On a raft on a taiga river, emphasize the particles. Working programm


    Control dictation on the topic “Repetition of what has been learned in grades 5 and 6”

I live on the shore of a beautiful lake. Ancient rocks here rise steeply above the clear water, and from above, from these rocks, stocky, squat pine trees peer into the depths.

In the spring, when the ice turns blue, wide flocks of geese stretch north over the lake. The birds flap their wings heavily and tiredly and sometimes stop on a narrow island. All night then the restless voices of large and cautious birds are heard around.

As soon as the ice swells, crumbles, and wide tongues of spring water protrude onto the shore, pikes head from the cold lake depths to the shore. They come to the flooded swamps to sweep away the IR RU and with slow splashes of their wide tails they talk about the fact that spring has also begun on the lake.

And then, when the last gray ice floes melt in the deep forest bays, I climb to the highest rock so that after a long northern winter I can say hello to other lakes and congratulate them on the coming spring.

(135 words) (According to A. Onegov)

    Test work on the topics “Repetition of what was studied in grades 5 and 6”, “Texts and styles” (page 30 textbook, exercise 70, test 6);

    Test presentation using participles (page 52 textbook, exercise 116);

    Control selective presentation with a description of a person’s appearance (page 65 textbook, exercise 151);

    Dictation on the topic “Communion. Participial"

The time of wizards has passed. In all likelihood, they will never And it really wasn't. It’s just that some magicians knew how to deceive all sorts of onlookers so cleverly that these magicians were mistaken for sorcerers and wizards.

There was such a doctor. His name was Gaspar Arneri. A naive person, a fairground reveler, a dropout student could also mistake him for a wizard. In fact, this doctor did such amazing things that they really looked like miracles. Of course, he had nothing in common with wizards and charlatans who fooled too gullible people.

Dr. Gaspar Arneri was a scientist. Perhaps he studied about a hundred sciences. In any case, there was no one in the land of the wiser and learned Gaspar Arneri. Everyone knew about his learning: the miller, the soldier, the ladies, and the ministers.

One day in June, the doctor decided to go on a long walk to collect some types of herbs and beetles. It was a wonderful day: the sun was shining, a light breeze was fluttering like an airy ballgown.

The Palace of the Three Fat Men stood in the middle of a huge park. The park was surrounded by deep canals. Black iron bridges hung over the canals. The bridges were guarded by palace guards - guardsmen in black oilskin hats decorated with yellow feathers. Around the park, up to the very sky, there were meadows covered with flowers, groves and ponds.

(189 words) (According to Yu. Olesha)

    An essay describing a person’s appearance using participles (page 73 textbook, exercise 167);

    Control dictation on the topic “Communion. Spelling participles"


In Crimea and the Caucasus, proud and majestic cypress trees grow near the sea. If you cut into its trunk, you can see wide succulent rings, witnesses to the free life of the tree from year to year. The reddish wound will give off a tart smell. In it you can also feel the slight smell of sand pouring morning sun, and the warm aroma of tanned sailors who slept through the starry night on open cypress decks. This tree can remind a knowledgeable person of many things.

And here in Russia in the forest you can find a distant relative of the southern beauty - juniper. This is a simple northern shrub covered with smoky blue berries. It is unprepossessing in appearance; its short, prickly needles do not at all resemble the soft festive cypress needles. But ordinary people this shrub evokes the warmest attention. Housewives wash tubs with juniper sponges before salting mushrooms in them. Local residents smoke meat and fish using juniper smoke. Siberian women wash themselves with juniper infusion.

Unlike its pampered southern relative, juniper climbs far to the north, growing near eternal snow. And the thinnest annual rings speak of the many years of courage of this modest shrub.

(164 words) (According to Yu. Kuraev)

    An essay based on the painting “Goalkeeper” by S. Grigoriev (page 88 textbook, exercise 208);

    Control dictation on the topic “Communications”

Happening V Antarctica

One day, the polar explorers of Mirny received a radiogram that the single-engine plane of the Belgian Antarctic expedition had not returned to base. This is what pilot Viktor Mikhailovich Perov wrote in his report on the rescue of the Belgians.

The weather was extremely bad. There was a snowstorm, the wind reached forty meters per second. Only in the morning was it possible to begin a systematic search.

The peaks of the Crystal Mountains, huge, sparkling white, appeared from afar. Unfortunately, we did not have time to indulge in poetry while contemplating the beauty of lifeless, majestic nature.

Following along the main ridge, we noticed a red dot in the blue of the glacier, which turned out to be an airplane lying on the right wing. From a note found in the cockpit, it became clear that the Belgians should be looked for between the base warehouse and the Crystal Mountains.

Returning to the plane, we took this course, but, despite a careful inspection of the area, we could not find anyone. We returned and after refueling, refusing lunch, we took off again. But this intense flight also turned out to be useless. We returned to the base, where the winterers, dejected with grief, were waiting for us. (151 words) (according to V. Kaverin)

    Dictation on the topic “Adverb”

We move slowly across the forest river. I’m a little scared, since I don’t see anything, not even water, but I still don’t show my fear in any way. Finally we come out onto an elastic sandy shore, not far from a small clearing. Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat. Fog rose from the ground. Against its gray background, the nearest pine trees loom vaguely. There is something stern in their stillness amid the undisturbed silence. I don't know how much time passes.

Suddenly my ears are struck by strange sounds, so that I involuntarily flinch in surprise. What could it be? I can’t determine in any way what these sounds are, or where they are coming from: right, left, behind, in front. They are in a hurry, as if echoing each other, And the forest immediately responds to them with a ringing and clear sound.

“These flocks of cranes have begun their morning roll call,” my companion tells me in a whisper.

It's quiet. Everything again plunges into undisturbed silence.

    Test essay on the painting by E.N. Shirokova “Friends” (page 112 textbook, exercise 273);

    Control dictation on the topic “Adverb. Spelling adverbs"

The Mystery of Ball Lightning

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. Scientists have had less luck with ball lightning. Its origin is still unclear. Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But she can disappear quietly, throwing out sparks.

Ball lightning has long attracted attention due to the unusual nature of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

    Final test on the topics “Adverbs”, “Adverbs”, “State Category” (see test 20);

    Essay based on A. Saikina’s painting “Children’s sport school"(page 143 textbook, exercise 348);

    Test work on the topic “Preposition” (see test 21);

    An essay-reasoning about a book (page 158 textbook, exercise 384);

    Control dictation on the topics “Preposition”, “Union”

My friends, get into the palace confectionery - It's a very tempting thing. Fat people knew a lot about food. Moreover, the case was exceptional. Grand breakfast! You can imagine what interesting work the palace chefs and pastry chefs were doing today.

Flying into the candy store, the seller felt horror and delight at the same time. This is probably how a wasp is horrified and delighted when it flies onto a cake displayed on the window by a carefree housewife.

He flew for one minute, he didn’t have time to see anything properly. At first it seemed to him that he was in some amazing poultry house, where colorful precious birds were busy singing and whistling, hissing and crackling. southern countries. And the next moment he thought that this was not a poultry house, but a fruit stand, full of tropical fruits, crushed, oozing, drenched own juice. A sweet, dizzying fragrance filled his nose; the heat and stuffiness stole his throat.

(133 words) (Y. Olesha)

    Oral essay based on the painting by K.F. Yuona “End of Winter. Noon" (page 172 textbook, exercise 426);

    Test essay-story on this plot (page 179 textbook, exercise 446);

    Dictation on the topic “Particle”

On a raft on the taiga river

Everything around was silent, even the forest did not make noise, not even the river rustled in the riffle.

The river ran through great, silent, monotonous forests, and from their monotony it seemed that the path would last forever. The next day there were light rains, but that was for the best: the river would come, and you wouldn’t have to leave the raft in ice water on every sandbank.

On the morning of the third day of sailing, a river flowed in on the left, almost the same as the one along which Ostasha sailed.

No rocks, no cliffs - nothing was encountered. Only high steep mountains, barely visible behind a private spruce forest. Between the mountains there is a small flat river, perforated by boulders, like an old towel. And over the river and mountains, small ripples carried flocks of birds. Ostasha threw his head back, looking at the shoals of geese since the day of the taiga gorge. The geese flew away from the autumn, as if traitors were fleeing the battlefield...

Ostasha heard the murmur of another tributary from around the bend. The raft crawled around the bend - and Ostasha saw at the mouth of a small river two boats loaded brown clods ore.

(158 words) (A. Ivanov)

    Final test on the topic “Service parts of speech” (see test 24);

    Final control dictation

From the history of astronomy.

Life in the Nile Valley depended entirely on the river. Predicting the timing of the new Nile flood was extremely important. The priests, determining the water level in the river, noticed that the beginning of the flood coincided with the appearance of a very bright star in the sky - Sirius. It appears in the east just before sunrise. It also turned out that these two events coincide with the third - summer solstice.

