The suffix l on the verb indicates. Suffix or ending? Verb suffix -va and the vowel before it

Suffix - a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new forms of a word.

The suffix is ​​not a required part of the word. A word may not have a suffix, but may have one or more suffixes:

friend, friend OK , ram- wow (A).

Form-forming (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them) that serve to form new forms of a word are calledformative (inflectional). At morphemic parsing these suffixes are not part of the word stem.

For example,

    suffix-th ( -ty ) forms the infinitive form of the verb:side t , carried you

    suffix-l- - form of past tense verbs:read- l , think- l .

Suffixes-th ( -ty ), -l- are not part of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix may appear after
: let's go- those, will go (eat) - those .

Reflexive verb suffix -sya/-sya was once a pronounmyself :

combing sya = combing(s) myself .

Reflexive suffixes-sya, -sya are the basis of the wordand often stand after :

closing (et) Xia , washing (yu) sya

For more details seeInflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

    inflection - this is educationforms of the same c fishing

    word formation - this is educationnew words

Derivative suffixes

By usingderivational suffixes words are formed different parts speech, but nouns and adjectives are most often formed.
For example, one of the most active suffixes in noun formation
-Nick- :

forest -Nick , school -Nick , study -Nick , three -Nick , satellite -Nick , resort -Nick , benefits -Nick , Saturdays -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix-sk- :

rural sk (s), village- sk (ii), pestilence -sk (oh), Moscow- sk (ii) etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings same part of speech .
For example, the suffix
-Nick -, - from - . - OK - ( mushroom-nick, red- from (a), friend- OK ) serve to form only nouns;-sk- ( fleet- sk (ii) ) - to form only adjectives; -yva -,- willow - ( think about it yva -th ) - only for verbs. That's why we talk about suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of word formation using various suffixes:

    from the rootkind- : kind, kind-from, kind-yak, kind-from-n, kind-e-t ;

    fromraspberry : malin(a), malin-k(a), malin-nik(), malin-ovk(a), malin-ov(y), malin-n(y) ;

    fromtime- : vrem(s), vrem-echk(o), vrem-yank(a), vrem-en-n(y), vrem-en-o, vrem-en-shchik .

If the root contains the main lexical meaning (meaning) of the word, then suffixes (like ) complement this meaning and clarify it. For example:

    the suffix adds a diminutive meaning:daughter - daughter - To (a) - daughter- yenk (a), house - house- IR ;

    magnifying value:hand - hand - looking for (A) ;

    the suffix is ​​used to form words that name baby animals:elephant- baby , ut- baby ;

    to designate male persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality:teach- tel , tractor- ist , Moscow- ich , Siberian yak , academic IR , cargo- in , Caucasus- ec etc;

    to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, or nationality:selling schits (a), master ic (a), paramedic- ic (a), Osset-in- To (a), machine-ist- To (a), writer- prostrate (A) etc

    expression of attitude towards a person:cunning south ah, jade south ah, small turnout oh, goats turnout ah, flax tai , saliva tai .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns, gender. For example, the suffix- tel at the end of the word - a masculine noun (teacher, builder, driver ),
suffix -
from - - noun feminine (good-from (a), deaf-from (a), beautiful-from (a) );
suffix -
sk - - adjective (hungarian-sk(ii), russ-sk(ii) ).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

A suffix or part of a suffix may be hidden , that is, not explicitly represented in letters in writing. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after
b, b lettersE, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th’] (or often denoted). It is this sound that may turn out to be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is ​​highlighted using transcription.
For example:

liar - [liar’ / th' /a], emigration - emigrant, two - dv, fox [l’is’/ th' /willow], fox [l’is’/ th' /ii’].

The procedure for highlighting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old :

    Select the root and ending by changing the form of the word and selecting related words using different suffixes:old, old, old, old - old-inn rootold -, endingth ;

    Can-inn- be a suffix? We look through related words that may contain part-inn- . Find the wordold in (A) , in which-in - - suffix, highlight it: old in- n(th) .

