Is it healthy to eat soup? Nutrition for health, do you need soup every day?

Most of us are used to eating our first meal every day. Since childhood, we have been confident in its benefits. Should you eat soup regularly? What happens if you exclude this dish from your diet? And can you harm your health by eating soup?

According to our compatriots, soup is a must-have during lunch. They are confident that refusing liquid first courses is fraught with digestive disorders and other health problems.

We know that liquid:

- good for the stomach;
- easily absorbed even by a weakened body;
- rich in vitamins and nutrients;
- prevents constipation.
Is this true? Is it really necessary to eat soup regularly?

Soup is different from soup

Shchi, borscht, solyanka and rassolnik, okroshka and beetroot soup - every housewife should master the preparation of this essential minimum of first courses. They warm or refresh, quickly fill you up and keep you feeling full for a long time. for a long time. Eating soup is a great solution that helps.

Soups in Eastern Europe loved and eaten constantly for several hundred years. Liquid food is mandatory in kindergartens and schools; it is included in absolutely any set lunch.

The first courses are:

- cold (okroshka, botvinya) and hot (everything that is usually eaten warm);
- broth (cooked with meat, poultry and game) and lean (vegetables, mushroom);
- meat, fish and smoked meats;
- broths, noodles and purees;
- prepared with or without frying.
It is not difficult to understand that the benefits and harms of the first dish depend on how it is prepared.

Benefits of soup for diet

A liquid dish prepared correctly from fresh and high-quality ingredients is definitely beneficial for health. It is enough to give a few reasons in favor of why should you eat soup?:
- warm soups cooked in light broth or vegetable broth stimulate digestion: they warm the walls of the stomach, catalyze the production of gastric juice;
- first courses are quickly and easily digestible;
- liquid helps maintain water-salt balance in the body;
- in the cold season, the first allows you to warm up and accumulate in the body thermal energy;
- boiling is one of those types of heat treatment of products in which they retain the maximum amount of useful and nutrients.
It is thanks to their easy digestibility and high nutritional value that soups are necessarily present in children's menu, they are recommended to be eaten during illness, during the period of recovery and rehabilitation after surgery.

Who are harmful liquid dishes - contraindications

Grandmothers love to intimidate children who refuse liquids with gastritis. According to gastroenterologists, soup is not at all a means of preventing this disease, but, on the contrary, can lead to its occurrence.

It is not recommended to indulge in first courses for those who suffer increased acidity: warm broth or decoction will further enhance acidification . Now it’s clear why you need to eat soup for lunch: after the first, there will be a second dish, for the digestion of which all the produced gastric juice will be used.

Why can't you eat soups all the time?

Those who see meat, chicken and fish broths as an ideal dish from the point of view of benefits and nutritional value are also wrong. The fact is that during cooking of meat, the proteins contained in it disintegrate and end up in the broth. chemical compounds, which are difficult to digest and make work difficult Gastrointestinal tract and liver.

E If meat boils on the bone, heavy metal salts, mercury compounds and even carcinogenic substances can be released into the broth. Also, antibiotics that were “fed” to the animals will end up in the broth. Therefore, you should buy meat for soup in trusted places.

Since soup is a multi-component dish, you must be careful when choosing each ingredient. So, with potatoes, beets and carrots, nitrates can enter the body. With mushrooms - toxins. With tomato paste - starch.

To add “richness” to a dish and give it a golden color, housewives like to cook it “frying” - they generously sauté onions, carrots and other vegetables in vegetable or animal fat. This additive eliminates all the benefits of the soup, because it is a cocktail of cholesterol and carcinogens.

Is it possible to exclude soup altogether?

It turns out that you can live without soup. This is proven by the experience of Americans who extremely rarely eat soups. Or rather, they rarely eat what we mean by this dish. For them, liquid is puree-like masses of meat, vegetables and herbs. Why don't they die from indigestion?

For healthy life, it is necessary for a person to eat regularly and balanced , ate a certain proportion of meat, grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, and received a sufficient amount of calories and nutrients. And the form in which he will use all these “utilities” plays a secondary role. Therefore, it is quite possible not to eat soup and not harm your health!

Soup diets

Great news for those who want to gain a slim figure! Eating soups can help you lose weight! Especially if you cook it faster with the addition. Moreover, the process of losing weight will go smoothly. There are a huge number of diets based on vegetable soups. Their advantage is that they do not involve fasting or a limited diet. The liquid may contain certain useful components, which will be enough to nourish the body, and they will also help get rid of excess weight.

