Are there mushrooms in Adygea? Mushroom places of the Krasnodar region and Adygea

Well, there is simply not a person on the planet who has not heard of such a mushroom as the butterdish. In addition to its attractive appearance, butterdish is very tasty, healthy and grows on absolutely any soil, in the same place as russula. But they also have a significant drawback - difficulty in preparation. This is not a champignon that can simply be thrown into a frying pan and fried without prior heat treatment. The butter dish requires more delicate manipulations during preparation. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Mycologists divide all mushrooms into three types:

  1. Tubular (their cap consists of small tubes).
  2. Lamellar (the caps form the plates).
  3. Marsupials (spores are kept in special storage facilities).

Boletus mushrooms are classified as the first type. The cap is a sponge formed by many small tubes. There are spores inside the tubes. The cap of a young mushroom has a semicircular shape with a ring at the edge. The old mushroom has an open cap, and the ring on the leg is barely noticeable. When you cut into a mushroom, its edges begin to turn slightly blue.

Edible types of oil cans

Ordinary oiler. This species is the most common in Russia. The hat is flat with curved edges. There is a noticeable bump in the center. Color brown.

The pulp is very juicy. The leg is solid, white. How older mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits the stem becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

The species is found almost everywhere, but favorite place However, as with any mushroom, the area is coniferous.

Ideal conditions for the development of a species family:

  1. Sandy soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

It grows between July and October.

Larch oiler. It got its name due to the fact that it can most often be found in the larch habitat area. The mushroom is edible, but the taste is simple, without any aftertaste.

  1. A convex cap that becomes flatter as it ages. Its color is very bright. Fruits of a bright yellow, orange, or less often, dark brown hue may be found.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. When a young mushroom is damaged, its color does not change. If you damage an older fruit, then it will acquire a pinkish or reddish tint.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white/yellow, less often brown.

The oiler is grainy. Also a very popular look. It tastes good. Unlike other butterfish, this species does not have a ring on the stem.

Main characteristics of the mushroom:

  1. The cap is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather it sparkles in the sun. When it rains, the mushroom becomes slimy. The skin color is brown, yellow-orange, less often burgundy.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. Smells like hazelnut. Does not change color when damaged.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical, light-colored yellow. In older mushrooms, it turns dark brown closer to the root. The leg acquires this shade due to the fact that the mushroom secretes juice. It is no more than 8 centimeters in height and 1.5-2 cm in thickness. On the surface of the stem there are often granular formations, which is, in fact, how the mushroom got its name.

These are not all types of this mushroom. There are also others, however, less common in the Russian Federation. These are: white, yellow-brown, gray, American and swamp oiler.

False mushroom

The false oiler is a poisonous member of its genus. After consuming it, intestinal upset may occur. By itself, it tastes very unpleasant.

To avoid poisoning, you need to pay attention to it appearance, because it is he who distinguishes a poisonous representative from an edible one.

Edible mushrooms have a yellow cap, brown colors. The false one is dark purple.

How to cook

Have you read the description? edible species, we saw their photos, now it’s our turn to tell you how to cook this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of the favorite varieties for cooks. Not only adults, but also children love them.

There are many ways to process butter. They can be pickled, fried, boiled. Below we will describe examples in various ways making these “slimy goodies.”


The soup made from them is very light and lean. After eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion.
  5. A couple of bay leaves.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is extremely simple. It is prepared in the same way as other soups. First, potatoes are boiled, spices, fried onions and potatoes are added, and finally fried butter is added.


There are a lot of recipes for making pickled butter. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Half a liter of water.
  3. One tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and allspice 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of cloves.
  8. 6% vinegar – 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 cloves of garlic.

The oils are pre-cleaned and washed well. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in salted water. To prevent the mushrooms from darkening, you can add a little citric acid to the water.

After the mushrooms are cooked, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, take a saucepan and pour into it all the ingredients described above except garlic and vinegar. Place this on the fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add butter and cook for 30 minutes. Five minutes before removing the pan from the heat, add vinegar to the marinade.