The discovery of the Egyptians made it possible to predict the most important phenomenon in their lives based on an astronomical event. They counted the number of days from one Nile flood to another. This is where the creation of calendars began.

The very accurate calendar created by the ancient Egyptians indicates that the priests had a good understanding of the movement of the Sun and stars. At the beginning of the second millennium BC, they divided the firmament into constellations and recorded all the changes that took place in the sky. Astronomical observations were helped by majestic structures - ancient temples, pyramids and even sphinxes. For example, the sides of the pyramids in Luxor turned out to be oriented from west to east so that an observer, looking along the wall, sees the sun rising on the days of the equinoxes. The Sphinx, the guardian of the pyramids, is looking in the same direction.

The first astronomers paid great attention to the registration of both solar and lunar eclipses. Even instructions for an eclipse observer, consisting of twelve points, have been preserved. Thanks to detailed accuracy, Greek science, which adopted a lot from the Egyptians, received enormous material for further understanding and development.

(209 words) (A. Vilnovsky)

    Final test according to the 7th grade program (see test 25);

Test 1. Repetition: phrase, sentence, text; punctuation
Option 2

A1. Which pair of words is a phrase?

□ 1) to you and me

□ 2) trolleybus driver

□ 3) the cloud is black

□ 4) between the lines

A2. Which sentence does not have a circumstance?

□ 1) The ballad genre originated in the Middle Ages in France.

□ 2) Soon the whole district learned about the incident.

□ 3) Journalistic works talk about modern problems.

□ 4) And only sometimes the cry of an eagle reaches us from above.


□ 1) The scientist loved his homeland and wanted to save it from drought.

□ 2) Was it before that, my dear!

□ 3) In summer everything is beautiful in the taiga: clean air, a variety of flowers and berries.

□ 4) Stepan Paramonovich answers: “And my name is Stepan Kalashnikov.”

A4. Which sentence requires only one comma?

□ 1) The basketball player instantly found himself at the basket and threw the ball.

□ 2) The trees gradually emerged from the darkness and suddenly a strong fresh wind passed along their tops.

□ 3) At night the temperature dropped and a thin ice crust formed on the sidewalks.

□ 4) The earth seemed to tremble in fear of the wrath of heaven.

IN 1.

(1) The singing of epics in ancient times was accompanied by playing the harp. (2) Gusli is the most suitable instrument for playing along with words. (3) The measured sounds of the harp did not drown out the singing and were conducive to the perception of the epic.

C1. Prove that sentences (1) - (3) (see task B1) make up the text. (The answer must be complete.)

Test 2. Repetition: Vocabulary. Phraseology. A culture of speech
Option 1

A1. Which phrase contains the word in figurative meaning?

□ 2) wooden spoon

□ 3) mad rush

□ 4) copper coin

A2. Which sentence has antonyms?

□ 1) There were no fresh newspapers at the kiosk, only yesterday’s ones.

□ 2) The second term must be added to the first term.

□ 3) You can open the lock with a key, and you can drink water from the key.

□ 4) There is no need to waste time on empty, useless conversations.

A3. In which sentence does the phraseological unit appear?

□ 1) An experienced climber easily overcame a difficult climb.

□ 2) The snake stuck out its long tongue.

□ 3) She stood in front of the magician full bowl water.

□ 4) How did he manage to trick me around his finger?!

A4. In which sentence should the word EFFECTIVE be used instead of the word EFFECTIVE?

□ 1) A spectacular girl introduced the audience to the weather forecast.

□ 2) With the final chord, the ballerina froze in a spectacular pose.

□ 3) For effective operation of the workshop, it is necessary to debug all mechanisms.

□ 4) Spectacular overalls were presented at the workwear exhibition.

IN 1. From this sentence, write out the obsolete word (archaism).

He lowered his dark eyes into the ground and lowered his little head onto his broad chest.

C1. Write for what purpose they are used in literary speech outdated words. Give examples.

Test 6. Generalization of repetition. Text
Option 1

A1. In which word are all consonants soft?

□ 4) part

A2. In which row in both words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

□ 1) blossom, settle..flow

□ 2) r..sti, pr..sti

□ 3) lay out, print

□ 4) m..lyar, general..ral

A3. In which row is the same letter missing in both words?

□ 1) and..edit, in..turn

□ 2) c..films, s..play

□ 3) before..anniversary, rush..xia

□ 4) sch..lka, doctor..m

A4. In which row in both cases is the letter I written in place of the gap?

□ 1) cable..net, approx..measured

□ 2) about the previous..m, n..whose

□ 3) pr..abort, run..m

□ 4) training, wrapping up...

A5. Which word is written with a hyphen?

□ 1) (forty)fifth

□ 2) (case) production

□ 3) (some) someone

□ 4) (no) with nothing

A6. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) The roar of the engine was heard, and the car moved sharply.

□ 2) The children impatiently asked: “Grandfather, what happened next?”

□ 3) In our forests, perhaps, there is no tree more powerful and beautiful than an oak.

□ 4) Andrey collected his textbooks and notebooks and went to school.

(1) In the drama "Boris Godunov" Pushkin turns to a historical theme, shows the tsar and the patriarch, the nobility and the people. (2) Tsar Boris is an intelligent and far-sighted ruler who pushed aside the more noble boyars and seized the throne. (3) So Boris showed the way to the throne to other political ambitious people. (4) If one person of dark origin became a king, then why can’t another, even a simple monk, do this. (5) Such thoughts cannot but arise.

IN 1. Write the number of the sentence in which the predicate is expressed by a noun.

AT 2. From sentence (2), write down the adjective in the comparative form.

AT 3. From sentence (3), write down the word(s) formed by addition.

AT 4. From sentence (4), write down the word used in a figurative meaning.

C1. Write which works of A. S. Pushkin on a historical topic are known to you. Tell us about one of the heroes of these works.

Test 7. Participle as a part of speech. Declension of participles
Option 1

A1. Which word is a participle?

□ 1) detailed

□ 2) drowning

□ 3) mighty

□ 4) green

A2. Indicate the perfect participle.

□ 1) twirled

□ 2) helped

□ 3) influenced

□ 4) ripe


□ 1) about the snow that fell..

□ 2) about the hidden mouse..

□ 3) about the galloping horse..

□ 4) with a beating heart..m

A4. In which phrase is the participle a dependent word?

□ 1) harvested

□ 2) escaped milk

□ 3) looking out the window

□ 4) reading the text

IN 1. Write out the participle(s) from this sentence.

The wavering flight of a butterfly over a fresh green meadow is one of the most beautiful sights.

C1. Write what features make the participle similar to the adjective. (The answer must be complete.)

Test 8. Active and passive participles. Participial
Option 2

A1. Specify passive participle.

□ 1) tonsure

□ 2) designated

□ 3) abandoned

□ 4) popped out


□ 1) arrived

□ 2) givenA

□ 3) calmer

□ 4) created

A3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

On all sides rise inaccessible cliffs (1) hung with green ivy (2) yellow cliffs (3) streaked with gullies (4) and below Aragva stretches like a silver thread.

□ 1) 1, 2, 3, 4

A4. Provide the correct explanation for the use of commas or their absence in this sentence.

Dry leaves, caught in the wind (?), were fluttering in the air (?).

□ 1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, commas are needed.

□ 2) The participial phrase comes before the word being defined; commas are not needed.

□ 3) Sentence with participial phrase, commas are needed.

□ 4) Sentence with participial phrase, commas are not needed.

IN 1. Write out a short passive participle (short passive participles) from this sentence.

Christmas decorations made from walnuts, covered with shiny foil.

C1. Describe one of your friends using participles.

Test 12. Generalization of the topic "Communion"
Option 1

A1. In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

□ 1) with the departed train, who hung up photographs

□ 2) about the tense situation, having an argument with a friend

□ 3) about spilled milk, burnt area

□ 4) happy belated holiday, rolled out ball

A2. In which row in both participles is the letter A (Z) written at the place of the gap?

□ 1) looking...skinny, wrinkled

□ 2) saying goodbye, puzzled..

□ 3) creeping, spent

□ 4) adhesive, scattered

A3. In which row in both participles is the letter E written in place of the gap?

□ 1) exhibited..my, perhaps..on

□ 2) dependent, considered...us

□ 3) controlled..my, completed..on

□ 4) movable, mounted

A4. In which row in both participles is one letter N written at the place of the gap?

□ 2) baked vegetables, filled with joy

□ 3) enlightened... society, unexpected... meeting

□ 4) paved with cobblestones, the children are confused

A5. In what example is NOT written together with the participle?

