Alena Sviridova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Alena Sviridova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Alena Sviridova’s ex-husband - Henry Peacock

Alena Sviridova - very famous singer, which is in demand not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. Her music has been listened to for decades not only by residents of these countries, but also in all CIS countries. This singer’s repertoire includes a lot of songs that became real hits in their time. And Alena herself is known and loved far beyond the borders of her homeland. In addition to the fact that she sings songs, Sviridova also composes them herself. Among other things, she is also known as a very popular composer, as well as an actress and television presenter.

In addition, the singer is a member of the Russian Writers' Union and can boast of the title of People's Artist. All this, in general, makes Alena Sviridova a person who, perhaps, does not really need a special introduction to the public.

Despite the fact that Alena has been singing for about thirty years, she still has no plans to end her career. Once, in an interview, the singer decided to admit that she really liked performing on stage. And indeed, if you look at photos of Alena Sviridova in her youth and now, all this time the woman really looks happy. And besides, it’s unlikely that a large army of fans would have allowed her to leave so easily.

Newly arriving fans are often interested in what the artist’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Alena Sviridova is easy to answer, because this information is publicly available. The woman is already 56, but she is still full of energy. With a height of 175 centimeters, she weighs 57 kilograms, and thus can give odds to any young girl.

Biography and personal life of Alena Sviridova

Alena Sviridova (maiden name Leonova) was born at the end of the summer of 1962, in Kerch.

Father - Valentin Leonov - served as a military pilot. And her mother, Vera Buryanova, although a philologist by training, worked as a radio presenter.

Due to his service, Valentin had to move with his family to Belarus, where Alena graduated from school. She began studying music there, at the capital’s pedagogical institute. Over time, the girl began to perform a little in cultural centers.

After graduating from university, it's time to choose what to do next. Alena decided to go for an interview at the capital's drama theater, where she was accepted. However, despite all possible prospects, the theater did not become the ultimate dream for Alena, but only a way to earn money. Yes, the girl performed, but she wanted to sing.

Sviridova’s youth occurred during the collapse of the USSR, and in a renewed Belarus, where the media business was just beginning to flourish. The biography and personal life of Alena Sviridova, as a singer, begins when the girl seriously decided to break through to the very top, starting with performances as an “opening act” for foreign performers. At one such performance, the performer was seen by producer Yuri Ripyakh. It was he who was able to fulfill Alena’s dream - to sign a contract and move to Moscow to start a solo career.

The performer released her debut album in 1995, and since then has become incredibly popular.

Family and children of Alena Sviridova

The girl’s first love, and also her first husband, was Sergei Sviridov, who was almost a whole life older. The girl married him while still very young, and from him she gave birth to her first son.

Her second husband was Henry Peacock, who was an influential official at the local United States Embassy, ​​and was himself an American by nationality. But the couple divorced quite quickly. Alena Sviridova’s family and children are of great importance to her, but Peacock turned out to be the wrong one in the end.

Years later, the woman entered into an unofficial marriage with a Ukrainian fashion model named Dmitry Miroshnichenko. For almost five years everything was wonderful, but soon Alena left him because the guy began to loosen his tongue for the press.

Her fourth and last man was a prominent entrepreneur of Armenian appearance, David Vardanyan. The singer is still happy with him.

Son of Alena Sviridova - Vasily Sviridov

In fact, not much is known about the artist’s first-born. Alena Sviridova’s son, Vasily Sviridov, was born in her first marriage, in 1983. The guy studied at the most ordinary metropolitan school, but received higher education went to one of the Canadian universities. Currently, he is a successful programmer.

He is 34 years old and lives with his family in the Canadian capital. A man comes to his own homeland very rarely, mainly to see his mother. He also flatly refuses to communicate with journalists. That’s why almost nothing is known about him. However, he grew up to be a successful and happy man.

Son of Alena Sviridova - Grigory Sviridov

The youngest son of Alena Sviridova, Grigory Sviridov, was born when his mother was in the only unofficial marriage in her life.

He is currently 13, but it cannot be said that he is leading the fun and carefree life of a teenager. The artist is very proud of her son, because he can almost literally be called a defender of the fatherland. Yes, yes, you heard right. And the reason is that Grisha is a cadet, and in the future he wants to build a military career, like his grandfather. Alena happily supported her son’s wish. Moreover, the boy is an excellent student in all aspects of the cadet training program.

