Top 20 healthiest foods in the world. Top Healthiest Products in the World

If you purposefully compose a diet from certain foods, then it is quite possible to improve memory, increase concentration, facilitate and speed up mental work, and simply improve your well-being.

  1. help maintain a healthy vascular system, preventing clogging of the arteries;
  2. help increase concentration, strengthen memory and reduce the time for the manifestation of neuropsychic reactions.

11. Dark chocolate

Many people are familiar with the effect that appears after eating a piece of chocolate. This sweetness is not only tasty, but also healthy because:

  1. improves mood due to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy;
  2. improves cerebral circulation;
  3. thanks to flavonol, it helps preserve the youth of brain cells by fighting free radicals.

Large amount of antioxidants found not only in chocolate, but also simply in cocoa powder. But the healthiest product containing cocoa beans is dark and bitter chocolate. There the content of cocoa beans is maximum and reaches 95%. .

12. Coffee

Scientists are constantly arguing about the cardiovascular system.

There are many theories regarding the mechanisms. One of them is that the coffee molecule is similar to the molecule of a substance that is found in every cell called adenosine.

Adenosine slows down energy production. And when coffee molecules replace adenosine, energy processes in brain cells reach a new level.

13. Tea

Besides coffee, there are foods that can help keep your brain functioning at a high level. These include tea. Both black and green teas contain catechins. These unique substances help:

  1. improve brain activity;
  2. remember information well;
  3. relax, restore strength faster.

It is better to drink tea in the morning and afternoon. In this case, you can drink as much as you want, with benefit for mental activity and without damage to the heart, blood vessels and nerves.

14. Turmeric

This amazing seasoning comes from India. But it is actively used both in cooking and in folk medicine as a great way to help improve brain productivity. interesting because it can:

  1. relieve inflammation in brain tissue;
  2. restore neurons;
  3. destroy sodium benzoate, which interferes with connections between brain cells;
  4. act as an antioxidant that protects cells from aging;
  5. present positive attitude due to the production of the hormones dopamine and serotonin.

15. Curry

Seasonings have a very good effect on blood circulation, increasing brain productivity and maintaining brain activity.

Besides what it is savory seasoning, giving a pleasant taste to dishes, curry:

  1. supports thinking abilities due to curcumin content;
  2. helps fight free radicals, that is, prolongs the youth of the brain.

Moreover, you don’t need to think that you need to cover all your food with this seasoning: it’s enough to eat one dish a week to get all the benefits.

16. Ginger

A spice with a pungent taste and fresh aroma is very beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and brain cells. In folk medicine, ginger is used for treatment, prevention and stimulation of brain activity as a remedy:

  1. blood thinner;
  2. improves cerebral circulation;
  3. with regular use, it significantly improves memory;
  4. preventing the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Can also be used in fresh, and in powder. Most often it is mixed with lemon and honey. Ginger essential oil is also useful: it is dissolved in milk, kefir or dripped onto honey and sugar.

17. Lemon

associated primarily with the high content in it vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Lemon helps:

  1. from cholesterol growths;
  2. prevention of overwork and stress relief.

Lemon, consumed fresh, as part of vitamin mixtures and infusions, will have a good effect on mental activity. Essential oil lemon is also effective: it can be used for aromatherapy, and taken orally at the rate of 1-2 drops per glass of fruit juice, teaspoon of honey or per piece of sugar.

18. Garlic

Garlic, in the absence of contraindications, is required in the diet of every person. In addition to vitamins, valuable minerals, phytoncides, sugars and other important components, garlic contains specific substance allicin, which is produced after crushing a garlic clove.

In its raw form: during heat treatment, only its taste properties remain, but many beneficial properties are destroyed. Fresh garlic:

  1. improves blood composition, thins it, promoting better blood circulation;
  2. reduces the production of so-called “bad” cholesterol in the liver, preventing it from depositing on the walls of brain vessels;
  3. rejuvenates cells by neutralizing free radicals.

19. Plain water

The brain cannot function normally without sufficient fluid in the body. Often a feeling of chronic fatigue and drowsiness are signs of lack of moisture in the body.