□ 1) (Not) working, but a broken phone.

□ 2) The dishes are (not) put away in the cupboard.

□ 3) (Not) fed on time.

□ 4) (Un)finished story.

A6. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) The traveler takes out all the frustration accumulated during a boring ride on the caretaker.

□ 2) What is the artistic meaning of the pictures on the walls of the “humble but neat monastery”, depicting the story of prodigal son?

□ 3) Since childhood, the noble voice of Lermontov has echoed in our hearts, awakening courage, affirming feelings of duty and honor.

□ 4) D. S. Merezhkovsky compared Lermontov’s poems with “prayers memorized from childhood.”

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B4 and C1.

(1) A lobe-finned coelocanthus fish, a species thought to have gone extinct about 80 million years ago, was caught off the coast of one of the Indonesian provinces. (2) The fisherman and his son kept the caught fish at home for an hour, and then released the coelocanthus into a section of the sea fenced with a net. (3) The coelocanth caught by Indonesian fishermen was 131 centimeters long and weighed 51 kilograms.

IN 1. Write how the predicate in sentence (1) is expressed.

AT 2. From sentence (1), write down the active past participle. Indicate its type.

AT 3. Write which participles are found in sentence (2).

AT 4. Extract from sentence (3) participial.

C1. Tell us why you see the importance of animal protection.

Test 14. Participle
Option 2

A1. Which word is a gerund?

□ 1) dependent

□ 2) chatting

□ 3) touching

□ 4) printed

A2. Indicate the participle of the imperfect vila.

□ 1) surging

□ 2) melted

□ 3) conjuring

□ 4) lit up

A3. From what word cannot a perfective participle be formed?

□ 1) be late

□ 2) play

□ 3) get off

□ 4) help

A4. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) Hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and fixing their eyes on the grass.

□ 2) All the music that filled the day died down and was replaced by another.

□ 3) Prepare expressive reading“Songs...”, taking into account the connection with oral folk art, highlighting the characters’ characters, their speech, their actions.

□ 4) Making their way between the reeds, they stopped in front of piled brushwood.

IN 1. Write out the gerunds from this sentence.

Reading and rereading Lermontov, imbued with the heroic, active spirit of his poetry, admiring its unique lyrical content, we think of him as alive.

C1. Write why you like the poems of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Test 16.Adverb. Spelling NOT and NOR with adverbs
Option 2

A1. Which word is a demonstrative adverb?

□ 1) nowhere

□ 2) then

□ 4) why

A2. Which example contains an adverb in the comparative degree?

□ 1) What could be more valuable than friendship?

□ 2) This autumn turned out to be more generous with mushrooms than the previous one.

□ 4) The cheetah runs the fastest of all animals.

A3. What adverb is written with NOT together?

□ 1) (not) wide

□ 2) (not) very

□ 3) (not) high, but low

□ 4) not at all (not) soon

A4. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NOT is written?

(1)where and (2)with whom (3)could he find common language, (4) where could one get away from (5) a reconcilable character.

□ 2) 1, 2, 4, 5

IN 1. Write out the adverb from this sentence.

Sing louder, my guitar, talk to me!

C1. Describe, using adverbs, the actions of the skaters.

A1. Which example contains a state category word?

□ 1) The face darkens from tanning.

□ 2) The athlete ran the last meters of the distance hard.

□ 3) If you do something, do it well.

□ 4) It smells like apple and honey.

A2. Which word can be both a personal verb and a state category word?

□ 1) it’s getting dark

□ 2) breaks

□ 3) chills

□ 4) breathes

A3. In which example is the highlighted word a state category?

□ 1) Am I clear?

□ 2) The sky is CLEAR after the rain.

□ 3) Everything became CLEAR to me.

□ 4) Grandfather CLEARLY explained to me what I did not understand before.

A4. Which of the following parts of speech is considered unchangeable?

□ 1) numeral

□ 2) pronoun

□ 4) participle

IN 1. Indicate how the predicate(s) in this sentence are expressed.

I'm sad because you're having fun.

C1. Describe the state of nature using state category words.

Test 20. Final test on the topics “Adverbial Participle”, “Adverb”, “State Category”
Option 1

A1. Which word is NOT written separately?

□ 1) (not) listening

□ 2) (not) well

□ 3) (not) neatly

□ 4) (not) little

A2. In which word are two letters N (NN) written in place of the gap?

□ 1) The sea is agitated by the storm.

□ 2) The art master carved the figurine.

□ 3) The doctor carefully examined the patient.

□ 4) The teacher called another, and I sighed with relief.

A3. In which adverb is the letter A written in place of the gap?

□ 1) early..

□ 2) exhausted..

□ 3) obliquely..

□ 4) left..

A4. Which adverb is written together?

□ 1) (very) well done

□ 2) (in) instant

□ 3) (somewhere) then

□ 4) (c)on the fly

A5. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) The sun rises above a cloudless horizon and makes its daily journey, never meeting clouds.

□ 2) All the way Petya was preparing for how he would behave with Denisov, without hinting at a previous acquaintance.

□ 3) I shuddered in surprise, spilling the milk.

□ 4) Not worrying about anything, not caring about the chases sent out, the culprit of all this mess slowly approached the old house.

A6. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

□ 1) rusty

□ 2) never

□ 3) scooped

□ 4) two by two

(1) There was no longer a strong smell in the air; dampness seemed to be spreading in it again... (2) The boys’ conversation gradually faded away along with the lights. (3) The dogs were even dozing, the horses, as far as I could discern in the slightly faltering, weakly pouring light of the stars, were also lying with their heads drooping...

IN 1. From sentence (1) write down the word category of state.

AT 2. Write out the adverb from sentence (2).

AT 3.

C1. Write what role does the description of nature play in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow”.

Test 21. Preposition
Option 1


□ 1) He continued on his way, despite being tired.

□ 2) It’s bad when you have no one to talk to.

□ 3) The house opposite was built ten years ago.

□ 4) The stop is near the school.


□ 1) within

□ 2) due to

□ 3) instead


□ 1) called (c) for half an hour

□ 2) move (toward) the wind

□ 3) found out about the test

□ 4) will perform (in) my place


□ 1) met upon arrival

□ 2) thanks to care

□ 3) according to schedule

□ 4) pay for the ticket

IN 1.

Despite the failure that befell our team in a series of matches, the goal still remains achievable.

C1. Write about the importance of prepositions in speech.

Test 21. Preposition
Option 2

A1. Which sentence does not have a preposition?

□ 1) The door opened in front of me.

□ 2) Forward, towards new adventures!

□ 3) Dispatchers work according to schedule.

□ 4) It’s good to have a friend nearby.

A2. Which preposition is non-derivative?

□ 1) through

□ 2) in connection

□ 3) due to

□ 4) behind

A3. Provide an example separate writing pretext.

□ 1) canceled due to frost

□ 2) I’ll come (in) the week

□ 3) overtook (despite) the ban

□ 4) an object (like) a flying saucer

A4. In what example are speech norms violated?

□ 1) tablets for headaches

□ 2) despite everything

□ 3) came from school

□ 4) confidence in victory

IN 1. Write a derivative preposition from this sentence.

A blizzard is blowing along the street, and my little darling is following the blizzard.

C1. Write about what relationships are expressed by prepositions. Give examples.

Test 24. Final test on the topic "Service parts of speech"
Option 1

A1. Which sentence doesn't have a particle?

□ 1) I barely had time to put on my cloak when it began to snow.

□ 2) There was only one fisherman sitting by the river.

□ 3) You are the one who can help me.

□ 4) How fun it was in the park!

A2. In which example is the highlighted word written together?

□ 1) (WHAT)Would you do without me?

□ 2) I want to learn to play football (SAME) as Arshavin.

□ 3) Hot water there will be no (B) CONSEQUENCE of pipe repairs.

□ 4) The audience gathered in the studio (TO) MEETING with the director of the film.

A3. In which word is the letter E written in place of the gap?

□ 1) at the end of the transfer.

□ 2) found out later..

□ 3) upon arrival.. in the capital

□ 4) Be quiet, don't make a sound!

A4. Which sentence is NOT written together?

□ 1) Do not put your finger in his mouth.

□ 2) There were trousers (not) ironed from the evening lying on the chair.

□ 3) (Not) knowing the ford, (don’t) stick your nose into the water.

□ 4) The (un)learned lessons bothered me.

A5. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) Let’s understand each other perfectly, so that, having made a mistake once, we don’t make a mistake again.

□ 2) Put the question from one sentence to another, if we have a complex sentence in front of us.

□ 3) People began to use a fork about eight centuries ago, and in Russia this cutlery appeared during the time of Peter I.

□ 4) It’s quiet in the sleeping house, and you can only hear a mouse rustling somewhere.

