What do you need to do to become a farmer? How profitable is the profession of pharmacist?

Often, the work of a pharmacist-pharmacist is seen by an outside observer as a 10-hour stay behind the counter, during which you only need to dispense medications and punch receipts. In fact, pharmacy everyday life is much more varied, and the responsibilities of a pharmacist include many difficult and, often, unexpected tasks.

Without appropriate education, you cannot get a position as a pharmacist-pharmacist. The employer is waiting for applicants with a full package of documents: a university or college diploma in the specialty “Pharmacy” and a valid specialist certificate. We asked a pharmacy employee, who has been working as a pharmacist-pharmacist for 10 years, to talk about her typical working day and how things are going with her wages in branch.

To apply for the position of pharmacist-pharmacist in any Russian pharmacy, you need to graduate from a university or college in the relevant specialty. I studied at the institute by correspondence, but now there is no such opportunity - correspondence education in the specialty “Pharmacy” has been cancelled. So now those who want to become a pharmacist have a simple choice: either go full-time at a university, or choose a college that offers part-time and part-time study.

It was not easy to study, but it was interesting. I had to combine work in a pharmacy as a consultant with studies - studying in the evenings and weekends special literature and prepare for the session. Now, looking back, I don’t know how I survived it all: without the help of teachers throughout the entire learning process, it was very difficult to understand the subjects. But I did it.

What should a pharmacist know?

First of all, it is worth understanding that pharmacy is this is the same medical specialty, like any other. Many people believe that pharmacists do not need to understand anatomy, physiology, analytical chemistry and microbiology. high level, because pharmacists do not treat people. But this is not true: in all these areas we were trained as thoroughly as other doctors, and we often have more chemistry and biology in our program than in the programs of other medical areas.

And, of course, to these subjects are added core specialties that only we study, and which we will need to work in pharmacies: pharmacology, technology of pharmaceutical dosage forms, pharmacognosy, management and economics of pharmacy and many others.

Who is this job suitable for?

This type of work is suitable for those who are used to thinking about people and taking care of them. We should not be completely overwhelmed by the problems of those who come to us for help, because we must maintain composure and some detachment in order to calmly make a decision. However, we cannot demonstrate indifference: people rely on us.

Of course, such work will be difficult for an elderly person: our day is packed to capacity, we spend most of the time on our feet and are often forced to lift weights, make a hundred laps around the warehouse, and at the same time find the strength to warmly communicate with pharmacy visitors. Young specialists who are full of strength and energy will cope best with such activities.

— Today we are seeing an urgent need pharmacy chains in the influx of young personnel, agreesDeputy Director for Educational and Industrial WorkMoscowCollege of Pharmacy "New Knowledge"Andrey Kirichuk. – Average age pharmacy employees are 45-50 years old, and many of them have already reached retirement age, but continue to work because there is no one to replace them. Of course, it is difficult for them to perform their duties at the same level.

How much does a pharmacist earn?

What does a typical day look like for a pharmacist in a pharmacy?

At my pharmacy, the working day begins at 8 o'clock in the morning. You need to come a little earlier to check the availability of goods in the warehouse and hang price tags before opening. A very important step is checking compliance temperature regime for each category medicines.

Before the opening, as a rule, the pharmacy manager holds a planning meeting, at which the results of the past day are summed up and the day ahead is discussed. They announce sales plans to us, note the successes of employees, and explain the reasons for some failures.

Then begins the work that takes up most of the time - communicating with pharmacy visitors. This area is the most difficult: I have to not only dispense medications according to a doctor’s prescription (sometimes with difficulty understanding what exactly is written there), and also advise something on my own, because our people don’t like to go to the clinic. Most often the request sounds like this: “Advise me something for migraines.” To choose a medicine, you need not only to have a good knowledge of the pharmacy's assortment this moment, but ask a lot of questions to the person: who made the diagnosis, how the disease manifests itself, and so on. Only after this comes the turn of the recommendation, and even then taking into account the financial capabilities of the visitor.

Around lunchtime it's time to study. Yes, just like doctors, we constantly devote time to our professional development and continue to study even after we receive our diplomas. As part of such classes, we learn about new drugs and their characteristics, new scientific developments and trends in medicine.

