Long sentence in English. Translation exercises from Russian into English

Examples of affirmative sentences translated into Past Simple. In the article I have prepared simple sentences that you can practice with children, 3rd and high school students. I also posted interrogative and negative sentences here. All examples are from native English speakers.

Simple sentences translated into Past Simple

1. I had a doll. I had a doll.
2. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday.
3. We listened to fairy tales. We listened to fairy tales.
4. Mark watched cartoons. Mark watched cartoons.
5. My mom cooked a cake. My mother made a cake.

6. My dog ​​was black. My dog ​​was black.
7. We played outside. We played outside.
8. He didn't like my toys. He liked my toys.
9. They asked a teacher. They asked the teacher.
10. She helped her mom. She helped mom.

Past Simple sentences with irregular verbs

1. We went to the zoo. We went to the zoo.
2. A cat ate. The cat ate.
3. My mom bought a doll. My mother bought a doll.
4. I took my toy. I took my toy.
5. We drank a lemonade. We drank lemonade.

6. Kate saw a rainbow. Katya saw a rainbow.
7. You draw a nice house. You drew a beautiful house.
8. They made nice flowers. They made beautiful flowers.
9. The dog run after the cat. The dog ran after the cat.
10. He told me his secret. He told me his secret.

Past Simple - sentences for high school with translation

1. I understood what the teacher said. I understood what the teacher said.
2. We had seven lessons on Monday. On Monday we had seven lessons.
3. I was at the gym last Sunday. Last Sunday I was at the gym.
4. I downloaded mp3 files on the Internet. I downloaded mp3 files on the Internet.
5. She spoke English pretty well. She spoke English well.

6. David worked all Saturday. David worked all Saturday.
7. We watched black and white movies. We watched black and white films.
8. They came here for a week. They came here for a week.
9. He traveled around the world. He traveled the world.
10. She created her own company. She created her own company.

1. I learned English. I studied English.
2. He played football. He played football.
3. We washed our hands. We washed our hands.
4. They cleaned my room. They cleaned my room.
5. She cooked spaghetti. She cooked spaghetti.

6. We baked a cake. We baked a cake.
7. I brushed my hair. I combed my hair.
9. He fixed his bike. He fixed his bike.
10. She dried her hair. She washed her hair.

1. I read a book. I was reading a book.
2. I drew a picture. I was painting a picture.
3. I wrote a message. I was writing a letter.
4. I took a nap. I was dozing.
5. I rode my bike. I was riding a bike.

6. I swam. I was swimming.
7. I ate ice-cream. I was eating ice cream.
8. I drank water. I drank water.
9. I went to the movies. I went to the cinema.
10. I read an article. I read the article.

Past Simple examples of interrogative sentences with translation

1. Did she eat sushi? Did she eat sushi?
2. Where were they lost? Where were they lost?
3. What did he create? What did he create?
4. Who are the candies? Who ate the candy?
5. Did you boil the water? Have you boiled water?

6. Did they usually take the subway to school? Do they usually go to Skoda by metro?
7. Did Mary watch a movie last night? Did Mary watch a movie last night?
8. When did you go to Moscow? When did you go to Moscow?
9. Did she book our flights? Did she book us a flight?
10. Did you make a dinner? Have you prepared dinner? 5. You didn’t come to my birthday party. You didn't come to my birthday.

6. He didn’t chop the onions. He didn't cut the onion.
5. Tom didn’t know that. Tom didn't know about this.
7. My father didn’t take a taxi to the airport. My father didn't take a taxi to the airport.
8. We didn't live in America. We didn't live in America.
9. Mark and David were not excellent students in high school. In high school, Mark and David were not good students.
10. He didn’t eat spicy food when he lived in China. When he lived in China, he didn't eat spicy food.

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Offer This is a separate statement that has intonation and semantic completeness. A sentence is a word or group of words, organized according to the rules of grammar, that convey a specific message, question, exclamation, or call to action.

  • It's raining. - It's raining.
  • Go outside! - Go outside!
  • What are you doing? - What are you doing?

Offers English language, as in Russian, depending on how many grammatical bases (combinations of subject and predicate) in a sentence, are divided into simple and complex sentences.