    Let's consider the rest -n- . The adjective old-n(y) is formed from the noun old(a) using the suffix-n-

    Let's prove the correctness of the choice of morpheme -n- , selecting words with a different root, but with the same suffix (the same part of speech as the original word, since suffixes are “related” to parts of speech): garden -n (th) (from the garden), mod- n (th) (from fashionable), autumn- n (ii) (from autumn) . This proves the correctness of the morpheme selection.

    Conclusion: old inn (th) .

You can check the correctness of the parsing in a word-formation dictionary.

For more details see Highlighting a suffix in a word.

To identify suffixes, it is useful to know the most used ones.


Their work

Form nouns


fish - fish To A
key - key IR
lock - lock ek
friend - friend OK
hand-hand yenk A
fox-fox onk A
Vanya – Van Echk A
needle - needle points A
grandfather - grandfather ear A
field - floor yushk O

Give words a diminutive or endearing connotation


forest - forest Nick
carry - cart chick
drum - drum box
teach - teach tel
teach - teacher prostrate A
radio operator - radio operator To A

Form words that name persons by their occupation

Form adjectives


rock - rock ist th
city ​​- city sk Ouch
peas - peas ov th
shawl - shawl ev th
summer - years n th

Form verbs


sound - sound A t
wound - wound And t
white – white e t
winter - winter ova t
ring - rings Eve t
get sick - get sick willow t
open -open yva t


teach - teach xia - I teach sya
treat - treat Xia - I'm flying sya

Forms verbs with reflexive meaning. Can be located after completion. They form the basis of the word.

Formative suffixes


chita t
carried you

Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb. They are not part of the word.


I read - I read l ;
I say - speak l

Forms the past tense form of the verb. They are not part of the word.

For verbs ending in -whose , part of the word -whose part of the root: burn, bake.

You can clarify suffixes in derivational and morphemic dictionaries (Potikha Z. A. School dictionary of the structure of words of the Russian language. M., 1987, Tikhonov A. N. Derivative dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Explanatory dictionary of derivational units of the Russian language. M ., 1996. , Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words in the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Analysis of words by composition, M., 2011, etc.).

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are different rules for writing this morpheme; they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Let's look at what verb suffixes there are.

Suffix -ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova-/eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - to envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense - to spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - to sympathize;
  • stroke - to hatch.

The spelling of these morphemes is checked using the first person singular verb form. numbers in the present tense. To put a verb in in the required form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I'm dancing now;
  • I'm drawing now.

As you can see, the verb ends in -y. In this case, the suffix is ​​written -ova-/-eva-.

Examples of words in which the verbal suffix -ova-/-eva- is emphasized:

  • I envy - envy, greet - greet, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, quarrel - quarrel.

Morphemes -yva-/-iva- also form verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: take a bite.

The suffixes -yva-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

(what to do?) experience - (what to do?) experience.

The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the 1st letter. the only one real numbers time. Let's remember the question: "What am I doing now?" And the answer will be: “I’m dancing now,” “I’m finishing now.”

After this, we determine that at the end - yu/-ivayu.

Examples of words in which it stands out:

I choke - choke, invent - invent, swing - swing, educate - educate, bite - bite, refuse - refuse, search - search, grease - grease, hang - hang, paint - paint, saw - saw, unwind - unwind, take apart - take apart, draw out - draw out, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, test - test, shudder - shudder, think - think.

Suffixes in participles

The morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- are preserved in active participles.

This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a characteristic of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For example:

Verb suffix -va and the vowel before it

If the stress falls on the final part of the verb, you cannot highlight -ova-/eva-, -ыва-/-iva-, since the suffix will be different - va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous word-forming morphemes. For example, it is highlighted in the words:

  • weaken;
  • fog up;
  • poly;
  • prod-va´-t;
  • hum.

