The verb person reads. Determining the person of a verb in Russian, reflexive verbs

Often we use words when speaking our native language without thinking. Rarely does anyone make mistakes. However, there are various cases and situations when it is simply necessary to update knowledge, clarify something, repeat or re-learn.

Verb person

The person of the verb tells us who is performing the action. It is an inflectional grammatical category of verbs, which expresses the action voiced by the verb relative to the participant in speech. This category of person is typical:

  • verb forms imperative mood;
  • verbs of the indicative mood of the future and present tense.

In Russian, the action called a verb is distinguished by quantity (singular (singular) and plural (plural)) and by persons, of which there are three:

  • first: units “I” means that the speaker is the subject of speech and performs an action (I’m preparing a holiday, I’ll pick a berry);
    plural We are a group of people, together with the speaker, performing an action (we watch TV, we play sports);
  • second: units You - indicates an action performed by the interlocutor (you plant eggplants, you read a magazine);
    plural You - means actions that relate simultaneously to the interlocutor and a group of people (you dream of the sea, you dig up potatoes);
  • third: units He, she, it - indicates an action regarding a person or object not involved in speech (he shows a trick, she goes to the shooting range);
    plural They - indicates actions regarding persons or objects not involved in speech (they play with a ball).

How to determine the person of a verb

You can determine the person of a verb by asking a question, as well as highlighting the personal ending of the verb, determining its meaning, taking into account the content of the text:

Verb 1 l.: What will I do? What am I doing? What will we do? What are we doing?
Verb 2 l.: What will you do? What are you doing? What will you do? What are you doing?
Verb 3 l.: What will he do? What does it do? What will they do? What are they doing?

Let's look at examples of using verb persons in the table. Please note: with the help of the particles yes, let, let, let, the first and third person forms of imperative verbs are formed.

Exception: impersonal verbs (lit up, rained) and infinitive (sing, groan), past tense verb forms do not have a person category.

Determining the person of a verb in Russian will not be difficult for any person who knows the information described above. After all, speaking competently in our time is a sign of good manners!

Personal pronouns- these are words that indicate an object without naming it. Personal pronouns answer questions Who? What? For example:

the table is standing - it (the table) is standing

the coin fell - it (the coin) fell

In the example He And she are personal pronouns, please note that personal pronouns can replace nouns.

Personal pronouns include:

I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they

Personal pronouns have 3 persons and vary in number (singular and plural).

1st person personal pronouns

Pronouns refer to the first person I And We. Pronoun I- singular number, and We- plural.

Personal pronouns of the 1st person singular indicate a person who talks about himself:

I say I'm smart, I'll go

Plural points to several people, points to oneself and someone else:

we say, we are smart, we will go

2nd person personal pronouns

Pronouns refer to the second person You And You. Pronoun You- singular number, and You- plural.

Personal pronouns of the 2nd person singular indicate the person being addressed, that is, the interlocutor:

you want, you are kind, you will go

The plural indicates several people to whom the address is being made, including the interlocutor:

you want, you are smart, you will go

Pronoun You often used instead of a pronoun You to express politeness towards one interlocutor. Therefore sometimes You is a singular form. For example:

Pyotr Semyonovich, are you leaving already?

3rd person personal pronouns

Third person pronouns include he, she, it And They. Pronouns he, she, it- singular number, and They- plural.

3rd person singular pronouns change according to gender:

He- masculine

she - feminine

it- neuter

In the plural, the gender pronoun does not change; a single form is used for all genders They.

Personal pronouns of the 3rd person singular indicate this or that not participating in the discussion (indication of who or what they are talking about):

he said, she is kind, it is bright

The plural indicates more than one person or thing in question:

they make noise, they are fast, they will go

Declension of personal pronouns

Personal pronouns change by case (inflect):

Declension table for personal pronouns
1st person singularI Me To me Me Me About me
1st person pluralWe Us Us Us Us About Us
2nd person singularYou You You You You About you
2nd person pluralYou You To you You You About you
3rd person singular m.r.He His To him His Them About him
3rd person singular w.r.She Her To her Her To her (to her) About her
3rd person singular s.r.It His To him His Them About him
3rd person pluralThey Their Them Their by them About them

Using an encountered non-normative variant theirs instead of their is unacceptable and is a grave mistake.

Spelling with prepositions

Prepositions with pronouns are written separately:

to me, to you, to us

After prepositions at the beginning of 3rd person pronouns in indirect cases ( his, him, them, her, her, her, theirs, them) a letter is added n:

with him, to her, at n his, for n her, behind them

The lesson covers gender, person and number of verbs. You will see how a verb expresses the meaning of an action by changing gender, person and number.

Topic: Verb

Lesson: Gender, person, number of a verb

1. Grammatical meaning verb

Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form of the present or future tense. If there are several variants of this form in speech, choose one of them. Justify your choice of option. If the verb does not have the desired shape, change the sentence to express the given content.

