Sergey the meaning of the name is character and fate. The fate of Sergei in history

One of the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries is Sergei. Several decades ago it rivaled Alexander in popularity. For centuries, newborn boys have been called Seryozha. At the same time, not every parent knows the meaning of the name and what destiny they give to their child.

Name Sergey - origin

There are several opinions about how the name Sergei is translated. Its origin is also not fully known.

There are the following options for the appearance of the name Sergei:

  1. From the generic Roman "Sergius", which means "highly venerable", "high", "clear" and "venerable". In the 3rd century, it was given to boys who occupied only a high position in society.
  2. Researchers consider the origin of the name from the Latin “Servus”, which means “God’s servant”.
  3. There is information about “Sergestus” from Greco-Roman mythology, who was the progenitor of the Sergius family.

According to most scientists, the roots from where are still in ancient Roman culture. For Russian-speaking people, difficulties arose with the pronunciation of “Sergius”. Therefore, over time it was changed to make it simple and understandable for people.

So, after “Sergius”, “Sergius” came into use, and later the name Sergei. Start of use in Rus' coincides with the advent of Christianity. Initially only clergy were baptized with this name. In church speech, “Sergei” is still pronounced as “Sergius.”

Seryozha is a balanced, tactful and reasonable young man. Restrained in expressing feelings, prefers actions to emotions. For friends he is the life of the party. Can put forward interesting ideas and bring them to life. Seryozha is a highly intelligent person. Interesting in conversation, able to support any topic of conversation. Seryozha has excellent intuition. Able to reliably characterize a person at one glance.

Seryoga has unpredictable actions. This can be explained by the fact that the existing norms and rules of society outrage him, he tries to go beyond what is permitted. But he can find a way out of even the most confusing situation.

Sergei's fate

Seryozha's fate can turn out differently. Much depends on the parents, what kind of upbringing they gave the boy, and what life values ​​were instilled in childhood.


Little Serezhenka is non-conflict, sensitive and calm. Cheerful, but may experience mood swings. Raising a son is easy for parents.

The child is not capricious and does not throw demonstrative hysterical scenes in order to achieve what he wants. Already in childhood hides and does not flaunt his feelings and emotions.

The interpretation of this name speaks of his laconicism. Difficult to find common language with peers. But there are still a few true friends. He is not bored when alone. Serezhenka can be called a dreamer and dreamer; he can entertain himself with toys.

Sergei is doing well at school. He has an excellent memory and quickly grasps the program. Loves to read and is able to analyze information received from a book. Has an analytical mind, easily solves the most complex tasks. Teachers know they can rely on him. Therefore, they nominate him for participation in competitions and Olympiads.

If Serezhenka is passionate about something, then it’s serious and for a long time. Without good reason won’t miss a class or training session. Often his hobbies are sports, music or theater. You can't spoil little Seryozha. Often he does not finish the job he has started, because... has weak willpower. He will bear all his failures more easily if his parents support him.

Serezhenka is a compassionate child. He will not be able to pass by a sick, abandoned animal and will not leave a person, even if he is not his friend, in trouble. Seryozha always keeps his word. Already from childhood, his character shows responsibility, secrecy, self-control, empathy.

Serezha's youth

Sergei in his youth speaks of friendliness and friendliness young man. Popular among girls. He is distinguished by his gallantry, neatness, does not use obscene language in his vocabulary, and will always come to the rescue.

It’s hard to call Seryozha a romantic. But he will surround his beloved with care, affection, and reliable protection. The return of feelings from the chosen one is important to him. If he feels cold towards himself, he will leave the girl without hesitation.

After graduating from school, Seryozha will easily enter a university and at the same time find a part-time job so that become financially independent. By this time, he already knows exactly what he wants to connect his life with. He is valued by his classmates for his responsibility, hard work, and responsiveness. Seryogis often occupy the position of headman in the group.

He will never use physical force against the offender, considering this unacceptable in a showdown. Seryozha prefers to avoid his participation in scandals and quarrels.

Attention! A negative characteristic of the name Sergei is a predisposition to drinking alcoholic drinks. But he tries not to show this quality in public, he gets drunk slowly. But dependence on alcohol develops quickly.

The meaning of the name Sergey for a man

Unlike the origin, what the name Sergei means for a man, astrologers were able to decipher. His behavior is unpredictable. In his life, Seryozha will make many rash actions, despite the fact that he carefully considers every step he takes.

He is optimistic and does not lose heart even in difficult situations. He experiences all his problems on his own and copes with them well.

Seryoga knows life well. He prefers not to express or impose his opinion. Seryozha is conscientious and obliging, but a little cunning. Not always able to assess a person's abilities. Therefore, sometimes, after overdoing it with fraud, you are left with nothing.

In any profession, Seryozhka can become successful thanks to his qualities. But he is given the best creative works. He is a valuable employee, committed and conscientious. Respects himself and his work, so he won’t work for pennies.

