Doctor Kovalkov's weight loss system. Kovalkov's diet - detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about the Kovalkov diet and examples of recipes.

The Kovalkov diet has become popular for good reason. Its author thought through everything down to the smallest detail and revealed to the world new system nutrition, thanks to which people not only lose weight, but also improve all the metabolic processes of their body. Everyone knows the basic rules of losing weight: you need to eat less, you need to drink more, you can’t sit still. But Alexey Kovalkov’s diet makes you look at food with different eyes.

Who is Kovalkov

Alexey Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist. According to journalists, he is the most sought-after nutritionist in Moscow. His advice can often be seen on talk shows dedicated to healthy eating and weight loss.

The doctor was forced to develop an entire nutrition system by his own problem. extra pounds. About ten years ago, a certified doctor, graduate of the Medical University named after. Pirogov, suffered from obesity, and this did not give him peace. As a physician, Alexey sought to create a complete nutrition system that would be safe for health. As a result, the author became a tester of his diet, he managed to lose 50 kg within six months.

Since that time, more than five thousand people have turned to Alexey for help and are grateful to him to this day. The doctor, in addition to consultations in the clinic, outlined the essence of his technique in the books “Lose Weight Smartly!” and “Beating the Weight.” So anyone can take advantage of the diet recommendations.

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What is the essence of the technique

The essence of Alexey Kovalkov’s diet is healthy eating. The methodology is based on the principles of consuming foods that have low glycemic index. The doctor believes that excess weight is provoked by the consumption of “wrong” or “bad” carbohydrates with a high index. “Good” or “correct” carbohydrates can be consumed in any quantity; on the contrary, they promote smooth weight loss and do not store any reserves.

In his books, the author writes that the main thing is the mood for beauty. The next thing that Kovalkov’s diet offers is a menu that is intelligently arranged and combined with active physical activity. Alexey does not encourage everyone to run to the gym and carry iron, but they need to move more. For example, walking is already movement. If you take 8-9 thousand steps a day (in general), then excess weight will definitely not accumulate. Going to the gym is good, but you can’t eat after training for two hours. The ban does not apply to bran and water.

As Dr. Kovalkov says, a diet and menu (even a meager one) will not cope with the problem of obesity if the reasons for the deposition of extra pounds are not identified. It’s like a headache: it hurts - I took a pill - it doesn’t hurt, tomorrow it hurts again - we numb it again, and so on until we find out the cause and cure it. And the reason for obesity can be many factors: from family table traditions to hormonal disorders.

The diet is divided into several stages, each of which has its own important functional load. Preparation, beginning, addiction and consolidation - everyone who wants to lose weight using the system will have to go through this famous nutritionist.

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Kovalkov's diet - the first stage

In the Kovalkov diet, the preparatory stage is very important and not the easiest. It lasts two to three weeks and relieves you of six extra pounds. During this period, those losing weight often experience psychological discomfort due to changes in diet. But when the body “resigns itself” and stops “resisting”, the discomfort will go away on its own. The attitude and incentive of the person who is losing weight is very important here.

To teach your body to eat right, you need to give up four foods: flour, sweet, polished rice and potatoes. And in order not to leave the body without carbohydrates, Dr. Kovalkov’s diet suggests diversifying the menu with dishes made from legumes. They are a source of fiber, so they will be very beneficial for digestion.

You should also not abuse semi-finished products, smoked meats and food additives. Salt can be consumed no more than six grams per day. The diet should be rich in dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Many nutritionists advise drinking fluids large quantities, but Kovalkov is sure that this does not accelerate weight loss. Water is needed more to curb your appetite. Drink as much as you want, but don't force yourself.

Alcohol is prohibited; it has a bad effect on the functioning of the pancreas. As an exception, you can drink a little table wine. There are no restrictions on the number of meals, and you can also eat after six.

You can create your own diet. And this will be the most correct thing. Firstly, you use only your favorite products, and secondly, avoid psychological stress. This is what Kovalkov’s diet is aimed at - the preparatory stage of the menu includes only the above products.

Menu for the first stage. Your menu should look something like this:

  • Breakfast: stewed zucchini with beans and herbs (you can have other vegetables besides beets and carrots), green tea
  • Lunch: 300 g vegetable juice
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge with onions and cream soup with beans, 200 g each.
  • Afternoon snack: green apples – 2-3 pcs.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with olive oil – 300-400 g.
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Stage two

The initial stage is a shake-up and “reboot” for the body. Its essence is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and develop the habit of eating in small portions. This stage lasts about fourteen days. It is better to exclude power loads - physical exercise can unsettle you for a while, so it’s better to limit yourself to walking.

The diet at this stage will consist of the following products: apples, grapefruits, fermented milk products, bran and Rye bread, diet bread. There should be no more than five main meals, but snack on apples and green tea Can. Meat and fish are also excluded from the diet during this period.

Second stage menu:

  • Alexey Kovalkov’s diet menu of the second stage provides something like this:
  • Breakfast: low-fat yogurt (200 g), nuts, bran.
  • Lunch: apple average size.
  • Lunch: Greek salad.
  • Afternoon snack: half of any fruit (allowed).
  • Dinner: boiled egg whites (2 pcs.)
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Third stage

The habituation stage is longer than the previous two. It can last from a month to six months. This is a period of stable weight loss, getting rid of fat, restoring microflora and cleansing the intestines. You will lose 250 g per day, no more. But stability is precisely the goal of the third stage. You can move on to the fourth stage only after you reach your desired weight.

