Moderate and sharp continental climates. Types of climates in Russia – Knowledge Hypermarket

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A sharply continental climate is characteristic of Central Siberia. Its distinctive features are a decrease in cloudiness, an increase in seasonal temperature fluctuations (up to 70 C), a decrease in annual precipitation to 100 - 300 mm / year, the preservation and expansion of the permafrost area, its significant thickness - up to hundreds of meters.  

The sharply continental climate of Kazakhstan is favorable for the construction of road bases and coatings using both viscous and liquid petroleum binders.  

The harsh, sharply continental climate and little snowy winter, combined with the almost universal development of sandy-loamy and clayey deposits on the surface, predetermine intense frost cracking of frozen soils and the formation of a polytonal microrelief with re-veined ice, which are almost ubiquitous on swampy and peaty flats. interfluves and terraces and even at the bottom of drying lake thermokarst basins. The polygonal relief with ice wedges is especially pronounced on the high floodplains of all rivers.  

Considering the sharply continental climate of most of the territory Soviet Union, it is very important in relation to the operation of road surfaces to characterize the behavior of bitumen and low temperatures. To test the studied bitumen at low temperatures, the Fraass brittleness temperature method was used. The essence of this method is to determine the tendency for cracks to form in a thin layer of bitumen at a certain temperature.  

In the conditions of the sharply continental climate of the highlands, the rocks that make up the mountain ranges of the Northern Tien Shan, Dzhungar Alatau and Altai are subject to frost weathering for approximately 160 - 210 days a year. According to observations by M.D. Budz and Yu.B. Mrzhtsinsky for the Baikal region, the average weathering rate of fine-grained gray granites is 0 11 cm / year, coarse-grained gray granites - 0 3 - 0 4, gneisses - 0 6, crystalline schists - - 0 6 - 1 0, marbles - 0 7, mudstones - 1 2 - 1 4 and limestones - 2 1 cm / year. Probably, in similar highland conditions, the weathering rate various breeds it will be about the same. In areas confined to zones of large faults, the rate of weathering increases sharply. As a result of weathering, blocky and then fine-clastic material is formed on mountain slopes, which, under the influence gravitational forces moves downslope, playing a significant role in their denudation.  

In the conditions of the sharply continental climate of the eastern provinces (Altai, Western and Eastern Prisayan), gray forest seasonally frozen soils are widespread.  

A - regions with a sharply continental climate, B - northern, D - central and D - southern regions.  

In areas with a sharply continental climate, electrolytes of varying densities are used for summer and winter operation. In this case, during a technical inspection of the car in the spring or autumn, the electrolyte density is adjusted without removing the battery from the car. To reduce the density of the electrolyte, before starting summer operation, part of the electrolyte is sucked out using a rubber bulb and the same amount of distilled water is added.  

Here, in connection with the change from a sharply continental climate to a marine one, there will obviously be a change in the main factors in the formation of frozen and thawed rocks: from the winter temperature inversion in the southwest to the manifestation altitudinal zone(middle and upper belt) in the north and the warming influence of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the east.  

Specific natural and climatic conditions Western Siberia(sharply continental climate, severe swampiness, high humidity, long harsh winter, hot summer) place special demands on the technology used here. The use in the North of equipment designed for conditions middle zone, leads to its premature wear. It is known that the wear rate of standard equipment in the North is 3-5 times higher than in the middle zone. In this regard, the issues of creating new and adapting commercially produced equipment to harsh conditions climatic conditions The Far North are of paramount importance.  

In accordance with the living conditions (sharply continental climate, gravelly, quickly drying soil), this plant has a very developed root system. The roots are branched and penetrate deeply into crevices and are covered on the outside with cork tissue.  

CONTINENTAL CLIMATE, a type of climate formed under conditions of the prevailing influence on the atmosphere during the year of large land masses, i.e. in those parts of continents and in coastal areas of the oceans where air masses of continental origin dominate throughout the year. Particularly characteristic of Asia and North America. The continental climate is determined by large daily and annual (hot summers and Cold winter) values ​​of air temperature amplitude that significantly exceed those observed over the oceans at the same geographic latitude. Continental climate is also characterized by great variability of anomalies of meteorological values ​​over different time intervals, lower values relative humidity, cloudiness during the day and summer months, unevenness in precipitation in all seasons, as well as a general increase in the annual amplitude of air temperature, a decrease in precipitation and average speed winds inland.

To assess climate continentality geographical region continentality indices (K) developed by a number of scientists are used. According to L. Gorchinsky, KGR = (1.7A/sin f) - 20.4 (where A is the annual amplitude of air temperature in °C, f - geographic latitude in degrees); according to S.P. Khromov, K XP = A-5.4sin f/A. Continentality indices are usually expressed as percentages; for example, for the extreme west of Europe, K XP varies from 50 to 75%, for Central and North-East Asia, inland regions of North America, K XP over 90%, for small areas inside Central Australia, northern parts of Africa and South America also reaches 90%.