Every young man is interested in what the name Sergey means for a man in business. But he will not be able to achieve much in this area. Seryozha is always responsible only for his own actions; he is not used to doing this for others, his subordinates. You will not be a strict and unfair boss. Many subordinates will take advantage of this, shifting their responsibilities onto his shoulders. He can become successful as a leader if he becomes firmer and does not allow himself to be manipulated.

Family and marriage

Sergei does not like extravagant and bright girls. To start a family will choose a quiet, shy woman with a broad outlook. Watches the chosen one long time before proposing to her.

A girl's family should come first, not her career. She must share his interests and be developed both spiritually and intellectually.

Seryozhka gets married several times. It's not easy to live with him. Jealous, susceptible to depression, can withdraw into himself, become aloof and silent. In the family, he does not try to take the place of leader; he gives leadership to his wife. But all serious issues must be resolved taking into account his opinion.

Seryozha is becoming an excellent husband and father. She loves children and can always find a common language with them. He will accept and raise his wife’s children as his own. He arranges everything in the house with his own hands; he can fix equipment and do renovations. Values ​​coziness and comfort. He is not picky about food, and will not demand foreign dishes from his wife.


The main characteristic and meaning of the name Serezha is sensuality, peacefulness, ability to empathize I grieve others. Tries not to participate in conflicts, does not quarrel, and does not exhibit inappropriate actions. He simply steps aside and breaks off all relations with the unpleasant person.

Speaks of Seryozha's restless, but not aggressive character. He will never offend anyone just like that, especially a woman. Able to control his emotions even in anger. But he will not tolerate disrespect and authority towards himself; in this situation, his good nature disappears. Seryozhka never forgets or forgives anything.

Variants of the name Sergei are numerous, it has many short and diminutive versions: Serezha, Serge, Serenya, Sergunchik, Gray, Serezhenka, Sergeika, Sergulya, Sergusya, Sergunya, Sergush, Sergunya, Serenya, Serhito, Sergi, Sergiush, Serenka, Serga , Sergeychik, Seryoga, Serenka.

Note! The life and fate of Sergei is stable, but not boring. He will always find something to do. He never loses heart and doesn’t rely on anyone. He solves all his difficulties on his own.

Useful video

The characteristics of the name Sergei can tell a lot about the life of a young man. But the upbringing and example of parents still plays a big role. If they were for a healthy lifestyle, then the owner of this name will achieve a lot in life.

This name form has been extremely popular over the past few decades. Therefore, researchers have long been interested in the origin and meaning of the name Sergei. It takes its roots from Roman culture, and comes from the Roman family name - Sergius. WITH Latin language The name Sergei is translated as “noble”, “significant”.

Also note the meaning of the very rare and special name - -.

The secret of the name Sergei

  • Patronizing planet – Venus
  • Patronizing element – ​​Earth
  • Totem animal – Nightingale
  • Plant – Wheat
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – Libra
  • Suitable metal – Gold
  • Lucky day of the week – Friday
  • Lucky season – Autumn
  • Patronizing sign eastern zodiac– Dragon

Stone – Pearl

Character and personality traits

The meaning of the name Sergei plays almost a decisive role in the character and fate of a person. The characteristics of the name Sergei presuppose the presence of a lot of excellent personal qualities. These include a vivid imagination, love of life, optimism, desire to develop, the ability to empathize, perseverance, kindness, courage and confidence. This is only a small part of what can manifest itself in Seryozha throughout his life.

Overall he is very positive and sunny man. It's a pleasure to communicate and deal with such a person. The older Seryozha gets, the more the traits of a real man appear in him. He is definitely strong and confident. But, nevertheless, he knows how to be responsive, gentle and kind.

But along with good qualities, the meaning also gave him negative ones. Such as restlessness and inability to bring your ideas to the end. With his huge and vivid imagination, he has a bunch of ideas that can bring not only profit, but also benefit society. But because of his restlessness, he often gives up everything halfway because he becomes uninterested. In such cases, he needs the help of like-minded people or even a team that will believe in his idea.

Boy character

  • The meaning of the name Sergei for a boy brings him a rather interesting and unusual childhood. Often a child named by this name is more meaningful than an adult. He is open to the world and others. He cannot and does not want to lie. He is happy about everything and always. One can only envy his cheerfulness. He rejoices in rain, snow, mud.
  • It is difficult to catch such a child crying or in bad mood. But this boy is still a prankster. At one moment he can rush around the house and destroy everything in his path, and then suddenly sit down in one of the rooms and draw on the wallpaper. Parents of such a miracle will have to come to terms with the activity of their baby and wait until he outgrows it. There is no need to scold such children, this is their nature and if they do not splash out their energy, they may close themselves off from their parents.

He is doing great with his studies. He does not need to be reminded of the need to study diligently; he remembers and understands this himself. Often he even sets aside time for self-study.