1. Some people (run) through the streets. 2. He (to be attracted) to people with a difficult fate. 3. In order not to freeze on the road, he usually (harness) the horse, let it gallop, and he himself (run) alongside. 4. I will definitely (get better) by the holiday. 5. I definitely (to win) this competition. 6. I just (pour) the sugar into the jar, (screw) the lid and come to you. 7. This is how I (to annoy) the teacher! 8. Nettle (burns) very strongly. 9. The puppy (lie) under the sofa and purr. 10. I (to pick) you up in the evening. 11. The mother (light) all the lamps and (drip) medicine to her daughter. 12. He should not be entrusted with such a responsible task: he will definitely (to hesitate) at the most crucial moment. 13. I (knead) the dough and then rest. 14. If the blood (cooked), it is difficult to treat the wound. 15. If water (flow) under the bathtub, it will be difficultcollect. 16. When we (want), then (lie down) to rest! 17. If you don’t give up now, I (riddle) the whole house! 18. He will quickly (wear out) a new suit if he treats it so carelessly. 19. I (spin, twirl, play tricks), but it’s all to no avail! 20. He (climb) to the very top of the tree. 21. He (to lie) to you! 22. They never (put) briefcases on their desks. 23. He (to bring) trouble upon us. 24. I work hard during the day, (work hard), sometimes by the evening I’m so (exhausted) - I can’t move my hand. 25. I won’t (offend) you. 26. This (distract) you from sad thoughts. 27. He (to renounce) us at the first danger. 28. I (to defeat) this enemy too! 29. Water (flow) from the tap for the third day now. 30. They (want) to disgrace us. 31. The boats do not stand still, they slightly (sway) on the water. 32. Wind blows, rain(splash) in my face. 33. Parents stand on the platform and (wave) after the departing train. 34. Streams flow, roofs (drip). 35. The wolf (to prowl) through the forest in search of prey. 36. Women stand on the shore and (rinse) laundry.

1. Culture of written speech ().

2. Modern Russian language ().


1. Russian language. 6th grade: Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.

2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

    Face We can define the verb in the forms of the imperative and indicative mood. In the imperative mood, the verb always has the form second persons, that is, consistent with the pronouns you or you: you cut, sing, fold; you wipe, send, sing.

    In the indicative mood, verbs in the forms of the present and future tense are changed in persons and numbers, that is, they are conjugated. In the past tense of the verb no face, but you can determine the gender: swam, swam, swam.

    In the present and future tenses of the indicative mood, the person of the verb is determined by the personal endings:

    I'm writing, we're writing, I'm going to write, we're going to write

    you're writing you're writing you'll be writing you'll be writing

    he writes they write he will write they will write

    The person of a verb, in contrast to the gender of a verb, can be determined by the pronoun and by questions to the verbs.

    The 1st person pronouns include I - WE - what am I doing? or what are we doing?

    The 2nd person pronouns YOU - YOU - what are you doing? or what are you doing?

    The 3rd person pronouns include HE - SHE - IT - THEY - what does he do? or what are they doing?

    By substituting a pronoun for a verb instead of a noun, we find out the person of the verb. What is the pronoun, is the person of the verb.

    But the person in verbs is determined only in the present and future tense; it cannot be determined in the past.

    Mom is walking - she is walking - what is she doing? - 3rd person.

    The tree falls - it falls - what does it do? 3rd person.

    In the indicative mood, determining the person of the verb is not difficult; to do this, you just need to ask the appropriate question. For example, take the same verb Define In the present tense, it will be conjugated by person. What am I doing? - I determine, what is He doing? - Defines. What are you doing? - You define it. The main thing to remember is that the pronouns I-We refer to the 1st person, You-You - to the second, and He-They-It-She - to the third.

    The person of a verb can only be determined in the future or present tense, because in the past we get I what did I do? - I determined, what were you doing? - Defined. That is, in the past tense we can only get the gender: What did she do? - I determined it.

    Well, in the imperative mood we only have Define and Define for the pronouns You and You.

    Verb person in Russian this is a grammatical category of verbs that determines the relationship of the ongoing action to the participants in speech.

    Simply put, the person of a verb indicates who is doing the action.

    For that, to determine the person of the verb, highlight the personal ending of the verb and ask questions:

    • What am I doing? What will I do? What are we doing? What will we do? - these questions are answered by 1st person verbs.
    • 2nd person verbs will answer: What are you doing? What will you do? What are you doing? What will you do?
    • and 3rd person verbs: What does he do? What will he do? What are they doing? What will they do?

    That is, the 1st person verbs are I, we.

    Second person you, you.

    Third person - he, she, they, it.

    The person of the verb is determined by the personal endings. Moreover, this can only be done in the present and future tense of the indicative verb. As for the imperative mood, the verb will be in the second person.