The best way to replenish fluid reserves and thereby protect the brain from dehydration is to drink regular drinking water: it is best absorbed without carrying additional calories, such as, for example, fruit juice. In addition, it is not a diuretic like coffee or tea.

A more or less suitable alternative to water may be herbal infusions. But even in cases with them there may be contraindications. That's why drinking water- the best source of fluid for brain cells.

An adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day. This volume can easily be distributed in 2 glasses for the early morning, the time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and afternoon snack, afternoon snack and dinner. For heart problems, excretory system etc. you can slightly shift your water intake schedule to the daytime so that you drink all the water before 16 hours.

20. Dry red wine

Natural has long been known as a remedy that stimulates brain function and protects it from premature aging.

The only condition: it can be consumed no more than 50-150 ml per day, depending on gender, age, body size and concomitant diseases. Otherwise, instead of activating and maintaining mental activity, this can lead to progressive dementia.

Red wine contains a good range of microelements and antioxidants, which:

  1. prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and cleanse them of cholesterol plaques;
  2. protect brain vessels from destruction, strengthening them;
  3. prevent age-related dementia and prolong youth.

What should you avoid?

If a diet is being prepared for the full functioning of the brain, then foods harmful to mental activity must be excluded or their consumption reduced to a safe minimum.

  1. Alcohol. acceptable, but only periodically. Only red wine can be called unambiguously healthy, and only very limited quantities. Regular consumption of other drinks leads to the destruction of brain cells. For more details, see a separate material, specifically.
  2. Fatty foods. Fatty meats, smoked meats, fried foods, and fatty dairy products contribute to the development of vascular atherosclerosis, as they cause an excess of “bad” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and interferes with the blood supply to brain tissue.
  3. Refined sugar. Energy is needed for mental activity. But it is better to use fructose for this purpose, which is found in honey and fruits. In turn, ordinary .
  4. Energy drinks and artificial stimulants. Unlike natural energy products, artificial ones provide only a visible effect of vigor. In fact they are draining nervous system, since they use the internal reserves of the body, artificially stimulating them. After drinking energy drinks, loss of strength and depression occur.

Features of the diet for a child

For the normal development of a child’s body, products from the list that are needed for development and stimulation are required full-fledged work brain. Except for some nuances.

  1. The diet of a child or teenager should contain more protein foods: white lean meat. fish, seafood.
  2. To compile children's menu Spicy and hot seasonings are used somewhat less, focusing on the age and taste preferences of the child.
  3. Red wine is excluded, since ethanol in its composition is contraindicated for children.


If you know about the composition and consumption characteristics of many foods, then you can eat in such a way that it will have a very beneficial effect on the state of the brain. A proper daily menu will not only help you perform any mental work efficiently, but will also keep your thinking sharp and fresh for many years, regardless of a person’s age.

Healthy eating is your guarantee of health. Products healthy eating- This natural products: cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, nuts and other foods that are rich in nutrients and can improve your health. What is the benefit of this or that product? Let's take a closer look.

The rating of the most beneficial food products for human health was compiled by British scientists and, as expected, the top ten included products exclusively plant origin, which once again proves the benefits of vegetarianism for any person.

1. Tomatoes

As experts note, their superiority was ensured by the high content of especially active antioxidants - lycopenes, as well as vitamin C. In addition, tomatoes support healthy condition cardiovascular system, and can also prevent the development of a number of types of cancer.

2. Oatmeal

It contains a large amount of vitamin E, as well as protein and fiber, which are vital for the normal functioning of the human body.

3. Kiwi

It contains sufficient quantities of vitamins A, C and E, and the seeds of the fruit contain Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Black grapes

It contains antioxidant flavonoids. Black grape berries can prevent the formation malignant tumors, and also help maintain a healthy heart.

5. Oranges

They are rich in vitamin C, as well as pectins, which reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli has a high concentration of antioxidants. She is an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U and beta-carotene. Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) in broccoli is almost 2.5 times more than in citrus fruits. Broccoli is a rich source of minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

7. Avocado

Avocado fruits are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which stabilize blood sugar levels, as well as vitamins and provitamins A, B2, D, E, PP.