A6. In which example is there no speech error?

□ 1) upon arrival at the hotel

□ 2) find out how to do the task

□ 3) came home from school

□ 4) pay for travel

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B3 and C1.

(1) Until the end of the 18th century, only water engines were used to generate energy. (2) In order for industry to develop, it was necessary to create new, more convenient devices. (3) A talented Russian mechanic - mining master Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov conceived the idea of ​​​​building a machine that would serve regularly in any factory, not depending on the vagaries of nature. (4) Despite the difficulties and obstacles from the authorities, the first steam engine was built by Polzunov.

IN 1. From sentences (1) and (4), write down compound prepositions.

AT 2. From sentence (2) write out the conjunction.

AT 3. From sentence (3), write down the particle(s), indicate its (their) meaning.

C1. Write a short argument about why there is a need for inventions.

Test 25. Final test according to the 7th grade program
Option 1

A1. In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

□ 1) about the missing..expedition..

□ 2) about what happened...recently..long ago

□ 3) on the rising flag..

□ 4) revealed n..wealth

A2. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

□ 1) note..my, highlight..in

□ 2) struck..my, thrown..in

□ 3) hated..my, stopped..at

□ 4) immovable, plumb..in

A3. In which row in both words is the letter A (Z) written in place of the gap?

□ 1) check. but, shame. good

□ 2) hold. shchiy, count. good

□ 3) busy. relaxing, spa ny

□ 4) stel. rubbed on

A4. In which sentence is one letter N written in place of the gap?

□ 1) A train loaded with coal was approaching the station.

□ 2) All paths to the cut..s.

□ 3) He spoke hotly and excitedly..o.

□ 4) The teenagers were cheerful and relaxed..s.

A5. Which sentence is NOT written together with both words?

□ 1) He is dressed (un)appropriately, (not) in our way.

□ 2) When leaving home, (not) leave electrical appliances (not) turned off.

□ 3) He looked (messy) and spoke (not) sincerely.

□ 4) (If you don’t) get big, you (don’t) learn to ride a bike.

A6. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NI is written?

In the halls of the Snow Queen, it seemed to Kai that it was better for him (1) to be (2). He (3) little (4) worried about his fate.

□ 3) 1, 2, 3, 4

A7. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

□ 1) Here came the sound of (KU) KU (IN) FAR AWAY.

□ 2) (B) DUE to severe frosts, classes were canceled, (FOR) SO we could get some sleep.

□ 3) (NOT) DESPITE the fact that it was late, (SOME) WHERE there was a light on in the windows.

□ 4) I (SAME) learned to solve problems (IN) THE SIMILARITY of triangles.

A8. In which word is the letter O written in place of the gap?

□ 1) dry..

□ 2) again..

□ 3) cast

□ 4) watercolor..rel

A9. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

□ 1) playing around

□ 2) full

□ 3) kilometer

□ 4) started

A10. In what example is the speech norm not violated?

□ 1) writing a summary

□ 2) aerosol for moths

□ 3) confidence in victory

A11. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) It was a difficult journey, and people, tired of it, lost heart.

□ 2) Alyosha so unexpectedly threw himself on the cook’s neck that she lost Chernushka from her hands, who, out of fear, flew up onto the roof of the barn and continued cackling there.

□ 3) Darkness filled the room, the fireplace went out and the shadows disappeared, but the dwarves continued to play.

□ 4) The evil stepmother jumped up, broke the mirror on the floor, ran straight through the door and met the princess.

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B6 and C1.

(1) Bunin was an extremely strict critic and at the same time an unusually grateful reader, able to truly experience and analyze what he read. (2) Bunin dreamed of writing about Lermontov, but circumstances prevented him from doing so, however, rereading the collected works of the poet, he became more and more interested in this reading. (3) Ivan Alekseevich recalled Lermontov’s poems, accompanying them with his assessment: (4) “How extraordinary! Neither Pushkin nor anyone else! Amazing, there is no other word.”

IN 1. From sentence (1), write out the passive participle.

AT 2. From sentence (2), write out the adverb and indicate the degree of comparison.

AT 3. In sentence (3), find the participle and indicate its type.

AT 4. From sentence (4) write down the particle(s).

AT 5. Write out the conjunction from sentence (4).

AT 6. Indicate the number of grammatical stems in the sentence (2).

C1. Write which poems by M. Yu. Lermontov you especially like and why. Tell us about your impressions.

Keys to tests

Test materials

In Russian

7th grade

Input control dictation No. 1 on the topic “Repetition”

Vasyutka walked through the taiga, followed the signs on the trees and thought that, probably, every taiga road begins with a rough road. A man will make a notch on one tree, move away a little, hit it again with an ax, then again. Other people will follow him. They will knock off the moss, trample the grass, leave footprints - and you will get a path. The forest paths are narrow and winding, like the wrinkles on grandfather Afanasy’s forehead. Only other paths become overgrown with time. At the very top of the old disheveled spruce Vasyutka saw a nutcracker.
Cones lay on the moss. In some of the holes of the cones, nuts stuck out like bees. But there is no use in trying them. The nutcracker has an amazingly sensitive beak: the bird does not even remove empty nuts from the nest.
Suddenly something clapped in front of Vasyutka. He shuddered in surprise and saw a large black bird. (116 units) (V. Astafiev.)

Grammar task

1. Do parsing proposals. (according to options) .
2. Find complex sentences, highlight grammatical basics.

Control dictation No. 2 on the topic “Communion”

Contemporaries called the opera by M.I. a magical flower that grew on Russian soil. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

When you first listen to the overture of this opera, the ebullient, fast-paced music immediately captivates you. It begins energetically, jubilantly. This is the mood of a holiday in which many people participate.

Then a soft, soulful melody of cellos appears. We will hear it in Ruslan's aria.

Ruslan encounters unexpected obstacles on his way. We learn about the danger from the mysterious, tense harmonies that characterize Chernomor's opera. Then the quiet, mysterious ringing of bells appears. Unusual, some kind of transparent harmonies alternate. The Chernomor Gardens are an enchanted kingdom where everything is frozen and submitted to the power of an evil sorcerer. And again the same prickly melody. The procession of Chernomor, surrounded by a retinue of obedient slaves, continues.

At the end the music sounds with triumphant joy. Chernomor is defeated. The opera glorifies the courage of people who overcame violence and treachery. (120 words.)

Grammar task

Write down 4 words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for their selection.

Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence (according to options) (I option: Courage is glorified in the opera...; II option: Chernomor's procession...)

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic “Communion”

By the sea

PetkaAndThe bears trudged wearily along the deserted seashore, strewn with pebbles polished by the waves. A strange peace emanated from the barely swaying seaAndsilence. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set beyond the horizon, slid along the light waves running onto the shore.
The long steppe road, saturated with the smell of wormwood, stretching to the sea from a distant city, was left behind, and the whole distance aheadAndThe open sea stretched out wide, without boundaries.ANDguysit seemed that they had reached the very edge of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it is the same endless sky, only here and there covered with pale pink clouds.
The boys, tired from the long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds that they had collected for the future fire. (117 words)

Grammar task

Option 1 -Boys, tired...

Option 2 -Their heads hid...

Specify the composition of words:

Option 1 -swaying, soaked

Option 2 -stretching, splashing

Morphological analysis of one participle.

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic “Communications”


In the old park, which begins behind the fence of our house, there is a maple alley. Whirling whimsically, the snow-covered alley rushes out of the city. Bullfinches visit there every day, they are attracted by winter trees, completely strewn with light winged seeds.

The birds sit on the maple trees importantly, calmly, and slowly peck at the golden seeds. And how good they are! The bullfinch's chest is scarlet.

The back is blue, and on the head is a black beret. From time to time, birds dive into the snow, bathing in it. Then, slowly, they walk around the sparkling snow, drawing intricate grooves and cross marks on it.

The name of the bird is given from the word “snow” - “bullfinch”. And it’s not without reason that bullfinches are the first heralds of winter. (According to L. Barkov.) (100 words)

Grammar task

Sort out the proposals by member:

Option 1 -Wriggling whimsically

Option 2 -From time to time the birds dive...

Produce morphological analysis and analysis by word composition:

Option 1 -swimming

Option 2- slowly

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic “Adverb”

The boy wandered through the taiga, almost falling from fatigue. Suddenly the forest parted, revealing the sloping bank of the Yenisei before him. Vasyutka even took his breath away - his native river was so beautiful, so wide. And before she seemed ordinary to him and not very friendly.

Vasyutka woke up with joy, and even became somewhat embarrassed and looked around. But there was no one anywhere, and he began to decide where to go; up or down the Yenisei.

Vasyutka looks up and down the river. The banks stretch towards each other, want to close and get lost in the vastness.

