Message on the theme of International Animal Day. World Animal Day

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The history of the holiday - how it all began

This holiday dates back 85 years. It appeared in Florence, Italy, and was initiated by the International Congress of Nature Defenders.

The day of celebration - October 4, including in 2017-2018, was not chosen by chance. On this day, Catholics commemorate Saint Francis of Assisi, a renowned conservationist.

Many centuries ago, he founded a charitable monastic society. It had significant help to people in need, as well as animals and birds that are in trouble. Ancient legends they say that Francis “talked” even to animals, and they not only understood him, but also protected their patron from enemies.

Saint Francis preached that the nature around us is the most valuable thing on the Planet. A person should not interfere with natural processes, but only take care of what is given to him.

When and where is Animal Day celebrated?

On the eve and on October 4, churches hold services that glorify World Animal Day. There are also events to draw attention to the protection of our little brothers.

Thanks to this day, people's attention is drawn to the problem of maintaining the environment, preserving its diversity and richness. All animals have the same rights and conditions of life as we do.

Surprisingly, in our country this holiday began to be celebrated quite recently - since 2000. This happened at the insistence of the Animal Welfare Fund. According to world organization, in Russia every third family owns dogs and cats. We rank 2nd in the world in terms of the number of pets after the United States of America. So this holiday is very close to us! Perhaps he did not find support among us for so long because of his connection with the Catholic faith.

In fact, in our country the damage caused economic activity human to animal, considerable. And the preservation of many animals from complete extinction depends on how carefully and carefully we treat the fauna.

In my opinion, such events need to be supported and scaled up. Because even looking at country dogs abandoned to the mercy of fate, you understand how aggravated the problem of animal protection is. Isn’t it cruel to take an animal into your home, love it, take care of it, and then, after playing with it, throw it out into the street? All stray dogs and cats are the result of people's irresponsible attitude!

Who celebrates Animal Day?

By by and large, this is a holiday for environmentalists all over the planet. They are the ones who defend animal rights and have already achieved a lot.

For example, in order for the legislation of many countries to include laws providing for liability for cruelty to animals. Since 1986, Europe has provided protection to laboratory animals, and since 1997, the Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Animals Keeped as Pets has been in force.

Now in Russian cities and regions, large-scale events are being held that are aimed at organizing assistance to animals. On this day, at meetings, pickets and actions, discussions are held critical issues and problems of homeless animals. There are veterinary stations where free examinations and vaccinations are carried out. Charity fairs, concerts and photo exhibitions are held with one single purpose: to remind that not only people live on this Planet.

On this holiday, volunteers help homeless animals: they look for them new home, collect donations for shelter maintenance and veterinary treatment.

And our whole family collects gifts for an animal shelter. At home we prepare surprises for cats, snails and snails, which we, despite their pranks, love madly. I am convinced that love and a responsible attitude towards animals should be instilled from an early age. How we teach our children to treat our smaller brothers is how they will treat the people around them.

See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The animal world occupies special place in a person's life. For many, representatives of the fauna are not just an object of admiration, but best friends and faithful companions, salvation from loneliness and lovely healers. But we love and cherish pets who have become our family, and we absolutely do not think about the problems of the animal world on a global scale. It is these issues that focus on the holiday dedicated to all animals.

For humanity fauna has always been, first of all, a source of food, materials for making clothes, household utensils, and even medicines and weapons. Man has always felt like the king of nature and ruthlessly used its resources for his own good. This attitude left an indelible mark. Many species of fauna have simply disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. Environmental organizations have always sought to draw attention to problems of this kind. They are trying to convey thoughts about the importance of each animal to the public on Animal Protection Day.

Who's celebrating?

Man appeared on earth as one of the species of the animal world. Thanks to the presence of intelligence, he was able to rise to a higher level. And this step allowed the person to feel his superiority. Establishing relations with the “smaller brothers” was ambiguous.

To survive, people had to kill animals. This was justified not only by the need for food, but by the need for protection from predators.

A man like the most dangerous predator, continues to hunt animals and birds today. And if for ancient man This was justified by necessity, then modern hunters act only for their own pleasure.

