Biography. Oleg Deripaska - detailed review Deripaska owner

In honor of the anniversary of the famous Russian industrialist, the portal collected 50 known and unexpected facts about him.

1. Oleg Deripaska was born on January 2, 1968 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region.

2. The future major entrepreneur graduated from school No. 2 in Ust-Labinsk.

3. Deripaska loves Japanese painting and traditional folk art mingei (masters of this type of art use inexpensive materials at hand when making household items).

4. The businessman has been permanently residing in Moscow for many years.

5. In 2015 Russian entrepreneur proposed a global carbon tax. The tax, which Deripaska plans to apply worldwide, will help protect the planet from harmful emissions.

6. In 1999, Deripaska was awarded the Order of Friendship with the wording “For services to the state, great contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry and many years of conscientious work.”

39. Oleg Deripaska built a modern hospital in Guinea to combat the Ebola virus, investing $10 million in the project.

40. Deripaska received the “Patron of the Year of Culture” award from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the revival of the historical and cultural heritage of Kuban.

41. The industrialist has supported excavations for many years ancient city Phanagoria, which existed on the territory of the Taman Peninsula for 1500 years, from the 6th century. BC until the 10th century AD

42. The owner of Basic Element has 12 dogs, and in 2014 he opened the first private shelter in Sochi, PovoDog, which now houses about 300 pets. During the operation of the shelter, more than 700 dogs found new owners.

43. In 2008, the Volnoe Delo Foundation initiated the “Robotics: Engineering and Technical Personnel of Innovative Russia” program. This is the only mass program of classes and competitions in robotics in the country, which today unites more than 60 thousand schoolchildren and students in 74 regions of Russia. During the existence of the program, about 30 thousand boys and girls who took part in it became students of leading technical universities RF. Every spring in Moscow there is key event the RoboFest program, the largest robotics championship among children and youth in Europe. In 2017, about 5 thousand people from 65 regions took part in it.

44. Since 2016, all new structures and companies of Basic Element have been registered for tax purposes in the Ust-Labinsk region. This is happening as part of an agreement between Oleg Deripaska and the administration Krasnodar region, signed for a period of five years. 50% of this tax base will go to the development of the Ust-Labinsk region.

45. Oleg Deripaska loves horses and is excellent in the saddle.

46. ​​In 2000, Deripaska bought the Gorky Automobile Plant. From an archaic and unprofitable production, the company has become the undisputed leader of the Russian automotive industry, integrated into the global automotive industry.

47. Oleg Deripaska’s “Basic Element” is widely represented in Krasnodar region. About 50 companies have invested more than 45 billion rubles in regional projects over the past decade. Until 2020, investments in the Kuban economy of almost 50 billion rubles are planned.

48. The businessman is attached to the Russian south and its Cossack villages.

49. The “JuniorSkills - Professionals of the Future” program of the Volnoe Delo Foundation received the support of the President of the Russian Federation. Over three years, more than 3 thousand juniors and 900 experts and mentors took part in the JuniorSkills championships. In October 2017, during the WorldSkills World Championship in Abu Dhabi, international JuniorSkills competitions were held with the participation of teams from Russia, Belarus, the UAE and Finland.

50. In 2016, Expert-South magazine recognized Oleg Deripaska as “Person of the Year”.

Place of birth. Education. Born in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region (Russia). In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow state university named after M. Lomonosov. In 1996 - Russian Economic Academy named after G. Plekhanov.

Career. After graduating from university, Oleg Deripaska organized small business for metals trading, almost all of the profits from which were used to purchase shares in the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter (Republic of Khakassia), according to the biography of the entrepreneur posted on the Basic Element website. According to other sources, even in his final years at the university, he became the financial director of the Military Financial and Investment Company LLP.

In 1994, 26-year-old Oleg Deripaska became the general director of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. Under his leadership, the third largest electrolysis plant in Russia became the best in the industry in terms of such indicators as profitability, technological level, product quality, and environmental safety.

In 1997 he initiated the creation of the first post-Soviet space a vertically integrated industrial company - the Siberian Aluminum Group (in 2001 renamed Basic Element), the core of which was the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. Subsequently, the company united a number of leading enterprises of the Russian aluminum complex, producing a variety of products from aluminum and its alloys - from rolled products and semi-finished products to complex architectural structures, components for the aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding industries. Three years after its formation, the Siberian Aluminum Group entered the top ten global manufacturers of aluminum products.