For example, the so-called “onion” soup includes not only onions, but also cabbage, pepper , greens, sometimes tomatoes. You can eat it three to five times a day. The diet does not exclude the consumption of fresh fruits.

And the first course includes white and cauliflower cabbage, celery, carrots, herbs, tomatoes, garlic, onions and other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Homemade soup definitely does more good than harm. Surely the hostess will cook it from selected meat and best products, follows the correct technology for its preparation. Then this first dish will not only satisfy your hunger and warm you physically, but will also contain warmth and love in every spoon.

What do you think about soups? Share your feedback in the comments to the article.

I am glad to welcome you, my dear comrades! This Friday we will continue our "hilarious" (in terms of killing the worm) a series of notes and let's talk about soups in bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn all about their benefits, the process of transformation of ingredients during the cooking process. We will also give you a couple of recipes for healthy fitness soups.

So, get your spoon ready, now let’s start slurping up our cabbage soup.

Soups in bodybuilding: everything you need to know

As you can see, we always try to write on interesting and well-worn topics; we devoted the previous two posts to , today we have a soup story coming up. And we intend to thoroughly understand this liquid issue: soups in bodybuilding. Well, we’ll start, as usual, from afar...

Friends, remember how you ate not so long ago (and maybe still do). Surely it was standard 3 meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, in one of which, the middle one, there was always soup. Am I right? Schiborschi - this is what the lunch of the average citizen of our country looks like. Moreover, if we prepare breakfast and dinner at home ourselves, then we are accustomed to getting soups (and the second dish for them) in canteens at enterprises. If Moscow is not aware, then it looks like this: during your lunch break, you, as an employee of an enterprise, go to a catering establishment, take a tray there, stand in line and, according to a template menu, get your grub.

Usually, when a person switches to proper nutrition, “ soup set” as meals fall out of his diet. Whether this is good or bad, and in general - what soup is and why it is needed, we will talk further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why eat soup, what is the benefit of it?

Soup is a liquid food that is made by combining ingredients with water or other liquid. Hot soups are further characterized by simmering solid ingredients in liquids in a saucepan until the aromas/flavors are extracted, forming a broth.

Many people, especially athletes, believe that soups in bodybuilding are of no benefit, because... This is water, and it is simply eliminated from the body, giving only a very short-term feeling of fullness.

Yes, soup is liquid food, but very healthy. And here's why.

No. 1. Extracting maximum nutritional value from foods

Some nutrients are better absorbed when food is heated rather than consumed raw. For example, cooked carrots have a greater absorption of beta-carotene, an orange pigment or carotenoid, than when eaten raw. The same goes for lycopene, the red pigment responsible for the color of tomatoes. In addition, water-soluble vitamins are preserved in the soup liquid, the broth.

No. 2. Normalization of eating behavior in children

Some mothers are faced with such a problem in their children as increased appetite. Indeed, the child adolescence- a very active subject who needs to replenish his energy expenditure. In order not to overfeed your child, and so that he 10 years did not become a hamster, scientists from the Pennsylvania State Nutrition Clinic recommend including soups (especially vegetables) into the diet of children in order to normalize eating behavior and reduce calorie consumption during the day. The researchers' conclusion is that soups are effective way taming an excessively increased appetite.

No. 3. Long feeling of fullness

You may ask: how can water give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness? Indeed, water is removed from the body once or twice, and in order for the soup to lead to a long-term feeling of fullness, it must contain protein, and all its ingredients must be pureed in a blender with the addition of water or pre-prepared broth.

In other words, you don’t need to cook the soup for hours, but simply throw the desired solid ingredients into a blender, grind them to a paste-like consistency and simply add water/broth. It is in this thick version that soups provide the maximum feeling of fullness.

No. 4. Prevention/protection from ODS

Is this soup? medicine to protect against ODS? Yes, chicken soup (and this is confirmed by numerous studies, for example, published in the medical journal Chest for 2000 , Dr. Stephen Rennard), helps the body quickly recover from a painful state. Studies have shown that chicken soup prevents the migration of neutrophils, infectious cells in the human body. Such a classic soup (which contains chicken, onions, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, celery stalks, parsley, salt and pepper) significantly helps reduce symptoms of respiratory infection in the upper respiratory tract, all thanks to the compound carnosine, which is found in sources such as chicken soup and chicken breast. It helps suppress inflammatory conditions usually associated with the initial stages of viral infections.