There are simply barbaric customs. Believe it or not, in Denmark, on the Faroe Islands, all the residents of the surrounding villages gather once a year to kill dolphins. The entire bay turns red with the blood of innocently killed mammals.

Despite the protests of environmental organizations, the madness continues and, in addition, is justified by local customs.

Not the least role in the extermination of fauna was played by folk beliefs. The purpose of the hunt was to destroy representatives of the “devilish spirit” or sacrifice. Thus, the Bali tigers were completely exterminated by local residents, since they were considered not just dangerous, but a threat to peace of mind.

And, of course, personal gain. Hunters pursued selfish goals for unique skins and tusks, fat, meat and entrails. Exotic lovers pay exorbitant amounts of money to stroke their vanity.

Poaching is the main cause of death of many species of fauna in modern world. Methods to combat poaching in many countries are prescribed at the legislative level. But for the sake of his own benefit, man finds more and more sophisticated loopholes on how to obtain the coveted animal raw materials.

The rapid development of industry, the expansion of agricultural land, the growth of cities in the best possible way affected the situation of animals. Water and air pollution, loss of natural habitats, increase temperature conditions, disruption of biological chains leads to natural extinction.

Only a person can stop this whole process. Of course, it is impossible to talk about human complete indifference to the problems of the animal world. Issues of protection, revival, and humane treatment are raised quite acutely in society.

In addition to the contribution of public environmental organizations, a lot has been done at the state level. Specific police squads have been created whose purpose is to combat poaching. In the open waters, this function is performed by fisheries inspectors.

Scientific laboratories and nurseries have been organized, the purpose of which is breeding rare species animals. Gamekeepers and foresters work in forest lands, who not only monitor the number of fauna, but also feed the animals and fight poaching. Employees of these organizations can rightfully consider a holiday dedicated to the protection of animals as their own.

No less pressing is the question of ill-treatment with pets. A person, having played enough with a living toy, often simply throws it out into the street.

The problem of stray cats and dogs, of course, can be solved through joint efforts. But now, in most cases, this is done by volunteer organizations that find a new home for homeless pets.

Undoubtedly, the activities of public, state, and volunteer organizations make a significant contribution to solving issues of protecting the animal world. But solving them at this level without the participation of every person is unrealistic. Therefore, we can safely say that a holiday dedicated to the protection of the animal world is a day when every caring person should think about what he personally can do for our “younger brothers.”

History of the holiday

The history of the animal holiday is quite symbolic. It owes its appearance to the active actions of its supporters careful attitude to the living world.

Having gathered at the next International Congress in Florence, they sharply raised the issue of the need to establish a special day dedicated to the problems of the animal world. In this way they tried to attract the attention of the world community to solving these problems. The event is dated 1931, and the date world day Animal Protection was timed to coincide with October 4. This symbolic date has not only an important, but also a religious meaning for all lovers of animals.

On October 4, on the eve of the Congress in 1926, the world remembered the Christian saint Francis of Assisi, who died 700 years ago. The whole life of Saint Francis was devoted to helping the suffering. For this purpose, he created a charitable monastic order, which became a haven not only for people in trouble, but also for animals and birds.

His boundless love for nature allowed him to find common language with any living creature. According to beliefs, the saint could not only understand animals and birds, but also talk to them. They, in turn, responded to him with boundless devotion and could defend their patron if necessary.

In his sermons, he told his students about the importance of natural processes in nature. He tried to call people to compassion and love towards to the wild world. Awakening the shoots of humanity, the saint tried to convey to Christians thoughts about the equality of all God's creatures. Pope Paul II noted the importance of St. Francis' environmental activities. In 1979 he was awarded the honorary title of “first ecologist”.

That's why modern ecologists The saint is considered the patron saint of wildlife, and the day of his veneration became the date for celebrating the day of animals - animals in need of help, protection and protection.

Thanks to this holiday, ecologists different countries were able to unite and direct their efforts towards environmental goals. During the existence of Animal Day, a lot has been done. The legislation of many countries has been supplemented with articles that provide severe punishment for people who cruelly and barbarously treat animals.

The Council of Europe has signed many important documents aimed at protecting various animals.

