Culture & ShowBiz It was - it became: how Yulia Baranovskaya emerged from the shadow of Andrei Arshavin and became a successful TV presenter. Yulia Baranovskaya: personal life, husband Andrei Arshavin and children

Despite the loud statements of TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya that after breaking up with her common-law husband, football player Andrei Arshavin, she is not ready for new serious relationship, fans naturally doubt that beautiful girl will remain in splendid isolation for a long time. And the celebrity itself gives the audience a reason to think about Who does Yulia Baranovskaya live with now?, although he has not yet made official statements on this matter. And after the news that the star’s ex-husband had legalized their relationship, this issue became even more pressing on the agenda for fans of the TV presenter.

In the photo - Yulia Baranovskaya with children - Anton, Yana and Arseny

Yulia Baranovskaya is one of those women who will never be alone. And the point is not even in beauty and charm that attracts men, and not even in the abundance of friends around, but in the fact that a woman with three children always has and will have someone to live with and, most importantly, for whom. Therefore, regardless of whether the lover will be next to the TV presenter, the first answer to the question: “Who does Yulia Baranovskaya live with now?” will always remain the same - with children. Judging by the fact that the apartment where the family lives has not yet appeared new man, the words of Yulia Baranovskaya about her unpreparedness for a serious relationship still remain valid. While in numerous interviews, which will probably not decrease after the release of the autobiographical book and the marriage of her ex-husband, the television star prefers to talk a lot about the hobbies and successes of her children rather than about her own personal life. And recently she mentioned that “there is often a lot of it.” These words were immediately interpreted as possible reason parting with ex-lover allegedly due to the excessive activity of the heroine of our article in relationships.

In the photo - Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Chadov

In the photo - Yulia Baranovskaya and Evgeniy Sedoy

Perhaps all these photos are simply evidence of the existence of friendship between a man and a woman, but not everyone thinks so...

Nevertheless, the hint that Yulia Baranovskaya is in love, and therefore not alone, given in one of the interviews, was immediately picked up by fans. Let us remember that shortly after breaking up with Andrei Arshavin, the TV presenter was credited with an affair with Andrei Chadov, which in fact turned out to be only friendship. Now many fans are wondering who their favorite’s heart is. The main “suspect” was Yulia Baranovskaya’s colleague (formerly on the show “Reboot” and active in the master classes with which the trio of presenters travel around the country) Evgeniy Sedoi. Although both on his part and on the part of the TV presenter herself there were repeated denials, numerous joint photos from various events and more, posted on Instagram by both, still make fans think that it’s not limited to friendship. And literally in the middle of this summer, the famous bachelor Alexey Vorobyov was noticed next to Yulia Baranovskaya, whose behavior clearly resembled courtship. So, it is still difficult to judge which of the TV presenter’s alleged suitors will turn out to be the one with whom Yulia Baranovskaya will feel cozy and comfortable in life.

Yulia Baranovskaya is the star of Channel One, TNT and the Rossiya-1 TV channel. The ex-wife of the famous football player Andrei Arshavin managed to make a dizzying career on television and become the standard of female wisdom and beauty for many television viewers.


Yulia Baranovskaya was born on June 3, 1985 in Leningrad. The TV star calls his childhood “the ordinary everyday life of a Soviet child”: his father Gennady Baranovsky was an engineer, his mother Tatyana Bratseva was a school teacher.

Yulia went to a regular Leningrad school, where she junior classes proved herself to be a diligent student. Teachers noted the girl’s responsibility and diligence; she was elected class leader several times. And although Yulia’s mother was a teacher, for reasons of principle she did not send her daughter to the same school where she taught - she wanted her daughter to early years I learned to achieve everything myself.

In 1995, Baranovskaya's parents separated. The departure of her father from the family was a real blow for the 10-year-old girl, so she stopped communicating with him for 15 long years.

Yulia Baranovskaya about sports and life

Soon my mother got married for the second time. In the new marriage two more daughters were born - Ksenia and Sasha. Despite the significant age difference, Julia easily found common language With younger sisters, which today are its support and support. She calls them her real family.