Smoke appeared in the upper reaches of the river. The ship is coming. There's still a long wait for him.

The steamer was getting closer and closer.

The figures of passengers loomed on it. Vasyutka rushed about on the shore. Someone noticed him and waved.

(V. Astafiev.)

Grammar task

1. Underline the adverbs as parts of the sentence.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - 2nd sentence;

Option 2 - 1st sentence.

3. Parse two adverbs as parts of speech.

4. Title the text.

Test dictation No. 6 on the topic “Adverb”


The novice naturalist walked along a ravine overgrown with young forest. It was still fresh in the morning and smelled of leaves and nettles. Log turned left, and a sunlit clearing opened up ahead. The large wood pigeon Vityuten rose heavily from the ground and, flashing
white folds of the wing, disappeared behind the bushes.

Not many people know how to walk in the forest. Usually everyone moves so noisily
that more or less cautious animals and birds manage to either hide,
or run away.

Going into the forest, they run deep into paths and paths. You won't see it anywhere
There are as many interesting prints as there are on the roads. Moving along the road is easier and faster, and most importantly, quieter. It is not for nothing that most often encounters with cautious animals occur on the roads, and not in the cramped wilderness.

Everyone who comes to the forest for its gifts must behave correctly.

Grammar task

Find adverbs, indicate which part of the sentence they are, indicate the studied spellings in them.

Parse two adverbs (to choose from) as parts of speech.

The task is completed according to the following options: Option 1 - the first half of the text, Option 2 - the second.

Test dictation No. 7 on the topic “Preposition.” Union"

The first sailors who saw penguins in Antarctica almost mistook them for a crowd of people dressed in tailcoats and snow-white shirtfronts!

Scientists specially came to harsh Antarctica to learn more about these unusual birds.

Penguins are remarkably adapted to harsh conditions. They feed on fish and squid.

In icy water, their clumsy body turns into a fast, flexible torpedo. Sometimes the penguin accelerates so much that it flies out of the water onto the ice, like a pebble from a slingshot.

On the polar night, penguin mothers bring a half-kilogram egg into the house, and penguin fathers carry them for two months. But mothers also take care: they store food. If it is necessary to transfer a precious egg to a penguin, the father quickly rolls it out into the snow, and the mother also quickly hides it in a warm nest on her stomach.

(120 words)

Grammar task

Title the text.

Construct sentence diagrams:
Option I - “Scientists came specially...”
Option II - “On the polar night...”.

Carry out a morphological analysis of one preposition and one conjunction.

Test dictation No. 8 on the topic “Service parts of speech”

Blind dog.

Arcturus was not like any of the dogs. His feeling for his master was extraordinary. The owner had minutes Bad mood, he often smelled of cologne - a smell never found in nature. But most often he was kind, and then Arcturus languished with love. He wanted to jump up and rush, choking joyful we bark. But still he held back.

It seems to me that he somehow felt inferior. I have never seen him walking or running freely, calmly and quickly.

He couldn’t see anything, but not a single dog could compare with his sense of smell.. Gradually he studied all the smells of the city and perfectly oriented . And there weren’t any smells ! But no matter where Arcturus wandered, there was no chance that he got lost.

This was an amazing dog. (127 words)

Grammar task

Parse the sentence:

Option 1 -His feeling...

Option 2 -Gradually he learned...

IN complex sentence outline the grammatical basics.

Enclose the particles in a rectangle and indicate the category.

Final control dictation No. 9

Living lights.

In the middle of the night I got out of the tent and stopped amazed: the night was blooming with lights! Lights of every imaginable color!
High above your head is a green leaf of the moon, around it are silver splashes of dewdrops-constellations...
Here and there, mysterious droplets of falling meteorites suddenly cross out the deep blackness of the sky. It even seems as if, as they fall, they clink, smashing against the rocks of the gorges. And when the flashes of distant shepherds' fires on the slopes seem like sparks carved by a star.
Sparks of fireflies flicker above the black bushes. Just like the sparks over a wild fire when you poke it with a stick!
Incomprehensible, somehow elusive and unfaithful eyes shine from the thicket of the bush. Sometimes they suddenly fill with a pinkish fog, sometimes they suddenly turn coldly green, as if they are heating up and cooling down. A dune cat was hiding in the bushes.
Festival of night lights. Stars burning like eyes, twinkling just like stars. (124)

Grammar task

Indicate above each word what part of speech it is:

1 option- It’s even weird...
Option 2- Stars burning...

Make a phonetic analysis of words:
Option 1 -bloomed;
Option 2- bushes.

3. Sort the words according to their composition:
Option 1 -got out, amazed, of the constellations;
Option 2 -lurking, elusive, high

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization

average comprehensive school village of Kistenli-Bogdanovo

municipal district of Bizhbulyaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


at a meeting of teachers' school of education

_______/ V.N. Valiulina/

Protocol No._______

From "_____" ________2018


Deputy Director for HR

_________ / A.F. Maksimova/

Protocol No. _______

From "_____" ________2018

"I affirm"

Director of LLC

_________ / P.A. Sergeev/

Protocol No. ______

from "____" _______ 2018

Test materials

In Russian

for 7th grade

Compiled by: teacher of Russian language and literature

Petrova Natalya Gennadievna

1. Entrance dictation on the topic “Repetition of what was learned in grades 5-6.”

I live on the shore of a beautiful lake. Ancient rocks here rise steeply above the clear water, and from above, near these rocks, thick, squat pine trees peer into the depths.

In the spring, when the ice turns blue, wide flocks of geese stretch north over the lake. The birds flap their wings heavily and tiredly and sometimes stop on a narrow island. All night then the restless voices of large and cautious birds are heard around.

As soon as the ice swells, crumbles, and wide tongues of spring water protrude onto the shore, pikes head from the cold lake depths to the shore. They come to the flooded swamps to spawn, and with the slow splashes of their wide tails they talk about the fact that spring has also begun on the lake.

And then, when the last gray ice floes melt in the deep forest bays, I climb to the highest rock so that after a long northern winter I can say hello to other lakes and congratulate them on the coming spring.

2. Control dictation "Communion. Participial phrase."

The time of wizards has passed. In all likelihood, they will neverAnd it really wasn't. It's just that some magicians could do thatcleverly deceive all sorts of onlookers that these magicians receivedfor sorcerers and wizards.

There was such a doctor. His name was Gaspar Arneri. Naive mana fairground reveler, a dropout student could have him toomistaken for a wizard. In fact, this doctor did suchamazing things that they really were like miracles.Of course, he had nothing in common with wizards and charlatans,fooled too gullible people.

Dr. Gaspar Arneri was a scientist. He probably studied abouthundred sciences In any case, there was no one in the land of the wise and learnedGaspar Arneri. Everyone knew about his learning: both the miller and the soldier,both ladies and ministers.

One day in June the doctor decided to go to a distant place.walk to collect some types of herbs and bugs. It was a wonderful day: the sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing like an airball gown

The Palace of the Three Fat Men stood in the middle of a huge park. A parkwas surrounded by deep canals. Black ones hung over the canalsiron bridges. The bridges were guarded by palace guards - guardsmen in black oilskin hats decorated with yellow feathers.Around the park up to the very sky there were meadows, coveredfilled with flowers, groves and ponds.

(189 words) (According to Yu. Olesha)II . Grammar task

1. Do word-formation analysis and analysis of words according to sostavu:

2. 1st option -fooled 2nd option -covered.

2. Parse sentences.

1st option -A naive person, a fairground reveler, a dropout student could also mistake him for a wizard.

2nd option -Around the park up to the very sky there were meadows filled with flowers, groves and ponds.

3. Task for both options: do a morphological analysisboron of participles.

(Partitions:half-educated, fooled, surrounded, decorated nykh, asleep.)

3. Control dictation “Communion. Spelling participles"

Travel to Arles

Arles is a small French city. But once upon a time he wasgreat and famous. The Romans who conquered Arles turned the small settlement on the banks of the Rhone into a major economic center. Weavers, goldsmiths, and gunsmiths carried on a brisktrade. The Forum was erected, a huge arena was built,an ancient theater, an aqueduct seventy-five kilometers long.IThe city flourished.

The invasion of the barbarians put an end to prosperity. The city has becomefeed on tourists, ruins and former greatness. Here's a short onethe history of a city that lived no more or less than twentyfive centuries.

Wandering the streets of Arles is a pleasure. You are walking leisurely along a narrow, stone-paved street - and suddenly in front of yousomething big, with arches and columns. Turns out it's Romanthe arena, the same one where gladiators once died. In the Middle Ages arewas a fortress that protected the whole city with houses, streets,even the church. Now there is nothing left of the city, but the restorationRators with great tact and taste restored the walls of the fortress,artificially creating the patina of time. New, just as weathered,The rain-scarred parts of the building are no different from the old ones.The work is incredibly painstaking, but the result is amazing.