This suffix forms the imperfective form of the perfective and appears in the form of nes. V. and disappears in the verbs of owls. V. This will help highlight it in the word:

  • weaken (sov.v.) - weaken (nesov.v.);
  • fog up (sov.v.) - fog up (not sov.v.);
  • water (sov.v.) - water (not sov.v.);
  • thread (sov. v.) - prod-va-t (non-sov. view);
  • hum (sov.v.) - sing-va-t (non-sov.v.).

Appearing in verbs, it takes on the stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into an orthogram. To select it, the following rule is applied: To correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix -va, you need to omit this suffix.

Suffix -e-

This verbal suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs from which questions cannot be put in the accusative case:

  • blackness (from what?) from grief;
  • seriousness (from what?) from problems;
  • rusty (from what?) from humidity;
  • white (from what?) from old age.

Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without outside influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

Vowels before the suffix -l-

The past tense verbal suffix -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver...l, drive...l, hover...l, measure...l, detour...l, despair...l, stuck...l, sit...l, clean...l.

To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

  • twirl - spit;
  • winnow - winnow;
  • start - started;
  • depend - depended;
  • measure - measured;
  • repent - repent;
  • bow - bowed;
  • cherish - cherished;
  • hope - hoped;
  • travel - traveled;
  • despair - despair;
  • stick - glued;
  • soar - soar;

  • listen - listened;
  • sow - sowed;
  • clean - cleaned;
  • smell - smelled.

Is the reference. It is also preserved in the gerunds before -v- and -louse-: desperate lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

Task for consolidation

So, when you know what verbs there are and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

Letters are missing in this text. It is easy to restore if you remember some of the learned rules governing the spelling of verbs.

It is interesting to watch monkeys living in trees. You can look at them and photograph them, because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don't jump...but flutter...from branch to branch, swing...and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys tear it off, grab it with their tenacious paws, inspect it, sniff it, try it, even bring it to their ear to listen. They pawn some things on the cheek, and discard others as unnecessary.

Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look out for the most beautiful things, and don’t yawn, keep your eyes open.



In most currently accepted textbooks and teaching aids, morphemes of the indefinite form of verbs ( -t, -t And -whose ) is called an "infinitive ending" or an "infinitive marker". This point of view is found, for example, in the textbooks of S.G. Barkhudarova, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.Yu. Maksimova, L.A. Czech.

In the manual M.T. Baranova, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova “Russian language. Reference materials" (M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1987) says: "Verbs in the indefinite form have the following endings..." (p. 104). The following is a table where -th And -ty are called endings, and -whose – a suffix followed by a zero ending. In the “Collection of exercises in the Russian language for those entering universities” D.E. Rosenthal (Moscow University Publishing House, 1994) we also read: “The indefinite form is formed by means of endings -th or -ty "(p. 109).

However, in the same “Collection of Exercises...” D.E. Rosenthal in § 17 “Composition of a word” says: “Words of the Russian language, from the point of view of morphological structure, are divided into words that have inflectional forms and words that do not have inflectional forms. Words of the first group fall into two parts: the stem and the ending, or inflection; the words of the second group represent the pure basis” (pp. 37–38). And further: “The ending, or inflection, is the variable part of the word that indicates the relationship of this word to other words, i.e. is a means of expressing the syntactic properties of a word in a sentence” (p. 38). We find the same thing in the manual “Russian Language. Reference materials" M.T. Baranova et al.: “In mutable independent words, the base and ending are distinguished... and in unchangeable words, only the base....” And further: “The ending is a changeable significant part of the word, which forms the form of the word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences... Unchangeable words do not have endings” (p. 34).

