Alexander Skarsgard personal life. ELLE Interview: actor Alexander Skarsgard

We met the 39-year-old Scandinavian, with whom all of Hollywood is fascinated today, on neutral territory - in Berlin. For the representative of a major film dynasty (Alexander's father Stellan Skarsgård and his brothers Gustaf, Bill, Sam and Walter are all actors. - ELLE note) the year is going well. Before he had time to present one of his new works in the German capital - the comedy “War against Everyone”, where he played a corrupt cop - another heroic role was on the way. Skarsgård, best known for playing vampire Eric Northman on True Blood, put his fangs and shirts on a shelf for leading role in the promising project “Tarzan. Legend". There is no doubt that the naked torso of a two-meter Nordic handsome man will look great in the jungle. By the way, his clear Blue eyes produce an equally stunning effect. To collect my thoughts, I start the conversation from afar...

ELLE How do you like Berlin?

ALEXANDER SKARSGAARD Berlin reminds me of Stockholm. More precisely, his district of Sodermalm, where I spent my childhood, has the same cozy streets with small galleries and cafes. I have nothing against Los Angeles - I love the sun and sea - but there I sometimes miss the cramped European alleys. There I don’t have to get in the car to buy a sandwich, but can leisurely walk to the nearby bakery. Unlike America, in Sweden I don’t have to make an appointment with someone in advance. I can go to a familiar cafe in the evening and spend an hour or two with friends over a glass of beer. Or go on a nature trip with your family, cook a barbecue and wash it down with good wine.

ELLE In Los Angeles, things are going well for you too. Especially a career that took off after “ true blood».

A.S.“True Blood” was filmed just endlessly! Fortunately, with breaks during which I could work with other directors. After filming ended, the role of the vampire immediately stuck to me. On the one hand, the series allows you to better get used to the hero and tell his story. On the other hand, TV has a huge audience; it is watched even in places where people have no other entertainment except TV series. For them, I will always be Eric Northman.

ELLE How did you react to the offer to play Tarzan?

A.S. I thought, “Another remake!” But I like that in our film the story is not told like everyone else. Our Tarzan is not a boy who grows up in the jungle and then goes to the city, where he learns to sleep in a bed and eat with a spoon. For us, the film immediately introduces Lord Greystoke - an elegant gentleman who rides in a carriage and drinks tea with the Prime Minister. This movie is about the daily internal struggle with oneself, attempts to tame one’s inner beast. This is the essence of my hero and, in fact, each of us.

ELLE Did you ever think that after Lex Barker and Christopher Lambert (the most famous Tarzans in the history of cinema), you wouldn’t be able to play this role so convincingly?

A.S. I was worried that I would be forced to ply in front of a green screen and the film would be drawn on a computer. But the studio created amazing scenery. It was my dream to work with director David Waite and it was wonderful. When I stand in front of the camera, I always imagine that the director is the viewer, and I want to entertain him. It is important to me that film set there was a nice atmosphere. This reflects well in the film, especially if you have to play a positive character.

ELLE What can’t be said about the policeman from “War on Everyone”...

A.S. I tried to turn down the role!

ELLE How did you do it?

A.S. Like any coward! Stopped answering the phone, didn’t answer letters, avoided meetings... Just kidding, just kidding. In fact, I still have to hunt down directors and producers myself. But I'm patient! You have to wait until the first eight candidates refuse, and they give up and take the newcomer. After all, he will agree to everything, including a small fee.

ELLE How did you get your first role in Hollywood?

A.S. At the beginning of the 2000s, my father was filming in the USA, and I decided to visit him. At that time, I was seriously thinking about cinema and even abandoned architecture. Dad's agent asked if I would like to go to the casting since I had already arrived. I replied: “I’ll try. I’ll have something to tell my friends.” He ended up playing with Ben Stiller in Zoolander.

ELLE So you never considered yourself a born actor?