  • Sergey has many friends because he is a wonderful person and everyone is drawn to him. He is peace-loving and will not participate in conflicts. He doesn’t strive for leadership in the company, but he’s still a favorite among girls and a best friend for guys. People of the same age often turn to him for advice, as he has a good understanding of people and knows how to listen.

Sergey has many friends because he is a wonderful person and everyone is drawn to him.

Character of a man

The name Sergei for an adult man means that with age, a kind and sympathetic young man turns into a real man who has a strong and fair character. With unshakable confidence, he always overcomes life’s obstacles himself and never complains about his fate to others.

Such a man is capable of achieving enormous results. With him are always faithful, time-tested friends.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev - Russian singer, theater, film and voice actor, TV presenter, former member group Smash!!, producer of the duo Dvoe.


The name Sergey means to its owner that in general he is in good health. During childhood, such children are susceptible to various diseases. But as you grow older, the situation changes. Seryozha is one of those people whose health greatly depends on their peace of mind. Stress and nervous tension have a detrimental effect on physical health.

Blood pressure may increase and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted.
But if he devotes enough time healthy sleep and proper rest, then he will not have any psychological or physical problems.

Sergei Vasilievich Makovetsky is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist Russian Federation.

Playing sports won't hurt either. Swimming is great. It relaxes, brings the nervous system to a state of rest, improves heart function and keeps the body in good shape.

Marriage and family

  • In terms of marriage and personal life, the name Sergei means for its owner that he can become an excellent family man. For the role of his wife, this man chooses an affectionate, calm, intelligent and beautiful girl.
  • He happily performs all his duties around the house, and also manages to help his wife. Nailing a shelf, fixing a faucet, hanging wallpaper - all these tasks are a joy for him.
  • He knows how to find positivity in all household chores. He will also be happy to cook dinner and learn homework with the children. If you look at such a man from the outside, it may seem that he is a born ideal family man.

Sergei does not seek leadership in the family. He is impressed by equality and mutual respect with his wife. But if the matter concerns any serious issue, he will insist on his opinion.

  • A person with this name takes the issue of fidelity to his wife very seriously. Sometimes this can turn into an obsession. And because of this, conflicts can arise. Sergei himself is not capable of betrayal, and is forever devoted to his soulmate.
  • He will make a wonderful father. He takes raising his children very seriously and loves them madly. Sometimes in such a family the father takes care of the children more than the mother. This is because he likes to spend time with his children. He teaches them lessons, plays a variety of games, sings lullabies to them and reads fairy tales. When children grow up, he always remains for them good friend, to whom you can always turn for advice, and who will do everything to make them happy.

Sergei takes care of the children more than his mother. This is because he likes to spend time with his children.

Career and hobbies

When it comes to career, the name Sergey means to its bearer that he needs work only in order to get material well-being. But while he is not married, his money is not delayed. He absolutely does not know how to save, accumulate and increase. Having received a significant amount of money, he is able to spend it all on entertainment, pleasure and beautiful clothes. But in his work he is efficient and responsible. The bosses are pleased with him and often encourage him.

When Sergei starts a family, he is burdened with certain financial obligations. This is where all his seriousness comes into play. When he realizes that someone depends on him, then all his extravagance instantly goes away. He learns how to handle money, and sometimes even starts his own business.

In his free time, Seryozha likes to do something new. He tries every kind of entertainment he can. He bungee jumps from a bridge, navigates a river, snowboards, and much more. He can also play music, and even connect his main activity with this.

Also, a man with that name does not refuse loud gatherings accompanied by alcohol. It cannot be said that he has an addiction, but in his free time he will not refuse to drink with friends.

Sergey Nikolaevich Babkin is a Ukrainian musician, actor, author and performer of his own songs. Member of the group “5’nizza”. Trainer of the show "Voice of the Country". Participant in the 5th season of the show “Dancing with the Stars”.

Famous names bearers

  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin- great Russian poet.
  • Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein- Soviet film director, Honored Artist, Stalin Prize laureate.
  • Sergey Ivanovich– Soviet linguist, lexicographer, Doctor of Philology, professor.
  • Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu- Russian military and statesman, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov- Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter, TV presenter.
  • Sergey Vitalievich BezrukovRussian actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov is a Russian composer, pianist, and conductor.

Name day

Patron Saint (Guardian Angel) Saint Reverend Sergius of Radonezh

  • 15.01. - Martyr Sergius
  • 27.01. – Venerable Martyr Sergei Sinaisky
  • 02.04. - Venerable Martyr Sergius Savvait
  • 25.04. – Patriarch Sergius II of Constantinople
  • 01.06. - Schemamonk Sergius Shukhtovsky

11.07. - Venerable Sergius of Valaam

  • 18.07. - Hegumen Sergius of Radonezh
  • 25.08. - Venerable Martyr Sergius
  • 17.09. – Hieromartyr Sergei, Bishop of Narva
  • 24.09. - Venerable Sergei the Wonderworker of Valaam
  • 08.10. – Sergius of Radonezh, Venerable
  • 23.10. – Venerable Martyr Sergius of Zografsky
  • 29.11. - Rev. Sergei Malopinezhsky
  • 11.12. – Hieromartyr Sergei Astakhov, deacon

The name we are given at birth actively influences the formation of personality and future destiny from the first days of life. It cannot be said that everything depends only on the name and its meaning. human life. It is influenced by many other factors. But the name is one of the most important and primary factors. So it's worth reading about it.

