Write the passive participle. Passive and active participle: how they are formed and how they differ

What is the past participle and how to understand it?

The Russian language is a bunch of rules that you need not just to know, but to understand in order to write correctly and speak beautifully. The topic of communion is one of the important topics, by mastering which you can learn laconic but expressive speech.

Compare the sentences with a sluggish and participial phrase: The first option is more laconic, beautiful and poetic than the second sentence.

From the school course we know that communion is not at all simple form verb because it has the properties of both a verb and an adjective. From verb this part of speech has a form and tense, and from adjective- gender, number, case and full/short form. The participle is also divided into active and passive.

For example:

Going the boy is active participle, because it is he himself who does this action - he goes!

Chirping grasshopper - the insect itself performs the action - chirping.

Dress, wearable girl - this is a passive participle, because it is not the dress that produces the effect, but the girl: it is she who wears the dress.

Washed Tanya's dishes sparkled with brilliance and cleanliness. It is not the dishes that produce the action, but Tanya.

What are the main conditions for spelling suffixes for participles in the present tense does not seem to be difficult: you just need to remember which suffix refers to a specific conjugation.

How is it formed past participle?

It is formed using the stem of a verb of any tense and suffixes that help it:

Going - going ushch y, sings - singing, plays - playing - this is the present tense; loved - love Vsh y, wanted - wanted, dreamed - dreamed, feed - fed - this is the past. The active and passive tenses have their own specific suffixes:

Active past participle.

Formed from verb stems using suffixes: -vsh-, -sh-. The type and transition do not matter.

The suffix depends on the ending of the verb stem:

  • If it ends in a vowel, then - vsh-. RisovA t - rice Vsh y, build - built, watch - watched.
  • And if it is a consonant, then -sh-. Vez ti-ve h shy.
  • If past participle is formed from a verb ending in -t, then the suffix -vsh- will be written after the vowel that precedes -t.

For example: m st- m s howling, laughing At- laughter A hung, hung et- hang eVsh yy.

Using the table as an example, you can look at education in detail active past participle depending on verb features.

Valid Communion

Thus, active past participles not at all difficult to understand.

To easily check the transitivity of a participle, you can ask a question from a word; if you can ask a question from it in the indirect case, then it is an intransitive verb. For example:

Watch (what?) a film, print (what?) an abstract;

Run (where?) along the road. The question here is “what?” will not work, which means it is an intransitive verb and a participle, respectively.

There shouldn’t be any problems with the view: if the action is in progress, it’s nonsense. view, if it has already happened - owls. view.

Passive participle in the past tense.

They are formed from a transitive verb of the corresponding tense. The type doesn't really matter, but it depends on the verbs. There are not many types of participles at all.

What stem does the verb end with?

From the verb with owls/nes. view

At, -at, -at.

Ot, -nut + monosyllabic verbs.

According to the table, now only one important question arises: when suffixes of passive past participles written with one n, but when with two?

It’s important to remember a few simple rules:

One -H verbs will have imperfect form if they:

  • don't have dependent word, prefix, -ova-/ -eva-; For example: fried, boiled, smoked.
  • short participles; For example: the children are fed, the partnership is formed, the matter is decided.

Two - NN have full passive past participles formed by verbs perfect form with availability:

  • dependent words. For example: sturgeon fried in oil. Peas boiled in broth.
  • -ova-/-eva-. For example: a child spoiled by his mother. The prince, enchanted by her enchanting gaze.

They have the same syntactic function as adjectives, i.e. in a sentence are most often definition.

Past participle may also have a reflexive suffix -sya. For example: a hidden cockroach, a chopped nut, fallen sand, a laughing beauty, a frightened fly.

But the Russian language always has its exceptions, which may not all be so. Words such as “seek”, “love” and “take” are not capable of forming passive participles: they are absolutely unable to do so. There is also such a feature of verbs ending in -sti: they can turn into the passive past participle.

For example:

  • Weave. The mittens woven by grandma look just like store-bought ones.
  • Steal. For a long time we could not find the slippers stolen by the cat.
  • Find: Sharik’s newly acquired bone made him happy for a long time, which is why he wagged his tail for a long time.
  • Find: When the teacher discovered the cheat sheets he found, Vasya realized that he had to come up with a better way to cheat, but the more he cheated, the more he had to know.

To summarize, it is important to remember the main thing: past participle suffixes- this is vsh, sh for active participles, and nn, t, enn for passive participles. Having memorized them and the rules for using one and double n, there will be no questions with past participles.