No. 5. Vitamins, minerals and fiber

Soup is also a vinaigrette made from vegetables that give the body high levels various vitamins, in particular A, C and D, selenium, potassium, calcium and lycopene (natural antioxidant) from tomatoes. In addition to vitamins, vegetables also supply fiber, which improves the digestive background of the gastrointestinal tract.


To get the most out of your soup, you should cook the ingredients minimum quantity time. So cold soups (for example, gazpacho or okroshka) They are considered much healthier than hot ones.

So, with useful qualities We've sorted out the soups, now let's talk about...

How does temperature affect food?

Cooking is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we want to eat safely (not to get infected with germs) and delicious (for example, be content with a crispy crust on the product), on the other hand, to receive maximum benefit, which is especially important if we're talking about inclusion of soups in bodybuilding. In the first case, we use fire, exposure to temperature, which leads to chemical changes in food. Cooking changes the appearance, texture and taste of food, makes it easier to digest food, and also kills harmful microbes.

For example, a baking powder, sodium bicarbonate, is added to most types of baked goods. It breaks down when heated, releasing carbon dioxide, which helps the baked goods rise.

There are many ways to prepare food, for example:

  • microwave;
  • gas/electric oven - frying;
  • cooking/boiling;
  • air fryer;
  • baking (including in foil).

Each of these methods has its own effect on proteins, fats and carbohydrates, resulting in a product varying degrees usefulness. A universal property of all these cooking methods is the effect of high temperature.

Cooking involves chemical changes:

  • new substances are produced;
  • the process is irreversible;
  • there is a change in energy.

For example, when making toast, the bread turns brown and the sugars in it break down to form carbon. The chemical chain of transformation of sugars is next reaction.

Temperature and proteins. What's happening?

Good sources of protein to use for soup stock are meat and chicken. Protein molecules change shape as a result of the thermal energy they absorb. This causes changes in the appearance and texture of said nutrients when they are cooked. During cooking, such as boiling, protein molecules change irreversibly, protein denaturation occurs - destruction of the natural structure.

Transition from liquid (or semi-liquid) phase to solid (clotting) is called coagulation.

Examples: hard-boiled and fried eggs.

Temperature: 60 degrees C.

In this subsection, let's find out what happens to meat when you throw it into a frying pan.

Red meat is animal muscle, 75% of which is water, the rest is protein (about 20 %) and fat ( 5% ) contains myoglobin, which turns brown during cooking/frying. When you throw a piece of meat into a frying pan, the following happens to it:

  1. protein molecules are in “connected coils,” but as they heat up, the bonds are broken and the coils begin to unwind;
  2. most of the water in the muscle fibers evaporates - so the steak becomes much less voluminous than raw;
  3. the color of the meat changes - this occurs due to the reaction of myoglobin to heat. Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in red blood cells. Heat causes the iron atom to oxidize. The iron atoms in the protein lose an electron and this gradually changes color from red to brown;
  4. white meat (chicken, turkey) has much less myoglobin so it will be less brown (more golden) after cooking.

Temperature + water and carbohydrates. What's happening?

Potatoes are a good source complex carbohydrates, presented mainly in the form of starch. Raw potatoes are hard and have an unpleasant taste. When potatoes are cooked they become softer (due to the fact that starches, when heated, absorb liquids around them) and sweeter (due to starch being converted to simple sugar). When potatoes are cooked, changes occur in the cell wall of the potato cells. Cell walls are made of a tough substance called cellulose. During cooking, this substance is destroyed and becomes soluble. This process is called gelatinization (irreversible loss crystalline regions in starch granules). Gelatinization dramatically increases the availability of starch for digestion by amylolytic enzymes.


Even food processes that result in low degrees of gelatinization (for example, steaming), still increase blood glucose levels after eating. Therefore, carbohydrates, due to the increased availability of starch and insulin in the blood, should be taken in doses and at strict intervals, for example, optimal mode- before training.

Example: Pasta and rice become larger and softer after boiling.

Temperature: 65 degrees C.

Temperature and water. What's happening?

As water heats up, the molecules move faster and faster until they turn into gas (steam) and evaporate. Since most foods contain water, this explains why they become drier (decrease in volume) when they are cooked.

Example: boiling water.

Temperature: 100 degrees C.

Temperature and fats. What's happening?

Unlike water, fats do not evaporate when heated, although they do melt. At room temperature they can be solid, liquid, or somewhere in between, but they all become liquid when heat is applied to them. Because foods that fit into this category require much higher temperatures to burn, they are often used as a cooking medium rather than simply as an ingredient.

