Sample raw food menu for a week. Raw food diet - the path to health or life from hand to mouth

01.09.2018 Lisa Shin

Go to proper raw food diet not for everyone. Why, you ask? Let’s figure out together how to make the transition correctly and everyone will draw their own conclusions as to whether they need it. Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and lose weight.

Raw food diet for beginners

I will share with you 10 tips on how to start the raw food diet. I'm not saying it's actually a way of life. Because in order to be healthy and happy, bright and shiny, the way you want to feel, you have to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

10 important rules of a raw food diet

If you follow these rules, you will be able to switch to a raw food diet comfortably without much difficulty.

Stock up on vegetables and fruits

Stock more fruits and vegetables in your kitchen as soon as possible. Eat as many fruits and as many vegetables as you like. This is an unlimited lifestyle - in abundance, if you do not want to limit yourself and be free in your food choices.

Smoothie for breakfast

Make it a rule to drink a large glass of water when you wake up, then 0.25 - 0.5 ml in your first meal for breakfast. juice or smoothie. This will help provide the body simple sugars from fruits that will keep you in good shape throughout the day. If you are looking for recipe ideas, you can find them at the end of the article.

Fruit lunch

The second meal for lunch is a huge portion of fruit. You can eat any fruit you want or make a salad out of it. Make sure you eat enough because it is important to eat the right amount of carbohydrates so that you don't feel hungry throughout the day. If you're worried about your stomach feeling too full, remember that your stomach is a muscle and will expand or contract to regulate the amount of food you give it.

Dinner: 2 options

Start your dinner with a small plate of fruit or just a large citrus fruit of your choice. And you can also replace fruit with salad. Salad recipes:


Don't forget to have enough physical exercise, increase your activity, devote at least 20 minutes a day to them. You want to be healthy and happy. It has been absolutely proven that exercise helps healthy image life.

Read about proper raw food diet

Train yourself to eat raw foods as much as possible. The Internet is full of raw sites dietary nutrition, so be selective and find out more information only from reliable sources. If you are really interested in a raw food diet and still have some questions, just write your review - comment below, I will find more for you useful information. Or if your question is quite interesting, I will answer it within new article.

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Get more rest

Get plenty of rest and sleep well. When you first start eating this way, your body experiences stress. Not having the habit of eating a lot of raw foods may cause some detoxification reactions, such as flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or feeling less than full of energy. Whatever it is, keep in mind that this is a restorative and rejuvenating diet. In order to recover, it is important to get enough rest. So sleep as much as your body needs, don’t limit yourself and enjoy your vacation.

Watch your calorie intake

This is probably one of the most important advice How to adopt a raw food diet and eat healthy: Make sure you eat enough calories. The number one reason why most people fail when starting a raw food diet. They think that eating 3 bananas and a salad a day is enough for them. But in the end they eat few calories and feel too tired, which is why they blame this type nutrition.


My last and final advice is because not very many people understand this. I just want to say: be gentle with yourself! It's difficult, you can understand. If a raw food diet is what you want, you can manage it and stay on track. Don't get upset or obsess over it, just continue to eat according to the rules.

Raw food diet for weight loss (video)

Transition to a healthy lifestyle

A person takes food in order to satisfy hunger, replenish the body with nutrients and energy. However, over time, eating food has become more of a pleasure for us than a natural process of maintaining the vital functions of the body. This was very skillfully used by chemists working in food industry, adding synthetic flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and many other harmful products to products chemical elements that poison and kill us. Dependence on tasty food is as harmful as addiction to alcohol and smoking.

To get started new life To cleanse the body of toxins accumulated as a result of poor nutrition, you must firmly grasp a simple truth: tasty does not mean healthy.

Proper raw food diet is the very beginning

A raw food diet is eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and cereal grains, in other words, live foods. At first it may seem like this is not enough to satisfy your hunger. But over time you will realize that you were deeply mistaken.

Nobody says to move from the usual delicious food It will be very easy to get started with a raw food diet. This requires some psychological preparation: It is useful to read literature on this topic, communicate with those people who have already become raw foodists, and see for yourself that this is possible and will be beneficial.

Proper transition to a raw food diet

After moral preparation, you can move on to action: look at the list of products available, learn how to grocery store resolutely walk past the “Bread”, “Milk”, “Groceries” departments straight into the “Vegetables and Fruits” department. Here you can choose what you like: grapes, apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, etc. A proper raw food diet begins with the selection of your favorite vegetables and fruits.


Dried fruits and nuts will help diversify your diet. You can switch to a proper raw food diet abruptly or gradually. Include more plant foods in your diet every day. Even if you are not able to completely switch to a raw food diet, you will begin to eat more raw fruits and vegetables - this will also bring significant benefits to the body.

Authorized products:

  • All fresh fruit;
  • all raw vegetables;
  • raw nuts and seeds;
  • raw cereals and legumes, sprouted or soaked;
  • dried fruits and meat;
  • nut milk;
  • raw nut butter;
  • cold-pressed olive and coconut oil;
  • fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut;
  • sprouts;
  • raw eggs or dairy products if desired;
  • raw meat or fish if desired.

