Anna Chapman: biography, personal life, spy scandals. Anna Chapman: biography, interesting facts from life

The biography of Anna Chapman (who previously bore the surname Kushchenko) is amazing and mysterious. This, at first glance, the most ordinary girl, suddenly became incredibly famous and attracted enormous attention from the most diverse public. Her admission that while working as a foreign entrepreneur in the United States, she was also an agent of Russian intelligence, stirred up the world community.

About Anna's parents

On the one hand, the biography of Anna Chapman is freely available, but on the other hand, some moments in her history are covered with dark spots. So, for example, according to one version, the girl’s father, whose name is Vasily Kushchenko, worked as a diplomat, and his work required him to visit places such as Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea and Kenya. However, as Anna herself claims, her father was an influential KGB officer and nothing more.

Anna Chapman in childhood

As for the mother (Irina Nikolaevna), she is in high school I was teaching mathematics.

In 2010, for unclear reasons, they officially separated.


At one point, young Anna’s parents left for the capital, Moscow, and she moved to her grandmother in Volgograd. Throughout her youth, the girl changed more than one educational institution, among which were:

  • Volgograd Gymnasium No. 11 (dates unknown);
  • From 1996 to 1997 - Volgograd gymnasium of artistic and aesthetic profile. It was the only gymnasium in the country designed for children who suffered from scoliosis;
  • Anna finished her last, 11th grade in Moscow;
  • 1999 - the girl entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) at the Faculty of Economics. Chapman connected herself with this direction in the future.

Anna Chapman in her youth

Work abroad

Anna's first activities abroad began in Great Britain. There she and her first husband, who will be discussed later, acted as individual entrepreneur and opened a company called Southem Union.

At their personal disposal was only one home computer, with the help of which Chapman and her husband helped British natives from Zimbabwe transfer money to home country at cheaper rates. This process was carried out in many ways, for example, transfers through various bank accounts, and there were also shell companies.

Anna Chapman

Ultimately, as expected, nothing good came of it. Even the owner of the company, listed on the papers with supposedly real and consciously put signatures, had no idea about its existence.

By the way, the Chapmans chose Steve Sugden, a 36-year-old telecommunications services salesman who lives in Dublin, as their head. The investigation into the case of suspicion of money laundering by Anna began to be conducted after her deportation from the country.

Anna Chapman

But the girl did not stop at company alone. In 2004, Anna got a job at the London private airline NetJets Europe, where she worked for a relatively short time - only from May to July. And here, already seemingly in official employment, Chapman has her own inconsistencies.

The resume provided by the girl states that the girl allegedly spent a whole year renting planes and selling them to Russia. However, as the company itself says, Anna was only an assistant assistant and performed much less significant work.

Anna Chapman

From August 2004 to July 2005, the girl became an ordinary employee of Barclays Bank, in a division that dealt with small business issues.

Then, as her resume tells us, for exactly 2 years (starting in 2005) Chapman served as head of department at the London-based hedge fund Navigator. She specialized in initial public offerings.

It is also important to note that this company could not confirm its presence at any time.

Anna Chapman

In 2010, Anna, having returned to the states again after a short break spent in Russia, began promoting her new project “NYCrentals” there - creating a convenient search for rental housing. And this is what is important to emphasize, as an expert from one of the American portals TechCrunch commented, firstly, there was no original idea.

Secondly, the site itself was incredibly ignorant and illogical. This implies the assumption he has already made that Anna either used the site only as a cover to justify meetings with influential people, or was so naive and stupid, in fact, deciding to “conquer the New York real estate market” in this way. By the way, starting from March 13, 2011, there is no access to the site.

Anna Chapman in the USA

In 2010, this was the first version of the reason why she returned abroad. In another interview, Chapman explained this by saying that she was going to found the company TIME Ventures.

According to her, the organization’s tasks included searching for promising Russian startups and further attracting venture funding to them from New York itself, as well as searching for entrepreneurs from Russia to open branches of various American companies there.

Spy scandal in the USA

Anna Chapman aroused great suspicion with her connections, as well as implausible activities. As a result, she was accused of secret espionage for Russian foreign intelligence. Its purpose was allegedly to study and transmit information about US relations with Iran, as well as sending classified information about nuclear weapons and personalities to the CIA.

At the court hearing, Anna admitted her guilt and was sent to Russia with the confiscation of all foreign property.

Anna Chapman in the USA

Anna Chapman after the scandal

The biography of Anna Chapman, as mentioned above, is quite rich and after returning to her homeland, the girl was awaited by fame and work as a TV presenter on the show “Secrets of the World of Anna Chapman.” Of course, she also participated in “Let Them Talk” and other similar programs.

Anna became a member of the Youth Guard and an adviser to the head of Fondservisbank, which is involved in innovation and investment, having refused many other offers from organizations and parties.

Anna Chapman on the program “Let Them Talk”

Personal life

At the moment, in Anna’s biography and personal life, there is information that she was married only once. In 2002, a marriage took place between a Russian spy and a recording studio employee, Alex Chapman. As many said, marriage was needed only to obtain citizenship. In 2006, the couple divorced.

From Alex's comments, it becomes clear that Anna became stricter and sought greater security.

Anna and Alex's wedding

The former Kushchenko also has children – a son. After hiding her pregnancy for a long time, the girl confirmed it on social networks.


Here are photos of the current Anna Chapman. She is currently actively involved in social activities. It cannot be said that the birth of a child had no effect on the ex-Russian spy. Quite the contrary.