The diet of this period is more varied. Turkey meat and chicken, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, and fish are added to it. Everything is prepared exclusively by steaming. If you have a double boiler, or even better, a slow cooker, consider yourself lucky. Meals at the third stage are also five times a day. If the lack of carbohydrates bothers you, then add dried fruits to the menu. This is especially true for those who have to demonstrate mental capacity.

The number of permitted foods at this stage allows you to create a varied diet. You can use the example below for one day, which is taken from the Kovalkov diet - it is better not to plan a menu for a month in advance, for a maximum - for a week. And it is advisable to do this yourself.

Third stage menu:

  • Breakfast: yogurt, nuts, bran.
  • Lunch: a glass of milk or kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetables and chicken, fish or cottage cheese (your choice).
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: boiled egg whites.
  • Snacks with tea and fruit are allowed.
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The fourth stage - consolidation

The consolidation stage, by its conventional name, speaks about the goal set. It comes when you already feel slim and lasts as long as you can stand it. Ideally, according to Alexey Kovalkov, a diet and menu with limited quantity Stage 4 carbohydrate intake should continue throughout life. For example, the doctor recommends giving up white bread and sweets forever.

Cereals, potatoes, brown bread and even chocolate are added to the diet of the fourth stage. On holidays, you can slightly adjust the menu by adding your favorite kebab, fried meat or a piece of cake. There is no need to overeat, keep your portion size in moderation, otherwise you will gain weight again.

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Kovalkov's diet - reviews and results

The results of this power system can only be heard Nice words. People actually lose weight. Tatyana from Omsk says that she lost 10 kilograms without any difficulty, having only reached the third stage. And Natalya from St. Petersburg lost 5 kilograms, and that was enough for her, so she didn’t even reach the second stage. The only thing that was difficult for Natalya was giving up sweets.

Many people are interested in the attitude of doctors towards Kovalkov’s diet - the doctors’ reviews of their colleague’s method are also positive. None of the doctors surveyed saw patients in their practice who complained about Negative consequences diets. But many say that no one losing weight could prolong this system nutrition for life.

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Therefore, if you cannot follow the Kovalkov diet for the rest of your life, do not be upset: you are not the first and you will not be the last. The main thing is that you will lose excess weight, improve metabolic processes in your body and look the way you wanted.

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

Kovalkov's diet stage 1 in detail.

The first stage prepares the body for new nutritional standards. The main task of this stage of the Kovalkov method is to wean the body from fast carbohydrates and colon cleansing. Duration 2 - 3 weeks.

The norm for weight loss is at least 5 kg. If in 14-21 days your weight does not decrease by at least 5 kg, then you should once again pay attention to your diet and monitor physical activity. Something you are doing wrong. There is no point in staying at stage 1 for more than 3 weeks. The body turns on its defense system, and the weight will not go away.

Supply system.

In the morning, when you wake up, drink 1 glass of water. Through the floor hour-hour, a glass of unsweetened fermented milk product, a handful of nuts, a handful of bran.

During the day until 5 pm. 3-4 apples at equal intervals, an unlimited amount of any vegetables in fresh without oil, bran, water, tea, coffee without sugar and milk.

After 5 pm, a vegetable salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, spices, salt.

Before bedtime. 2 boiled chicken egg whites.

When starting Kovalkov’s nutrition system, you definitely need to drink vitamins and minerals. You can choose any vitamin complex after consulting your doctor.

Physical exercise.

At stage 1 of the Kovalkov diet, the main task for the body is to cleanse itself of toxins and get used to a new diet. Therefore, physical activity is not very great and consists mainly of walking. You need to go to fast pace at least 1 hour, taking a walk in the morning, evening, or combining it with business. If for some reason fast walking is not for you, then you can provide yourself with the proper physical activity and walking at a slow pace, taking about 8,000 steps a day. To count steps, you can buy a pedometer (as Dr. Kovalkov says in the TV program and writes in his book)

Kovalkov's diet. Menu. What is possible and not possible at the first stage

At this stage, you need to give up sweets, cakes, ice cream, as well as any flour products, including bread. Do not eat potatoes, white polished rice.
Grapes and bananas are strictly prohibited from fruits and berries.
Vegetables that are not allowed include carrots, beets, eggplants, and potatoes.
Dairy products above 1.5% fat content.

Any vegetables, raw or in the form of salads.
Any nuts no more than 1 handful per day.
Fermented milk products up to 1.5% fat. It is fermented milk, not fresh milk.
Cheese - feta cheese or Adyghe cheese, cottage cheese.
Bran up to half a pack per day.
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon. Kovalkov recommends olive oil, but I used whatever I had in the house.
Apples and grapefruits. A day or 3-4 large apples or 1 grapefruit.
You can have 2 eggs a day, but no yolks.
Red dry wine- 2 glasses a day.
Spices and salt.

Now let’s take a closer look at why A. Kovalkov’s situation is exactly this way.

Eating vegetables raw is due to the fact that the main task of this stage is the normalization of intestinal function, weight loss is not the main thing. Raw vegetables retain more nutrients than thermally processed ones, take longer to digest and, due to the presence of fiber, help cleanse the intestines.

Fermented milk products help intestinal function and serve as a source of protein.

Cheese and cottage cheese, like fermented milk products, contain easily digestible protein.

Vegetable oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon per day in addition to nuts provides the necessary minimum of fat.

Grapefruits. They contain a substance that activates the liver and has a choleretic effect. Eating grapefruits regularly promotes slimness. The substance is contained in the bitter translucent interlobular membranes, so it is better to eat grapefruits whole, rather than in the form of juice.