Arles is a city of faded glory. In this greatness of the past itscharm, the quiet thoughtfulness of the wise, who have seen a lot inold people in their age. .

(185 words) (According to V. Nekrasov)

II . Grammar task

1 . Underline the participles and participles found in the text
revolutions as members of a sentence.

(Predicates:erected; built.

Definitions:those who conquered Arles; lived neither more nor less than twenty-five centuries; paved with stone; defended a whole city with houses, streets, even a church; weathered, is cut by rains; died down; seen a lot in my life century.)

2. Indicate active participles by letterd, sufferernew-letter s.

3. Make a morphological analysis of words.

1st option:weathered, 2nd option:excised.

4. Control dictation “Communication”

Happening V Antarctica

One day, the polar explorers of Mirny received a radiogram thatsingle-engine aircraft of the Belgian Antarctic expeditiondid not return to base. This is what he wrote in the report on the rescue of the Belgianspilot Viktor Mikhailovich Perov.

The weather was extremely bad. There was a blizzard, the wind reachedforty meters per second. Only in the morning was it possible to start planningnumber searches.

The peaks of the Crystal Mountains, huge, sparkling white,appeared from a distance. Unfortunately, we didn't have time toindulge in lyricism, contemplating the beauty of the lifeless majesticno nature.

Following along the main ridge, we noticed a glacier in the bluea red dot, which turned out to be a plane lying on the right wing. From a note found in the cockpit, it became clear what to look forThe Belgians are needed between the base warehouse and the Crystal Mountains.

Returning to the plane, we took this course, but despiteA careful inspection of the area failed to find anyone. We returned and after refueling, having refused lunch, we were again undertook off into the air. But even this intense flight turned out to be fruitless.useful. We returned to the base, where the grief-stricken people were waiting for us.winterers.

In the morning we flew out in search for the fifth time. Before reaching the northnear the tip of the mountain, we noticed a small yellow tent. People didn't show up. However, it was decided to land, although the glacier, riddled with many cracks, was not convenient.plenty of place to land.

Having examined the area, we established that the Belgians had thrown awayIs there all the extra property here: a sleeping bag, a set of outerwearclothes, broken sleds. Upon closer inspection, we noticed footprints of four people in the snow, smoothed by drifting snow.Having filled the plane with the last supply of gasoline, Perovnight flew out again. Having literally combed the area, the pilot finallynets, I saw a tent from which a man came out, vigorously wavinghands.

The miraculous rescue of the Belgians, doomed to certain death,, did not affect the laconic style of Perov’s report: “Taking up to the palatke, we made sure that all four are here, why do weWe were very happy."

(279 words) (According to V. Kaverin)

Grammar task

Emphasize participial constructions as members of sentencesmarriage.

5. Control dictation “Adverb. Spelling adverbs"

The Mystery of Ball Lightning

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. Scientists have had less luck with ball lightning. Its origin is still unclear. Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But she can disappear calmly, throwing sparks out of herself.

Ball lightning has long attracted attention due to the unusual nature of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

(109 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: for a long time;

Option II: often.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: less (from the 2nd sentence);

Option II: unclear (from the 3rd sentence).

A comment. Less - adverb in comparative degree;dont clear - short adjective, since it depends on the noun(origin (what?)dont clear).

3. Parse the sentences.

Option I: Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire.

Option II: Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves.

6. Control dictation “Preposition”, “Union”

My friends, getting into the palace confectionery is a very tempting thing. Fat people knew a lot about food. Moreover, the case was exceptional. Grand breakfast! You can imagine what interesting work the palace chefs and pastry chefs were doing today.

Flying into the candy store, the seller felt horror and delight at the same time. This is probably how a wasp is horrified and delighted when it flies onto a cake displayed on the window by a carefree housewife.

He flew for one minute, he didn’t have time to see anything properly. At first it seemed to him that he had found himself in some amazing aviary, where the multi-colored precious birds of the southern countries were busy singing and whistling, hissing and crackling. And the next moment he thought that this was not a poultry house, but a fruit stand, full of tropical fruits, crushed, oozing, filled with their own juice. A sweet, dizzying fragrance filled his nose; the heat and stuffiness stole his throat.

(133 words)

(Yu. Olesha)

Grammar task

1. Title the text.

2. Parse the sentences.

Option I: 1st sentence of the third paragraph;

Option II: last sentence of the third paragraph.

7. Control dictation “Particle”

On a raft on the taiga river

Everything around was silent, even the forest did not rustle, not even the river stirred.stele on the rift.

The river ran through great, silent, monotonous forests, and fromTheir monotony seemed as if the journey would last forever. Anotherthe day was filled with light rains, but that was for the best: the river would come,and you won’t have to step off the raft into icy water at every sandbank.

On the morning of the third day of sailing, a river flowed in on the left, almost like thisthe same as the one on which Ostasha sailed.

No rocks, no cliffs - nothing was encountered. Only highsteep mountains, barely visible behind a private spruce forest. Between the mountains there is chalkwhat a flat river, perforated by boulders, like an old poloTenze. And over the river and mountains, small ripples carried flocks of birds. Ostasha threw his head back, looking at the shoals of geese since the day of the taiga gorge. The geese flew away from the autumn, as if traitors were fleeingfrom the battlefield...

Ostash heard the murmur of another tributary from across thegates. The raft crawled around the bend and saw Ostash at the mouth of the shallowsmall river, two boats loaded with brown lumps of ore.

(158 words) (A. Ivanov)

II . Grammar task

1 . Parse sentences:
1st option - first sentence,

2nd option - last sentence.Note: You can use a comma instead of a dash.

2. Underline the particles, perform a morphological analysis.
1st option - shape-forming particle,

2nd option - semantic particles.

Rafting on the Angara River is perhaps one of the most wonderful types of active family recreation for children in our Krasnoyarsk region. My father took his children on such trips for forty years. How many times did he have friction with his superiors at work, because for forty years his father took vacation only in July... But everything ended well, and trips resumed.

How it was

Why, living on the Yenisei, did the father take his children so far, to the Angara? The fact is that the water in the Yenisei is icy, and swimming in this river, if you are not a “walrus,” even on the hottest days is very risky. The banks of the Yenisei are rocky, and the river itself is deep, powerful, more suitable for fishing than for water recreation.

The Angara is a wide river, closer to the mouth it is always warm. In the area where the Taseyev River confluences on the Angara there are many sandy islands. They change their position almost every year, washed away by ice and washed again by spring water. Usually they are sandy or overgrown only with willow grass.

My father recruited a team of children from ten to twelve years old with similar interests. He tried to take no more than fifteen children with him, otherwise it would be very difficult to cope with them, especially on the road.

In the seventies, they rafted on wooden rafts, then switched to more comfortable and practical PSN (PSN - inflatable life raft, can be for six or ten people), which are now sold in almost every tourist store.

The journey began with the group traveling by bus to the village located opposite the mouth of the Angara River, and then on a regular meteor along the Angara to the village of Motygino. There, right at the pier, we pumped up the rafts with the kids and sailed downstream. Somewhere towards evening, the rafts landed on the chosen island, and the tourists set up camp. This first day, in fact, was the most difficult of the entire trip.

Then a week of relaxation on the island, where various events were held every day:

  • initiation into “waterfowl tourists”;
  • bathing day;
  • fishing day;
  • athlete's day - beach volleyball on wide sandbanks, very interesting activity;
  • Sweet tooth day - who can cook condensed milk in a jar so that it tastes good? This is for older children, otherwise an exploding can can burn you, although in forty years this has never happened;
  • day of farewell to the island.

The participants in the hikes did not take with them either a radio or a tape recorder, but they always had a guitar with them, and every evening around the fire they all sang bard songs together. Those children who once went rafting with their father have long since become adults. But when they meet their father, they always remember these evening bonfires with songs on rafting...

What is the difference beach resorts peace from each other? Almost nothing - everywhere the same umbrellas, couches, sand and water...

How do our trips differ from holidays in the south? Mainly virgin wildlife around - more than once a bear came ashore and roared, more than once we saw a pack of wolves. At the same time, the island is completely safe, since it is located far from the coast, and the width of the Angara near the mouth of the Taseyeva River reaches almost eight kilometers. It is clear that children are delighted with such adventures: “A real wild bear!" And then all night long conversations: "What if he swims to our island!" - "And then I hit him with a stick - so, so! He will run away." It is unlikely that any zoo will give even a drop of such childish inspiration as the feeling that real bears are walking there on the shore!

