Fauna around. Work program “fauna around us”

KVN for parents and children “The world around us. Fauna and flora"

KVN "World around us» Target: update knowledge parents and children about the animal and plant world

Presenter: - Hello, children! Hello, dear parents and guests!

Earth - home for everyone who lives on it. You and I must protect the nature of our planet. I invite everyone to the club of cheerful and resourceful people. Today two teams take part in KVN "Ants" And "Sparrows". Let's greet them. (music sounds “We are starting KVN”).

The theme of our KVN "World around us» . Today we will take a journey into the world of nature, our KVN will reveal which of the teams is the best connoisseur of nature.

For our competition to be real, we need to choose a jury. I invite you to judge our competition... . parents and our guests - the guys from the hydraulic brigade of school No. 10 "Green Troop"

Pay attention to the scoreboard. It is made in the form "Trees". And here they lie "Leaves". How many points will each team receive? "Leaflets" We will put it in the pocket of the corresponding team.

So, the first competition "Team Greetings".

Team greetings

Team greeting "Sparrows". SLIDE №1

Not a blade of grass is visible

The bird's trill has fallen silent,

And only sparrows

They chirp all day long.

The children bow. Applause. The leader invites another team. Team greeting "Ants". SLIDE No. 2

The ants are hurrying,

Not lazy, not stupid

One after another along the path

They drag grains and crumbs.

Presenter: - These are the hardworking ants, even though they are small sprouts.

Contest "Warm-up". SLIDE No. 3 -8

Riddles about animals

1. I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel.)

2. Don’t meet me when I’m hungry,

I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf.)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter it rests in a den. (Bear.)

4. There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog.)

5. Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,

I got into the barn and counted the chickens. (Fox.)

6. The long-eared coward climbed into the garden,

I saw a carrot, quickly grabbed it and put it in my mouth. (Hare.)

I ask the jury to evaluate both teams.

Contest "What kind of bird" SLIDE No. 9- 13

1. Who's on the tree for a bitch, counting leads: ku-ku, ku-ku? (Cuckoo.)

2. Vereschunya, white-sided, and her name is... magpie.

3. Guess this bird is jumping along the path,

It’s like he’s not afraid of cats – he’s collecting crumbs,

And then jump onto the branch, and tweet: Chick-chirp! (Sparrow.)

4. Flies all night and catches mice.

And when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep. (Owl.)

5. I’m knocking on wood, I want to get a worm,

Even though he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine! (Woodpecker.)

I ask the jury to evaluate both teams.

Contest “Call it in one word” SLIDE No. 14-19

Wolf, fox, bear, hare - these are...animals.

Birch, pine, oak, rowan are...trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are...birds.

Strawberry, raspberry, currant, gooseberries are... berries.

A butterfly, a mosquito, a dragonfly, a fly – these are...insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are... flowers.

I ask the jury to evaluate both teams.

Competition-game "Who can collect natural materials and garbage faster"

Imagine that you are in the forest or on the shore of a lake and in front of you is a huge amount of scattered garbage. Who will collect garbage and natural materials faster? (2 people from each team)

I ask the jury to evaluate both teams.

The guys from the hydraulic brigade will help us hold the next competition "Green Troop", they will name the actions and the commands will respond "Yes" or "No")

Contest: "Rules of behavior in nature" SLIDE No. 20 - 27

If I come to the forest and pick a daisy (No)

If I eat a pie, I'll throw away the piece of paper (No)

If I leave a piece of bread on the stump (Yes)

If I tie a branch, I’ll put a peg (Yes)

If I make a fire, but don’t put it out (No)

If I make a big mess and forget to clean it up (No)

If I take out the trash, I'll bury the jar. (Yes)

I love my nature, I help it (Yes)

While the jury is summing up the results, the guys from the propaganda team "Green Troop" will sing a song "Young nature rescuers" music and lyrics by T. Gulyaeva.

We are young nature rescuers, making sure that both in summer and in winter

Forests, fields, meadows and vaults of the sky adorned the native land.


We’ll plant a whole alley of birches, we’ll save a forest meadow from garbage,

Let's not touch the anthill in the clearing, let's tie up the broken twig.

Chorus: So that the birds sing over the stream, the poplars rustle,

May your beloved land bloom every day!