Apples - activate metabolism, gently stimulate intestinal motility, and help improve the absorption of iron. They contain a large amount of calcium, vitamin C, A, and B vitamins. Kovalkov advises those who undergo his method to eat 3-4 apples a day, periodically baked, since, despite many useful substances, apples also contain a large amount of acid , which can irritate a not very healthy intestine.

Chicken egg white is the most balanced in amino acids, is well absorbed, and takes a long time to digest in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. During sleep, the amino acids of egg whites activate a hormone that promotes the utilization of fats and prevents the destruction of muscle tissue.

Dry red natural wine slows down the flow of carbohydrates into the blood, prolongs the digestion time of food, thereby suppressing excessive appetite.

Salt. Kovalkov's method allows you to eat salt in moderation. Add some salt to your food, but don't get carried away. Salt has the ability to retain water in the body, and if you want to quickly see the disappearing kilograms, then you should forget about saltiness for a while.

Spices. Any spices of your choice are allowed. They add variety to a limited diet and are healthy.

From the article it is written: I lost 5 kg during the first stage, now I am going through the second stage and the total weight loss in 3 months is 14 kg. My friend has lost a total of 18 kg and now wears size 42 clothes, which she didn’t even wear at school. Good luck!

The author's method of weight loss - the Kovalkov diet - was developed by the outstanding Russian nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov, who included in it not only a program for reducing excess body weight, but also a program for the complete restoration of metabolism and a gradual transition to the full-fledged phase. healthy eating.

The Kovalkov diet has a number of undeniable advantages over others. Firstly, it is focused on normalizing the functioning of general metabolism; secondly, during the period of its observance the body does not fall into a state of stress so acutely; and, thirdly, the diet developed by a nutritionist, unlike other diets, allows you to eat food in any, but moderate quantities, so that those who are losing weight do not suffer from constant feeling hunger. In view of this, the Kovalkov diet has firmly entered the top ten best and most effective methods in the world. So what is its principle? And why has it firmly held its position for so many years?

Kovalkov’s method is based on the consumption of foods with a low glycemic index, below fifty. According to the doctor, it is “bad” carbohydrates, which have a high index, that contribute to the development of obesity, so he strongly recommends completely eliminating them from the diet, especially in the first stages of the diet. “Good” carbohydrates in any quantities are not stored in reserve, but, on the contrary, contribute to the smooth reduction of excess weight (if any).

Kovalkov's diet - what foods can be consumed

The diet, developed by Alexey Kovalkov, includes four phases: preparatory and three main (first, second and third). Into the diet preparatory stage such products are introduced as grain crops that have not undergone deep processing, necessarily vegetables (except beets, potatoes and carrots), herbs, fruits (except bananas), legumes - in general, all those ingredients whose glycemic index is minimal. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the correct drinking regime by drinking at least ten glasses of non-carbonated liquid per day.

The first stage is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to start each awakening with a glass warm water. Low-fat milk, yogurt, nuts, chicken eggs, dairy products. In the second phase, the following are allowed: lean meats and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, mushrooms.

And at the last, third stage, the achieved results are consolidated. The body gets used to this regime, due to which the metabolism is completely restored and the weight is normalized. Please note that the third phase is designed for the rest of your life. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Sometimes those with a sweet tooth will still be able to treat themselves to chocolate or a delicious croissant. In addition, there are situations when we are simply obliged to support the company, for example, for festive table and try a lot of different dishes. In such cases, Kovalkov, after a stormy feast, recommends returning to the first phase for a couple of days to allow the body to unload a little.

Kovalkov's diet - what foods should not be consumed

The preparatory, first and second stages of the diet imply a complete rejection of foods with a glycemic index of more than fifty. Paradoxically, vegetables such as beets, potatoes and carrots join the list of “bad” carbohydrates, since they contain easily digestible sugars, so they should be avoided during the diet. In addition, forget about premium white bread (replace it with wholemeal bread), sugar and any sweets, semolina and rice cereals, corn, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

At the preparatory and first stages, meat, fish, and any fried, canned, highly salted, spicy and smoked foods are also prohibited. At the end of the second phase, the diet can be supplemented with boiled potatoes (not fried) with the addition olive oil and vegetables rich in fiber (fiber softens the effects of “bad” carbohydrates and prevents fat deposition) and red wine in small quantities.

Kovalkov's diet - menu examples

The duration of the preparatory phase, as a rule, varies from 14 to 25 days. This is perhaps the most difficult period to go through. Very often at first there is psychological discomfort. The body “protests” against the changes, but over time it comes to terms and the discomfort disappears. The preparatory stage should include five meals a day and is limited to consuming only the above ingredients. Form your diet according to at will and taste, the main thing is that it contains soups, cereals and legumes - sources of protein. For example, you can use a menu in the following style:

Breakfast: vegetable stew(except for starch-containing ones, carrots and beets) with the addition of greens and beans 200-300 g., green tea with lemon
- second breakfast: freshly squeezed vegetable juice 300 ml
- lunch: buckwheat porridge without milk with the addition of onions (not fried), herbs and olive oil 200 g., cream soup with beans 200 g.
- afternoon snack: two or three green apples
- dinner: cucumber salad with bell peppers and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable. oil, 300-400 gr.

Example of the first phase menu:

Breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt with the addition of any nuts or bran, green tea
- second breakfast: 2 green apples
- lunch: vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, etc.) with vegetable oil
- afternoon snack: a glass of natural vegetable and fruit juice, an apple
- dinner: two boiled eggs, weak tea without sugar

The first phase should last from 1 to 2 months depending on the initial weight.