In Russian lessons we all studied the participle. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion on what a participle is. Some consider him special form verb, others define participle as independent part speech. Let's try to figure out what a participle is: the Russian language and its answers.

Definition of participle

Conventionally, a participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the attribute of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which?, which?, which?, which?. In addition, the participle combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have many similarities with adjectives. Participles are inflected - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial form of the participle has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, can have a short form.

Short Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing whether it is an adjective or special part speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. The short participle answers the questions: what has been done?, what has been done?, what has been done?, what have been done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence, short participles are always a predicate: “the shop has been closed for several hours.”

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding a zero ending, as well as the endings “a”, “o” and “s”. For example, built – built; beveled - beveled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and tense. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have future tense forms. But only participles that are formed from imperfective verbs have present tense forms. For example, sit – sitting.

The most difficult moments are associated with the question of what a past participle is, namely with their formation. The following rules must be remembered:

  • Active past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “vsh” or “sh”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “nn”, “enn” and “t”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, do – done; contribute – introduced; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives - form participle phrase. In a sentence, it is usually separated by commas: “a dog running along the road”

It is customary to distinguish two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a feature that is present in an object after the influence of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that the student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real participle

Active participles denote a characteristic that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that a participle can be translated into an adjective or verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; proven friend - true friend. Sometimes from participles you can form short adjective: charming smile - a smile is charming.

What is communion in church

The word “communion” can mean not only a part of speech, but also the church rite of communion or the Eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is done to come into close contact with God, which brings blessing.

IN different times took communion different quantities once. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century this rite was performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

Schoolchildren and students of linguistic specialties should be able to determine the type of each part of speech. Communion is no exception. To avoid mistakes, use our tips. A simple algorithm will help you quickly determine the correct type.

It is important to know that a participle consists of elements of several parts of speech - a verb and an adjective. It comes from a verb, but answers the questions of an adjective. For example, take the verb “read”. The participle in this case will answer the questions: “which one?”, “what is he doing?”, “what did he do?” etc. - “reading”. There are several ways to determine the main types of participles: standard, by word form and by suffix. To avoid confusion, let's look at each of them separately. At the end, we will take a closer look at other types of this part of speech (perfect and imperfect). Standard method. The main types of participles are passive (SP) and active (DP). An object can do something, but an action can also happen to itself. DP will answer the question - “what did he do?”, “What is he doing?”, passive - “what is he doing?”. Examples:
  • DP: solver - a person who solves a problem;
  • SP: solvable - the problem is solved by a person.
According to the form. The SP can get two forms of the word - full and abbreviated, for example, “readable - readable”. DP can only have a full form, such as "running". This word cannot be shortened due to violation of the rules language norms. It is simply absent in the Russian language.

By suffix. DP and SP are endowed with specific suffixes. These examples will help you understand which suffixes correspond to which species:
  • DP of the present tense - ush, yush, ash, yash (walking, influencing, building, trembling);
  • DP past tense – vsh, sh (wrote, came, came);
  • SP of the present tense - eat, om, im (studied, moved, carried);
  • Past tense SP – n, t (busy, educated).
Other types of communion. In addition to the main types, this part of speech can be perfect and imperfect. The perfect participle denotes a complete and complete act, regardless of the time in which it occurs. Answers the question “having done what?” An imperfect participle denotes repeated, subsequent, or preceding unfinished actions. Answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”. You can identify these types of participles by verbs. Separate the verb from the participle. If he answers the question “what should I do?” – this is an imperfect form, but if you answer “what to do?” – perfect. Please note that in the first case there is no letter “c” at the beginning of the question, in the second case it is present.
  • Perfect form: read – a person who has read a book;
  • Imperfect view: reader - a person who read a book.

Addition. To test yourself, use the simplest way. First, identify the verb from which the participle comes and write it down. Then come up with any suitable phrase with this verb. Now think about it, is the object performing an action or is someone performing an action on it? When you find the correct answer, write down the correct participle. You can use the entire algorithm if you prefer.

To quickly remember the rules, create a table with ways to determine the participle. Find your own examples and write them in the table. Then it will be much easier for you to navigate. In addition, while writing down the rules, good memorization occurs. Later, you will learn to identify the correct participle form automatically.