8. Watercress

The main wealth of watercress is vitamins C, E and A, calcium, iron, iodine and folic acid.

9. Garlic

It contains allicin, which stabilizes blood pressure.

10. Olive oil

It is rich in antioxidants, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.

11. Apples

IN large quantities contain vitamin C and B vitamins. They improve digestion, intestinal microflora, reduce cholesterol, and remove toxins from the body. Make it a rule to eat 1 apple a day.

12. Pumpkin

The pulp of pumpkin fruits contains vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, D, E, sugar, fiber, a lot of potassium, iron, fluorine, and magnesium that are valuable for the body. Contains pectin, which reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Pumpkin is useful for kidney diseases accompanied by edema, hypertension, and metabolic disorders. pumpkin juice dissolves stones in the kidneys and bladder.

13. Carrot

Contains beta-carotene in large quantities. Carrots are a multivitamin and tonic remedy recommended for heart disease, stomach diseases, and also for poor vision.

14. Cabbage

Cabbage contains quite a lot of vitamin C. Cabbage helps fight obesity and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Cabbage contains proteins, as well as vitamin U, which helps with ulcers and liver diseases.

15. Celery

The leaves contain a lot of carotene, vitamins A, E, K, PP and C. Celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous system and blood formation processes.

16. Buckwheat

Rich in iron and calcium. It thins the blood, therefore it is extremely useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, and vascular diseases.

17. Greens

Any greens, be it dill with parsley, lettuce, sorrel, spinach, arugula, plantain or nettle. Greens contain a huge amount of vitamins and easily digestible amino acids. Green plants are a source of fiber, which helps cleanse the walls of the digestive tract.

18. Eggs

Rich in macro and microelements, contain vitamin E. This is an excellent source of protein (1 chicken egg contains up to 10 g of protein). Eggs prevent aging.

19. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, which strengthens bones, teeth and nails. Try to eat low-fat cottage cheese or at least low-fat cottage cheese.

20. Nuts

Of course, these are not all healthy food products and the list could be continued, but these are the main products that should be present in your diet. Consume at least 4-5 of the above foods per day - this will ensure you good health and for many years life.

What is meant by healthy food? First of all, it is the consumption of a variety of foods that nourish the body with all the necessary nutrients. But the choice the right products from different groups is far from an easy task. In this article I will tell you about the 10 healthiest foods in the world, combining which you will make your diet complete and balanced.

Dark chocolate

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate has many health benefits. High-quality chocolate contains a lot nutrients, including iron, magnesium, fiber and copper. But you should make sure that you consume chocolate in moderation. Because it is rich in calories, excess consumption chocolate can lead to weight gain.

Health benefits of dark chocolate:

  • The flavonoid complex in cocoa (the main ingredient of dark chocolate) has an antioxidant effect, protecting cells from the effects of free radicals. Thus, chocolate may protect against heart disease. The flavonoids in dark chocolate may reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol. This reduces the risk of a heart attack.
  • Consuming dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain and skin. It improves brain function and general condition skin. making her healthier.
  • The serotonin in dark chocolate acts as an antidepressant, improving mood.

Thus, dark chocolate can be called one of the healthiest products in the world and you can safely include it in your healthy diet nutrition.


Sweet bananas have many health benefits. Fresh bananas available all year round, and you should add them to your daily diet. Bananas can relieve morning sickness, reduce tension, treat diabetes and improve heart health. They are free of fat and rich in nutrients such as manganese, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, iron, vitamin A and protein. Without a doubt, this is one of the most useful products that should be on your table every day.