A.S. No! My father told me from childhood how difficult it was. He always said that this best job in the world, but it’s damn complicated and absolutely unprofitable! There is a chance that you will see the world, meet amazing people, but you can end your life in poverty. He advised me to do this only as a last resort. As a child, I was unsociable, I locked myself in my room and played computer games. And I only started going to parties when I was 21! Besides, I didn’t like my classmates, and they didn’t like me: they preferred older guys with a bushy mustache and a motorcycle.

ELLE I can imagine how they regret it now! What kind of girls do you like?

A.S. Feminine, self-confident and capable of surprising something.

ELLE There are more and more Swedes in Hollywood: you, Alicia Vikander... Do you communicate with each other?

A.S. We all drive around in Volvos and sing ABBA songs!

ELLE What are you afraid of?

A.S. For example, that directors will start making films exclusively on the iPhone. (Laughs.) Although this also has its advantages.

ELLE What do you dream about?

A.S. It all depends on the period of life and mood. When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a wizard and making all my wishes come true. And now I dream that fate will favor me and give me funny roles, where I could really have fun.

ELLE And what role will give you such pleasure now?

A.S. Let's say a circus acrobat.

ELLE We will be waiting!

A.S. I'll try not to let you down.

I was scheduled to meet with Alexander Skarsgård at one of the Universal Studios offices in Los Angeles. Tall (193 cm!), thin as a mast, swaying as he walked, he appeared before me in jeans and a light shirt. He gave me his hand in greeting and said the standard “How are you?”, which sounded like “Ow Ho yj.” It’s normal, all Swedes express their sympathy this way. Then he lounged in a chair and, resting his head on his hand, began to answer my questions, every now and then directing his thoughtful gaze into the corner. Every time the topic was not related to cinema, he tensed up and the pauses between sentences were not very clear language became longer. He seemed to be slowing down slightly. His voice was a little languid, the lights in the room were dimmed, and, in general, the conversation turned out to be surprisingly pleasant.

Thirty-eight-year-old Skarsgard is one of those Europeans who are loved in Hollywood. His role in the American HBO series True Blood brought him popularity. He plays a charismatic vampire there, a handsome bloodsucker bastard. Skarsgård was noticed: Lars von Trier directed him in the film “Melancholia”, Peter Berg invited him to star in the science-fiction action film “Battleship”.

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By the way, I know his dad. Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård is the eldest son of Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård, who played Bootstrapper, Bill Turner Sr. in Pirates Caribbean Sea"). His mother is a doctor. He got his first role at the age of seven, in the low-budget Swedish film “Oke and His World” (where his father placed him), and at the age of 13 he was already quite famous person in his homeland of Sweden. However, Alexander seriously set himself up for a career overseas and even hired a teacher who taught him American pronunciation. (Oh yeah, his pronunciation is great!) When HBO cast him as a vampire, he lived between Los Angeles and Stockholm, and in 2009 he starred in Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" video, where he portrayed the singer's lover.

The story of his personal life reveals to me great prospects– he dated actress Kate Bosworth for several months, and now, apparently, he is single. Before the interview, I spoke with his agent, a pleasant-looking short blonde (he seems to like being around a lot of people with blond hair). In a polite tone, she asked not to force Skarsgård to talk about intimate topics and even checked my notebook with pre-prepared questions to highlight with a marker those that, in her opinion, could be asked to Alexander.

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When choosing a profession, you knew that there would be meetings with journalists, questions as a man, and not as an actor. I wonder what motivated you: fame, big money? Why didn't you become a doctor like your mother?

Well, no, I never wanted to be a doctor. I told myself this: If you, guy, want to become an actor, you can’t think about fame or the money that you can potentially earn. This won't move you forward. Moreover, not everyone in this business manages to achieve success. It's very hard work. There is huge competition here. But I realized that this is the only way I will be happy.

Who do you play in the movie "Battleship"?

A US military squadron officer who encounters aliens. My hero is an intelligent and educated responsible young man who is used to working hard and would like to become the president of the country. The only thing he missed on this path was aliens!

The singer Rihanna starred with you, this is her film debut, how did you like her?