There are four women in our family and we are all very friendly. I am the eldest of the daughters, and, according to my mother, my favorite. But this does not affect my relationship with my sisters in any way.


Yulia dreamed of devoting her life to journalism, but on the advice of her mother, she took the documents to the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The girl easily entered the “Management” specialty, but her studies at the university did not work out.

After the first year, student Baranovskaya became convinced that she had chosen the wrong profession: “Study was very difficult for me. I am a creative person, and management is not exactly what I need.” Yulia never received her manager’s diploma because she did not recover from her academic leave.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya. Meeting Arshavin

In 2003, Yulia Baranovskaya met her future common-law husband, football player Andrei Arshavin. The girl remembered that day every minute. In the morning, she went with her friend to the beach to relax after a grueling session. The girls were so happy bright sun(in St. Petersburg this is very rare even in summer) that they did not notice how they were burned.

When the friends returned home, another annoyance awaited Yulia: some hooligans scratched her car. To take their minds off all these troubles, the friends decided to take a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. It was there that a fateful meeting took place with the young football player Andrei Arshavin. Then he was a promising player for Zenit St. Petersburg.

The couple's romance developed rapidly. Within a couple of months, Yulia and Andrey began living together, and two years later they became young parents of their son Artem.

Arshavin and Baranovskaya did not formalize their relationship, because Yulia did not want to get married while pregnant: “Andrey started talking several times about the wedding, about the number of guests, about where to celebrate and how to celebrate. But I refused, I wanted a real wedding!” The moment was missed, and then a second child appeared in the family - daughter Yana, and the footballer never returned to the question of marriage. The second birth was not easy for the girl - doctors had to perform a caesarean section.

In 2009, Arshavin was offered a contract with London Arsenal. The family moved to the UK. While Andrei disappeared at training and games, Baranovskaya took care of the children. At first, it was difficult for Yulia to adapt to a foreign country, since she did not know either the language or customs.

In her first interview with the local press, the footballer's wife admitted that she does not like Britain. For this English journalists For a long time they ridiculed every appearance of the Arshavins. But over time, the family became involved in London life. Later, Yulia admitted that at that time she began to hatch a project women's club in London, where she could give advice, lectures and seminars to those who had recently moved to England. But she did not have time to bring this project to life.

In 2012, Andrei Arshavin was invited back to his native Zenit. At this time, Yulia was already expecting her third child, and Artem and Yana began their studies in Britain. Therefore, the head of the family returned to Russia alone.

In St. Petersburg, the football player started new novel and announced to Baranovskaya that he was leaving the family. Yulia was left alone with three children (on August 14, 2012, she gave birth to a son, Arseny).

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin: star divorce

A year later, she filed for alimony, but since the couple’s marriage was not officially registered, the process dragged on. At first, this case was considered in London, but the St. Petersburg court put an end to the proceedings, obliging Arshavin to pay half of his income to his ex-wife and their common children until 2030.

Life after Arshavin

In mid-2013, Baranovskaya began to be noticed more and more often with actor Andrei Chadov on social events and film premieres. The girl often posted photos of them together on social networks.

But the couple denied love affair, emphasizing that there is just friendship between them. Although the general photographs differed from the friendly ones in the special warmth and tenderness of the relationship between the young people. But apparently the distance prevented the development of normal relationships. At that time, Yulia and her children still lived in London and visited Moscow on “forays”.

After a high-profile “divorce,” Yulia Baranovskaya began to be active social life, periodically appearing with new gentlemen. At the end of March 2015, Yulia was spotted at the fashion designer Yulia Prokhorova's show in the company of stylist Evgeny Sedogo.

They willingly took pictures and stayed together, after which rumors spread in the press that the couple was dating.

Television career of Yulia Baranovskaya

After breaking up with Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya became a fairly famous media person. Well-known publications lined up to interview the “abandoned wife.” And after participating in Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk,” where Yulia spoke about her 9 years of experience family life with Andrei Arshavin, the whole country sympathized with the difficult fate of the heroine.