Then all this is sorted into banks. The jars are pre-sterilized. Place a clove of garlic at the bottom of the jars, and pour the marinade on top of it.

How to fry butter

Frying in sour cream

Nobody fries mushrooms just like that. It is not as tasty as combining mushrooms with some suitable product, for example, sour cream. Sour cream will make the mushrooms fragrant and tender.

To prepare such a dish, we will need 500 g of the butter itself, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 onion, a little vegetable oil and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, rinse the boletus, cut into small pieces and boil for 7-10 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add the mushrooms and fry them in a frying pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Set the heat to low and add butter. Fry the butter for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish with a frying pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. The dish is ready to be served.

Fried boletus with potatoes

This is the standard method for preparing fried mushrooms. To prepare, we need 400 g of butter, 500 g of potatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling the mushrooms, place them in a colander to drain excess juice. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. Next, we begin to fry the butter. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and add to the butter. Fry mushrooms and onions for 3 minutes.

Preparing the potatoes. You can fry it in the same pan in which you cooked the mushrooms, or use a second one. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. Fry it. 2-3 minutes before complete cooking, add mushrooms. The dish is ready to eat.

IN Krasnodar region you can please yourself with a variety of edible mushrooms, but when collecting this product you need to be extremely careful, because you can accidentally run into poisonous mushroom, upon consumption of which there may be serious problems. Aware means warned.

Edible mushrooms

In the Krasnodar region there are many types of edible mushrooms, which are described below.

White mushroom

Red boletus

Red-brown boletus

White boletus

Boletus is confused with the inedible Gorchak mushroom


Description. Only the caps of russula differ. Otherwise, the mushrooms are similar to each other: the diameter of the cap reaches up to 10 cm, the cap is straightened with slightly curved edges.

Where and when does it grow? Russulas can be found anywhere, including in deciduous or coniferous forests, young birch undergrowth or a city park, on swampy river banks. Mushrooms break through the ground already at the end of spring, but begin to grow en masse in late August and early September.

Varieties. There are a huge number of varieties of russula:

  • Light yellow russula. Grows in moist birch and birch-pine forests from July to October. The hemispherical yellow cap changes over time to flat and funnel-shaped. The diameter of the cap is 5-10 cm.
  • Blue russula. The mushroom is found in coniferous forests. Diameter – 3-10 cm. Grows on a white stalk, 3-5 cm high.
  • Green russula. Lives in conifers and deciduous forests. We recognize the mushroom by its yellowish-green flat-convex cap with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

Doubles. There are no poisonous counterparts among russulas, but they can be confused with the toadstool. Therefore, you should not pick up mushrooms that have a greenish cap.

Light yellow russula

Blue Russula

Green russula


Description. Mushrooms with a cap-shaped structure. In a young row, the cap can be spherical, bell-shaped or cone-shaped, with a diameter of 3-20 cm. With age, the cap straightens and becomes flat-spread with a well-defined tubercle in the center. The color depends on the variety: white, green, red, yellow or brown. Leg height – 3-10 cm.

Where and when does it grow? Rowers are ground fungi. Many varieties are microformers that prefer coniferous trees as mycorrhizal partners. They often grow near pine trees, less often - under larch, fir and spruce. Rare species are in symbiosis with beech, oak and birch. They grow singly, in small or large groups. Are considered autumn mushrooms. They are found from the end of August to the end of October.

Varieties. There are about 100 species of row mushrooms, but in the Krasnodar region the most common are:

  • Gray. It has a gray cap, at first it is round, then becomes flat and uneven. The color of the leg is white with a gray-yellow tint.
  • Lilac-footed. The surface of the cap is smooth yellowish-beige with a purple tint. Distinctive feature– sweetish taste and fruity aroma.

Doubles. The mushroom's counterpart is the poisonous row, which grows in deciduous and coniferous forests. In the row, the cap has unfolded edges, convex in the center and flat towards the edges. The diameter of the cap is up to 12 cm. The mushroom has whitish flesh, a floury smell and taste.