Example of a second phase menu:

Breakfast: fermented baked milk or yoghurt with bran or nuts, a slice of wholemeal bread
- second breakfast: a glass of vegetable juice
- lunch: stewed vegetables with chicken or fish, 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese
- afternoon snack: 300 gr. fruit
- dinner: salad with vegetables or fruits and vegetable oil, two boiled eggs (white)

The second stage lasts about a month. Weight loss at this stage is not so intense, so you can stick to it for quite a long time, but no more than 3 months. If your weight has not yet returned to normal during the 3 phases, do not worry - the third stage will correct everything, slowly but effectively.

The goal of the third stage is to consolidate the result and correct the remaining shortcomings of the figure. After the body feels that it is time to stop losing weight, it will do it itself, but it is necessary to adhere to the third phase for a very long time. The daily menu should be formed based on the following rules:

Eliminate premium flour, sugar and refined rice; occasionally you can indulge in chocolate and a small amount of baking;

Do not eat “bad” carbohydrates after six in the evening;

Do not mix “bad” carbohydrates with any fats (for example, white bread with butter), “good” carbohydrates can be combined with fats.

The Kovalkov diet is recognized as one of the most highly effective. It has no contraindications, except childhood. Based on the reviews of most women, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The diet works quickly only in the first stages. Weight loss in the first month averages from 5 to 9 kg (depending on the initial body weight and metabolic characteristics), in the second month - from 2 to 5 kg, after three months - on average 1-2 kg;

The diet helps to “re-educate” the metabolism - it smoothly and purposefully begins to work against fat deposits;

The first weeks of the diet are not easy for everyone, so you have to put up with sudden mood swings and fatigue. But literally after a couple of weeks, according to the women, everything changes;

Kovalkov’s diet is very easy to follow, and, most importantly, you don’t want to break down and attack your own refrigerator. It helps get rid of bad habit“eating” problems and snacking on the go. By the way, about snacks - they are strictly prohibited while following a diet, especially at first, when the metabolism begins to rebuild.

Text: Olga Sergeeva

Photo: TS/, Dmitry Ternovoy

In just three years, Alexey Kovalkov’s original diet has gained enormous popularity: the Russian doctor rediscovered the basic values ​​of classical dietetics. Eat the right foods in the right quantities, drink plenty clean water, don’t sit still... These simple rules are known to every diet lover. However, within the framework of the Kovalkov method, they almost for the first time developed into a clear and thoughtful system, on which the author himself lost more than 50 kg in just six months!

Who are you, Doctor Kovalkov?

Today, Russian nutritionist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexey Kovalkov, according to leading business magazines, is one of the most sought-after nutritionists in Moscow. His face is well known to viewers of the largest television channels - Dr. Kovalkov willingly advises on healthy eating and weight loss in popular programs and talk shows.

However, ten years ago, Alexey Kovalkov would have made a much less pleasant impression on viewers dreaming of losing weight - he himself suffered from excess weight. And this is precisely what made him, a professional attending physician, a graduate of the famous Medical University. Pirogov, to become interested in creating a nutrition system that is complete from a medical point of view. The first tester of the Kovalkov diet was Kovalkov himself - in six months he lost more than 50 kg.

Having developed, based on his own experience, one of the most thoughtful and safe diets from a health point of view, Alexey Kovalkov founded his own clinic, where over 3 thousand people have successfully lost weight. In addition, Alexey Vladimirovich clearly outlined the essence of his methodology in two books - “Victory over weight” and “Lose weight wisely!” Judging by the many satisfied reviews on forums and the unabated interest in Kovalkov’s technique, tens of thousands of Russians were able to part with overweight and change your lifestyle, guided by these publications as complete instructions for losing weight.

Kovalkov's diet against diets!

The fundamental point in Alexey Kovalkov’s nutritional method was his decisive and in some cases even aggressive criticism modern approach to weight loss. Dr. Kovalkov is against any mono-diets, strict diets and, in general, the principle of sharply limiting the amount of food eaten. In his opinion, if a person regulates weight by periodically “dieting,” this leads to alternating periods of fasting and binge eating and, subsequently, to irreversible psychological changes. “Any prohibition sooner or later comes back to you with an irresistible desire,” Kovalkov is sure, comparing a starving dieter with a prison inmate waiting for release with the intention of making up for lost time.

If you only strive to reduce your weight at any cost, you will not achieve success. Because, as the British say, you can't be too rich or too thin. Having become thin as a result of fasting, a person acquires a fear of gaining the hated kilograms again and invariably wants to become even lighter; This tactic not only frays the nerves, but in advanced cases can lead to anorexia.

To gain and maintain a normal weight, you must:

  • understand the reason why overweight appeared exactly at your place;

  • realize responsibility for your weight status (the doctor will not lose weight for you!);

  • correctly and specifically formulate your goals, taking into account the long-term perspective.

The credo of the Kovalkov diet: everyone has a chance to become healthy and slim without inflicting executions on themselves. The main thing is to accept the mechanism of weight loss, and awareness of the benefits for the body will become the main motivation. Most diets and “magic” methods, such as fat-burning pills, stellar exercise routines, or golden needles in the ear, assume that it is not you who will take care of your slimness, but something from outside. Kovalkov’s diet places responsibility for what is happening on the person losing weight. And, if you take this approach, the result of Kovalkov’s diet is not long in coming.

It's better to see it once...