Yulia Baranovskaya: Let them talk. Life after Arshavin

Baranovskaya’s friends also tried not to leave her alone and began inviting her to private parties. At one of them, the girl met the famous producer Pyotr Sheksheev. It was he who helped Julia break into television, but not as a heroine, but as a presenter. First, she was invited as an expert in the post-show of the “Bachelor” project, which aired on the TNT channel under the title “What do men want?”

In April 2014, Yulia made her debut in the show “Girls”, which has been successfully shown by the TV channel “Russia-1” for 4 years. And although this was not her first experience as a presenter (back in London, Baranovskaya hosted the Russian Maslenitsa festival for several years in a row, which takes place annually in Trafalgar Square), the girl was very worried whether she would be able to join the already formed women's team, and in general, into the show format. But her fears were not confirmed.

It was - it became: how Yulia Baranovskaya came out of Andrei’s shadow

A few years ago she was known only as the wife of football player Andrei Arshavin. In an unregistered marriage, the couple had three children: two sons and a daughter. Nine years later the couple separated.

Culture & ShowBiz: It was - it became: like Yulia Baranovskaya It was - it became: how Yulia Baranovskaya came out of Andrei’s shadow

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya. After high-profile divorce Julia began to go out more and more often. Yulia could be seen on air on TNT, Rossiya and Channel One. As the TV presenter said in her interviews, she initially wanted to study to be a journalist

It was - it became: how Yulia Baranovskaya came out of Andrei’s shadow

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya. After a high-profile divorce, Julia began to go out more and more often. Yulia could be seen on air on TNT, Rossiya and Channel One. As the TV presenter said in her interviews, she initially wanted to study to be a journalist

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin: details of personal life

Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya almost immediately began to live together. And already in 2005, for the first time, Julia took academic leave, however, she did not leave it later. Andrei Arshavin's wife Yulia Baranovskaya looks at the situation with optimism.

Yulia Baranovskaya about life after breaking up with Andrey

ex common-law wife Andrey Arshavin Yulia Baranovskaya. Yulia, you were silent for almost two years - I always admired one quality in her - how beautifully she came out of all the children of Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya and her mother. Was there someone next to you?

Yulia Baranovskaya: life with Arshavin and after -

Yulia Baranovskaya was born into an ordinary St. Petersburg family. In 2005, Yulia became a mother for the first time: a boy was born, who was named Artem. When Andrei Arshavin returned to St. Petersburg, Yulia decided to stay with her two children in London

Yulia Baranovskaya: personal life, latest news

Football played a cruel joke on Yulia Baranovskaya. Thanks to this sport, she found her calling - she became a TV presenter. If not star husband Andrei Arshavin, no one noticed the girl. But at the same time, football destroyed her family happiness.

Yulia Baranovskaya: “I’m not waiting for Arshavin” |

Yulia Baranovskaya gained enormous popularity after a high-profile breakup with Andrei Arshavin. The football player left her alone with three children in her arms. Despite the blows of fate, Julia was able to become a successful TV presenter, participates in numerous filming and

Personal life ex-wife Andrei Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya, began to improve. The girl’s marriage to the football player broke up in 2013. Then Julia devoted her life to three children and a career on television. Now Julia declares that she is in love again and is very happy.

The mood is love!

Who new chosen one Baranovskaya – is still unknown. But the TV presenter does not hide the affair. She captions photos of her trip with her children to France with touching messages to her lover. She writes how she wishes he were around.

It can be assumed that the girl leaves messages for her ex-husband, but the TV presenter herself denies this.

Baranovskaya says that she is not in love with Arshavin, who is now new family. Also, Julia is not trying to prove to anyone that she can be happy after a “high-profile” divorce. She just lives. The girl has already introduced her young man with children, and they were able to find a common language with each other.

After the divorce, Julia devoted herself to children

Many are happy for Yulia Baranovskaya, who found the strength to become happy. On one of latest photos TV presenter on Instagram you can see the silhouette of her fan. And perhaps soon the girl herself will tell more about the novel.

