What does the name Olga mean? Brief summary. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Olga

The meaning of the name Olga, like the meaning of other names, is closely related to its history. The name Olga came to us from the Scandinavian languages. This is not so common among popular Russian names whose origins are associated with Greece, Rome or ancient Judea. Linguists believe that the meaning of the name Olga is “saint”. It is believed that the name comes from the Scandinavian Hélga, and it is translated as “saint”. According to this version, the name Olga and the male name Oleg are related.

The second variant of meaning and origin is considered to be the origin of the other Slavic Volga. This name was translated as a miracle worker. So the second meaning of the name Olga is “wonderwoman”. In ancient chronicles, the name of Princess Olga is used in two meanings. It is interesting that in the Belarusian language the name Olga sounds exactly like Volga.

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl

Olya is growing very much interesting child. This is a combination of two opposites. She is a fairly active and sociable child, which is combined with a certain isolation. That is, she is superficially contactable, but only she knows what is really on her mind. Communicates well with children and finds them quite easily mutual language.

Olya excels in her studies, although she doesn’t particularly like studying. Her knowledge is superficial, but sufficient for good grades. She rarely gets interested in the subject and teaches something beyond what is necessary. Does not cause problems for teachers both in lessons and during breaks.

The girl's health is average. Problems appear in several places. Weak point Olga usually has digestive system and vision. These areas need special attention and care. Well, remember that prevention is much simpler and easier than treatment.

Short name Olga

Olya, Olka, Olchik, Ollie, Olgusya, Lelka.

Diminutive pet names

Olechka, Olenka, Olyushka, Olyunchik, Olgunya, Olgusha, Olyunya, Olyulya, Olyasha, Lelya.

Name Olga in English

IN English language the name Olga is spelled Olga.

Name Olga for international passport- OLGA.

Translation of the name Olga into other languages

in Arabic - اولغا (Ulgha)
in Belarusian - Volga
in Bulgarian - Olga
in Greek - Όλγα (Olga)
in Icelandic - Helga (Helga)
in Italian - Olga
in Chinese - 奥尔加 (Aoerjia)
in German - Helga
in Polish - Olga
in Romanian - Olga
in Serbian - Olga
in Ukrainian - Olga
in Finnish - Helka
in French - Olga
in Japanese - オルガ (O-ri-ga)

Church name Olga(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - this is the church name. Of course, this is if Olga was not given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Olga

Bearers of the name Olga are characterized by a strong and strong-willed personality type. They are focused and a little secretive, although they usually try to appear sociable and friendly. They are persistent and sometimes even stubborn, which both helps and hinders them in life. Persistence often helps in achieving important goals and interferes with the establishment of personal relationships. So stubbornness does not allow Olga to apologize, even if she is wrong. Even when apologizing, it is clear from her that she considers an apology to be in good form and remorse for an action is not necessary.

At work, Olga often combines successes with failures. While Olga has the ability to work and talent, the ability to get along with people and work in a team is not always the case. She is often the culprit of her own failures. She needs to learn humility and foresight.

In the family, Olga is a wonderful wife and mother. She loves her children and her husband very much, and is a wonderful housewife. I am not inclined towards leadership in the family, but chooses several things in which the last word always behind her. It could be any direction family life, for example, where to go on vacation, etc.

The secret of the name Olga

As we already wrote, apologizing is not Olin’s strong point. Even when she apologizes, she rarely repents, so she tends to repeat the same mistakes. This is her secret. Know that if Olga apologized, it doesn’t mean anything.

Olga is a very touchy person. Her excellent memory for grievances can be called a secret. She can remember the most distant troubles, but remembers them in right moment. She does not have the habit of remembering them all the time, but in the depths of her memory the grievances are never erased.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Owl.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

Stone- Amber.

Guardian angel named Olga and his patron will depend on her date of birth. If you know Olga’s date of birth, then read the article “Patron of the name Olga” on our website.