Don't be a victim of a "compressed spring"

Dr. Kovalkov has compiled a professional diet, following which you can influence the entire set of body systems in a comprehensive and gradual manner. Only Full time job over yourself allows you to lose weight and maintain a normal weight without compromising your health, and the Russian nutritionist proved this with his own example. The main task that the Kovalkov diet sets for itself is to help cope with food addiction (and, first of all, addiction to sweets), and not excess weight. It will go away on its own when you start eating what you need, in adequate quantity and at the proper time.

Benefits of the Kovalkov diet:

  • lack of fanatical tracking of the number of calories consumed;

  • healthy balanced diet taking into account the required proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

  • the ability to independently choose food and create the right diet;

  • no need to starve and constantly limit yourself in nutrition (if you consistently follow the stages of the diet).

The goal of the technique is to change metabolism, and this is an individual process, which is dangerous to spur, otherwise you risk becoming a victim of the “compressed spring effect” and gaining back the lost weight too quickly. The doctor does not give specific dates, but promises: if you follow the Kovalkov diet, weight loss is a matter of time. The main thing is to keep your distance!

Have you decided to lose weight using Kovalkov’s method on your own? Before you start new life without those annoying extra kilos, get at least a simple examination at the clinic. If you suffer from serious and chronic illnesses, refrain from dieting and consult a doctor. It is also highly recommended not to fight for slim figure without face-to-face support from a specialist if your excess weight exceeds 30 kg.

Stages of Kovalkov's technique

The author divided his methodology into three conventional stages: preparatory, main and supporting. Each of them provides a special nutrition plan. In addition to changes in the menu, those losing weight will experience tangible changes in the dynamics of life: Kovalkov’s method pays great attention to aerobic exercise in the form of walking. And at the decisive stage of following the method, when metabolic changes are already underway full swing, and the body is capable of new achievements; strength exercises are added to aerobic exercise.

The nutritionist is confident that it is regular activity in the form of simple walking that provides optimal stress on the body’s systems, without causing discomfort from sudden changes in lifestyle. Indeed, if a visit to the gym for many of us becomes an entire undertaking, for which we have to prepare for a long time and which is so easy to skip in order to just go, no special preparation or expense is required.

A little more about each stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s technique:

  • 1 Preparatory stage. Lasts 2-4 weeks. Those who are losing weight are faced with the task of learning to walk as much as possible during the day during this time and wean themselves off the main evil of modern gastronomy - “fast carbohydrates”. These include fast food, flour, confectionery, snacks, sweet soda, in a word, everything that causes the pancreas to instantly release insulin. Simultaneously with parting with the “snacks”, during the preparatory stage, a gentle cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out and its functioning is normalized. This effect is achieved due to the restoration of favorable microflora. The goal of the first stage of the Kovalkov diet is to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for absorption maximum quantity squirrel. The vast majority of those losing weight at this stage are encouraged by the good result, losing about five kilograms in the prescribed 2-4 weeks.
  • 2 Main stage. At this stage, in addition to active walking, strength exercises are gradually introduced: weight is steadily reduced, and the functioning of the body's systems continues to normalize. The dietary restrictions are not as strict as in the preparatory stage, the portions are quite large, and the main objective- teach the body to receive benefits and pleasure from the right products V the right combination. It takes 100-200 grams per day, and the stage is considered completed when you reach your normal weight (you will find the formula for calculating this indicator below).
  • 3 The final stage of the technique and holding the weight. This stage lasts 12-18 months. During this time, the body gets used to the new way of life and “fixes” itself in the role of a slender, fit body. Strength exercises are no longer strictly necessary, but walking under the control of a pedometer continues to play an important role. Nutrition is based on the principle of compliance with several simple rules combinations of products.

“What should I eat to lose weight?” Favorite products:

The first stage on the Kovalkov diet: the right start

Each stage of the diet according to Kovalkov’s method has its own approach to the menu. At any stage, vegetables, if possible, are consumed raw or in the form of salad, meat and fish are boiled, steamed or baked. Cereals are steamed with boiling water. You can make puree, soup, stew from permitted products - there are no restrictions in the form of serving. You can give free rein culinary fantasy, remembering, however, that fried foods are expectedly prohibited and it is necessary to abstain from canned food, deep-fried food, fast food and processed foods.

At the first stage of the Kovalkov diet consumption of protein of animal origin (both meat and poultry, fish) is excluded, and foods with a glycemic index (GI) above 60 are also excluded from the diet. For example, sweets have a high glycemic index, bakery products, White rice, beets, potatoes, pasta, carrots.

At this stage, preference is given to low GI vegetables, legumes, and minimally processed grain products. You can eat egg whites (it is recommended to eat the whites of two eggs before bed), nuts (pine nuts, almonds, walnuts - you should definitely eat a handful for breakfast), fermented milk products, cheese (feta cheese, Adyghe cheese). It is important to carefully control your fat intake, but you cannot completely abandon them, limiting your daily “dose” to 30 g.

Bran plays an extremely important role in the first stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s technique. The consumption of bran at this stage of the diet must be gradually increased, bringing it to 100 g per day and always washed down with water or a fermented milk drink. By the way, bran is an excellent means of fighting hunger!

Strong alcohol and beer are excluded from the diet (if you follow the Kovalkov diet, you are allowed to drink dry red wine, but not more than 250 ml and only for dinner), honey, chocolate, and dried fruits. As for fruits, the author of the diet especially advises “leaning on” apples - eating them helps cleanse the intestines. However, keep in mind that fruits are preferable to be consumed in the morning as they contain some sugar.