Health benefits of bananas:

  • Consuming bananas daily can reduce the likelihood of asthma.
  • The high level of Vitamin B-6 in bananas can strengthen your nervous system and increase white blood cell production.
  • The fiber content of bananas helps improve the digestion process.
  • Bananas are rich in potassium, which may protect against heart attack.
  • Vitamin C in bananas can prevent the formation of free radicals, which cause cancer.
  • Bananas can also improve your memory and relieve diarrhea.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are an easily accessible, inexpensive and nutritious vegetable that is one of the healthiest in the world. It is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, potassium and calcium. Sweet potatoes do not contain any fat at all, but they contain plenty of dietary fiber and antioxidants that are good for your health.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes:

  • The high fiber content of sweet potatoes helps improve digestion.
  • Antioxidant compounds in sweet potatoes protect against cancer and promote eye health.
  • The presence of Vitamin A and Vitamin E is beneficial for a healthy immune system.
  • Vitamin B-6 in sweet potatoes helps relieve heart problems by lowering blood pressure and stabilizing the heartbeat.
  • The iron in sweet potatoes increases the activity of white blood cells, which is beneficial for a healthy immune system.
  • Sweet potatoes also regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.


Spinach - edible flowering plant, very good for health. It is a rich source of Vitamins A, C, K, B2, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Eating spinach is good for your skin, bone health and hair. This is one of the healthiest foods in the world, as well as one of the most inexpensive and accessible vegetables.

Health Benefits of Spinach

  • Effective antioxidants in spinach, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, significantly improve vision. They can also prevent many eye problems that occur in old age. Beta carotene in spinach effectively prevents the development of cancer.
  • The beta carotene in spinach may also prevent asthma.
  • Consuming spinach daily can improve the efficiency of the muscular system.
  • Spinach is a wonderful food for treating diabetes by regulating glucose and insulin levels in your blood.
  • It is a wonderful food for people with high blood pressure as the high potassium content in spinach helps stabilize it.
  • The Vitamin K content in spinach strengthens the skeletal system.
  • The high fiber content of spinach helps improve digestion.

There is also a separate article on TrendCat, where everything is described in more detail.


Garlic has been used in folk medicine for centuries. It is also the most common ingredient used as a food flavoring throughout the world. Garlic is rich in nutrients and low in calories. It can fight against many diseases, which is why it was included in the list of the healthiest foods in the world.

Health Benefits of Garlic:

  • Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties due to the presence chemical compound, known as allicin. This complex may also reduce blood pressure.
  • Consuming garlic daily may reduce the risk of colon cancer.
  • Garlic may reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attack.
  • Large doses of garlic can stimulate the production of antioxidant enzymes in your body. It can prevent brain diseases and relieve stress.
  • A chemical compound called ajoene in garlic is considered a natural antibiotic. It can liquefy blood clots and prevent skin infections.
  • Garlic helps regulate sugar and insulin in your blood.


Fish from the salmon family is one of the healthiest foods in the world. Salmon is a good source of vitamins, beneficial minerals and proteins. This is one of best products, which you should definitely add to your diet list. Choose only wild or organically farmed salmon, as the overly pink fish in supermarkets is the result of heavy use of dyes.

Health benefits of salmon:

  • Salmon contains two important complexes of fats and omega 3 acids - EPA and DHA, which prevent cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases, reduce inflammation and dilute blood clots.
  • Omega DHA 3 acids also strengthen the immune system and stimulate brain function.
  • The natural hormone calcitonin regulates calcium levels in your body, improving your health. skeletal system. Thus, salmon may be a beneficial food for people with osteoarthritis.
  • Vitamin D and Selenium in salmon stabilize insulin levels in the body.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are very beneficial for eye health. Adequate salmon intake may reduce the risk of numerous eye problems such as chronic dry eye and eye degeneration macular spot.
  • Salmon is a wonderful food to improve your mood.


Back in 10,000 BC, our distant primitive ancestors were already eating walnuts, which can be called the oldest known food in the world. Walnut is a wonderful and healthy product, having numerous medicinal properties.

Health benefits of walnuts:

  • Walnuts contain three important omega 3 acid complexes - linoleic acid, alpha-linoic acid and arachidonic acid. Daily consumption walnuts reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, heart attack and coronary artery disease.
  • Chemical elements in walnuts, such as melatonin, carotenoids and ellagic acid, may prevent inflammation, slow aging and neurological diseases, and have antioxidant properties.
  • The high levels of antioxidants in walnuts help prevent the effects of harmful free radicals. Thus, walnuts can reduce cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, stress and lung diseases.
  • Walnuts contain a complex of minerals including manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. These elements will help improve digestion and increase sperm activity.