Olga is one of the most beautiful and significant ancient Russian female names. It originated in the Scandinavian countries, where it sounded like Helga (Helgla). Female form male name Oleg (Helgi). Has the meaning: holy, bright, great. The name is timeless.

Like many centuries ago, many of our contemporaries wear it. A name that does not have a disparaging form. Full of dignity, strong energy and pure light.

Name day Olga has only one time a year - July 24. Patronizes her Holy Princess Olga(baptized Elena).

Character: willpower and uncertainty

The powerful component of the name Olga is also transmitted to the character of the person named by it. Women named Olga are usually active and hardworking, with a strong-willed nature, deep intelligence, and analytical abilities.

But they do not always achieve a high position in society, since they do not aspire to it. They have different values. Sometimes modesty and self-doubt get in the way.

They have artistic talents. Usually this bright personalities who are loved and respected by others, their company is comfortable for both bosses and janitors. They have their own principles and moral principles. They are demanding of others, but most of all of themselves.

Women named Olga are very feminine. They have correct facial features and figure proportions. Their beauty is not so much external as internal. At the same time, they can be either slender and graceful, or plump, but their volumes are always harmonious, which attracts men.

Childhood: without hassle, but with tears

Unusual character manifests itself already in childhood. Olya loves to be around adults and participate in their conversations. Her knowledge is not encyclopedic; rather, she has a feminine touch. worldly wisdom and lively mind. Olya is a good student at school, she likes not to cause trouble to teachers and parents. The outwardly calm and aloof girl, meanwhile, is quite vulnerable and touchy.

In early childhood, she often cries, not always from resentment, but more from surging emotions. Her nervous system needs long rest and time alone.

Olga loves to delve into herself, analyze her emotions and experiences. Very doesn't like being given advice and teach because, As a rule, she knows everything herself.

Health: “if I get sick, I won’t go to the doctor”

In early childhood he rarely gets sick. The exception is respiratory infections, after which there may be complications. Possible liver disease. Olga for treatment categorically dislikes and does not trust doctors.

In old age, problems with joints or veins begin, since Olga is inclined to be overweight. But having gained weight, she remains mobile and easy to climb.

Love and marriage: hidden passion and unattainable ideal

Love occupies a significant place in Olga's life. A girl in love, as a rule, hides her feelings and revels in her suffering from unrequited love. In adult life may be susceptible strong passion, which, nevertheless, is carefully hidden. She thinks that strong feeling makes her weak and dependent.

If Olga gets married quickly, then she becomes faithful and caring wife. But in his soul he lives with memories of unfulfilled first love. She doesn’t like to be the leader in the family, but she knows how to turn the situation around so that everything will be as she needs.

If you don't get married early, then stays free for a long time. It is difficult for men to live up to a self-sufficient personality – strong and original.

The marriage is going well Olga with Anatoly, Boris, Zakhar, Lev, Semyon, .

Difficult and even dramatic relationships probably with a husband named Peter.

Fate: the bright and thorny path

The life of a woman named Olga can be difficult, but quite extraordinary and intriguing. She unlikely to be a passive housewife.

If her husband provides her with great income, she will devote herself with all passion to raising children; will take up music, drawing, writing; will open charitable foundation or an art gallery.

But more often than not, Olga prefers to find herself at work. Olga interestingly combines sufficient isolation with external activity. People trust her. She can find herself in professions: medical or Social worker, psychologist, sociologist, journalist.

Olga may go into politics or the field social activities, become a top manager of a successful company. Olga's heightened sense of responsibility. Such a woman will achieve visible results in any area of ​​activity.

Personal life and women's destiny can often be unsuccessful. Olga creates in her imagination early ideal man, with certain requirements that rarely fall under a real man. If she manages to accept loving person the way he is, then she can be happy.

Sometimes self-doubt will interfere with the realization of talents. But powerful inner strength and sense of extraordinary mission, will support her in difficult times and make her life path fun and productive.