Alena Sviridova's ex-husband - Sergei Sviridov

One can hardly say much more about the artist’s first wife than about her first son. Ex-husband Alena Sviridova - Sergei Sviridov married a girl when she was only 18 years old. But it is worth noting that their life together turned out to be quite long. In this marriage, Alena gave birth to a son, Vasya.

In his youth, Sergei performed with a musical ensemble, which collapsed in the same year as Soviet Union. The man still couldn’t build successful career in this renewed Russia, therefore I constantly had to get by with odd jobs. He now lives with his son in Canada.

Alena Sviridova's ex-husband - Henry Peacock

Another ex-husband of Alena Sviridova, Henry Peacock, a purebred American, was a respected official and built a career at the US Embassy, ​​located, remarkably, in Moscow. Interestingly, Henry was black. He won Alena not only with his smile, but also with the aroma of expensive cologne. They did not date for long, and very soon Peacock asked the singer to marry. But the marriage did not last long.

The man, unprepared for this new way of life, turned out to be selfish and there were rumors that he even cheated on his wife. Just a few years later they separated, and a little later Henry returned to America.

Former common-law husband of Alena Sviridova - Dmitry Miroshnichenko

Alena did not suffer for a long time because of her traitorous husband. And very soon the forty-year-old artist found solace in the person of a young Ukrainian model, who, moreover, was also half her age.

Former common law husband Alena Sviridova - Dmitry Miroshnichenko, although he was not officially connected with the singer by marriage, was still loved. Sviridova even bore him a son. And it seemed that things were already heading towards an official wedding, but everything was ruined by the fact that the guy began to get too involved in the media. While talking with journalists, Dima stopped watching his language, which as a result made the artist very angry, and she soon left the guy.

Alena Sviridova’s husband – David Vardanyan

Alena Sviridova’s husband, David Vardanyan, is her third husband and the fourth man in the artist’s life. It’s worth saying right away that Sviridova took the break with Miroshnichenko quite hard.

Over the course of several years, she stopped starting new relationships. Until one day fate brought her together with a successful entrepreneur, a handsome man and just a real man. The couple got married only a couple of years after the start of the relationship, and even then secretly. Journalists learned that Sviridova had remarried only a year after the solemn event took place. The woman finally admits that she is happy with everything and dreamed of just such a relationship.

Since the singer’s youth, candid photos of Alena Sviridova began to excite the minds of the male half of the woman’s fans, because she has always been attractive. Most of them would even seriously show interest in a photo shoot of the singer in some men's magazine. Thus, queries like “photo by Alena Sviridova for Maxim magazine” began to appear on the Internet. But such photographs do not exist in nature.

In this case, if there are photographs where Alena poses naked, then they are only part of the singer’s personal archive. The maximum that men can count on now is a photo of a woman in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Sviridova

Let us remind you that the famous performer has been pleasing her fans for about thirty years. Like all even somewhat popular artists, she has profiles on social networks. Particularly popular are pages such as Alena Sviridova’s Instagram and Wikipedia. It is their fans who visit most often, in the hope of learning something new about the creative or even personal life of their favorite performer.

The singer regularly updates her Instagram page with pictures from tours, from home or on vacation. And she has a lot of subscribers. And on Wikipedia you can find out many details about the past and present of Alena, whose popularity has not faded to this day.

He's been dating for five years now. David Vardanyan. The significant age difference (Alena is 14 years older than David) does not prevent the couple from having tender feelings for each other. For a long time there were rumors that Alena and David secretly got married, but Sviridova denied this information. Moreover, in May of this year, the 56-year-old singer stated that she was no longer going to spoil her relationship with a stamp in her passport.

Now Alena Sviridova and David Vardanyan are vacationing in Montenegro. The singer regularly shares joint footage with her young lover on her microblog on Insatgram. The next post of the 90s star greatly intrigued her fans. The point is in the ambiguous signature, which reads (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.): “And they lived happily ever after:).” Many Internet Users suggested that Sviridova and Vardanyan were married in Montenegro.

Alena Sviridova and David Vardanyan in Montenegro

By the way, in December last year, Alena Sviridova and David Vardanyan shared footage from the event on her microblog on Instagram. The singer’s subscribers admired the harmoniously looking couple and noted that Alena blossomed next to David. “Alyonushka with her gentleman (aka a wonderful stranger). You are beautiful!”, “It’s very nice to see you together”, “How similar you are, super!”, “Chic!” - wrote netizens.