We are young nature rescuers, our cheerful squad is always on the go.

We must save forests, fields, meadows and the sky from trouble!

Chorus: So that the birds sing over the stream, the poplars rustle.

May your beloved land bloom every day!

Friendship won. Children and parents handing out commemorative badges "Nature Experts"

Publications on the topic:

"The world is around us!""The world is around us!" (notes of a lesson on cognitive development) Educational area: cognitive development Integration of educational.

Didactic manual for older preschoolers: educational cube “The World Around Us” Purpose of use: to form ideas about the world around them, to help children increase their voluntary, visual and auditory attention. Bring up.

Topic of the week: “Fauna and flora in autumn.” The date is 11.09. 2017 Joint activities with children SDD (independent activity.

Abstract of the educational activity for children of the senior group “Flora and fauna of the reservoirs of the city of Pavlovsk” Goal: Clarification and expansion of children’s knowledge and ideas about animals and plants of water bodies, systematization of environmental knowledge. Tasks: 1.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Flora and fauna in spring” Summary of GCD in middle group"Vegetable and fauna in the spring" Program content: to form ideas about seasonal changes.

State budget educational institution

Saratov region

additional education for children

Regional Children's Ecological Center


at the pedagogical council


Protocol No.____

from____________ 2015____

I approve

Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education and Science "ODEC"

R.B. Urazaev

20 ___


"The animal world around us"

Number of students - 24-30 people

Age of students: 7-12 years

Implementation time - 2 years

Samburova Vera Arkadyevna

additional education teacher

highest qualification category

2015-2016 academic year

Table of contents


    Explanatory note……………………………………………..

Distinctive Features…………………………………..............

Expected results and ways to check them…………………….

Assessing the effectiveness of program implementation………………………..

2. Educational and thematic plan for additional general educational program first year……………………………………………………………..

3. Contents of the additional general education program

first year…………………………………………………………………………………

4. Educational and thematic plan of the additional general education program of the second year……………………………………………………………………

5. Contents of the additional general education program

second year…………………………………………………………………………………

6. Methodological support for the additional general education program………………………………………………………………..

7. List of literature used by the teacher……………………...

9. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………

Explanatory note for the course: “Animal world in nature.”

The fauna is one of the main components of the natural environment. Without it, the existence of our planet is impossible. Unfortunately, today many animal species are in danger and are threatened with extinction. Man is increasingly interfering with natural processes, upsetting the fragile ecological balance on our planet.

To prevent ecological disaster and to keep our Earth alive, it is necessary to study the place of the animal world in nature, to educate in a harmonious existence with nature, psychological readiness for the younger generation - to protect all living things always and everywhere.

Novelty of the program :

Involving students in research activities, which begins literally from the first classes and develops in stages. Observations are carried out both in laboratory conditions and in nature.

In the integration of knowledge on the basics of biology, ecology, geography, life safety;

In the use of natural objects of practical activity of students, which makes it possible to obtain a successful educational effect.

Relevance of the program

With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in Russian Federation" and "Programs for the development of the educational component in general educational institutions", where the first place in the main directions of organizing the education and socialization of students is given to "the formation of a value attitude towards nature, towards the environment, careful attitude to the development process natural resources region, country, planet." The program includes methods of collective creative activity.

Electronic educational and methodological kits and resources are used in the educational process.

Between the ages of 7 and 10, children show an active interest in the natural world. The animal world can serve as an inexhaustible source of new discoveries for them, striking the imagination and pushing them to a more in-depth acquaintance with our neighbors on planet Earth. The possibility of direct contact with the world of wildlife during classes in the Living Corner and outings into nature has a beneficial effect on the development of the personality of a modern child growing up in the era of information technology in a large metropolis. Training directly in natural conditions, stay on fresh air and active physical activity improves the health of students

Pedagogical feasibility:

Students will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the fauna of the Earth and measures to protect it;

Participate in environmental activities, as a result of which an active life position is formed;

Integrated learning provides scope for creative activity;

A common culture is being formed, social adaptation students in society

Purpose of the program: formation of environmental consciousness and thinking based on an active life position

Program objectives:

educational - obtaining basic knowledge about the bioecological features of the animal world;

Studying the species diversity of animals on planet Earth; expanding the knowledge of natural history acquired at school;