In 2000, Oleg Deripaska became general director company "Russian Aluminum" (RUSAL), which included aluminum and alumina plants of the companies "Siberian Aluminum" and "Sibneft". In 2007, the aluminum and alumina assets of RUSAL, which ranked third in the world in aluminum production, merged with the SUAL Group, one of the world's top ten aluminum producers, and the alumina assets of the Swiss company Glencore. As a result, the United Company "Russian Aluminum", in which Deripaska headed the supervisory board, became the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina.

The United Company RUSAL is the second largest aluminum producer in the world. Its share in the world production of primary aluminum is 7%, the share of alumina is also 7% of the world production. On March 15, 2018, the post of president of Rusal was replaced by the general director of the company, Vladislav Solovyov, instead of Deripaska, who also became the general director of En+ Group. Oleg Deripaska is the main shareholder of En+ Group.En+ Group - industrial group, unites companies operating in the energy sector, color metallurgy and mining industry, as well as strategically related industries.

The basic element of an oligarch. The main diamond in the billionaire's crown is the diversified investment company with assets in Russia and abroad, Basic Element, in which he serves as chairman of the supervisory board. The company's main assets are concentrated in six sectors - energy, resources, construction, engineering, financial services, and aviation. In 2006, the consolidated revenue of the group's enterprises amounted to more than $18 billion. Market value assets, according to data published on the company's website, are estimated at more than $23 billion. The total number of employees is about 300 thousand people.

The portfolio of Basic Element, along with Russian Aluminum, includes the GAZ Group (the second largest automaker in Russia), Ingosstrakh (the oldest and largest in the Russian Federation insurance company), Eurosibenergo (manages the assets of the two largest energy producers in Siberia), Glavmosstroy (the largest construction holding in Moscow and the Moscow region), Soyuz Bank (among the 30 largest Russian banks by assets) etc.

Interests in Ukraine. OK "Russian Aluminum" is a co-owner of OJSC "Nikolaev Alumina Refinery" (NGZ). Control is exercised through the subsidiary company Aluminum of Ukraine, which in 2000 acquired a 30% stake in OJSC NGZ. Since that moment, Russian Aluminum, according to the company’s management, has invested more than $180 million in the development of the Nikolaev enterprise.

At the end of 2007, the Russian Basic Element, the Ukrainian group Development Construction Holding and the Austrian concern Strabag SE created the diversified construction holding Strabag Ukraine. Specialization new structure will be the construction of infrastructure facilities (especially in light of Ukraine’s preparation for Euro 2012).

State. If recently the ratings of the richest Russians were headed by the governor of Chukotka and the owner of the London football club Chelsea, then in 2008 the palm was seized by Oleg Deripaska. Thus, according to the Russian and American versions of Forbes magazine, at the end of 2007, the fortune of the co-owner of Russian Aluminum reached almost $28.6 billion, exceeding the previous year’s figure by $12 billion. At the same time, a representative of the billionaire’s office called the estimate seriously inflated. Roman Abramovich, according to the Forbes rating, gave out $24.3 billion.

According to the publication, the richest Ukrainian has $7.3 billion (127th place in the world ranking). Thus, Oleg Deripaska turned out to be almost four times richer than the Donetsk businessman. His fortune also exceeded the total assets of the top ten richest Ukrainians, who together managed to scrape together barely $22 billion.

As of January 2018 Deripaska was in the rating according to the magazine Forbes is in 247th place with a fortune of $7.1 billion.

Sanctions. April 62018 included in the list of sanctionsUSAincluding 17 government members and 7 businessmen from Russia. The stock price of Deripaska's companies fell sharply (the Russian ruble also fell).Deripaska announced that one of his main companies, Rusal, may default.In just a few days, the billionaire lost about 20% of his fortune - $1.6 billion.

Views and assessments.“There is nothing better than RUSAL in our country... There are several good companies in the world, but they also have their own problems,” says O. Deripaska.