Alena Sviridova and David Vardanyan at the ball at the Bolshoi Theater

Let us remind you that Alena Sviridova got married early and gave birth to her first son Vasily at 18 years old. Father of the child Sergey Sviridov was much older than Alena. Three years later, the marriage cracked, as everyday problems interfered with her creative development. She left for someone else. Some time after the divorce, Sergei married a second time and moved to Canada. In order for her son to receive a good Western education, Alena sent Vasily to his father. Now her eldest son is programming in Vancouver.

The singer's second wedding with an African-American man Henry Piccolo took place on the island of Antigua. However, happiness beautiful couple didn't last long. In 2004, Alena Sviridova gave birth to her second son Gregory, being in civil marriage with a Ukrainian fashion model Dmitry Miroshnichenko, who is only a year older than her first son Vasily. The singer met Dmitry on the set of the program “ Harem", in which she acted as a presenter. A few years later the couple broke up.

Alena Sviridova with her sons

By the way, youngest son Alena Grigory Zvezda admitted in one of her interviews that she is against greenhouse conditions and believes that mothers only spoil boys with their excessive care: “I think that after all male education should be masculine, and there should be men around. Many people complain about the army that straightforward people serve there. But in fact, no one has abolished bad bosses, scandalous neighbors, etc. Can we really create some kind of ideal conditions and guarantee that in life we ​​will only meet sweethearts? No. That’s why I tell Grisha that people are who they are, and you must learn to communicate with them all.”

Alena Sviridova with her son Grigory

There were four marriages in her life, and each of them was unusually happy - for a while. And everyone taught me a lot.

1. Sergey Sviridov

She never wanted to get married: “This picture didn’t exist: white dress, flowers. Maybe because my parents didn’t live very well.” And, despite this, she got married for the first time at the age of 18.

The first husband, Sergei Sviridov, was 9 years older than her: at 18 this is a huge difference. They met at a friend’s place, feelings flared up instantly: “He was my first man, before that I kissed a boy a couple of times.” Soon they got married. “At that time there was no other way: if you fell in love and slept with a man, you could not help but get married,” explains Alena. At the age of 20, a son appeared. And the burden of housework and childcare fell on her. They lived with their husband for 5 years and separated: “I felt that I had closed my life without even living anything. I wanted to travel, write, draw, learn.”

A new love appeared in her life, and she plunged into it headlong. You need to “always give yourself over to your feelings without reserve,” says Alena. “Even if it all ends, it’s still wonderful that they were there.” This rule is one of her secrets to a happy union; she carried it throughout her life. Became her chosen one former actor, who at first supported her in her creativity. But soon he began to be jealous of his wife for her work: Alena’s songs began to be heard on Minsk radio, and at the same time she played in the theater. Then she formulated another “rule of happiness together”: “Jealousy of a profession is worse than jealousy of another man.” Their union fell apart.

From these relationships, Sviridova derived an important law: people are unhappy because they expect stability - from love, work. But there is no stability in life, Alena is sure: “Life must go on, develop: if there is no bad, we will not appreciate the good.” And since this is the law, then you shouldn’t blame yourself. “I understand that I did not act then in the best possible way. The feeling of guilt struggled with the feeling of happiness. And, of course, happiness won.”

“It’s not worth enduring for a long time for something. It’s not scary to start again,” she explains. Life is stages. When a stage approaches something that begins to stress both of them, you need to get out of it. Happiness is when you get at every moment what you need at that moment. She then needed to live to the fullest, to create. And she left to conquer Moscow.

2. Henry Peacock

In Moscow she met new love- American diplomat Henry Peacock. We met at the embassy, ​​at a concert, in 1998. It was love at first sight.
“I always look for a father in a man,” admits Alena. - It doesn’t matter whether he is younger or older. The main thing is that he must understand that sometimes a woman needs to be treated like a child - to be lenient towards her weaknesses. I can be hysterical, cry, and then you should feel sorry for me.” This, in her opinion, is the key to any happy relationship. After all, women are really very sensitive, and sometimes they just need a kind word. New chosen one understood this.

A graduate of Cambridge University, smart, exotic, reserved, he surrounded her with care. The wedding was beautiful and also exotic - in Antigua, in the Caribbean Sea. “There were no guests, the shore, dawn, we go, say an oath in English, a single tear rolls down his face - it was very romantic,” recalls Alena. In Russia, they did not confirm the marriage, but official papers were not important to her: “You know - either he is ready to take responsibility for you, or he is not ready” - and she considers this rule a guarantee happy life together.
Henry saved her everyday problems. But the marriage with him came at a time when Sviridova’s popularity soared: “Poor little lamb,” “ Pink flamingo"sang everywhere. Henry had a hard time with the disorder of his wife's artistic life. They tried to live separately, then together again. The union is doomed, Alena soon realized. It existed for two years. Peacock decided to return to the USA, Alena refused to go with him.