Training in techniques for observing living objects in a mini-zoo and natural environment;

Theoretical study and development practical system knowledge about maintaining and promoting health, organizing a healthy lifestyle;

educational- fostering an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the condition environment and desire for specific activities for its study, protection, reproduction;

Fostering collectivism, mastering standards of work culture and communication;

Upbringing positive qualities personality by involving students in active environmental and creative activities;

Nurturing the need for healthy life;

developing- development and support spiritual world children, a sustainable interest in understanding the animal world, a sense of goodness, compassion and responsibility for our little brothers;

- development of creative, cognitive and research activity;

Development of creative, cognitive and research activity;

Intellectual, spiritual and moral development of students;

Distinctive features of the first year of study.

First year classes consist of 3 blocks:

-Seasonal features of the animal world of the Earth;

Animal life in different conditions habitat;

Enter nature as a friend;

In block content special attention is devoted to theoretical studies and observations of changes in the life of the animal world in each season of the year. Methodological support for classes consists

Distinctive features of the second year of study

Second year classes consist of four blocks:

Fauna of urban ecosystems;

- Fauna of rural ecosystems;

Fauna of the mini-zoo;

Wildlife protection;

In the content of the program of each year, special attention is paid to methods of practical work, such as: observation method (recording observations, sketches, drawings, conclusions; research methods (conducting experiments, laboratory classes, experiments); methods of problem-based learning (heuristic conversation, posing problematic questions, explanation of basic concepts, definitions, terms, creation problem situations, staging problematic issue, independent formulation, formulation and solution of the problem by students, search and selection of arguments, facts, evidence, etc.).

Each lesson includes organizational moment, knowledge testing, assimilation of new knowledge, practical exercises, reflection, summing up.

Age characteristics children,

participating in the program implementation

The program is designed for juniors school age. It is at this age that the attraction to the surrounding world manifests itself, communication with nature evokes an emotional response, affects all feelings, the lack of one’s own social experience makes the education process very effective

Timing of the program

The additional general education program is designed for two academic years.

Forms and mode of classes

The main form is a combined lesson, which includes: organizational moment, warm-up, consolidation of the material covered, introduction of new material, summing up. Training takes place in an entertaining form in the form of practical classes, in which students perform creative and logical tasks, play, draw, solve riddles, and quizzes.

A special feature of the lesson methodology is the variety of active types of children's activities, the change of which helps to avoid monotony, relieves tension and fatigue.

Methods and forms of organizing the study of the program - educational group classes, individual lessons(preparation of reports based on the results of observations), thematic excursions, practical classes in a mini-zoo, classes with game elements, competitions, quizzes, meetings with interesting people, participation in environmental actions, etc.

The number of children in groups is 12-14 people. Classes are held three times a week for two hours. One lesson with the whole group and two lessons in subgroups. The number of children in subgroups is 6-8 people.

Expected results and how to check them

By the end of the second year, students will gain an understanding of the diversity of the animal world of a mini-zoo, urban and rural ecosystems, and protected animals;

They will know the basic rules for safe handling of the inhabitants of the “Living Corner” and the rules safe behavior in natural conditions.

Memory, attention, and logical thinking will be developed.

Emotional responsiveness, the ability to sympathize, empathize, and understand the feelings and needs of other people will develop.

Students will strive to interact in a group based on the principles of fairness, friendliness, and respect for the right of others to be different.

Responsibility and the ability to complete a job will increase.

Quality indicators educational process assessed in accordance with the requirements of the second year work program. Pedagogical analysis is used as the main method, the purpose of which is to objectively evaluate the results and further develop recommendations for improving the teaching and learning process.

Observation of student activities is carried out during all classes of the program. The results are assessed at the end of each training period at each stage according to two groups of indicators:

Educational, recording subject and general educational knowledge, skills acquired by the child in the process of mastering the educational program;

Personal, expressing changes in the child’s personal qualities under the influence of activities in a circle.

Assessing the effectiveness of program implementation

The effectiveness of the program implementation occurs through the observation of the teacher, both in classroom conditions and in outdoor settings, oral and written surveys, quiz games, testing to determine the level of knowledge, creative works, questioning, conversation, problem solving.

The program involves initial, intermediate and final diagnostics of students. Entrance control is carried out in September and is aimed at diagnosing the initial level of students, intermediate - in January and final - at the end of studying the program.