Anna Chapman

In her recently published videos, as well as photos, it is noticeable that Anna has gained weight, although the shortcomings are still hidden behind skillful makeup and professional Photoshop. But despite this, the daughter of a diplomat remains one of the most attractive and desirable women.

Moreover, her life has big amount riddles and all kinds of legends, some of which we will try to reveal below. Being an intelligence agent in America, she was declassified, and since then, public attention to the person has not subsided.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Chapman

Many of those who follow the journalist admire her unsurpassed figure. Some want to know her external data, such as, for example, height, weight, age. How old is Anna Chapman is also a frequent question among those who, one way or another, are interested in her.

Having access to the World Wide Web, we can say that her height is approximately 168 centimeters. The TV presenter weighs 55 kilograms. As for age, Anna was born in 1982, and by simple calculation we get her real age - 35 years.

Biography of Anna Chapman

The TV presenter's maiden name is Kushchenko. Anna Chapman's biography begins in the heroic city of Volgograd, in 1982. Due to work, parents often left home for a long time, therefore, the main upbringing lay on the grandmother's shoulders.

Anna had to study at several different schools, and last classes she actually ended up in Moscow. By the way, she graduated from 11th grade in 1999.

After school, the future TV presenter goes to study at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, majoring in economics. While still a student, Anna gets married. Her fiancé is the famous artist Alex Chapman. This marriage radically changed future fate Anna - after graduating from university, she moves to live in the United Kingdom. This happened in 2003.

Upon arrival in Britain, she demonstrates amazing talent as a businesswoman, and together with her husband organizes an international company called Southern Union, which initially deals monetary transactions from Zimbabwe. Also, the list of services of this company included providing citizens of Zimbabwe with a large discount on banking transactions, which other organizations could not boast of. Later, British intelligence agencies suspected something was wrong and launched a global investigation into the Southern Union company. As it later turned out, this case involved a shell company and invalid bank accounts.

Then, for one month, Anna was in the position of assistant assistant in a well-known company, which was located in the capital of Great Britain. As the girl herself stated, she was engaged in the rental and sale of aircraft in the Russian Federation. After that, I worked in a bank for a year. Her resume indicates another job in a large company in which Anna placed shares, but confirm or deny this information impossible, due to the refusal of Navigator management.

In 2006, Anna Chapman flies back to the Russian Federation, where she creates a company searching for real estate. In one interview, when asked where she got so much money, she replied that she had to sell all her precious things. In addition, at first government agencies invested in this organization. But expectations exceeded reality, and Anna decided to close this company.

Then, for some time she was the vice president of the KIT Fortis Investments organization, but, as it turned out later, this position was not so significant, and many employees received it.

The most famous scandal involving Anna Chapman occurred in 2010. Then, the girl was arrested in America for being an agent of Russian intelligence. As she herself stated, she came to the United States to develop her business project, but many still believe that this project was a “fake” to cover up the spy’s main activities.

She was accused of trying to find out secret information regarding politics between the United States and Iran. There was also added the desire to obtain information regarding nuclear weapons. Many experts note that Barack Obama prevented her from completing her task to the end, to whom she allowed “to get too close.”

As it later turns out, she is deprived of British citizenship. Russia negotiates with the US government to take Anna and several other prisoners back to their homeland.

In Russia, she faces unprecedented popularity in the media sphere. She is invited to appear on the cover of many magazines and is invited to various TV shows. She even has a song that she performed together with President V.V. Putin.

Since 2011, he begins to host his own television show, in which he discusses and explores all sorts of mysteries of the planet related to myths, legends and other fables.

At the moment, she continues to star in this show, in addition, Anna Chapman produces her own clothing line.

Personal life of Anna Chapman

Having such a “dangerous” biography, it is not surprising that Anna Chapman’s personal life will be covered in a lot of secrets and legends. It is not surprising that on this basis there appears a large number of conjectures and assumptions. Thus, many media outlets claim that the marriage with Alex was fictitious and was necessary only to obtain a visa and foreign citizenship.

This guess can be confirmed by the fact that the couple broke up in 2006 without good reason. But later, the artist admitted to journalists that he was the initiator of the divorce, because... I didn't deserve such a girl.

Two years ago, information appeared that Anna Chapman gave birth to a child. She hid her pregnancy for a long time and carefully, but after giving birth she shared her happiness in social network.

Anna Chapman's family

Anna Chapman's family, due to work, rarely got together and therefore, as mentioned above, most of the upbringing lay with the grandmother. Her father, Vasily Kushchenko, was a diplomat, and different time he had to visit African countries. But, according to the journalist herself, her father was a KGB officer.

Mom was an algebra and geometry teacher at school. Anya also has a sister who is several years younger than her. At the moment, her family lives in the capital of Russia.

Anna Chapman's children

Relatively recently, many media reported that Anna Chapman gave birth to her first child. Thus, at the moment, Anna Chapman's children number one firstborn. As she says in an interview, she wanted to hide it until the last moment and she almost succeeded.

All yours free time, she tries to spend time with the child, but does not intend to sit on vacation for a long time. She strives to return to filming her TV show “Secrets of the World” as soon as possible.

Anna Chapman's son

As you know, the TV star almost successfully managed to hide her pregnancy from the media. In addition, only the sex of the child is known. Anna Chapman's son, whose name is unknown, is growing up as a healthy and strong baby, just like his father's name. When she was on recent months pregnancy, she suspended her business and started her own clothing brand, which she named after herself.