I was surprised how she managed everything. While filming in Hawaii, she sometimes flew out for the day to attend some of her musical events, and the next morning she was already spinning on set, cheerful and with a charming smile.

Are you afraid of me? Why are you looking at me so warily?

(Smiles.) Well, I understand that I need to control myself, you will immediately put my every word on Twitter, on Facebook, in the news. Even with my friends I have to be very careful. Here in America, I have to think about every word, every sneeze. Not like in Sweden, where I feel freer simply because people recognize me less often.

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I already realized how much you like America. Many European actors move to live here, closer to work. Will you move?

Well yes, I'm in lately I act a lot in the States, but it’s better for me not to live in Los Angeles and not be officially called a Hollywood actor. I don’t care about home, I feel good on the road - I want to live between two countries and somehow balance between them. Plus there are terrible traffic jams here. Therefore, if they offer me interesting project in Europe, I will definitely agree.

Even for a European, you are somehow out of date...

There is a second reason why I cannot live permanently in the States. I don't know how to smile if I don't want to. I can’t and don’t want to say: “Oh, how beautiful it is!” And that’s how they talk in Hollywood, you should only say good things about everything and everyone. I'm lonely here, I don't understand the locals.

But many Europeans, including Russians, feel great here!

I understand them. Especially those who leave Russia. I was in Moscow 15 years ago in January, and it was terribly cold there. When you first live at minus 30 degrees, and then you come here - and there is sun, warmth, everyone is smiling - then, even if you understand that all this is not real, you are still pleased, because you missed this so much in your homeland.. .

Your hero from " Sea battle“dreams of becoming president, and are you an ambitious person yourself?

Quite ambitious. I don’t want to become president, but I definitely want to achieve something more in my profession. I hate it when I fail at something or lose. I understand in my head that sometimes you have to fall, otherwise a person will never appreciate what he has. But it’s impossible for a man to come to terms with this! Moreover, I am critical of myself. I come home and get angry: “How could you play so badly!”

It's a pleasure talking to you.

I assure you, I can be a jerk! But I was well brought up. My father taught me to treat my work professionally and not pretend to be a star. He also ordered to protect his family, his relationships, to carve out at least some private space for himself. I'm not a good party animal, I'm afraid of clubs. I don’t want to be followed or waited somewhere, so I go to quiet, unpromoted places. Probably in vain.

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Who are your friends?

You don't know them. They live in Stockholm. We played together as children; they have nothing to do with cinema. One is now unemployed, the other is bored at an insurance company. I don't care how much they earn or what positions they hold or don't hold. For me they are like family members. In general, over the years you realize how difficult it is to make new friends - all the new ones are somehow unreal. Although I am ready to make acquaintances, everyone around me is basically attractive, and I start a conversation easily. I hope that my internal filter will allow me not to make mistakes in people. Especially in Los Angeles, where everyone lies.

There is an anchor hanging around your neck, what does it mean?

To me it means hope. I grew up in Stockholm, which is surrounded by the sea, so water is my native element. My paternal grandfather was a captain, my mother’s father was also a captain, and my uncle works as a skipper on a tanker. Therefore, if I ever decide to move my things to Los Angeles, I will live near the ocean. But then, I hope my family will move here too.

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Do you get along with your parents?

Yes, I am very close to both my father and mother. We try to celebrate Christmas together and New Year. I miss the times when we often had dinners and invited friends to our home. We have big family, I am the oldest of seven children - the responsibility for my brothers and sisters lies with me. In general, I am very family-oriented. Why else should a person live?

Every man has his own toys. What are you playing?

Hmm... I don't feel it great love to weapons. I've dealt with it several times while acting in films, and I know something about weapons, but they don't appeal to me. I love cars, but again without passion. I play football, I had a team of guys in Stockholm with whom we often played or just drank in a bar where there was a TV and broadcast matches. It was a good time, unforgettable. I hope to fly there this summer to support Sweden at the European Football Championship.