Gray row

Lilac-legged rower

Confuse edible row possible with a poisonous row

Poisonous mushrooms

When picking mushrooms, it is very important to focus on choosing an edible mushroom, because there are a huge number of poisonous specimens that can cause serious poisoning, or worse, lead to death.

Bolet (boletus) purple

Description. Bolet is a massive mushroom consisting of a cap and a thick stalk. The hat has a spherical convex shape. The surface is velvety or smooth to the touch. The pulp is lemon-colored and turns blue when pressed or cut.

Where does it grow and when? Mushrooms grow both singly and in groups. They are found in coniferous and deciduous forests under spruce, oak, pine, hornbeam, and beech trees. The season starts in early June and ends in mid-September.

Who can be confused with? Externally, the bolet is similar to the oak tree. Therefore, you should be careful when picking mushrooms so as not to accidentally put a poisonous mushroom in the basket.

Description. Poisonous entoloma is a toxic mushroom with a round, sometimes conical cap, 5-17 cm in diameter, dirty pink in color with a grayish tint. Occasionally there are folds in the center of the cap. The mushroom has white flesh that does not change color when broken. The height of the leg is 4-14 cm, the shape is cylindrical, slightly curved. It has the smell of freshly ground flour.

Where does it grow and when? The mushroom grows in deciduous or mixed forests. Mainly found under willow, oak, hornbeam, beech, and birch. Large clusters are extremely rare; most often it grows singly. The growing season is early May to mid-October.

Who can be confused with? Poisonous entoloma can be confused with garden entoloma, May row, common champignon, cherry blossom, pigeon row, and smoky talker.

False honey agaric

Description. False honey mushrooms grow in groups. There are several species, but they are all similar in appearance and many are poisonous. They contain milky juice, which causes severe disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. False mushrooms usually have elongated legs that are hollow inside. The mushrooms have smooth, often brightly colored caps.

Where does it grow and when? They grow in deciduous forests. Settle in false honey mushrooms not only on rotting stumps, but also on living trees, sick ones, with damaged wood, for example, linden and birch. They grow from the beginning of May until the end of October.

Who can be confused with? Confuse false scent possible with oak honey mushroom, autumn honey mushroom, summer honey fungus or meadow honey fungus.


Description. A mushroom whose cap resembles the convolutions of the brain. At first it grows brown-chestnut, then becomes dark brown. The diameter of the cap varies from 2 to 13 cm. It has an uneven round shape. The stitch has an empty and dry cylindrical leg, which can be white, yellowish, reddish or gray.

Where and when does it grow? The usual stitch grows in coniferous forests, on loams and sandstones. Mushrooms are often collected in clearings, burnt areas, under poplars or birch trees. Giant stitch is collected in mixed and deciduous forests, under birch trees or near old stumps. Autumn stitch can be found in coniferous and mixed forests.

Varieties. There are several types of stitching:

  • Giant. It has a folded-wavy cap that does not have a clear shape and grows to the stem of the mushroom. A young mushroom is characterized by a chocolate cap, an old one – ocher. Diameter is 7-12 cm, less often the cap reaches 30 cm. It is located on a short stem.
  • Autumn stitch

    String horned

    Description. The yellow champignon has a cap, 5-15 cm in diameter, with a spherical shape with edges curved inward. It has a whitish or light gray, sometimes with grayish-brown spots, dry and smooth surface. It grows on a cylindrical stalk, slightly thickened at the bottom, reaching a height of 6-10 cm. It is distinguished by the smell of ink or carbolic acid.

    Where does it grow and when? Yellow champignon is found from July to early October in abundant quantities after rains, not only in mixed forests, but also in parks, gardens, and places overgrown with grass.

    Who can be confused with? This “fake” mushroom is often confused with wild champignon.

    Description. A deadly mushroom with a grayish or greenish olive cap, 5-14 cm in diameter. It has a flat or hemispherical shape, smooth edges. Distinctive feature is a membranous ring on the top of the stem.

    When and where does it grow? Grows both singly and in groups. Can be found in any forest. Development has to begin summer period.

    Who can be confused with? Pale toadstool is similar in appearance to champignons and green russula.