Perhaps you will learn about yourself or your a loved one something they didn't know. I also advise you to pay attention to what is very symbolic and interesting. And you can also read about the beautiful male name form - -.

Do you have any friends named Sergei? Maybe you have something to add to general characteristics? Let us know in the comments and we'll be happy to discuss it!

Sergey - traditional, reliable, popular name. It is one of the ten most common male names in Russia. Its origin is associated with the Roman generic Sergius, which translated from Latin means “high”, “noble”. Some researchers believe that this is a modern version of the name Sergius, derived from “servi dei” and meaning “servant of God.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: pearl
  • Color: gray
  • Wood: birch
  • Plant: heather
  • Animal: brown hare
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character Traits

As a child, Sergei perceives the world joyfully and optimistically. At school he is a diligent student, conscientiously prepares for lessons and takes part in amateur performances. The main traits of his character are peacefulness, a tendency to empathy, and sensuality. By type of temperament, he is classified as melancholic. The secret of the name hides a balanced, reasonable, tactful and independent person.

Sergei's life consists of good and negative deeds, excessive trust and gentleness, as well as perseverance and firmness in decisions. He knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The representative of this name is a real diplomat who conducts negotiations of varying degrees of importance and always has a positive outcome. Has an analytical mind. He is able to distribute the information received correctly.

Serezha's positive qualities are openness, sociability, commitment, fairness, and restraint. He has excellent intuition and is able to assess a person at first sight. Negative trait character is considered to be susceptible to the influence of others.

Winter Sergei is passionate and emotional, although in public he shows himself with restraint and is very jealous. Thanks to his determination and prudence, he has success in his career. The spring bearer of this name is ironic, cheerful and fickle. Always in harmony with his inner experiences. Summer - constrained, indecisive, unsure. Surrounds himself with prejudices. Autumn is fair, rational, and is always guided by reason. Dry by nature, which often repels the fair sex.

Interests and hobbies

Sergey loves women, cheerful feasts, elite drinks, and jokes. Friends consider him the “soul” of the company. He is interested in music and cinema. Free time spends time in the gym to maintain physical condition bodies. Loves pets, especially dogs. Well versed in fashion trends and maintains an elegant style of dress.

Profession and business

Sergei can reach great heights in his career. He is executive, scrupulous and obligatory. The employer considers him a valuable employee, and he quickly achieves leadership positions. Can prove himself in the acting profession, journalism. If desired, a brilliant military career awaits him. Among the owners of this name you can find composers, speakers, and writers. A job in the creative field is also suitable for him, as he always has a lot of new and interesting ideas in stock.


As a child, Sergei gets sick a lot, but as an adult he is a fairly strong man. They will help him maintain his health at the required level physical activity and playing sports. Recommended to avoid stressful situations and overvoltage. Weak points are the nervous system, bronchi, lungs and genitourinary system.

Sex and love

Sergei's sexuality depends on the feelings he experiences for his chosen one. As soon as a girl begins to show her coldness, he immediately loses interest in her. But if the partner is tender and passionate, then she thanks her for this, giving her an unforgettable experience. In sex, his capabilities are great, he is able to kiss and caress a woman. Therefore, he has a lot of girls who love him madly.

Family and marriage

In family life, Sergei proves himself to be an excellent husband and a wonderful father. The other half should be a calm, balanced woman. The girl’s external characteristics are not of significant importance to him. He needs to marry consciously, mature age, otherwise several marriages are possible. If feelings disappear in a union, he can cheat, but he will not agree to divorce. But suddenly love reigns in relationships, then reigns complete harmony and idyll. Sergey in such a family - ideal husband and father.

In an alliance, he gives leadership to the other half, but when resolving important issues, he always takes into account his own opinion. He helps his wife with all the housework. He gets along well with his mother-in-law, and tries to do everything in his power to create the same relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Sergey is very kind to his parents, he is accommodating and flexible with them.

The mystery of the name

Sergey- highly revered, respectable, clear (Latin, from the Roman family name Sirius).
In the calendar and Church speech it is pronounced as Sergius.
A reliable name that balances hardness and softness. The name has always been and is now very popular and loved.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pearl grey.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: birch, heather.
Patron name: brown hare.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: peacefulness, emotionality.