  • Simple sentences
  • There is my house.- This is my home.
  • I have to go to the university.– I have to go to university.
  • Complex sentences
  • There is the house where my family lives.– This is the house where my family lives.
  • I have to go to the university now but I will come back soon.– I have to go to university now, but I’ll be back soon.

Simple sentence(simple sentence) is a sentence that only contains one grammatical basis(one combination of subject and predicate).

  • Kate likes dogs. Kate loves dogs.
  • We go jogging every Sunday.– We go for a run every Sunday.
  • They didn't go to school last year. They didn’t go to school last year.

Simple sentences for the purpose of the statement

All simple sentences, depending on the purpose of the statement, may be narrative, interrogative, imperative, exclamation marks.

Declarative sentences

Declarative sentence(declarative sentence) – a sentence that communicates a specific fact or information in affirmative or negative form. The intonation of such a sentence is mainly descending; direct word order is used (subject before predicate).

  • My name is Paul. - My name is Paul.
  • Kate is good at cooking. Kate is a good cook.
  • I don't like honey. - I don't like honey.
  • George hasn’t finished his work yet. George hasn't finished his work yet.

In English, as a rule, there can be only one negative in a sentence, in contrast to the Russian language, where there can be double negation (using together the particle not, nor and negative pronouns, adverbs, etc.).

  • I know nothing.– I don’t know anything.
  • I don't know anything.– I don’t know anything.
  • We met no one yesterday. – We didn’t meet anyone yesterday.
  • We didn’t meet anyone yesterday.– We didn’t meet anyone yesterday.

Double negative in English can be used to further strengthen the negation, but this is not common.

  • I ain't got no money.– I don’t have any money.
  • We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control.“We don’t need any education, we don’t need any thought control.

Interrogative sentences

Imperative sentences

Imperative sentence(imperative sentence) - a sentence that encourages the interlocutor to action, that is, expresses an order, request, command, invitation, etc. In such sentences the subject is often omitted you(you, you), since it is clear from the context, the verb is used only in the infinitive form without a particle to.

  • Watch this!- Look at this!
  • Listen to me.- Listen to me.
  • Go and buy some bread, please.- Go buy some bread, please.

Sometimes in imperative sentences the pronoun you does not lower itself in order to emotionally highlight and strengthen an order or command.

  • You sleep now.- You're going to bed now.
  • We will rest and you drive.“We’ll rest, and you drive the car.”
  • I will go to the shop and you stay at home.– I’ll go to the store, and you stay at home.

In order to form negative imperative sentence(prohibition or request), an auxiliary verb is always used do in the negative form, even with a verb to be.

  • Don't give me orders!- Don't order me!
  • Don't touch it, please.- Don't touch this, please.
  • Don't be so silly!- Don't be so stupid!
  • Oh come on don't be mad.- Oh, come on, don't be mad.

To form an order, command directed to third parties, the verb is used to let(allow). To let also used to offer help or when asking for permission to do something.

  • Let her go.- Let her go. (Let her go.)
  • Let him do whatever he wants.- Let him do whatever he wants.
  • Let the children play with our dog.– Let the children play with our dog.
  • Let me help you.- Let me help you.
  • Let us do this.- Let us do this.

Form let's(short for let us) is used to suggest joint action. In this meaning the full form let us practically not used.

  • Let's go for a walk!- Let's go for a walk!
  • Let's play football outside.- Let's play football in the street.
  • Let's invite Paul and Janice to the party.- Let's invite Paul and Janice to the party.

Exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentence(exclamatory sentence) – a sentence expressing certain emotions or feelings. Often such sentences begin with the words what And how, but end exclamation mark.

IN exclamatory sentences Only direct word order is used. However, often a sentence may only consist of one or two words.

  • Marvelous! - Wonderful! (also with a hint of sarcasm)
  • How wonderful! - How wonderful!
  • It’s such a beautiful life! - How wonderful life is!
  • What a lovely day it is. – What a wonderful day today.

Types of simple sentences by structure

Simple sentences according to their structure (the presence or absence of some members of the sentence) are divided into two-part And one-piece, as well as on undistributed And common.

Two-part sentence

Two-member sentence(two-part sentence) - a sentence in which both main members of the sentence (subject and predicate) are present, or one of them is omitted because it is clear from the context or the previous sentence.

  • I don't like this book.– I don’t like this book.
  • We had a lot of fun in Brazil! Swimming in the ocean, drinking cocktails, dancing.– We had a lot of fun in Brazil! We swam in the ocean, drank cocktails, danced.