Example: using butter for pancakes in a frying pan.

Temperature: depends on the type of fat.

Temperature and sugar

Heated sugar tends to turn brown and change the flavor. This applies not only to the sugar that we actively add to food products, for example, to bakery products or desserts, but to natural sugars in foods. This process, known as caramelization, is responsible for most of the flavors we associate with cooking. Since this occurs at a higher temperature than boiling water, it also explains why food is only brown if it is cooked using dry heat.

Example: baked loaf or chicken with carrots.

Temperature: 170 degrees C.

General conclusion: by regulating the level of heat, we regulate the chemical processes occurring in products (which occurs when different temperatures) and degree of preservation of nutrients (including their bioavailability) in the final dish.

Milling and dietary fiber. What's happening?

When cereal grains are ground into refined flour, the fiber-rich outer fibers are removed, resulting in a reduction in total dietary fiber content. This reduction is mainly due to a decrease in insoluble fiber content. The composition of dietary fiber in both whole grain and refined flour is different. Refined flours from oats, barley, rice and sorghum contain mainly glucans, while arabinoxylans dominate in refined flours from wheat, rye and corn. Whole wheat flour contains a significant amount of cellulose. The hulls that surround barley, rice and oats also contain significant amounts of xylans, and this fraction is usually removed before the product is released onto the market.

Therefore, you need to try to look for whole grain cereals (with shell) on store shelves, because... they are more nutritionally valuable.

An important issue in the key of cooking is...

Soups in bodybuilding: how to correctly calculate the calorie content of a finished dish

Have you noticed that the Internet is very difficult (and sometimes it’s simply impossible) find reliable information on the calorie content and BJU of finished products. For example, fried potatoes, purees or soups, such as schi and borsch.

To determine calorie content, there are several methods of varying degrees of accuracy, in particular:

  • standard calorie tables;
  • direct calorimetry method;
  • sites-analyzers-calculators.

To be fair, none of these methods are accurate. Moreover, in different sources(for example, online sites and nutritionists responsible for them) Various data on the nutritional/energy value of finished products/meals are provided.

In practice, everything works well and correctly only with raw/dry products. When connecting cooking processes, such as frying, boiling, many third-party factors (“noise”) are introduced, which leave their mark on the BZHUK ready-made dish. Here are the main noises:

  • quantity/volume of water used (for example, when cooking cereals);
  • absence/presence of pre-soaking;
  • BZHU original/ raw product (for example, at market meat, no one will tell you exactly the BJU of the piece you bought);
  • type of oil used;
  • time/type of heat treatment;
  • use of spices/sauces;
  • the degree of digestibility of products by a specific human body.

All this contributes to the BZHUK finished product. Therefore, in order not to break your brain, remember the following basic rules in the definition of BZHUK:

  1. heat practically does not destroy protein in food and can only slightly reduce its total content. For example, raw chicken breast 100 gr has 24 g protein, ready can account for up to 20-22 g protein;
  2. cooking (particularly frying) meat slightly reduces the fat content in the product. For example, a piece of red meat initially had fat content 10 gr on 100 g, after frying it can be 6-8 gr;
  3. For maximum protein preservation, meat/fish should be cooked (fried) for short period time (to 5-10 minutes) at high temperature (a grill surface is ideal for these purposes);
  4. seafood (eg squid) For maximum protein preservation, you should cook no more than 2-5 minutes;
  5. egg whites/eggs when cooking (including whipping in) do not lose their protein;
  6. in the process of any preparation everything protein products“dry out”, but their calorie content remains practically (minus 2-5% 100 g breast calorie content 110 kcal and 24 grams of protein, boiled, at the end you will get: 75-80 g of finished product with 20-22 g protein and calorie content – 102-105 kcal Therefore, in order not to bother with calculations, consider that protein/calorie content of the raw product = protein/calorie content of the finished product and after calculating all the techniques, remove/subtract the deltas (differences);
  7. During the cooking process (cooking), all carbohydrate (cereal) products swell, but their calorie content remains practically unchanged (minus 2-5% ) the same. For example, you took 100 grams of buckwheat calories 330 kcal and 12 grams of protein, boiled it in 200 ml of water, at the output you will receive: 200 g of finished product with 10 g protein and calorie content – 320-325 kcal;
  8. Cooking does not increase the absolute value of carbohydrates in cereals/vegetables; it increases the bioavailability of digestible (or capable of metabolism) carbohydrates - a person can quickly extract energy from them;
  9. After cooking, you should determine the percentage of what was eaten. For example, you cooked 100 grams of dry weight of buckwheat and ate only 1/2 boiled, your calorie content will be approximately 160-162,5 kcal;
  10. When creating a diet for yourself and calculating BZHUK, always carry out calculations based on dry weight (pasta, cereals) and raw (vegetables, meat, fish) products;
  11. To simplify calculations, try to prepare simple dishes. For example, chicken breast with buckwheat or veal with potatoes, and not complex ones, for example, herring under a fur coat;
  12. To determine the calorie content of a finished dish, you need to add up the amount of energy in all the components needed to prepare this dish, and then divide the resulting number by the number of servings. For example, calories 100 gram of millet porridge for 200 ml milk 2,5% = calories 100 g dry millet + calories 1 glasses of milk 2,5% .
  1. weigh all raw ingredients;
  2. calculate the calorie content of each of them;
  3. add up all the calories for given weight each product;
  4. calculate calorie content 1 ml of soup - divide the calorie content of all raw ingredients by the volume of prepared soup;
  5. calculate the calorie content of 100 ml of soup by multiplying the value from p. 4 on 100 ;
  6. find out how many milliliters your plate and scoop hold;
  7. measure out the required amount with a ladle;
  8. find out the calorie content of the soup corresponding to the volume of the plate.