In the afternoon, you need to be distracted by taking a new product and sorting it in accordance with the rules for storing medicines. Before finishing work, I fill out the cashier-operator’s journal, reconcile the proceeds “on paper” and “in person”. If I find an error, I look for its cause and eliminate it.

As a rule, it is in the evening that it is rush hour at the pharmacy. After work, people run in to buy something very important and necessary, and often they are not even stopped by the “Closed” sign. Of course, I also really want to go home, but sometimes, if a long line forms, I have to stay late to help people.

About people

Visitors are different. That is why I said that only those who really want to help people should choose such a specialty. Very often, we, pharmacists, are treated impolitely, begin to argue with recommendations or swear at the cost of medicines, although we have nothing to do with this at all. Sometimes a visitor cannot clearly formulate his problem and asks to recommend something literally at random. It happens that a person remembers the name of a medicine incorrectly and pronounces it incorrectly, and you need to guess what exactly he means. If you don’t figure it out right away, you may be accused of incompetence or impoliteness towards visitors.

All manifestations of our work must be treated calmly and with a fair amount of humor. We, like doctors, do not have the right to be irritated, angry and respond rudely to outright rudeness, because, often, under the guise of impoliteness a person hides confusion or fear.

Pharmacist salary

In general, our salary level is average for the market. Graduated pharmacist can qualify for a salary of 45-50 thousand rubles, and the head of a pharmacy receives from 60 thousand. Now, of course, I’m talking about the level of Moscow salaries; in the regions, specialists receive less.

With my salary of 45 thousand, it’s enough for me to raise two children with my husband, who earns a little more, and go on vacation to the sea every year. For four of us, we spend about 130-150 thousand a year on travel. We have our own apartment, which I inherited from my parents, so we don’t have to spend money on rent. Utility costs on average are 3.5 thousand rubles, food costs are about 20-25 thousand. We spend about 10-15 thousand a month on clothes for our children and ourselves. Part of the funds goes to help parents. Another expense item is children's entertainment. This costs about 5 thousand a month.

I really hope for a speedy progress career ladder– I dream of becoming a pharmacy manager, or perhaps even opening my own business: I have enough experience and knowledge.

Medicines existed even before the invention of writing. The ancient healers of different civilizations both treated and prepared medicines on their own. Scientific research The Greeks were the first to start this in the 4th century BC. Then the Romans took over this. As two separate professions, the doctor and the pharmacist began to exist only in the 13th century in Europe.

The words pharmacist and pharmacologist have a common root - the Latin pharma means “medicine”. The word “pharmacy” is already of Greek origin and simply means “warehouse”. In ancient times, Claudius Galen did the most to develop the pharmacy business. He classified all then existing medicines and this only reference book was then used for 1600 years! In the 15th century, to become a pharmacist, you had to study for 14 years! years: 4 years as an apprentice, 10 years as a pharmacist's assistant, and at the end it was necessary to pass many exams to obtain a license.

Over the years, pharmacology has developed, and the profession of a pharmacist has become more complicated, because the number of drugs has only increased.

Profession pharmacist - description

The job of a pharmacist is basically a pharmacy where he has to dispense medications. The responsibilities of a pharmacy salesperson include checking doctors' prescriptions (a very difficult job, given the traditional illegibility of their handwriting), dispensing medications according to these prescriptions, advising visitors regarding the correctness and safety of taking medications, keeping records of prescriptions, and coordinating product inventories.

A pharmacist must know how medications are made. He is also aware of all research and skillfully sells all drugs existing on the pharmacological market. He must understand which drug treats what.

In addition to working as a pharmacist, a pharmacist can work in a medicine warehouse. In organizations that collect and process material from which medicine will later be made. Research institutes and laboratories also need good specialists. In the case of intensive improvement of his professional level, the pharmacist becomes a pharmacist and leader of a team of specialists in this field.

The profession is difficult. Like a sapper, such a specialist has no room for error. A sloppy person is unlikely to cope, because the phrase “Clean, like a pharmacy” was not invented today. The main qualities of a pharmacist are excellent knowledge of chemistry and botany, attentiveness and responsibility, the ability to understand the indications and contraindications of drugs for use, and compare characteristics with similar drugs.