Educational and thematic plan of the additional general education program of the first year of study

Title of the lesson topic




1 block - Seasonal features of the animal world of the Earth

Organizational lesson. Work plan of the association. Safety precautions. Tour of the ODEC.

Science - ecology. A house where animals live.

Life activity of animals in autumn.

Life activity of animals in winter

Life activity of animals in spring

Life activity of animals in summer

2 block - Life animals in different habitats

Arctic fauna:


1. Natural and climatic conditions, animal species of the Arctic.

2.Polar bear in the Arctic biocenosis.

3.Walruses and seals in the Arctic biocenosis.

3. Bird markets of the Arctic

Fauna of the tundra:


1. Natural and climatic conditions of the tundra, animals of the tundra

2. Species composition, bioecological characteristics of tundra animals

Forest fauna temperate zone


1. Natural and climatic conditions of forests in the temperate zone, forest fauna,

2. Species composition, bioecological characteristics of forest animals

Fauna of the steppes


1. Natural and climatic conditions of the steppes, fauna of the steppes.

2.Species composition and bioecological characteristics of animal steppes

Desert fauna


1. Natural and climatic conditions of the desert, desert fauna.

2. Species composition, bioecological characteristics of desert animals

Animal world tropical forests

1. Natural and climatic conditions of tropical forests, fauna of tropical forests

2. Species composition, bioecological characteristics of tropical forest animals

Fauna of the seas and oceans

1. Living conditions and distribution of living organisms in the waters of the seas and oceans.

2. Bioecological features of animal seas and oceans

Fauna of rivers and lakes

1. Living conditions in fresh water bodies, species composition of the animal world

2. Bioecological characteristics of animals in fresh waters

Block 3 - Enter nature as a friend

1. Environmental pollution. Find disturbances in nature (game)



Contents of the additional general education program of the first year of study

1 block - Animal life in different times year.

1. Familiarization with the work plan of the association. Working hours in the circle. Introduction to the program, forms of conducting classes. Excursion around the territory of the ODEC. Safety precautions when working with animals in the fields of training and experimental sites.

2.Diversity of the animal world. Excursion to the mini zoo and ODEC farm.

3. Life activity of animals in autumn. Changes in the life of insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals various shapes enduring unfavorable conditions. Changes in the species composition of birds.

Migratory, sedentary and nomadic birds. Observation of bird behavior on the territory of the ODEC.

4. Life activity of animals in winter. Animal adaptations to unfavorable conditions. The importance of snow cover in the life of animals.

Winter shelters animals and birds. The main methods of feeding birds and animals in winter period. Traces of animal activity remaining after feeding. Snow trail, animal tracks in the snow. Main types of wintering birds. Making and hanging feeders. Feeding wintering birds. Observation of wintering birds. Game: Through the pages of a snow book.

5. Life activity of animals in spring.

Changes in the life of animals in the spring (awakening, molting, reproduction.) Spring arrival of birds. Arrival dates, their dependence on temperature regime. Bird song and its meaning. Nest building, nesting life. Attraction useful birds. Types of nesting arts. Drawing up an arrival calendar, observing the behavior of birds. Hanging artificial nests. Ecological brain-ring: “Feathered friends”

6. Animal life in summer. Nutrition, reproduction, daily activity. Breeding and brood chicks. The meaning of birds for humans. Excursion for the purpose of counting birds, observing the life of ants and other phenomena.

2 block. Animal life in different conditions of the Earth.

1. Animal world of the Arctic. Natural and climatic conditions, species composition of Arctic animals. Polar bear in the Arctic biocenosis. Walruses and seals in the Arctic biocenosis. Bird markets of the Arctic. Watching videos International Fund animal protection.

2. Fauna of the tundra. Natural and climatic conditions of the tundra. Species composition, bioecological characteristics of tundra animals. Reindeer in the tundra biocenosis. Practical work: mastering poultry care skills in the ODEC mini-farm under the guidance of a teacher.

3. Fauna of temperate forests. Natural and climatic features of temperate zone forests. Layering of the forest. Distribution of animals depending on the layering of the forest. Main representatives ( brown bear, lynx, elk, wild boar, etc.). Bioecological characteristics of animals in temperate forests.