Social activities. Oleg Deripaska - vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, chairman of the board of the Russian national committee International Chamber of Commerce, is a member of the Council on Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, State Academic Bolshoi Theater, business schools of Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed as the representative of Russia in the Business Advisory Council of the Asia-Pacific Forum economic cooperation"Since 2007 - Chairman of the Russian part of this Council.

Regalia. Awarded the Order of Friendship. Based on the results of 1999, 2006 and 2007. newspaper "Vedomosti", published by "The Wall Street Journal" and " Financial Times", declared "Entrepreneur of the Year".

Family. The billionaire is married. His wife Polina is the daughter of Valentin Yumashev, ex-head of the Russian Presidential Administration, and the stepdaughter of Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of the first Russian president. The couple has two children.

Oleg Deripaska is an extraordinary personality, an influential politician and one of the richest people in Russia, born in the Gorky region, the provincial town of Dzerzhinsk, on January 2, 1968.


Oleg’s great-grandfathers were Kuban Cossacks, both went through the Second World War and lived their whole lives on earth. Children and grandchildren were taught to work and respect their elders. Due to his mother’s constant employment, Oleg Deripaska spent his early childhood with his maternal grandparents in the warm Krasnodar region.

The fact is that just a year after Oleg was born, his father tragically passed away. Therefore, the mother had to work hard to provide the child with a normal childhood. But there was still always not enough money even for the most necessary things. Fortunately, his grandparents helped, with whom he spent most of his time.

In my youth

There he not only became stronger physically, but also learned to work early. From a young age he helped around the house and worked in the garden. And when he turned 11, his mother suggested that he work at a factory during the holidays. He got a job as a mechanic's assistant and that's how he received his first tiny salary.

When Oleg grew up, his mother decided to move from the village to the regional center - Ust-Labinsk. There he graduated from school, without much distinction, but with quite decent grades. Almost immediately he was drafted into the army, conscript service. Fate brought the future politician to Transbaikalia, from where two years later he returned matured and matured.

Conquest of the capital

It’s hard to say where the village boy got such ambitions, but he always wanted to become famous and earn good money. Realizing that in the Russian outback, where he comes from, the prospects are minimal, Deripaska decides to study in Moscow, where he goes immediately after his service, in 1988.

Realizing how difficult it will be for him to compete with capital applicants, Oleg has been diligently preparing for the entrance exams. Perseverance brings results, and he passes the competition with honor in one of the best universities countries - Moscow State University. Moreover, he chose the most complex physics department for himself.

Already in student years, which fell on a deep economic and political crisis associated with the collapse of the USSR, he became interested in economics. Realizing that without basic knowledge indispensable, after receiving his diploma, he continued his education at the Plekhanov Academy in this specialty. And I was not mistaken. It was business, and not physics, that became his real calling.


He earned his first serious money at that time while still a second-year student. Together with friends he founded small company, which was engaged in the export of metal abroad. Everything went under the hammer then, and the difference in price was simply huge.

Therefore, within a couple of years, he had amassed his first capital, which he fully invested in acquiring shares in an aluminum smelter in Slavyanogorsk.

In 1994, after graduating from university, the young entrepreneur found himself one of the main shareholders of the plant. And at the general meeting a decision is made on his appointment to the post of general director of this huge enterprise. At the same time, on his initiative, the Siberian Aluminum group of enterprises was created, uniting the largest plants in this industry.

Just a few years later, in 1999, Oleg was elected to the post of vice president of the recently formed Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. He becomes not only a successful businessman, but also a fairly influential political figure. Moreover, a year later he becomes the head of the largest holding company Rusal.

Having received another economic education in London, he decides to transform the holding in a European way and founds the Basic Element company, which unites successful enterprises from almost all major industries. The “base element” includes:

  • aluminum smelters;
  • metallurgical plants;
  • airport holding (Sochi, Anapa, Yeisk, etc.);
  • automobile enterprise "GAZ";
  • construction group "Glavmosstroy";
  • insurance company - leader of the Russian market "Ingosstrakh"
  • and many other smaller factories and factories. And in 2008, Norilsk Nickel also joined Basic Element, which brought the holding to one of the first places in the global industrial market.

Already in the early 2000s, the name of Oleg Deripaska regularly appears in Forbes ratings. Moreover, he quickly moved to a leading position. So in 2008 he became the richest Russian and took 6th place in the world ranking.