Then she still did not know how and was not ready to understand and forgive. Life revealed this secret of marriage to her in the following relationships.

3. Dmitry Miroshnichenko

She was 40 when, in 2002, the television project “Harem” appeared in her life - the harbinger of modern reality shows on exotic islands. Alena was invited to be its host; filming took place in Kenya. According to the plot, dozens of handsome men fought for the right to be left in the “harem” of beautiful “sultanas”. There she met the father of her second child, a fashion model from Kyiv Dmitry Miroshnichenko. He was 20 years old, the age difference was also 20 years.

Alena with Dmitry Miroshnichenko. Photo: Gennady Usoev

“At first it was a holiday romance: Kenya, heat, sea, romanticism covers you like a cloud... We met at night. I chose him because he chose me. He was not afraid of the difference either in status or age,” recalls Sviridova.

At first, she did not take the feelings that flared up in the hot country seriously. But when she told him that she was pregnant, everything changed: Dima grew up at that very moment. He tried to persuade her to keep the child, Alena hesitated, but then she got sick - and everything was decided by itself. The second child brought her happiness that she had never experienced before: Dima, who arrived, carried her in his arms, admiring all the changes happening to her, and surrounded her with care. “There was something touching, childlike, pure about it.”

Alena with her son and Dmitry Miroshnichenko.

The happiness was complete, but short-lived. This time she learned to forgive and accept her husband for who he is. By that time she “knew too much” (she dedicated the song “I Know Too Much” to Dima). And I realized: Dima is in the same situation as she was with her first husband - he has not accomplished anything in life yet. And soon he became bored with his family. I wanted to be myself, and not just Sviridova’s husband.

As a young man, he began to do it for show: on his birthday he invited a film crew who came to film him happy family with a famous artist, and the group found Dima with a girl who had already taken her place. Their separation became public knowledge.

She's in once again I was convinced: the basis of a happy union is to leave destructive relationships in time.

4. David Vardanyan

“If you think more about good things, then they will happen. Never think about bad things,” is another “happy rule” from Sviridova. So, thinking about good things and not counting on a new relationship, she met her current husband, David Vardanyan. In Yerevan, after the concert they met in a restaurant. David is 14 years younger. “I walked in, and something clicked: then I only saw her, didn’t hear the conversations at the table, forgot about the food and was very jealous,” he recalls the first meeting.

Alena Sviridova with David Vardanyan and children. Photo: Yulia Khanina

They have been together for 8 years - these are the most long relationship Alena Sviridova. David is her complete opposite, she admits: “He is meticulous, he has everything in order, he is neat, and I am careless. I say: leave me alone, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now.”

Differences in character are not an obstacle to happiness. The main thing is to have a common point of reference: this is good and this is bad from a moral point of view. And you can always adapt to each other and solve minor problems. They experiment, try to make both of them happy - they give each other a rest, then they communicate closely again.
With age, Alena Sviridova clearly set her priorities and accepted life with all the grievances and injustices she had experienced. And she finally admitted: everything was right and for a reason.

Alena with her son and husband David Vardanyan. Photo: Global Look Press

She made another rule happy marriage: relationships are not the whole of life, the rest of it is no less exciting. By following this principle, you “give more freedom to your other half, and you will have something that brings no less joy - space between you.” The ideal feelings that she sings about, and all the books are written about, are something that you feel only in separate moments, Alena believes. But you truly love a man like a child, with all the diapers, even rudeness, and this love for you is unconditional.
In general, in her opinion, our life is like a movie or a book, and the more things happen in it, the more interesting it will be. You just need to not be afraid to make a mistake and try new things.