Profession pharmacist - pros and cons

The work of a pharmacist has its own the good side and "undercurrents". But when choosing just such a profession, you need to remember that:

  • It takes a long time to study pharmacy. For a pharmacy worker with higher education(pharmacist) 6 years at a medical university, and then another 1 year of internship. To become a pharmacist, a secondary specialized education is sufficient - 4 years in college.
  • The work is intense and focused. If it is a shift shift, then the shift may fall on a Sunday or a holiday.
  • The work is mostly standing, so the legs suffer.
  • Big risk become infected from visitors.
  • Working with people, therefore it is necessary to have psychological skills and a sense of humor.

On the positive side:

  • the work is interesting and provides potential for development;
  • workers in this industry are always needed;
  • the salary is not big, but stable;
  • work in comfortable and clean conditions.

Profession pharmacist - salary

If in Ancient Rome Only 1/3 of the population could afford to pay for the services of a pharmacist, but today the salaries of drug experts average 35,000 - 40,000 rubles.

After working for 2 years, the average pharmacist can count on a salary of 40-50 thousand rubles. IN different cities rates vary. In private pharmacies, employees are provided with bonuses.

Work schedule can also adjust the amount of payment.

The profession of pharmacist is in demand

The number of pharmacies in the country just now is about 20,000. And there are even more than 40,000 pharmacy kiosks. And they are all waiting for young specialists. 60% of TV advertising consists of hygiene products and medications.

It's no secret that pharmaceuticals are a very profitable business. There are not many higher educational institutions in the country that would train pharmacists.

There is a clear shortage of good specialists, which is why Internet sites and newspapers are full of job offers. This means that getting a job with education as a pharmacist will not be difficult.

Nowadays to modern man It is almost impossible to do without medication when he or his relatives are sick. And sometimes you just need to purchase or to keep your body in good shape and carry out preventive measures. In large and small cities you can find many pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks. What awaits us on the shelves? Packages of tablets, capsules, injection ampoules, heating pads, blood pressure monitors, pipettes, elastic bandages, thermometers, ointments, suspensions, syrups, glucometers... the list can be long.
Some people have the mistaken opinion that the pharmacist who dispenses all pharmaceutical products is just a salesman in a clean white coat, deftly taking out beautiful and bright packages with liniments, dragees, drops from many drawers and cabinets. So MirSovetov decided to talk about what pharmacists do, to reveal their features and subtleties difficult work. This article will also be useful for those who want to connect their lives with medicines and patient treatment. Getting it right in life is not an easy task.
So what knowledge and personal qualities are important for pharmacy workers?

General information about the profession

A pharmacist is a qualified specialist involved in the preparation of drugs, their research, quality control, storage and dispensing (sale). The profession is prestigious; it is in seventh place in terms of demand. The word "pharmacist" has a very ancient origins, translated from Greek it means “he who gives healing and protects from disease.” In ancient times, there were healers who successfully tried to treat people with drugs that they themselves prepared. And only in the thirteenth century in Europe there was a division of labor and responsibilities between pharmacists and doctors. At first, in Russia, drug experts were simply called pharmacists.
You can get this socially significant specialty in pharmaceutical colleges or in pharmaceutical departments medical colleges or schools It will take about 3 years to master all the intricacies. If you wish and try, over time you can become a chief pharmacist - pharmacist, having completed full-time or full-time training at an academy, university or institute. by correspondence, combining work and study.
At school it's worth Special attention devote to the study of chemistry, botany, anatomy, mathematics. Responsibility, care and good memory will be very useful in further studies.

Some salary information

I’ll just name the average numbers:
  • throughout Russia it ranges from 15,000 to 21,000 rubles;
  • in small towns and villages – from 12 to 19,000 rubles;
  • in Moscow it is much more - from 32 to 42,000 rubles.
Pharmacists successfully work in the following organizations and institutions:
  • in pharmacies, and of any form of ownership - private, municipal, state;
  • in large and small warehouses;
  • in centers that monitor the quality of medicines and pharmacy departments;
  • in laboratories, research institutes (research institutes) and other institutions involved in the creation of new drugs, collection and processing of medicinal plants;
  • at pharmaceutical plants and pharmaceutical factories engaged in industrial production of drugs;
  • in pharmaceutical companies producing drugs, being their medical representative.