Prohibited products:

  • cooked fruits, vegetables, meats and grains;
  • bakery;
  • roasted nuts and ;
  • refined oils;
  • table salt;
  • refined sugar and flour;
  • pasteurized juices and milk;
  • coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • industrial sauces and mayonnaise;
  • other processed foods and snacks.

Nuts and seeds are an important part of a raw diet because they provide protein, calories, healthy fats and other vital nutrients. You can eat any nuts and seeds you like:

  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • macadamia nuts;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pine nuts;
  • hemp seeds.

Raw food doesn't mean boring. For a variety of taste, add to your dishes:

Summer is the best time to switch to a raw food diet. The abundance of berries, fruits and vegetables makes the transition to a raw food diet tasty, healthy and enjoyable. IN winter period You can please yourself with apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, raisins, dried apricots and nuts. As you can see, the choice of products is not as small as it seems at first.

Easy to prepare

Appreciate the simplicity of preparation. Many raw foods are easy to prepare as long as you choose the right recipes. Find recipes that don't ask for exotic, hard-to-find ingredients. Indeed, sometimes there is no need to bother with recipes, but simply prepare the products and taste them raw in salads or whole.

Use various methods cooking to add variety, such as:

  • germination of seeds, grains and beans;
  • fruit and vegetable juice;
  • soaking nuts and dried fruits;
  • using a dehydrator (vegetable and fruit dryer).

Grains and legumes are an important part of a raw diet for consuming adequate calories and nutrients. Good grains and legumes for sprouting:

  • lentils;
  • millet;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • green buckwheat.

Raw food diet: reviews and results (video)

Disadvantages of the initial stage of raw nutrition

The first few months of a raw food diet may cause weakness and drowsiness. During this time, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity. Gradually, the body will get used to the new diet, cleanse itself, and restore the microflora. When everything discomfort go away, you will feel a surge of strength, an improvement in your mood, then the load can be gradually increased.

When switching to a raw food diet, there is no need for additional measures to cleanse the body, such as an enema. You should drink water only when you feel thirsty, since the required amount of liquid enters the body along with vegetables and fruits.

I hope you found this article helpful and learned how to start a raw food diet and stay fit and healthy.

Good day everyone! IN lately I didn’t talk about a raw food diet, unless I was lazy. This wave swept the entire West long ago and reached us a few years ago.

Raw foodists completely reject any heat treatment of foods, preferring to eat the gifts of Nature in their original form. Today I want to talk to you about proper nutrition on a raw food diet, how to stick to it and what it should be like.

Let's figure out what a proper raw food diet is. Nutrition, first of all, must be balanced. Many who hear about this type of nutrition for the first time mistakenly believe that a raw food diet is very bland, meager, boring and not tasty!

In fact, the taste fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits is so diverse and interesting that not only raw foodists can appreciate it. Still ordinary people, they hide this taste behind stewing, boiling and frying, thereby “killing” not only the beneficial elements, but also depriving them of their original taste.

A raw food diet (if it is followed correctly, of course), in itself already includes the basics of proper nutrition. Avoiding starchy, sweet and fatty foods has a beneficial effect on your health and figure. People who choose this lifestyle note how much more cheerful and better they begin to feel after just a short time.

Lethargy, drowsiness or insomnia disappears, relieves nervous tension in the muscles. It’s just that many people don’t even realize how much food affects our well-being and appearance.

By eating fresh berries, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables, we fill the body with essential microelements, nutrients and vitamins every day. But for a raw food diet to be truly beneficial, you need to eat right.

An example of a complete healthy raw food diet menu for 3 days

So how to eat? A raw food diet does not mean consuming just one type of fruit or vegetable. Below I will give sample menu, which will tell you how you can make your diet tasty, interesting and healthy.

Day one

Breakfast. Sprouted grains, 1 kiwi, 1 orange.

Snack. 2 bananas.

Dinner. Vegetable salad (cucumbers+tomatoes+greens), nuts.

Afternoon snack.

Dinner. Vegetable juice (tomato, carrot, pumpkin)

Day two

Breakfast. 1 kiwi, 1 orange, 1 banana

Snack. Apple and carrot puree

Dinner. Sea kale, pumpkin porridge with pine nuts and 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil

Afternoon snack. Any dried fruits (no more than 50 g)

Dinner. Vegetable salad of arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Day three

Breakfast. 2 apples and a handful of dried fruits

Snack. 0.5 avocado + glass of orange juice

Dinner. Cabbage salad with cucumbers, green buckwheat porridge with a spoon of olive oil.

Afternoon snack. Watermelon

Dinner. Raw vegetables and a handful of walnuts

This is just a sample menu that shows how varied and balanced a raw food diet can be. Show your imagination and you will get very tasty and interesting food. The more meager your menu is, the more temptations you will have to relapse and return to your previous type of diet. This should be especially taken into account by those people who are taking their first “raw food” steps.