Two-Part Sentences, in turn, are divided into complete and incomplete. Complete sentence(full sentence) - a two-part sentence in which there is both a subject and a predicate.

  • The baby was smiling to us.– The child smiled at us.
  • We've bought a lot of candies for you.- We bought you a lot of sweets.
  • There was a big party at Caroline’s place. Caroline had a big party.

Incomplete sentence(incomplete sentence) - a sentence in which one of the main members of the sentence or both of them is missing, since they are clear from the context. Such sentences are often found in colloquial speech and dialogues.

  • Who did that? Mark, of course.-Who did this? Of course Mark.
  • What did he do? Nothing at all!-What did he do? Nothing at all!
  • What were we doing? Just chilling and talking.-What did we do? We just relaxed and talked.

One-part sentence

One-member sentence(one-part sentence) is a special type of sentence in which there is only one main member of the sentence, and it cannot be clearly defined as a noun or predicate. Sometimes such proposals are called in sentences-phrases.

One-part sentences can be expressed using a noun or an infinitive of a verb.

  • To be or not to be?– To be or not to be?
  • To stay here – alone, forgotten by everyone.- Stay here - alone, forgotten by everyone.
  • Spring! Birds singing, the sun shining, flowers in blossom.- Spring! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming.

Uncommon and common offers

Unextended sentence(unextended sentence) - a sentence in which there are no minor members of the sentence, but only grammatical basis. Both one-part and two-part sentences can be uncommon.

  • Spring. - Spring.
  • To live! - Live!
  • Don't talk!- Don't talk!
  • She is sleeping.- She's sleeping.
  • Matt is a student.– Matt is a student.

Extended sentence(common sentence) – a sentence in which there is one or more minor members of the sentence depending on the subject or predicate.

  • Beautiful spring!- Wonderful spring!
  • Don't talk to me now!- Don't talk to me now!
  • My little sister is sleeping upstairs.- My little sister is sleeping upstairs.
  • Matt is not really a good student. Matt is not a very good student.

Problems often arise when translating sentences from Russian into English. Most often this happens due to the difference between these languages, which is clearly manifested in the order of words in a sentence.

Word order in an English sentence

The word order in an English sentence is not exactly the same as in Russian.
In Russian, word order is not fixed, plus you can easy to omit subject or predicate(that is, the one who performs the action or who is in question, and the action itself). Thus, in the sentence “I am a student” there is no verb (predicate) at all, and in the sentence “Sunny” there is neither a verb nor a noun.
In English, on the contrary, there must always be both a subject and a predicate.

How to write a sentence in English

Let’s translate the sentence “I am a teacher” into English word for word: we get “I teacher.” But we know that an English sentence must have a subject and a predicate. “I” is the subject, the one we are talking about, everything is fine here, but the verb (predicate) in this sentence is just missing. Then we get “I am a teacher”, where am is exactly the verb we need. That is, if you translate this sentence literally into Russian, you get "I be a teacher" or "I am a teacher".

“You are a teacher” will be translated as “You are a teacher”, which literally means "You are the teacher". Here the verb is the word are.

Forms of the verb to be

In fact, “am” and “are” are forms of the same verb: “to be” bi (which translates as “to be, to appear”), but the present tense forms of this verb are not at all similar to it.

Conjugation table for the verb to be

Let's look at the table and imagine everything in a two-column system. With “I” to be turns into “am” ([əm] em). With “he/she/it” - in “is” ([ɪz] from), and for “we/you/they” the form “are” ([ɑː] а) is used. Thus,

I am a student. I am a student.
You are a student. You are a student.
He is a student. He is a student.
She is a student. She is a student.

We are students. We are students.
You are students. You are students.
They are students. They are students.

It’s easy to remember these forms, because there are only three of them: with I – am, with he/she/it – is, for everything else – are. And don't forget this not different verbs, these are forms of the same verb to be.

Making a sentence with nouns

With pronouns, forms of the verb to be are remembered for simplicity, but there may be other words in their place. For example, "Mike is a student" Let's translate it as “Mike is a student”, because Mike is he (he), and with he we use the form is. Using the same logic we translate "This boy is a student" like "This boy is a student". Another example: “Children at home” will be translated as “Children are at home”, because children are they, and with them we use the form are. "Mike and Monica are students" let's translate it as "Mike and Monika are students", because Mike and Monica together are also “they”.