Avocado - healthy fruit, which was grown in South America as early as 8000 BC. Today this fruit is large quantities cultivated in Mexico, Chile, Dominican Republic and the United States. Avocados are rich in many important minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin A, D, C, B-6, B-12, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron.

Health Benefits of Avocado:

  • The fiber content of avocados may reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • The high levels of polyunsaturated fat in avocados can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Avocado contains one of the most important omega 3 acids - alpha-linoleic acid. It reduces the risk of pneumonia, hypertension, heart disease and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • The high level of monounsaturated fat in avocados regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Avocados are a rich source of the powerful antioxidants carotenoids and lutein. They help reduce the risk of two major eye problems—macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • The high levels of folic acid in avocados may prevent birth defects.


Many will be surprised, but in second place on the list of the most useful foods in the world is the apple. Crispy and juicy apples are one of the most... healthy foods in the world, a true food powerhouse. Apple is rich in dietary fiber, phytonutrients, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin B-6. Apples are low in calories and have many health benefits.

Health Benefits of Apple:

  • Regular consumption apple juice may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and stimulate brain activity due to high levels of a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine.
  • The high fiber levels in apples may protect against Parkinson's disease.
  • Daily apple consumption provides cardiovascular benefits due to high level fibers and polyphenols.
  • Apples can help stabilize blood cholesterol levels. Thus, apples help prevent numerous heart diseases.
  • The antioxidant properties of apple strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of asthma, cancer and heart attack.
  • Apples are a low-calorie product. Add apples to your daily diet to normalize your weight.
  • Apple cider vinegar can prevent the formation of kidney stones.


Almonds are a great food for good health. It has more health benefits than any other nut. Almonds are rich in antioxidants, proteins and minerals.

Health Benefits of Almonds:

  • Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic and palmitoleic acids. These fatty acids can reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol and increase the level of good HDL cholesterol in your body.
  • Omega 3 acids in almonds stabilize sugar levels, blood pressure, reduce body fat, strengthen the immune system and maintain muscle mass.
  • Almonds contain many brain-healthy nutrients such as riboflavin and L-carnitine. These nutrients help improve brain activity.
  • The high phosphorus content in almonds can strengthen bones and teeth.
  • The presence of Vitamin E and magnesium in almonds can reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • The folic acids in almonds can prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries.
  • The high levels of antioxidants in almonds strengthen your immune system and block free radicals, protecting your heart and eyesight, and repairing damaged cells.
  • Almonds strengthen the immune system. Thus, daily consumption of almonds makes your body less susceptible to disease.
  • The beneficial minerals manganese and copper in almonds will give the body additional energy.

It was a list of the healthiest foods in the world that could go on and on. However, these are the 10 foods that you should include in your diet for complete nutrition.

Hello dear friends! Elena Rouvier is with you!

Today, I have the most on my menu healthy products for the body. Of course I recommend them eat raw to save maximum nutrients in the very digestible form !

I would also like to add that from the moment I became a raw foodist, I got through it first cleansing crisis, which lasted about 8 months, and now it has passed and has taken its place good health, the allergy disappeared, a bunch of energy and joy of life like never before!

No culinary dish and no harmful product will ever give me as much joy as it can give perfect health !

So, even if you are not a raw foodist, eating these foods will provide you with a ton of benefits for your body (well, of course, if you tolerate them)...

1. Wild plants

Wild herbs, such as nettle, dandelions, plantain, are the healthiest green of all! They are richer in vitality than greens from the garden, and are also much richer in vitamins and minerals.

Personally, I have already added them to freshly squeezed juices and green smoothies . If you don't overdo it, you get a very pleasant, refreshing juice.

Dandelions and plantain can also be added to green salads. And also, nasturtium flowers and marigold petals. In addition to vitamins, they also perfectly decorate salads!

2. Greens

Greens are basis of raw food nutrition. This category includes salads, spinach, celery, and aromatic herbs such as parsley, dill, coriander, ...