Name and zodiac signs

Name Olga harmoniously combined in a person born under the zodiac sign:
Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Taurus

The name is perfect doesn't harmonize with Fire signs:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

In a harmonious combination the name gets additional characteristics from the zodiac sign, which he may be lacking.

Aquarius complements Olga's cold and rational intellect with subtle and deep intuition. It further enhances her analytical abilities, allowing Olga’s thinking to reach unlimited proportions.

Scales make Olga more diplomatic. Her desire for arrogance and emphasizing her own importance is smoothed out, and her adaptability in the team increases.

Taurus adds warmth and tenderness to Olga's character, more open sexuality, and the manifestation of talent in cooking. Makes her more successful in the financial and business spheres.

Olga's character

Strong Character Traits

  • Intelligence
  • Discretion
  • Analytic skills
  • Perseverance
  • Hard work
  • Responsibility
  • Moral principles

Attractive Character Traits

  • Sociability
  • Lordship of nature
  • Easy to climb
  • Empathy
  • Talent

Making life difficult Olga is like that features of nature, like stubbornness, touchiness, vulnerability, self-doubt, weak ambitions, vulnerability nervous system, limited by one’s own principles.

Olga– ancient Russian name, once borrowed by our ancestors from the Scandinavian languages. It comes from the name Helga (Helgla), which means “holy”.

Olga - character traits

As a child, Olga was a thoughtful and serious girl. She is not without stubbornness, cries from resentment, may not admit her guilt for a long time and will never ask for forgiveness. She is calm with her peers, studies normally, and is in the “golden” middle. Teachers are always pleased with her behavior.

In her youth, Olga is different - light-hearted and crazy. She is a “princess”, a ruler in her circle. Thoughtful, serious, but at the same time very touchy and vulnerable. Olga is proud, however, this manifests itself in most cases of envy and a tendency to self-criticism. However, she is ashamed of this and tries to hide the unclean feeling even from herself, covering up good deeds.

Olga is unusually feminine, she always takes care of her appearance, dresses very carefully. She is intolerant of other people's advice, and treats those who are not so knowledgeable in some issues with condescension. This is how Olga’s limited nature is revealed.

She is no stranger to hypocrisy: she is always kind to her superiors, but often treats those dependent on her with disdain. Olga faithful wife and cooks well, but is a little cold, games of the heart are not for her. She is also a big fan of gossip.

Olga - name compatibility

She may be happily married to Victor, Anatoly, Zakhar, Vladislav, Lev, Stepan or Semyon. Unhappy - with Igor, Denis, Nikolai, Igor and Konstantin.

Olga - famous people who bore this name

Their name is Olga famous people like Aroseva, Volkova, Voronets, Knipper-Chekhova, Kobylyanskaya, Dmitrieva, Kabo, Korbut, Kuchkina, Lagutina, Ostroumova, Rodina, Lepeshinskaya, Moiseeva, Subbotina, Sukharnova, Forsh, Rubtsova, Sadovskaya and Spesivtseva.

Olga - interesting facts about the name

The name Olga is very often given to “fatal” women and intelligent criminals. Most pronounced negative traits the character of Olga Eduardovna, Zinovievna, Dmitrievna, Alexandrovna and Nikolaevna.


Oksana 04/10/2016

I just adore Olya, how true friends are, how simple good people. It’s always interesting to be with them, they have no inhibitions, you can freely communicate on any topic. Olga is easy-going, you can easily drag her somewhere to relax, to a bar, for example.

Olya 04/10/2016

Oh yeah! We are like that!! We definitely know how to take offense. Moreover. I personally will never be the first to reconcile, even if I really need to. I will silently wait for a miracle))) Of course, this is bad, but I can’t help it. So far, everything has ended well))

Olga is one of the most beautiful female names. But what does it mean and what fate does it predict for its owner? Girl Olga, character and fate are the main topic of today’s article.