There is a contradiction: if indefinite form verb has an ending, then, in accordance with the above definitions, it must represent a grammatical category that has inflectional forms, i.e. one must then recognize the indefinite form of the verb as changing. However, in all the cited publications we can easily find an unambiguous indication of the invariability of the infinitive. In the “Phrase Combination” section, when defining adjacency, naturally, examples of infinitive adjacency are given, and in the Russian language textbook S.G. Barkhudarova, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.Yu. Maksimova, L.A. Czech for the 8th grade directly states: “The dependent word when adjacent is unchangeable (adverb, indefinite form of the verb, gerund).”

Probably to avoid this irreconcilable contradiction, in textbook edited by V.V. Babaytseva (“Russian language. Theory and practice.” M.: Prosveshcheniye) final morphemes of the infinitive -t, -t And -whose are defined as suffixes. These morphemes are also defined in the reference publication “Russian Language. Encyclopedia" (2nd edition, revised and additional. Chief editor. Yu.N. Karaulov. M.: "Big Russian Encyclopedia", "Busturbation", 1997). Here in the article “Infinitive” it says: “An infinitive consists of a stem and a suffix” (p. 158).

But here we are faced with another contradiction - with the traditional definition of a stem as a part of a word without an ending. It turns out that in the indefinite form of the verb the suffix is ​​not part of the stem.

However, all contradictions are removed if the division of suffixes into word-forming and inflectional, or form-building, which has long been accepted in linguistics, is introduced into the school curriculum. In the cited publication “Russian language. Encyclopedia" in the article "Suffix" we read: “Suffixes can be word-forming (serving to form individual words) and inflectional (serving to form word forms)... Inflectional suffixes are comparative and superlatives (strong-ee, strongest-ey), past tense (un-l-a), infinitive (carry), participles (carried, carried, brought) and gerunds (look, write lice)...» (p. 547). In a textbook for higher students educational institutions"Modern Russian Language" ed. D.E. Rosenthal, part 1. (M.: Higher School, 1979) inflectional affixes are called formative: “According to... their function, affixes are divided into word-forming and formative... Formative affixes do not form new words, they do not change the lexical meaning of the word, but are used to form forms of the same word” (p. 146). The same textbook states quite clearly: “Most verbs form an indefinite form with the help of suffixes -th And -ty ... Verbs on -whose represent in modern language a small group..."

It is clear that in this case the definition of the basis changes somewhat. Since formative suffixes are not included in the stem of the word, the concept of the stem itself can be defined as follows: stem is the part of the word that remains after cutting off the ending and formative suffix (pisa-th, pisa-l, pisa-vsh-y) . In practice, the stem was always defined this way (explaining to students, for example, the formation of the form of past tense verbs, the teacher said that it is formed by adding the past tense suffix to the stem -l- ), therefore it is all the more worthwhile to eliminate the confusion in the theory.

Based on the above, I propose to make the following changes to the Russian language course at school.

1. In the “Word Formation” section, give the division of suffixes into derivational And formative 1 .

    Derivational suffixes serve to form new words, changing the lexical meaning of the word: house - house-ik(small house) find out - find out(the verb takes on the meaning of duration/repetition and incompleteness of the action), etc.

    Form-building suffixes serve to form word forms and do not change the lexical meaning of the word. Formative suffixes differ from endings primarily in that they cannot serve to express the connection of words in phrases and sentences. Formative suffixes include the following:

    • comparative and superlative suffixes -ee, -e(quick-y – fast-ee, fast-o – fast-ee; cleaner), -eysh-, -aysh-(boring - boring-ey, great - great-ish);

      past tense suffix of verbs -l-(wrote, sat);

      infinitive suffixes (write, carry, take care)

      infinitive suffixes (write, carry, take care)(in the case of the suffix -whose the phenomenon of overlay (application) occurs when -h- simultaneously belongs to both the root and the suffix (historical changes: take care - take care);

      participle suffixes -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -box-(write, read, build, breathe), -sh-, -vsh-, -nn-, -enn-, -t-(un-sh-y, pis-sh-y, torn-nn-y, bought-y, sh-y), -eat-, -om-, -im-(pursued, led, driven);

      gerund suffixes -a, -i(shout, read), -teach, -yuchi(steal-learn, pity-yuchi), -v, -lice, -shi(seen, got lice, endured);

      suffix imperative mood -And (in verbs with a present tense stem on a consonant) (requests) 2 .