Golden rules of raw foodism

  • Don't let yourself go hungry. Eat small meals at least four times a day. Beginners especially need to adhere to this rule, since due to hunger it will be easy to break down and snack on some junk food. Remember that a snack will protect you from breakdowns.
  • Never drink food, and you should stop drinking 30 minutes before meals. This will prevent excess gas formation and relieve discomfort.
  • Replace one snack with one glass of freshly squeezed juice or fruit drink.
  • Don't forget about the proteins. If you have eliminated meat, fish and eggs from your diet, then you need to very carefully monitor the amount of protein you consume, which you take from legumes, mushrooms or nuts. Remember that without protein it is not only possible beautiful body, but also good health.
  • If you buy nuts in a supermarket, be careful that they are not roasted, because this contradicts the basic law of a raw food diet.
  • Be sure to include grains in your diet. A new way of eating does not mean giving up cereals. In the evening, you can pour water over the sprouted seeds of green buckwheat and wheat. In the morning you will have a healthy, tasty and satisfying breakfast. Diversify your menu with lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and any nuts.
  • To feel comfortable throughout the day, you should not mix sugar and fat. Well, of course, we are not talking about candy eaten with a portion of pork. You should not eat sweet fruits (dates, dried apricots, etc.) with nuts and avocados.

If you want to switch to a new type of diet, but don't know where to start, take a look free materials Denis Terentyev, a raw foodist with five years of experience. In a concise and concise form, you will be taught the basic basics of a raw food diet and told how beneficial your new lifestyle will be for your health.

I hope I told you how to eat properly in order to stick to a raw food diet without harming your health? If you found this article useful, share the link with your friends!

The raw food diet, a fashionable way of eating today, preaches the idea that food becomes dead when it is processed at high temperatures.

This means that raw foodists are the only category of people who fully enrich their body with useful substances by eating properly, in accordance with human nature.

Raw Food Diet Basics for Beginners

In traditional cooking, there are many ways to prepare food without using heat treatment by boiling, frying or baking. Since ancient times, the preparation of fruits, berries and mushrooms for the winter was carried out by pickling, pickling, and drying. Dried fish, salted lard, balyk, sauerkraut and cucumbers are popular foods ordinary person, which omnivorous raw foodists will not disdain. A raw food diet can also be vegetarian; G. Carringston was the first to scientifically prove the benefits of eating exclusively raw foods agriculture.

Raw food diet - products

Raw food diet is a special way of eating in which the following foods are consumed:

  • NOT boiled.
  • NOT fried.
  • NOT smoked.
  • NOT baked.

At the same time, cold heat treatment is allowed, dried, dried and other methods of non-hot cooking are also allowed.

You can eat:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits, nuts, seeds and grains;
  • other products, depending on the form of raw food diet.

There is an opinion that a raw food diet is one of the strict forms of vegetarianism. This is an erroneous judgment, because there are different shapes raw food diet.

Stages of raw food diet

There are different stages (forms) of raw food diet:

  • Omnivore. Wide range food products are acceptable for an omnivorous raw food diet. The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. You can eat meat, fish, milk, eggs and seafood. Among the cooking methods, drying is appropriate.
  • Vegetarian. In addition to vegetables and fruits, raw food vegetarians can afford to drink eggs and milk, yogurt and other dairy products, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. Meat and fish cannot be eaten.
  • Vegan. Vegans are people who eat absolutely nothing related to the animal world. You can't have milk - a calf could drink it. You can’t have an egg—every egg you drink could hatch into a chicken. Meat and fish are the flesh of living creatures just like us. You can't eat them either.
  • Carnivorous. This form, on the contrary, recreates the way cavemen fed. The basis of a carnivorous raw food diet is animal products, especially meat, fish and seafood. At the same time, vegetables are allowed, but are not predominant in the diet. This form of raw food diet has its place, but is not as popular as the vegetarian one.

  • Fruitarian. Raw foodists who practice this form of nutrition do not even eat vegetables, not to mention animal products. Raw fruits are the basis and only component of their diet.

Raw food diet: where to start?

Waking up with the decision to become a raw foodist and suddenly switching to a special diet is shock therapy for the body, which can have unpleasant consequences. Before switching to a raw food diet, ask yourself: “Why do I need this?” Answer options:

  1. For company with a friend/boyfriend, so that there are more common topics.
  2. Many people say it's great.
  3. Raw food diet is trending.
  4. I don’t understand why cook food, because you can not cook at all, but eat everything raw.
  5. I need a raw food diet - that’s what my body wants.

All answers except the last one indicate the wrong approach. Give up the idea of ​​becoming a raw foodist - it’s not your thing. And even if the answer “5” fully reflects your thoughts and state of mind, you should weigh the pros and cons many times. The transition to a raw food diet should not be carried out independently without a medical certificate: not every person is able to survive the transition to a raw food diet and this lifestyle.