During initial period(2-4 weeks) should be eaten in small portions five times a day. Portion size is an individual matter. Choose the amount of food so that you don’t feel hungry, but you shouldn’t feast. Please note that lunch in the usual sense and at the usual time is excluded at the first stage. Remember to drink at least 4-5 glasses of plain water. A mandatory addition is walking at a pace that is comfortable for you, but certainly daily.

It is not for nothing that the first stage of the Kovalkov diet is considered the most difficult: many are faced with a “withdrawal syndrome” of fast carbohydrates and animal proteins, experiencing real “withdrawal.” In the first days, fatigue and irritability are common, even bad dream- this is explained by the fact that the concentration of fats and their breakdown products in the blood is off scale. To smooth out these unpleasant side effects, the developer recommends spending more time in the sun and taking L-carnitine, which helps burn muscle fat with increasing aerobic exercise (during the preparatory stage, it is important to gradually increase the amount of time spent on your feet, trying to reach 16 thousand steps per day in 4 weeks) .

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet: weight loss tricks

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet during observation in his clinic, it is calculated individually, depending on how the body responded to the first stage. The menu is created using the same principle. At this time, metabolic processes change intensively. Separately, it is worth saying that women must “guess” entering this stage from the second (progesterone) phase of the menstrual cycle.

At the beginning of this stage, it is important to immediately begin to accustom yourself to a clear daily routine, which you plan independently depending on your employment and temperament (but the times of eating, walking and rest should coincide from day to day). And at first it is important to save energy, taking care of the metabolic restructuring of the body. There are still five meals, but they are redistributed - you have lunch again!

Among the products in the diet, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, parsley, lettuce, apples and pears, citrus fruits (especially grapefruits), blackberries, viburnum, rowan, blueberries and lingonberries, pine and walnuts, almonds, low-fat fermented milk products. For breakfast, you can eat buckwheat crushed in a coffee grinder with bran and almonds (2 tablespoons of cereal per 1 glass of kefir).

Portions of protein are gradually introduced into the lunch menu in the form of low-fat cottage cheese, lean beef, veal, white meat chicken and turkey, fish (sea fish should be consumed at least 2 times a week), seafood. For breakfast you continue to be sure to eat a handful of nuts, and before bed - two whites (not two eggs!). Now you have entered the main, “cruising” mode of the Kovalkov diet. Protein consumption at this stage should not be less than 70 g per day (see below for how to calculate the optimal amount of protein for yourself), meat food It is recommended to eat with vegetables, and, for example, fish with cottage cheese.

The second stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s diet, consisting of two stages, is the main one in his method. Its duration is individual and can range from several months to a year or even more. At this time, you essentially teach your body to live by new rules and achieve a normal weight. To find out this indicator for yourself, use Brock's formula.

Calculation of normal weight using Broca's formula

Normosthenic type(proportional chest). Normal weight equal to:

  • height minus 100 for height up to 165 cm,
  • height minus 105 with height 166-175 cm,
  • height minus 110 for height over 175 cm.

Asthenic type(narrow chest) minus 10% of the resulting figure.

Hypersthenic type(wide chest) plus 10% to the resulting figure.

Individual calculation of the amount of protein per day for the second stage of the Kovalkov diet: Normal weight X (multiply) 1 g - (minus) 15%.

While following the menu of the second stage of the Kovalkov diet, keep an eye on the scales - when you have 10% of excess weight left, begin to introduce dosed strength loads while walking. When training begins, the menu includes cereal porridges.

Second stage: weight loss incentive - loading days!

During the second stage, weight decreases slowly. If he is “stuck” at one point, it’s time to arrange a day that Kovalkov calls “loading” - the amount of food sharply increases by half, which “shake up” the metabolism. On “loading” days, you are supposed to eat foods low in fat and high in slow carbohydrates and proteins (vegetables, cereals, high-fiber fruits). And also don’t forget about water. The frequency of “loading days” is once every 2-3 weeks.

Also, no more than once a month, if desired, you can spend “cleaning” rice or watermelon days. If you are having a watermelon day, from morning to evening, eat only watermelons without limiting the amount you eat. Rice day, in fact, stretches over two days - during this time you are supposed to eat a pan rice porridge prepared according to a special recipe:

  • 230 gr brown rice cook, constantly adding water, until completely boiled. Add a glass of finely chopped dried apricots, a little salt, spices (for example, curry), mix thoroughly. Bon appetit! During the rice day, you can drink unlimited water and green tea.

The third and final stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s diet

It is assumed that by this time the person losing weight (more precisely, losing weight) has already become sufficiently familiar with his body, realized his comfortable weight and learned to live in a “new” body and negotiate with it. Dr. Kovalkov deliberately does not give his readers precise instructions about the menu, limiting himself to recommendations and their explanation: it is assumed that, knowing the basic mechanisms, a person will create a healthy and varied diet for himself.

At the third stage the task is accomplished with the help of a properly selected diet and easy, but constant aerobic exercise to maintain required weight over the next 2-3 years, so the basic rules learned during the second stage continue to apply.

The list of products at the final stage of the Kovalkov diet is gradually expanding, but their glycemic index and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates are still under control. Portions may also become larger, and it is important to carry out all changes very smoothly, gradually returning already forgotten ones to the diet, for example, butter and baked potatoes. If, of course, you want to, many of those who have experienced the effects of the Kovalkov diet admit that food preferences change once and for all. And they easily walk several kilometers a day. Simply because we’ve lost the habit of eating buns and are used to walking.

What and how to drink on the Kovalkov diet

High quality drinking water stands in Dr. Kovalkov’s nutrition system on an imaginary pedestal. Restructuring the body's metabolic processes, even gradual and thoughtful, becomes a serious burden. If you drink enough and, most importantly, in regular doses, toxins, salts and metabolic products are eliminated without problems. In addition, by providing a load on the kidneys, water activates the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and this hormone speeds up metabolism.