Sergius of Radonezh, Rev., October 8 (September 25).
Sergius Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, Rev., October 20 (7).
Sergius of Petrogradsky, archimandrite, holy martyr, August 13 (July 31).
Sergiy Pechorsky, Obedient, reclusive, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 20 (7).
Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr, October 20 (7).
Sergiy Savvait, Venerable Martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Sergius Sinaisky, Venerable Martyr, January 27 (14).
Sergiy Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk, June 1 (May 19).
Sergius of Valaam, Rev. Wonderworker, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, distributed Orthodox faith in Karelia, July 11 (June 28), September 24 (11). The monastic brotherhood gathered by him became a beacon of Orthodoxy in this wild land. The indigenous inhabitants - the Karelians - began to again trust Christianity, the authority of which was undermined in the 13th century by the Swedes, who instilled Catholicism with fire and sword.


If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer.
They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


Little Seryozha perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. He studies well at school, conscientiously fulfills all assignments, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, he takes care of everything. He loves music and cinema very much, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Sergei does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Sergei is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

Sergei is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such imagination, Sergei can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergei cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. He may have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to advance interesting idea, and, what is especially valuable, to bring it to life, then the career of a manager at all levels. In any case, Sergey knows his business perfectly.

Sex for Sergei is an obsession. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Sergei does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities how Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Sergei is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Sergei helps with household chores. He is not picky when it comes to food; he eats whatever he gives him. It happens that he is addicted to alcohol, but gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

For Sergei, marriage with Valentina, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Dina, Elizaveta, Irina, Lyubov, Nina, Rimma, Tatyana will be successful.

Surname: Sergeevich, Sergeevna.


Venerable Sergius Radonezh (1313-1391).

The Monk Sergius, in the world Bartholomew, the son of the Rostov boyar Kirill, who moved to Radonezh, was born in 1313. After the death of his parents, 10 versts from Radonezh, he laid the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, glorious in the history of Russia. The fame of the holiness of Sergius's life attracted disciples to him, who almost by force forced him in 1354 to accept the rank of presbyter and the title of abbot of the monastery. With the blessing of Saint Metropolitan Alexy Sergius introduced a hostel in his monastery. Saint Alexy used the advice of the Monk and wanted to see him as his successor; Grand Duke Dmitry visited him more than once, was inspired and blessed by Sergius for the war with the Tatars; He reconciled other princes with each other and with the Grand Duke. During his lifetime, Sergius became famous for his gift of miracles and foresight.

He was a man of exceptional moral purity and warmth. A penetrating mind was combined in him with infantile simplicity. “Meek in soul, firm in faith, humble in mind,” his contemporaries said about him. We admired his unselfishness, integrity of character, loyalty to his ideals, and devotion to his calling in life. Sergius amazed everyone with his quietness, his readiness to act not with violence, but with conviction, with his conversations “about the benefits of the soul and about peace and love.” Stories about how he befriended a bear, tamed it and shared a crust of bread with it add another endearing feature to his human appearance.

The main source for reconstructing the life path and teachings of Sergius of Radonezh is his “Life”, written in 1417-1418 by the disciple of the Monk Epiphanius the Wise. The life tells us that the Psalms of David were always on his lips. Sergius spoke in allegories and parables. He responded to every event in his life in a poetic way and thereby touched the cherished strings of the human heart.

The life speaks of the visions of Sergius. One day, when he was praying in his cell, fixing his gaze on the icon of the Mother of God, she appeared to him herself. Sergius fell to his knees in front of her, and his student, blinded by the light, lost consciousness. Sergius's vision of birds is especially poetic. In the darkness of the night, through the window of his cell, he saw a tree in a dazzlingly bright light and on its branches there were many birds. In his life, this vision is interpreted as a prophecy about his many disciples.

Life path Sergius of Radonezh is amazing: he fled from the society of people - and as a result became its spiritual leader; he never took up a sword - but his one word on the scales of victory was worth hundreds of swords. The extraordinary attractiveness of Sergius’s personality can be explained simply: he was a man who steadily, to the end, fulfilled his Christian and monastic duty. “In the name of St. Sergius,” wrote the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, “the people remember their moral revival...”

The name Sergei has quite ancient history, however, today it ranks 4th in the ranking of the most popular names in countries former USSR. It appeared in Rus' with the advent of Christianity, at first it was used exclusively by the clergy, but then became widespread among the nobles. At the beginning of the 20th century male name became popular among all classes, but after October Revolution has ceased to be in demand. Interest in the name returned in the post-war years. According to statistics, in 1950-1959. Every second boy was called Sergei.

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The sound of the name Sergei is a little sharp, impetuous, rude and fast. That is why the owner’s character surprisingly combines steadfastness and uncertainty, hardness and softness, balance and unpredictability. A contradictory nature allows a man to become multifaceted and interesting personality, reach great success in life.

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    Patrons and talismans

    The owners of the name have several patron saints:

    • Venerable Sergius;
    • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh;
    • Sergius of Rome;
    • Martyr Sergius of Valaam;
    • Venerable Sergius of Sinai.