Contraindications to switching to a raw food diet

You can't be a raw foodist:

  1. People who want to become parents in the near or distant future. A raw food diet will not provide adequate nutrition to the reproductive cells, which can lead to infertility.
  2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers whose milk reflects what they eat. The baby should receive all possible beneficial substances from milk, and the mother should help him with this.
  3. Children and adolescents are growing organisms whose nutrition must be balanced. Raw food diet causes developmental delays, disruptions endocrine system and energy depletion.
  4. Old people. The metabolism of older people is slow, so it will be difficult for their body to synthesize useful substances from exclusively raw foods.
  5. Patients with stomach problems (gastritis, colitis, whose digestion of food is difficult).
  6. Patients with tuberculosis, whose body should receive maximum quantity wholesome and healthy food, especially protein-containing products: meat, fish, seafood, milk.

A raw food diet is recommended for people over 40 who have high blood pressure, overweight or gout. They are prescribed a special short-term raw food diet.

How to switch to a raw food diet from a regular diet?

  • Becoming a raw foodist for a long time is a serious choice for which the body needs to be prepared. For a very long time and smoothly – at least one year – the average person’s body must switch to a raw food diet. The body will need this time to completely adapt to eating from a new source of energy - raw food. The most difficult period for a raw foodist is the first winter, so try to start preparing for a raw food diet in the spring, and start a new way of eating next summer, when a raw food diet will be a pleasant pleasure due to the abundance of vegetables and fruits.
  • Gradually, smoked meats, meats and fish products, canned food and semi-finished products. Afterwards, you should limit yourself to flour and sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol, gradually removing these products from the diet.
  • Drink a lot of water. 2 liters is the minimum volume of liquid allowed when switching to a raw food diet. Do not overeat on fruits and vegetables containing fiber - the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract must be gradually accustomed to consumption raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Instead of the usual cereals, you can eat cereals and nuts, soaking them overnight in water. For example, oatmeal - left for 8 hours in water, in the company of dried fruits - is a completely decent raw foodist breakfast, not much different from everyday food. Fruit and vegetable salads– what is not tasty, familiar and healthy food from the point of view of a raw food diet? A lot of raw foodist dishes arouse the interest of the average person.

When eating a raw food diet, it is important to remember that the body, in addition to the vitamin-mineral complex, must receive sufficient, balanced amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. Meals per day can be from 2 to 6, depending on the individual needs of the body and the energy value of the products.

Switching to a raw food diet - possible consequences

There is no scientific or public consensus on the raw food diet. On the one hand, this is a natural (not distorted by civilization) way of feeding a person as a biological unit, which treats many diseases and helps improve the figure. On the other hand, it is a debilitating abuse of the body that can cause health problems.

Is a raw food diet healthy? Is it harmful? You should understand the experience of practicing raw foodists and medical experts.

The benefits of a raw food diet

People call for a raw food diet for two reasons: it is natural and it is healthy. It is natural for a person to eat a raw food diet, but not everyone is ready to decide on such a way of eating, losing in many ways compared to a raw foodist.

  • Raw food treatment. People often become raw foodists, having once switched to a similar diet in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous or digestive systems. Taras Gavur, a practicing raw foodist from Kyiv, switched to a similar diet for at least five years. The impetus for this was problems with the gastrointestinal tract. He was bothered by sharp pains radiating to his spine. On the recommendation of doctors, he paid attention to his diet and completely abandoned fried foods, and within five years he became a raw foodist. Reason for choosing a diet young man became his wife. The girl got rid of asthma by practicing a raw food diet.

  • Human battery charge. Raw foodists recognize that they have an abundance of energy resources. They are ready not only to work actively, but are also able to anticipate certain life events. According to Artem Voloshchuk, a cook at a specific cafe for creative vegetarians, the feeling of a surge of energy does not evaporate even after a hard day at work. According to statistics, raw foodists sleep less than the average person by 2-4 hours a day. A short six (or less) hours are enough to completely restore human biological resources. A raw foodist is full of energy and ready to work after a deep, quiet short sleep. A raw food diet refreshes the mind, meaning it makes you work nervous system more intense and productive: thoughts are clear, the mind is enlightened and ready to make the right decisions.
  • Raw food diet for weight loss. The transition to a raw food diet causes a sharp weight loss due to a decrease in the amount of energy-rich foods. Raw foodists cannot eat bread; they can eat porridge only if they are infused in cold water, meat and fish - only raw or dried (which not everyone can eat). Thus, very few high-calorie foods remain in the diet, which leads to the use of reserve resources (accumulated fats) to obtain energy for the day. For this reason, a raw food diet is sometimes prescribed in medicinal purposes as a temporary type of nutrition - diet. A constant raw food diet can become a habit for the body, which subsequently leads to weight regain.

The harm of a raw food diet

The picture of the raw food lifestyle would be more rosy if it did not cause health problems. Opponents of a raw food diet warn of irreversible negative consequences this method nutrition.