    Description. You can come across a mushroom with a red cap and white spots on the surface quite often.

    Where does it grow and when? Fly agaric mushrooms grow in any forest starting in July.

    Who can be confused with? The fly agaric has practically no analogues, but I often confuse it with the caesarean mushroom, which is found only in the Caucasus.

    Description., with a grayish cap when young, and greenish when mature age, reaches a diameter of 10-25 cm. It is distinguished by a massive, reddish-brown leg and bluish flesh when broken.

    Where does it grow and when? It grows in mixed forests, most often under hazel, chestnuts, and lindens. The collection season occurs in mid-June and lasts until the end of September.

    Who can be confused with? The specimen is confused with a porcini mushroom, but the satanic one has a reddish stalk, so you can avoid becoming a victim of poisoning if you look carefully.


    Description. Svinushka is a poisonous mushroom that accumulates muscarine, a poison that is not destroyed by temperature. A small mushroom that looks like a milk mushroom. The diameter of the round or elongated rounded cap is 12-15 cm.

    Where does it grow and when? It grows in groups, less often – singly. It is found in forests on the twisted roots of trees from July to October.

    Who can be confused with? External resemblance with the pork we got russula and milk mushrooms.

    Mushroom places in the Krasnodar region

    Many mushroom pickers are concerned with the question “Where and when to collect edible mushrooms?” Gourmet products can be found throughout the region Krasnodar region in pine, oak, hornbeam-oak, fir-beech and birch forests. Mushrooms are often found in bushes and clearings where clayey or sandy soil.

    The Tuapse and Absheron regions are considered to be the richest in harvest. The following mushrooms are common here:

    • chanterelles;
    • Russula;
    • oyster mushrooms

    For porcini mushrooms, mushroom pickers go to Kaluga, Saratov and Smolensk villages. Honey mushrooms are worth looking for in Goryachiy Klyuch, in the Arkhyz area between Lake Kardyvach and Krasnaya Polyana. Milk mushrooms are common in forests near the villages of Kaluzhskaya, Dakhovskaya and Smolenskaya. Boletuses and boletuses are collected in the forests of the foothills and near the coast.

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One of our family’s traditions is to go on vacation to the mountains in July. We liked the Republic of Adygea, and we became annual visitors to the small village of Guzeripl, which is 76 km from Maykop. The mountains are very close here and you can find active recreation for every taste: mountaineering, canyoning, and rafting. And for those who don’t like adrenaline, you can simply swim in the backwaters of the Belaya River, admire the views, breathe cleanest air and pick mushrooms, of which there are plenty here.

We got there, as always, in our cars through Rostov, Krasnodar, and Maykop. Next are the lesser known ones settlements: Pervomaisky, Kamennomostsky, Dakhovskaya, Khamyshki. Last year we stopped just outside the village of Guzeripl. In the forest, on the bank of the river, we set up our tents, lit a fire, had dinner after a long journey, rested during the night, and early in the morning went for mushrooms. We really love pickled and salted mushrooms - we bring home supplies for the whole year.

While picking mushrooms, we can’t help but admire the incredible beauty. Here unique nature: dense forests, nearby the Caucasus Nature Reserve, mountains hanging almost overhead, and a cold fast river with rapids and small waterfalls. You can swim in the deeper and calmer parts of the river. Since the weather is hot, it is impossible to resist such temptation. However, it is not only fashionable to take refuge from the heat in the river. Dense coniferous-deciduous forests provide luxurious shade.

There are not many mushrooms near our tent settlement, but they still exist. We collected an almost full five-liter bucket. Most of all there were milk mushrooms, chanterelles, deer horns, mushrooms with the strange name “ox tongue”; there were also a couple of moss mushrooms and porcini mushrooms. First of all, I was interested in the so-called bull tongue. Its scientific name is common liverwort. It is brownish-reddish in color and looks like a tongue. It grows mainly on trees. More, interesting discovery for me they became deer horns. This is the name they are called by the locals, but officially they are called “Golden Ramaria”. They have a very pleasant taste and unusual appearance. Just don’t cook old mushrooms; over time they develop an unpleasant aftertaste. The flywheels also caught my eye. Under the cap they are bright yellow! And they taste quite pleasant... All mushrooms, collected topics in the morning, (except for the milk mushrooms) we immediately boiled them, finely chopped them and fried them with onions. It was a great lunch!