The continental climate in Russia varies from moderate continental in the European part to sharply continental in Eastern Siberia. The most extreme continental climate in Russia is typical for Yakutia; in Yakutsk the average monthly air temperature in July is 19°C, in January -43°C, and the annual precipitation is 190 mm. In temperate and high latitudes, the continental climate depends to a greater extent on a decrease in winter air temperatures, and in tropical latitudes - on an increase in summer temperatures. A special type of continental climate is the climate of mountainous regions in temperate latitudes ah, where temperature regime and quantity atmospheric precipitation very diverse, depending on the altitude above sea level, slope exposure and other relief features.

Lit.: Vitvitsky G. N. Climates foreign Asia. M., 1960; Myachkova N. A. Climate of the USSR. M., 1983; Climatology / Edited by O. A. Drozdov, N. V. Kobysheva. L., 1989; Khromov S.P., Petrosyants M.A. Meteorology and climatology. 7th ed. M., 2006; Sorokina V. N., Gushchina D. Yu. Climatology. Geography of climates. M., 2006.

It is absolutely certain that everyone understands the weather, politics and agriculture, despite the fact that sometimes, due to the nature of their main activities, they are far from the listed topics. To replenish our own theoretical baggage, we will try to understand the weather, the sharply continental climate.

The concepts of weather and climate are not the same thing. Scientists define climate as the weather over a long period of time. According to the recommendation, this period is 30 years. Climate is influenced by numerous factors, such as land and sea areas, terrain, the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, sea and air currents.

The above lists only generally known information that affects climate. Experts use many others that are not taken into account at the layman level. These include pressure, atmospheric conditions, salinity sea ​​water and a whole range of other data. In principle, what has already been said is enough to understand the futility of reasoning about the weather, but it’s simply interesting to learn something informative about it.

The climate on Earth is extremely diverse - this is a well-known truth. In order to somehow characterize it, such a concept as a climate zone was introduced, taking into account the characteristics atmospheric circulation air masses. There are four main zones for each hemisphere - tropical, equatorial, polar, temperate.

The climate is the most common in Russia and dominates over most of its area. It is divided into four independent climatic zones - with a predominance of temperate continental, continental, sharply continental and each zone covers its own territory, and the weather in it corresponds to the characteristics climate zone.

Thus, the sharply continental climate in Russia is characterized by slight cloudiness and low precipitation. Eastern and Central Siberia are in its zone of influence. There are few clouds here, precipitation mainly falls in summer time(usually in July). Thanks to the transparent atmosphere, the earth's surface quickly warms up in summer and cools quickly in winter.

Just as significant temperature fluctuations occur during the daily cycle: warm during the day, cold at night. As a result of significant changes in air temperature, there are usually frosty winters and hot summers. A small amount of snow and frosts contribute to soil freezing, resulting in permafrost in northern regions territories. Within the boundaries of this climatic zone there is the only natural area- taiga.

It should be noted that a sharply continental climate occurs exclusively in the region. The reason for this is the fact that in temperate latitudes there is practically no land and, therefore, there are no conditions for the formation of continental air masses.

Climate is not something frozen and unchanging. It changes - of course, not at one moment, but gradually. By climate change, scientists understand a steady trend of growth or decline in any of its characteristics, monitored by meteorologists over a long period of time. Thus, according to experts, since the beginning of the twentieth century there has been an increase in the average annual global surface air temperature by 0.74 °C. And this gives scientists reason to talk about global warming.

The study of climate and monitoring of its fluctuations occurs constantly. It is necessary to take into account its features, first of all, in production activities humans and in agriculture. Thus, for territories where a sharply continental climate predominates, it was necessary to build houses on stilts in order to avoid warming up the permafrost - otherwise the building would “float”. And the impact of climate on people’s health cannot be underestimated.

The material presented discusses what climate is, what climates are located on the territory of Russia, and features characteristic of a sharply continental climate.

summary of other presentations

“Formation of the relief of Russia” - Athletes. Byrranga. West Siberian Plain. Features of the geological history of the development of the surface of Russia. Ancient glaciers. Precambrian platform. Modern glaciation. Mountainous terrain. The East European Plain. Field.

“Description of the relief of Russia” - High mountains. Mountain belt. Mountains Southern Siberia. Mountains. Plains. The East European Plain. Relief of Russia. Elevated areas earth's surface. Character traits relief of Russia. A set of irregularities on the earth's surface. Central Siberian Plateau. Vegetable and animal world. Keys. West Siberian Plain. Geographical studies.

“Types of climates in Russia” - Characteristics of climatic zones and regions of Russia. Subarctic climate type. Monsoon type of climate. The territory of Russia is located in three climatic zones. Types of climates in Russia. Temperate zone. Assignments on the topic “Types of climates in Russia.” Tests on the topic “Types of climates in Russia.” Subtropical climate type. Using climate diagrams, describe the climate. Determine what type of climate the following description corresponds to.

“Natural resource reserves of Russia” - Land resources. Main types of natural resources of the Russian Federation. Water resources. The total potential value of mineral reserves of the Russian Federation. Sea resources. Questions and assignments on the topic “ Natural resources RF". Mineral raw materials. Natural resources of the Russian Federation. Recreational resources. Forest resources.