4. Fauna of the steppes. Natural and climatic features of the steppes. Species composition (Gophers, hamsters, steppe polecat, steppe eagle, bustard), bio-ecological features of steppe animals. Practical work: mastering poultry care skills in the ODEC mini-farm under the guidance of a teacher

5. Desert fauna. Natural and climatic conditions of the desert and its effect on animals. Representatives of the desert fauna, bioecological features. Poisonous animals. Practical work: mastering poultry care skills in the ODEC mini-farm under the guidance of a teacher

6.Species diversity of the animal world of tropical forests. Natural and climatic conditions of tropical forests, the main representatives of the animal world (crocodiles, elephants, primates), bioecological features. Watching videos: “Life in tropical forest»

Block 3 – “Enter nature as a friend”

1. Environmental pollution. Game program: “Find irregularities in nature”

2. Rules of behavior in nature. Holiday: “Enter nature as a friend”

Educational and thematic plan for the additional general education program of the second year of study.

“The fauna of urban and rural ecosystems. Wildlife protection"

Title of the lesson topic




1 block – Fauna of urban ecosystems

1.Introductory lesson. Getting to know the circle plan. Safety precautions.

2.Environmental Features urban environment.

3. Fauna of the city

4.Animals in a person’s house


2 block. Fauna of rural ecosystems

1. Ecological features of agricultural ecosystems and their use by humans

2. Fauna of fields, vegetable gardens, parks

3.Insects of fields, vegetable gardens, parks

4.Species diversity of butterflies, bioecological features, significance

5. Species diversity of beetles, bioecological features, significance

6.Insects domesticated by humans ( silkworm, bees), bioecological features, significance in nature and human life.

7. Birds of fields, vegetable gardens, parks

8. Species diversity of birds, bioecological features, significance.

9. Animals of fields, vegetable gardens, parks.

10. Species diversity of animals, bioecological features, significance.

11. Diversity of farm animals, significance for humans.

12.Origin and history of domestication of farm animals

13. Species diversity of poultry

14. Bioecological features, the importance of poultry in human life

15. Rabbits, bioecological features, history of distribution on earth. Breeds of rabbits, meaning in human life

16. Horses, bioecological features, breeds, significance in human life

17. Cattle, bioecological features, breeds, significance in human life.

18. Small cattle (goats, sheep), bioecological features, breeds, importance in human life.

19. Domestic pigs, bioecological features, breeds, significance in human life.

Block 3 – Fauna of the Mini Zoo

1. Mini-zoo animals ( general overview)

2. Aquarium. Bioecological characteristics of the inhabitants, rules for caring for the aquarium

3.Terrarium. Bioecological characteristics of the inhabitants, rules for caring for the terrarium

4. Mini-zoo birds. Bioecological features, rules for caring for birds

5. Mini-zoo mammals. Bioecological features, rules of care

Block 4 – Wildlife protection

1. The living past of the Earth. Science - paleontology. Per-

inhabitants of planet Earth.

2. Rare and endangered animals. Causes of decline and extinction of animals.

3. Red Book of Russia. Animals listed in the Red Book of Russia

4. Red Book of the Saratov Region. Animals listed in the Red Book of the Saratov Region

5. Protected natural areas: reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, nurseries, etc.

6. Summing up the work for last year: game program: "Colors of Summer"




Contents of the additional general education program

Second year of study “Fauna of urban and rural ecosystems”

"Protection of fauna"

Block 1 – Fauna of urban ecosystems

1. Introductory lesson. Getting acquainted with the work plan of the circle. Safety precautions when working with animals. Sightseeing tour of the ODEC.

2.Ecological features of the urban environment. Description of the fauna on the territory of the ODEC. Observations

Extracurricular event for primary school students on the topic: Animals around us.


Student development cognitive interest to the environment:

Formation of caring attitude towards pets, responsibility, mercy:


Development of observation and curiosity;

Development of imagination, attention, thinking;

Formation of an active life position;

Fostering responsibility for a living being;

Development of worldview, views, judgments, instill in children sympathy for their smaller brothers and aversion to cruelty, to a callous attitude towards living beings;

Promotion of education moral qualities students;

Development of the emotional sphere through vivid examples;

Equipment: illustrations of animals

Progress of extracurricular activities.