Raw food diet - the results of an experiment by a novice raw foodist

  • Avitaminosis. The period of transition to a special diet of raw foods is the most vulnerable to vitamin deficiency. An unbalanced diet causes insufficient intake of the vitamin-mineral complex into the body. The first symptoms of this are a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, and a weak ability of the body to heal wounds. Raw foodist Yuri Volkov shares his impressions of a 3-month painful transition to a raw diet. Abdominal pain, constant loss of strength and weakness, aggravated allergic reactions- the person suffered all this during a crisis transition period.
  • Poisoning. If the combination of raw foods is incorrect, the food may not be digested at all. Try to follow the rules of nutrition so that everything is in order with digestion. The second cause of poisoning is substances and microorganisms found in products. Meat or fish may contain worm larvae; raw legumes themselves can produce toxic substances in the stomach. A plant protein found in many foods that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Aggression . The transition period to a raw food diet can result in a lack of multivitamins of group B. This is a consequence of a vegetarian or vegan raw food diet, in which meat and other animal products are not eaten. B-vitamins are responsible for the ability to control oneself - mental calm. Imbalance among raw foodists often manifests itself in those people who lead the opposite lifestyle.

Raw food diet - reviews from practicing raw foodists

  • Forced consistency. The diet of a raw foodist is very strict. You can't do this, you can't do that. What if someone sees it? My conscience will torture me! This is especially true for those who are surrounded by people practicing this lifestyle. Here plays a significant role public opinion. But it is important to remember that you became a raw foodist at the call of your body, and if at the call of the same body you want to deviate a little from the intended path, then you need it. You will come to your senses, admit it is a sin and return to a raw food diet. Voloshchuk Artem, a raw foodist whom we mentioned earlier, frankly says that this personal choice every thing he eats. And you are doing a raw food diet exclusively for yourself - you don’t care what others think. Even if you call yourself a raw foodist and adhere to a certain image food - no one has the right to reproach you for eating a roll of sushi or a piece of kebab. First of all, it is important to listen to your body, and not other people’s words.
  • Expensive. This criterion hits not the body, but the wallet. For a city dweller shopping in a supermarket, purchasing a month of raw food diet costs the same as 2 or 3 purchases for 30 days of regular food. The exception is land owners who always have vegetables and fruits on hand - it is cheaper for them to eat a raw food diet than to spend money on meat. Eating in a restaurant for a raw foodist is an unaffordable luxury. It's not even a matter of prices, but the availability of establishments, of which there are very few even in the capital.

Raw food diet - menu

We found out how useful it is to be a raw foodist and how harmful it is to become one. All that remains is to try to cook something from the kitchen of a raw foodist to experience the taste of dishes prepared without hot heat treatment.

Raw food diet: menu schedule for the week

There is no strict raw food diet schedule. This is a way of life that takes several years to achieve and live constantly. Try not to forget about the necessary intake of calories and vitamins into your body. For this purpose, you need to be able to correctly combine foods when eating a raw food diet. There are several rules for this:

  1. Do not eat fat-containing foods (nuts, avocado, coconut) with sweet berries, dried fruits or fruits. A thoughtless combination of fat and sugar will result in fermentation in the stomach, minimizing the benefits of the foods eaten.
  2. But sour fruits (orange) are an exception to the previous rule. Acid promotes the breakdown of fat, and such fruits contain less fructose than others.
  3. In turn, sour foods (tomato, orange) should not be eaten with starchy foods (potatoes, banana). The carbohydrates that make up starch cannot be synthesized by saliva, which contains a lot of acid. It is better to avoid eating potatoes and tomatoes, and eat bananas with sweet fruits (mangoes, apples).
  4. An abundance of fat can lead to digestive problems. Don't eat fatty foods with fatty foods - avoid combining any of the following foods (nuts, coconut, avocado, vegetable oil).
  5. Eat everything with greens - they are ready to be combined with any other food.
  6. Eat fruits, sweet with sweet, sour with sour.
  7. Eat vegetables only with vegetables.
  8. Sprouts of grains or legumes, nuts soaked in water should be eaten as independent dishes, not combined with anything else.

Knowing the simple basics of combining products, you can create your own recipes.

Raw food diet, recipes

The raw food diet is interesting because of its inventive varieties of dishes. If you use a grinder kitchen appliances, you can prepare very tasty nutritional benefits.

Raw food diet - simple recipes for the first and second

  • Borsch. Even such a dish can be eaten by raw foodists, but it is prepared somewhat differently than we imagine. We chop the carrots and beets partly on a grater, partly in a blender. Celery and greens - cut as convenient for us. Mix everything, add salt (not table salt), spices and water. The first dish is ready. Please note that just enough water is needed to turn the thick mixture from a blender and coarsely chopped products into a slightly liquid dish, but not into slop.
  • As for the second courses, porridges of non-standard preparation predominate: cereals soaked in water, sprouted green sprouts of cereals and many other hearty foods. Vegetables, oils, and herbs are added to grains, turning them into worthy dishes that are pleasant to eat. For example, a salad of sprouted green buckwheat with cucumber, bell pepper and dill - varied, healthy and satisfying.