Thus, in 1986, the world became acquainted with the Regulations, which stipulate the rights of experimental and laboratory animals. And literally a year later the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Pets was signed.

In addition, on international level The issues of extinction of certain animal species are considered. Therefore, more narrowly focused holidays appeared, such as Tiger Day, Whale and Dolphin Day, polar bear, Elephant Day, Night bats. All these holidays pursue one goal - to reveal to the public the real state of affairs and call for solutions to global issues.

The holiday came to Russia in 2000. The initiative belongs to the Nature Protection Fund. Since then, every year in our country on November 4, charity and volunteer events are organized, forums and conferences dedicated to the animal world are held. Participants in environmental movements and simply concerned people take part in parades and demonstrations, concerts and fairs designed to emphasize the right of animals to a free and comfortable life.

Disappointing facts: on the verge of extinction

Representatives of the animal world sometimes amaze people not only with their beauty, but also with amazing facts.

It turns out that the best herd guards were not dogs, but quaggas - distant relatives of zebras. Their keen eyes allowed them to notice the approach of predators before anyone else. Passenger pigeons were considered the most numerous birds on the planet. Marsupial wolf cubs spent their first three months of life confined to their mother's pouch. Is it true, interesting facts about unusual animals. Only extinct ones. And this is only a tiny fraction of the information about those copies that are irretrievably lost.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the animal world has halved in 40 years. Both livestock and entire species disappear. Particularly alarming are the statistics about the inhabitants fresh water. Thanks to human activity, their numbers have decreased by 75%. The situation with “terrestrial” species is not much better. Up to 40% of animal species have been irretrievably lost.

The figures announced by the fund are simply depressing:

  • up to 70 species of flora and fauna disappear from the planet every day;
  • every 20 minutes the world loses one species of living creature;
  • Every second, up to 1.5 hectares of forest plantations are irretrievably lost.

Of course, work is underway to prevent such processes. Are being created protected areas, hunting is prohibited, and lists of rare species that, according to the Convention, are subject to protection are formed. But the global nature of the problem allows us to emphasize the importance of the contribution of each person.

Congratulations on Animal Day

On the day when the whole world rises up to fight for animal rights, I would like to sincerely wish you not to know the pleasures of your own superiority over your “lesser brothers,” not to experience the pleasure of killing the defenseless, not to feel relief after getting rid of an annoying pet. Let your heart be filled with kindness, and your hands reach out to the cute animal, so as not to offend, but to caress, feed, cure.

Their eyes sparkle with hope and warmth.

Four paws, a wet nose and a sea of ​​fur.

And let us not care at all,

What fate awaits our “smaller brothers”.

Become like the fox cunning and the owl wiser,

Like a lynx faster and faster,

Become stronger like a mule

And how an elephant is more powerful.

But don't forget that you are human

Capable of loving and creating.

Indeed, in our difficult and cruel age,

Only you know how to feel sorry and create.

Larisa, August 28, 2016.

The nature of the Earth is filled with a wide variety of fauna. The numbers of some species are such that they are in danger of extinction. It can lead to irreversible processes that have a detrimental effect on the environment. separate territory or the entire planet. The international holiday calls for preventing such phenomena.

When is it celebrated?

World Animal Day is celebrated annually on October 4th. It is not considered a national holiday in Russia, but the country supports promotions related to the date. The holiday was established at the international congress of the movement for the protection of nature in 1931 in Italy.

In many countries there are similar events: World Homeless Animals Day, which is celebrated on the third Saturday of August, as well as World Pets Day, celebrated annually on November 30th.

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in environmental protection activities takes part in events in the Russian Federation. Among them are ecologists, veterinarians, public organizations, government agencies, members of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The celebrations are celebrated by pet owners, for whom a party is often held with treats. The event is considered by teachers and students educational institutions, specializing in environmental protection.

History and traditions of the holiday

World Animal Day dates back to 1931. The Italian city of Florence became the venue for an international congress of supporters of the environmental movement. The participants decided to establish a commemorative event on October 4th.

The selected date has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the day of remembrance of Francis of Assisi, who is considered Catholic tradition patron of animals. His image is the embodiment of compassion, mercy and humility. A man who strictly followed Christian teaching, founded the order (brotherhood) and named it after himself.