A couple of days later we went to look for mushroom places in the vicinity of the village of Khamyshki. Very close to the village, on the slopes of a ravine, along the stream, we found a lot of milk mushrooms, russula, a few chanterelles, and several porcini mushrooms. In total, we collected 3 twelve-liter buckets. The milk mushrooms played into our hands; not only were there a huge number of them, but they were also not small in size. Therefore, all mushroom hunting didn't take us long.

On the fifth day of our vacation, we decided to go see one of the beautiful places in Adygea - the confluence of the Belaya and Kisha rivers. Their combined power, rocky rapids and the speed of the huge mass of rushing water are mesmerizing. There are a lot of blackberries growing on the right bank of the river, and if you go deep into the forest, you can find a lot of mushrooms. Chanterelles and ox tongue give birth here; there were fewer milk mushrooms here. Due to the fact that chanterelles are quite small, we collected only about 8 liters of mushrooms.

I’ll tell you in more detail what we did with all this wealth, bringing it to our base. First of all, mushrooms need to be cleaned of soil, moss, straw and other materials from their place of residence. Then - sorting. Moss mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, russula and ox tongue are suitable for frying. Milk mushrooms must be salted. For pickling, you can set aside chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and ox tongue (if there are enough of them for the jar). After this, the sorted mushrooms must be washed thoroughly.

Milk mushrooms produce the most in these parts. Therefore, I’ll tell you in a little more detail about what we did with them immediately after we collected them. Milk mushrooms must be cleaned, washed and separated from the stems from the caps. large mushrooms. This will make it more convenient to put them in jars for preservation. Then they need to be soaked in salt water for 3-8 days, changing the water in the morning and evening. This is necessary so that the characteristic bitterness of them goes away from the mushrooms.

IN last time the water must be drained, placed in any container (except plastic) in layers of about 5 centimeters, sprinkled with salt and spices (allspice and hot pepper, bay leaf, cloves). A wooden circle should be placed on top of the mushrooms, on which the load is placed. Mushrooms should be salted for at least a month.

To preserve the mushrooms throughout the winter, we canned them as soon as we returned from vacation. To do this, boil the brine (salt to taste) and pour it over the mushrooms. After this, they were sterilized for about 40 minutes. In winter it’s nice to open such preserves and remember summer travels.

Previously, mushroom hunting seemed to me a boring, almost useless activity. However, having visited such hot spots in the Caucasus Mountains, I changed my mind. Since my first visit to Adygea, I began to understand mushrooms much more. Now I willingly agree to go for mushrooms every time they offer me, and I carefully look out for where the next beautiful mushroom is hiding.

Kuban is a unique region with complex terrain and a variety of climatic conditions, characteristic of several climatic zones. Thus, the mushrooms of the Krasnodar region include many known and previously unknown species, including those dangerous to human life and health. This circumstance allows us to recommend collecting exclusively well-known and guaranteed edible species.

The flora of our planet is incredibly diverse. There are more than one and a half million species of mushrooms alone. However, only a small part of them, called macromycetes, have large bodies. These are the types of mushrooms visible to humans, and are the object of a “silent hunt”:

Favorable climatic conditions determine the presence on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory of almost all plants growing in Russian Federation, types of mushrooms. But not all of them are popular among mushroom pickers. Let's turn to the most recognized, outwardly recognizable and valued species by gourmets.

So, more about which ones grow in the Krasnodar region:

The culinary value rating is “average”. Can be used as food in boiled, fried, pickled and salted form. Suitable as an ingredient for any dishes.

The distribution area is mountain and foothill territories of the Krasnodar Territory (Arkhyz, Kamyshanovaya Polyana, Ilsky village, the vicinity of the Laba River). Favorite places of growth are forest clearings, replete with fallen tree trunks various breeds, stumps, rhizomes of living trees extending outward.