Raw food recipes for snacks

  • Almond cheese. Almond nuts in a volume of 2 glasses are poured a large number water and leave for 8 hours. After this, the swollen nuts are ground in a food processor, adding little by little mineral water(no more than 2 glasses). Lemon juice, crushed garlic and other seasonings are added to the mixture for taste. Place gauze folded in 3 layers into a deep plate. They pour out the pulp, tie the gauze scroll with a rope and hang it up, just like cheese. The bundle can hang indoors or outdoors moderate temperature air about 23 ° C.
  • Champignon mushrooms, which can be eaten even raw, can be marinated with green onions in lemon juice, salt and oil. Within 2 hours the dish is ready.

Raw food diet - sweets for every day and on holidays

Desserts are often based on nuts, dried fruits, bananas and other delicious foods. They are crushed, dried with dehydrate, laid in layers, mixed or frozen. The result is wonderful sweets: cakes, rolls, ice cream and other desserts.

Rafaelki. For 300 g of walnut kernels take 250 g of liquid honey, 3 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or nutmeg, ginger - as you like). Crush the nuts in a blender and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Roll in sesame seeds or coconut flakes. The result is an energy-rich dish that contains proteins and fats, which is important for maintaining the vital functions of the body.


Prepare drinks by mixing vegetables or fruits in a blender. For example, pumpkin, beets and apples in equal proportions or celery and banana are very tasty combinations. It's not hard to come up with own recipe drink If the juice or gruel turns out to be thick or concentrated, the mix is ​​diluted with water.

Fresh fruits and berries are very tasty and healthy.

Raw food diet: before and after

Becoming a raw foodist is a person’s personal choice. This is not to say that it is irreversible, but this is often what happens. A raw food diet is becoming not only a way of eating, but also a way of life.

The worst thing about a raw food diet is the transition to a way of eating that can destroy the body. Therefore, you need to change the menu very slowly and unobtrusively. Adaptation of the body should occur from 1 to 5 years so as not to cause complications.

When eating food in correct sequence and with the necessary energy value, a raw food diet will not turn you into a living skeleton. A raw food diet can maintain a person’s normal weight and enrich him with essential substances.

The choice is yours.

Hello dear readers of my blog! There are many reviews about the raw food diet as a nutrition system that helps achieve the desired results in improving the health of the body. I also recently wrote about doctors’ reviews of this nutrition system. Reviews are reviews, but they contain step-by-step instructions on how to become a raw foodist, where to start, etc.

People either praise the raw food diet or, on the contrary, condemn it. Raw foodists share their emotions, feelings, results. Where to start and how to completely switch to a raw food diet?! These are the questions that concern beginning raw foodists. And today we will talk to you exactly about this.

Before moving on step by step instructions, let’s figure out what types of raw food diet exist.

There are quite a lot of classifications of raw food diet. I decided to focus on the two most basic classifications.

The first classification divides the raw food diet into types depending on what is allowed to eat and what is not. There are 3 main types:

  • Vegetarianism (meat and fish are prohibited, dairy is allowed);
  • Veganism (ban on any food of animal origin);
  • Fruitarianism (only fruits are eaten).

There is also a classification of raw food diet based on the possibility of mixing:

  • Mixed raw food diet;
  • Raw mono diet (monotrophic raw food diet).

A mixed raw food diet involves mixing foods according to certain rules.

There is a special product compatibility table, which can be used to track the compatibility of a particular product with others.

Raw mono diet or monotrophic raw food diet is a diet that involves the consumption of various types products without mixing them.

It is up to you to choose which type of raw food diet is most suitable for your body. Perhaps today you will start with vegetarianism, and after a while you decide to switch to a raw mono diet.

Mistakes that new raw foodists make

Most often, the reason for the mistakes of beginning raw foodists is a lack of knowledge about the rules of a raw food diet. The reason may also be a lack of personal experience.

  1. Quick transition to a raw food diet. Always give us everything at once. Take your time! And then the result will not be long in coming. In addition, a gradual transition will save you from breakdowns and other problems. Remember that it takes an average of 5 months, and sometimes more, just to rebuild the intestines.
  2. New raw foodists forget to pay proper attention to hygiene. Plant foods are great for cleaning our teeth, but they do not replace toothpaste. The rule of oral hygiene has not yet been canceled.
  3. Many raw foodists neglect drinking water. The norm is 1.5-2 liters per day. In this case, the water must be purified.
  4. Movement is life. These are the words of the great ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. And he's absolutely right. Do not under any circumstances forget about physical activity. Many beginning raw foodists become fixated on their diet and neglect physical training. Remember that physical activity is necessary for the body in the same way as a healthy diet.

Raw food diet rules

  1. Graduality. The transition to a raw food diet should be gradual. It is necessary to accustom the body to new products without causing harm to it.
  2. Thoroughness. You need to chew your food as thoroughly as possible. In another case, it is much worse absorbed by the body.
  3. Moderation. You need to eat after the appearance of natural physiological hunger. In this case, portions should be small. This will greatly ease the work of your stomach and tune your body to accept new types of foods. By the way, for us girls this is an excellent rule for losing weight :)
  4. The Rule of Correct Temperature. Are you an avid lover of eating something straight from the refrigerator? We immediately forget about this lovely habit.. In hot or cold food temperature should be room temperature!