Knowing this, you will be able to easily compose simple sentences in English. The main thing to remember is that if there is no verb in Russian, it should still be in English, and most likely it will be the verb to be.

Let's make a sentence from words

We have come up with interactive exercises for making sentences from words try

Exercise to consolidate the material (interrogative sentences)

You need to make sentences from English words. After which you will find out its translation. Words can be dragged with the mouse or finger (on smartphones)

New York is a great city

New York is a great city!

The students in my class are really friendly

The students in my class are really friendly.

I am with my friend Pedro in this photo

In this photo I am with my friend Pedro.

He is a teacher at a language school

There are simple sentences undistributed And common.

Uncommon simple sentences consist only of the main members of the sentence - subject And predicate:

The car (subject) stopped (predicate). The car stopped.

Included common simple sentence In addition to the main members, there are also secondary ones - definition, addition And circumstance. The secondary members of the sentence explain the main ones:

In this sentence, the minor member of the sentence blue (definition) explains the subject - the car, and the minor member at the gate (adverbial place) is the predicate stopped.

The minor member of the company (definition) explains the subject the manager; the minor member of the sentence a letter (addition) explains the predicate has received.

The subject with the secondary members of the sentence related to it constitutes the subject group (common subject). The predicate with the secondary members of the sentence related to it constitutes a predicate group (common predicate):

Minor members of a sentence, in turn, can be explained by other minor members, making up common members of a sentence with them:

In this sentence, the minor member of the sentence a message (addition) is explained by another minor member important (definition), forming with it a common addition - an important message.

The minor member at the meeting (adverbial location) is explained by another minor member of the council (definition), forming with it the common adverbial circumstance at the meeting of the council.








General questions are those that can be answered yes or no. They begin with a verb in question form

Do you know him? Do you know him?

Is this bag clean? Is this bag clean?



Special questions are aimed at clarifying a fact or circumstance. They include not to the whole sentence, but to one of its members. They begin with a question word. A verb is in interrogative form only if the question word is not the subject or the modifier of the subject

Where is he? Where is he?

Where do you study? Where do you study?

Who knows?

What do you know? What do you know?


Alternative questions suggest the answer is a choice between two or more objects, actions or qualities, expressed by homogeneous members of the sentence, connected by the conjunction or or

Do you study at the University or at college? You are studying at university or in college?



Dividing questions consist, as it were, two-piece: the first part is declarative sentence(affirmative or negative), and the second - short general question, consisting of an auxiliary (or modal) verb in the required form and a personal pronoun in the nominative case. Moreover, if the first part of the question is affirmative, then the auxiliary (modal) verb is used in the negative form, but if the first part is negative, then the auxiliary (modal) verb is used in the affirmative form

You bought the tickets, didn’t you? You bought the tickets, didn't you?

You had a good time in the country last week, didn’t you?

You had a good time out of town last week, didn't you?

He hasn’t come back from Moscow yet, has he? He hasn't returned from Moscow yet, has he?





The negative form of special questions is formed using the negative particle not, which in colloquial speech often merges with the auxiliary verb standing before the subject

Why didn’t you know your lesson?

Why aren't you ready for class?

Why isn’t he coming to see us? Why doesn't he come to us?

The negative form of a general question in English gives it a certain connotation of surprise. Such sentences are translated into Russian as questions beginning with the words perhaps, really?

Didn't you know about the meeting? Didn't you know about the meeting?

Didn’t you go to the library yesterday? Weren't you in the library yesterday?


The subject is a member of a sentence that denotes the subject about which something is said in the sentence. It answers the question who? Who? or what? What?






The train has arrived. The train has arrived.

The meeting is over. The meeting is over.


Don't work at a factory. He works in a factory.

Someone wants to speak to you. Someone wants to talk to you.


That swim is pleasant. It's nice to swim.


Smoking is not allowed here. Smoking is not allowed here.


Three were absent from the lecture. Three were absent from the lecture.

Any word or phrase used in the meaning of a noun

"Had" is the Past Tense of the verb “to have”. "Had" is the past tense of the verb "to have".

