able to take the entrance tests again if the passing score at the school turns out to be higher than those presented based on the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination.

Pass the exams algebra"cheat sheets" will help. Don't use them in the exam, but they will help you remember visually when preparing. key points. This will give you confidence in solving complex problems. mathematical problems. Write down the most complex formulas on a small piece of paper.

Look online to see what tasks were included in the exam. algebra year. Most likely, the tasks will change slightly, but the logic of the decisions will remain. Visit mathematical Internet portals, your website or. On the forum you can chat with former graduates and find out information of interest.

Useful advice

Eat chocolate before taking the exam. Its properties activate the brain, you will definitely solve the most complex problems.


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Admission to college can be done after finishing 9th or 11th grade high school. College requirements are generally the same, but sometimes individual schools may require students to provide some additional documentation or participate in additional admissions tests.

Documents to be prepared

To submit an application to the selected one, you must collect the following documents:

Passport (in the absence of a passport due to age, a birth certificate is prepared);
- certificate of completion of incomplete secondary education;
- certificate of passing the State Examination Test (if available);
- four or six photos established sample(usually 3x4 in size);
- insurance policy;
- an application that is filled out directly in admissions committee;
- medical certificate 086/у.

Depending on the form of training, the list of documents may change or be supplemented.

To obtain a medical certificate, most schoolchildren undergo medical examination while still at school. Also, a certificate of this type can be issued by various medical schools, which will conduct the necessary examinations to establish that you have no contraindications in the chosen field of study.

Before preparing documents, carefully study the website of the selected college to get the most full list the necessary documentation.

Additional documents and entrance tests

Depending on the profile of the institution and the specialty for which you are applying, entrance tests may vary. Most colleges accept GIA results, but some may conduct a general examination to check the results. test work or . Having successfully passed the Russian language exam is mandatory. Also, some educational institutions arrange interviews with future candidates. The conditions for admission to a particular educational institution may change every year, and therefore you should often not be guided by last year’s requirements.

Make several copies of each document before submitting your application.

When a student enters correspondence form training may be required additional documents from the place of work. The same is done if a future student wants to take advantage of benefits for admission - he will have to provide additional certificates that confirm the benefits.

Despite the fact that the procedure for admission to educational institutions is controlled by orders of the Ministry of Education, each educational institution has the right to create its own admission rules, which, however, must not contradict the law. All information is always available to applicants, so do not hesitate to call or personally come to the admissions office for additional information.


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The executive secretary of the admissions committee is a young and talented teacher, methodologist of the school Minenkova S.N.


Citizens are admitted to GOU SPO MU No. 9 Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons with basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education. Admission to GOU SPO MU No. 9 is carried out on the personal application of applicants.

When submitting an application, the applicant presents the following documents:
A document proving his identity (passport) and citizenship;
The original document of the state standard on basic general, secondary (full) general or primary vocational education (a copy of the document on education is certified by a notary);
6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
medical certificate f.086u;
copy of the policy health insurance;
copy work book(for workers);
documents giving the right to benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The executive secretary of the admissions committee issues a receipt to the applicant, which lists accepted documents, and also notes the type (copy or original) of the education document. A personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all documents submitted and materials for passing entrance examinations are stored.

The following deadlines for submitting applications and conducting entrance examinations are established:

The following entrance tests are approved:
On the basis of basic general education in specialty 060109 "Nursing":
- Russian language (dictation)
- natural science (oral)
On the basis of secondary (complete) general and vocational education in specialty 060109 "Nursing":
- Russian language and literature (presentation)
- biology (orally)

For all categories of persons applying for places financed from the federal budget (on a general basis, eligible for non-competitive admission) and for additional places, the same entrance tests are conducted. Entrance tests begin no earlier than the start of accepting documents and can take place in several stages as examination groups are formed from among those who have submitted documents to the school. The entrance examination grid includes a career counseling interview. Examination groups are formed in the order of registration of documents received. The schedule of entrance examinations is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee. Admission to entrance examinations is carried out by subject examination commissions. For applicants, consultations are provided both on the content of the entrance examination program and on the organization of the survey, assessment criteria, and requirements. All entrance examinations are conducted according to programs corresponding to the educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. During the entrance examinations, a calm and friendly environment is ensured, providing applicants with the opportunity to fully demonstrate their level of knowledge. Persons who did not appear for the entrance examination without a good reason, who received an unsatisfactory grade, as well as those who took away documents during the period of entrance examinations, are eliminated from the competition and are not enrolled in the State Educational Institution SPO MU No. 9. Re-taking the entrance examination upon receipt of an unsatisfactory grade and retaking the entrance examination for the purpose of improving the assessment is not allowed. Persons who did not appear for entrance examinations good reason, are admitted to them in parallel groups, at the next stage of passing the entrance examinations or individually in the period until the entrance examinations are completely completed.