Knowledge and skills

All my life I remember the apt saying of the Indian doctor Sushruta, read a long time ago in one of the books on Ayurveda (the science of life): “The medicine is in the hands knowledgeable person is likened to immortality and life, in the hands of an ignoramus - to fire and sword.”
There is an opinion among teachers that either gifted individuals or very diligent people can become a good pharmacist. After all, in classrooms and offices educational institution The future specialist will have to study many special disciplines. I will list just a few of them:
  1. Pharmacology is a science that helps to understand how a drug affects the body, introduces doses, side (undesirable) effects and contraindications.
  2. Pharmacognosy is a very interesting and promising science that studies medicinal plants, animal raw materials (bee, snake venom, placenta) and preparations that contain them. This knowledge will help you understand beneficial features plants and learn to compose medicinal teas and fees for the healing of many ailments.
  3. Pharmacotherapy is the study of diseases and the principles of their treatment with drugs.
  4. Medicine technology is a subject in which one learns how to properly prepare dosage forms according to doctors’ prescriptions and the requirements of medical institutions, seal them, and arrange them accordingly.
  5. Pharmaceutical chemistry– a science that provides knowledge on how to properly control the quality of prepared dosage forms.
  6. Organization and economics of pharmacy (abbreviated as OEF) - introduces the basics of organizing the work of pharmacies, the rules for dispensing drugs from pharmacies and storing them.
Great importance is currently being paid to students studying computer technology and application programs that will be useful in further work.
A special role is also given to the basics of psychology, bioethics and deontology, because a pharmacist communicates with people all day.
And you can’t do without knowledge of Latin, because you’ll have to read prescriptions written out in illegible doctors’ handwriting.
In addition, you must be able to master the skills of working on modern cash registers, because in many pharmacies the positions of pharmacist and cashier are combined.
The educational process is replete with many hours of practical training in laboratories and classrooms specially equipped for these purposes.
To master a profession related to human health and life, you will need a lot of strength, endurance and determination.

Important Personal Qualities

Today, a qualified pharmacist is required to possess a huge amount of knowledge and constantly improve it independently, because new drugs often appear on the pharmaceutical markets. This requires a unique memory, diligence, accuracy, high self-control, organization, and responsibility for the results of one’s activities. The distinctive qualities of people in this profession are honesty, humanity, endurance and patience, goodwill, and philanthropy. From my own experience I am convinced that the most healing of all medicines is warmth. A sensitive, attentive attitude towards each patient will help instill in a person’s mind confidence that the medicine will definitely help him. When communicating with sick people and their relatives, irritability, indifference, arrogance, haste in service, short temper, and resentment are unacceptable. Sick people need rudeness and irritability, which they often manifest, voluntarily or unwittingly. We must be able to understand such people who are in stressful situation and those faced with illness. Communication skills and responsiveness will help you avoid conflicts and receive moral satisfaction from the fact that you were able to contribute to the patient’s recovery.
A person who decides to master the specialty of a pharmacist must also be prepared for the disadvantages and difficulties. Here are some of them. Be prepared for the fact that the work schedule will be “sliding”, that is, you will sometimes need to work on weekends and holidays. You have to spend a lot of time standing; by the end of the shift, your legs get tired, swell, and “hum.” There are also occupational diseases - the joints and veins of the extremities are susceptible to them. The risk of respiratory tract diseases is also high, because people with other infections also go to the pharmacy. I confess to you, it is not easy to work all day when there are flu epidemics, wearing a “mask”. Then there is no time to sit down even for a minute.