Julia does not hide her new romance

The TV presenter does not maintain a relationship with her ex-husband Andrei Arshavin. The football player has not communicated with his children for several years and does not participate in their lives. Despite this, Yulia never allows herself to speak badly about Arshavin in front of her sons and daughter - after all, they love dad. Also, the TV presenter does not yet allow children to use social networks so that they do not read negative things about the situation in the family. They also play sports and

During my creative biography Yulia Baranovskaya not only managed to work at various film sets, but also to become a media person. The world of television has fascinated her so much that now the presenter cannot imagine herself without it.

Baranovskaya successfully coped with her difficult life problems and now he helps others do it.

Childhood and marriage

Julia was born in the summer of 1985 in St. Petersburg. Her father was an engineer, and her mother was a school teacher. In her childhood, the future TV presenter did not cause any trouble to her parents, as she studied well at school and took all assigned tasks responsibly. When the girl was 10 years old, her father left the family, which became a great stress for her. Her mother was still able to improve her personal life: in her second marriage she had two daughters - younger sisters Yulia, Ksenia and Sasha.

Pictured is Yulia Baranovskaya with ex-husband Andrey Arshavin

Even in high school, she dreamed of becoming a journalist, however, her family advised her to choose the profession of manager. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, but after a while she realized that she was drawn to creativity. At the same time, she met football player Andrei Arshavin. The lovers' relationship developed very rapidly, and soon they began to live as one family. In 2005, the couple had a son, Artem, which is why Baranovskaya decided to quit studying at the university.

Moving to London and family discord

In 2008, their daughter Yana was born, and a year later there were positive changes in her career common-law husband: London Arsenal invited Arshavin to become a member of the team. Soon the whole family moved to England, however, Julia took a long time to get used to life abroad, and at first she could not establish contact with the locals. After some time, everything improved, and she began to communicate with the wives of the players, as well as to visit public places. Then the main project in the life of the future TV presenter was her husband and children, and besides, the work of a housewife took a lot of effort and time. In 2012, when she was expecting her third child, Andrei returned to Russia, as he was again invited to play at Zenit. Baranovskaya decided to stay in London so that the children could continue their studies at school.

However, some time after leaving, the husband reported that he had another woman, and he decided to leave the family. Soon Julia gave birth to a son, Arseny. She was very upset about the departure of her common-law husband, believing that he had committed betrayal against her and the children. In a year ex-wife the football player filed a claim for alimony, but the consideration of this case took a very long time, and final decision it was ruled by a St. Petersburg court, which ordered Arshavin to pay ex-family half of your income.

Television career

Having attended Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk,” Baranovskaya attracted attention not only general public, but also famous people. First, she was invited to the show “Bachelor” on the TNT channel, where she acted as an expert. The first work turned out to be quite successful, and her next project was the show “Girls”, in which Arshavin’s ex-wife was entrusted with the role of co-host.

2014 was generous with offers, as she soon received an offer from the producers of the show “Reloaded”. During the program, the TV presenter had to change appearance participants, as well as help them cope with complexes and uncertainty. In the fall of the same year, she joined Alexander Gordon, who hosted the talk show “Male and Female.” In this project, she had to consider the complicated family situations of the characters and give them good advice, which allowed us to reach a new, more professional level after some time. In 2016, Yulia tried herself as a defender, appearing in “Fashionable Verdict” instead of Nadezhda Babkina.

Personal life: latest news

The presenter not only manages to build a career, but also devotes a lot of time to her personal life. In 2017, a joyful event occurred in her family: she and her children moved into her own apartment. Baranovskaya comprehensively develops children: her eldest son became interested in singing and now performs in the group "Fidgets", her daughter is engaged in dancing, and youngest son loves to play football. In addition, they often attend various children's events with their mother. Fans of the TV presenter compliment her, tagging her slim figure and wonderful appearance(with a height of 168 cm, her weight is 58 kg).

In the photo, Yulia Baranovskaya with her children: sons Artyom, Arseny and daughter Yana. Photo source:

The ex-husband not only got married, but also became a dad for the fourth time, but Julia has not yet found a new life partner. According to the TV personality herself, she doesn’t want her future husband was associated with the world of show business, as he believes that such couples quickly break up.