Enrollment is carried out after completion of entrance examinations and is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted to determine the applicant’s ability to master the relevant basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education and end no later than 10 days before the start training sessions. Admission of applicants to the places remaining after the enrollment of all persons who have passed the entrance examinations and who did not pass the competition to other secondary and higher educational institutions on the basis of certificates of the established form. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” out of competition, provided successful completion entrance examinations to GOU SPO MU No. 9 are accepted:
Orphans and children left without parental care;
Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, for whom, according to the conclusion of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise, education in the relevant educational institutions is not contraindicated;
Citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent who is disabled in group I, if the average per capita family income is below living wage, established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;
Citizens dismissed from military service and those entering the school based on the recommendations of commanders military units, combatants and disabled combatants.

After completing the entrance examinations within the time limits established by the school, the applicant submits the original state-issued education document. The interval between the end date of entrance examinations and the date of submission of the original education document must be at least three working days. The end date of entrance examinations is the day of announcement of the list of applicants who have passed the entrance examinations, indicating overall results passing entrance tests at the information stand of the admissions committee. For an applicant who wishes to pick up the submitted documents (including the original education document) from the school, specified documents are issued upon written application within 24 hours. Without entrance examinations (except for a professional consulting interview), persons awarded a medal for mastering a program of secondary (complete) general education, basic general education with a certificate with honors, as well as those who have a diploma with honors are accepted educational institution primary vocational education. Persons with specialized secondary education are accepted on a general basis on a contractual basis and are enrolled in the 2nd year.

Applicants who do not agree with the assessment received on the test have the right to appeal. An appeal is a reasoned written statement by an applicant about the error, in his opinion, of the grade given in the entrance examination. When filing an appeal, as well as in the case of being present during the consideration of the appeal, the applicant must have a document proving his identity. An application to the appeal commission is submitted on the day of passing the oral test or on the day the score for the written test is announced. The appeal commission reviews the applicant's examination documents according to the approved schedule, no later than the day before the next test. The decision of the appeal commission is announced to the applicant on the day the application is considered. When the appeal committee considers the applicant's application, no additional survey is carried out. The applicant has the right to be present during the appeal hearing. One of the parents has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age). The consideration of appeals is not a re-examination; during the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the result of passing the entrance test is checked. The decision of the appeal commission is documented in a protocol with which the applicant is introduced. The protocol of the decision of the appeal commission is kept in the applicant’s personal file.

The first step towards mastering the profession of a doctor can be medical college. An important advantage of entering this particular educational institution is the opportunity, after graduation, to enter the budget department of the university without much effort, already having basic knowledge according to your specialty. But even if you don’t have such far-reaching plans, college will help you find a profession.

Another significant argument in favor of this educational institution is the opportunity to enroll after finishing 9th grade. Yes, the training will last a little longer - 3 years and 10 months. However, this should hardly be called an idle waste of time, since you will leave college as a certified specialist.

What profession can you get in college?

Before entering college, you must first choose a field of study. In educational institutions located in Moscow and Ufa, in Perm and Tyumen, in Krasnodar and other cities of the country, you can get one of the following specialties:

  1. Nursing. A registered nurse can successfully work in absolutely any medical institution, acting as an assistant during operations, as well as providing pre-hospital care to patients.
  2. Dental prosthetics or orthopedic dentistry. A graduate of this faculty receives the qualification of a dental technician who makes dentures and can work with any relevant equipment.
  3. Medicine. By choosing this direction, you will qualify as a paramedic, be able to provide first aid to patients, and also begin a career in the pediatric, medical or surgical department of a hospital or private clinic.
  4. Obstetrics. This faculty teaches all the intricacies of pregnancy support. In addition, the graduate will be able to assist the doctor during childbirth and treat patients in the gynecology department.
  5. Pharmaceutical business. One of the most popular specialties in our time, which gives the opportunity to work in medical warehouses or pharmacies.
  6. Laboratory diagnostics. By acquiring the qualification of a medical laboratory technician, a college graduate will be able to work with any equipment intended for research and making an accurate diagnosis.

As you can see, the choice of areas is quite large, so you need to decide in advance what specialty you would like to acquire. After this, you can begin to intensively prepare for the exams.

Medical College Exams

What entrance exams do you need to take for medical school? It depends on what grade you decided to enroll in this educational institution, as well as on the chosen specialty. In the vast majority of cases, the applicant will be required to have an excellent knowledge of biology, which provides the basics of the structure human body. Chemistry is also a very important subject, on which pharmaceuticals and laboratory diagnostics are based. Don’t forget that when entering any college you need to successfully pass the Russian language. Some institutions may also require you to take a written algebra exam.

It should be noted that in the majority educational institutions After the 9th grade, it is realistic to enroll based on the results of the final certification, and after the eleventh grade - based on the number of points scored on the Unified State Exam.

How can you improve your chances of successfully getting into college? We recommend that you enroll in preparatory courses, which usually last from 6 to 12 months. They will give you the knowledge you need to pass the exams. In addition, graduates of such courses have advantages over those applicants who ignored preparation at the chosen educational institution.