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl, briefly

According to anthroponymy (the science that studies people's names), the name Olga is very similar in meaning to male name Vladimir. If we delve deeper into the meaning of the name Olga for a girl, it can be briefly described by the following epithets:

  • bright;
  • great;
  • clear;
  • ruling;
  • powerful;
  • wise.

It is these definitions that make it possible to find close similarities with Vladimir, “who owns the world.” The girl Olga is the true future ruler, a young royal person.

What does the name Olga mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

For many parents choosing a name for their child, it is important to ecclesiastical significance. What does the name Olga mean for a girl? church calendar? The meaning is as beautiful as the name itself - “Saint”.

The secret of the name Olga: interesting facts

Is there a secret to the name Olga? There are several interesting facts:

  1. Olga is not one of those who can easily apologize. And even if she is categorically wrong. This is one of the most unpleasant secrets of the name. On rare occasions you can hear the word “Sorry” from Olga. But even saying this, she hardly feels any remorse. When dealing with Olga, it is important to remember that her apologies are mostly worthless.
  2. Another secret of girls named Olga is their impeccable memory for insults. Even a slight, stupid offense that offended Olga, she can remember all her life. The grievances from her memory are not erased! And she will definitely remember them at the most appropriate moment when communicating with the person who offended her. A slight vindictiveness is an integral attribute of beautiful Olyas.
  3. Very interesting fact– unlike many Russian names, Olga is popular not only in Russia, but also in European countries. The Russian name is of particular interest in Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic and Scotland. However, for Europeans the pronunciation as Helga is more typical.

This is Olga, the meaning of her name, whose character and fate are so extraordinary.

Origin of the name Olga and its meaning for children

What is the origin of the name Olga and its meaning for children? Old Russian name, which came from Scandinavia. Initially it is beautiful, rare female name sounded like Helga. In Russia, it acquired softer, gentler contours in pronunciation. The prolonged “O” made the sound of the name somewhat less aggressive, gentle, calm and pleasant to the ear.

However, there is a second version of the origin of the name. Anthroponymists actively argue that Olga is not Old Russian, but Old Slavic name. It came from the name Volga. However, it has a meaning similar to Helga:

  • solar;
  • great;
  • significant;
  • good;
  • miracle worker.

Regardless of which version of the origin is considered true, Olga, the meaning of the name, character and fate remain more than similar.

Character of a girl named Olga

The character of a girl named Olga with early childhood- strong-willed. The baby does not like and does not know how to give in, does not give in to difficulties. She tries to be friendly and sweet in her interactions, but this is just one of Olya’s masks. By nature, Olga is quite secretive, does not like to show her emotions, and rarely shows her true inner world.

Very stubborn and persistent. Such traits can not only help Olga, but also often cause a lot of trouble. She is impeccable in achieving her goals, but is not always able to find a common language with people. He is reluctant to compromise and defends his position to the last. It is the inherent persistence of the name that stops Olga from pronouncing simple word"Sorry".

Enough complex nature can seriously affect a girl's future. For example, this may affect work. She will definitely have high status, an ideal career. Performance at top level! However, working in a team is not desirable for her. Olga is a leader by nature. She does not tolerate other people's advice; for her, working in a team is the worst punishment. It is the charming Olya who often becomes the culprit of scandals at work.

Anthroponymists advise little Olya to learn humility and friendliness with early years. Restraint and a positive attitude towards others will help the girl avoid many problems in adulthood.

What makes it stand out?

Olya has been different since childhood high intelligence. Very capable, has many talents. At school, little Olya is always among best students, easy to learn. The girl’s leadership character does not allow her to be “on the sidelines”; she always strives to be in first place. There is no need to force her to do her homework; the young lady has an impeccably developed desire to learn everything new. After all, this will only increase her status among her peers!

With age leadership skills young girls are intensified. She is still serious and stubborn, but at the same time very touchy and vulnerable. A slight disdainful attitude towards others becomes more global manifestation. The girl puts those who are not sufficiently developed intellectually (according to Olga) below herself.