6 chosen

Yesterday the Russian premiere of a new adventure film took place in cinemas. Tarzan. Legend(2016), where he had the chance to play the main role. When he's surprised, he always lifts up left eyebrow and studiously avoids talking about his personal life. He is very friendly with his father, the iconic Swedish actor and director, with whom they are more like brothers and best friends. He is grateful to him for never pressuring him about their “acting dynasty”, but allowing him to choose for himself who he wants to become. He considers fear and snobbery regarding a difficult role to be creative suicide, since he is convinced that everyone new project should be a real challenge and bring something new for the actor...

Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård.

He was born on August 25, 1976 in Stockholm and became the eldest of six children of the famous Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård. The house was always noisy and cheerful, people gathered at the table big companies friends, most of whom belonged to the creative elite. Therefore, when 5-year-old Alexander was invited to act in a movie, it was not some kind of surprise: the director of the film was Stellan’s friend, who had visited the Skarsgårds more than once.

His first film role was a boy named Calle Nubb in the film Oke and his world(1983). At the time of the premiere, Alexander was already 7.

However, the first serious acting experience did not at all inspire Alexander to continue family tradition. "I did a couple more films and told my dad I didn't want to do it anymore.", the actor later recalled. One can understand him - after the premiere, the boy began to be recognized on the street, photographers and journalists began to pursue him. The young actor did not really like this turn of events: " My father didn't put pressure on me. I just said that if it’s hard for me to love all this tinsel, I can do whatever I want, and time will decide what’s what..."

And so it happened. Alexander refused any roles that were offered to him, calmly graduated from school, entered college, began studying architecture, then political science, and then completely joined the army - the Royal marines, and served for a year in the anti-terrorist unit of the coastal artillery of the Stockholm archipelago.

But his father was right - his genes took their toll, and one fine day Alexander realized that he was inexorably drawn to act... London, New York - the main theater and film capitals of the world "contributed" to the development of his acting talent and the improvement of his knowledge English language. But love forced Alexander to return to his native land in Stockholm. Where he decided to stay and build a career, despite the end of the affair.

Alexander began appearing with his father in theatrical productions and acting in films. His professional resume starts with a TV project Vita Logner(1999).

And success was not long in coming. However, Hollywood also haunted to the young actor. And his first appearance in the film “Dream Factory” took place in 2001. It became a comedy Model male(2001) starring.

Hollywood accepted it, as did critics and audiences. He fit seamlessly into any role, and military training helped me not to give in to difficulties and to go to the end. Gradually, international awards began to appear in his arsenal, including the prize of the XXVIII Moscow Film Festival for participation in the drama About Sarah(2005).

In addition to cinema and theater, Alexander worked with pleasure in other areas - he “sat” in the director’s chair and became a “face” Calvin Klein, voiced several animated characters, received an Honorary Doctorate, and starred in music videos. So, he had a chance to work in the frame with and play her boyfriend in music video to the song Paparazzi.

Leokadia Korshunova , website


Alexander Skarsgard

Actor Date of birth August 25 (Virgo) 1976 (42) Place of birth Stockholm Instagram @stockholm_insta

Alexander Skarsgård has achieved considerable heights in American cinema. The vampire saga “True Blood” is one of the most significant works in the actor’s track record, which made him famous throughout the world. The incredibly charming blond is very popular among women, but has still not started a family.

Biography of Alexander Skarsgard

Popular Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard was born on August 25, 1976 in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. His mother worked as a doctor at a local hospital, but his father was very famous actor at home. It is not surprising that, having matured, Alexander decided to repeat the fate of his father and followed in his footsteps.

Little Alexander was the first-born in the Skarsgård family, but soon acquired five brothers and one sister. His career began very early - at the age of eight, and the young actor’s entire childhood was filled with constant filming. As a teenager, Skarsgård became a real celebrity in Sweden, but by the age of 16 he decided to give up acting.

Having entered college to major in political science, after a couple of years the young man decided to quit his studies and went to serve in the army. During this time he managed to rethink own desires, and after demobilization resumed acting. But only this time he went to New York to get an appropriate education and do what he loved professionally. Even then, young Skarsgård had a great chance to make a name for himself in Hollywood, but family circumstances he was forced to return to Sweden.