Job responsibilities when working in a pharmacy

A pharmacist is required to know:
  1. Not only normative legal acts regulating its work, but also legislation Russian Federation, amendments and annexes to them from local authorities relating to pharmacy.
  2. Fundamentals of all pharmaceutical disciplines.
  3. Classification, nomenclature and purpose of drugs and pharmaceutical products.
  4. Rules and methods of providing first aid.
  5. All the subtleties of preparing dosage forms in a pharmacy and the features of their storage and dispensing.
So what does a pharmacist do in a pharmacy?
  1. Provides the population with medicines, taking into account the demand and need for them. Compiles orders for medications and pharmaceutical products in a timely manner.
  2. Together with other employees, he accepts the goods, correctly arranges them in storage areas, taking into account the proper conditions and features in accordance with the rules.
  3. Dispenses (sells) finished and prepared medications in pharmacies to clients with (and without) prescriptions and supplies hospitals and other institutions according to formalized requirements.
  4. Carefully ensures that recipes and requirements are completed correctly.
  5. Checks the compatibility of ingredients and the appropriate doses for the patient’s age. There is no doubt that it is the exact dose that makes any substance a powerful medicine that defeats diseases, or a poison that leads to death.
  6. Prevents medical errors.
  7. Engaged in the production of dosage forms (powders, mixtures, ointments) according to recipes or requirements from hospitals, observing all the rules.
  8. Carries out internal pharmacy quality control, expiration dates, identifies counterfeit drugs and removes them from sale.
  9. Informs and advises patients about the methods of using medications, doses and time of administration, and tells how to properly store the drug at home. Often a sick person goes to a pharmacist rather than a doctor for help and prescriptions. It is important to listen to the patient and provide him with all possible help. For example, offer a remedy for intestinal disorders or fever. But if the symptoms are serious, then it is unobtrusive but convincing to recommend visiting a doctor.
  10. It happens that the patient suddenly becomes unwell, then it is necessary to provide pre-medical assistance before the arrival of the patient.
  11. Complies with all sanitary and hygienic standards and pharmaceutical regulations.
  12. Complies with safety requirements when working with devices and equipment, against fire safety.
  13. Organizes the workplace rationally.
  14. Follows the rules of ethics and morality in professional communications with clients, doctors and employees of his team.
  15. If required, informs doctors about new drugs and changes in the rules for dispensing drugs from the pharmacy.
In addition to the above, pharmacy employees are financially responsible persons and are responsible for the safety of medications and funds.

Specialist rights

A pharmacist has the right:
  1. Receive the information necessary for the quality performance of their professional duties.
  2. Increase your level of knowledge in special courses held once every five years, and receive a certificate of the appropriate type; undergo certification to be assigned a qualification category.
  3. Accept Active participation in the work of pharmaceutical circles, conferences, meetings, competitions, exhibitions.
  4. Based on the experience gained, introduce new technologies and improve the organization labor activity middle pharmaceutical level.
  5. Make rational proposals and ideas to your management to improve the quality of service to the population with medicines and pharmacy products.

Responsibility for violations in professional activities

Offenses for which the pharmacist will have to answer:
  1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties and tasks assigned to the employee - within the limits provided for and determined by the paragraphs of the current labor legislation of the country.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of work - in accordance with civil, administrative and even criminal legislation.
  3. In case of causing material damage to the enterprise - compensation provided for in paragraphs employment contract, civil and labor codes Russian Federation.
As you can see, dear readers of MirSovetov, the work of a pharmacist is important, interesting, but at the same time very difficult and responsible. And not everyone can cope with such a large volume of responsibilities and knowledge that must be kept in mind and constantly improved. Therefore, if you are still inclined towards a career as a pharmacist, then I advise you to find time and sit in trading floor, or better yet, stand for 3 hours or more. Observe the actions of the pharmacist, I believe that you will become an eyewitness to several conflict situations, which an experienced specialist will be able to resolve correctly. Then you will be able to understand whether it is worth choosing such a profession for your whole life.
And now I would like to touch on one more thing important point. I assure you, my dear readers, that a true pharmacist first of all thinks not about making a profit, but about how to help a sick person. And if you have a small one, don’t be embarrassed, tell the pharmacist about this, that there is not enough money for the medicine prescribed by the doctor. In this case, a solution will be found; they will recommend a synonym, that is, a drug containing the same active ingredient, but cheaper. MirSovetov sincerely wishes everyone sensitive and friendly pharmacists at the nearest pharmacy and good health!


Everyone who wants to master this profession thinks about how to become a pharmacist. You should not believe the false opinions that it is enough to complete the courses, as in the situation with an accountant. You need to study this specialty for more than a year. And you won’t be able to spend this time on your student youth.

Hobbies should be chemistry, biology, Latin language, and meetings with friends will have to be postponed until you have studied everything that was asked. However, if you really want to become a pharmacist, then there should be no problems with this. On the contrary, desire will already be half the success.