And fishing! You can't do serious fishing on the islands, but it's a haven for children. You can catch spruce trees, perches, and brushes with a fishing rod; the fish bite without stopping, even on an empty hook. It is simply impossible to tear the boys away from this activity. By the way, the girls never refused such fishing.

Another advantage of relaxing on the Angara is that there are very few people around. True, in last years All more families And organized groups tourists are rafting in the manner described, but there are still enough islands for everyone, so each family owns an autonomous piece of land.

Sleep in tents, in sleeping bags, it’s warm. Mosquitoes and midges, which are so annoying in the taiga, are completely absent on the sandy, wind-swept islands. Therefore, sunbathing and swimming there is a real pleasure.

Perhaps the only drawback of these alloys is the Siberian weather. There is only one month of the year, July, when there is almost no rain. But if it rains and winds, then a real storm arises on the Angara. It does not pose any danger, the main thing is not to raft down the river at this moment.

In such weather we sat in tents and told pirate stories - the kids squealed with delight! This is a real adventure of sea corsairs! It’s good that it usually rains for a day or two, and then again the sun and the beautiful Siberian sky, like no other country in the world - raise your hand, and here it is in your palms, blue and endless!

The most interesting game, which the children played - of course, the "Indians". Everyone came up with a name for themselves, like " Wild deer", "Morning Dawn", etc. The children covered themselves with twigs from the tunic, made various Indian decorations from them. They fought Indian battles and played Indian hide and seek... Do you think it’s impossible to hide on a sandy island? Of course you can! Sometimes For two hours, the whole camp searched for some talented Indian spy, and they found him hidden in the foliage in the depths of the thicket, in which darkness reigns even on the sunny day. The especially talented ones buried themselves entirely in the sand, wearing a mask for swimming and exposing only a snorkel to breathe. , made from Siberian reed... Wow, unforgettable!

During all the years of rafting, my father had one problem that could not be solved. Do you think it's something serious? No. The problem was how to preserve the condensed milk. On all trips, in different groups of children on the island, condensed milk evaporated in the most incredible way from a box buried under the father’s tent... And once even half a bucket of blueberries disappeared. It’s just that, apparently, the hunter’s tradition is passed on from generation to generation of little tourists - to get something sweet for dinner.

Getting ready for the road

Here are some tips for those who want to spend their vacation rafting on the rivers of Siberia.

What should you take with you first? Just don't be scared: a man with a gun.

Still, you are not going to the Bahamas to relax, but to the real taiga. There are bears, wolves, and - most importantly - people there... The presence of a “man with a gun”, who, preferably, has experience visiting the taiga and Siberian expanses - this is the most important thing in the recreation of savage tourists. And if your guide has experience in group travel, you will not only get rid of unexpected guests, but, as is usual with real taiga dwellers, the camp’s amenities will be at the highest level.

The second thing you will have to take with you is rafting equipment. If there are three, four, or even five of you with children, then a large rubber boat will do. The main thing is to first check it for buoyancy in the nearest body of water. The boat should not let you down even in the most difficult moment of your life, when you are sailing through the sea, and insidious sharp stones will swim up to your boat and try to pierce it from all sides.

Don't forget to take with you a boat repair kit: rubber glue - preferably "glue No. 88", a supply of rubber, a piece of sandpaper and a small bottle of gasoline for stripping rubber. You should also take instant glue with you - it can help you out on the go if one of your passengers mechanically sticks a knife into the side. To reach the shore, instant glue is enough.

If you have the opportunity to raft on PSN, then this is the best option. Not only can it withstand a force seven storm, moreover, it is virtually unsinkable. One day, right in the middle of the river, the bottom of our raft came off. Father, holding his backpacks with his feet as they sank to the bottom, calmly swam to the shore, and only there we learned that all our blankets had to be dried by the fire until the morning.

PSN-6 is the most convenient and not so heavy means of river rafting for a group of one to seven people. Somehow 12 passengers had to float on such a raft, and nothing...

Come on, bite!

Mosquitoes! Until you reach the sandbanks and wonderful islands, these amazing creatures will drink your blood, despite any precautions.

Remember - not a single ointment helps against these kamikaze vampires! Then why pay more? You can buy any ointment against mosquitoes - you will still have to put up with their bites.

The advice from an experienced taiga hunter is this: let them bite you and endure it. Usually on the second day the body gets used to it, and mosquitoes only circle around you, land on your skin, but do not bite. If you turn out to be a unique person and you are bitten for a day, two, three, then smear yourself with tar mixed with triple cologne - however, this is not very useful for the skin, but it repels all blood-sucking creatures, including vampires.

The second is to smoke by the fire. You just need to stand in the smoke, so that your clothes are saturated with smoke. It helps, and even a lot. In addition, do not wear a lot of clothes - the smell of sweat is very attractive to various blood-sucking creatures. This has often happened to us - we walk around naked to the waist and don’t get bitten, but next to us are people in camouflage and next to them is a whole swarm of mosquitoes, spiders, horseflies, mosquitoes and midges...

However, modern industry has found a way to combat these insects in tents. For perhaps ten years now, we have been able to sleep peacefully and happily at night in a tent, thanks to the coils. This is done like this: light the coil in the tent, closing the tent completely. After about twenty minutes, open the tent, extinguish the coil and ventilate it. The smell still lingers and mosquitoes do not fly inside. Then you calmly go to bed in a ventilated tent, carefully sealing it. Good night...

Just remember that spider webs, gadflies and other heavy-duty insects are not attacked by anything at all, but what saves you is that they fly only during the day and in very hot weather. And they are not found on the islands at all.

Settling down for the night

Which is better - a sleeping bag or a blanket? There are people who are accustomed to sleeping bags, and there are those who simply cannot fit into this “Procrustean bed.” Therefore, if you take regular blankets with you, then this is in many ways even better. Some of the blankets are spread under the bottom of the tent, and with the other half you cover yourself and sleep as if at home on a feather bed.

Just don't take wadded blankets! They will still be saturated with moisture, and one day you will not be able to tear them off even from the floor... Only strong people can handle such weights. All these synthetic padding blankets and sleeping bags are also not sugar. You will definitely burn them by the fire, believe me. That’s why camel blankets, beloved since childhood, are the best thing when traveling.

If you have a synthetic Chinese tent, it is better to immediately throw it into the fire; it will still burn from a random spark. There is nothing better than Russian canvas armor-piercing cocked hats. They will hold back everything - the attack of mosquitoes, the fall of air-to-ground missiles, and the splashes of fire from a fire!

Travel ration

Food is serious! First, take a 5-liter pot and a tripod with you - these are sold in any tourist stores. I don’t like aluminum cookware, but it’s good for traveling - it’s light and doesn’t take up much space.

  • Bread can be bought in the villages on the Angara - just remember that from Friday to Monday it simply may not be in stores... They have their own bakeries and they cook only for their own.
  • Horns, noodles, pasta are a universal product of the “wild” traveler. But remember that without condensed milk or stew it is inedible!
  • It is not recommended to take everything that is in glass jars. You have to carry this on yourself... And it also breaks at the most inopportune moment.
  • Taking candy with you means eating sweet porridge with paper.
  • Alcohol will have to be completely banned - the taiga does not forgive loss of vigilance.
  • In the end - noodles, stew and that's it... But you won't even notice it there. And of course, a little potatoes, bay leaves, a little black pepper and 100 grams - you know for what dish!

Fishing! Be sure to take some gear with you, but the Angara is a fast river, and that’s why even the fishing rods there are like throwaways. A large sinker, a line on which a hook or two is strung.... Throws in like a hook, and believe me, the catch will make you very happy! If you know how to fish with a spinning rod, you can’t do without a huge pike. Or maybe the king of taste, taimen will come across!

Once, a long time ago, while fishing, I was asked: “What is the most delicious fish?” Of course, I answered: "Black caviar. Oh! Black! Caviar!" They said to me: “Have you never fished? Have you ever tried taimen liver in your ear?” And I tried it... And even though foreigners pay a lot of money for black caviar, we know that it is the most delicious in the world! Have you ever eaten lightly salted tungun? Clearly, we didn't eat...

How to get there

Only the most experienced and oldest taiga dweller knows how to get to the islands. And also someone who can read maps.

In the morning we leave by bus from Krasnoyarsk to the village of Shirokiy-Log. We go out there and go straight to the shore. Are we waiting for a regular meteor, or a rocket, or whatever else is going on? But it runs every day - it’s social transport, and therefore it always happens. The cost is average. Times are changing very quickly here, so it makes no sense to write a price.

We sail to the village of Motygino - it’s only two hours. There, after getting off the ship, it is best to immediately move further away from the village, board a boat, and go. Another two hours of the best water travel in the world, and on the left you see the islands. In order to moor to them, it is better to immediately swim to the left along the channel behind the buoys, otherwise you will be carried away about ten kilometers below, and you will never get to the islands...