Agree, this is a rather dreary task. And moreover, your data will be very, very approximate, because everyone has different recipes, tastes (thicker, thinner) too, and mathematical / logical abilities (in terms of "I'm confused") vary from person to person.

So, in order to avoid all these calculations and mathematics, it is better to use ready-made template solutions for the calorie content of soups: always keep this reminder at hand.

As for the advisability of calculating the calorie content of soups in principle, we can say that this is an extremely dubious undertaking, since you eat soup no more than once a day. Most of these are low-calorie meals that will not make you gain weight. Therefore, if you don’t rely on soups on a regular basis, but treat yourself to them as you want, then don’t bother counting their calorie content.

Actually, we have already sorted out everything that is not needed, but we still haven’t figured out how to prepare the perfect soup, and which of them should be consumed by an athlete, so...

Soups in bodybuilding: the saucepan side of the issue.

To prepare the perfect soup, you need to know the secret secrets of its preparation, there are six of them in modern cooking, and all of them are collected in the following reminder (clickable).

Now let’s find out which soups are best included in the diet of a training athlete. So, our top 3 soup looks like this:

  • classic borscht;
  • cabbage soup with sauerkraut;
  • chicken soup with egg and tofu.

In general, all the soups presented do an excellent job of fulfilling their nutritional goals: they allow athletes to quickly replenish energy reserves, increase the level of amino acids in the blood serum and quickly carry out recovery procedures to treat muscle microtraumas.

Soup recipes and their “cooking” are clearly reflected in the following images (clickable).

The first two soup options are relatively fatty and therefore more aimed at men. The third recipe is perfect for girls who want to build a fitness body.

Well, thank God, we’re done with the content, let’s move on to...


Today we discussed the topic “Soups in bodybuilding” :), or rather, we found out whether a person who adheres to a healthy lifestyle needs to eat soups. We found out that it seems to be necessary. So we go to the kitchen and start cooking. Bon appetit!

PS: do you eat soups? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

It used to be common for children in our country to hear from their grandmother or mother, “Eat liquid, otherwise you’ll get an ulcer.” But now, in the age of the Internet, a lot of information on the correct healthy eating, which is sometimes quite contradictory. Some say that you should definitely eat liquid (soup or borscht) for lunch, while others, on the contrary, insist that liquid is harmful. Which one is right?

What are the benefits of liquid meals?

1. Hot liquid dishes are very good food in autumn and winter. They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, warm and are quickly absorbed, supplying the body with energy.

2. If the secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, ensuring better digestion of food.

3. Despite the fact that the products in soups are subjected to heat treatment, unlike stewing or frying, some of the substances beneficial to the body are not destroyed.

4. By including liquids in your diet, you can control your fluid balance. Most people do not drink enough water during the day, and with the help of first courses this deficiency can be easily compensated.

5. Chicken broth soups can fight the symptoms of colds and have a positive effect on the immune system. This is due to the fact that during the cooking process the proteins contained in chicken meat, partially break down into special peptides that act as immunostimulants.