Desire to be a pharmacist

I want to be a pharmacist! This thought may come spontaneously, or it may be inspired by a book or film, and the example of parents. This profession is one of the oldest. Its goal is to help people cope with diseases, to alleviate their condition, to prevent the emergence of new or progression of old pathological conditions.

The job of a pharmacist is to prepare prescription drugs, which is no longer common these days, and to sell medications as prescribed by a doctor. He should also know which drugs are sold strictly according to a special prescription, and which ones can be sold anyway.

To become a good pharmacist, and indeed a specialist in your field, you need to master all the subtleties modern technologies sales, understand the principles of marketing, have a good idea of ​​the target category and, of course, own a computer.

To become a pharmacist, in addition to receiving specialized education, you need to constantly study the updated drug market and always be aware of new products and the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, a person often, and this is no secret, goes to a pharmacy, like to a doctor’s clinic, for help. He describes all the symptoms and complaints, hoping that the pharmacist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Why do patients do this? separate question. The employee’s task is to listen carefully to the buyer, gently recommend contacting the right specialist and provide all possible assistance in alleviating the patient’s condition.

And the main thing here is not to make a mistake when a certain drug is recommended, especially for potent drugs. It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis only from the patient’s words, without examination and tests.

The main motto is: do no harm, do not recommend if you don’t know. Even a strong desire to become a pharmacist with the goal of helping people should not contradict the principles that the patient can demand, threaten, but the pharmacist is not obliged to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, this is not his area of ​​responsibility. Everyone must do their job. But all this should be presented in a friendly and polite manner, without rudeness.

How to become a pharmacist?

When you realize that that’s it, I want to become a pharmacist, the first thing I start with is searching for an educational institution. This could be a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. To enter, you must be good level subjects such as chemistry, biology, physics, algebra, Russian language. Chemistry, biology, physics - this is clear, but what is the rest for, that is the question. But without mastering algebra, it is impossible to compose medications, and without a good knowledge of the Russian language, a pharmacist will not be able to write down his observations. Without this knowledge, it will not be possible to be a high-level pharmacist.

Personal qualities to become a pharmacist

It’s also important here personal characteristics: perseverance, efficiency, desire to learn (not only at the institute, but constantly throughout your life to keep your skills and knowledge at the proper level), good memory to remember a large number of medications (and keep them in mind all the time). Communication skills and the ability to communicate calmly and calmly with patients even under stress are important. Times are turbulent, people are in a state of chronic stress, so an attack of unmotivated aggression can be provoked by any careless word.

If all of the listed qualities are present, and most importantly, an unshakable desire, then the likelihood of becoming a pharmacist is very high for you, you can safely apply to the Faculty of Pharmacology.

But there are also certain medical contraindications for this profession. These include diseases of the organ of hearing, vision, disorders of smell or touch, various neurological disorders, mental, psycho-organic syndromes, diseases of the joints of the hands, decreased muscle tone, atopic dermatitis, eczema, a tendency to allergic reactions. This point must be approached with all responsibility, so that it does not turn out that the training is completed brilliantly, and one of the listed pathologies does not provide the opportunity to devote oneself to what one loves.

In order to master the profession of a pharmacist, it is enough to graduate from college, where they are accepted after the ninth grade. And if you wish, you can get a higher pharmacological education and become a pharmacist, for this you need to provide the results of the Unified State Exam.

The profession of a pharmacist is interesting and responsible; it requires full dedication and constant self-improvement. If difficulties do not frighten you, if this is the dream of your whole life, then you can safely plunge headfirst into the pool. But if there is even a grain of doubt, then you need to weigh all the pros and cons, so that later it will not be painfully disappointing to quit studying halfway through. If everything is balanced, and your desire to become a pharmacist is still strong, do not hesitate to go to study.

The need to understand numerous modern medicines led to the emergence of a new specialty. The profession of a pharmacist involves working with medications and various chemicals in pharmacies and large medical centers.

Not everyone understands what a pharmacist does. Many people mistakenly believe that its scope of activity is limited only to pharmacies, but in fact, representatives of this specialty can be found in pharmaceutical warehouses, research institutes, laboratories, pharmaceutical service management bodies and even in industrial production. The pharmacy employs a practicing pharmacist, whose task is to give the visitor the medicine prescribed by the doctor, and also explain how to use it and in what doses to take it. Undoubtedly, in addition to an excellent knowledge of chemistry, for this you need to have knowledge of medicine, and it is not without reason that it is generally accepted that either the gifted or the diligent can study to become a pharmacist.