Alexander’s filmography includes many films shot in his homeland. However, he began conquering American cinema only in 2001, starring in the comedy Zoolander. He gained real popularity after the release of the film “True Blood”.

This was followed by many successful roles in interesting films, among which it is especially worth noting the films “Divorce in big city", "Straw Dogs", "Melancholia", "The Diary of a Teenage Girl". Latest works The actor became the comedy “War against everyone”, as well as the sensational film “Tarzan. Legend”, in which the actor starred, demonstrating his excellent physical fitness.

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Personal life of Alexander Skarsgård

In Skarsgård's biography, in addition to large quantity roles, there are no less star novels. In Sweden he long time met a girl and even thought about marriage, but after breaking up with his beloved, he finally moved to America, where he began to lead an easy bachelor life.

Among former passions Swedish actor such celebrities as Amanda Seyfried, Evan Rachel Wood, Kate Bosworth, Isabella Miko, Rihanna and many others.

Skarsgard was able to build a long-term relationship only with TV presenter Chang, with whom he has been together for two years.

Alexander Skarsgård is a Swedish actor and director who became internationally popular after participating in the vampire saga True Blood. The actor also played the role of the main character in one of the most popular films of 2016, “Tarzan. Legend".

Alexander Skarsgård, whose last name should be correctly pronounced Skarsgård, was born in the Swedish capital in 1976. Alexandra Mu Gunther's mother worked as a doctor, and her father was popular in home country film actor. Alexander became the couple’s first child, and then more children appeared in the family. The actor has a sister and six brothers. By the way, two of them, and, also act in films.

Alexander himself first came to the set at the age of 8 years. Alexander Skarsgård's first children's work was the film for young viewers "Oke and His World." Then there were many similar paintings, from which it is worth highlighting family drama"The Laughing Dog" In 1989, the young actor interrupted his career.

The boy turned out to be a popular child actor, but when Skarsgård turned 15, the young man was tired of popularity and the inability to walk the streets calmly. Teen throws acting career and decides to study to be an architect. However, higher education As a result, Alexander received a different specialty, namely political science.

After college, the young man signs a contract with the Swedish armed forces and, at the age of 19, is sent to serve in the anti-terrorist unit of the coastal artillery of the Stockholm archipelago. The army gave Skarsgård the opportunity to reconsider his outlook on life. The guy realized that he had quit the movie in vain. Therefore, after demobilization, Alexander decides to resume his career, but to do it at a serious level. The young man leaves for England, where he perfects his skills at Leeds City University English pronunciation, and also studies dramaturgy. As a result, Alexander receives a doctorate in arts.

Skarsgård's next stop was New York, where the excellent acting school Marymount Manhattan is located. Even then, Alexander could gain a foothold in Hollywood, but due to family circumstances he was forced to return to Sweden, where he began actively acting in big films, as well as appearing in television series.


After 10 years, Alexander returned to Swedish cinema with the melodrama “Happy Ending”. At home, the actor also starred in such projects as the thriller “The Diver,” the romantic film “Wings of Glass” and the family saga “ Kites from Helsinki." The famous film of that period is Othman Karim’s drama “About Sarah,” for which the actor received an award at the Moscow Film Festival.

The first American film in Skarsgård's career was the comedy Zoolander. He got the role of a strange guy who moonlights as a fashion model. Alexander gained wide popularity after the release of the war drama Generation Kill, and the fantasy television series True Blood made him popular all over the world. In this serial film, he plays vampire Eric Northman, owner of the vampire bar Fangtasia. The actor was also involved in the singer’s video clip for the song “Paparazzi”.

Of the many subsequent star roles of Alexander Skarsgård, it is worth highlighting the thriller “Straw Dogs”, the melodrama “Divorce in the City”, the fairy-tale film “Melancholia”, the horror film “Hidden” and the unusual family history"The Diary of a Teenage Girl."