“Features of the relief of Russia” - Features of the relief of Russia. What would the climate be like if the mountain frame was in the north? Basic forms. Mountains are vast areas of the earth's surface raised above the plains. Relief is the frame of nature. What is relief? Features of the relief of our country. Mountains differ in height. Where is it better to live, in the mountains or on the plains? Lesson objectives. In Russia, relief prevails. Plains. Exercise. Landforms.

“Climate of Russia” - The role of climate for humans. Characteristics of the main seasons of the year. Climate of Russia. Conclusion on the climatic features of the warm period. Amplitude average monthly temperatures. Soils. Climatic features cold period. Energy base of the climate. The degree of influence of pressure centers. Territorial distribution of precipitation during the warm period. Subarctic belt. Pressure. Relief. Annual evaporation.

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Temperate continental climate is typical for the European part of Russia and the extreme north-west temperate zone within Western Siberia. These areas receive frequent access to Atlantic air, so winters are not as severe as in more eastern areas. Slightly frosty weather prevails. In everything winter months There are days with thaws, the number of which increases towards the south. The average temperature in January varies from -4 to -28°C.

Summer is warm. The average temperature in July varies from 12 to 24°C. Due to active cyclonic activity, it falls here greatest number precipitation (in the west more than 800 mm). Share winter precipitation is quite large, but due to thaws, the thickness of the snow cover in most of the territory is less than 60 cm. Humidification varies from excessive to insufficient. From northern border zones to the south there is a change in zonal climates from taiga to steppes.

Continental climate is typical for most of Western Siberia and the extreme southeast of the East European Plain (semi-deserts and deserts of the Caspian region). Continental air of temperate latitudes dominates here throughout the year. The meridional circulation intensifies, as a result of which both arctic and tropical air enters the territory. With the western transport, Atlantic air enters here, significantly transformed. The average January temperature increases to the southwest from -28°С to -18°С in Western Siberia and to -12 -6°С in the Caspian region. The average July temperature increases from 15-16°C to 210°C in the south of Western Siberia and up to 25°C in the Caspian region. Cyclonic activity weakens, so the annual precipitation varies from 600-650 mm to 300 mm. Here, zonality in climate change is especially clearly visible: from the taiga climate to the desert climate.

A sharply continental climate is characteristic of the temperate zone of Central Siberia. Throughout the year, continental air of temperate latitudes dominates here, so extremely low temperatures are typical. winter temperatures(-25 .-44°C) and significant warming in summer (14-20°C). Winter is sunny, frosty, with little snow. Severely frosty weather types predominate. The annual precipitation is less than 500 mm. Summer is sunny and warm. The humidification coefficient is close to unity. The climate of the taiga is formed here.

Monsoon climate is typical for the eastern outskirts of Russia. In winter, cold and dry continental air of temperate latitudes dominates here, and in summer, humid sea air with Pacific Ocean, so winter is cold, sunny and little snow with a temperature of -15 -35°C, and summer is cloudy and cool ( average temperature July 10-20°C) from big amount precipitation that falls in the form of showers. There is excessive moisture everywhere.


Inland waters of the CIS are represented by rivers, lakes, including artificial lakes - reservoirs and ponds, underground water, including groundwater, swamps, permafrost and glaciers. Inland waters are closely related to climate. To a certain extent, they are all a product of climate, although, of course, they depend on and influence other components of nature.

Relationships between climate and inland waters reflects water balance well. It shows the relationship between precipitation, evaporation and runoff (surface and underground). For Russia as a whole, the water balance can be presented in the following form: annually 9648 km3 of precipitation (564 mm layer) falls on the territory of the country, 5605 km3 (327 mm) evaporates from the surface, and 4043 km3 (237 mm) flows down. Surface runoff accounts for 3122 km3 (183 mm), underground runoff - 921 km3 (54 mm)1. An analysis of the water balance shows that in the country as a whole, about 42% of atmospheric precipitation flows from the surface and is carried into the seas and inland waters.

However, the structure of the water balance is subject to very significant territorial changes. Thus, in the Bely and Barents seas, which include the territory from the tundra to the taiga, the average annual precipitation is 710 mm, evaporation - 370 mm and runoff - 340 mm (data from the State Hydrological Institute, 1967); in the Volga basin, the flow of which is formed mainly in forest areas, respectively 660 mm, 473 mm and 187 mm, and the Don, whose basin is located in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, - 600 mm, 530 mm and 70 mm. The latitudinal zonality in the distribution of water balance elements is quite clearly visible. For example, on the East European Plain in the tundra, precipitation is 610 mm, evaporation is 310 mm, and 300 mm remains for runoff; V mixed forests respectively - 700 mm, 495 mm and 205 mm; in the steppes - 500 mm, 455 mm and 45 mm; in semi-deserts and deserts - 310 mm, 300 mm and 10 mm (Koronkevich N.I., 1990).