An English sentence in its structure differs from a Russian one in that it always has a subject and a predicate (more precisely, there should be). Therefore in impersonal sentences when there is no subject with a specific objective meaning, the pronoun it is used as the formal grammatical subject:

Impersonal sentences are divided into personalized And verbal.

Nominal impersonal sentences are constructed according to the following scheme:

(not translated

into Russian)


(linking verb in

appropriate time)



noun or


9 o"clock when we got home.

It was 9 o'clock when we arrived home.

When forming an interrogative form, the linking verb comes first:

Is it winter now in that part of the country? Is it winter in this part of the country right now?

In negative nominal impersonal sentences, the particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb:

It won't be cold in September, I hope. I hope it won't be cold in September.

Verbal impersonal sentences are constructed according to the following scheme:


Expressed by an impersonal verb like

to rain to go (about rain), to snow to go (about snow)

often rains in autumn.

It often rains in autumn.

In Russian there are no verbs corresponding to the verbs to rain and to snow (literally they would look like: rain, snow), but in Russian there is also a category of impersonal verbs: get dark, dawn etc., which are used to form impersonal sentences. In this case, as in English, the verb is placed in the 3rd person singular: it gets dark, it gets light:

It is getting dark. It's getting dark.

The interrogative and negative forms of verbal impersonal sentences are formed according to the same rules as for sentences with a regular verbal predicate:

Does it often rain in autumn? Does it often rain in autumn?

Is it raining now? Is it raining now?

It didn't snow much last winter. It didn't snow often last winter.

It won't be raining tomorrow. It won't rain tomorrow.

The pronoun it is used as a formal subject in the following impersonal sentences:

  • When reporting natural phenomena:

  • With verbs denoting weather conditions: to rain, to snow, to freeze, etc.:

  • With notations time and distance:

  • The pronoun it as a formal subject is used with some verbs in the passive voice. Such passive phrases correspond to indefinite personal phrases in Russian:

    The pronoun it as a formal subject is also used in the presence of a subject sentence expressed infinitive, gerund or subordinate clause and standing after the predicate:

    One in combination with the modal verbs must, should is translated into Russian “need, follows”, with the verb can - “it is possible”:

    One can be used in the possessive case and in this case is translated yours, yours, yours, yours:

    In dictionaries, the pronoun one in the form of the possessive case usually indicates that in a particular sentence, instead of one, the corresponding possessive pronoun should be used:

    A sentence with an indefinite subject one or they is translated into Russian by an impersonal or indefinite-personal sentence.

    Often in indefinite personal sentences the pronoun they is used, especially in the combination they say, corresponding to the Russian “they say”:

    The pronoun you is used less frequently:

    If you need to select an addition his sister, that is, to emphasize that it was his sister that I met, and not someone else, then his sister placed between it was And that (whom):

    If you need to highlight the circumstance of place in the park, i.e. emphasize that I met his sister in the park and not in another place, then in the park placed between it was And that:

    When translating this phrase, the words exactly, this, are often used.

    Using the phrase It is... that you can also highlight a subordinate clause. In this case, when translating into Russian, the word is often used only:

    I told him the news after he had returned from Moscow.

    It was after he had returned from Moscow that I told him the news.

    A predicate is a member of a sentence that denotes what is said about the subject. The predicate answers the questions: what does the subject do? what does the subject do? what is done to the subject? what is done with the subject? or what is it like? what is it like? what is it? what is it? who is it? who is she?

    The predicate can be simple (the Simple Predicate) and compound (the Compound Predicate). The compound predicate, in turn, is of two types - compound nominal And compound verb:


    A simple predicate is expressed by a verb in personal form in any tense, voice and mood:


    A compound nominal predicate is expressed by the linking verb to be in the personal form, in combination with the nominal part. The nominal part of a compound predicate expresses the main meaning of the predicate, telling what the subject (subject) is, what it is, what it is, who it is.






    I am a student.

    They are workers.


    It is she. This is her.

    This book is yours. This book is yours.

    Noun or pronoun with preposition

    The room is in disorder. The room is in disarray. She was in despair. She was desperate. Not against it. He is against it.

    Adjective or participle

    The morning was warm. The morning was warm.

    The glass is broken. The glass is broken.


    Your duty is to help them immediately.

    It is your duty to help them immediately.

    My intention is to go to the Caucasus in June.

    I intend to go to the Caucasus in June.