6. Proper weight loss or maintaining it at the desired level is easier to organize if you eat soup for lunch rather than main courses. With the same volume, the first courses contain fewer calories, but there is no reason to remain hungry - the broth creates a feeling of fullness. American nutritionists even conducted a special experiment: two groups of subjects were offered to dine on dishes prepared from the same products, but one in the form of soup, and the other in the form of a second one. Everyone had the opportunity to eat until they were completely full, but calculations showed that the group that was offered soup consumed an average of 35% fewer calories.

What's wrong with them?

Although soups have many undoubted advantages, they also have disadvantages:

1. If you have a sick stomach (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied by high acidity), then it is undesirable to eat meat broths, as they stimulate additional acid secretion. But even in this case, you can eat light vegetarian soups with pleasure and health benefits.

2. The liquid, which is the basis of first courses, dilutes gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing down the digestion of food. It is for this reason that supporters of the principles of separate nutrition even drink tea no earlier than half an hour after eating, and they completely refuse soups.

3. Doctors recommend that those suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, or gout exclude fatty, rich broths from meat or fish from the diet. It is also useful to avoid them for people with high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially the elderly.

4. During the cooking process, the broth contains most of the harmful substances from the meat. Most often these are various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in the process of raising livestock. If the broth is cooked from bones, then it also contains compounds that are undesirable for our body and deposited there throughout the life of the animal, such as salts of heavy metals.

5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, although quite gentle compared to other methods, destroys vitamins. If instead of soup you make a salad from the same vegetables, such a dish will be healthier.

Is it worth eating liquid?

Vegetarian light soups, especially vegetable puree soups that are quickly absorbed by the digestive system, are useful for everyone, but in moderation: you should not lean on them to the detriment of eating vegetables without heat treatment. You can eat soups with meat broth for lunch, if you do not have diseases for which they are contraindicated. Do you want this soup to be healthier? Just follow these cooking rules:

Meat should be taken without bones and with a small amount of fat. It is best to use chicken, turkey, veal, and rabbit. Broth made from such meat is considered dietary, especially if the first broth is drained.

Before cooking, trim the fat and sinews from the meat, place it in a saucepan with cold water, and after boiling, cook for at least 10 minutes. During this time, the most active harmful substances from the meat will go into the broth, after which it must be drained. Next, fill the meat with water again and cook the broth as usual. Some supporters healthy image life repeats this procedure even twice in a row, but once is enough.

Only you can decide for yourself whether you should eat liquid for lunch. But one thing is certain: the idea that you have to eat it every day is an old Soviet myth. Some peoples do not have such a tradition, but at the same time they eat healthy food and do not suffer from diseases digestive system due to the lack of first courses. Therefore, the main thing is to eat right, eat a varied diet, and be healthy!

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers instilled in us that we must eat liquid dishes for lunch, otherwise there will be problems with digestion. Is this really true?

Tradition of eating soup

Soup is a liquid dish containing at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of fireproof, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, and served as an excellent cure for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borscht and cabbage soup. Since ancient times, we have also prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soups. The word “soup” appeared in everyday life in Russia and Ukraine under Peter I, who brought it from France along with dishes French cuisine.

IN Soviet era the first course was the basis a full lunch. The tradition of serving first an appetizer for lunch, followed by soup, then a main course and dessert, has still been preserved. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

Currently, there are peoples whose traditions do not include first courses. Some of our compatriots have not eaten soup for years simply because they don’t like it. So anyway: should you eat soup for lunch?

Getty Images/Fotobank

Benefit or harm

ABOUT beneficial properties there is a lot of debate about first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product; broths are especially useful. It’s not for nothing that grandmothers fed chicken broth to their grandchildren who suffered from colds. The broth is also useful for recovery after surgery. But there are also opponents of first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking broth, meat releases substances that are harmful to the body. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups washes out gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked Oksana Romanenko, gastroenterologist at the Boris Clinic, whether soup is a must in the diet.

“The lack of first courses in the diet is often associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, nowadays almost everyone has this disease, regardless of whether they eat liquid meals for lunch. All the products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, it is not at all necessary to eat it, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses increase acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only for people with low acidity. If a person peptic ulcer, disease of the duodenum or inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person’s daily diet includes meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Whether these products are included in soup or any other dishes does not matter.”

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

the soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

a spicy first course is also undesirable;

Do not cook the soup with fatty broth. It is better to take chicken for this, rather than pork meat or bones;

When cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemicals. food additives, instant soups from bags and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers instilled in us that we must eat liquid dishes for lunch, otherwise there will be problems with digestion. Is this really true?