    Magical talismans and symbols include:

    Meaning and origin of the name

    The name Sergei has several versions of origin. According to the most common and generally accepted one, it is a derivative form of the name of an ancient Roman patrician family. The Sergii were descendants of the Trojans and lived from the 5th century. BC – II century AD (further information about them is not available). The family name comes from Lat. “Sergius”, which translates into Russian as “noble, tall.” In accordance with this interpretation, the meaning of the name Sergei is “venerable, highly respected, clear.”

    According to another version, Sergei is a derivative of the obsolete name Sergius, which has Latin roots and comes from the phrase “servi dei” (translated into Russian as “servant of God”). The meaning of the name in this case is interpreted as “servant” (from the Latin word “servus”).

    The most common forms of the name: Seryozha, Serezhenka, Seryoga, Serenya, Sergusya, Sergusha, Sergulya, Sergeyka, Gray, Gunya, Gusya, Gusha. Synonyms include: Sergiush, Sergius, Serge, Sergio, Sergi, Sergi. Church version: Sergius.

    The main patron of all Sergei is considered to be the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who lived in the 14th century. In those difficult times, Rus' was under oppression Tatar yoke, so the enslaved people felt humiliated and powerless. St. Sergius became a salvation for depressed people, strengthened their strength and faith, and took up moral education. By his example, he showed that we need to treat each other with love and avoid hostility and violence.

    The saint founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where he became abbot and preached the word of God. The fame of the miracles he performed attracted many disciples, who later became followers of the monk. After his death, Sergius was canonized as the Wonderworker of All Rus'.

    Sergei's birthday:

    • January 15, 27;
    • March 5;
    • April 5, 25;
    • July 11,18;
    • August 25;
    • September 24;
    • November 29;
    • December 11.


    The energy of the name rewards the boy with openness, unpredictability and hypersensitivity. Parents need to remember that a child named Sergey needs support and help like no other.

    Among the outstanding men who glorified given name: poet Yesenin, writers Aksakov and Lukyanenko, Soviet scientist Korolev, composers Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, actors Bondarchuk, Bezrukov, Filippov, Zhigunov, Shakurov, film directors Mikhalkov, Eisenstein, singers Lazarev, Penkin, Krylov, therapist Botkin, track and field athlete Bubka .


    Little Seryozha is an obedient, affectionate and very sensitive child. He is capable of sympathy, empathy, is afraid of inadvertently offending others with a word, and treats people close to him with trepidation and love. The baby loves to dream and fantasize and does not particularly need company and active games with children. Since childhood, he has been reserved and silent, so he has difficulty establishing contacts with peers. The owner of the name rarely shows his feelings, preferring to express emotions not with words, but with actions.

    Seryozha is easy to offend, but self-control allows him to hide his worries behind a mask of optimism and cheerfulness. Sometimes a boy experiences changes in activity, so parents need to calmly perceive changes in the child’s behavior: unbridled fun and sudden hysteria are a common situation. Lack of confidence in himself and his abilities makes him timid and shy, so the owner of the name usually does not have many friends.

    The boy studies well at school, thanks to his excellent memory and analytical thinking. As a responsible and reasonable child, he always keeps his word, so teachers often entrust Serezha with serious assignments. He often becomes a prefect and participates in the social life of the school. Despite the fact that the owner of the name does not like to study, his sense of duty does not allow him to be among the lagging students. Seryozha is often “good” and “excellent” students.


    In his youth, Sergei retains such qualities as warmth, good nature, and the ability to empathize, but self-doubt makes him more vulnerable. Trying to hide his weakness, the guy shows rudeness, aggression, and persistence. IN adolescence he experiences any failures hard, so he needs the help and support of loved ones, especially his parents. In order to outwardly appear strong and confident, the owner of the name begins to play sports and actively visits the gym.

    Relationships with others are hampered by his touchiness, unpredictability and emotional coldness. It is easy to hurt Seryozha with a word, but he is not distinguished by vindictiveness, so he will never take revenge on the offender. His commitment, independence and awareness of the need to study for future career help to enroll in prestigious university, get good education. At the university, the holder of the name, as at school, becomes the head of the group, combines work with study in order to quickly gain financial independence.

    When communicating with the opposite sex, he can be either shy and timid, or promiscuous (the strategy of behavior depends on which girl interests him). Sergei likes it when people talk about him, so he strives to attract attention to himself. The guy does this with difficulty and not at all as he would like: usually the owner of the name is known because he has shown himself negatively in some way.

    Adult life

    Adult Sergei has unique feature find the right way out of the most dead-end situations. He stoically endures the blows of fate, does not lose heart, and remains optimistic. The path of life goes smoothly, only occasionally there are bright ups. The man lacks new emotions and impressions, sometimes he is depressed by the routine and predictability of further events, but overall he feels comfortable.

    Fate consists of very good and very bad deeds of the owner of the name, who behaves unpredictably in different situations. Good nature and complaisance are replaced by steadfastness and stubbornness if a man feels pressure on himself. Paradoxically, at the same time with such strength of character, he is very susceptible to the influence of others and is capable of marrying an unloved but persistent woman. Sergei's vulnerability makes him sensitive and touchy, but he prefers to experience failures alone.