Amethyst or violet lacquer

The appearance of the violet (lilac) lacquer is so different from the familiar image of the edible mushroom of the Krasnodar region that not every lover of “silent hunting” will dare to put it in their basket. A small, up to 30 millimeters in diameter, purple cap has thin watery pulp of the same color and is quite pleasant delicate taste with a mushroom smell.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse young toadstools with champignons, greenfinches or russula. Knowledge will help you avoid mistakes characteristic features this dangerous mushroom:

  • The presence of a bedspread (volva) in the form of a light-colored thickening located under the cap.
  • The presence of soft white plates with reverse side hats.
  • Formation of a thickening (sac) at the base of the mushroom stalk.

Hobby " quiet hunt“, without a doubt, the activity is useful and quite enjoyable. However, in order to avoid poisoning, you must be extremely careful and theoretically savvy. And, of course, under no circumstances should you collect mushrooms whose origin is in doubt.

No wonder they say that Kuban- this is a fertile land. Everything your heart desires grows here, including... poisonous mushrooms. And if you don’t understand mushrooms, then it’s better not to pick them. Otherwise, after delicious (but turned out to be poisonous) mushrooms, you will no longer rest at home, but in the hospital (and in the worst case, in the morgue).

In principle, learning to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones is not so difficult. I think that it is no more difficult than for Forex traders to master the ea analyzer program, which analyzes the results of their trading. Knowledge will help reduce risks in both situations, because if you fail with mushrooms, you can pay with your health, and Forex traders who make a mistake and haven’t thought through their strategy can part with money (and often not only their own). Therefore, it is necessary to study in both cases, because sometimes a mere trifle can fail, and the result in the end will be very disastrous.

So, let's start mastering the theory of poisonous mushrooms of the Krasnodar region. Photos poisonous mushrooms I recommend taking a photo or downloading it to your phone so that you always have them at hand during mushroom hunting.

They mainly grow in Kuban three types Very poisonous mushrooms, but in total in our region you can find over 10 varieties of poisonous mushrooms. And above all this pale grebe, poisonous entoloma (very similar to champignon and russula), false honey fungus, etc., but you can also be poisoned by the usual edible mushrooms, if you eat overripe, rotten, worm-eaten mushrooms that have been stored for a long time. Honey mushrooms that are too young, the structure or color of which is not yet clearly defined, can also be hazardous to health.

Edible mushrooms under unfavorable environmental conditions accumulate toxic substances, acquiring toxic properties. This is observed near industrial facilities, highways, cattle breeding farms, and during the emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere, water, soil pollution.

But in any case, if the mushroom is not familiar to you, then leave it in the forest without touching it.

The most poisonous mushrooms of Kuban:

1. - the most terrible poisonous mushroom. This mushroom is the most difficult to distinguish from russula or champignon. And the poison content in it is very high. To get lethal dose, it is enough to eat 30 g. Moreover, the poison from the toadstool cannot be removed either heat treatment, neither drying nor freezing.

2. - e It can be identified by its red or burgundy caps and bright white spots. Toxins act primarily on nervous system. Fatal poisoning can occur even from small doses.

3. - this mushroom can often be found next to trees such as oak, birch, beech, hornbeam, and willow. It is usually white, gray or yellow in color and feels like silk. For severe poisoning, it is enough to eat only one small piece, but death occurs after eating several mushrooms.

Rules for collecting mushrooms

- collect in the forest only those mushrooms that you know well and have no doubt that they are edible;

- do not collect mushrooms on manure heaps near farms, near roads, near industrial enterprises, landfills and other contaminated places;

- never collect those mushrooms that have tuberous thickenings surrounded by a shell at the base of the stem;

- for champignons, pay attention to the color of the plates - for real ones edible champignon the plates quickly turn pink and then darken (it’s better to buy champignons in stores);

- don't try raw mushrooms to taste;

- do not take flabby, overripe, wormy mushrooms.

If you show signs of poisoning, seek medical help immediately.

Sources - Kuban 24, website of Rospotrebnadzor KK


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