Narcissistic, but at the same time very critical of herself. With age, this character trait intensifies many times over. If she notices a girl in her environment who is better than herself in some respects, a feeling of envy may arise. Maniacally brings himself to perfection. This applies to both appearance and self-development. She must be the best! Anthroponymists emphasize this attitude towards oneself as the most striking manifestation of a complex, “royal” character.

The fate of a girl named Olga

The fate of a girl named Olga is very favorable. Personal life is going well, often first love ends in marriage. Olga is ideal for family life. Always faithful to her husband, she impeccably maintains comfort in the house.

The girl will not only be a wonderful wife, but also a loving, caring mother. It is worth noting that despite her leadership, stubborn character, Olga does not strive to be a leader in the family. She prefers to give leadership to her man. However, in some family moments she reserves the right to choose. This may concern, for example, the choice of where to go on vacation. In this case, Olga’s opinion is quite difficult to dispute.

If first love ends not in a wedding, but in separation, Olga experiences the breakup for a very long time. She invariably compares all subsequent fans with her first man. And often she doesn’t find a better man, so she prefers to be left alone. Never enters into a relationship without deep sympathy, but simply to have someone nearby. According to fate, a girl’s feelings and experiences, pain are inseparable.

Olga - “sacred” (scand.).

Characteristics of the name Olga

Independent and stubborn, Olga is always preoccupied with solving some problems. The ruler in her circle is a “princess”. Dangerous in anger, but her personal devotion is worthy of all praise.

Olga lacks human warmth, without which there is no real happiness. Characteristics of the name Olga early becomes self-sufficient and independent. Has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, and enthusiastic expression of feelings. He adheres to strict moral standards, usually does not forgive anything and will always be able to remind you of long-standing offenses.

Characteristics of the name Olga struggles with her difficult character. It’s hard to part with what you hold in your hands. Even in anger he controls himself, but there is still no need to anger Olga. Relies on active women. In friendship, equal. Does not allow the manifestation of feelings and affections until he is convinced of their selflessness. He takes failures calmly. Endurance and patience allow you to overcome any difficulties. IN extreme situations acts quickly and... exactly. He evaluates everything according to his own criteria. She is not influenced, it is difficult to convince her to change her decision, even if she is wrong. Her self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

For Olga, work is both armor, passion, and passion. The secret of the name Olga does not agree with the prevailing opinion that a woman plays a secondary role in life. She likes professions that require full dedication from a person - doctor, nurse, politician. She has a heightened sense of responsibility and dedication. Since she often lacks imagination and inspiration, she is more guided by logic. Well developed intellect. He has an analytical mind and a huge supply of energy and activity. It seems that the secret of the name Olga never tires.

She never spends a day inactive. Quite sociable. This is a very powerful woman. Everyone - be it relatives or friends, not to mention her husband and children - even without wanting to, obey her will.

The secret of the name Olga by birth month

Light and unpredictable with men, Olga in her youth suffers from love. IN mature age considers sex to be a manifestation of animal instinct. This topic is never discussed.

She is in excellent health, but with an unhealthy lifestyle, diseases of the liver and genital organs are possible.

  • “Winter” Olga is energetic, powerful, and adamant.
  • “Spring” is arrogant, ambitious, exalted. Can work as a teacher, hairdresser, and also in the service sector.
  • “Summer” is amorous, trusting, naive.
  • “Autumn” is too practical, enterprising, and thrifty. She will make a good store manager, company director, manager, assistant.

What middle name suits the name Olga?

The “winter” and “autumn” Olga have a name combined with patronymics: Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Andreevna, Petrovna, Alekseevna, Glebovna, Vladimirovna, Pavlovna, Grigorievna. For the “summer” and “spring” ones, the name matches the patronymic: Efimovna, Aleksandrovna, Svyatoslavovna, Gavrilovna, Osipovna, Mironovna.