2. When performing graphic morpheme and word-formation analysis, denote form-building suffixes with the usual symbol ^ 3, accepted for denoting suffixes.

3. When performing graphic morphemic and word-formation analysis, do not include form-building suffixes in the stem of the word (washing-I- sya, read-vsh-y, will-teach).

4. Change the definition of the basis. The stem is the part of the word that expresses its lexical meaning and remains after cutting off the ending and formative suffix from the word. In inflected or conjugated words (except for participles, superlative adjectives and past tense verbs), the stem is determined by cutting off the ending from them (pestilence-e, hurry-yu- sya, autumn-th). In participles, superlative adjectives and past tense verbs, in addition, when determining the stem, formative suffixes are cut off (I'm raging-yush-y, fresh-aysh-yy, brought-l-a). In the comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives, in gerunds, infinitives and the imperative mood of verbs, formative suffixes are cut off when determining the stem (fast-her, loss-V, open-th, brought-And).

5. Of course, such a definition of the stem will also require a slightly different procedure for studying the morphemic composition of a word than is currently accepted. The concept of the basis of a word and its practical finding will become possible only after students become familiar with the categories of “suffix” and “formative suffix.”

All of the above changes will, in my opinion, allow, without complicating teaching the Russian language at school too much, to avoid irreconcilable contradictions and confusion in this matter, mechanical memorization of the morphemic composition of words by students, and will also help bring the level of school learning of the Russian language closer to university requirements.

1 The term “formative suffixes” seems more successful than “inflectional suffixes,” primarily because the inflectional morpheme is an ending that actually serves as a means of changing words in accordance with syntactic requirements. Only inflected (inflected or conjugated) words have endings as an inflectional morpheme. Formative suffixes are also present in unchangeable words and do not perform a syntactic function. They form special forms of words.

2 The imperative suffix -i stands out as a formative one in the previously cited textbook by D.E. Rosenthal for students of higher educational institutions, vol. 1, p. 258. In some other works, -i is defined as the ending of imperative verbs (see “Russian Language. Encyclopedia”, 2nd ed., p. 346). However, in my opinion, this morpheme does not correspond to the definition of ending, because does not serve to express the syntactic connections of a given word with other words in a phrase or sentence.

3 In some latest works you can find the symbol “^” (“house”) to indicate the final morpheme of the infinitive. This is motivated by the fact that this morpheme combines the characteristics of a suffix and an ending. However, this point of view seems to me unconvincing, because ending is an inflectional morpheme that serves to express syntactic relations of agreement and control of a given word with other words of a phrase and sentence. A formative suffix never performs and cannot perform such a syntactic function, i.e. it is devoid of the main properties and signs of completion.

Suffixes play a very important role in the Russian language. With their help, not only new words are formed, but also grammatical forms, and they also serve to convey the emotional component of speech. That is why it is simply necessary to know what suffixes are and what they are used for.

What is a suffix?

A suffix is ​​a morpheme that comes behind a root. Sometimes there are cases when a suffix follows the ending. In this case it is called "postfix". First of all, this concerns the morpheme -sya-/-s-: wash themselves (ending -yut, postfix -sya-), get ready, show off and others.

The main function of a suffix is ​​the formation of new words, however, there are cases when this morpheme plays a formative role. There are many suffixes in the language that have expressive and emotional connotations.

So numerous that it begins to be studied in school as early as primary classes. What are the suffixes in the Russian language? Grade 2 takes place in the middle of the year.

Using this morpheme it is easy to find out which part of speech is in front of us. So, thanks to the specific -ush/-yusch and -ash-/-yash- we understand that this is a participle, and -v- clearly says that the word in question is a gerund. Let's first consider these morphemes from the point of view of purpose, and then talk about belonging to any part of speech.