Greens are very rich vitamins, minerals and other active substances. It is much more important than all these products that many people consider basic... but which are actually harmful!

3. Sprouted grains

Sprouts also rich in nutrients. But this is not their only advantage... They also enrich the intestinal microflora and have a strong antioxidant effect.

To prepare sprouts, you must first soak the grains overnight, and in the morning put it in a glass jar or in special germinator. If you use a glass jar, then cover it with gauze and tip it over so that the water drains.

Well, for use, they can be add little by little at the most different salads from greens and vegetables.

You can germinate flax grains, milk thistle, sunflowers, alfalfa, buckwheat, lentils,... Look how simple it is:

4. Algae

Some people told me that if I ate exclusively vegetarian foods, I would have iodine deficiency... How can you exclude animal seafood?

Very simple! Replacing them plant-based seafood! Algae are very rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, and their composition resembles the composition of human blood.

If you often use this wonderful food product, then the risk of running to the pharmacy for industrial vitamins will be reduced to nothing!

I used kelp, dulse and nori, from which I made wonderful raw food sushi without rice and without fish!

5. Onion

Onions have a lot useful properties...And a wealth of vitamins and microelements, and antibacterial funds, and anti-oncological, ...

Despite the fact that it causes tears and halitosis, regular consumption of onions is an excellent prevention for a healthy body!

6. Garlic

The benefits of garlic are also enormous! This product is not only a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and many other components and active substances. He also bactericidal, anti-aging, metabolism enhancer And immune system.

You can add it to many vegetable salads and other dishes to which it will give pleasant piquancy.

7. Lemon

This vitamin fruit also has a lot of qualities and interesting applications... In addition to the fact that it can be consumed in the form of slices or juice, it also has anti-oxidative effect. Lemon juice can be poured over sliced ​​apples or avocados. So we avoid darkening of the fruit.

In addition, lemon is an excellent remedy for face wash and hair wash! If you have dry skin and are constantly bothered by dandruff, I advise you to try it!

8. Avocado

Avocado is actually a super fruit! He is one of the best sources natural fats, and not only. It also contains Omega fatty acids.

Thus, avocado, like other raw fruits and vegetables, has a very positive effect on all processes in the body.

Avocado can be added to many salads, but besides this, it also has other uses... For example, it can be used to make the most delicious sauce. To do this, you can just pass avocado, garlic, olive oil, parsley and a little lemon juice.

The result is a sauce similar to mayonnaise, but much, much healthier!

Also, you can cook sweet pudding, passing avocado, lemon juice, dates through a blender and diluting a small amount water.

And one last tip: you can also do nourishing face mask and hold for 20 minutes.

9. Apples

This common fruit is very rich vitamins and microelements, and also contributes good digestion And deslagging the whole body.

Of course it's better to use them at the end of summer, when they are fresh, just ripened on the apple trees. In principle, this advice applies to any fruits and vegetables. But the fact is that apples can usually be preserved much longer than berries, for example.

10. Strawberry

Just like other raw fruits and vegetables, strawberries are full of healthy, wonderful nutritional benefits. Besides this, she is also very low in calories, which contributes losing excess weight.

I confess to you, this is one of my favorite products, so every year I look forward to the season of this berry!

All that remains is to urge allergy sufferers to be careful, as this delicious berry sometimes causes allergic reactions. Therefore, before you fill up on strawberries, check that move it.

And of course, don’t be discouraged if you have allergies. I also had it as a child; my parents forbade me to eat all red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.

But I was able to get rid of allergies! So why don't you get rid of it then?

11. Carrot

This super healthy vegetable also contains many vitamins and minerals and is especially beneficial for respiratory system, eyes and liver. Although regular use freshly squeezed carrot juice will generally lead to complete order your body!

Personally, I really like to start the morning with two glasses distilled water, after which I drink two glasses juice from carrots, beets, fresh ginger and turmeric. Sometimes I also add a little celery, fennel or citrus fruits !

It's a bit of a hassle, but the results are worth it!

12. Watermelon

If you would like flush the body, but you don’t want to fast, watermelon is what you need! Plus, if it’s a hot day and you don’t feel like eating heavy food, take advantage of the moment. Buy a large and sweet watermelon and go ahead to cleanse your body!