Singer Alena Sviridova, who recently celebrated her 54th birthday, is marrying an Armenian. The young couple have been in love with each other for four years. After breaking up with Ukrainian fashion model Dmitry Miroshnichenko, singer Alena Sviridova was alone for a long time. However, now the artist has met the man of her dreams and, according to rumors, is marrying him. Alena Sviridova stopped hiding her new relationship. To one of social events she came arm in arm with her lover. Alena met 36-year-old businessman David Vardanyan four years ago at a party in Yerevan. But the age difference does not bother 53-year-old Alena. Fans of the star claim that everything is serious with the young people and Sviridova is going to get married in the near future. As the artist’s friends say, Vardanyan quickly found common language with Sviridova’s sons – 29-year-old Vasily and eight-year-old Grisha. Alena herself became friends with her lover’s 15-year-old son, Vardan. In the near future, the couple plans to have a wedding, according to all Caucasian traditions. At least five to six hundred guests will be invited to the celebration.
Note that some time ago Alena admitted that after participating in the extreme project " Cruel Games"lost all interest in everyday life devoid of vivid emotions and adrenaline. She was overcome by blues, which a new dangerous hobby helped her cope with. “I’m plunging into a sea infested with sharks! There are at least 20 of them around. They are the size of me and much larger! They swim almost right on the surface, near the boat, and I just can’t get down,” - this is how Alena described her feelings from the lesson diving.

Alena Sviridova told how she met her chosen one, why she doesn’t want to get married and that she already dreams of a granddaughter.

The performer of the immortal hits “Poor Sheep” and “Pink Flamingo” Sviridova celebrated her 55th birthday this summer. But she looks at least ten years younger. As Alena herself states, the elixir of her youth lies in her “burning eyes.” " I haven't been alone for a long time!– Alena shared. – That's why my eyes have been burning for many years».

For about eight years now, the artist has been happy in her relationship with her chosen one, Armenian businessman David Vardanyan, whom she met at a social party in Yerevan. " I had no makeup, in some kind of tracksuit... But David still paid attention to me.”, - the singer recalls.

The next day, David invited Alena to the cinema, and soon a romance began, which continues to this day. Despite the fact that Alena Sviridova’s lover is 14 years younger than her, according to the artist, their relationship with David is becoming stronger every day.

« David and I live very friendly and fun, says Sviridova. – And the advantage of my age is that you are already beginning to understand something in life and not worry about some things that for many people are quite serious».

Two years ago, information appeared in the press that Alena Sviridova and David Vardanyan secretly got married. But the singer herself denies these rumors. Moreover, she doesn’t want a stamp in her passport!

« I'm not going to get married“, the star states categorically. – Sacred meaning marriage in complete fusion and responsibility for each other. Usually, when getting married, they make vows: to be together in illness and in old age, with thick sides, a bald head and other attributes... To accept this, you need to be a religious person brought up in such traditions. We are not like that, we were raised differently, so it is difficult for us to accept it».

Alena Sviridova with her young sons and David Vardanyan

Alena Sviridova crossed the threshold of the registry office twice in her life. The artist first married at the age of 18 to a man named Sergei, who was 9 years older than her. " He seemed incredibly mature to me then,– the star recalls her first husband. – Sergei himself expressed a desire to get married, I agreed because I loved him" But the marriage was not successful; the couple divorced a few years later. The fruit of this relationship was the son Vasily, who is now 34 years old. He lives in Canada with his father.

In 1998, at a party, Alena met American diplomat Henry Peacock and married him the same year. But this marriage could not stand the distance. Henry was forced to return to the United States due to duty. Alena refused to follow her husband. But, as they say, a holy place is never empty.

Next great love The singer came into life in 2003. This time, Alena’s lover was a Ukrainian model who was 20 years younger than her. Alena Sviridova lived in this relationship for four years. The singer even decided to take a courageous step and became a mother for the second time at 41 years old. But son Gregory was unable to strengthen the relationship between the artist and her common-law husband. The reason for their separation was betrayal on the part of Dmitry.

Now, despite the bitter experience, the singer assures that she is absolutely happy in love with David. But, however, she has another unfulfilled dream. " I really want a girl– the star admits. – I dream that one of my sons will have a daughter. I have a lot of beautiful jewelry for her. I want to tie bows for her».

Fame came to Alena Sviridova at the age of 31. Before that, she worked as an actress at the Minsk Drama Theater. Only in 1993 Alena decided to move to Moscow. The singer spoke about the difficulties she had to face when moving to the Russian capital.

« There was no money then, - the singer recalls. – Concert costumes were simply assembled using rags. At first, I lived with my director Yura in a one-room apartment with his wife and mother, and then I rented an apartment. Only four years later I managed to save up for my own. But after the release of the song “Pink Flamingo” it became much easier. In just a year, unexpectedly, I became a star. It took me a long time to get used to this new status.».

Alena Sviridova does not follow any diets. " I just have good genetics. I don’t eat sweet, fatty and smoked foods just because I don’t like such foods. I don't deny myself anything. I love bread very much, although I know that this product is not approved by any diets", quotes the singer