    Her greatest pleasure was traveling. Her greatest pleasure was traveling.


    In Russian, the linking verb to be is usually absent in the present tense. In English, the presence of a linking verb is mandatory. Therefore Russian sentences: He is a student. Black pencil ny, etc. are translated into English using a linking verb: Not is a student. The pencil is black.

    It is necessary to distinguish the combination of to be with an infinitive, which is a compound nominal predicate, from a compound verbal predicate that matches it in form, since the meaning of these combinations is different.

    The verb to be in a compound nominal predicate is translated into Russian by the words is to or be, and in the present tense it is often not translated. The verb to be in a compound verbal predicate, expressing an obligation, is translated into Russian using the words: should, should have.

    In oral speech, after the verb to be in the nominal predicate there is a pause; in a compound verbal predicate there is no pause after to be:

    In addition to the verb to be, verbs can serve as linking verbs to become, to grow, to get, to turn in the meaning of becoming, to seem to seem, to look like, etc.: Did not become a doctor. He became a doctor. Doesn't look ill. He looks sick. They seemed tired. They seemed tired. It grew warmer. It has become warmer (it has become warmer). Not getting old. He is getting old (getting old). She turned pale. She turned pale.


    A compound verbal predicate is a combination of a verb in its personal form with an infinitive or gerund. The infinitive or gerund expresses the basic meaning of the predicate, indicating the action performed by the subject; The verb in its personal form plays the role of an auxiliary part.






    modal verbs (or their equivalents) with an infinitive

    May not return soon. He may be back soon.

    I have to go there. I have to go there.

    Combination with infinitive or gerund of many other verbs, which alone do not give full meaning. Such verbs include to begin to begin, to continue to continue, to finish, to like to love, to want to want, to intend to intend, to try, to avoid, to hope, to promise, etc.

    She began to translate the article. She began to translate the article.

    Doesn't want to help me. He wants to help me.

    I have finished writing the exercise. I finished writing the exercise.

    Not avoided sitting in the sun. He avoided sitting in the sun.

    Combination adjective(with a preceding copula) with an infinitive and sometimes with a gerund

    I am glad to see you. I'm glad to see you.

    Not ready to help her. He is ready to help her.


    In Russian, a compound verbal predicate is also formed by combining the corresponding verbs and adjectives with the infinitive: He can do it. She started translating article. I'm glad to see you.


    An addition is a minor member of a sentence that denotes the subject and answers questions corresponding in Russian to questions of indirect cases both without a preposition and with a preposition: whom? whom? what? What? to whom? to whom? by whom? by whom? about what? about what? etc.

    Supplement can be direct or indirect. An indirect object can be prepositional or non-prepositional:


    A direct object denotes the person or thing to which the action expressed by a transitive verb directly passes, both in personal and impersonal form. It answers the question whom? whom? or what? What? and corresponds in Russian to an addition in the accusative case without a preposition. The direct object comes after the verb: I received a letter yesterday. I received a letter yesterday.






    I have bought a book. I bought the book.


    I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday.


    But how many books did you take the library? - I took three. How many books did you borrow from the library?- I took three.


    Didn't ask me to do it. He asked me to do this.


    I remember reading about it before. I remember reading about this before.



    Some transitive verbs (to give, to send, to show, etc.) have, in addition to a direct object, a second non-prepositional object that answers the question to whom? to whom? and denoting the person to whom the action is addressed. Such an addition is called a non-prepositional indirect object and corresponds in Russian to an indirect object in the dative case without a preposition. The prepositionless indirect object is expressed by a noun in the general case or a pronoun in the objective case and stands between the verb and the direct object:



    The prepositional indirect object, i.e. an object with a preposition, is used after many verbs and adjectives and answers various questions: about whom? about whom? about what? about what? with whom? with whom? for whom? for whom? etc.





    Noun with preposition

    We spoke about our work. We talked about our work.

    Doesn't live with his parents. He lives give birth with yours lyami

    Pronoun with preposition

    Didn't speak to me yesterday. He spoke to me yesterday.

    I agree with you. I agree with you.

    Gerund with preposition

    I am fond of reading. I love to read.

    Don't insist on doing it yourself. He insists on doing it himself.

    Noun with preposition after direct object

    I have received a letter from my sister. I received a letter from my sister.

    I spent a lot of money on books. I spent a lot of money on books.