At the moment, there is already a third store in the capital, which sells clothes from her own collection.

Anna Chapman's ex-husband - Alex Chapman

Recently, Anna Chapman's ex-husband Alex Chapman admitted that their marriage was for love, and both felt mutual sympathy.

They met at a party in the British capital in 2001. As Anna will later say, it was love at first sight. In addition, there was a striking effect external resemblance with a member of the band Oasis. In the same year, they got married in the journalist’s homeland. It is worth noting that the ceremony was completely closed; not even relatives were present.

After the wedding and graduation, they moved to the UK, where Anna was easily able to find a well-paid job. They separated after 6 years of marriage.

Photo by Anna Chapman for Maxim magazine

“Anna Chapman Naked” is one of the piquant topics, which, however, is no less interesting to those who follow her life. Recently, photos appeared on the Internet naked Anna Chapman, which were taken from the couple's joint photo album. There is an opinion that it was Alex Chapman himself who posted them on his page on the social network.

In addition, the TV star has several candid photo sessions and she allowed some shots to be posted on the pages of men's magazines. You can find these photos by searching “Anna Chapman, Playboy, Maxim” or “Anna Chapman photo Playboy, Maxim”. Of course, they did not go unnoticed by the general public, which further fueled interest in her person.

Photo of Anna Chapman before and after plastic surgery

Many, after she gained popularity in her homeland, tried to find photos of Anna Chapman before and after plastic surgery. But, as you know general public, the TV star didn't plastic surgery. Having still a young age and unsurpassed natural appearance, she does not need to think about it.

In addition, in the photographs that appeared after the birth, you can see that Anna’s figure suffered little or no damage at all. She quickly returned to form, and is already beginning to appear in public in different dresses that highlight her figure.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Chapman

Like many modern TV stars, Anna Chapman's Instagram and Wikipedia are filled with various photographs from her life. There you can find various photographs from her personal life, and photographs, for example, from the nearest fashion show, in which she appears in the company of other actors and performers. There are also frequent photo shoots where Anna tries on various outfits from her famous fashion designers and her own, of course.

It is impossible not to mention that the Wikipedia page dedicated to Anna is filled with various facts related to life in the UK, USA and loud scandal, in which she participated. There are several unmentioned facts that are somehow related to the charges that were brought against her in America.

And for especially sophisticated fans, we remind you that Chapman appeared several times on the pages of men's magazines in candid photo shoots. Thus, expanding the circle of its admirers.

Anna Vasilievna Chapman is a Russian intelligence agent who has been exposed and become famous throughout the world, a public figure and entrepreneur, a mystery woman whose life is surrounded by numerous legends. After the failure of the special operation in the United States, the biography of Anna Chapman received close attention from the public.

The Early Years of Anna Chapman. Education

Anna Vasilyevna Kushchenko was born on February 23, 1982 in Volgograd. Her father's diplomatic career forced her parents to often go abroad, and therefore Anna was raised primarily by her grandmother. It started school years in Volgograd Gymnasium No. 11, but due to a number of circumstances she had to change more than one educational institution, and the girl was finishing 11th grade already in the capital.

After graduating from school in 1999, Anna Kushchenko entered the Faculty of Economics Russian University Friendship between nations. IN student years the girl married the British artist Alex Chapman. This circumstance determined Anna’s future fate, namely her move to the UK after graduating from university in 2003.

Anna Chapman in the UK

After moving to the UK, Anna Chapman demonstrated excellent business acumen, as evidenced by the founding (with her husband) of Southern Union, which carried out financial transactions with Zimbabwe. In particular, the organization provided services to citizens of an African country located in the United Kingdom much cheaper than local banking institutions. For this, shell companies and bank accounts were used. British intelligence later began investigating Southern Union for money laundering.

For a short period from May to June 2004, Anna Chapman worked as an assistant assistant at Net Jets Europe, based in London. In one of her interviews, Anna Vasilievna claimed that her duties included the rental and sale of air transport to Russia. From August 2004 to July 2005, Anna was an ordinary employee of Barclays Bank. In 2005-2007, Anna Chapman, judging by the girl’s resume, occupied one of leadership positions at Navigator, conducting initial public offerings. However, the company itself subsequently refused to confirm this information.

Anna Chapman - Russian entrepreneur

Upon returning to Russia in 2006, Anna Vasilievna founded a real estate search company. The girl claimed that the starting capital was obtained by selling all her jewelry. It is also known that this project received significant support from government agencies In particular, the assets of the enterprise received a transfer in the amount of 250 thousand rubles from the Agency for the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship. However, contrary to all expectations, Chapman did not receive good results from the above project.

Having failed to achieve success with her own venture in her homeland, Anna took the position of vice president at KIT Fortis Investments. Later, from the words of the company’s general director, it turned out that every employee involved in sales received this position.

Anna Chapman and the US spy scandal

In 2010, Anna Chapman found herself at the center of the largest spy scandal in the United States for last years and was arrested by American authorities as an agent of Russian intelligence services. According to Anna herself, her move to the USA was justified solely by the promotion of the new commercial Internet project NY Crentals. However, according to most experts, this project was nothing more than a cover.

One of the charges against Anna is attempting to obtain classified information about United States policy regarding relations with Iran. In addition, it was alleged that the Russian spy intended to obtain classified information about nuclear weapons and revealed the personal information of CIA leaders. It is believed that one of the reasons for the failure of Anna Chapman's operation was Barack Obama, to whom she got unacceptably close.