And now you are in paradise for a week. We promise that for the next forty years you will always have a vacation only in July!

How it all began

Riga. Early July. In the evening, my friends and I finished packing food and equipment for the hike. Now I needed to get some sleep before tomorrow. Sleep did not come, and I woke up ahead of time. I decided not to rush to get ready and have a hearty breakfast. Before I had time to really eat, the phone rang. A friend called so that I wouldn’t oversleep and catch the bus. In a hurry, I took the missing products from the refrigerator and went to the trolleybus stop.

Here I am standing in line with oars for tickets at the bus station (tickets at the ticket office stop selling 15 minutes before departure). The purpose of our trip is the bridge across the Gauja, 2 kilometers from the village of “Vireshi”. A ticket from Riga to Vireshi cost me 2 lats 30 centimes. We boarded the Riga – Aluksne bus at 7 o’clock in the morning. We planned to arrive in Vireshi by noon. Half the way we played cards and shared our first impressions. According to the plan, we had to sail the route from Vireshi to Strenča in 3 days in order to catch the 19:30 train to Riga. The total length of the planned route is 110 kilometers along the river, of which 35 kilometers along the border with Estonia. In fact, in 3 days we only walked half the way (about 50 km) and landed under the Anninyas bridge near Valka. The bus had a long stop in Smiltene, we were there at 12:00. It took us about 2 more hours to inflate the raft and launch it into the water. The raft was inflated using a car-type foot pump (the pump came with the raft). So, at 13:55 we began our journey along the Gauja River into the unknown. This was our first time sailing along this route. For everyone except me, this was already the second trip. Therefore, the confidence of the crew of our little “ship” was felt. The guys shared with me their experience of a previous trip, when they slept in a wet raft under open air, and after 3-4 hours of travel they could not accurately say their location. The previous time they rented a raft from the University of Latvia, it sank after 5 hours of their journey. The deflated raft had to be pulled afloat to the shore and dragged along with things onto a steep slope for repairs. If it weren't for the adhesive bandage and chewing gum, they would not have been able to continue the hike.

I imagined the harsh, Spartan conditions of their previous trip and began to feel like I was on a luxury waterbed in the new 20-person raft. According to its characteristics, our raft is a sea life raft with an awning. It was under this awning that from time to time everyone hid in turn, hiding either from the scorching sun and horseflies, or from the rain. Two rowed. The rest were relaxing and singing songs with a guitar. This is how our first hours of the hike passed. According to the plan, we were supposed to walk 5-6 kilometers per hour, but in practice we did no more than 3-4 kilometers. We overestimated the mass of the raft and our strength. I had to face the truth. We will not reach Strenca in three days. Guided by the map (satellite imagery of the area, where one square is one kilometer), we counted each turn of the river. The heat was unbearable. Forecasters expected up to 35 degrees of heat, but in my own skin I felt all 40. Rain was promised in places and we hoped that this place would be far from us. In the evening, thunder was heard. Well, the weather forecasters were right. The rain started unexpectedly. The sun was shining, when suddenly a real “mushroom” downpour began. Our first test. Some jump into the water and drag the raft to the shore, some quickly close the entrances to the raft, and some bail out the water. Every second counts and a dry floor to sleep on in the evening. The rain was heavy, but not for long. This was enough for half of our crew to be soaked to the skin and shaking from the cold. When the “storm subsided” we continued on our way. The rain took away our cheerful mood and precious kilometers of travel. This is how our first day ended. It's time to think about spending the night. Wet and hungry, we looked for a suitable place to spend the night. Stopping on a sandy river embankment, we encountered another problem. There are no dry branches to be found after the rain. Unfortunately, we did not take any means of keeping the fire with us. I had to rely only on my own ingenuity and paper towel, which was used for kindling. By midnight we finally lit a fire, and at one in the morning we had our first “dinner” together. Exhausted, we climbed into the raft to sleep. In a couple of hours we had to get up because the next day we had to walk a 35-kilometer section along the border with Estonia.

Second day. IN neutral waters.

The fog had not yet cleared when we pushed our raft into the cold water of the Gauja. According to our calculations, there were about 5 kilometers left to the border. For me, getting up at 5 a.m. was especially difficult. I'm not used to getting up so early. After defending my bachelor's degree, I slept off all the sleepless nights spent at the computer. With genuine joy, I climbed back into the raft under the still warm blanket when it was launched, and almost immediately fell into a nervous sleep. I didn’t see how we crossed the border, but according to the stories of my awake comrades, there was nothing unusual in this: “Around the next turn we saw a border pillar on one side and a sign warning about the beginning of the territory of a foreign state on the other. We swam past twice to capture the moment.”

So, we left Latvia and continued our journey in neutral waters. When I woke up, the landscape outside had changed once again. If earlier we sailed past gentle slopes with sandbanks, at times similar to a plain, now I saw a dense pine-spruce forest on steep clay banks. Swallows, whose nests were on both sides of the river, flew high in the sky, instilling hope that the weather would not deteriorate today. We discussed our situation and what would happen if we met border guards. Local residents from Gauene warned us against meeting them. None of us wanted to become an easy floating target, but fortunately we did not meet any people in uniform. But for everyone else, we were like a traveling circus on the water: swimming trunks, socks, wet towels that were drying on the roof of the raft equally as the raft itself attracted attention from both banks. If the Latvians on the farms made sure that we did not steal anything, then their Estonian colleagues simply silently stared at the floating “miracle”. At first it was interesting, but soon everyone got tired of it, and we sailed along, not paying attention to anyone. It was difficult to swim in this section of the river. A very weak current and wind in our faces greatly slowed down our progress. The entire crew was pretty tired and hungry. After another “oar watch” I went to bed.

I woke up already on the shore. It was stuffy in the raft. I didn’t want to get up, but I had to find the strength to get up. It was becoming unbearable to lie here. With one jerk I squatted down and crawled out. The guys had already lit a fire and were getting ready to cook pasta. The heat was unbearable. Even horseflies stopped bothering me with their annoying attention. The sweat did not have time to appear before it immediately evaporated. Slowly I walked along the white-hot sand towards the guys. They immediately offered me a swim and even tried to push me into the water. To which I “woke up” did not react in any way. I just plopped down on the hot sand, exposing my body to the scorching rays of the sun. The weather was unusually good. The sky is clear. The silence was broken by the singing of grasshoppers and birds unknown to me. Lying on the sand by the river, where the nearest settlement was about 20-30 kilometers away, I felt like Robinson desert island. Alone with nature and friends, where there are no worries and problems, except for the joint work of cooking, lighting a fire and “oaring duty”. What a delight it is to have an impromptu holiday like this, when you don’t know what awaits you ahead. This is not a tourist trip abroad, where everything is bought, calculated down to the smallest detail, and God forbid, something goes wrong. I felt sorry for my compatriots who spend money on holidays abroad without ever knowing all the delights of holidays in own country. Enjoying the sunshine, I forgot about friends, about time, about problems. I merged with nature. I felt her touch with every cell of my body. I absorbed the life-giving juices of the Sun and the sand burning my back.

But I had to help prepare dinner. It’s not that the guys couldn’t cope without my participation, it’s just that my conscience did not allow me to lie idle while everyone around me was fussing over the fire. After analyzing the situation, I realized that my help was not needed yet and I could go for a swim. The guys had long suggested that I climb into the river, but after sleeping in a stuffy raft, the water seemed cold to me. Now I was ready to climb in, even under the “icy shower.” Slowly I began to enter the water. At the place where we stopped, the river narrowed. The river flow was fast, but the bed was shallow, so the water had time to warm up to a temperature of 25-28 degrees. I don’t like cold water, so getting into a body of water where the water temperature is less than 25 degrees is real torture for me. Having reached almost the middle of the river, I did not dare to plunge completely. Here is my comrade diving near me with a running start. Another minute of thought and I go with the flow. Yes, life is sometimes like a river. You are being carried somewhere, and you are desperately trying to swim out and take your place in the sun. Sometimes this succeeds, sometimes it doesn’t, and then tragedies happen in the form of broken destinies and broken hopes. So I desperately fought the current, not allowing me to be carried far from the shore, where my friends were putting a pot of water on the fire. Once ashore, I began to help prepare dinner with fresh strength. When the water in the pan boiled, everyone prepared their own noodle soup. There is nothing better than “fresh” broth in the open air by the river! You eat and cannot satisfy your hunger, you stop only when you feel disgusted with food. Lunch is over. It's time to get ready for the road. The garbage has been removed. The fire is extinguished. The raft flops into the water with slight friction on the sand. Is everyone on board?! Then let's go. Forward into the unknown. After all, there are still rapids ahead, which I have heard a lot about from more experienced comrades...