Apart from these four basic rules, you should also remember the rule of drinking water. Do not drink before or immediately after meals. The water must be clean. It is advisable to leave it for several hours or filter it. The norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.

How to safely switch to a raw food diet

I will never tire of repeating the main rule of a safe and painless transition to a raw food diet: “Gradually!” You must understand that our body cleanses itself slowly and only over time can it get used to a new diet.

So, where to start?

  1. Be sure to consult with a raw food expert. I can recommend the experienced raw foodist Denis Terentyev. Denis has been on a raw food diet for many years and has learned from his own experience all the pros and cons of a raw food diet. You can get it from him free consultations.
  2. Be prepared that all your eating habits need to change. Gradually, wisely, but change.
  3. It’s very easy to choose a menu for every day. On the Internet you can find not only various recipes for raw foodists, but also online stores where you can order the products themselves (legumes, grains, vegetables, juices, seasonings and much more). For example, an online store
  4. To prepare various dishes you will need household appliances, which is used by raw foodists. This is a blender, dryer, juicer, sprouter, etc.
  5. Read literature on raw food nutrition. Theory is always important because without it there can be no practice. There is an excellent book specifically for switching to a raw food diet. It was thanks to her that I learned a lot about raw food nutrition. It will be useful for both raw foodists and those simply interested in this nutritional system. The book is called " 12 steps to a raw food diet", author - V. Butenko.


Before changing your diet, make sure that raw food is not contraindicated for you.

  • children, teenagers, as the body is only growing and developing;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • elderly people (after 70 years) due to a significant deterioration in metabolism;
  • patients with ulcers, colitis or gastritis. Consumption of raw foods for these diseases can provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • Allergy sufferers (the consumption of foods that cause an allergic reaction is prohibited).

I hope it was useful to you.

Friends, write in the comments what you think about the mistakes of beginner raw foodists? How do you feel about physical education? I will be very interested in your experience and recommendations.

Many people are interested in the topic of eating raw foods, where and how to start a raw food diet, the basics for beginners and recipes for raw foodists. A raw food diet can benefit the body. However, you should switch to a diet very carefully, under the supervision of a doctor.

Products lose 75% during heat treatment useful substances, including vitamins, proteins and amino acids. Fresh vegetables and fruits saturate the body with elements without which it cannot function normally.

Consult a nutritionist before starting a raw food diet, especially if you suffer from kidney stones. It is recommended to switch to a nutritional system after your doctor’s approval.

Once at the reception, do not reveal all your intentions. The attitude of medicine towards a raw food diet is skeptical. Therefore, even after a visit to the doctor, you will have to draw your own conclusions. I would like to note the existence of factors that prevent the transition to eating raw foods. I will dwell in detail on three main ones.

  • The opinion of the external environment, which denies the strange food system. Many beginning raw foodists, unable to withstand the temptation, return to the standard diet.
  • Lack of awareness. To achieve your goal, you need to eat only raw foods and do it right. It's about about the choice, proportions and quantity of food.
  • The transition to a raw food diet is often accompanied by an exacerbation of old diseases and the emergence of new ones. This is caused by unbalanced consumption of raw food, in which the body does not receive enough nutrients.

After consulting with your doctor and thinking about it, gradually or abruptly switch to a raw diet. Let's look at both transition options in detail.

A sudden transition to a raw food diet

It will seem that the right and simple thing is a sharp transition when a person decides to instantly give up fried meat, boiled potatoes, pastries and other dishes. In reality, everything is not so simple. Over many years, the body gets used to a certain diet, and quickly switching to a different diet is problematic.

If you abruptly abandon traditional food, the body will constantly signal that it does not like food innovations. This manifests itself in the form of nausea, weakness, high temperature and dizziness.

Beginners claim that this state of the body is caused by restructuring digestive system. They are partly right, but do not forget that when eating raw food, the body experiences a lack of nutrients. The stage is temporary, but sometimes lasts several years, during which old sores appear and weak points body.

Smooth transition to a raw food diet

To avoid this situation, use the method of a smooth transition to a raw food diet, which involves gradually reducing the amount of cooked food consumed in favor of raw food. The method is the safest for health, since it helps prepare the body for a new diet and minimizes the likelihood of psychological and physical discomfort after giving up usual treats. As a result, the chance of a successful transition to a raw food diet increases.

The process is accompanied by “withdrawal” and problems with loved ones. This can be avoided if you act deliberately, smoothly and secretly. You should give up your usual food gradually. At first, exclude tea, meat, bakery products. The order of actions is arbitrary and the sequence of failures can be manipulated at your discretion. As a result, maintain friendship with the body and will not break down.

It is possible that in practice you will have to deviate from the chosen course several times. Raw foodists call this phenomenon a common breakdown, which is a simple satisfaction of the needs of the body, yearning for oven-baked salmon and delicacies.