Anna Chapman in "Let Them Talk"

After the arrest, Russia managed to negotiate with the United States on the extradition of Anna Vasilievna and several other prisoners, who were also charged with espionage and high treason. She intended to return to the UK, but it turned out that in connection with the spy scandal, Chapman was deprived of British citizenship.

Anna Chapman after the spy scandal

Upon returning to her homeland, Chapman became a cult figure, actively discussed in the media space. Glossy magazines and various political organizations offered her membership, and a month after her extradition she sang a duet with Vladimir Putin the song “Where does the Motherland Begin?”

In October 2010, Anna Chapman was offered the position of advisor to the head of investment and innovation at Fondservicebank. Later, in December of the same year, she became one of the members of the public council of the Young Guard United Russia».

In 2011, Anna became the host of the author’s program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” on one of the federal television channels. The show's producers positioned it as "the most mysterious program from the most mysterious woman in Russia." In the first issue, Anna investigated the case of a Dagestan youth, on whose body suras from the Koran inexplicably appeared. In subsequent episodes, she also discussed various mysteries with viewers, ranging from exorcism to the fate of the lost Amber Room from Tsarskoye Selo.

Anna Chapman in the program “Secrets of the World”

In June 2011, Chapman was offered the position of editor-in-chief of the monthly analytical publication Venture Business News.

Personal life of Anna Chapman

The personal life of the last Russian spy, as well as her entire biography, is shrouded in secrecy, causing a wide variety of assumptions and conjectures. For example, according to media reports, the marriage with Briton Alex Chapman entered into in 2002 was a common fiction for the purpose of obtaining British citizenship.

Anna Vasilievna Chapman(nee Kushchenko; genus. February 23, 1982, Volgograd) (eng. Anna Chapman) - an entrepreneur, according to reports from Russian intelligence services and his own testimony given during the trial - a disclosed agent of Russian intelligence, operating in the United States under the legend of an entrepreneur of Russian origin (although some media have expressed doubts that Chapman is actually related to the Russian intelligence services).

In June 2010, she was arrested in the United States on charges of failing to inform American authorities of her collaboration with a foreign government. On July 8, 2010, Chapman pleaded guilty to illegal cooperation with Russia and was deported to her homeland along with nine other defendants in the case in exchange for four Russian citizens previously accused of spying for the United States and Great Britain.

Anna Vasilyevna Kushchenko was born in Volgograd (according to other sources - in Kharkov) on February 23, 1982. Father, Vasily Kushchenko, is a diplomat who worked at different times in Papua New Guinea, Kenya and Zimbabwe. However, according to Anna herself, V. Kushchenko was a high-ranking KGB officer.

In September 2011, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ivanov admitted in an interview with Kommersant newspaper columnist Andrei Kolesnikov that he had known Anna since childhood and also knew her father, with whom he worked together.

I’ve known her since childhood,” admitted Sergei Ivanov. - Here’s another one...
He showed how he saw her, and I realized that it seems that Sergei Ivanov knew Anna Chapman even from infancy. He, however, did not say where he saw her.
“I was friends with her father,” added Sergei Ivanov.
- And worked together? - I asked (Mr. Ivanov, as you know, worked in foreign intelligence - Kommersant).
“We worked,” confirmed Sergei Ivanov. - Yes, he is still working...

Sergei Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in an interview with A. Kolesnikov

Anna's mother, Irina Nikolaevna, worked as a mathematics teacher in high school. Anna has younger sister Catherine. Anna's parents and sister live in Moscow, in the Ramenka area (according to other sources - in the Moscow region).

After my parents left for Moscow, she stayed to live in Volgograd with her grandmother. During her youth, Anna Kushchenko managed to study in different places: she studied at Volgograd gymnasium No. 11, where her classmate was Olympic champion Elena Slesarenko; from 1996 to 1997 - in the Volgograd gymnasium of artistic and aesthetic profile - the only gymnasium in Russia for children with scoliosis; I graduated from the 11th grade in Moscow. After graduating from school in 1999, she entered the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

In the summer of 2001, during tourist trip to the UK I met at one of the parties in London with Alex Chapman - recording studio worker. Since Anna was still studying at RUDN University at that time, Alex came to Moscow, where their marriage was registered in March 2002. Upon marriage, Anna took her husband's surname.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, received from a friend of her youth, A. Kushchenko, she married A. Chapman in order to obtain a British passport.

After marriage, Anna continued her education, and Alex worked as a tutor in Moscow in English. In 2003 Anna received higher education. After graduating from the institute in 2003, Anna left for the UK.

Life in the UK

In the UK, Anna Chapman and her husband created a company Southern Union. Using their home computer, the couple engaged in financial transactions with Zimbabwe: they helped Zimbabweans living in the UK transfer money back home cheaper than the banks offered. Cash were transferred to Zimbabwe through numerous bank accounts and shell companies. Alex Chapman told the press that between 2002 and 2005 he and his wife transferred “millions” of pounds in this way. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, the company Southern Union continues to exist; Its director is listed as Dublin-based telecoms salesman Steve Sugden, 36 ( Steve Sugden). Sugden himself claims to know nothing about Southern Union, and his signatures on the documents are forged, and intends to demand an investigation into this case. The British intelligence service MI5, after Chapman's expulsion from the United States, began an investigation into the activities of Southern Union on suspicion of A. Chapman of money laundering.