How much to drink on the Kovalkov diet? The doctor himself recommends the following: always keep a bottle of clean water, wrapped in a bright strip of colored tape. As soon as your eyes fall on the bottle, take at least a sip. The main thing in drinking is uniformity, not quantity. And to find out how much water your body needs per day, divide your weight in half. The resulting value is approximately the required volume of water in ounces (1 ounce - 30 ml).

You need to drink water before meals, and not after - so it will not “carry away” gastric juices and will not change their concentration. The older a person is and the more problems he has with the gastrointestinal tract, the longer the pause between drinking and eating should be (up to 30 minutes before meals and up to an hour and a half after).

To combat the feeling of hunger that suddenly arises inappropriately, when the planned meal is still far away, Dr. Kovalkov recommends using not just any water, but alkaline water (of low or medium mineralization). This water reduces appetite, relieves acute hunger and allows you to get enough of less food.

And be careful with the water temperature! Cold water not only threatens with a sore throat, but also aggravates the feeling of hunger: washing down food with an ice-cold drink makes it impossible to get enough (fast food chains know this and use this mechanism to their advantage).

When following the Kovalkov diet, you can also drink green tea - up to 4 cups a day, without sugar. Coffee is also not prohibited, but only without sugar and in reasonable quantities.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of exhausting diets that only harm the body and slow down metabolism. But still sometimes there are very effective techniques which help maintain weight, improve performance internal organs and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. These include Dr. Kovalkov’s diet, the stages of which we will consider.

We will also tell you what is so special about this system, what principles must be followed for successful weight loss, and what results can be achieved using an integrated approach. What should be the menu for every day, what is the peculiarity of his diet, and to whom is it contraindicated? You will also learn about the peculiarities of nutrition for weight loss, you will be able to learn how to adjust your diet, and determine an individual menu for yourself for the week.

Dr. Kovalkov, whose diet turned out to be very popular and popular, believes that most weight loss systems are not intended for long-term use. As soon as a person stops starving himself, the weight returns. That is why he recommends the method with which he himself lost weight.

Who is Dr. Kovalkov

Dr. Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is an aggressive opponent of modern diets. In his opinion, mono-diets or nutritional systems of 1200-1500 kilocalories lead to alternating hunger strikes and periods of gluttony. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that those losing weight fail to maintain their weight within the desired range.

Also, Russian nutritionist Kovalkov believes that you should not be too strict with your body, since prohibitions sooner or later turn into an irresistible desire to break them.

How Kovalkov lost weight

Today Kovalkov is recognizable and is a frequent guest on the largest television channels in the country. And 10 years ago he himself suffered from excess weight. Yes, a man trained as a nutritionist who tried to help his patients was once himself far from his ideal weight and body shape.

It was then that Alexey Vladimirovich thought about creating a weight loss system that would be competent from a doctor’s point of view. It was Alexey Kovalkov himself, whose diet and menu are so praised today, who became the first person to test the effectiveness of the method. The result is that in 6 months he said goodbye to more than 50 kg.

After Kovalkov developed a competent nutrition system, he created his own clinic where people have the opportunity to lose weight under the supervision of qualified specialists. For those people who want to lose weight at home, he wrote several books: “Lose Weight Smartly”, “Victory over Weight”, “Diet for Gourmets. Nutrition plan from Dr. Kovalkov." The nutritionist also pays a lot of attention to the fact that the food of a person losing weight should not only be healthy, but also varied.

You can adopt interesting recipes from Alexey Kovalkov’s book “It’s Interesting to Lose Weight: Recipes for a Tasty and Healthy Life.”

Advantages of Dr. Kovalkov's nutrition system

  • Those who are losing weight do not need to feverishly count the calorie content of each product they eat. You can forget about fasting days on apples and kefir.
  • After 18:00 you can and even need to eat, but only the right food, which will not be too heavy for your stomach.
  • Thanks to the fact that you get the necessary nutrients and micro, macroelements from your diet, you do not need to starve yourself. Kovalkov's method categorically does not accept this.
  • Your weight will go away gradually, which means you won’t be afraid of any stretch marks. And you won’t look older than your age, because your facial muscles won’t sag and your oval won’t slide down.

Every person has the opportunity to be slim and healthy. And at the same time, you will not need to test your body in the form of hunger strikes. It is important to accept all the principles of the diet and understand that losing weight is necessary for your body so that you can feel healthy. Your motivation should be feeling good, and not at all the desire to achieve model parameters.

Cons of losing weight according to Kovalkov

This diet is not suitable for people who want to lose weight quickly. And this is its key and, perhaps, only drawback - you should not expect quick results.

Have you decided to lose weight using the Kovalkov system at home? In this case, be sure to undergo a complete examination of the body. If you have serious chronic diseases, then you should abandon the Russian nutritionist’s weight loss system. If you have more than 30 kg. excess weight, it is not recommended to say goodbye to them at home.

Although Dr. Kovalkov himself lost 50 kg, do not forget that he is a specialist in the field of nutrition. In your case, you can only lose weight under the supervision of a professional nutritionist.

Prohibited Products

A protein-fat diet involves avoiding certain foods:

  • white bread and favorite buns;
  • potatoes and white rice (brown is allowed);
  • sugar-containing treats: jam, sweets, honey;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • any sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • alcohol (including beer, the calorie content of which is in no way inferior to other drinks).