Just don’t confuse “gluttony” with the needs of the body. If the condition does not improve even after several meals of traditional food, the reason is not a nutritional deficiency, but a lack of moral support.

On the way to your goal, problems with friends, relatives, and medical representatives will appear. To make the process go more calmly, it is better not to talk about raw food diet. At first, say that you are following a diet, the duration of which depends on the result.

Video experience and basics for beginners

Now I'll share a few useful tips for beginners. If you are new to the raw food diet, following the recommendations will increase your chances of success.

  1. Decide if you really need it. Only after careful and lengthy consideration make a decision that will radically change your life.
  2. Take control of your thoughts. If you imagine fried chicken, you won't achieve your goal. Get rid of such thoughts as quickly as possible and eat a raw treat: bananas or apples.
  3. As you move towards your goal, forget about parties, banquets and buffets. If you cannot avoid the event, take food with you. It doesn't hurt to find like-minded people. This will make things easier.
  4. Don't count yourself out greatest man, because they switched to species-specific nutrition. Eat your favorite foods and don’t preach a raw food diet, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid trouble.
  5. It is recommended to switch to a raw food diet in the summer, since during this period the likelihood of a breakdown is minimal. Summer is abundant with access to greens, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Don't forget, the world of raw food nutrition is rich and unknown. Having plunged into it headlong, track actions and watch the activity of your colleagues. Otherwise skip interesting discoveries.

What can a raw foodist eat?

Continuing the topic of the article, I’ll tell you what a raw foodist can eat. Let me look at a list of products that are popular among raw foodists.

Each region of the country is characterized by the cultivation of certain products. But thanks to supermarkets and garden plots, raw foodists do not have to starve.

  1. Fruit comes first . They should be present in the diet of every person who has switched to a raw food diet. Bananas, pears, apples, peaches and oranges will help lift your mood and charge you with energy and positivity. A similar effect will be provided by pomegranate, nectarine and other gifts of nature.
  2. Dried fruits and dried vegetables . These include dates, raisins, prunes, beets, carrots and mushrooms. If instead of store-bought products there is a homemade delicacy on the table, that’s great.
  3. Root vegetables and vegetables . In addition to zucchini, eggplant, cabbage and potatoes, the raw food diet includes turnips, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, radishes and radishes.
  4. Berries are a source of vitamins . Strawberries, lingonberries, currants, rose hips, blueberries, viburnum are an incomplete list of berries allowed to be eaten on a raw food diet.
  5. Nuts. If a person eats raw foods, the need for protein does not go away. Nuts help solve the problem. As you move towards your goal, make sure there are pistachios, peanuts, Brazil nuts or walnuts on the table.
  6. Cereals . They will provide protein and energy if the sprouts are sprouted and used as food.
  7. Seaweed, sorrel and spinach . They contain many microelements that help strengthen the heart. Romaine and lettuce provide a similar effect.
  8. Spicy herbs . Eat basil, parsley, dill, turmeric or green onions. Spices complement the taste raw foods and protect against harmful microorganisms.
  9. Honey – the source of longevity and youth . In addition to honey, eat beebread, royal jelly and pollen.
  10. Wild plants . If you like the exotic, eat wild plants, including quinoa and nettle. The plants are rarely used as food, but were once popular.
  11. Weeds and wild plants . Based on them, green smoothies are prepared according to many recipes.

I’ll add that instead of buying dried fruits, you can make them yourself using an electric dryer. Some products are suitable for freezing. Even with a raw food diet, you can prepare for winter.

Common mistakes when switching to a raw food diet

In conclusion, I will consider common mistakes made by beginning raw foodists, which have a bad effect on health and delay the moment of achieving the goal.

  • Rapid transition . The body needs time to adapt to a new diet, and haste increases the likelihood of breakdowns and stressful situations.
  • Alcoholic drinks And tobacco products . If you really decide to eat healthy food, from bad habits refuse.
  • Use small quantity water . Vegetables contain a lot of liquid, but drink at least two liters of water daily.
  • Lack of hygiene . On a raw food diet special attention spend time brushing your teeth. Some fruits and vegetables contain acids that destroy teeth, and toothache is an unpleasant thing.
  • Only food. Beginners are sure that a raw food diet is a panacea. This is wrong. Without walks, exercise, sunbathing and an active lifestyle, the body degrades.
  • Product abuse . Consuming nuts and sprouts in excessive quantities does not bode well. So that your stomach does not experience discomfort, and your body receives the necessary substances, eat a little of everything.
  • Ignoring hunger . Remember, a raw food diet is not fasting. If the stomach requires food, then satisfy the whim. By limiting your appetite, you prevent adaptation to a new diet.
  • Thoughts on food . Don't think about food - this will lead to anxiety, and people eat stress. Just in case, keep an assortment of raw food in the refrigerator.
  • Salt and spices . They increase appetite and create a desire to taste something delicious. Do not use them on a raw food diet.
  • Lack of attention to yourself . Listen to the sensations and monitor your stomach reaction. He may not like some food.
  • Refusal of traditional food . If you have a desire to eat