Working as a pharmacist

The work of a laboratory pharmacist consists of conducting analysis of various drugs and chemicals. Also, a pharmacist certificate allows you to get a job in control authorities and in a drug production factory. A pharmacist is also required in medicine warehouses: an ordinary storekeeper will not be able to accept the goods, since he is unlikely to understand what kind of cargo was delivered to him. In addition, the pharmacist knows better how best to store drugs so that they do not spoil. It is obvious that the profession is necessary and useful.

Pharmacist salary

How much does a pharmacist earn? It all depends on where and with whom he works. For example, working in a factory, he can earn up to 12-15 thousand rubles per month. The average monthly salary of a pharmacist in Moscow, if he works in a pharmacy, is 27 thousand; for the same period, a pharmacist in the regions receives from 19 to 24 thousand. Wage The number of pharmacists on the staff of the research institute is small, but at the same time the state provides him with a number of grants and all kinds of allowances, in total with the basic salary they can give about 30 thousand.

Requirements and job responsibilities of a pharmacist

Requirements for a pharmacist as a person working with toxic substances, are quite high. There are personal qualities of a pharmacist, including philanthropy, excellent memory, the ability to bear responsibility, make decisions, and think logically. Honest, calm, humane, responsible - this is how a pharmacist should be, there is also an unwritten code of ethics pharmacist, which includes all the listed qualities and, above all, the fact that the doctor must maintain medical secrets.

Pharmacy is at the intersection of two sciences - chemistry and biology, so what a pharmacist needs to know is considered in several disciplines at the same time. Properties various substances, their chemical reactions, the effect on the human body is not all that any practicing pharmacist has to deal with. In this regard, you have to study to become a pharmacist for several years in a row, straining all your strength, although, on the other hand, all professions related to medicine in one way or another are difficult to master. Thus, the specialty of a pharmacist requires serious endurance and preparation of someone who decided to become one and goes towards this goal no matter what.

How to become a pharmacist

IN medical universities, where those who have passed chemistry and biology can study to become a pharmacist, mandatory advanced training for pharmacists is also carried out. There it is possible to study to become a pharmacist part-time and part-time; in any case, the training of pharmacists will be at a high level. Thus, this profession requires significant effort in order to master it, as well as a certain mindset and inclinations.

and pharmaceutical personnel)


7-10 digits

Tariff and qualification characteristics of a pharmacist (7 - 10 categories)

Section: Document samples

Document type: Characteristics

and pharmaceutical personnel)


7-10 digits

Job responsibilities. Receives prescriptions and requirements from medical institutions, dispenses medicines and medical products. Manufactures medications and checks their quality using the simplest methods of in-pharmacy control. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, ensures storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules. Conducts health education and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

Must know: the laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on pharmacy issues, the basics of pharmaceutical business, the basics of economics and the principles of organizing pharmaceutical services, the technology of manufacturing medicines in a pharmacy, the rules for their storage and dispensing, the nomenclature of medicines and medical products, the rules for providing first pre-medical care medical care legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Characteristics from the place of work

Aelita Averina Expert (475) 2 years ago


Full name – date of birth, last place work and position, financial experience.

He has proven his abilities in organizing the work of his subordinates.

Constantly monitors current changes in the regulatory framework, and also aims to improve his professional qualifications.

Fully adheres to corporate norms and rules, has excellent business communication skills.

He is hardworking, has a high capacity for work, and in every possible way supports the work of the company in difficult moments, including after school hours.

According to my personal and business qualities Full name is a worthy candidate for obtaining a qualification certificate from the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia “Professional accountant - chief accountant, expert accountant (consultant)”.