But due to the outbreak of the crisis, which, according to rumors, “ate” from 10 to 15 billion dollars, in 2009 Deripaska dropped to second place. As of today, his capital is $2.6 billion. This is only 275th place on the world stage.


The billionaire does a lot of charity work and enjoys it. Back in 1998, he became the founder of the private charitable foundation “Volnoye Delo”, which finances promising projects designed to improve the environment or quality of life of Russians.

His interests include science and culture, education, healthcare, animal welfare and conservation environment. Deripaska actively participates in projects organized by the UN. Special attention he devotes his time to supporting young talented scientists and entrepreneurs, knowing from his own experience how difficult it is to make one’s way in today’s world.

Under the leadership of Oleg Deripaska, modern shelters for homeless animals are opened, robotics competitions and early career guidance projects for children are organized. In Russia today he is one of the most influential but notorious politicians.


Deripaska’s name began to be heavily circulated in the press after a sex scandal broke out in early 2018 involving an “oligarch hunter,” a certain . The girl announced that she intended to attack another oligarch, Navalny, who, in response to the unauthorized invasion of a group of half-naked beauties into his office, began to conduct his own investigation.

Navalny's detectives quickly found out Nastya's identity, but along the way they dug up a lot interesting information. Including her connection with Oleg Deripaska and ex-Deputy Prime Minister Prikhodko. And at the same time, facts of personal correspondence between Deripaska and the head of the election headquarters of the current American President Donald Trump were revealed.

Nastya only added fuel to the fire, saying in a video message to to the Russian President Putin, which can tell a lot of interesting things about the participation of influential Russian politicians in American elections. Since the address was made publicly on camera, the scandal gained international publicity. But the president himself has not yet responded to it in any way.

Personal life

Before the high-profile sex scandal in which Deripaska was involved, he was considered an exemplary family man. For a long time he was one of the most enviable Russian bachelors, whom no one managed to drag down the aisle. But in 2001, at a party at his close friend Roman Abramovich in London, he meets Polina Yumasheva, the daughter of Boris Yeltsin’s adviser and personal favorite.

With Polina Yumasheva

By the way, Valentin Yumashev himself went down the aisle with Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana a year and a half later. Thus, Deripaska became a member of the presidential family. Marriage for a long time was considered successful, two children were born in it.

But in recent years Polina even wanted to leave her husband because she was tired of his constant “adventures.” However, Tatyana Yeltsina forbade her to officially divorce. Who knows whether the current sex scandal will be the last straw, after which the divorce process will begin.

Russian businessman, billionaire (as of March 2018, his fortune is estimated at $6.7 billion), owner of Basic Element, president of RUSAL and En+Group.


Oleg Vladimirovich was born on January 2, 1968 in Dzerzhinsk, Gorky Region, RSFSR. His ancestors are residents of Kuban. Oleg Vladimirovich’s great-grandfathers both fought in the Great Patriotic War. Being a student primary school he lived with his mother’s parents, who had their own farm in the Krasnodar region. Here he was taught not only discipline, but also the basics of agriculture.

For some time he lived with his father’s parents in the Zhelezny and Oktyabrsky farmsteads of the Ust-Labinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory, and went to a rural school. Then he moved to the regional center - Ust-Labinsk, where he graduated high school No. 2. As an eleven-year-old schoolboy, he began working part-time. The first place of work for the future successful businessman was the factory where his mother worked. There he helped a local mechanic.

Education and military service

In 1986, he went to military service in Transbaikalia - two years in the missile forces were not in vain: he returned home as a senior sergeant.

Then followed a move to the capital. In 1988, he entered the physics department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, from which he graduated with honors in 1993. Next he began studying at the Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Labor activity

In 1990, together with classmates from Moscow State University, he organized the Military Investment and Trading Company, which specialized in metals trading and had brokerage positions on the Moscow Commodity Exchange and the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. He began to export metal abroad, while buying it much cheaper at home. He spent almost all his proceeds on shares of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter.

Already in 1994, he took the post of general director of this enterprise, where he worked until 1997. It was he who initiated the creation of Russia's first vertically integrated industrial organization - the Siberian Aluminum group (now called Basic Element). In 2000, it was among the top ten global manufacturers in this area.