    The owner of the name is a faithful and devoted friend who will always come to the rescue in difficult times. He loves cheerful feasts, women, often knows no limits in pleasure and abuses alcohol. His behavior does not fit into the social framework of morality and ethics, since Sergei lacks the brilliance and shockingness that he constantly strives for.

    Character traits

    By temperament type, Sergei is melancholic. He has an unstable psyche, so he suffers from sudden mood swings: a man’s sociability and openness are instantly replaced by isolation and silence. He loves to have fun and live for his own pleasure, so from the outside he looks careless and superficial. In fact, the owner of the name is a hypersensitive person, with a subtle mental organization and a deep inner world.

    Traditional ethical and moral norms infringe on Sergei's creative nature, so he strives to go beyond the boundaries in order to feel freedom. Well-developed intuition allows you to find a way out of difficult situations and accept right decisions. Pragmatism, determination and fortitude are qualities that help a guy achieve his plans. Among Sergei's favorite hobbies are theater, cinema, music, and sports.

    The formation of character is influenced by the time of year when the owner of the name was born:

    Time of year


    Winter Sergei prefers to hide his emotions from others, and is outwardly cold and reserved. Purposefulness and prudence allow him to build a dizzying career. Problems in personal life arise due to the jealous nature of a man

    A man born in spring strives to live in harmony with himself and the world around him, but is distinguished by inconstancy and frivolity. His cheerful disposition, emotionality and openness attract the opposite sex, but soon the girls become disappointed in Sergei because of his frivolity and instability

    Letniy Sergei is a constrained, reserved, insecure man who lives in captivity of prejudice. A biased view of the world does not allow the owner of the name to follow the call of his heart and make decisions in accordance with his capabilities. TO positive traits can be attributed to flexibility and amenability. Sergey will be happy in marriage with an affectionate and tender chosen one

    The autumn owner of the name is distinguished by practicality and prudence. When making decisions, he is guided only by common sense and is not led by emotions. In the eyes of the opposite sex, the guy looks dry and callous, which prevents him from building a harmonious relationship with the girl he likes


    Sergei, who had poor health as a child, turns into a strong man with age. Since the owner of the name is prone to deep feelings and is subject to stress, he periodically has problems with nervous system which lead to depression, nervous breakdowns And mental disorders. A man needs to learn to give vent to emotions, not to overwork, and avoid stressful situations. Weaknesses– lungs, bronchi, genitourinary system, in adulthood – teeth and vision.

    Since Sergei does not deny himself pleasures and entertainment, his love of alcohol sometimes leads to alcoholism. The owner of the name should learn to know when to stop and fight bad habits through healthy image life, sports or new hobbies.

    Love and marriage

    In the eyes of women, Sergei strives to look like a strong, courageous, noble man, and therefore enjoys success with the opposite sex. The appearance of the chosen one does not play any role for the guy: he is looking for a girl who will be spiritually and intellectually developed and will share his creative views on life. The owner of the name is jealous and sometimes stingy with emotions, so a woman needs to learn to accept and understand the peculiarities of his dual nature.

    Sergei will marry a feminine, flexible and gentle girl who will give up her career in favor of her family. Usually the owner of the name has several marriages.

    Best compatibility in love and family relationships with Irina, Polina, Varvara, Veronica, Alesya, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Victoria, Christina, Olga, Marina, Svetlana, Elena, Anna, Nadezhda, Evgenia. Lack of mutual understanding with Tatyana, Alina, Taisiya, Maria, Valeria, Yana.


    If the owner of the name marries for love, he will do everything so that his family feels protected and does not need anything. Sergey is an ideal family man who will walk with the children and help his wife with the housework. Innate diplomacy and sociability allow him to establish contact with his wife’s relatives. The owner of the name will not pretend to be a leader, but will reserve the right to resolve important issues.

    Despite a number of positive characteristics, family life with Sergei does not promise to be easy, since the man is very jealous and touchy. If the feelings between the spouses fade away, he is capable of cheating, but will not decide to divorce if there are children in the family. If the relationship does end in separation, the owner of the name will not throw hysterics or blame ex-lover and spread gossip about her.


    Sex and love for Sergei are inseparable concepts. His sexual desires directly depend on the feelings he has towards his partner, as well as on her response. The owner of the name does not feel attracted to a cold and reserved woman, while he will give an unforgettable experience to a passionate and tender chosen one. In bed, Sergei does not like excesses. He gives himself over to feelings and emotions without reserve, but demands the same from his partner.

    Work, career and business

    Responsibility, commitment, diligence - qualities that help Sergei achieve career heights. Thanks to his diplomacy and ability to smooth out conflicts, he becomes a favorite in any team. The owner of the name is a real generator of ideas, a creative person whose opinion is listened to. He is demanding of himself and those around him, and is not afraid to express his opinion. He prefers the role of a performer, because he likes to be responsible for himself and his actions, and not take responsibility for everyone.