Olga Lazareva Master (1745) 2 years ago

Characteristics for a pharmacist sample

In truth, Ben Cohn does not overthrow them, the pharmacist is a sample characteristic. I can hear the bushes already cracking about the characteristics now. Characteristics for a pharmacist sample downloaded 1031 times. Characteristics for a pharmacist sample was downloaded 1715 times today. Characteristics for a pharmacist sample. A person with an average qualification is appointed to the position of pharmacist. The Englishman circled the pharmacist at the other samples sitting. Characteristics for a pharmacist sample. Sample reference form from the place of work. Characteristics for a pharmacist sample is recommended for downloading. I have never kicked a lying sample has disappeared, and the characteristic in the pharmacist. A little more and we inhaled the fresh night pharmacist's characteristics, as if in mockery.


1.1. A pharmacist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person with a secondary education is accepted for the position of pharmacist. professional education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a specialist certificate in the specialty "Pharmacy", without presenting requirements for work experience <1>.

<1> A person with secondary vocational education ( increased level) in the specialty “Pharmacy” and a specialist certificate in the specialty “Pharmacy” without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The pharmacist must know:

— laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmacy issues

- basics of pharmaceutical business

— basics of economics

— technology for the manufacture of medicines, rules for their storage and dispensing

— nomenclature of medicines and medical devices

— rules for providing first aid

— methods and means of pharmaceutical information

– medical ethics and deontology

— psychology of professional communication

— basics of labor legislation

— Internal labor regulations medical organization(institutions)

— labor protection and fire safety rules

— ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. A pharmacist is guided in his activities by:

- real job description

1.6. During the absence of a pharmacist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. A pharmacist belongs to the third qualification level of the professional qualification group “Nurse medical and pharmaceutical personnel” (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 06.08.2007 N 526) <2>.

<2> For the job description of an employee of a budgetary institution.

1.8. ___________________________________________________________________.


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  • Home / Job Descriptions

    Job description of a pharmacist

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    pharmacist (.doc, 90KB)

    I. General provisions

    1. A pharmacist belongs to the category of specialists.
    2. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of pharmacist
    3. Appointment to the position of pharmacist and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the institution.
    4. The pharmacist must know:
      1. 4.1. Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on pharmacy issues.
      2. 4.2. Basics of pharmaceutical business.
      3. 4.3.

        Fundamentals of economics and principles of organizing pharmaceutical services.

      4. 4.4. Technology for the manufacture of medicines in pharmacies, rules for their storage and dispensing.
      5. 4.5. Nomenclature of medicines and medical products.
      6. 4.6. Rules for providing first aid.
      7. 4.7. Labor legislation.
      8. 4.8. Internal labor regulations.
      9. 4.9. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    II. Job responsibilities


    1. Carrying out activities to organize drug supply for the population (creating demand for medicines and medical products, determining the need for them, drawing up an order for medicines).
    2. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, ensures storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.
    3. Manufactures medicines taking into account the specific characteristics technological process in the conditions of pharmacies and pharmaceutical enterprises.
    4. Conducts quality control of medicines at the stages of manufacturing, transportation, storage and sales.
    5. Dispenses manufactured and finished medicines and medical products manufactured in pharmacies.
    6. Determining the correctness of prescriptions /requirements/ (correspondence of prescribed doses to the patient’s age, compatibility of ingredients) for various drugs, incl. poisonous and potent, taking into account existing requirements for their release.
    7. Provides advisory assistance to packers on packaging medicines.
    8. Monitors single and daily doses of drugs of lists A and B, calculations total mass and the volume of the drug and its individual ingredients by weight, volume and drops. Monitoring the expiration dates of medicines.
    9. Ensures compliance with pharmaceutical procedures and sanitary conditions in the workplace.
    10. Complies with occupational health, safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements.
    11. Prepares documentation on pharmaceutical activities, rational use production equipment, instruments, apparatus, small-scale mechanization, electronic computing and computer equipment.
    12. Complies with moral and legal standards of professional communication.
    13. Implements rational organization labor.
    14. Conducts health education and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.
    15. Provides first aid in emergency situations.


    The pharmacist has the right:

    1. Access to information necessary for the high-quality performance of the functional duties of mid-level pharmaceutical personnel.
    2. To improve the labor organization system for mid-level pharmaceutical personnel based on best practices and the introduction of new technologies.
    3. Make proposals to management to improve the availability and quality of medicinal care to the population.
    4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections of pharmaceutical associations.
    5. Improve your qualifications and undergo certification for assignment of a qualification category.

    IV. Responsibility

    The pharmacist is responsible:

    1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill your job responsibilities provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.