1. Org. start.

Teacher's opening speech. Reading the poem “The Planet is a Home.” Y.Akima

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it.

Today we will go on a journey around planet Earth. You will observe the animals, answer my questions and complete tasks. But first we will check how you know animals.

2. Working on the topic

a) Let's play a little.

I invite you to guess the riddles

1) Red-haired cheat

He deceives cleverly.

The mouse is afraid of her

And the naughty bunny,

Even though she lives in the forest,

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

2) Who lives in a dense forest

And he picks raspberries from the bush,

And when the blizzard whistles,

Is he sleeping soundly in the den? (Bear)

3) He was white in the snowy winter,

In the summer he changed his clothes,

The oblique animal has become gray,

Who knows, let him name it? (Hare)

4) It’s easy for us to recognize him,

It's easy to recognize:

He's tall

And he sees far. (Giraffe)

5) At the zoo,

Believe it or not,


Wonder beast.

He has a hand in his forehead

So similar to a pipe! (Elephant)

6) Who in the world wears a stone shirt?

Walks around in a stone shirt... (Turtle)

7) When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,

There are many black spots on the skin.

He beast of prey, although a little,

Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat. (Leopard)

8) She cries at the threshold, hides her claws,

He will quietly enter the room,

He will purr and sing. (Cat)

9) He walks and walks, shaking his beard,

Requests for herbs:

"Me-me-me, let me weed for me". (Goat)

10) In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is this? (Frog)

11) Kicked out the horns

Take a walk in the meadows.

And horns in the evening

Arrived with milk. (Cow)

12) There are lumberjacks on the rivers

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

They build strong dams. (Beavers)

13) You stroke - he caresses,

You tease - it bites,

Sits on a chain

The house is guarded. (Dog)

b) Think and answer the question!

Guys, which of the guessed animals can be kept at home? Which ones can only be seen in a zoo, or in nature? What are they called? How does the life of wild animals differ from the life of domestic animals?

We continue our journey and quietly enter the forest. Quiet in the forest, gloomy. But stop and look closely, life is in full swing all around. An ant was dragging a twig, a small bird flew by and disappeared into the bushes, a mouse ran past and hid in the roots of the trees. Lots of interesting things in the forest. You just need to be able to look, observe. Sit quietly for a while, without revealing yourself, and the forest will begin to reveal its secrets to you.

It is interesting to observe nature at all times of the year.

Let's go visit the animals, but only inquisitive and nature-conscious kids will our neighbors on the planet reveal their secrets.

c) Game “Get into character”

Imagine yourself as one of the animals. Make up a dialogue “My day.” How is your life? What do you do, what do you eat? From whom and how are you being saved? (cat, bear, sparrow, saiga).

Physical education minute.

We'll rest a little

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Ahead from behind a bush

The sly fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

Hands to the side, forward,

At the edge of the forest the bunny is waiting...

The bunny was jumping under the bush,

Inviting us into your home.

Hands down, on the waist, up

We are running away from everyone.

Animals, just like people, have many funny stories.

d) Reading faces

Magpie and raccoon.

- Raccoon, raccoon, do you like to eat berries?

- Do you like chicks and eggs?

— Do you like frogs and lizards?

- And... do you like worms and snails?

- I love you too.

- Why don’t you like it then?

“I don’t like it when people distract me from eating with stupid questions.”

What new things did you learn from this scene?

We continue our journey. And we return to our village. What animals can we find in the countryside?

e) Acting out a skit followed by discussion

Sketch “Conversation with a cat” (A. Dmitriev)

Boy: Once I met a stray cat.

How are you doing?

Cat: - Nothing, little by little.

Boy: - I heard that you are seriously ill?

Cat: - I was sick.

Boy: - So, they were lying in bed?

Cat: - Homeless, I have nowhere to put a bed.

Boy: - How strange, - I thought, -

What in the big world

There is no place for homeless dogs and cats.

Do you hear, cat, come with me,

It's getting dark, and that means it's time for us to go home!

We walked with her down the street proudly and boldly -

What was she singing about? Perhaps about

That everyone needs their own home.

Teacher: Guys, do you agree that everyone needs their own home? (children's answers). The teacher picks up 2 toy dogs.

Teacher: Today on the street I met these two charming stray dogs, their names are Tobik and Bobik.