Divided into two large categories: independent and service. Among the independent ones, participles are considered to be one of the most difficult to understand. The main difficulty for pupils and students is the division into passive and active participles. In fact, this task will be possible for anyone who knows the identifying features that all representatives of this part of speech possess. In order to distinguish between passive and active participles, you need to remember two simple formulas:

A) The active participle serves to denote the attribute of the object that performs the action.

B) The passive, in turn, is necessary to designate the subject of the action, that is, the object to which this action is directed.

Sometimes the active participle is difficult to distinguish from the passive participle only by meaning. In this case, you need to pay attention to the grammatical and morphemic characteristics of the word. To form this part of speech, special identifier suffixes are used, by which we can confidently judge whether we see an active participle or a passive participle in front of us.

Active present participles

They take their basis from verbs of the present tense (imperfect form) with the addition of the suffixes -ush, -yush (for the first conjugation) or -ashch, -yash (for the second conjugation). For example, the participle “running” is formed from the verb I conjugation to run. Picture 1: A girl preparing soup (cooking is an active present participle).

Active past participle

It is formed from the base of the infinitive of verbs in the past tense (perfective form), with the addition of the suffixes -ш, -вш. For example, the participle "fallen asleep"formed from the verb “to fall asleep.” Verbs with a suffix - well, are somewhat out of this rule, since for active participles formed from these verbs, the corresponding suffix disappears. Example: get wet - wet.

Passive participles

They are formed according to the same rules, but differ from real ones in identifying morphemes. Thus, passive participles of the present tense, formed from the base of the infinitive of past tense verbs, are characterized by such suffixes as -nn, -enn, -yonn, -t. Examples: say - said (suffix -nn), heat - red-hot (suffix -yonn).

Passive participles of the present tense take their basis from verbs of the present tense, to which the suffixes -em (-om) or -im are added, depending on the conjugation. For example, the participle “burned” corresponds to the first conjugation verb “to burn,” and the participle “beloved” (not to be confused with the adjective “beloved”) corresponds to the second conjugation verb “to love.” Picture 2: A dog being scolded by its owner (scold is the present passive participle). A curious property of reflexive verbs with the postfix -sya is that when forming participles they retain this postfix. For example: forget - forgotten (active past participle). Thus, learning to understand the variety of participles is not at all difficult. A little theory and constant practice will help any beginning “linguist”.

In Russian it is a form of a verb, but also has the characteristics of an adjective. Therefore, not all linguists distinguish the participle as a separate part of speech.

But in schools, a participle is a special one that has many of the characteristics of an adjective. In addition to the fact that the participle answers questions about adjectives, it also

denotes a sign of an object, but this sign is associated with an action and is also called a verbal sign or a sign of action. For example, falling snow is snow that falls.

Students become familiar with what a sacrament is in the 6th grade. Before this, it is not distinguished from an adjective. Like adjectives, participles can be of any kind, and can also be in plural. Communion has initial form. It has gender and number. For example, the word "flying" can have the form "flying", "flying" and "flying". Participles are also declined according to cases, they can stand in short form, for example, “open”, “painted”. It is always a definition in a sentence, just like an adjective.

What is a participle from the point of view of verb features? There are present and past participles, but there are no future participles. For example, “sitting now” and “sitting before.” Another verbal feature is aspect, and in phrases built according to the type of control, participles require a noun in accusative case. There are reflexive participles, for example, “stumbling.”

It is very important to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle was formed, otherwise you may make a mistake in writing the suffix. It is also important to be able to determine the basis of transitivity and know what reflexive verbs. Therefore, before studying what a participle is, you need to study the topic “Verb” in detail.

All participles are divided into two large groups. They are active and passive. They can be distinguished not only by meaning, but also by suffixes. indicate that the object itself does something. The suffixes -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash- are added to the stem of the present tense verb, and for the past tense verb -vsh- and -sh-. For example, sleeping, chewing, flying.

If the action is performed not by the object itself, but by someone else, then the sign of this action is indicated by passive participles. The suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t- are involved in their formation. For example, licked, closed, turned on. Passive participles are not formed from all verbs. For example, the verb “take” does not have a passive participle form; intransitive verbs also do not form such participles. But only passive participles form a short form.

Students experience great difficulties not from completing the topic “What is a participle” itself, but from the inability to write participle suffixes correctly. Students make especially many mistakes when writing the double letter "n".

What the sacrament is, you need to remember and know even after school. To use words correctly in written and oral speech, you need to be able to form them.