    An important and motivating aspect is decent wages: Sergey is unlikely to work in a low-paid position. He will achieve the best success in creative professions that require flights of thought and imagination:

    • writer;
    • artist;
    • designer;
    • advertiser;
    • singer;
    • musician;
    • journalist;
    • politician;
    • actor;
    • publisher;
    • teacher

    The owner of the name can succeed in business, but only on condition that he learns to defend his point of view and resist the attacks of competitors.

    Horoscope for Sergei

    Belonging to one or another zodiac constellation influences the formation of character and future fate person. A horoscope for Sergei will help you create a more detailed psychological portrait.

    Zodiac sign


    This is a vain and unbalanced man who does not know how to compromise. Relationships with others are spoiled by his sudden mood swings. Sergei strives for dominance and power, achieves career heights thanks to assertiveness, strength, aggression and cunning, believing that the end justifies the means. His chosen one will be a calm, flexible and devoted woman who will not claim leadership in the family

    Sergei-Taurus is an impressionable, confident, friendly guy who strives to make a positive impression on others. He looks calm and peaceful, but can be scary when angry. He takes his work responsibly, seriously, knows how to earn money, and succeeds in his career and business. A man is a devoted and loving spouse who becomes pliable and compliant with close people


    Sergei-Gemini is a sociable, artistic person who strives to live in harmony with himself. A man wants to be the center of attention, so he often plays to the public. Despite his apparent openness and sincerity, he does not allow strangers into his inner world, so the owner of the name has few friends. Sociability allows the owner of the name to make influential acquaintances and succeed in his career. In love, Sergei is a real ladies' man and conqueror of women's hearts

    This is a sentimental, gullible, melancholic person who likes to be sad about the past and does not make plans for the future. A man cannot stand criticism, takes everything to heart, is vulnerable and touchy, and therefore needs the support and help of loved ones. Sergey knows how to save and preserve capital, and treats his work responsibly and conscientiously. Uses women for self-affirmation, unstable in relationships

    Sergey-Lev is a loving, freedom-loving and spontaneous person. A man strives for leadership and power in everything, loves to be the center of attention. As a boss he shows generosity, and as an employee he is efficient and disciplined. The desire for luxury forces a guy to get into debt and live beyond his means. He is very jealous in love, demands the submission of his partner, but is easily controlled with flattery and praise.

    This is a tactful, reasonable, cautious man who does not tolerate chaos and disorder. He plans his every step and action, knows exactly what he will do tomorrow and in a year. Sergei avoids attention to himself, does not like publicity, but always monitors the lives of those around him. Disadvantages include talkativeness and excessive criticality. A man carefully chooses his chosen one and may remain single if he does not meet his ideal

    Sergei-Libra is a peace-loving, calm, good-natured man who does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. He avoids conflicts, strives for harmony, is impractical and excessively dreamy. Fear of taking responsibility and lack of leadership abilities do not allow you to build a dizzying career. The chosen one of the owner of the name will be a wise, intelligent and well-mannered woman who can turn a blind eye to her husband’s infidelities


    This is a narcissistic, vain and ambitious person who is ready to do any tricks and meanness to achieve his goal. He craves fame, admiration and recognition, is often guided by momentary desires, is not afraid of scandals and does not value his own reputation. The life of Sergei-Scorpio is a series of ups and downs. It's not easy to get along with him, so he a woman will do who knows how to make compromises

    This is a sociable, open, charming man who hates boredom and monotony. He loves noisy companies, parties, travel, and strives for new emotions and impressions. Straightforwardness harms relationships with others, but you should not be offended by Sergei for this shortcoming, because he has no cunning and deceit, he is not capable of betrayal and meanness. The wife of the owner of the name will have to come to terms with the frequent absence of her husband and the fact that there will always be many guests in their house

    Sergei-Capricorn is a pragmatic, purposeful, persistent person. He slowly but surely carries out his plans and throws all his strength and energy into his work and career. Success and recognition usually come to a man after 40 years of age. Due to emotional coldness, it is difficult for Sergei to build long-term relationships with the opposite sex. He is not a romantic, but a reliable and faithful life partner

    This is an unpredictable and extravagant man who loves to shock others with his thoughts and actions. He wants his individuality to be appreciated and dreams of fame and recognition. He approaches his work with complete dedication, but does not tolerate restrictions and conventions. Friends appreciate Sergei for his wit and irony. He will be happy with a woman who will respect his individuality and will not strive to make his partner his own.

    Sergei-Pisces is a man with a fine mental organization, sensitive and vulnerable, living in a world of his own illusions. He does not know how to withstand the blows of fate, often falls into melancholy, does not accept criticism and withdraws into himself for a long time. In order not to be disappointed in the surrounding reality, the guy prefers to run away from reality and not see it, which leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, sectarianism, etc. His chosen one will be a self-confident, self-confident woman. strong woman, which will become support and support for her husband.