Guys, can you and I help these homeless animals? (children's answers)

Teacher: Guys, let's build a booth for Tobik and Bobik right now. And here it is building material! The blanks are used to make an applique for the booth.

Relay game “Building a dog house.”

Teacher: Well done, nice houses It worked out, now Tobik and Bobik have housing.

e) Express your opinion

In the forest, a man with two children got out of the car and tied the dog they had brought with them to a tree. The people left, and the dog looked after them with eyes like she was crying...

3. Summing up.

Our journey has ended, and we are returning to our school, to our office, and I would like to ask you:

How do you feel about animals? Do they find protection in your heart?

There is a lot of interesting things in the world of animals, plants, birds and other representatives of the animal world. How much we still don’t know even about the most seemingly familiar animals! Be attentive to the world around you, and then your life will be comfortable and harmonious. After today’s conversation, I think none of you will ignore cruelty and will always stand up for the weak. And the pets you have will never become homeless.

I would like to end our lesson with the words of Dusan Rodovich:

“Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.”

We promise:

Animal holes, bird's nests

We will never ruin!

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to us!

Used literature:

1. Volina V.V. Entertaining ABC: Enlightenment 1991

2. Zhirenko O.E. Cool hours on ethical and aesthetic education. Moscow "Waco" 2007

3. Grebenkina L.V. "Scenarios cool hours"Part 2. M.: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2002

4. Anokhina E.O. "Activation cognitive activity when learning new material in lessons about the world around us" Elementary school No. 12, 2012

Today there are about 14 million camels around the world, and only Not large number of which is located in Sinai. All camels that live in the Sinai and throughout the Middle East are one-humped. As long as there are nomadic Bedouins in the deserts and mountains of the Sinai Peninsula, their companions, camels, will always be near them. The camel's body is adapted to arid climate, thanks to which he can easily live in the desert. A camel can live without water for a long time, keeping it in your body. Camels store all liquid in the stomach, and not in the hump, as is commonly believed.

The hump serves as a source of fat, using which the camel’s body receives the energy it needs. The camel's kidneys work in such a way that they leave only very concentrated urine. Also, before excretion, almost all the liquid is removed from the stool. During severe drought, a camel can "use up" more than a quarter of its body weight to maintain its life, thus escaping thirst or hunger. Interestingly, a camel is able to regain its weight in ten minutes by absorbing water from high speed. Another interesting fact is that camels do not sweat. Since at night the camel’s body temperature drops sharply and its body heats up very slowly during the daytime. dromedary camel– a herbivore that feeds on all types of plants, including thorny and salty ones. At the same time, the camel practically does not chew food, swallowing and processing it in the stomach.


In Sinai and around Dahab you will find a fairly large number of foxes living in close proximity to settlements. Foxes are mainly busy hunting and searching for water. If you are camping outdoors, you should carefully hide your food supplies, as foxes can easily find food and feast on it. Red foxes are more common, but the sand fox can also be seen occasionally. If you want to watch foxes up close, then optimal conditions for this purpose in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, especially in national park"Ras Mohammed."

The sand fox, also known as the "Rüppell" fox, is rare species, although it can be found on the Sinai Peninsula. It lives in a small part of the world, including North Africa. The sand fox makes its home in sandstones and desert areas, but likes to stay near oases inhabited by people. It is often considered a pest, believing that it preys on domestic animals. This species is not yet listed as a threatened animal species. The Rüppell fox is a solitary forager. It is an omnivore and will eat almost anything within its reach. Its main diet is insects, as well as tubers, roots, small mammals, reptiles, eggs and arachnids. An interesting fact is that the sand fox largely uses its scent, secreted by special glands. She uses it to mark her territory and also to ward off unwanted predators, similar to the behavior of a skunk. Foxes also greet each other using their scent.


These animals have now become rare. In the past, life in open sandy areas in large herds was natural form their habitat. The gazelle is a very timid and fearful animal, so it is quite difficult to get close to them.
The Dorcas gazelle species is one of the most adapted to desert climate. These gazelles may not drink throughout their lives, as they obtain all the moisture they need from plants, which form their diet. However, they will drink where water is constantly available. They are able to withstand high temperatures, but are most active mainly at dawn, dusk and at night. Dorcas gazelles feed on the leaves, flowers and pods of many species of acacia trees, as well as various shrubs. They are able to stand on their hind legs to get to the parts of the trees they need, and after it rains, they dig the bulbs out of the ground. Dorcas can reach speeds of up to 80 km per hour. When threatened, they flick their tails and jump with their heads held high, demonstrating that they see a predator.