Near three months(from May to July 2004) Anna worked for a London private aviation company NetJets Europe. Chapman’s resume contains information according to which she spent almost a year at the airline dealing with the rental and sale of business class aircraft to Russia, but according to other sources, she worked in NetJets Europe“significantly less responsible work”, in particular, she was an assistant to the assistant.

From August 2004 to July 2005, Chapman worked as an ordinary employee in the small business division of Barclays Bank. In 2005, Chapman left her husband and moved to another apartment in London.

In 2006, Anna and Alex separated. According to ex-husband Chapman, one of the reasons for their separation was Anna’s desire for material well-being, which Alex could not provide for her. According to Chapman's ex-husband, after their separation, Anna met with a banker from Switzerland and an industrialist from the USA. Alex, who is now a psychiatrist, said that over the course of their marriage, Anna had transformed from a carefree girl into an “arrogant and obnoxious” woman in powerful circles. At the same time, according to him, Anna is an “extremely smart” girl, and her IQ is 162. Anna’s friend, with whom she rented an apartment after breaking up with her husband, said that Chapman met many rich people in London, among whom was the disgraced oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

From July 2005 to July 2007, according to A. Chapman’s resume, which she published on the social network LinkedIn, she served as head of the initial public offering department at the London hedge fund Navigator, but the fund itself could not confirm this information.

The Chapman couple officially divorced only when Anna decided to return to Moscow.

Entrepreneurship in Russia

At the end of 2006, Chapman returned to Russia. In Russia, she created and headed the company PropertyFinder Ltd., which in 2008 founded the websites (a real estate search engine) and ( - an encyclopedia of compromising evidence, revelations of officials. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Anna was provided with several million dollars to open a company on the eve of the global financial crisis by certain “business angels”, however, according to Chapman herself, she received the start-up capital for the project by pawning it in a pawnshop and selling all her jewelry. According to Anna, at first she “had to work two jobs, limit herself in everything, forget about her own living space and give every penny to the business. And all this after luxurious life in Europe when I didn’t need anything.” Financial support for a private entrepreneurial project was also provided by government agencies, in particular, the Agency for the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship allocated 250 thousand rubles to A. Chapman. Chapman planned to make a leader in coverage of the real estate market, “breaking all records, famous in Russia, by the number of objects in the database.” At the beginning of 2009, Chapman entered into an agreement with Komsomolskaya Pravda and a real estate search subdomain was opened on the newspaper’s website As the creator of the website, Chapman was a member of the Moscow Club of Young Entrepreneurs and took part in the III Moscow Venture Forum.

Despite solid financial support, the project did not bring the expected results. As of the summer of 2010, the site averaged 700 to 900 visitors per day, with a slight uptick in traffic following the outbreak of the spy scandal. Real estate market experts attribute the failure to insufficient development of the site’s business model, the lack of a broad advertising campaign and interesting content. According to the creator of the Internet company Liveinternet G. Klimenko, the site created by A. Chapman is not distinguished by the quality of its execution and does not correspond to the level of declared investments. According to his assessment, lacks a clear business model, and its creators apparently have no experience in Internet business. According to the same Klimenko, at the end of 2008 - beginning of 2009, Chapman tried to sell the site. As of January 1, 2011, the website is unavailable. According to Anna’s mother, Irina Kushchenko, the money spent on creating the site “went into the sand.” According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, A. Chapman did not fulfill the terms of the concluded agreement and owes the newspaper 80,000 rubles.

In parallel with entrepreneurial activity, from July 2007 to March 2008 worked as vice president at management company KIT Fortis Investments. CEO company V. Kirillov explained that the position “vice president” should not be misleading, since in “KIT Fortis Investments” sales employees have this title. Chapman herself indicated in her resume that at KIT Fortis Investments she organized a partner distribution network for the company’s financial products and worked with key clients.

Activities in the USA

In February 2010, Chapman moved to the United States in order, according to Anna herself, to promote her American project to search for rental housing She settled in the 20 Exchange Place skyscraper near Wall Street. An expert from the American portal TechCrunch emphasized that the idea of ​​​​creating a universal real estate search engine is not original, and the site itself is replete with many grammatical and spelling errors. “Maybe this site is just a cover that could explain her meetings with big shots. Or maybe she really is so naive that she hoped to conquer the New York real estate market,” the expert added. As of March 13, 2011, is also unavailable.

In one of the interviews, Chapman also stated that another goal of her stay in the United States is to create a company called TIME Ventures, which will look for promising Russian startups and attract venture capital funding from New York, as well as search for Russian entrepreneurs to open branches of American companies in Russia. companies.

As the investigation later established, during her short stay in the United States, Anna Chapman was seen working on a laptop at least 10 times in various in public places. At the same time, a Russian working as part of the UN mission appeared nearby, and a wireless connection was established between his laptop and Chapman’s laptop, through which they allegedly exchanged encrypted files and messages.

In June 2010, A. Chapman received a call from a man who called himself “Roman” and stated that he was her curator. “Roman,” who turned out to be a fake agent of the American intelligence services, invited Anna to meet in person, which had not happened before. During the meeting, the FBI agent informed Chapman that she must hand over a false passport to a “Russian illegal.” The call and instructions from “Roman” aroused suspicions in A. Chapman.