A balanced diet, on the principles of which Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss method is based, completely excludes junk food and any processed foods.

Allowed food

Alexey Kovalkov's power system includes:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • seasonal berries;
  • a sufficient amount of greens, which effectively stimulates intestinal function.

Make sure your menu includes a sufficient amount of fermented milk and dairy products. If you play sports, then you simply need high-quality protein. Drink 2-3 liters per day. water. In order to relieve hunger and avoid overeating, drink a glass of liquid before eating.

The first stage of weight loss according to Kovalkov

The nutritionist believes that this stage should be given at least 2-4 weeks. During this period, a person who wants to lose weight should begin to learn how to independently adjust their diet. The doctor believes that you cannot give up your usual menu overnight; changes should take place smoothly and gradually. By the end of the initial stage, you need to give up prohibited foods, as recommended by the Kovalkov diet. We will consider stage 1 in detail below.

Also during this period of the diet, you need to provide your body with foods that contain fiber - vegetables and fruits, bran. This is necessary to gently prepare the gastrointestinal tract for abundant protein consumption. As a rule, during the first stage, those losing weight lose 4-5 kg. So that it won’t be so difficult for you at the beginning of your journey, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet menu is described in sufficient detail.

  • The preparatory phase of the diet involves starting to change your eating habits. Start eating 5 times a day. You also need to forget about lunches in the usual sense of the word. You should have 5 meals, approximately equal in volume.
  • The menu for the first stage of the Kovalkov diet includes drinking plenty of fluids. It is also recommended to drink water before every meal. Make sure that her temperature is not too low, as a cold drink will further inflame your hunger.
  • If you are actively involved in sports, then during the first stage of the diet from exercise gym For weight loss it is better to refuse. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to take a walk every day. fresh air. Take every opportunity to walk.

What to eat

From this stage, your diet should include:

  • fermented milk products (preferably daily);
  • bran up to 100 g per day (it is best to eat them with kefir);
  • up to 30 g of nuts per day;
  • vegetables (it is advisable to eat them fresh in the form of a salad dressed with vegetable oil);
  • fruits (for weight loss Kovalkov recommends focusing on apples and eating up to 4 pieces a day);
  • egg whites - 2 pcs. per day.

But protein in the form of meat cannot be consumed.

Menu for stage 1 of the diet

We offer you an example of a diet for the Kovalkov diet. Here is stage 1 of the menu for several days.

Breakfast Natural yogurt or a glass of kefir with nuts or bran.
Snack Apple.
Dinner Vegetable salad with herbs, a few pieces of low-fat hard cheese and tea.
Afternoon snack Natural fruit juice and an apple.
Dinner The whites of two eggs and a glass of milk.
Breakfast Kefir with bran and nuts.
Snack 2 apples.
Dinner Pumpkin puree soup with the addition of seeds and fresh herbs.
Afternoon snack ½ grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable stew with spices. Stage 2 of the diet eliminates the addition of salt to food.
Breakfast Fruit salad based on kiwi, apple and peach. It is recommended to season the salad with orange juice or natural low-fat yogurt.
Snack Cup tomato juice(no added salt).
Dinner Sweet vegetable salad bell pepper, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack 1 apple or half a grapefruit.
Dinner A nutritious cocktail based on kefir with the addition of chopped bran and your favorite berries.

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov's diet is the most difficult. After all, in just a few weeks you will have to change the diet to which you are accustomed. Due to a lack of protein and sugar-containing foods, weakness and fatigue are possible.

The second stage is stabilization

The duration of the second phase of the Kovalkov diet for weight loss is from 1 to 6 months. During this period, your menu becomes more varied. What causes weight loss? Kovalkov believes that during stabilization, fiber in the form of bran and complex carbohydrates does not enter your body.

But don't worry about depriving your body of beneficial nutrients. Your menu will include vegetables in sufficient quantities, which contain an easily digestible type of fiber.

  • If at the previous stage you had to strictly limit yourself in proteins, then this particular nutrient will become the main one for you in the second phase.
  • You also need to start actively playing sports. But don't think that at the expense large quantity protein in your diet, you can as soon as possible see the results of your labors in the mirror. Alas, you won’t be able to, since your body will direct all its energy to burning fat, but you will still notice the first effect.
  • Dr. Kovalkov recommends starting your day with a glass of warm water and an active early walk in the fresh air (the doctor recommends taking it at 6 a.m.). If possible, go for a light jog. You need to exercise your muscles well every day.
  • It is recommended to continue stage 2 of the Kovalkov diet until you are satisfied with your appearance.

If you need more than a minus size, then continue to lose weight at a pace that is convenient for you and try to focus on the reflection in the mirror, and not on the scale.

Menu for weight loss

So that you are not confused, we offer you a daily diet option.

Breakfast A glass of kefir and an apple.
Snack 2 apples.
Dinner Fish soup puree, mushroom soup without adding cream or lean fish fillet, baked on a vegetable bed of onions, carrots/pumpkin and bell peppers.
Afternoon snack Half an orange or grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable salad with two egg whites. As a refueling - vegetable oil With lemon juice. It is not recommended to add salt and sugar, but you can add any other spices.
Breakfast Omelette of two eggs with herbs. Unsweetened tea or a glass of kefir.
Snack Chamomile tea.
Dinner Cheesecakes in the oven with semolina. If desired, their taste can be diversified by adding an apple or pumpkin pulp into the filling. Alternatively, you can prepare chopped cutlets from chicken breast with the addition of hard cheese.
Afternoon snack Orange.
Dinner Lazy cabbage rolls with meat.