    After a series of transitive verbs to find, to consider, to think, to deem, to feel etc. the pronoun it is often used, which is a formal addition preceding the addition expressed by an infinitive phrase or subordinate clause. The pronoun it in this case is not translated into Russian:

    A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions: what? what kind of? Which? whose? whose? which? which? Which? how much? how many? How many?

    The definition usually refers to a noun, but much less often - to a pronoun-noun (one and derivatives of some, any, every, no).






    I received an important letter yesterday. I received an important letter yesterday.

    I am going to tell you some thing interesting. I'll tell you something interesting.


    Didn't buy some illustrated magazines. He bought several illustrated magazines.

    The rising sun was hidden by the clouds. The rising sun was obscured by clouds.

    Participial phrase

    The student speaking to the teacher is my brother. Student talkingwith the teacher, my brother.

    They sent us a list of goods sold at the auction. They sent us a list of items sold at auction tion.


    Two thousand tons of sugar were loaded yesterday. Two thousand tons of sugar were loaded yesterday. The second lesson begins at 11 o’ clock. Second lesson begins at 11 o'clock.


    Some magazines are lying on the table. There are several magazines on the table.

    This is my book. This is my book.

    Noun in common case

    The town library is closed on Sundays. The city library is closed on Sundays.

    Poland and Germany have concluded a trade agreement. Poland and Germany have concluded a trade agreement.

    Noun in the possessive case

    The teacher corrected the student’s mistakes. The teacher corrected the student's mistakes.

    The expert’s conclusion was enclosed in the letter. The expert's report was attached to the letter.

    Noun with preposition

    The leg of the table is broken. The table leg is broken.

    I have lost the key to the en trance door. I lost the key to the front door.


    Didn't have a great desire to travel. He had a great desire to travel.

    Gerund with preposition

    They discussed different methods of teaching foreign languages. They discussed various methods of teaching foreign languages­ strange languages.

    In English, as in Russian, there is a special type of definition, which is expressed by a noun that gives the defined object a different name. This definition is called an application. The application can be widespread and have explanatory words:

    The definition does not have a permanent place in the sentence. It can define any member of a sentence expressed by a noun:

    A circumstance is a secondary member of a sentence, which denotes how or under what circumstances (i.e. where, when, why, why, etc.) an action is performed. Adverbials usually refer to the verb in both finite and impersonal form.






    She will come soon. She'll come soon.

    We reached the town the next morning. We reached the city the next morning.


    I found him in the garden. I found it in the garden.

    We could see the river from the top of the hill. We saw the river from the top of the hill.

    Modus operandi

    Didn't speak slowly. He spoke slowly.

    Not copied the letter with great care. He rewrote the letter with great care.


    I came back because of the rain. I returned because of the rain.

    The steamer could not leave the port owing to a severe storm. The ship could not leave the port due to a strong storm.


    The steamer called at Odessa to take on a fresh supply of coal. The steamer called at Odessa to take on a fresh supply of coal.

    I have come to discuss the matter. I came to discuss this issue.



    expressing degree, can also refer to adjectives and adverbs

    I quite agree with her. I completely agree with her.

    Has not changed greatly. He has changed a lot.

    This machine is very heavy. This car is very heavy.

    I know him rather well. I know him quite well.

    Related circumstances

    Not sat at the table reading but a newspaper. He was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper.






    The meeting was held yesterday. The meeting took place yesterday.

    Didn't quickly open the door and ran out of the room. He quickly opened the door and ran out of the room.

    Noun with preposition

    Not spent his vacation in the south . He spent his holidays in the south.

    Was not in New York during the war in Afghanistan. During the war in Afghanistan he was in New York.

    Participle (corresponding to the Russian gerund)

    Didn't stand on the deck counting the boxes. He stood on the deck, counting boxes.

    While reading the book I came across a number of interesting expressions. While reading this book, I came across a number of interesting expressions.


    I called on him to discuss this matter. I went to see him to discuss this issue.

    Not clever enough to understand it. He's smart enough to figure it out.

    Gerund with preposition

    Not locked the door before leaving the office. He locked the door before leaving the office.

    On arriving at the station he went to the information bureau. Arriving at the station, he went to the information desk.