A word can exist without a suffix, but it is the suffix that gives the lexeme special meaning. The opposite cases are also not uncommon, when there are two or even three suffixes. So in the word “teaching” there are two of them: -tel- and -stv-, and in the word “teaching” there are three: the verbal -ova- was added to the previous two.

What are they by function?

Let's look at what suffixes are from the point of view of their functionality.

Shades of values

Also, suffixes can be subdivided depending on what shade of meaning they convey. It is no secret that the root carries the main semantic load. The suffix only clarifies and makes the word more expressive. Let's look at what suffixes are from this point of view and the meanings they convey:

  • Diminutive: table-table; ram-lamb; handsome - handsome; child - baby.
  • Magnifying: boots, hands, fists, giants.
  • Baby animals: duckling, calf, kitten, baby elephant.
  • Designation of belonging to any profession: saleswoman, crane operator, barmaid; also localities: Siberian, St. Petersburg, Muscovite, southerner; Nationalities: Ukrainian, Georgian, German, Finnish.
  • Subjective attitude towards an object or person: thief, little one, cunning, greedy, laughing.

Noun suffixes

IN high school They begin to study morphology in detail, so for each part of speech they determine what suffixes there are in the Russian language (grade 5). Let's analyze this morpheme from this point of view.

We will cite as an example only the most characteristic suffixes, by which one can unambiguously say about their morphological affiliation.

Noun suffixes:


  • Belonging to a certain circle, nationality: highlander, Caucasian, encircled.
  • Ability: wrestler, merchant, tightrope walker.
  • A masculine animal: male, swimmer, stallion (-ec-) or feminine (-its-): she-bear, lioness, sloth.
  • Estimated value: brother, borscht, bread, prong (in colloquial speech and vernacular).
  • Diminutive meaning: knife, table.
  • Name of sciences, subjects: mathematics, mechanics, stylistics
  • Name of berries: blackberry, blueberry.
  • Item: textbook, fin, wallet.
  • Occupation: colonel, submariner, horseman.
  • Territorial object: greenhouse, dressing room, hay barn.


Diminutives: sparrow, wing, hut, snake.


Occupation: loader, parquet floorer, estimator, furniture maker.

Adjective suffixes

Now let's talk about what adjective suffixes are.

This is perhaps the richest part of speech for these morphemes.


A quality acquired under the influence of something (time, location, etc.): stale, tired.

Indicate the material from which the item is made. They are always written with one “n” (exceptions: glass, tin, wood): clay, sand, leather.

May also indicate the purpose of the item ( wardrobe) or on the method of work (wind, peat).

Indicates an expressive characteristic: enlarged body parts (lipped, tailed) or another quality (shaggy, bespectacled)

Ev-/-ov-, -in-

With the help of these suffixes grandfathers and fathers are formed.

It also indicates what the item is prepared or made from: pear, anise.


Property (military, morning, cranberry, slow)


Inclination, some quality, possession of something: rainy, lazy, beautiful

East, -chat-

Similarity: silvery, oily.

Tendency, similarity: sweeping, impetuous, turnip-like (turnip-like).

Performing an action or capable of it, having a connection: observant, surprising, selective.

Object of action, its purpose: swimming; desirable.

Verb suffixes

What are the suffixes for verbs in Russian? Most often they are formative (we wrote about them earlier). However, there are also those that are endowed with certain meanings. So -ova-/-yva- will tell us that the action has not ended, but is in the process (plan, fantasize, care) - these are all imperfective verbs.

The suffixes -sya-/-s- although they form reflexive verb, are not inflectional. They are included entirely in the base.

Pronoun suffixes

The last thing left to talk about is what pronoun suffixes are. There are only three of them: -this, -either, -something. They are all written with a hyphen and participate in the formation of anyone, any, something.