From 2000 to 2003, he was the general director of Russian Aluminum, which united the aluminum and alumina assets of Sibaluminium and Sibneft. In 2007, as a result of the merger of these enterprises with similar assets of the Swiss Glencore, the United Company RUSAL was created, which became a leader in its industry. At the same time, Basel Aero appeared, which managed the airports of Krasnodar, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and Yeisk.

In 2008, RUSAL acquired a blocking stake in MMC Norilsk Nickel and, after all the transactions, became largest producers aluminum in the world until 2015.

In January 2009, he was again appointed general director of Basic Element and was involved in the formation and implementation of a development strategy. In November 2014, he led the group as president.


Since 2012, he has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basel. The construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi was carried out with investments from its structures. It is known that their total amount is more than 45 billion rubles.


Oleg Vladimirovich is the representative of Russia in the Business Advisory Council of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. Since 2007, he has headed its Russian branch.

Latest news

On November 27, 2019, the Cypriot publication Politis reported that the businessman was deprived of Cypriot citizenship (the fact that he received it in exchange for investments became known in the spring of 2018). At the same time, Forbes also reports that two of his children have been stripped of their Cypriot citizenship.

Constantly mentioned in Forbes list. In 2008, he was named the richest person in Russia with a fortune of $28.6 billion. A year earlier, it took second place in the ranking with $16.8 billion. In 2010 and 2011, the billionaire became fifth and sixth, respectively. In 2015 it was 17th, and in 2016 it was only 41st with $2.1 billion.

As of March 2018, he occupied 248th place in the world ranking of the richest people and 19th in Russia (with a fortune of $6.7 billion, Forbes). A month later, due to new US sanctions (by the morning of April 9, 2018), he lost $1.3 billion - a fifth of his fortune.

Marital status

In 2001, he married Polina Yumasheva, she holds the post of chairman of the board of directors of Forward Media Group.

They have two children - a son, Peter, born in 2001. and daughter, Maria, born in 2003.

In March 2019, it became known about their divorce. Polina returned her maiden name (Yumasheva).


On the purposes of his contacts with former adviser to the campaign headquarters of US President Donald Trump, Paul Manafort:

“I am ready to take part in any hearings in the US Congress on this issue in order to defend my reputation and name.”

Billionaires who are featured annually in Forbes magazine arouse curiosity among all people. It becomes interesting how they were able to achieve a sky-high fortune, which is what they initially did. Many of them were born and raised in wealthy families - they are heirs to family businesses. But there are also those who achieved everything themselves, with their own work and mind. The fortune of Oleg Deripaska, which will be discussed today, as of 2016 is more than $2.1 billion. Today he occupies Russian rating There are 41 richest people in the world, and 854 in the world. How did he manage to become a billionaire? We'll tell you in this article.

Oleg Deripaska: biography of his youth

Oleg was born in an ordinary working family in the Gorky region, the city of Dzerzhinsk, in January 1968. His parents were native Kuban residents and gave their eight-year-old son to be raised by his grandparents in a small village in the Ust-Labinsky district, in the Krasnodar Territory.

Grandfather and grandmother had a small farm plot, where Oleg Deripaska began to work from the very moment he arrived. As he later said, it was his grandfather and grandmother who played in his life main role. They raised their grandson strictly, taught him to work plot of land and strict labor discipline.

Work from early childhood

In 1979, when the boy was 11 years old, his parents took him to Ust-Labinsk. At the same age, he got a job at the factory where his mother worked as an assistant electrician. Of course, he studied, but instead of hanging out in the yard with the boys and relaxing, he earned his own bread.

He was taught this way by his mother’s parents, with whom he was raised for the last four years. His grandfather taught him: if you want to eat, go earn money. He went through the entire Great Patriotic War and told his grandson about all the hardships and hunger of those times.

From the very early childhood Deripaska loved to read. His favorite writers are Mine Reed and Jack London. Later he fell in love with mathematics and technical literature. In his spacious office today, hundreds of different books are stored on the shelves that influenced his worldview and in some way contributed to his current position.

The first steps to a billion dollar fortune

In 1986, Oleg left to serve in Rocket Forces. After his service, he goes to study at Moscow State University, wanting to become a researcher in the future.