According to established custom, on October 4, environmentalists organize educational events. Seminars, conferences and exhibitions are organized on this holiday. There are reports talking about the important role of animals in the life of the planet. Measures to protect endangered species are being proposed and bills are being discussed. Misconceptions about healing properties body parts of creatures. Their death is largely connected with such speculation.

Particular attention is paid to explanatory work with the management of enterprises producing food products. Activists conduct flash mobs (pre-prepared actions of a group of people). They call on producers to have a humane attitude to nutrition, maintenance, and slaughter of livestock and poultry. Another goal of the action is to draw the attention of society to existing problems.

On the eve of the holiday, debates take place that reveal contradictions in moral values. various parts society. They lead to fruitful results, as in the case of the ban in a number of countries on the production of foie gras. Means mass media broadcast programs about nature protection. The stories tell about dog handlers, veterinarians, and the lives of their charges. Charitable organizations report on the expenditure of grants. In the West, prominent cultural figures, artists, and show business stars record videos that draw attention to the problem of our little brothers.

World Animal Day 2019 is marked by public lectures, which are open to everyone. Russia is one of the countries in which environmental movements are only gaining popularity. The law provides for liability for cruelty to pets. The state is taking insufficient measures to create shelters and combat stray dogs.

Our families are real abodes of warmth and love, which are regularly replenished with new members. Are there people for whom a pet is not a family member? Hardly. And if so, then the owner needs to remember famous phrase by A. De Saint-Exupery from his work "The Little Prince". And if you don’t remember this phrase, re-read the work again. In order to protect our little brothers, such a holiday as World Animal Day was introduced.

When and why was this holiday invented?

Almost a hundred years ago, humanity first seriously thought about animals as equal inhabitants of planet Earth. They began to pay more attention to animals, and the governments of many countries saw the harm caused to wildlife by human activity.

In this regard, many states have begun to adopt legislative acts banning hunting of many species of animals. First of all, this was due to the fact that many species simply disappeared from the face of the Earth due to human insatiability.

Therefore, in 1931, to draw attention to animal problems, World Animal Day was introduced into the list of world holidays. It is traditionally celebrated every year on October 3. Quite often this holiday is associated with Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals among Catholics.

The number of countries in which various events are held for Animal Protection Day is growing every year, now there are already about 70 of them. Moreover, each state considers it its duty to fight poachers who want to make a big profit from selling an animal to a zoo or private hands.

What issues are covered at the events?

World Animal Day is a holiday designed to help our smaller brothers find and defend their cause. By the way, this concerns not only wild animals, but also pets. After all, there are a huge number of cases where cats or dogs were abused by their owners or were simply thrown out into the street.

The local animal welfare society deals with such issues. Of course, these structures work best in the UK and the United States of America. Apparently, this is due to upbringing and a sense of responsibility towards defenseless creatures developed from childhood. As a rule, negligent owners can be fined or even brought to court, and the pet itself can be seized and placed in another family where it will be cared for.

What events take place on Animal Day?

On this day, the Animal Welfare Society, armed with the support of local authorities, quite often conducts various holiday events. Often during them, volunteers collect donations for the needs of animals in shelters or for special programs for wild animals (species conservation projects, etc.).

On such a day, you can hold educational conversations with schoolchildren and pupils preschool institutions. It is better for them to present information in small fragments, reinforcing the invested knowledge with social advertising videos, documentaries. You should also make short story about why World Animal Day was invented. Pictures on the topic, slides or presentations will only decorate the report. If there is an animal shelter in the city, you can organize a visit to it by holding a kind of animal adoption event. It has been verified that it is after such actions that many animals are taken by new owners.

In addition, open animal exhibitions in some park or square will be no less interesting events. Volunteers with animals from the shelter can also come there, thus advertising their pupils.

For a theme evening for this holiday, you need to prepare a script. Animal Protection Day is a holiday when funny quizzes about animals, competitions, drawing on this topic and much more.

How to cultivate love for animals?