Arrest and expulsion

On June 26, 2010, Chapman acquired mobile phone using a fictitious name and indicating a non-existent address - 99 Fake Street (from English - “fake, fake street”). Using the purchased phone, Anna made a phone call to V. Kushchenko’s father and a friend in New York, during a conversation with whom she reported that she was “close to failure.” Both recommended that she decline the assignment. Kushchenko advised his daughter to hand over the false passport received from the “intelligence officer” to the police. Listening to her father’s words, Chapman brought a fake passport to one of the New York police departments the next day and told about everything, after which she was arrested. It was A. Chapman's calls and actions that forced the FBI to detain ten suspected members of the intelligence network in the United States, without waiting for them to commit illegal actions.

On June 28, she, as well as ten Russian and Peruvian citizens detained at the same time as Chapman, were charged with illegal cooperation with the Foreign Intelligence Service Russian Federation(an attempt to obtain information about US nuclear weapons, policy towards Iran, CIA leaders and congressmen). The arrest of Russian agents was the biggest spy scandal since the times of the USSR and the biggest failure of Russian intelligence services abroad.

On the evening of June 29, a message was published by the Russian Foreign Ministry stating that all those detained in the United States were Russian citizens. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the incident as a “stuff” and indicated that “the moment (for the arrest) was chosen with special grace,” hinting at a warming in relations between Russia and the United States.

According to the prosecution, in 2009, Anna Chapman and Mikhail Semenko received an encrypted message from the “Center” (which refers to the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) with the following content:

You have been sent to the United States on a long-term assignment. The education you receive, your bank accounts, cars, houses, etc. - all of this should serve one purpose: to fulfill your main task of finding and developing connections with decision-making circles in US politics, and sending reports about this to the Center

On July 8, 2010, Anna Chapman, like other Russian citizens arrested in the United States as part of this case, admitted her intelligence activities in the United States, after which a court decision was sentenced to imprisonment (corresponding to the period she spent in pre-trial detention), confiscation of all property and funds in the United States and expulsion from the country. On the same day, she was expelled along with other defendants in the case to Russia in exchange for four Russian citizens convicted at different times of spying for the United States and Great Britain, and serving their sentences in Russia.

On June 27, 2011, the Moscow District Military Court (MoVS) sentenced in absentia a high-ranking official of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Colonel Alexander Poteev, to 25 years in prison. Earlier, sources in the intelligence services reported that it was Poteev, who fled to the United States, who was suspected of extraditing to the American side a group of illegal Russian intelligence officers, including Anna Chapman, who was summoned to court and testified about her intelligence activities in the United States and how that in her opinion, it was Poteev who conveyed information about her and other Russian intelligence officers to the US intelligence services. Currently, the ex-colonel is in the United States.

According to the Washington law firm Trout Cacheris, Anna Chapman, despite the accusations and her confessions, is not a spy under current US law, since in the course of her activities she never gained access to any classified information that could harm the United States. The information that the activities of the deported Russian citizens did not cause any damage to the United States was confirmed by Prime Minister V.V. Putin. Chapman was charged only with failing to inform American authorities of her collaboration with a foreign government. The media voiced a version according to which Chapman in the United States was engaged in money laundering for high-ranking officials. Russian officials, however, documentary evidence of this version has not been made public. However, the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets reported on this version, according to which Chapman was part of “a group formed by the unforgettable Vyacheslav Ivankov” and his relative Evgeny Dvoskin.

On April 3, 2012, FBI Deputy Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi said that the spy ring "was already so close to one of the members of the President's administration that we could not wait any longer." According to him, Chapman tried to seduce one of Barack Obama’s close associates and “sneaked” closer and closer to higher and higher officials. "She got close enough to start bothering us."

After deportation to Russia

Shortly after Chapman’s forced deportation to Russia, her American lawyer Robert Baum announced his ward’s intention to return to the UK, since, along with Russian citizenship she is a British citizen. Anna's intentions not to stay in Russia were also confirmed by her sister, Ekaterina. However, the UK Home Office said it would not allow Anna Chapman, whom US authorities have accused of spying for Russia, to remain in the UK. On 13 July 2010, Chapman was stripped of her British citizenship and banned from visiting the UK. According to lawyer R. Baum, Anna was “particularly upset” by this news, as she planned to return to the UK after deportation:

July 19, 2010 American tabloid New York Post reported that Anna would like to agree on the publication of a book about her story and the sale of the rights to its film adaptation for 250 thousand dollars. Lawyer R. Baum denied this claim, citing Chapman's agreement with US federal prosecutors, which prohibits her from receiving income from the publication or film adaptation of her story, but, according to Baum, nothing prohibits his client from earning from "celebrity status." The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper claims to have a recording of a telephone conversation in which A. Chapman negotiated with the newspaper about the cost of the interview around the figure of $25,000.

In August, she was (as befits all deportees) in mandatory quarantine in the Moscow region, where Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with all ten ex-spies. Later, V. Putin said that the exposure of the agents was the result of the betrayal of a defector. The Prime Minister called the defector a “pig” and a “beast,” and the exposed agents people who “laid their lives on the altar of the Fatherland.”

Some Russian media expressed doubts that A. Chapman is actually related to the Russian intelligence services.

Space related projects

On October 1, 2010, A. Chapman was hired as an investment and innovation advisor to the president of Fondservisbank, while the bank emphasized that Chapman works with a free visiting schedule and this is not her only job. In November, in order to implement a “cultural project” related to the “development outer space", visited the launch as a bank advisor spaceship"Soyuz-TMA-M" at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Chapman plans to implement a project to create for Russian cosmonauts new form clothes.