    Verbs in the indicative mood that will/refer to

    • to the 1st person will/have next endings: -yu-, -ay-, -ya-, -im-, -eat-.
    • to the 2nd person with the endings: -ish-, -eat-, -ate-, -ite-.
    • to 3 - to the same person we assign verbs with the following endings: -it-, -et-, -yut-, -ut-, -at- and -yat-.

    I sing, play, wash, swim, drink, dance, etc. - first person;

    You drink, play, wash, swim, dance, etc. - second person;

    Drinks, plays, washes, dances, etc. - a third party.

    If you want to determine the person of a verb, then to do this you need to pay attention to the ending of the verb and ask it a question. Each person of the verb has its own question. Here is a table where you can see which questions apply to which person:

    In order to determine the person of a verb, you simply need to substitute a suitable pronoun and accordingly ask a question from it to your verb. It is on this basis that the person will be determined.

    Here is a more detailed analysis with examples:

    To determine which person a particular verb refers to, just look at its ending, ask the appropriate question and determine the conjugation.

    • For example, the 1st person has the ending: -у, -у,
    • But the second person - eat (and in the second conjugation - eat),
    • In the third person there will be -et and -it.
    • and then you need to look at the plural.

    How to determine the person of a verb by its ending:

    The person of verbs can be determined either by the endings of the verbs, or you can try to find a pronoun for them.

    So, 1st person - I, we. Example: I read, we read.

    2nd person - you, you. Example: you read, you read.

    3rd person - she, he, it, they. Example: he reads, she reads, it reads, they read.

    The person of verbs can only be determined for verbs in the indicative and imperative moods.

    You need to look either at the ending of the verb or at the accompanying noun - in some cases, the second option will be the simplest and fastest. In the first case, you will need this sign:

    Once you understand this issue a little, then the face will be determined intuitively (yes, this is aerobatics from a schoolboy).

    At the same time, you need to remember that you won’t be able to determine the person of the infinitive, as well as verbs in the past tense, and you don’t even have to worry about it.

The person of a verb is one of its inconstant features and its most important category, with the help of which one can determine who performs the action described by the verb. Therefore, in tasks on the Russian language at school, students are often required to determine the person of the verb. During morphological analysis It is important to be able to accurately determine the constant and non-constant characteristics of words of a given part of speech. Person is an inflected grammatical category of a verb. To determine it correctly, it is important to remember the recommendations and follow the given algorithm.

Determine the person of the verb. A few recommendations
Simple tips will help you correctly determine the person of verbs. Try to remember them.
  1. First, try asking questions about the verb:
    • first person verbs: what am I doing? what are we doing? (I write, we write);
    • second person verbs: what are you doing? what are you doing? (write, write);
    • third person verbs: what does it do? what are they doing? (writes, writes).
    As you have already noticed, questions of two types are asked for the verbs of each person - for singular and plural.
  2. One of the most simple ways determining the person of the verb - substitution of the corresponding pronoun. You will need to be sure to remember all three person pronouns to be able to use this method well.
    • 1st person: I, we. For example: I walk, we walk.
    • 2nd person: you, you. For example: you walk, you walk.
    • 3rd person: he, she, it, they. For example: he studies, they study.
  3. It is also important to remember the formal features of the person of the verb - verbal personal endings.

    A good option is to create your own table with examples. Draw it on a separate sheet of thick paper, come up with your own examples for each ending and insert them into the appropriate lines. This way you can quickly remember all the endings and in the future easily determine the person of the verb.

  4. Please note important point: For verbs in the past tense, the person is not determined! There is also no need to define this feature in the infinitive. For example: studied (I, you, she). Learn (for me, for you, for her). You just need to substitute the appropriate pronouns to make sure: past tense verbs and infinitives do not have the grammatical category of person. Be sure to list this separately on your chart sheet and provide your own examples. Then you will no longer forget this feature of the verb as a part of speech.
  5. IN difficult cases you need to use all the methods known to you for determining the person of a verb. It is better to use all the methods until you begin to freely navigate this grammatical category of the verb and correctly identify the person. Then it will be enough for you to use one method that is most convenient for you.
How to determine the person of a verb? Algorithm
How to determine the person of a verb correctly? You will need to remember the tips and use the algorithm.
  1. Write down the verb whose person you need to determine on a separate piece of paper.
  2. Make sure the verb is present or future tense and not an infinitive. If you have a verb of the future, present tense, proceed directly to the analysis.
  3. Substitute a pronoun that suits the meaning of the verb. Determine the person pronoun. Verbs are used with pronouns of the same person they have. For example, if your verb is accompanied by a second person pronoun, you have a second person verb in front of you.
  4. Ask a question about the verb. Find out which person’s question he is answering, and based on this, determine the person of the verb.
  5. The most reliable way is to identify a face by formal sign. Parse the verb according to its composition and highlight the ending in it. Remember the table of personal verb endings and write down what person the verb has.
Carry out the analysis of the verb carefully, slowly, remember the recommendations, pronouns, questions corresponding to different persons, table, follow the algorithm. Then you will correctly determine this grammatical category of the verb.