This huge, amazing berry is also full nutritious and healing properties . In addition to rinsing, watermelon will also enrich your body with many microelements.

Just don’t forget, watermelon, like melon, cannot be mixed with anything! But about separate meals, I will definitely publish a separate article!

13. Blackcurrant

This delicious berry, full of vitamins, minerals and healing agents, we usually don’t have time to bring it into the house, because when we collect it with our son, most of it goes straight into our mouths!

Black currant is one of the most healthy and nutritious berries and is especially useful for eyes and respiratory tract.

Sometimes, when the harvest is just great, I manage to make juice from black currant and add it to smoothie with bananas !

By the way, if you have a plot of land, I advise you to plant black, red and white currant bushes, and also raspberries. There are almost no worries or hassles with them. Just plant, wait for them to grow and receive pleasure from the harvest! Easy, simple and delicious!

14. Bananas

This high-calorie sweet fruit also very rich in vitamins and minerals. If you exercise intensely, you can use this exotic fruit in large quantities! It will help recruit muscle mass. But for those who lead sedentary lifestyle, it's better to be with bananas carefully ...

IN raw food recipes, banana takes center stage as it provides a very palatable base.

For example, for dairy-free ice cream or smoothies.

Also, from banana it turns out great face mask, which is very easy to prepare: just mash the banana with a fork and add a little lemon juice to prevent it from turning black. Keep for 15 minutes.

15. Pomegranate

Pomegranate - amazing fruit, containing inside itself a huge number of grains dark red color. And each grain also has a seed, so it’s better to just eat it with seeds!

Apart from this, I also love to cook apple pomegranate juice. It has great benefits, since both of these fruits are very rich in vitamins and microelements.

16. Cabbage

Fresh white cabbage contains almost everything necessary for a person vitamins and microelements, and it can be stored for a long time and not lose anything special.

She's great cleanses the intestines, A sauerkraut It also enriches it with beneficial bacteria.

From cabbage, I also regularly squeeze the juice into winter time. It goes well with apples and celery, as well as spinach.

17. Horseradish

This root has a sharp, piquant taste. bactericidal properties and makes a great addition to beet salad.

There is also a Japanese variety of horseradish, wasabi, which goes well with sushi.

Horseradish is also very useful for respiratory tract prevention. When my children had a cough before, I cooked for them carrot juice with horseradish and honey. This is an excellent remedy, it kills two birds with one stone: it enriches it with vitamins and minerals and acts as an expectorant.

18. Cucumber

Cucumber - low-calorie and desoxidizing vegetable. Despite the fact that it consists of 95% from water, there is still room in it for useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

Cucumbers are a great refresher for anyone. vegetable salad, and are also diluting base for green vegetable juices! If you use greens with too strong a taste, add a few cucumbers to the juice and see, even your kids will drink it without any problems! For example, this applies to juice from sorrel or celery.

19. Spinach

Spinach leaves - very rich in proteins, and also contain almost everything necessary for a person vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Also, it helps with detoxification of the body and is very useful for everyone who needs to replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body!

Spinach produces dark green, chlorophyllous, and rich color juices. I also recommend adding these super leaves to any salads with greens! They will only enrich them!

And of course, I don’t recommend boiling these leaves. I don’t recommend cooking at all, but for greens - especially, because from useful it transforms into harmful! Biochemical compounds change during heat treatment, and in this form the molecules are already are not absorbed by the body, and are deposited in it in the form inorganic salts, for example in the joints.

20. Freshly squeezed juices

All freshly squeezed juices contain a huge range of nutrients, which are also absorbed with extraordinary ease, due to the lack of fiber.

Of course, fiber is needed, but for those who need it irritates the intestines, for example, if you have colitis, freshly squeezed juices will be of great help for vitaminization and mineralization of the body !

For many ailments, start body regeneration with juice therapy - it will very effectively help improve your well-being!

This is where my list ends. I would be glad if you share with me your opinion, as well as your experience in improving your health.

See you soon at elenarou. May the Force be with you!