Chapman and the Young Guard

On December 22, 2010, A. Chapman joined the public council of the youth movement “Young Guard of United Russia”. The leader of the “Young Guard” T. Prokopenko said that Anna will take up the direction of patriotic education of youth in the movement. Member of the MGER Coordination Council Andrei Tatarinov stated that “Anna Chapman in the Public Council of the Young Guard is an example of unconditional patriotism - love without conditions for one’s Motherland. She is very correct example for the younger generation."

Chapman's entry into the MGER public council also caused criticism. LDPR leader V. Zhirinovsky called the inclusion of Chapman in the public council of the Young Guard another mistake of officials who are involved in youth policy in Russia: “We must be family-oriented. And if a girl undresses for everyone to see, this is not an example to follow,” the politician said. On September 29, 2011, Anna Chapman performed in the building of St. Petersburg State University in front of St. Petersburg students. In response to a question about who is the author of the novel “The Young Guard,” Chapman chose to avoid answering, calling the question “provocative.”

Television career

On January 12, 2011, information was made public that Chapman would become the host of the channel’s new program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” (as part of the documentary project “Reality”) on REN TV.


Since May 2011, Anna Chapman has been the editor-in-chief of the specialized periodical “Venture Business News”. IN June issue she announced that she would be hosting a regular column, “News from the Fields.” According to T. Prokopenko, Chapman is writing a book about innovation.


Since October 2010, Chapman has been an adviser to the president of Fondservicebank on investments and innovations. In May 2013, she was elected a member of the board of directors of this bank.

In mass media

After deportation from the United States, Chapman starred in erotic photo shoots in Maxim and Heat magazines, but rejected an offer from the American company Vivid Entertainment to star in a porn film. After taking photographs in the magazine “Heat”, A. Chapman, despite the agreement with the copyright holder, posted one of the photographs taken by the magazine on personal page on Facebook, after which the photo was distributed to other Internet resources, and the magazine announced that it was suing Chapman for copyright infringement. Erotic photographs of Chapman appeared in other publications. Thanks to the publication of explicit photos, Chapman was given the nickname “agent 90-60-90” in the press.

On December 30, 2010, she participated in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” (Channel One) (according to TV critic Arina Borodina, the program with Chapman is one of the most disastrous releases of “Let Them Talk” in terms of ratings among the television audience for several years.).

She was nominated for the “Silver Galosh - 2010” award in the “Promotion of the Year” category. She refused to come to the award ceremony in the summer of 2011.

One of the Volgograd consulting agencies (NPRGroup) took the initiative to award Chapman the title of “Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd,” and the city newspaper “Gorodskie Vesti” announced a competition for the best song about her. On March 8, 2011, it was reported that Novaya Gazeta journalists, having studied Chapman’s website, discovered that the domain was registered only on April 26, 2010 (that is, two months before her deportation from the United States).

On July 4, 2013, she proposed marriage to Edward Snowden on her Twitter. " I would marry Chapman no matter what. Lord, just look at her!“- Snowden reacted on the same day in a virtual dialogue with a visitor to his page. The flirtation between the two agents, initially perceived as a joke, could, according to experts, after the wedding open up new opportunities for Snowden, who is not yet expected anywhere in the world.

Anna Chapman - photo

Former Russian intelligence agent Anna Vasilievna Chapman (maiden name Kushchenko), in addition to espionage, at one time was also successfully engaged in business and is now known as an active public figure.

Diplomat's daughter

The shameful failure of a special operation by Russian special services in the United States brought her particular popularity, but much earlier for a future celebrity named Anna Chapman, her biography began in Soviet Volgograd. In 1982, the only daughter Anna Kushchenko was born here into the family of a Soviet diplomat.

Due to the career of the head of the family with frequent trips abroad, the parents entrusted Anna’s upbringing to her grandmother. In her hometown, Anna Vasilyevna Kushchenko often changed educational establishments, and the girl has already celebrated her graduation in the Russian capital. After graduating from school in the late 90s, the daughter of a diplomat decides to study economics at one of the capital's universities. There, Anya accepts a marriage proposal from a British artist named Chapman. Soon she would glorify the family name, and from that moment it was already clear: a girl named Anna Chapman’s biography would not be boring. Moreover, the competent authorities of different states were the first to become interested in her fate.

British subject

When Anna moved to Britain in 2003, immediately after graduating from university, everyone saw her success in business. Together with her husband, Anna founded the Southern Union company to provide financial services to African emigrants in Britain. At the same time, lending conditions were significantly better in comparison with local banks. The secret to success was the creation of fictitious companies and bank accounts. Soon, British intelligence officials opened an investigation into the activities of Southern Union. According to official data, Chapman worked for several months in the London office of Net Jets Europe in a modest position. There she carried out assignments for the rental and sale of air transport to her homeland. In the period from 2004 to 2005, Anna, according to her own words, also held one of the ordinary positions at Barclays Bank.

Relatively young girl became a precociously successful entrepreneur through dubious financial transactions. Fictitious accounts could cost yesterday's student a significant prison term in a British prison. This allows us to judge whether the insurance is reliable. Most likely, the girl remained under the control of third parties from the very beginning.

Career at home

In 2006, when Anna returned to Russia, she managed to found a company that searched for real estate. If you believe the girl’s words, the starting capital was acquired by selling all her jewelry. But later it became known about state support from some structures. One of the cases of such support is related to the replenishment of the assets of a real estate search company by 250 thousand rubles.

The source of such injections is the agency for the development of innovative entrepreneurship facilities. But the project did not bring the expected success.