Love for the world around us is something that parents should teach from the very beginning. early childhood, and then school in biology lessons. Of course, a significant part of upbringing falls on mom and dad, who are obliged to explain to the child why animals should not be offended. First of all, you need to tell your child that any aggression on the part of a person towards an animal is a manifestation of strength, but you cannot offend someone who is weaker than you. Show him an example. Feed a stray dog ​​or cat on the street, get your own pet at home, perhaps even from a shelter. Go there with your child, and let him also take part in choosing his future pet.

A small step for an animal

Thus, World Animal Day is a very important holiday, playing a responsible role in the formation of personality. After all, kindness is not difficult at all! Helping a homeless creature is a small step for one person, but a huge step for all people.

Many people confuse World Animal Day on October 4 with Vegetarian Day, which is also celebrated in mid-autumn (October 1). This is absolutely different holidays. World Animal Day is a reminder that all our neighbors on the planet, every species, from the vast African elephant to the tiny snail are equally important and valuable in nature.

Lion Park "Taigan"

History of the holiday

World Animal Day has been celebrated annually since 1931. It was established at a meeting of the International Congress of Conservationists in Florence. More than 60 world powers supported this initiative, and now annually hold various events and flash mobs dedicated to this day.

By the way, the date of the holiday was also not chosen by chance and has religious roots. October 4 is considered the day of remembrance of the Catholic Saint Francis of Assisi, who is known as the patron saint of animals. If you believe the legend, then Francis of Assisi knew how to communicate even with wild animals, and in his sermons he invariably exalted compassion and love for all living creatures.

Time to think

October 4 is World Animal Day. This is the time to stop and think about how destructive human influence is on environment.


It seems to us that nothing is changing around us: the same squirrels are jumping in the trees, the same snowdrops are blooming early spring. Now imagine: according to WWF (World Wildlife Fund) statistics, every day on Earth... And that's not all:

  • Every year, people cut down more than 15,000,000 hectares of forest, resulting in the death of over 36,000 species of wild plants;
  • every 60 minutes at least 3 types of animals;
  • Every second the planet loses 1.5 hectares of virgin forests.

Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the consequences of an irresponsible attitude towards wildlife. And World Animal Day on October 4 is another way to remind people that they are not the king of nature and should treat their neighbors on the planet with respect and care.

How is World Animal Day celebrated?

On October 4, ecologists hold various educational events, prepare reports on why it is so important to protect the fauna of the planet, how extinction can affect human life different types. On this day, many shelters organize “Find a Friend” campaigns, encouraging those who have long dreamed of having pet, do not buy a kitten or puppy for hundreds of dollars, but take one who really needs love and care.

Separately, myths associated with healing parts of the body of living creatures are discussed - for example, elephant tusks, for which poachers kill hundreds of good-natured giants every year.

In the West and in Russia, activists organize various flash mobs. For example, in Chelyabinsk for several years in a row public association“Chance” and the faculty preschool education ChSPU held an “animal flash mob”: future teachers with fur tails attached and cat faces painted on their faces danced in the city center to fiery music. Nearby, at the same time, activists were distributing homeless animals “into good hands” - vaccinated, with certificates and a great desire to find a family.

On this day, many Western stars record video messages to their fans, also urging them to pay attention to the problems of endangered species.

Many events are already planned for World Animal Day on October 4th. different corners planets.

In the Moscow parks “Kuzminki-Lublino”, “ Bitsevsky forest” and “Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo” will host thematic concerts, and environmental specialists will teach all guests how to feed the birds.


In Ussuriysk, the local “star”, the bulldog Karamelka, who has her own Instagram account and more than 260,000 subscribers, also congratulated all wild and domestic animals. In honor of the holiday, the four-legged celebrity will give delicious gifts to the inhabitants of city shelters, and will even take patronage over a lonely puppy until a new loving family is found for the baby.

And veterinarians of the Ulyanovsk region decided to celebrate World Animal Day 2016 by organizing the action “ Good Doctor Aibolit.” On October 4, specialists from state veterinary clinics will provide free assistance and advice to everyone.

The Smolensk Zoo also joined the celebration. From October 4, a “Harvest Festival” will be held here - everyone will be able to feed the zoo’s pets with fruits, nuts and berries.