Tradition of eating soup

Soup is a liquid dish containing at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of fireproof, chemically neutral dishes.

Being an optimist is not only pleasant, but also useful: optimists live longer! Being an optimist is not only pleasant, but also useful: optimists live longer! Physical activity, complete sleep, the ability to focus on joyful moments have a positive effect on health. But that's not all: 10-year studies of the health of older people show that optimists are significantly less likely to have heart attacks. The immune defense of those who perceive the world positively is much stronger.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, and served as an excellent cure for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borscht and cabbage soup. Since ancient times, we have also prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soups. The word “soup” appeared in everyday life in Russia and Ukraine under Peter I, who brought it from France along with French cuisine.

In Soviet times, the first course formed the basis of a full meal. The tradition of serving first an appetizer for lunch, followed by soup, then a main course and dessert, has still been preserved. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

Currently, there are peoples whose traditions do not include first courses. Some of our compatriots have not eaten soup for years simply because they don’t like it. So anyway: should you eat soup for lunch?

Benefit or harm

There is a lot of debate about the beneficial properties of first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product; broths are especially useful. It’s not for nothing that grandmothers fed chicken broth to their grandchildren who suffered from colds. The broth is also useful for recovery after surgery. But there are also opponents of first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking broth, meat releases substances that are harmful to the body. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups washes out gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked Oksana Romanenko, gastroenterologist at the Boris Clinic, whether soup is a must in the diet.

“The lack of first courses in the diet is often associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, nowadays almost everyone has this disease, regardless of whether they eat liquid meals for lunch. All the products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, it is not at all necessary to eat it, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses increase acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only for people with low acidity. If a person has a peptic ulcer, duodenal disease or inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person’s daily diet includes meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Whether these products are included in soup or any other dishes does not matter.”

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

the soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

a spicy first course is also undesirable;

Do not cook the soup with fatty broth. It is better to take chicken for this, rather than pork meat or bones;

When cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical food additives, instant soups from bags and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina

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Should you eat soup - the opinion of a nutritionist -

According to our compatriots, soup is a must-have during lunch. They are confident that refusing liquid first courses is fraught with digestive disorders and other health problems. We know that liquid: - is good for the stomach; - easily absorbed even by a weakened body; - rich in vitamins and nutrients; - prevents constipation. Is this true? Is it really necessary to eat soup regularly? Soup is different from soup.

Should you eat soups and borscht? Are they useful? The whole truth! -

Should you eat soups? 04/17/2016 Proper nutrition and diets 2. Meat can also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be made with vegetable broth... (useful for those who cannot live without soups). By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borscht, etc. and I eat when I can and I’m not going to change anything.

Is soup healthy? / Is the site useful | Is it healthy to eat -

Useful properties of soup. Soups are prepared with vegetable, chicken, and meat broths; there are also milk and fruit soups, and they all differ not only taste qualities, but also content useful substances. Soups cooked with meat broth are considered the most nutritious. They stimulate appetite, are quickly absorbed, stimulate digestion and warm. All the nutrients contained in the meat are transferred into the broth when it is cooked and make the soup very tasty. Is it healthy to eat soup for lunch?

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Chicken soup is recommended to eat when you have a cold because it contains anti-inflammatory components. Chicken soup also has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and reduces the thickening of their walls. 2. Second place goes to aromatic mushroom soup. No harm to the figure, rich in protein, aromatic in mushroom broth (by the way, it is better to boil all vegetables in mushroom broth - it’s both tastier and healthier).

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Soup is a ritual indicating that a mother, wife or girlfriend really loves the person she cooks for, because you can spend so much time solely for the sake of a dear person. We are also accustomed to the fact that the first dish is healthy. But is this really so? So, by collecting data from special discussions between consumers and information from family doctors, the following results were obtained: the more often family members ate soup for lunch, the healthier they were.

[email protected]: What is the benefit of soup? -

Soups with cereals (barley, millet), which are rich in dietary fiber, are especially useful. Pectins remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the intestines, and fiber prevents the absorption of harmful cholesterol into the blood. In the distant past, hot fatty soups - solyanka, borscht, cabbage soup - were necessary. They made up for the loss of energy: there was no warm public transport or central heating. Today, the urgent need for soups has practically disappeared, and eating or not eating soup is completely voluntary...