In 2016, the comedy “War Against Everyone” and the adventure film “Tarzan”, expected by many movie lovers, were released. Legend". Alexander Skarsgård's partner on the set was a model and actress.

This is not the first time that directors have turned to the famous series of novels about Tarzan, a man raised by apes. But most of these film adaptations focus on Tarzan's childhood, meeting wild man with people and civilization.

Film "Tarzan" The Legend "begins with the fact that the former Tarzan, who took the legal name of John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, has already settled down in London and lives the ordinary life of a noble Briton with his wife Jane. But the intrigues and financial machinations of the film’s antagonists force Tarzan to go back into the jungle, and fans of Alexander Skarsgård are given the opportunity to see the actor in only a loincloth. The actor has a rather atypical, lean and lean figure. As Alexander himself admitted in an interview, the actor’s weight is 86 kg, and this is with a height of almost two meters - 194 cm.

Personal life

The number of star-studded novels by Alexander Skarsgård is simply off the charts. In his native Sweden, he had a long, serious relationship with a girl, because of whom the actor was forced to return home after studying in New York. But when there was a break between the lovers, Alexander again leaves for the USA and changes one girlfriend after another.

The first in the series of Skarsgård's chosen ones was the actress and singer, then the model Isabella Miko, star of the action movie "Clash of the Titans". Another fleeting romance of the actor was his relationship with his partner in the TV series “True Blood”.

The actor was also credited with an affair with an actress, the star of another vampire series. The actress appeared in a photo with Alexander Skarsgard and Michael McMillian, Skarsgard's co-star in True Blood. This photo provoked a wave of rumors, but later it turned out that Nina and Michael are good friends, but the girl does not communicate too much with Alexander.

And then Alexander fell in love for real. The girl who was able to turn the Swedish ladies' man's head was famous actress. They were together for more than two years, the reasons for their breakup are unknown to the public, but much later Alexander admitted that he should not have kept Kate.

Further, the actor’s name was associated with one of the famous sisters, and with a popular singer, as well as with the young actress Ellen Page and the mature beauty. Since 2015, Alexander Skarsgård has been a member of serious relationship with British TV presenter and fashion model Alexa Chung.

The actor is known as an ardent fan of Swedish football. He is a fan of the Stockholm club Hammarby and even supported this team financial assistance, and also attracted the public to matches through various events, for example, signing autographs at the stadium.

More than one account is registered on Instagram under the name of Alexander Skarsgård, but these pages are not marked as verified, and with a high degree of probability they are run by fans of the actor.

Alexander Skarsgård now

In the summer of 2017, the actor’s fans received encouraging news: Alexander Skarsgård’s heart is free again. The actor is with Alexa Chung after two years of dating. Moreover, as acquaintances of the couple told the press, the actor and TV presenter stopped communicating back in May 2017.

The former lovers did not comment on the breakup, just as they refused to comment on the beginning of the relationship. The press noted that the actor does not suffer from ex-girlfriend. Western press wrote about the actor’s possible relationship with model Toni Garrn.

Professional biography Alexander Skarsgard also continues to attract the attention of fans. In 2017, the actor starred in the HBO drama series Big Little Lies. For his role in this television series, Skarsgård received an Emmy in the category " Best Actor supporting role in a TV movie."

At the Emmy awards ceremony, who played the role of Skarsgård's character's wife in Big Little Lies, Alexander struck her lips after announcing the winner of the nomination. In such a strange way, Nicole congratulated her colleague, while not at all embarrassed that she kissed a man in front of her own husband.


  • 2008 – “Generation Killers”
  • 2008-2014 – “True Blood”
  • 2011 – “Straw Dogs”
  • 2011 – “Melancholia”
  • 2012 – “Battleship”
  • 2012 – “Divorce in the Big City”
  • 2014 – “Lurking”
  • 2015 – “The Diary of a Teenage Girl”
  • 2016 – “War against everyone”
  • 2016 – “Tarzan. Legend"
  • 2017 – “Big Little Lies”