Anna also worked as vice president at KIT Fortis Investments. In 2010, Chapman received a lucrative position with the right to influence investment policy in the large company Fondservisbank. And in the same year, she joined the ranks of United Russia. It should be noted that she would later support Trump's candidacy in the American election race.

But great doubts remain about how independent such statements by the ex-intelligence officer are.

Agent failure

In 2010, the US government uncovered an intelligence network of Russian intelligence services with the subsequent arrest of participants in the spy scandal; Anna was among those caught and extradited. Chapman herself connected her stay in America with the promotion of a new commercial project.

Hardly worth considering launching electronic resource NY Crentals is somehow other than a cover for activities to obtain classified information. Anna is credited with attempting to obtain classified information about relations between Iran and the United States. Also, the espionage of a group of Russian agents with the participation of the British citizen Anna was also allegedly aimed at obtaining information about nuclear weapons. On the account of the British citizen herself Russian origin obtaining information about some of the leaders of the CIA. Attempts to get closer to data on Barack Obama led to the failure of the entire operation and a public scandal.

It would seem that after such damage to the reputation successful career you can forget, but this one strong personality, like Anna Chapman, her biography will be replenished with more than one mention in the world press.

Who recruited Chapman?

Today it is difficult to judge the girl’s career in domestic intelligence; we can assume that Anna was already recruited in London. According to another version, this happened while still a student. Both versions look equally convincing. Intelligence often supplements its agents with students or former citizens states in exile.

It is still easy to allow Anna to come into contact with the intelligence services after her first problems with the law in Britain. In exchange for patronage and protection from imprisonment, the girl could agree to cooperate as an agent.

Big steps in media

The television project “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” started on the federal television channel in 2011. The unlucky intelligence officer's first experience as a presenter was successful with great interest from the audience.

The producers correctly predicted the popularity of a mysterious program about mysticism with an attractive intelligence officer as the host. The first episode intrigued with the broadcast on the theme of a Dagestan teenager with passages from the Koran on his body. They appeared miraculously on their own. Later there were materials about exorcism and other mysticism.

Many regarded such participation in the project as a step back and a big mistake. In one of the episodes of the program, the viewer is presented with the truth about soda with Anna Chapman as the presenter - on air, the eminent ex-intelligence officer talks about widespread use this ingredient in ancient times. After working in intelligence, such stories seemed nonsense to many.

In 2011, Anna also joined journalism in the analytical monthly Venture Business News. But the girl does not work as an ordinary author-analyst or a simple editor; she gets the position of editor-in-chief. Following her appointment, rumors about someone's influential patronage significantly worsened. The former British subject allegedly does not qualify for such a position. The opinion of the magazine’s staff remained unknown to the public.

With work on the project “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman” and in Venture Business News, the scandalous girl is finally immersed in the world of media and is already using her name to the maximum benefit.

Secrets of personal life

Regarding the personal life of the popular intelligence officer, it is difficult to say anything for sure. Unlike espionage, there is a lot left undiscovered in this area.

Now almost no one believes in Anna’s marriage to Briton Alex Chapman, and everyone unanimously calls it fictitious for moving to Britain as a citizen. The artist himself did not hide his temporary infatuation with an interesting and intelligent girl.

Birth of a son

The intelligence officer stubbornly tried to hide the birth of her son in 2015 from the tabloid publications. And the secret was also revealed not of the new mother’s own free will; the public might still know nothing about childbirth. Only random witnesses in one of the cafes came across a famous girl in pregnancy and immediately unsubscribed about it on a social network. Huge belly pointed to late date pregnancy. Such evidence has already forced Anna to talk about her happiness.

It’s also worth saying that with a baby under her heart, our heroine still managed to create her own clothing line and launch several boutiques.

The identity of the baby's father still remains a mystery, and, apparently, former agent and the entrepreneur will direct all his skills to keeping the man’s identity a secret. Perhaps this time there will be a pleasant information leak. Judging by such secrecy, contrary to the image of a strong personality, for a girl like Anna Chapman, personal life is special meaning. She's not going to show it off at all. At the moment, the unlucky intelligence officer is fully enjoying motherhood with her son in her arms. But with the help of her mother, she will continue to work actively and will not take maternity leave.

Into show business through intelligence

Of course, people who know Anna understood that “The Truth About Soda with Anna Chapman” was not at all the pinnacle of her career. And besides boring participation in a TV show, the girl will quickly succeed in many other things, and so it happened. In the understanding of such an ambitious person as Anna Chapman, REN-TV was only a good springboard for future heights.

We have to note the recognition of Chapman as one of the most sexy women in the 21st century according to GQ magazine. At the moment, the mother, spy and entrepreneur remains also successful TV presenter in one of the popular projects on the federal television channel. Recently, a clothing line under the Anna Chapman brand has also appeared in the fashion world.

A career in collaboration with Russian intelligence services hardly allows our heroine to consider herself a good intelligence officer. The fruits of this work turned out to be too inglorious. But now her name has acquired a special meaning in the media. The path to show business through intelligence, perhaps, remains one of the most original ways to become famous. Few people in the history of espionage have had such a career boost after failure.

For the daughter of a Soviet diplomat named Anna Chapman, the biography could end with the tragic fact of long imprisonment or other disasters. But it is unlikely that the girl worked for the orders in collaboration with intelligence; Anna was looking for her place in the sun, and she found it. Today, every program with Anna Chapman and every media mention of her gathers a large audience of fans.