    Circumstances usually come after additions. If two or more circumstances exist, they are arranged in the following order:

    Circumstance of the course of action

    Circumstance of place

    circumstance of time

    I met him by chance

    at the theater

    a few days ago.

    I met him accidentally

    in the theater

    a few days ago .


    The members of a sentence can be indivisible combinations of a noun or pronoun with impersonal forms of the verb - infinitive, participle or gerund. Such members of the sentence are called complex.








    The steamer is expected to arrive tomorrow.
    The ship is expected to arrive tomorrow.

    It is difficult for him to do it today.
    It's hard for him to do that today.





    The only way out of the difficulty is for you to go there.
    The only way out of the problem- you should go there immediately.

    The inconvenience was my not knowing the language.
    The inconvenience was that I did not know the language.




    I saw her crossing the street.
    I saw her crossing the street.

    Do you mind my opening the window?
    Do you mind if I open the window?






    I count upon him to help me.
    I count on him to help me.

    I was surprised at my brother’s coming so early.
    I was surprised that my brother came so early.





    The first thing for me to do is to find out the date of the arrival of the steamer.
    The first thing I have to do is find out the date of arrival of the ship.






    The water was too cold for the children to bathe.
    The water was too cold for the children to swim.

    My brother having taken the key, I could not enter the house.
    Since my brother took the key, I could not enter the house.

    A complex sentence consists of equal simple sentences that are independent of each other. Simple sentences that are part of a complex sentence are connected by coordinating conjunctions: and and, a, but but, or or, etc. They are usually separated by a comma.

    Two or more simple sentences, as in Russian, can be combined into a complex sentence without conjunctions. In this case, between simple sentences you can meaningfully insert the conjunction and and, a. A semicolon is placed between sentences that are part of a non-union compound sentence:



    A complex sentence consists of unequally valid sentences, one sentence is dependent on the other. A sentence that explains another sentence is called the Subordinate Clause. The sentence that is explained by a subordinate clause is called the Principal Clause. Sentences that are part of a complex sentence are connected by conjunctions or allied words:

    Subordinate clauses, in fact, answer the same questions as the members of a simple sentence, and are, as it were, its expanded members. This is why there are as many types of subordinate clauses as there are sentence members.







    that that,

    if, whether,

    who who,

    what what, what,

    which which

    That he understands his mistake is clear. What is clear is that he understands his mistake.


    (performs the function of the nominal part of a compound predicate)

    that that,

    if, whether,

    who who,

    what what, what,

    which which

    The question is whether he knows about this meeting. The question is whether he knows about this meeting.


    that that,

    if, whether,

    who who, what what,

    which which,
    when when,
    where where ,

    We know where she lives. We know where she lives.


    If a verb is followed by a noun without a preposition (or a personal pronoun in the nominative case), after which a verb in the personal form is used, this noun is the subject of an additional clause, which is attached to the main one without a conjunction: He said they had returned. He said (that) they had returned.


    who who,

    whose whose, whose,

    which, that which,

    where Where,

    why Why

    People who can neither hear nor speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who cannot hear or speak communicate with each other using their fingers.


    If in a sentence a verb in the personal form is used after two adjacent nouns with articles or possessive pronouns (or a noun and a pronoun), the second noun (or pronoun) is usually the subject of the attributive clause, which is attached to the main one without a conjunctive word: The students studied the machines they had to use on the farm. Students studied the machines they were supposed to use on the collective farm.

    Therefore, at the junction of two nouns or a noun and a pronoun, the conjunctive word can be omitted: Give me the book you are speaking about. Give me the book you are talking about.



    when When,

    after after,

    before before, before,
    till until,


    When babies laugh, we know that they are happy.

    When children laugh, we know they are happy.



    where Where,

    wherever wherever,


    Wherever you go you must remember about it. Wherever you go, you should remember this.



    because because,


    He cannot go to the cinema because he is busy. He can't go to the cinema because he's busy.

    Circumstances of the course of action

    as How,

    that What,

    as if, as thoughas if

    She speaks so loudly that everybody can hear her. She speaks so loudly that everyone can hear her.



    that to,

    so that,in order that to,

    in order to

    lest so as not to

    She must speak louder so that everyone can hear her well. She must speak louder so that everyone can hear her clearly.



    if If,

    provided that,

    on condition that

    provided that,

    unless if not

    If he is free today, he must be at the conference. If he's free today, he should be at the conference.