Mountain goats

Thoughtless hunting of Nubian ibex at the beginning of the 20th century led to the almost complete extermination of these beautiful animals. However, in recent decades, the number of mountain goats has begun to increase again and they are found mainly in the mountains of central Sinai, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe monastery of St. Catherine.
The Nubian ibex is 65-75 cm tall. Its weight reaches from 50 to 160 kilograms. It is light brown in color with a white underbelly, and males have dark brown stripes on their backs. The length of the male's horns is about a meter, while that of the females is much shorter, about 30 cm. Mountain goats in Sinai live in dry mountainous areas, where they feed mainly on grass and leaves. Nubian mountain goats They live in herds consisting exclusively of males or females. They are active during the day and rest at night.


IN wildlife There are mainly two types of reptiles found in Sinai. These are the large and rare "Dabb Lizard" and the smaller "Sinai Agama", which has a blue body color. The size of the Dabb Lizard, also called the desert crocodile, ranges from 25 cm to 91 cm. Like many other reptiles, the color of these lizards can change depending on the ambient temperature. During cool weather colors appear thicker and darker, and this allows the skin to absorb more sunlight. IN warm weather The lizard's skin color becomes lighter. Their strong and heavy tail has spines. The tail serves as protection against intruders and can move at high speed. This behavior is usually accompanied by hissing with an open mouth and showing teeth. These lizards consume most of their water from the vegetation on which they feed. Their burrows reach three meters in length.

The body length of the Sinai agama is usually about 18 cm. Up to mating season body coloring of lizards is closer to brown color. Before laying eggs, the skin color of the females changes: the head becomes light blue and orange-rusty transverse stripes appear on the yellowish back, and occasionally blue streaks can be seen. If the female is not pregnant, then the front part of her body blue. During periods of sexual arousal or severe irritation, the male’s skin color becomes bright blue, especially in the head and chest area. The Sinai agama is a predator that hunts from ambush. For their homes, these lizards choose cracks in rocks. rocks. In rare cases, dragons can run on two hind legs. Sinai agamas typically feed on grasshoppers, beetles, ants and termites.


Various cultures throughout human history have always attributed mythical properties to snakes and often treated them with religious reverence. The ancient Egyptians worshiped them as a symbol of fertility. Today, many species of snakes in Sinai live in rocky and sandy areas. One example of Sinai snakes is horned viper or horned snake. It hunts from an ambush positioned in a small depression in the sand, attacking any passing animal that is within range. This snake is sand-colored, with irregular pale brown spots. It is relatively small, approximately 70 cm in length.


The desert scorpion is a rather curious animal, with a poisonous sting. Scorpio belongs to the arachnid family. It also, like the spider, has eight legs (which will help you distinguish it from insects). The scorpion's sting is deadly poisonous to its victims. However, for humans, a desert scorpion sting is usually not life-threatening, although it does cause severe pain and prolonged discomfort. Scorpions are quite common in the Sinai Peninsula and at least five have been discovered various types. During the daytime, they hide under stones or in burrows they dig in the sand, and at night they go out hunting. Their prey consists almost entirely of insects and spiders, which they tear to pieces or crush with their large claws to extract juices from the body. Females carry young offspring on their backs until they can fend for themselves. After the first moult, young scorpions leave their mothers and become independent.


The golden eagle, imperial eagle, and several other eagle species are migratory birds that migrate from the northern Mediterranean region to spend the winter in the Sinai and other coastal areas of the Red Sea. A golden eagle with a wingspan of up to two meters and a body length of about 75 centimeters. The golden eagle is found in mountainous areas and canyons with shrubby vegetation. It preys primarily on mammals such as rabbits and hares, although reptiles and rodents are also part of its diet.


Every August approximately 500,000 white storks fly to Sinai. As a rule, they arrive very exhausted and partly in poor health. physical fitness due to pesticides that are widely used in Europe. They find protection and comfortable conditions in the mangrove groves of the Ras Mohammed Nature Reserve and the Nabq area.