But his path to science is blocked by the collapse of the USSR: not the easiest times are coming for Deripaska and many people. This was a period when something had to be done to earn money for food and for further education. Oleg, together with his friends from the institute, decides to go into business. They open a “Military Investment and Trading Company” and have brokerage positions on stock exchanges.

The metal was bought for next to nothing in Russia and sold abroad at regular market prices. The guys kept the profit only for food and school, and the main proceeds went to purchase shares in an aluminum plant.

"Volnoye Delo" - Oleg Deripaska Foundation

Oleg Deripaska has always been a person who is not indifferent to other people's problems. This character trait of his was the main reason for opening a charitable foundation. In 1998, when he himself was not yet a wealthy person, Oleg began to allocate his own money to help others.

Now "Volnoye Delo" is one of the twelve largest Russian charitable foundations, according to Forbes magazine. Over the entire period of its existence, more than ten billion dollars have been allocated for its activities, and over five hundred projects have been implemented in fifty regions of the country.

The main focus of the fund:

  • health and sports;
  • science and education;
  • spiritual rebirth;
  • culture;
  • animal protection;
  • development of territories;
  • environmental protection.

The foundation also supports healthcare, decides social problems, helps the Hermitage and many other museums and theaters. Opens shelters for homeless animals, which is especially important at the present time.

On Oleg’s initiative, many free clubs and sections have been opened for children and teenagers. For example, "Robotics", where every child can discover the talent of a design engineer.

Since 2004, the Phanagorian archaeological expedition of the Krasnodar Territory has also been supported by the Volnoye Delo Foundation.

In 2014, another direction of the fund appeared - early career guidance for schoolchildren. This helps many students make their choice future profession still in school age, which allows them to closely study the necessary subjects and attend preparatory courses, and include additional classes in their training schedule.

Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter

By buying up shares of the Sayanogorsk plant, by 1994 young businessmen of Aluminproduct became the majority owners of this enterprise together with TWG. In the same year, Oleg Deripaska was elected general director.

Three years later, Oleg decided to develop the plant; it included many metallurgical enterprises in Russia. By 1998, all relations with TWG were severed, Aluminproduct became the full owner of the Sayanogorsk plant, renamed Basic Element. The concern included a number of factories in Russia, dealing not only with alloys, but also manufacturing metal products, such as complex architectural structures.

Further business development

By 2007, Deripaska's company RUSAL (Russian Aluminum) became the third largest producer of this metal in the world. In 2010, the company became the first Russian company to place Russian deposit receipts on the MICEX RTS.

Also in 2007, the company "Basel Aero" was created. Its activities are aimed at managing the airports of Sochi, Krasnodar, Gelendzhik, Yeisk.

A year later, in 2008, RUSAL acquired almost all the shares of Norilsk Nickel and until 2015 was the world's largest aluminum production enterprise, until China overtook it in this matter.

In 2008, Oleg Deripaska, whose photo is posted in this article, became richest man country and took first place on the Forbes list. His fortune that year was estimated at $28 billion.

In 2013, Basic Element became one of the main developers of the Olympic village in Sochi. His tasks were the construction of a port on the Mzymta River, the reconstruction of the Sochi airport, the Imeretinsky resort area with all the buildings of the Olympic village, the construction of hotels and the equipment of an area for tourists.

Initiatives and membership in various organizations

Oleg Deripaska is an ardent defender natural resources and ecology. He advocated reducing hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere by reducing the power capacity of coal-fired enterprises.

For those enterprises that will not reduce capacity, he proposed introducing a large emission tax. This tax was supposed to affect not only Russia, but all countries of the world.

He was also always concerned global change climate. The businessman advocated collecting signatures from enterprises on collective responsibility for the climate. By doing so, he achieved a reduction in hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Oleg Deripaska is a member of the Board of Directors for Ecology and Natural Resources Management of Russia. He is also co-founder of the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Medicine.

Family member of Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin

Oleg never had relatives in the government. But it just so happened that with his marriage he acquired them.

Oleg Deripaska met his wife Polina through Abramovich. Polina's father is Valentin Yumashev, who after his daughter's wedding himself married Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana. Polina became the “granddaughter” of Boris Nikolaevich, and Oleg became her husband. That's how we became related.

The children of Oleg Deripaska, whose photos are not so easy to find in the public domain, are the most important thing in the life of a businessman. He has a son, Pert, and a daughter, Maria.