Is soup good or bad? About the benefits and harms of soups -

About the benefits and harms of soups. According to tradition, in Russian cooking the first course has always been the most important. Everyone knew that having hot soup for lunch was very important to be healthy. The first opinion is that the soup is healthy! The first course is hearty, but at the same time, as a rule, light. It is absorbed faster, warms well and helps improve digestion. Compared to stewing or frying, cooking vegetables, mushrooms, meat and poultry in soup retains much more nutrients.

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To eat soup or not, the opinion of a nutritionist. The role of nutrition for human health is difficult to overestimate. With the help of food, the body receives all the substances necessary for its functioning. Food products have a lot of useful properties, and their combination and types of processing saturate dishes with additional usefulness or can be harmful to health.

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Nutritionists for for many years We still haven’t come to a single answer to the question: are soups good for our body? Most delicious soup must have a high-quality broth, because all the nutrients and aromatic substances of the meat are almost completely transferred into water. To make the soup not very high in calories, you need to take lean meat and cut it into small pieces of 20 grams and put them in already boiling water.

You don't need to eat soup every day! » MEDIKFORUM.RU -

Does mom say that you have to eat the first thing? She's wrong! The health benefits of soups seem questionable - this is the opinion of doctors who believe that eating soups is generally undesirable. bouillon. You can often hear that people with stomach diseases simply need to eat liquids. Many doctors say this is a myth. Those who have stomach problems actually require frequent, small and fractional meals, experts explain.

Is it healthy to eat soup - Women's portal - - -

Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of fireproof, chemically neutral dishes. In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, and served as an excellent cure for a hangover. So anyway: should you eat soup for lunch? Benefit or harm. There is a lot of debate about the beneficial properties of first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product; broths are especially useful.

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Mom withdrew from me with her theory of consuming soup every day. But I had my own children growing up, and the times, I must say, were somewhat hungry (80-90s of the last century). Everyone says that eating soups is very healthy and as often as possible the better for our body, but in fact this is all not true, because fatty foods are very harmful to the body, and soup is fatty water, unfortunately this is even worse than eating just fatty food!

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Is it healthy to eat soup? It seems to me that all people are divided into two camps. The former really love first courses and cannot live a day without a bowl of hot, rich soup. Others are indifferent, I would even say cool, towards soups, borscht and solyanka. Let's start with the fact that soups arose relatively late. Several million years ago, people did not know what soup was.

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4. The first is useful for diseases of the digestive system, for example, gastritis, enteritis. In addition, the first course is recommended for chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as for metabolic disorders - gout and obesity. First to first - discord. The first healthy thing is vegetable soup, borscht, various vegetables cream soups, minestrone soup, etc. That is, than more vegetables in soup - so much the better.

Is it necessary to have soup for lunch? | forum -

Soups made from COUNTRY chicken are useful; if you buy a broiler, then there will be nothing useful in the broth from this chicken. Country chicken soup tastes very different from broiler chicken. Same with beef. I love soups; after a bowl of soup, such a pleasant warmth goes through my body, and it’s really useful. Somehow, you have my suspicions that a rich soup with fatty meat is less healthy than vegetables with a piece of boiled chicken.

Are soups healthy? -

They always said that eating soups requires something liquid/hot... you can’t do without it. Otherwise, gastritis/ulcers, etc. Now I have my own family, I cook soup very rarely, because even to cook it I have to break myself. Soups are good for digestion. If you have an ulcer, then on the contrary, you cannot eat soups made with meat and chicken broth, since more gastric juice is secreted, or rather hydrochloric acid in it. Vegetable soups are rich in vitamins and minerals.

[email protected]: Is it healthy to eat soup for lunch? -

Is it healthy to eat soup for lunch? K A Master (2154), closed 6 years ago. Soup is vital for our body. It provides energy and warmth, activates metabolism and blood circulation, restores fluid balance, which determines the level of blood pressure. The soup contains many vitamins and beneficial minerals.

To eat or not to eat: Do you really need soup for lunch -

But even in this case, you can eat light vegetarian soups with pleasure and health benefits. 2. The liquid, which is the basis of first courses, dilutes gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing down the digestion of food. If instead of soup you make a salad from the same vegetables, such a dish will be healthier. Should you eat soups?

Is it healthy to eat first courses? -

Is it healthy to eat first courses? We all know from childhood that the benefits of liquid meals for the digestive system are incomparable. What is the history of eating first courses and why did they become the main component of the diet of many peoples? The first hot stews began to be prepared more than 500 years ago, as soon as fireproof cookware appeared. Today the “first thing” is prepared and eaten in different countries. Traditionally, soup is a dish containing 50% liquid.